Fake anion "In .due season we shall reaj, if We faint not" VIII BERRIEN SPRINGS, MICH., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7, 1916 No. 23 Lake Union Conference Directory brethren in the city are giving a day's wages or even Office Address, 3145 Lyndale St., Chicago, Ill. a week's wages now and then to missions. We must President, L. H. CHRISTIAN. Office Address. ask the Lord to impress upon the hearts of our well-to- Secretary and Treasurer, A. N. ANDERSON. Office Address. Field Agent, J. B. BLOSSER, Berrien Springs, Mich. do brethren to give large gifts. We must think even Ed. and Y. P. M. V. Secretary, C. A. RUSSELL, Berrien Springs. Mich. Home Missionary Secretary, J. W. MACE, South Bend, Ind. more of the little gifts. It is the steady, small Executive Committee streams of donations week by week which bring the greatest results. The thirteenth Sabbath offering L. H. Christian A. J. Clark. J. B. Blosser. A. N. Anderson. P. A. Hanson. • O. J. Graf. means very much to the cause of missions. Can we Wm. Guthrie. .1. J. Irwin. J. W. Mace. G.E. Nord. E. A. Bristol. C. A. Russell. not make a strong effort to increase our mission funds W. A. Wesrtworth. E. F. Peterson during the month of June because the cause of God is greatly in need of it ? Could we not bring up our Thy People Shall Be Willing mission funds in June so that we would be ahead of where we were last year ? We need to make this a We are very grateful for the widespread interest subject of earnest prayer. We need to speak of it which our people in this Union manifest in raising often. A few, brief remarks about it helps. In many mission funds. Last year the Lake Union Conference places it would be well to call a meeting of the church raised $6000 more than their twenty-cents-a-week and Sabbath school officers to consider this question. quota. We gave a larger sum of money to missions We cannot understand why we should raise less for than any other union conference has ever given in one missions this year than last year. It does seem that year. This was a great encouragement to all of us some one must have failed in doing his part. The and a great help to the cause of God. Our people are word of the Lord is : "Thy people shall be willing in constantly asking us how the mission funds are com- the day of thy power." We have seen proof of this in ing in during 1916. We regret to state that for the the willingness of our people during the last two first four months of this year we raised $1300 less years. We believe they will take hold of this than for the same four months last year. Our situation and we hope to see a real change in the membership this year is latier so Our shortage this report of our mission funds. year, compared with the membership last year, is even L. H. CHRISTIAN more than $1300. Two of our conferences and quite a number of local churches are ahead of last year ; but many are behind. This cannot be pleasing to How a Church May Be Revived God. It does seem, dear brethren, that we ought to "Our church is dead," said a brother to us the other raise a larger sum this year than in 1915. Times are day. Of most churches, and perhaps of all, this cannot fairly good. The Lord is giving us peace in our Land. be truly said. We rejoice to know that in many of our We believe that God is testing his people in this churches the Lord is doing a real work of grace for country. He is looking to us to support His work in His people. But in others there is need of an awaken- all the world. We wish our conference workers and ing. Some people expect the minister to revive the especially the elders and leaders of our churches church. Others look for the Elder to do it. These: would give immediate attention to this deficit in leaders carry heavy responsibilities and the Lord some-. mission funds. Very much depends upon what is times uses them to begin a revival. But a real revival done in the Sabbath school and in the church from in spirit, in missionary work, in giving and paying. week to week. Our faithful elders and Sabbath tithe, and in a .personal consecration, will often begin school superintendents are doing a very large share of in another way. God hears prayers and when 'one or this work of raising funds for missions. We hope possibly a few members in the church give themselves- they will bring this situation before our dear brethren to earnest prayer the Lord will send results. We wish in every place. Please do this very soon. our people would ponder the following statement from It is really remarkable what people can do for a the testimonies : "When churches are revived, it is certain cause when they really try. Over in South because some individual seeks earnestly for the bless- Dakota this year, May 25 to 31 was set apart by the ing of God. He hungers and thirsts after God, and State Prohibition Amendment Committee as an "Egg asks in faith, and receives accordingly. He ,goes to Week" for temperance. Every poultry owner whether work ill earnest, feeling his great dependence upon the man or woman was asked to give the proceeds from Lord. and souls are aroused to seek for a like blessing, all the eggs laid during that week to the cause. Some and a season of refreshing falls on the hearts of men." 600,000 dozen eggs is the average per week in that In this solemn time every person must know that he is state for May. It would greatly help in the cause of right with God. mission if we as families or individuals would devise L. H. CHRISTIAN. definite plans to raise money. Some could give the proceeds of a patch of ground or the milk check foi a "If you want to see the height of God's eternal love, week or a calf or a colt or a horse. Some of our you 41-lust go-in the valley of humility." 2 LAKE UNION HERALD cal missionary work, should be encouraged to come to The Ellen G. White Memorial Hospital the College at Loma Linda to receive a preparation to All who read the reports of the action of the Fall do efficient work in this line. Council held at Loma Linda last November will re- It is hoped that all will do what they can in secur- member that it was voted that the College of Medical ing of means to make our Medical College able to do Evangelists should have a hospital in Los Angeles, the work it should, and that all our young people who provided sufficient means was raised to erect the feel inclined to take the medical course will be directed building and equip it. toward Loma Linda rather than to a school where the As the General Conference felt unable to supply the missionary phase of the work is crowded out entirely, money needed, several of the leading women of the also that capable young men and women will be en- denomination who were here volunteered to undertake couraged to take up this line of work, for we all surely the raising of the amount necessary, making the affair understand that the Lord has shown that medical a women's movement. The Conference agreed to this missionary work will be a very important factor in the plan, and so the hospital depends upon the ability of closing of the great work in the earth. the sisters to secure the funds. DAN L. BURGESON It was arranged that the men should help the women in the work, and so it becomes an undertaking Religious Liberty Petitions in which every one should be interested, and feel that By request of the Religious Liberty Association the he has a part. accompanying list of senators and representatives of The students at Loma Linda felt that a movement the states of the Lake Union Conference is published of this kind should find special cooperation in those with the district of each representative. All petitions for whom the hospital would mean better facilities for should be sent direct to your Representative or Senator preparation for the work of the message, so they set at Washington instead of to the Religious Liberty about to do their share. The medical students set Association as many are doing. their goal at $1,500, which should equip the operating Now is the time to make good use of the Liberty room in the new hospital. To raise this amount, Extra and forward the petitions as soon as possible as pledges were made by the students out of their own the defeat of the pending bills against religious liberty funds; some are using their spare time for canvassing, largely depends upon the petitions of protest that are and others doing various things so that each may feel being sent to congress. that he has done his part. Indiana. Senators: Benjamin F. Shively, John Woith On March 17, a program was given on the Sani- Kern. Representatives: 1st dist., Charles Lieb; 2nd, tarium lawn by the students to help provide their William Allen Cullop; 3rd, William Elijah Cox; 4th, Lincoln portion.
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