<p>GEOG/ENV ST 339, SPRING 2014</p><p>FOR MAPS, VIDEOS, & STAKEHOLDER DESCRIPTIONS, go to www.geography.wisc.edu/tambopata</p><p>UW Madison 339 students can access these resources under the Tambopata tab of the e-reserves.</p><p>Tambopata: Who Owns Paradise? References by Character</p><p>Links to Reference Material for Stakeholders Invited to Roundtable</p><p> Brazilian nut harvester o "Brazil Nut (Bertholletia excelsa)", Enrique Ortiz (2002). In P. Shanley et al. eds. Tapping the Green Market: Certification and Management of Non-Timber Forest Products. London, Sterling: Earthscan. o "Tasty Brazil Nuts Stun Harvesters and Scientists". Taylor, D. 1999. Available online at Smithsonian.com. http://www.smithsonianmag.com/science- nature/object_apr99.html. o Presentation, Dr. K. Kainer. UW-Madison, 4/15/09. o Link to blog about Brazil nut harvesters' participation in Forest carbon capture projects in Tambopata. https://sites.google.com/site/reddblock/blog/proyectoreddcastanero-- astudyincommunicatingredd. o REDD in the Bahuaja-Sonene National Park and Tambopata National Reserve. http://www.bosques-amazonicos.com/en/our-projects/redd-in-the-bahuaja-sonene- national-park-and-tambopata-national-reserve o REDD in Concessions of Brazil nuts in Madre de Dios, Peru. http://www.bosques- amazonicos.com/en/our-projects/redd-in-concessions-of-brazil-nuts-in-madre-de- dios-peru o "Bosques Amazonicos Project Becomes First Validated Peruvian REDD Carbon Offset Project.” PR Newswire, July 25, 2012. http://www.prnewswire.com/news- releases/bosques-amazonicos-project-becomes-first-validated-peruvian-redd-carbon- offset-project-163699176.html o REDD+ Projects in Madre de Dios. Governor's Climate and Forests Task Force. http://www.gcftaskforce-database.org/Financing/MadreDeDios</p><p> Ese 'eja community member & FENAMAD o Lessons Learned in the Establishment and Management of Protected Areas by Indigenous and Local Communities, South America, Oviedo, Gonzalo. 2003. In: Enhancing equity in the relationship between protected areas and indigenous and local communities in the context of global change. Available at www.iucn.org/themes/ceesp/Publications/TILCEPA/CCA-GOviedo.pdf. o Whose jungle is it? A scramble for land sets investors against locals, Land rights in Peru. Mar 19th 2009 | TARAPOTO From The Economist print edition. o Nurturing the Forest: Strategies of Native Amazonians, Emilio Moran 1996. Ch.19 (pgs.531-555) of Redefining nature: ecology, culture and domestication. Edited by Roy Ellen and Katsuyoshi Fukui. Oxford, UK; Washington, D.C.: Berg. o Land-Use Allocation Protects the Peruvian Amazon, Paulo J. C. Oliveira, et al. 2007. Science 317, 1233 (2007). o Protecting the Peruvian Amazon and its People From the Risks of Oil and Gas Development. Jon Sohn 2007. World Resources Institute, October 25, 2007, http://www.wri.org/. o The Ecologically Noble Savage Debate, Raymond Hames 2007. Annual Review of Anthropology, 2007.36:177-190. Downloaded from arjournals.annualreviews.org. o Malaria moves in behind the loggers: Deforestation and climate change are returning the mosquito-borne disease to parts of Peru after 40 years, Andres Schipani, Mazan and John Vidal. The Guardian (London) - Final Edition, October 30, 2007 Tuesday, GUARDIAN INTERNATIONAL PAGES; Pg. 17. o [IN SPANISH ONLY] The Impact of the Interoceanic Highway on Peru's Southern Amazon, Dourjeanni, M. 2006. June. Bank Information Center. 85 pp. o Rumble in the Jungle: Ecotourism in Peru, The Economist, April 12, 2008, Volume 387, Number 8575, pg. 42-43. o Presentation, Dr. K. Kainer. UW-Madison, 4/15/09. o Rain Forest Conservation in a Tribal World: Why Forest Dwellers Prefer Loggers to Conservationists, Vojtech Novotny. BIOTROPICA 42(5): 546–549 2010. o Peru's gold rush sparks fears of ecological disaster, BBC News. http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/2/hi/americas/8411408.stm, Published: 2009/12/20 12:00:59 GMT. o Indigenous tribes: 'We are fighting for our lives and our dignity'. John Vidal. The Guardian, Saturday 13 June 2009. Retrieved April 12, 2011, from http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2009/jun/13/forests-environment-oil- companies?INTCMP=SRCH. o "Getting to Conservation", Redford, K.H. 1996. In Traditional Peoples and Biodiversity Conservation in Large Tropical Landscapes, K.H. Redford & J.A. Mansour, eds. Arlington: The Nature Conservancy. o Contact : the Yanomami Indians of Brazil / producer/camera Geoffrey O’Connor. New York : Filmakers Library, c1990. See video viewing tips handout. o Vuohelainen, Anni Johanna, et al. , The Effectiveness of Contrasting Protected Areas in Preventing Deforestation in Madre de Dios, Peru. o [IN SPANISH ONLY] FENAMAD facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/FENAMAD</p><p> Colonist farmers o "Is Poverty to Blame for Soil, Pasture and Forest Degradation in Peru's Altiplano?", Scott M. Swinton and Roberto Quiroz. FROM World Development, Volume 31, Issue 11, November 2003, Pages 1903-1919. o "La Morada, A Case Study on the Impact of Human Pressure on the Environment in the Ceja de Selva, Northeastern Peru", Inge Schjellerup. FROM AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment, Volume 29, Issue 7 (November 2000), pp. 451-454. o Settler Welfare on Tropical Forest Frontiers in Latin America: A Review and Synthesis of Select Recent Research, Catherine M. Marquette 2005. Paper presented at XXV International Population Conference, International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP), Tours, France 18-23 July 2005, Session 409. The Demography of the Frontier. o Threats and promise: A new reserve in Peru's Amazon. (Posted on 05 October 2002). WWF. Retrieved April 8, 2011, from http://wwf.panda.org/about_our_earth/search_wwf_news/?11789/Threats-and- promise-A-new-reserve-in-Perus-Amazon. o Dynamics of secondary forests in slash-and-burn farming: Interactions among land use types in the Peruvian Amazon. Smith, J.; van de Kop, P.; Reategui, K.; Lombardi, I.; Sabogal, C.; Diaz, A (1999). CIFOR - Center for International Forestry, Retrieved April 12, 2011, from http://www.cifor.cgiar.org/nc/online-library/browse/view- publication/publication/517.html. o Colonist farm income, off-farm work, cattle, and differentiation in Ecuador's northern Amazon, Murphy, Laura L (2001). Human Organization; Spring 2001; Vol.60, No.1. o Technology Adoption by Colonist Farmers in the Tropical Forest Margins of Peru: An Inherent Environmental-Economic Tradeoff, Douglas White, Ricardo Labarta and Wagner Guzman. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical - CIAT, International Centre for Research on Agroforestry - ICRAF El Centro Eco-Regional A.P. 558 Pucallpa, Peru. o Are Agricultural Production and Forest Conservation Compatible? Agricultural Diversity, Agricultural Incomes and Primary Forest Cover Among Small Farm Colonists in the Amazon, Perz, Stephen G. World Development Volume 32, Issue 6, June 2004, Pages 957-977 . o Morbidity and mortality disparities among colonist and indigenous populations in the Ecuadorian Amazon, Kuang-Yao Pan, W., Erlien, C., Bilsborrow, R.E. Soc Sci Med. 2010 February ; 70(3): 401. doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2009.09.021. o Stanford grad student sees firsthand illegal gold mines in Peru and their threat to the rain forest. Katy Ashe. Stanford University News, Standford Report, April 3. 2012. Accessed at http://news.stanford.edu/news/2012/april/peru-gold-mining-040312.html. o ICRAF in Peru: putting down roots on Amazonia. </p><p> Leader of FADEMAD o "Is Poverty to Blame for Soil, Pasture and Forest Degradation in Peru's Altiplano?", Scott M. Swinton and Roberto Quiroz. FROM World Development, Volume 31, Issue 11, November 2003, Pages 1903-1919. o "La Morada, A Case Study on the Impact of Human Pressure on the Environment in the Ceja de Selva, Northeastern Peru", Inge Schjellerup. FROM AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment, Volume 29, Issue 7 (November 2000), pp. 451-454. o Settler Welfare on Tropical Forest Frontiers in Latin America: A Review and Synthesis of Select Recent Research, Catherine M. Marquette 2005. Paper presented at XXV International Population Conference, International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP), Tours, France 18-23 July 2005, Session 409. The Demography of the Frontier. o Wildlife Survival Beyond Park Boundaries: the Impact of Slash-and-Burn Agriculture and Hunting on Mammals in Tambopata, Peru, Lisa Naughton-Treves, Jose Luis Mena, Adrian Treves, Nora Alvarez, Volker Christian Radeloff. Conservation Biology, Volume 17, No. 4, August 2003, Pages 1106-1117. o Sustainable forest use in Brazilian extractive reserves: Natural regeneration of Brazil nut in exploited populations, L.H.O. Wadta, K.A. Kainerb, C.L. Staudhammerb, R.O.P. Serranod. Biological Conservation 141(2008) pp. 332-346. o Presentation, Dr. K. Kainer. UW-Madison, 4/15/09. o Indigenous tribes: 'We are fighting for our lives and our dignity'. John Vidal. The Guardian, Saturday 13 June 2009. Retrieved April 12, 2011, from http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2009/jun/13/forests-environment-oil- companies?INTCMP=SRCH. o "Valuation of an Amazonian Rainforest", Peters, C.M., A.H. Gentry & R.O. Mendelsohn, R.O. 1989. Nature (339): 655-656. o Vuohelainen, Anni Johanna, et al. , The Effectiveness of Contrasting Protected Areas in Preventing Deforestation in Madre de Dios, Peru. o ICRAF in Peru: putting down roots on Amazonia. </p><p> Co-founder of Rainforest Expeditions o Ecotourism finances biodiversity conservation in the Peruvian Amazon, Christopher Kirkby et al. 2008. CEEC, CSERGE, CSR, manuscript. o Ecotourism finances biodiversity conservation in the Peruvian Amazon: Supplementary Information, Christopher Kirkby et al. 2008. CEEC, CSERGE, CSR, manuscript. o Ecotourism and Conservation: Two Cases from Brazil and Peru, Amanda Stronza and Fernanda Pêgas 2008. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 13:263–279. o Treading lightly? Ecotourism's impact on the environment, Martha S. Honey 1999. Environment, 41(5), 4-9+. o Ecotourism and Conservation: A Review of Key Issues, Katrina Brandon 1996. The World Bank, Environment Department Papers, Biodiversity Series, Paper No. 033. o [IN SPANISH ONLY] The Impact of the Interoceanic Highway on Peru's Southern Amazon, Dourjeanni, M. 2006. June. Bank Information Center. 85 pp. o Ecotourism and economic incentives -- an empirical approach, Sven Wunder 2000. Ecological Economics, Volume 32, Issue 3, March 2000, Pages 465-479. o Rumble in the Jungle: Ecotourism in Peru, The Economist, April 12, 2008, Volume 387, Number 8575, pg. 42-43. o The Market Triumph of Ecotourism: An Economic Investigation of the Private and Social Benefits of Competing Land Uses in the Peruvian Amazon, Kirkby CA, Giudice-Granados R, Day B, Turner K, Velarde-Andrade LM, et al. (2010). PLoS ONE 5(9): e13015. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0013015. o Closing the ecotourism-conservation loop in the Peruvian Amazon, CHRISTOPHER A. KIRKBY, RENZO GIUDICE, BRETT DAY, KERRY TURNER, BRITALDO SILVEIRA SOARES-FILHO, HERMANN OLIVEIRA-RODRIGUES and DOUGLAS W. YU (2011). Environmental Conservation, 38, pp 6-17 doi:10.1017/S0376892911000099. o Vuohelainen, Anni Johanna, et al. , The Effectiveness of Contrasting Protected Areas in Preventing Deforestation in Madre de Dios, Peru. o Video about the Challenge of Ecotourism in Tambopata. </p><p>References for Other Stakeholders</p><p> Conservation biologist from Conservation International, Washington, D.C. o Lessons Learned in the Establishment and Management of Protected Areas by Indigenous and Local Communities, South America, Oviedo, Gonzalo. 2003. In: Enhancing equity in the relationship between protected areas and indigenous and local communities in the context of global change. Available at www.iucn.org/themes/ceesp/Publications/TILCEPA/CCA-GOviedo.pdf. o Whose jungle is it? A scramble for land sets investors against locals, Land rights in Peru. Mar 19th 2009 | TARAPOTO From The Economist print edition. o United States, Peru Announce Debt-for-Nature Agreement: More than $25 million will support conservation of Peru’s rain forests. Daniel Gorelick 2008. Available at America.gov, Environment: Protecting our environment, Oct 21, 2008. http://www.america.gov. o Wildlife Survival Beyond Park Boundaries: the Impact of Slash-and-Burn Agriculture and Hunting on Mammals in Tambopata, Peru, Lisa Naughton-Treves, Jose Luis Mena, Adrian Treves, Nora Alvarez, Volker Christian Radeloff. Conservation Biology, Volume 17, No. 4, August 2003, Pages 1106-1117. o Land-Use Allocation Protects the Peruvian Amazon, Paulo J. C. Oliveira, et al. 2007. Science 317, 1233 (2007). o A Perfect Storm in the Amazon Wilderness: Development and Conservation in the Context of the Initiative for the Integration of the Regional Infrastructure of South America (IIRSA), Timothy J. Killeen 2007. Conservation International, Center for Applied Biodiversity Science (CABS), Advances in Applied Biodiversity, No. 7. o Malaria moves in behind the loggers: Deforestation and climate change are returning the mosquito-borne disease to parts of Peru after 40 years, Andres Schipani, Mazan and John Vidal. The Guardian (London) - Final Edition, October 30, 2007 Tuesday, GUARDIAN INTERNATIONAL PAGES; Pg. 17. o [IN SPANISH ONLY] The Impact of the Interoceanic Highway on Peru's Southern Amazon, Dourjeanni, M. 2006. June. Bank Information Center. 85 pp. o Ecotourism and economic incentives -- an empirical approach, Sven Wunder 2000. Ecological Economics, Volume 32, Issue 3, March 2000, Pages 465-479. o Rumble in the Jungle: Ecotourism in Peru, The Economist, April 12, 2008, Volume 387, Number 8575, pg. 42-43. o Stanford grad student sees firsthand illegal gold mines in Peru and their threat to the rain forest. Katy Ashe. Stanford University News, Standford Report, April 3. 2012. Accessed at http://news.stanford.edu/news/2012/april/peru-gold-mining-040312.html. o Vuohelainen, Anni Johanna, et al. , The Effectiveness of Contrasting Protected Areas in Preventing Deforestation in Madre de Dios, Peru. o Gutiérrez-Vélez, Víctor H., et al., High-yield oil palm expansion spares land at the expense of forests in the Peruvian Amazon. o Gibbs, Holly., Trading forests for yields in the Peruvian Amazon. o Video about the Challenge of Ecotourism in Tambopata. o [IN SPANISH ONLY] REDD en Tambopata. AIDER, August 2013. o REDD in Tambopata National Reserve and Bahuaja-Sonene National Park. Rainforest Alliance. o Bosques Amazonicos Project Becomes First Validated Peruvian REDD Carbon Offset Project. PR Newswire, July 25, 2012. o REDD+ Projects in Madre de Dios. Governor's Climate and Forests Task Force. </p><p> Old-time miner and Colonist gold miner o Biodiversity Offsets – A Briefing Paper for the Mining Industry, International Council on Mining and Metals. International Council on Mining and Metals, 25 July 2005. o Whose jungle is it? A scramble for land sets investors against locals, Land rights in Peru. Mar 19th 2009 | TARAPOTO From The Economist print edition. o Natural resource extraction in the Latin American tropics, Bowles, Ian A., Rosenfeld, Amy B., Sugal, Cheri A., Mittermeier, Russell A. FROM Conservation International Policy Briefs, no.1, Spring 1998, pp. [1]-11. o A Warm Welcome: Oil and Gas in Peru, The Economist, April 12, 2008, Volume 387, Number 8575, pg. 76. o Ungreen gold: Turning to the army to fight wildcat miners (Illegal mining in South America). The Economist, November 18, 2010. o 10 YEAR GOLD, www.kitco.com. o The Market Triumph of Ecotourism: An Economic Investigation of the Private and Social Benefits of Competing Land Uses in the Peruvian Amazon, Kirkby CA, Giudice-Granados R, Day B, Turner K, Velarde-Andrade LM, et al. (2010). PLoS ONE 5(9): e13015. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0013015. o Peru's gold rush sparks fears of ecological disaster. Dan Collyns. BBC News - Published: 2009/12/20 12:00:59 GMT. Retrieved April 12, 2011, from http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/2/hi/americas/8411408.stm. o Threat of Mercury Poisoning Rises With Gold Mining Boom, Siegel, Shefa. Yale Environment 360 - POSTED ON 03 JAN 2011. o Stories - Peru’s Mineral Wealth and Woes — International Reporting Project. Toni Johnson. nternational Reporting Project. Gatekeepers Peru 2009. International Reporting Project. Retrieved April 12, 2011, from http://www.internationalreportingproject.org/stories/detail/1502/. o Stanford grad student sees firsthand illegal gold mines in Peru and their threat to the rain forest. Katy Ashe. Stanford University News, Standford Report, April 3. 2012. Accessed at http://news.stanford.edu/news/2012/april/peru-gold-mining-040312.html. o Illegal gold miners riot in Peru. FRANK BAJAK. AP English Worldstream - English, 03/14/2012. o Peru: More Police to Go to Mine Region. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. New York Times, 3/16/2012, p5, 0p. o Alliance for Responsible Mining. http://communitymining.org/. o A Guide to Gold Mining Machinery used in Tambopata - from small-scale to semi- industrial, N. Alvarez, citing original source:Mosquera, C. Chávez, M. Pachas, H., Moschella. P. 2009. Diagnosis of Artisanal Mining Activities in Madre de Dios. Conservation International, Perú. o UNAMAD pronouncement on the mining strike. o Peru makes progress against illegal mining, Peggy Pinedo. infosurhoy.com. o Small scale gold mining and social and environmental conflict in the Peruvian Amazon, Gerardo Damonte, Mourik Bueno de Mesquita, Victor Hugo Pachas, Mary Chavez Quijada, Adhemir Flores, and Jose de Echave Caceres. Small Scale Gold Mining in the Amazon: The Cases of Bolivia, Brazil, Columbia, Peru and Suriname. o Peru Thinks 'Ethical Gold' Can End the Misery of Amazonian Mining. </p><p> Owner of big logging company 'Madera Grande' + Small-scale loggers o The Chinese Timber Trade and the Logging of Peruvian Amazonia, Louis Putzel, Christine Padoch, and Miguel Pinedo-Vasquez 2008. Conservation Biology, Volume 22, No. 6, 1659–1661. o "Forest concessions take root in Madre de Dios department, Peru", Rosa E. CossÃo. Fellowship report in ITTO Tropical Forest Update, 2007 no.1, pp. 22-23, Available online at http://www.itto.or.jp/live/. o Malaria moves in behind the loggers: Deforestation and climate change are returning the mosquito-borne disease to parts of Peru after 40 years, Andres Schipani, Mazan and John Vidal. The Guardian (London) - Final Edition, October 30, 2007 Tuesday, GUARDIAN INTERNATIONAL PAGES; Pg. 17. o [IN SPANISH ONLY] The Impact of the Interoceanic Highway on Peru's Southern Amazon, Dourjeanni, M. 2006. June. Bank Information Center. 85 pp. o Rain Forest Conservation in a Tribal World: Why Forest Dwellers Prefer Loggers to Conservationists, Vojtech Novotny. BIOTROPICA 42(5): 546–549 2010. o Loggers, Development Agents and the Exercise of Power in Amazonia, Gabriel Medina, Benno Pokorny and Bruce Campbell. Development and Change 40(4): 745–767 (2009). o Lisa Naughton-Treves, Deforestation and Carbon Emissions at Tropical Frontiers: A Case Study from the Peruvian Amazon. World Development Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 173- 190, 2004. </p><p> Soybean producer o NGOs Deny that Soybean Production could be Sustainable. o Relentless Foe of the Amazon Jungle: Soybeans, Larry Rohter 1993. The New York Times, pg. A3, September 17, 1993. o Soy moratorium in Brazil, FROM arborvitae: The IUCN/WWF Forest Conservation Newsletter, AV31, September 2006, p.2. o [IN SPANISH ONLY] The Impact of the Interoceanic Highway on Peru's Southern Amazon, Dourjeanni, M. 2006. June. Bank Information Center. 85 pp. o The role of pasture and soybean in deforestation of the Brazilian Amazon. Barona E. et al (2010). Environ. Res. Lett. 5 024002. o Barona E. et al (2010). The role of pasture and soybean in deforestation of the Brazilian Amazon. Environ. Res. Lett. 5 024002. (summarized here: http://environmentalresearchweb.org/cws/article/news/42354). o Towards sustainable soy: An assessment of opportunities and risks for soybean production based on a case study Brazil. Van Berkum S. and Bindraban P.E. (2008). LEI Wageningen UR, The Hague. Report 2008&080. Project code 21145. http://library.wur.nl/way/bestanden/clc/1893495.pdf. o Sustainability assessment of export-led growth in soy production in Brazil (2003). o Brazil takes concern about sustainability seriously (2007). Task Force Sustainable Soy. http://www.taskforcesustainablesoy.org/index.php? option=com_content&task=view&id=1&Itemid=1. o Reconciling Food Production and Biodiversity Conservation: Land Sharing and Land Sparing Compared, Ben Phalan, et al. Science 333, 1289 (2011). </p><p> Wisconsin Energy Corporation executive o Great expectations: Why there are so few forestry projects under the Clean Development Mechanism, Carmenza Robledo and Hwan Ok Ma 2008. ITTO Tropical Forest Update 18/3 3-5, Available at http://www.itto.int/en/tfu/. o Deforestation and Carbon Emissions at Tropical Frontiers: A Case Study from the Peruvian Amazon, Lisa Naughton-Treves. World Development Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 173-190, 2004. o Ecuador's Proposal to Save Yasuni Rainforest Recognized at the Clinton Global Initiative As a Step Towards Reducing Emissions. Jon Sohn 2007. World Resources Institute, September 27, 2007, http://www.wri.org/. o REDD in the Bahuaja-Sonene National Park and Tambopata National Reserve. Bosques Amazonicos BAM. Accessed at http://www.bosques- amazonicos.com/en/our-projects/redd-in-the-bahuaja-sonene-national-park-and- tambopata-national-reserve. o Link to blog about Brazil nut harvesters' participation in Forest carbon capture projects in Tambopata. https://sites.google.com/site/reddblock/blog/proyectoreddcastanero-- astudyincommunicatingredd. o REDD in Concessions of Brazil nuts in Madre de Dios, Peru. o [IN SPANISH ONLY] REDD en Tambopata. AIDER, August 2013. o REDD in Tambopata National Reserve and Bahuaja-Sonene National Park. Rainforest Alliance. o Bosques Amazonicos Project Becomes First Validated Peruvian REDD Carbon Offset Project. PR Newswire, July 25, 2012. o REDD+ Projects in Madre de Dios. Governor's Climate and Forests Task Force. o Deforestation and Carbon Emissions at Tropical Fronteirs: A Case Study from the Peruvian Amazon, Naughton-Treves, Lisa. World Development Vol. 32, No. 1, pp.173-190, 2004. </p><p> Biofuel Scientist o Biodiesel in the Amazon, World Agroforestry Centre. http://www.worldagroforestry.org/newsroom/highlights/biodiesel-amazon (this summary links to the full publication). o Carbon payback times for crop-based biofuel expansion in the tropics: the effects of changing yield and technology, Holly K Gibbs et al 2008. Environ. Res. Lett. 3 (2008) 034001 (10pp), http://iopscience.iop.org/1748-9326/3/3/034001. o The post-alcohol world / Biofuels are back. The Economist: http://www.economist.com/node/17358802. o Land Clearing and the Biofuel Carbon Debt, Joseph Fargione, et al. Science 319, 1235 (2008). o Brazil's Road to Energy Independence. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp- dyn/content/article/2006/08/19/AR2006081900842.html. o Recent trends in global production and utilization of bio-ethanol fuel, Mustafa Balat and Havva Balat. Applied Energy 86 (2009) 2273–2282. o Beneficial Biofuels—The Food, Energy, and Environment Trilemma, David Tilman et al. (17 July 2009) Science 325 (5938), 270. o Tropical Deforestation and Biofuels, Jan Lewandrowski et al. http://www.farmfoundation.org/news/articlefiles/371-Lewandroski%20etal.pdf. o EPA Economics of Biofuels. http://yosemite.epa.gov/ee/epa/eed.nsf/pages/Biofuels.html. o The Cost of the Biofuel Boom: Destroying Indonesia’s Forests. Tom Knudson. http://e360.yale.edu/content/feature.msp?id=2112. o The World Bank’s Palm Oil Mistake, Thompson Ayodele. New Youk Times, The Opinion Pages, October 15, 2010, http://www.nytimes.com/2010/10/16/opinion/16ayodele.html?_r=1&sq=t#. o Biofuel Review Part 4: Food vs. Fuel and Profit vs. Hunger. Patrick E. Meyer. IEEE- USA Today's Engineer, 06.10, http://www.todaysengineer.org/2010/Jun/biofuels- pt4.asp. o Texas Company to Clear 20,000 Acres in Peru for Ethanol Production. Bridges, T. (2007). Houston, TX: Houston Chronicle. Retrieved 18 February 2010, from http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/business/energy/5065093.html. o Palm Oil: Sustainable Crops in Peru. </p>
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