Application Form Protected Plants Harvesting Licence

Application Form Protected Plants Harvesting Licence

<p> Application form Section 14(b) – Nature Conservation (Administration) Regulation 2017 RECEIPTING DETAILS ONLY DATE RECEIPTED Protected plant harvesting licence </p><p>RECEIPT NUMBER Important information for applicants AMOUNT RECEIVED Applications can be made using the Department’s digital platform for online $ RECEIPTED BY (NAME AND OFFICE) services and transactions. Visit for more information This form is to be used to apply for a protected plant harvesting licence. Information requested will enable your application to be processed as prescribed by the Nature Conservation Act 1992. Your application must be assessed and a licence granted by the chief executive before you can proceed with the proposed activity. Your application may take up to 40 days to process. Before completing your application please read the information materials included with your application kit. Before lodging this application you should be familiar with the requirements of the Nature Conservation Act available on the Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel website If you have queries about how to complete this form correctly or need guidance contact the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection (EHP) Customer Service Team on 1300 130 372 option 4.</p><p>Terms and Conditions Permits, licences and authorities Queensland's native wildlife is protected by legislation that aims to conserve biodiversity by protecting native plants and animals and their habitat.All native birds, reptiles, mammals and amphibians are protected, along with some invertebrates (certain butterflies, spiders and scorpions), freshwater fish and the grey nurse shark. Other aquatic species are protected by the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority and the Australian Government. A licensing system helps us protect native wildlife species. By regulating the sustainable taking, keeping, using or moving of wildlife for commercial, recreational or other purposes we contribute to the maintenance of viable wild populations of plants and animals. The type of approval(s) you will need depends upon a number of things, including:</p><p> The nature and purpose of your proposed activity  The tenure of the area in which you intend to undertake your activity and  The species of wildlife concerned</p><p>To apply for permits:</p><p>Page 1 of 9 • NCS/2016/3168 • Version 2.01 • Effective: 14 AUG 2017 ABN 46 640 294 485 Application form Protected plant harvesting licence</p><p> within the protected area estate (except nature refuges and special wildlife reserves) as defined in the Nature Conservation Act 1992 (e.g. national park, national park [Aboriginal land], national park [Torres Strait Island land] etc); or</p><p> within a marine park under the Marine Parks Act 2004; or  within State forest estate under the Forestry Act 1959 (e.g. state forests and timber reserves) please contact the Department of National Parks, Sport and Racing Note: Corporations must have an office in Queensland to be eligible to apply for a wildlife authority. The Nature Conservation Act 1992 and the subordinate Nature Conservation Regulations may be found on-line on the Office of Queensland Parliamentary Counsel website. Privacy statement for wildlife permits Information you provide assists the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection (EHP) to administer wildlife licences, permits and authorities granted under the Nature Conservation (Wildlife Management) Regulation 2006. Some information may be provided to the Departments of National Parks, Sport and Racing; Agriculture and Fisheries; Science, Information Technology and Innovation; Health; Queensland Police Service or the Australian Defence Force in order investigate biosecurity or health issues or allegations of unlawful activity, if required. Some information, where relevant, may also be sent to non-government organisations such as the RSPCA Qld and the Queensland Wildlife Rehabilitation Council for the purpose of improving standards of native animal care. Information regarding your status as a holder of a permit may be provided to any party upon request. Your personal information will not be disclosed to any other parties without your consent unless authorised or required by law. More information on our commitment to privacy is available on our website. Should you have a general question on the Department and its obligations under the Information Privacy Act 2009 please email [email protected] or for specific questions concerning privacy information and wildlife activities please email: [email protected]</p><p>1. You may only lodge this application if you have accepted the above terms and conditions</p><p>I accept the above terms and conditions. </p><p>2. All questions must be answered and the application fees included for the application to be processed. If you do not complete all questions and sign and date the application form, your application will be returned to you as an invalid application.</p><p>3. Applicant information A wildlife authority may only be granted to an individual or corporation (only if the corporation has an office within Queensland). Please tick the appropriate box:</p><p>AN INDIVIDUAL Complete Section 4 applicant details — then complete sections 6 to 29. AN ORGANISATION Complete Section 5 applicant details — then complete sections 6 to 29. </p><p>Page 2 of 9 • NCS/2016/3168 • Version 2.01 • Effective: 14 AUG 2017 ABN 46 640 294 485 Application form Protected plant harvesting licence 4. Applicant details for an individual</p><p>TITLE *FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME *SURNAME * DATE OF BIRTH</p><p>Mr Mrs Ms Miss Doctor Prof</p><p>5. Applicant details for an organisation Organisation type – Company Australian registered (foreign) body Incorporated association Co-operative Government Non for profit organisation</p><p>*AUSTRALIAN BUSINESS NUMBER * BUSINESS NAME</p><p>CEO ABN</p><p>6. Applicant registered / residential address</p><p>* RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS (NOT A POST OFFICE BOX) * SUBURB * STATE * POST CODE</p><p>(WRITE ‘AS ABOVE’’ IF SAME AS REGISTERED/RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS) </p><p>POSTAL ADDRESS SUBURB STATE POST CODE</p><p>7. Applicant contact details – email or phone contact is mandatory.</p><p>EMAIL ADDRESS </p><p>TICK THIS BOX IF YOU DO NOT CONSENT TO RECEIVING DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE BY EMAIL </p><p>PHONE TYPE AREA CODE PHONE NUMBER (NOTE: 10 DIGITS INCLUDING AREA CODE) Home phone Office phone Mobile phone Facsimile</p><p>8. Protected plant harvesting licence - Harvesting protected plants for trade. Use this application type if you wish to harvest endangered, vulnerable, near threatened or special least concern protected plants or plant parts from the wild</p><p>Standard. OR Contingent salvage only.</p><p>9. Code of Practice I can comply with the Codes of Practice</p><p>Code of Practice for the harvest and use of protected plants.</p><p>Page 3 of 9 • NCS/2016/3168 • Version 2.01 • Effective: 14 AUG 2017 ABN 46 640 294 485 Application form Protected plant harvesting licence 10.Location of the activity Provide the exact locations where harvesting activities will occur or if locations are unknown select the broader locations of LGA, intinerant.</p><p>* PHYSICAL STREET ADDRESS (WRITE “AS ABOVE” IF SAME AS * SUBURB * STATE * POST CODE RESIDENTIAL /REGISTERED ADDRESS)</p><p>* OR</p><p>* LOT# AS * PLAN#</p><p>OR</p><p>LOCAL GOVERNMENT AUTHORITIES </p><p>OR</p><p>GPS LOCATIONS </p><p>Latitude Longitude </p><p>Itinerant (State of Qld)</p><p>11.Plant details (not required for contingent salvage – go to next section.)</p><p>(If you require more space, attach a separate sheet of wildlife details)</p><p>COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC NAME WILDLIFE STATUS PARTS/ QUANTITY UNIT PRODUCTS SELECT ONE DESCRIPTION SELECT ONE live, % dead, Acres parts/products Grams Hectares Individuals Kilograms M2 mililitres</p><p>12.What is the purpose of the harvest? Standard harvesting only.</p><p>Page 4 of 9 • NCS/2016/3168 • Version 2.01 • Effective: 14 AUG 2017 ABN 46 640 294 485 Application form Protected plant harvesting licence</p><p>Plant Parts: Sustainable harvest of protected plant parts Whole Plants: Sustainable harvest of protected plants to be used as stock plants Contingent salvage only.</p><p>Whole Plants: Salvage of whole protected plants</p><p>13.Are protected plants to be used for trade? Requirements for trading in protected plants are listed under the Nature Conservation (Wildlife Management) Regulation 2006. Under section 270 of the Nature Conservation (Wildlife Management) Regulation 2006, it is an offence to use a stock plant taken under a protected plant growing licence for trade.</p><p>Yes No</p><p>14.Wildlife Keeping Please enter enough sufficient details so department inspectors can locate the site where the wildlife will be kept.</p><p>REGISTERED ADDRESS </p><p>15.Tagging details. Do you require tags? No </p><p>QUANTITY: POSTAL ADDRESS THE TAGS ARE GOING TO BE SENT TO: * POST CODE</p><p>Yes </p><p>16.Will you be using Protected Plant labels Protected plant labels must include information stated in the code of practice. Information on the label will identify lawful harvest and trade of the plant. If you answer Yes to this question you must enclose sample copies of the labels you use.</p><p>Yes No</p><p>17.Has a sustainable harvest plan been prepared which includes spatial representation in accordance with the protected plants assessment guideline? A sustainable harvest plan is required for the harvest of all endangered, vulnerable, near threatened or special least concern plants.</p><p>Yes If you answer Yes to this question you must enclose the sustainable harvest plan and spatial representation.</p><p>No – If you answer No to this question you cannot continue with this Protected Plant Harvesting application as you do not have a sustainable harvest plan. </p><p>18.Does the activity involve harvest of product under the Forestry Act 1959? Yes. – Answer Question 19</p><p>Page 5 of 9 • NCS/2016/3168 • Version 2.01 • Effective: 14 AUG 2017 ABN 46 640 294 485 Application form Protected plant harvesting licence</p><p>No – Proceed to Question 20</p><p>19.Do you have a forestry permit or licence, sales permit, or other resource entitlement? Please note that an approval under the Forestry Act 1959 is required prior to the approval of a protected plants growing licence. Note that if harvesting whole sandlewood plants to be used as stock plants, applicants should follow techniques listed in schedule 12 of the Code of Practice for native forest timber production on state lands, available through the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF) website.</p><p>Yes. No - If you answer No to this question you cannot continue with this Protected Plant Harvesting application as this is a mandatory requirement</p><p>20.Is the applicant the landholder of the land? Yes. - Proceed to Question 22 No – Answer Question 21</p><p>21.Does the applicant have benefit of an easement over the land this application relates to? If you are not the landholder and do not have the benefit of an easement, while operating under this authority on the land in question, you must carry a statement signed by the landholder that grants you access. This statement is available at: http://portal:6004/sites/PR/Register/Business/EHP/NCS/Wildlife%20Management/fm- landholder-statement.doc </p><p>Yes. – No – I understand while operating under this authority on the land in question, I must carry a statement signed by the landholder that grants me access.</p><p>22.Does the applicant relate to one of the following purposes? In accordance with section 144 of the Nature Conservation (Administration) Regulation 2006, reduced fees are available for particular applications. </p><p>An education purpose A scientific research purpose An activity directed at conservation Clearing to establish necessary property infrastructure A traditional owner activity</p><p>23.Is the applicant one of the following? In accordance with section 155 of the Nature Conservation (Administration) Regulation 2006, a fee exemption is available for particular applications. </p><p>A recreational plant society A voluntary conservation organisation A volunteer community organisation</p><p>Page 6 of 9 • NCS/2016/3168 • Version 2.01 • Effective: 14 AUG 2017 ABN 46 640 294 485 Application form Protected plant harvesting licence 24.Application questions</p><p>QUESTIONS DETAILS </p><p>1. During the past 10 years have you ever (in </p><p>Queensland or elsewhere) been found guilty of any criminal Yes offence or entered a plea of guilty in a Court? (Note: does not include simple traffic offences such as parking, speeding) If No yes, provide details of the offence/s.</p><p>2. Have you ever had an equivalent permit from another State or country that was suspended and/or cancelled? If yes, Yes provide details about the permit, the date it was suspended No and/or cancelled and reasons for suspension/cancellation.</p><p>25.Effective Date Select an effective date Decision Date or Nominated Date </p><p>26.Person in Charge Details of the person nominated to be in charge of the place(s) where the authorised activity is to be undertaken. Nominate Person in Charge*</p><p>Same as applicant Alternate person in charge Person in Charge Identity Details</p><p>TITLE *FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME *SURNAME * DATE OF BIRTH</p><p>Registered / residential address</p><p>* RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS (NOT A POST OFFICE BOX) * SUBURB * STATE * POST CODE</p><p>(WRITE ‘AS ABOVE’’ IF SAME AS REGISTEREDRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS) </p><p>POSTAL ADDRESS SUBURB STATE POST CODE</p><p>Person in Charge contact details – email or phone contact is mandatory.</p><p>EMAIL ADDRESS </p><p>TICK THIS BOX IF YOU DO NOT CONSENT TO RECEIVING DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE BY EMAIL </p><p>PHONE TYPE AREA CODE PHONE NUMBER: NOTE: 10 DIGITS (INCLULDING AREA CODE) Home phone Office phone Mobile phone Facsimile</p><p>27.Application Contact Details</p><p>Page 7 of 9 • NCS/2016/3168 • Version 2.01 • Effective: 14 AUG 2017 ABN 46 640 294 485 Application form Protected plant harvesting licence</p><p>An alternative contact nominated by the legal entity which has submitted, or will in future submit, applications to be assessed by the department. All departmental correspondence relating to the assessment of applications will be directed to the application contact, however, if the application results in the issuing of a relevant authority, the relevant authority will be sent to the customer contact or if nominated, the primary contact.</p><p>*NAME OR POSITION *PRIMARY PHONE. NOTE: 10 DIGITS EMAIL ADDRESS SECONDARY PHONE (INCLULDING AREA CODE)</p><p>28.Applicant’s signature</p><p>APPLICANT’S NAME</p><p>APPLICANT’S SIGNATURE DATE</p><p>IF THE APPLICANT IS A CORPORATION, PLEASE INDICATE YOUR POSITION IN THE CORPORATION</p><p>Please return your completed application kit to: 29.Applicant checklist Customer Service Team All questions on application form completed, Department of Environment and Heritage Protection signed and dated. GPO Box 2454 Brisbane Fees enclosed – cheque or money order Queensland 4001 only Enquiries: 1300 130 372 option 4 Tag fees enclosed – (if ordering) cheque or Facsimile: (07) 3330 5875 money order only Email: [email protected] Supporting information attached Please make all cheques or money orders payable to Department of Environment and Heritage Protection</p><p>A Schedule of fees information sheet and Code of Practice may be obtained from the EHP website or by contacting the EHP Referral Centre on 1300 130 372 option 4.</p><p>Page 8 of 9 • NCS/2016/3168 • Version 2.01 • Effective: 14 AUG 2017 ABN 46 640 294 485 Application form Protected plant harvesting licence</p><p>Page 9 of 9 • NCS/2016/3168 • Version 2.01 • Effective: 14 AUG 2017 ABN 46 640 294 485</p>

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