<p>MINUTES OF THE FINANCE AND GENERAL PURPOSES COMMITTEE HELD ON 13TH APRIL, 2010 </p><p>Present: Councillor Mrs S Forster (Chair ) and Councillors B Allen, Mrs M Baird, E Bell, Mrs G Bleasdale, B Burn, J E Haggan, R Jordan, E W Mason, Mrs S Mason, R Meir, Mrs B E Ramshaw, R Ramshaw, K Shaw, G A Shepherd, C Snowball, C A Walker, Mrs J Walker, K Younger</p><p>Apologies: Mrs J A Bell</p><p>1. DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS</p><p>Members were reminded prior to the start of the meeting of the need to disclose any interests, prejudicial or personal, in accordance with the Code of Conduct.</p><p>2. MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING HELD ON 16TH MARCH, 2010 </p><p>RECOMMENDED the Minutes of this meeting, a copy of which had been previously printed and circulated to each Member, be approved and signed as a correct record by the Chairman.</p><p>3. PAYSHEET NUMBER 12 - 2009/2010 </p><p> a) Expenditure</p><p>RECOMMENDED</p><p>(i) that all payments in Paysheet Number 12 – 2009/2010 be approved, it being noted that the direct debits, BACS and cheque payments including Imprest expenditure amount to £89,784.54 being the total sum authorised under this Paysheet;</p><p>(ii) that the BACS authorisation sheet be signed by three Members and the credit transfers be actioned immediately;</p><p>(iii) that the cheques relating to suppliers not being paid by BACS be signed by three Members and the payments be released immediately; and</p><p>(iv) that the Clerk's Imprest Account be reimbursed the sum of £2,745.01 for Civic Expenditure, and authority be granted for this to be signed by the Chairman and Responsible Financial Officer.</p><p> b) Income </p><p>RECOMMENDED that the summary sheet showing the range of income received by the Council during the current month be accepted.</p><p>7219 Finance and General Purposes Committee – 13th April, 2010 </p><p>4. BANK BALANCES </p><p>RECOMMENDED that the report of the Finance Officer, a copy of which had been circulated, be approved.</p><p>5. QUARTERLY BUDGETARY REVIEW STATEMENT – QUARTER ENDED 31ST MARCH, 2010</p><p>RECOMMENDED the Budgetary Review Statement, a copy of which had been previously circulated, and which detailed the financial position at 31st March, 2010, be accepted.</p><p>6. APPLICATIONS FOR GRANTS</p><p> a) Butterwick House Children’s Hospice</p><p>The Committee considered an application from the Butterwick House Children’s Hospice, a copy of which had been previously circulated, who sought a grant towards their ongoing operational costs</p><p>RECOMMENDED that a grant of £50 be given to this organisation.</p><p> b) Seaham Sea Angling Club In Support of Help for Heroes</p><p>The Committee considered an application from the Seaham Sea Angling Club, a copy of which had been previously circulated, who sought sponsorship of a minimum £25 towards their Charity Fishing Competition to be held in conjunction with Billingham Tackle Box Sea Angling Club in support of Help for Heroes.</p><p>RECOMMENDED a grant of £25 be given to this organisation.</p><p> c) Seaham Walkers Group</p><p>RECOMMENDED the letter of thanks from Ms M Wight on behalf of Seaham Walkers Group for the Town Council’s donation of £100, be noted.</p><p> d) Great North Air Ambulance</p><p>RECOMMENDED the letter of thanks from Mr Alan McKie on behalf of the Great North Air Ambulance for the Town Council’s donation of £100, be noted.</p><p> e) Response from Seaton with Slingley Parish Council</p><p>Prior to the consideration of this item, Councillor Mrs Bleasdale declared an interest and took no part in the discussion or voting thereon.</p><p>7220 Finance and General Purposes Committee – 13th April, 2010 </p><p>The Committee considered the letter from Seaton with Slingley Parish Council which advised that they would not be willing to make a contribution to Seaham Town Council’s events. </p><p>The Parks Manager advised that a request for support had also been made to Dalton le Dale Parish Council who had kindly responded with a contribution of £250 towards to the Seaham Carnival.</p><p>RECOMMENDED:</p><p>(i) The letter from Seaton with Slingley Parish Council, be noted.</p><p>(ii) The Council note the contribution received from Dalton le Dale Parish Council.</p><p> f) Durham Miners’ Gala</p><p>Prior to the consideration of this item, Councillors Jordan, Meir, Shepherd and C A Walker declared an interest and took no part in the discussion or voting thereon.</p><p>The Committee considered an application from the Durham Miners’ Association, a copy of which was circulated, which requested support, in the form of an advertisement in the programme for the Durham Miner’s Gala which was to take place on 10th July, 2010.</p><p>RECOMMENDED the Council agree to support this event by taking a half page full colour advertisement at a cost of £295.</p><p>7. SUSTAINABLE DESIGN CONSULTATION</p><p>The Committee was advised that subsequent to Members’ instructions at the last meeting of this Committee, a suitable response had been returned to Durham County Council with regard to the Sustainable Design Consultation.</p><p>RECOMMENDED the Council note the information now reported.</p><p>8. DOUBLE TAXATION</p><p>The Committee considered the breakdown of the areas where double taxation is thought to apply, a copy of which had been previously circulated. The issue of how double taxation was to be appropriately accounted for was still in progress via negotiation between the County Durham Association of Local Councils and Durham County Council and when further information was available, this would be reported to Members.</p><p>Members queried whether the issue of funding for the twinning trip should be included within this list and the Town Clerk was asked to investigate this possibility.</p><p>7221 Finance and General Purposes Committee – 13th April, 2010 </p><p>RECOMMENDED the Council note the information now reported and await an update from the Town Clerk on the twinning issue.</p><p>9. REVITALISING BOARDED UP PREMISES IN SEAHAM</p><p>The Committee was reminded of a presentation given at a previous meeting by Alternative Solutions who had advised of a potential grant being available for revitalising run down premises in town centres. Enquiries had since been made with Durham County Council on how to access such funding and the response, a copy of which had been previously circulated, advised that only one amount of money was available which was to be used to pilot a scheme in Bishop Auckland. </p><p>RECOMMENDED the Council note the information reported.</p><p>10. AUDIT ISSUES</p><p> a) Internal Audit Report </p><p>The Committee considered the report of the Internal Auditor in relation to work undertaken on the Town Council’s Parks (General Areas) for 2009/10 and the Parks Manager elaborated on the recommendations made. Members were advised that a vehicle log sheet system had been implemented whereby fuel usage could be monitored. The other recommendation of a vehicle tracking scheme being introduced was considered, however it could not be justified in terms of value for money due to the initial and ongoing costs being prohibitive, particularly as it would only be used for three vehicles.</p><p>RECOMMENDED the Internal Auditor’s report in relation to Seaham Town Council’s Parks (General Areas) for 2009/10, be accepted by the Council.</p><p> b) Internal Audit Report</p><p>RECOMMENDED the Internal Auditor’s report in relation to the Town Council’s Member/Officer allowances for 2009/10, be accepted by the Council</p><p> c) Internal Audit Annual Report</p><p>The Committee considered the annual report of the Internal Auditor which referred to the CIPFA Code of Practice. The report emphasised the need for compliance with quality assurance and listed the Internal Audit’s performance against the Council’s agreed 2009/10 audit plan. </p><p>The report listed the results of individual audit assignments and indicated there were no particular issues arising which needed to be reflected in the Annual Governance Statement. Members noted, however, that one of the recommendations was categorised as high which indicated a control </p><p>7222 Finance and General Purposes Committee – 13th April, 2010 </p><p> weakness and the Town Clerk was asked to report back on what this related to. Based upon the results of the audit assignments carried out in 2009/10, the Internal Auditor was of the opinion that the Council’s internal control environment had maintained a position where it had substantial assurance. </p><p>RECOMMENDED:</p><p>(i) The annual report be accepted.</p><p>(ii) The Town Clerk report back to Members with an explanation on the issue which was categorised as a high recommendation by the Internal Auditor.</p><p>(iii) That the thanks of the Council be conveyed to all the staff involved with the achievement of this satisfactory report.</p><p>11. VANE TEMPEST AMATEUR THEATRE GROUP</p><p>The Committee considered a letter from the above Group, a copy of which was circulated which invited Elected Members to attend a free concert to be given by the Group on Thursday, 29th April, 2010.</p><p>RECOMMENDED the invitation for Elected Members to attend a free concert on 29th April, be noted.</p><p>12. SEAHAM AREA WEST MASTERPLAN AND DEVELOPMENT AT SCAWPIE DENE</p><p>Prior to the consideration of this item, Councillor C A Walker declared an interest and took no part in the discussion or voting thereon.</p><p>The Committee considered a letter from Mr S Usher and Regional Land Director of Persimmon Homes Teesside, a copy of which was circulated. The letter detailed their interest in land at Scawpie Dene and requested that Mr Usher be permitted to attend a future meeting of the Planning and Environmental Committee to enable him to put forward their proposals and seek the views of the Town Council on this issue. In discussion Members expressed their concern about the possibility of this land being used for house building which would inevitably take away the green belt between Westlea and Seaton. It was also commented that there would be accessibility problems to this particular location.</p><p>RECOMMENDED an invitation be sent to Mr Usher to attend a future meeting of the Planning and Environmental Committee and he be advised that this in no way conveys the view that the Town Council was in agreement with the proposal set out in his letter.</p><p>7223 Finance and General Purposes Committee – 13th April, 2010 </p><p>13. PROPOSED TRAFFIC REGULATION ORDERS (EXTENSION OF EXISTING NO WAITING 8.30 AM TO 4.00 PM ON ANY DAY RESTRICTIONS), RESIDENT CONSULTATION – BURNHALL DRIVE, SEAHAM</p><p>The Committee considered a letter, a copy of which was circulated, from Durham County Council which advised of draft proposals to extend the No Waiting 8.30 am to 4 pm, On Any Day Restrictions on Burnhall Drive, Seaham and associated signage. Views and comments were invited by 23rd April, 2010. In discussion Members expressed the view that while the school was in this location, it would be welcomed, however, the real issue was that similar restrictions in other areas of the town were not being enforced. </p><p>RECOMMENDED Durham County Council be advised that the Town Council support this extension while the school remains in that location, but that the restriction be enforced.</p><p>7224</p>
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