Earthshare of Georgia Strategic Plan 2011-2014

Earthshare of Georgia Strategic Plan 2011-2014

<p> EarthShare of Georgia Strategic Plan 2011-2014 Mission: “EarthShare of Georgia is a nonprofit that raises funds through employee giving for more than 60 environmental member organizations dedicated to conserving and protecting our air, land and water.”</p><p>Whom do we serve? Member Groups </p><p>ESGA was founded by environmental member groups to be represented in workplace-giving campaigns. Over the organization’s 20-year history, we have developed secondary and tertiary audiences through our large network of partners, mostly due to the growth of annual Earth Day event supporters. These include employers, their employees and individuals interested in EarthShare of Georgia as a resource for connecting them to the programs of our member groups.</p><p>Target Audience: Employers and Their Employees. (Donors that our member groups typically do not reach through their membership and other fund-raising programs.) Note: In a recent study, it was found that at least 90% of the employees that donate through EarthShare workplace campaigns, or employee-giving programs, are not already involved with the environmental groups EarthShare and its statewide affiliates support nationwide).</p><p>Overview of ESGA Strategic Planning Process: 1. Seven (7) stakeholder focus groups were conducted in August and September of 2010. August 2010: EarthShare of Georgia Board EarthShare of Georgia Staff Member Group Representatives</p><p>September 2010: Campaign Coordinators Corporate Leaders and Campaign Partners Earth Day Event Sponsors Marketing Partners</p><p>EarthShare of Georgia Strategic Plan 2011-14 as of 5/10/11 Page 1 of 13 2. The consultant and the Strategic Planning Committee utilized the input from the stakeholder focus groups to create a SWOT analysis. 3. At the November 2010 strategy retreat the SWOT analysis was shared with the full board and potential strategies were identified to answer the following strategic questions: A. Image: How can we enhance/highlight our role in raising environmental awareness? How can we demonstrate how the funds make a direct impact on the environment & link benefits to corporations? B. Employee Engagement & Volunteerism: How can we promote employee engagement more effectively, respond to the request for volunteer opportunities, and provide ways for companies to connect with our member groups? C. Organization Development & Infrastructure: What do we need to do to strengthen the organization’s infrastructure (Board, human resources, technology, etc.)? How can we build our board and advisory board? What should be the role of the Advisory Board? D. Growth & Expansion How can we expand campaign statewide? 4. The consultant, the Executive Director, the Strategic Planning Committee and appropriate Board committees developed a draft strategic plan based on the input from the retreat. 5. The draft plan was shared with the member groups at the annual meeting in February 2011 and additional input was solicited. 6. The Executive Director and consultant continued to work with the appropriate committees to flesh out the plan. 7. The final plan was presented to the full Board for review and approval in May 2011. </p><p>Vision Themes –  Growth in campaigns and money raised and distributed to member organizations.  Increased visibility and branding.  Increased connections. </p><p>Organizational Goals:  Expand campaigns statewide and build statewide presence  Become a vital source of income for our member groups.  Strengthen the board and advisory board in order to do the following:</p><p>EarthShare of Georgia Strategic Plan 2011-14 as of 5/10/11 Page 2 of 13 a) Secure more and grow existing campaigns b) Raise more operating funds c) Strengthen statewide network</p><p>Outcomes and Measures of Success: 1. Increase campaign income to $1,000,000 by 2014 – stretch goal; realistic goal: $600,000 approx. 5% increase each year (from $500,000 in 2010– 100%) 2. Increase number of campaigns to 80 by 2014. Add at least one new campaign in the targeted geographical areas (Savannah, Columbus, Augusta, Athens) each year. 3. Increase operating income to $400,000 by 2014. 4. Increase financial reserves by 5% yearly to $125,000 by 2014. </p><p>Strategies: 1. Increase awareness of ESGA and broaden audience for ESGA through internal and external marketing. Internal audiences include Board, Member Groups, Staff and Volunteers. External audiences include employees, employers, Earth Day Sponsors, patrons, Friends and all individual supporters. a. Highlight member group accomplishments in e-newsletter and on website. i. Get better and more information on activities from our member groups on a consistent basis. ii. Identify and implement ways to encourage member groups to submit volunteer opportunities and member group accomplishments. iii. Publish in e-newsletter and on web site. b. Develop and implement new ways to promote ESGA as an umbrella organization through a marketing plan that highlights the connection between member groups and ESGA. c. Build ESGA brand – trust and seal of approval. Explore the need for formal branding plan. d. Demonstrate how ESGA funds make a direct impact on the environment and link benefits to employers and their employees. i. Obtain secondary data/statistics that show how sustainable land/air/water is critical to support the long-term economic growth of Atlanta and Georgia. ii. Collect personal stories that will connect with employees and corporate leaders. iii. Ensure that messaging is audience specific. iv. Strengthen health and environment connection.</p><p>EarthShare of Georgia Strategic Plan 2011-14 as of 5/10/11 Page 3 of 13 2. Continue to promote employee connection & engagement by supporting volunteer connections with our member groups. a. Identify ways to connect employees more with our member groups. i. Provide easy access to volunteer opportunities with our member groups ii. Research other ways such as a service exchange with companies, ESGA and our member groups b. Research and implement if feasible, an easy online management tool (Way Finder) where employers and their employees can find volunteer opportunities with our member groups. </p><p>3. Expand the number of campaigns statewide through member group and campaign alliances. a. Strengthen existing campaigns and continually work on acquiring new campaigns. i. Provide messaging training for board and Member groups to effectively talk to potential campaign partner contacts ii. Assess need to have a separate new business committee for campaign development and designate chair b. Develop regional representation on the Board and Advisory Board. i. Savannah areas as pilot ii. Later – Columbus, Macon, Athens, Gainesville &/or Augusta. c. Expand Corporate Green Day Challenge to help leverage partnerships so companies in other parts of the state can volunteer with member organizations located beyond the Atlanta Area towards goal of adding new campaigns. d. Utilize ESGA Annual Meetings to engage member groups in identifying additional concrete steps to build on and expand the number of campaigns statewide. Work with current company partners for assistance and explore multi-state campaign opportunities</p><p>4. Increase direct funding support with diverse sources. a. Increase board pledges and average gift through board and advisory board development and by presenting information on low and high end gifts when soliciting board contributions b. Cultivate high-level direct support donors within companies where we do not have campaigns through the Friends program. Seek out potential donors from retired employees, individuals that represent smaller companies where a campaign is not feasible, and contacts from the Advisory Board. c. Increase foundation support and corporate gifts by 5 % annually. d. Earth Day Events</p><p>EarthShare of Georgia Strategic Plan 2011-14 as of 5/10/11 Page 4 of 13 5. Strengthen Board & Advisory Board by seeking leadership of companies and member groups. a. Recruit Board and Advisory Board members strategically. i. Use matrix annually to identify skills, knowledge and connections required and identify gaps. (i.e. Board member from the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce or Kaiser Permanente on Board or Advisory Board) ii. Recruit to fill gaps. b. Improve Board knowledge of what we do, have done and are planning to do moving forward to help them make good strategic decisions. c. Formalize structure and processes for Advisory Board. i. Identify a chair or co-chairs ii. Strategically add people to this group based on their ability to donate and open doors for new campaigns. iii. Clearly define role (ambassador, link to potential donors or funders.) iv. Re-evaluate name of group – would “State-Wide Ambassadors” be more descriptive? Consider merge of FRIENDS with Advisory Board. v. Add representation statewide, beginning with Savannah. </p><p>6. Retain and support staff to ensure strong staff infrastructure. a. Plan and budget for rewards, staff development opportunities, and fair compensation. b. Ensure clear channels of communication with board and staff. c. Identify and implement tools needed for efficient maintenance and growth of campaigns. i. Retain outside resource to identify tools needed for efficient maintenance and growth of campaigns. ii. Implement recommendations &/or plan and budget for technological improvements. d. Review and revise internal communications to member groups, Board members and other stakeholders to ensure efficient processes. </p><p>EarthShare of Georgia Strategic Plan 2011-14 as of 5/10/11 Page 5 of 13 KEY ACTION OBJECTIVES AND DELIVERABLES OF STRATEGIC PLAN Strategy #1: Increase awareness of ESGA and broaden audience for ESGA through internal and external marketing. Internal audiences include Board, Member Groups, Staff and Volunteers. External audiences include employees, employers, Earth Day Sponsors, patrons, Friends and all individual supporters.</p><p>KEY ACTION OBJECTIVES 2011–2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 Highlight member group accomplishments in e-  Get better and more information  Encourage member Same newsletter and on website, and in social media on activities from our member groups to include an outlets on regular basis so all member groups are groups on a consistent basis. EarthShare box in recognized at least once every year. Identify and implement ways to their newsletters and encourage member groups to on their websites. submit volunteer opportunities and member group accomplishments. Publish in e- newsletter (at least once per year per member group) and on web site (ongoing).  Mention each member group once a year on website or e- newsletter  Mention a Member group on Facebook & Twitter once/month.  Communications Committee helps member groups identify how they can communicate back to ESGA.  Add 250 people to e-newsletter  Add 130 people to  Add 130 people to Increase number of people receiving e-newsletter mailing list. both Twitter and both Twitter and with goal of 3,000 on e-newsletter mailing list by  Utilize new FB and Twitter tools Facebook Facebook 2014. Increase the number of people reached that help create links as they  Engage  Engage through social media. become available (i.e. tool that Communications Communications Goal: 1000 follow on Twitter updates FB when Twitter, etc.). Committee in Tweets Committee in Goal: 1000 follow on Facebook and Facebook Tweets and updates. Facebook updates</p><p>EarthShare of Georgia Strategic Plan 2011-14 as of 5/10/11 Page 6 of 13 KEY ACTION OBJECTIVES AND DELIVERABLES OF STRATEGIC PLAN Strategy #1: Increase awareness of ESGA and broaden audience for ESGA through internal and external marketing. Internal audiences include Board, Member Groups, Staff and Volunteers. External audiences include employees, employers, Earth Day Sponsors, patrons, Friends and all individual supporters.</p><p>KEY ACTION OBJECTIVES 2011–2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 Develop new ways to promote ESGA as an Highlight the connection between  Introduce new umbrella organization. member groups and ESGA ($ to request for member ESGA to member organization to groups to tweet/FB at measurable results in a visual.) least once monthly about ESGA?  Explore statewide media outlets. Build ESGA brand – trust and seal of approval.  Explore the need for a formal  Communications branding plan. Committee  Continue to ensure that encourages member EarthShare logo is on member groups to add ESGA group websites (100%) logo to their printed materials, tabletops,  Board members mention that all electronic they are on the Board of ESGA communications, etc. in appropriate letters/communications.  Board members indicate they are on the Board of ESGA in their email signatures. (See Trees Atlanta example from CK) Demonstrate how ESGA funds make a direct  Obtain secondary data/statistics impact on the environment and link benefits to that show how sustainable employers and their employees. land/air/water is critical to Provide personal stories at campaign events that support the long-term economic show how individuals have been directly impacted growth of Atlanta and Georgia. by the environment.  Collect personal stories that will connect with employees and corporate leaders. Ensure </p><p>EarthShare of Georgia Strategic Plan 2011-14 as of 5/10/11 Page 7 of 13 KEY ACTION OBJECTIVES AND DELIVERABLES OF STRATEGIC PLAN Strategy #1: Increase awareness of ESGA and broaden audience for ESGA through internal and external marketing. Internal audiences include Board, Member Groups, Staff and Volunteers. External audiences include employees, employers, Earth Day Sponsors, patrons, Friends and all individual supporters.</p><p>KEY ACTION OBJECTIVES 2011–2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 messaging is audience specific.  Ask member groups to provide quantifiable accomplishments. Members of Communications Committee to serve as role models and help member groups provide more measurable results data.  Strengthen health and environment connection.</p><p>EarthShare of Georgia Strategic Plan 2011-14 as of 5/10/11 Page 8 of 13 KEY ACTION OBJECTIVES AND DELIVERABLES OF STRATEGIC PLAN Strategy #2: Continue to promote employee connection & engagement by supporting volunteer connections with our member groups. </p><p>KEY ACTION OBJECTIVES 2011–2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 Identify ways to connect employees more with our  Provide easy access to  Research other member groups. volunteer opportunities ways such as a with our member groups service exchange  Build partnership with with companies, Corporate Volunteer ESGA and our Council to create member groups clearinghouse for member  Monitor what ES group volunteer National and other opportunities ES affiliates are doing to promote connection and engagement. Explore ideas that are a match for ESGA. Research and implement, if feasible, an easy online Explore whether feasible or management tool where employers and their employees needed. can find volunteer opportunities with our member groups. </p><p>EarthShare of Georgia Strategic Plan 2011-14 as of 5/10/11 Page 9 of 13 KEY ACTION OBJECTIVES AND DELIVERABLES OF STRATEGIC PLAN </p><p>Strategy #3: Expand the number of campaigns statewide through member group and campaign alliances. </p><p>KEY ACTION OBJECTIVES 2011–2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 70 campaigns 75 campaigns 80 campaigns Provide messaging training Develop best practices for board and Member for successful workplace groups to effectively talk to campaigns (guide for potential campaign partner both internal and contacts external audiences) Strengthen existing campaigns and continually work on acquiring new campaigns. Assess need to have a separate new business committee for campaign development and designate chair Develop regional representation on the Board and Advisory Recruit board or advisory Board or advisory board . Board. board member from member from expansion Savannah and other areas target areas of Georgia Expand Corporate Green Day Challenge to help leverage Pilot in Savannah, Columbus Add one more area Expand to at least one partnerships so companies in other parts of the state can or Augusta areas? additional area (Macon, volunteer with member organizations located beyond the Athens, Gainesville &/or Atlanta area Augusta.)</p><p>Utilize ESGA Annual Meetings to engage member groups in Assess whether to hold identifying additional concrete steps to build on and expand annual meeting in a different the number of campaigns statewide. part of the state and its Work with current company partners for assistance and impact on attendance Explore multi-state campaign opportunities</p><p>EarthShare of Georgia Strategic Plan 2011-14 as of 5/10/11 Page 10 of 13 KEY ACTION OBJECTIVES AND DELIVERABLES OF STRATEGIC PLAN Strategy #4: Increase direct funding support with diverse resources. </p><p>KEY ACTION OBJECTIVES 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 $20,000 $21,000 $22,500 Increase board pledges and average gift through board and Reevaluate targets advisory board development and by presenting information based on current on low and high end gifts when soliciting board contributions economic conditions.</p><p>Cultivate high-level direct support donors within companies $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 where we do not have campaigns through the Friends Reevaluate targets program. based on current economic conditions. Increase foundation support and corporate gifts by 5 % $25,000 $26,250 $27,563 annually. Reevaluate targets based on current economic conditions.</p><p>Use Earth Day events as a way to raise operating support, Annually assess value of $140,000 $145,000 increase awareness about our member groups and secure Earth Day events; how many new campaign partners. sponsors become campaign partners? $135,000 </p><p>EarthShare of Georgia Strategic Plan 2011-14 as of 5/10/11 Page 11 of 13 KEY ACTION OBJECTIVES AND DELIVERABLES OF STRATEGIC PLAN Strategy #5: Strengthen Board and Advisory Board by seeking leadership of companies and member groups. </p><p>KEY ACTION OBJECTIVES 2011– 2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 Recruit Board and Advisory Board members  Use matrix  Use matrix  Use matrix annually strategically. annually to identify annually to identify to identify skills, skills, knowledge and skills, knowledge and knowledge and connections required connections required connections required and and identify gaps. and identify gaps. identify gaps.  Recruit to fill gaps.  Recruit to fill  Recruit to fill gaps. gaps. </p><p>Improve Board knowledge of what we do, have done Plan an annual informal same same and are planning to do moving forward to help them training on ESGA talking make good strategic decisions. points for board members as part of a board meeting Formalize structure and processes for Advisory Board.  Identify co-chairs  Strategically add  Strategically add people Advisory Board will 1) provide introductions to  Re-evaluate name of people to this group. to this group. leadership in specific key companies; and 2) identify group.  Add representation  Add representation potential FRIENDS such as those who are not employed  Clearly define role statewide, beginning statewide based on with current campaign partners, are retired from a (ambassador, link to with Savannah. geographic area(s) current campaign partner; or are individuals who can potential donors or  Evaluate FRIENDS focusing on. give at a higher level but are not involved with a current funders) program as way to  Consider merge of or prospective campaign partner reach higher level FRIENDS with Advisory donors and set Board as a group clearly annual goal. focused on opening doors for new campaigns and raising significant dollars for ESGA.</p><p>EarthShare of Georgia Strategic Plan 2011-14 as of 5/10/11 Page 12 of 13 KEY ACTION OBJECTIVES AND DELIVERABLES OF STRATEGIC PLAN Strategy #6: Retain and support staff to ensure a strong staff infrastructure. </p><p>KEY ACTION OBJECTIVES 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 Plan and budget for rewards, staff development opportunities and fair compensation. Continually maintain good communication with board and staff Identify & implement tools needed for efficient  Retain outside maintenance and growth of campaigns. resource to identify tools needed for efficient maintenance and growth of campaigns.  Implement recommendations &/or plan and budget for technological improvements. Review and revise internal communications to member  Audit and Continue to implement groups, Board members and other stakeholders to evaluate current recommendations. ensure efficient processes. internal communications.  Implement improvements where possible or plan for future implementation. </p><p>EarthShare of Georgia Strategic Plan 2011-14 as of 5/10/11 Page 13 of 13</p>

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