We’re on the www. Thanks to Don Taylor the MAAA has now its own individual Internet web site. Look us up on www.aussiemossie.asn.au. Don has slaved over a hot PC for many nights teaching himself how to undertake the task, and the result as you will see is a credit to him. He welcomes all feedback, as well as genuine articles that are unique, as he does not want the site to be just another list of numbers but wants to have articles that portray the human side as well. You can email him with your anecdotes via the Contact Us section on the site. Our thanks also go to stalwart Brian Fillery for making his personal site available to the MAAA for the past few years. It was greatly ap- preciated. By the way if you are look- ing for the home page, there is not one, it is now known as the Hangar page (Don’s humour—you can tell by the smirk on his face). THE AUSSIE MOSSIE / APRIL 2008 / 1 The President’s Log—by Alan Middleton OAM in the RAAF post 1945, retiring ers moved into Coomalie Creek in with the rank of Air Vice Mar- November 1942 and it remained an shal. operational base until the end of the The Gillespie Room is named war. for Sqn Ldr Jim Gillespie, a Pilot with 87 who died as a A report was recently seen in an result of a crash on takeoff at Airforce Association publication on Coomalie Creek on 2 August the death of Fred Stevens DFC, the 1945. author of a book "An Aussie in a The Sharland Room is named Mossie". It appears this book is no for Cpl Darcy Sharland, an longer available but, if anyone has a experienced photographic ex- copy or knows of one, we would like pert who was flying as a crew to hear as the collection of Mosquito member of a B24 Liberator records of this nature are of great with 380th Bombardment interest to us. Group USAAF when he was killed in action over Babo. A well known Mosquito Pilot, who We would be delighted if any- was also an Australian Test Cricket- one has details of Darcy’s er, Keith Miller, was recently hon- RAAF career or of his family oured by having his likeness in a The Point Cook Pageant on 24 Feb- which could be placed on record bronze statue unveiled at his old ruary was again the spectacular with the new 87. School, Melbourne High School in event we have all come to expect The recognition of Darcy's service is South Yarra. The statue is placed on and enjoy. Static and flying displays of tremendous interest as I feel that the front lawn of the School, in com- of historical and current day aircraft the contribution to Australia's war pany with a similar statue unveiled were presented with high profession- effort by the members of the ground at the same presentation, of another alism and the weather was the staff of the RAAF of all musterings, famous cricketer, and former Aus- same, which made the day for the has been sadly underrated. tralian Test Captain, Bill Woodfull, large number of visitors who attend- who was also a former principal of ed. the School. To the Members of Museum Staff, Another item of interest is that the The ceremony was attended by Friends of the Museum and our own CO of 87SQDN, WgCdr. Rick Keir members of the family's of both Bill Members who worked to make the AM , is proposing to have the Social and Keith and several hundred Pageant a great success and a high- Club named "The Mossie Club" with guests, including representation of light of Australian aviation I extend the wearing of the MAAA lapel pin our Association. heartfelt thanks. as a sign of membership. On your behalf, once again I thank We have been advised that 87 Sqdn Committee Member, Don Taylor, all the Members of your Committee has moved into new Headquarters at has been working very hard to es- who devote a lot of time to the af- Edinburgh, SA. which includes five tablish a Website for MAAA which fairs of your Association and I also conference rooms which have been can be accessed by thank all Members for your continu- named to bind the connection be- www.aussiemossie.asn.au . ing interest as, without your ongoing tween the present 87 and the 1PRU The information Don has already support, even though it may only be & 87Sqdn of 1939-45 as The Light- made available is well worth a look. to the extent of paying your Annual ning Room, The Mosquito Room, We congratulate Don on his efforts Subscription, the Association could The Sharland Room The Gillespie and know he will be looking for fur- not carry on-------and this we must Room and The Jordan Room. The ther items of interest to be included. do. Lightning and Mosquito Rooms need no explanation as it is well known these were the two main aircraft The Heritage Advisory Council of Regards used by 1PRU & 87Sqdn, but per- Northern Territory intends to recom- haps a few words on the others may mend the WW2 airfield at Coomalie Alan Middleton OAM be appropriate. Creek and environs be declared a Heritage Place. Richard Luxton, the present owner of the area ,is in full The Jordan Room is named for AVM support of this project and MAAA Sam Jordan AO, one of our Founda- has written to the Council advising tion Members and the Patron of our them of our interest and support, as Association. Sam served as a Navi- this is where 1PRU and 87Sqn were gator Wireless Operator with the based. 31 Sqn operating Beaufight- rank of Flying Officer and remained Donkeys kill more people annually than plane crashes. THE AUSSIE MOSSIE / APRIL 2008 / 2 Restoration Update by TRB Work on the RAAF Museum’s Mosquito A52-600 has been proceeding quietly, but with measurable progress. Most significant step forward has been the completion and installation of a sub-frame in- side the fuselage at the cut-out for the wing. It’s really a small- er jig mounted on the main fu- selage jig, and is designed to accurately locate the wing at- tachment points, and act as a reference datum to which the fuselage frames can be trued up. Four frames, plus several areas of the fuselage shell need restoring, and that means we’ll need this new Next step here is to begin items still to come for comple- structure as a support as well stripping the offending frames, tion; the tail wheel assembly is as those all-important datum repairing and re-installing complete and on a display positions. A piano wire has them, then get on to the fuse- stand in the Restoration been strung the entire length lage shell repairs. Hangar. of the fuselage on its centre- line, and a known distance (8) MAAA volunteers Arthur Win- We joined with the Friends of above the longitudinal refer- ton, Bob Stevens, Graeme the RAAF Museum plus Mu- ence line. It’s not on that refer- Coates, Don Taylor and oth- seum staff to help set up and ence line because it would ers have made good progress man the Mossie display area have to pass through at least on the main landing gear as- on Pageant Day in February; two frames toward the rear of semblies, with the left hand see the separate notes else- the aircraft; not advisable. assembly nearing completion. where in the Aussie Mossie Another Friend of the Mu- Bulletin. seum is machining a batch of four stirrups for the bottom of the legs, which will carry the wheel hubs. These are the last ma- jor It is possible to lead a cow upstairs...but not downstairs. THE AUSSIE MOSSIE / APRIL 2008 / 3 Chatting with an ex Hatfield employee—by TRB 18 February 2008 fice to say that the entire world London suburbs, and Edna aviation industry benefited has fond memories of cycling De Havilland in the early from the thoroughness of to work down tree-shaded 1950’s these investigations. De Havil- country lanes with her friend land led the way forward with Jill. She met and subsequently It’s been our privilege to meet their research and develop- married an Australian design many people associated with ment programs, resulting in draftsman, George McKaige, the Mosquito in various ways. scheduled pure jet passenger also a company employee dur- However Ms. Edna McKaige, services recommencing with ing the early to mid 1950’s. who worked at De Havilland at Comet 3 and Comet 4 aircraft. George then returned to Aus- Hatfield (on the north western As this is written, Nimrods (a tralia to take up a design role outskirts of London, U.K.) Comet derivative) are still in with Commonwealth Aircraft gave us some interesting in- service with the RAF. Corporation at Fishermen’s sights into the post-Mossie Bend, and Edna followed by company at a recent meeting Edna worked in the photo- ship (the ‘Orion’) a month or at MAAA President Alan Mid- graphic section at De Havil- so later. dleton’s home. land, preparing everything from parts manual illustrations She fondly recalls this voyage Major projects on the boil dur- to press releases. Among her as a memorable way to leave ing her days there included the memorabilia is a photo of a one stage of her life to begin Vampire and its derivatives very young Princess Margaret another in Melbourne.
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