<p>Contract NO.: TENDER 9046899 SECURITY CLASSIFICATION ANNEX F Statement of Work P2551 PPE Page 1 of 17</p><p>Part 2 Draft Contract</p><p>Annex F Statement of Work (SOW)</p><p>P2551 Personal Protection Equipment (PPE)</p><p>Revision accounting (To be deleted when entering into an effective contract) Contrac t: Project: P2551 Issued by: Revisio Date Revision by n</p><p>SECURITY CLASSIFICATION Contract NO.: TENDER 9046899 SECURITY CLASSIFICATION ANNEX F Statement of Work P2551 PPE Page 2 of 17</p><p>SECURITY CLASSIFICATION Contract NO.: TENDER 9046899 SECURITY CLASSIFICATION ANNEX F Statement of Work P2551 PPE Page 3 of 17</p><p>TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Scope...... 4</p><p>1.1 IDENTIFICATION...... 4 1.2 CONTRACTOR’S RESPONSIBILITY...... 4 1.3 STANDARDS FOR INTERPRETATION OF SOW...... 4 2 Applicable Documents...... 5 3 Access to contractor and sub-contractor facilities...... 5 4 Requirements...... 6</p><p>4.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS...... 6 5 Systems Engineering...... 6</p><p>5.1 SYSTEMS ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT...... 6 5.2 SAFETY ENGINEERING...... 6 6 Integrated Logistic Support Specification...... 7 7 Maintenance...... 7 8 Technical Publications...... 8 9 Quality Assurance...... 8</p><p>9.1 QUALITY ASSURANCE STANDARD...... 8 9.2 DEFENCE QUALITY ASSURANCE AUTHORITY (DQAA)...... 9 9.3 REQUIREMENT REVIEWS...... 9 9.4 ACCESS TO INTERNAL QUALITY AUDITS...... 10 9.5 QUALITY PLAN...... 10 9.6 CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT...... 11 9.7 SERIOUS BREACH OF THE QUALITY ASSURANCE REQUIREMENTS...... 12 9.8 SUB-SUPPLIERS...... 12 9.9 NON-CONFORMANCE...... 13 9.10 CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMITY...... 13 9.11 CORRESPONDENCE WITH DQAA...... 14 10 Verification...... 14</p><p>SECURITY CLASSIFICATION Contract NO.: TENDER 9046899 SECURITY CLASSIFICATION ANNEX F Statement of Work P2551 PPE Page 4 of 17</p><p>10.1 SYSTEM SEGMENT SPECIFICATION...... 14</p><p>Appendixes</p><p>SECURITY CLASSIFICATION Contract NO.: TENDER 9046899 SECURITY CLASSIFICATION ANNEX F Statement of Work P2551 PPE Page 5 of 17</p><p>1 Scope 1.1 Identification This Statement of Work (SOW) identifies and defines Contractor tasks for the production of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE). </p><p>1.2 Contractor’s responsibility The Contractor shall be responsible for providing a totally integrated overall System. The Contractor's tasks shall include: Design Production Test and Evaluation Delivery Training Documentation</p><p>1.3 Standards for Interpretation of SOW Throughout the specifications, the following standards shall apply: 1. Whenever requirements are stated herein to “include” a group of items, parameters, and/or other considerations, “include” shall be construed to mean, “Included but not limited to”. 2. Whenever reference is made to a section, task and/or paragraph, the reference shall be construed to include all subordinate and referenced paragraphs. 3. “Will” statements are non-mandatory, and/or they imply intent on the part of the Purchaser, and/or they are future tense. 4. The expression “and/or” shall be interpreted to mean “inclusive or”, i.e. all specified conditions shall be satisfied, not necessarily simultaneously.</p><p>SECURITY CLASSIFICATION Contract NO.: TENDER 9046899 SECURITY CLASSIFICATION ANNEX F Statement of Work P2551 PPE Page 6 of 17</p><p>2 Applicable Documents The following documents make up a complete list of all applicable reference documents concerning this particular document. Doc Identification Title Comment #</p><p>[Doc F 1] AQAP 2130 NATO Quality Assurance Requirements for Inspection and Edition 3 Test</p><p>[Doc F 2] AQAP 2105 NATO Requirements for Deliverable Quality Plans Edition 2</p><p>[Doc F 3] ISO 10007:2003 Configuration Management</p><p>[Doc F 4] AQAP-2009 NATO Guidance on the use of the AQAP series Edition 3- March 2010</p><p>[Doc F 5] STANAG 2920 Ballistic test method for personal armour materials and Edition 2 combat clothing</p><p>[Doc F 6] STANAG 4107 Mutual Acceptance of Government Quality Assurance and usage of the Allied Quality Assurance Publications (AQAP)</p><p>[Doc F 7] UK drawing Fragment Simulating Projectile DCTA/A3/6723</p><p>[Doc F 8] AECTP 200 Allied Environmental Conditions and Test Publication Edition 3</p><p>[Doc F 9]</p><p>3 Access to contractor and sub-contractor facilities The Purchaser reserves the right to request and receive any information pertinent to the contract including the identity of Sub-contractors and their impact with regard to the delivery of the contract. The Purchaser reserves the right of access to the Contractors and Sub- contractors office and the manufacturing facilities, providing due notice has been given, for the purpose of ascertaining whether or not satisfactory progress has been achieved and defined and </p><p>SECURITY CLASSIFICATION Contract NO.: TENDER 9046899 SECURITY CLASSIFICATION ANNEX F Statement of Work P2551 PPE Page 7 of 17</p><p>4 Requirements 4.1 General requirements Requirement Accept Bidder’s reply or comments (Bidder shall reply to each SOW Yes/N Reply (SOWR) o SOW 1 The Contractor shall design, develop, fabricate and test the PPE according to the specifications in this contract: Annex E-1 System Segment Specification.. SOW 2 The Contractor shall be responsible for the fulfilment of the requirements in this annex. This includes work being carried out by Sub-contractors as well as by the Contractor.</p><p>5 Systems Engineering</p><p>5.1 Systems Engineering Management Requirement Accept Bidder's reply or comments (Bidder shall reply to each SOW Yes/N Reply (SOWR)) o SOW 3 The Contractor shall be able to make small modifications to the PPE to fit the Purchasers requirements.</p><p>SECURITY CLASSIFICATION Contract NO.: TENDER 9046899 SECURITY CLASSIFICATION ANNEX F Statement of Work P2551 PPE Page 8 of 17</p><p>5.2 Safety Engineering N/A</p><p>6 Integrated Logistic Support Specification Requirement Accept Bidder’s reply or comments (Bidder shall reply to each SOW Yes/N Reply (SOWR) o SOW 4 The Contractor shall provide and submit a Codification and technical Data list. SOW 5 The Contractor shall prepare and submit a recommended spare part list with prices according to Annex E-1 System Segment Specification.</p><p>7 Maintenance Requirement Accept Bidder’s reply or comments (Bidder shall reply to each SOW Yes/N Reply (SOWR) o SOW 6 The Contractor shall identify and document all operation tasks and maintenance support tasks to be performed at 1. Echelon level. SOW 7 Based on the identified tasks to be performed at 1. Echelon level, the contractor shall identify the necessary spare parts.</p><p>SECURITY CLASSIFICATION Contract NO.: TENDER 9046899 SECURITY CLASSIFICATION ANNEX F Statement of Work P2551 PPE Page 9 of 17</p><p>Requirement Accept Bidder’s reply or comments (Bidder shall reply to each SOW Yes/N Reply (SOWR) o SOW 8 The Contractor shall describe tasks to be performed to maintain a 10 year system lifetime.</p><p>8 Technical Publications Requirement Accept Bidder's reply or comments (Bidder shall reply to each SOW Yes/N Reply (SOWR)) o SOW 9 The Contractor shall provide Technical Publications for PPE system with all components specified in this contract (Annex E-1). SOW 10 A draft of the publications shall be submitted to the Purchaser within two months after contract awarded or one month prior to First Article Inspection (which ever occur first). SOW 11 The Contractor shall deliver the approved Technical publication to the Purchaser together with the delivery of the PPE systems. SOW 12 The Contractor shall deliver a training course according to Annex E-1. The specific date will be decided during contract negotiations.</p><p>SECURITY CLASSIFICATION Contract NO.: TENDER 9046899 SECURITY CLASSIFICATION ANNEX F Statement of Work P2551 PPE Page 10 of 17</p><p>9 Quality Assurance 9.1 Quality Assurance Standard Requirement Accept Bidder's reply or comments (Bidder shall reply to each SOW Yes/N Reply (SOWR)) o SOW 13 The supplier’s quality management system shall comply with the requirements in AQAP 2130 Edition 3. «NATO Quality Assurance Requirements for Inspection and Test».</p><p>9.2 Defence Quality Assurance Authority (DQAA) Requirement Accept Bidder's reply or comments (Bidder shall reply to each SOW Yes/N Reply (SOWR)) o SOW 14 The purchasers authorized DQAA will be:</p><p>Norwegian Defence Logistic Organisation/General Materiel/ Quality Assurance Branch, P O Box 843, N-1306 Sandvika NORWAY DQAA may delegate the Defence Quality Assurance according to STANAG 4107.</p><p>SECURITY CLASSIFICATION Contract NO.: TENDER 9046899 SECURITY CLASSIFICATION ANNEX F Statement of Work P2551 PPE Page 11 of 17</p><p>9.3 Requirement Reviews The Supplier shall review all requirements related to the contract. This review shall be conducted between tender preparation and contract award. The review shall be documented in a report. Requirement Accept Bidder's reply or comments (Bidder shall reply to each SOW Yes/N Reply (SOWR)) o SOW 15 The report from the review shall be forwarded to the purchase authority, with copy to the Defence Quality Assurance Authority (DQAA), within 2 weeks after contract award.</p><p>9.4 Access to Internal Quality Audits Requirement Accept Bidder's reply or comments (Bidder shall reply to each SOW Yes/N Reply (SOWR)) o SOW 16 DQAA has the right to attend as an observer during the supplier’s internal quality audits.</p><p>SECURITY CLASSIFICATION Contract NO.: TENDER 9046899 SECURITY CLASSIFICATION ANNEX F Statement of Work P2551 PPE Page 12 of 17</p><p>9.5 Quality Plan Requirement Accept Bidder's reply or comments (Bidder shall reply to each SOW Yes/N Reply (SOWR)) o SOW 17 Based on the contractual requirements the supplier shall prepare and maintain a Quality Plan (QP). The QP shall specify how all contract related quality requirements shall be fulfilled. SOW 18 The QP shall be submitted to the DQAA at the latest one month after contract award. The QP shall be valued by the DQAA, which reserve the right to reject the QP, this also includes revised editions. The DQAA shall inform the supplier if the QP is non-acceptable. The accepted QP shall be implemented in advance of all activities in the supplier’s organization throughout all contractual activities until closing of the contract. The QP shall be continually reviewed and updated to mirror on- going activities, throughout the contract period. SOW 19 Quality Plan according to AQAP 2105 ed 2. The suppliers Quality Plan for the contract shall comply with the requirements of AQAP 2105 ”NATO Requirements for Deliverable Quality Plans”. The supplier shall prepare, document and deliver a Quality Plan (QP) in accordance with AQAP 2105 and the contractual Allied Quality Assurance Publication (AQAP).</p><p>SECURITY CLASSIFICATION Contract NO.: TENDER 9046899 SECURITY CLASSIFICATION ANNEX F Statement of Work P2551 PPE Page 13 of 17</p><p>9.6 Configuration Management Requirement Accept Bidder's reply or comments (Bidder shall reply to each SOW Yes/N Reply (SOWR)) o SOW 20 The supplier shall establish a documented system for Configuration Management (CM). The CM system shall comply with the referred AQAP- standard. SOW 21 The supplier shall establish and work in accordance with a documented system for Configuration Management that meets the requirements in ISO 10007:2003 standard. Whenever the ISO 10007:2003 uses the word “should” or ”may” in section 3,4 and 5, it is to be read as “shall”, and compliance by Supplier is mandatory unless otherwise determined by the Purchase authority. Whenever the ISO 10007 uses the phase “life cycle of the product”, it is to be read “contract”. ISO10007:2003 Informative Annex A on Structure and content of a configuration management plan shall apply. The supplier shall prepare a CM-plan, which shall be acceptable for the purchase authority.</p><p>SECURITY CLASSIFICATION Contract NO.: TENDER 9046899 SECURITY CLASSIFICATION ANNEX F Statement of Work P2551 PPE Page 14 of 17</p><p>9.7 Serious breach of the quality assurance requirements Requirement Accept Bidder's reply or comments (Bidder shall reply to each SOW Yes/N Reply (SOWR)) o SOW 22 Serious breach of the quality assurance requirements and QP gives the purchase authority the right to effectuate sanctions according to the contract provisions. </p><p>9.8 Sub-Suppliers Requirement Accept Bidder's reply or comments (Bidder shall reply to each SOW Yes/N Reply (SOWR)) o SOW 23 The supplier shall in his subcontracts/suborders with his sub-suppliers require relevant quality assurance requirements in accordance with AQAP- 2009 Annex A. Copies of subcontracts/suborders shall be made available to the DQAA on request. The supplier shall perform quality audits of his major sub-suppliers in order to verify that quality requirements and quality plans are implemented. The DQAA has the right to attend as an observer during quality audits.</p><p>SECURITY CLASSIFICATION Contract NO.: TENDER 9046899 SECURITY CLASSIFICATION ANNEX F Statement of Work P2551 PPE Page 15 of 17</p><p>9.9 Non-Conformance Requirement Accept Bidder's reply or comments (Bidder shall reply to each SOW Yes/N Reply (SOWR)) o SOW 24 The Supplier shall establish a system for handling of non-conformance. SOW 25 Non-conformance. The form 5353 “Request for Acceptance of deviation” shall be used as application for acceptance of non-conformance. The form shall be sent through the DQAA to the purchase authority for final acceptance. Application for delivery of non-conforming product shall only occur as an exception.</p><p>9.10Certificate of Conformity Requirement Accept Bidder's reply or comments (Bidder shall reply to each SOW Yes/N Reply (SOWR)) o SOW 26 Before the final acceptance, form 5357 “Certificate of Conformity” (COC) (originated according to STANAG 4107), shall be filled in and signed by the supplier to confirm that the delivery is in accordance with the requirements of the contract. The COC shall be presented to the DQAA for confirmation. Distribution of the signed COC is as follows: - Original to the purchase authority</p><p>SECURITY CLASSIFICATION Contract NO.: TENDER 9046899 SECURITY CLASSIFICATION ANNEX F Statement of Work P2551 PPE Page 16 of 17</p><p>Requirement Accept Bidder's reply or comments (Bidder shall reply to each SOW Yes/N Reply (SOWR)) o - One copy shall be sent with the product - One copy to be filed by the supplier - One copy to the DQAA</p><p>9.11Correspondence with DQAA Requirement Accept Bidder's reply or comments (Bidder shall reply to each SOW Yes/N Reply (SOWR)) o SOW 27 Correspondence concerning quality assurance shall be routed to the DQAA. If agreed, a copy of the correspondence between the supplier and his sub-suppliers related to quality assurance will be sent to the DQAA.</p><p>10 Verification 10.1System Segment Specification Requirement Accept Bidder’s reply or comments (Bidder shall reply to each SOW Yes/N Reply (SOWR) o SOW 28 The Contractor shall perform protection level tests according to STANAG 2920. The Fragment </p><p>SECURITY CLASSIFICATION Contract NO.: TENDER 9046899 SECURITY CLASSIFICATION ANNEX F Statement of Work P2551 PPE Page 17 of 17</p><p>Requirement Accept Bidder’s reply or comments (Bidder shall reply to each SOW Yes/N Reply (SOWR) o Simulating Projectile (FSP) shall be in accordance with UK drawing FSP/A3/6723. SOW 29 The Contractor shall use a licensed test centre when performing protection level tests. SOWR 30 The Contractor shall deliver documentation on which licensed test centre that has been used, and verified protection level. The documentation shall be delivered as part of the delivery of the material. SOW 30 The Contractor shall perform tests of whether the picatinny solution for the protective visor will withstand a detonation. SOWR 31 The Contractor shall deliver documentation on which licensed test centre that has been used, and verified picatinny solution. The documentation shall be delivered as part of the delivery of the material. SOW 31 The Contractor shall perform a Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) before serial delivery. These tests shall be an inspection conducted by NDLO or the quality assurance authority of the exporting country. The exact FAT specification will be settled during contract negotiations.</p><p>SECURITY CLASSIFICATION</p>
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