RMWG Circulating Catalog (SEPT. 2017)

RMWG Circulating Catalog (SEPT. 2017)

<p> RMWG Circulating Catalog (SEPT. 2017)</p><p>B Pullen, Rob, Basketmaker’s Art, The: Contemporary Basket and Their Makers editor Shelved at BAS /ISBN: 0-93727-428-3 B Conti #42 Raffia /Shelved at RAF/ ISBN: none B Allen, Elsie Pomo Basketmaking: A Supreme Art for the Weaver /ISBN: 0-87960-016-6 B Cary, Mara Useful Baskets /ISBN: 0-39525-950-9 B Christopher, F. J. Basketry 0-48620-677-3 B Daughtery, Robin Splitwoven Basketry /ISBN: 0-93402-622-x T. B Fisher, Kay Pine Needles to Baskets and Other Things/ISBN: self- pub. B Gillooly, Making Baskets/ ISBN:Story Pub. Bulletin A-96 Maryanne B Hart, Carol & Natural Basketry /ISBN: Dan B Harvey, Virginia Techniques of Basketry, The /ISBN: I. B Hoope, Flo Wicker, Basketry /ISBN:0-93402-649-1 B Jensen, Elizabeth Baskets from Nature’s Bounty /ISBN: 0-93402-669-6 B La Plantz, Plaited Basketry: The Woven Form /ISBN: 0-94200-200-8 Shereen B La Plantz, Twill Basketry: A Handbook of Designs Techniques, and Shereen Styles/ISBN: 0-93727-464-x B McFarland, Advanced Pattern Book for Pine Needle Raffia Basketry/ Self Pub. Jeannie B McFarland, Pine Needle Raffia Basketry / ISBN: Self Pub. Jeannie B McGuire, John Basketry: The Shaker Tradition: History, Techniques, Projects /ISBN:0-93727-446-1 B Meilach, Dona Z. Modern Approach to Basketry with Fibers and Grasses, A /ISBN:0-51751-588-1 B Navajo School of Indian Basket Weaving /ISBN: 0-48622-616-6 Indian Basketry B Newman, Sandra Indian Basket Weaving: How to Weave, Pomo, Yurok, Pima and C. Navajo Baskets /ISBN: 0-87358-112-1 B Siler, Lyn Basket Book, The 0-80696-828-1 B Smith, Sue M. Natural Fiber Basketry /ISBN: Self Pub. B Tod, Osma Earth Basketry /ISBN: 0-51710-811-9 Gallinger & Oscar Benson B Tod, Osma Weaving with Reeds and Fibers /ISBN: 048623-143-7 Gallinger B Walpole, Lois Creative Basket Weaving /ISBN: 0-89134-2990 BJ Campbell, Jean, Best in Contemporary Beadwork, The Beadwork International 2000 1 ** – Special Book, Deposit to Check Out Q – Oversized Book RMWG Circulating Catalog (SEPT. 2017)</p><p>Beadwork Mag. Shelved at BES /ISBN: 1-88301-077-0 Editor BJ Atkins, Robin One Bead at a Time: Exploring Creativity with Bead Embroidery /ISBN: 1-06097-005-382-x BJ Banes, Helen Fiber and Bead Jewelry: Fiber Designs to Make and Wear /ISBN: 978-0-80696-082-1 BJ Benson, Ann Beadweaving: New Needle Techniques and Original Designs /ISBN: 0-80690-400-3 BJ Bosshart, Renate Fashion Jewelry to Make Yourself: Imaginative, Refined, Elegant with Instructions/ISBN: 0-88740-874-5 BJ Campbell- Beaded Tassels, Braids and Fringes/ISBN: 0-80694-839-6 Harding, Valerie BJ Cypher, Carol Mastering Beadwork: A Comprehensive Guide to Off-Loom Huber Techniques /ISBN: 978-1-59668-013-5 BJ Dodson, Jackie How to Make Soft Jewelry /IBSN: 0-80198-129-8 BJ Durant, Judith & Beadwork Magazine Presents the Beader’s Companion Jane Campbell /ISBN:1-88301-056-x BJ Fisch, Arline M. Textile Techniques in Metal for Jewelers, Sculptors, and Textile Artists /ISBN: 0-93727-493-3 BJ Gourley, Art of Seed Beading 0-80697-755-8 Elizabeth, Jane Davis, Ellen Talbott BJ Hector, Valerie The Art of Beadwork: Historic Inspiration, Contemporary Design /ISBN: 0-82300-307-8 BJ Orchard, William Beads and Beadwork of the American Indians/ISBN: none C. BJ Pierce, Don Beading on a Loom /ISBN: 1-88301-063-2 BJ Wells, Carol Art and Elegance of Beadweaving, The: New Jewelry Designs with Wilcox Classic Stitches /ISBN: 978-15799-0-533-0 BJ Wells, Carol Creative Bead Weaving: A Contemporary Guide to Classic Off-` Wilcox Loom Stitches/ISBN: 1-88737-405-1 BJ Wick, Kristal Fabulous Fabric Beads: Create Custom Beads and Art Jewelry /ISBN:979-15966-8-077-7 BJ Withers, Sara Exotic Beads: 45 Distinctive Beaded Jewelry Designs /ISBN: 978-08019-8748-9 BK Beverley, Deena `New Crafts:Stringwork /ISBN: 1-85967-377-5 BK Bress, Helene Craft of Macrame, The /ISBN:0-68414-723-8 BK Budworth, Ultimate Encyclopedia of Knots & Knotwork, The /ISBN: Geoffrey BK Busch, Marlies et Friendship Bands: Braiding, Weaving, Knotting al /ISBN: 0-80690-309-0 BK Carey, Jacqui 200 Braids to Twist, Knot, Loop or Weave /ISBN: 978-15966-680- 18-0 BK Carey, Jacqui Creative Kumihimo/ ISBN: 978-09523-2250-4 2 ** – Special Book, Deposit to Check Out Q – Oversized Book RMWG Circulating Catalog (SEPT. 2017)</p><p>BK Carey, Jacqui Japanese Braiding: The Art of Kumihimo /ISBN:978-18444-842-68 BK Chen, Lydia Chinese Knotting /ISBN: 957-58801-45 BK Collingwood, Ply-Split Braiding /ISBN: 185-725-133-4 Peter BK Collingwood, Techniques of Sprang, The: Plaiting on Stretched Threads Peter /ISBN: 0-82305-220-6 BK Crouse, Gloria Hooking Rugs: New Materials, New Techniques /ISBN:0-94239-141-1 BK Fisher, Joan Art of Macrame, The: Modern Designs in Knotting /ISBN:0-60036-046-6 BK Glashausser, Plaiting Step-by-Step /ISBN:0-82304-020-8 Suellen and Carol Westfall BK Harvey, Virginia Macrame: The Art of Creative Knotting /ISBN:8-60142-239-680-5 I, BK Harvey, Virginia Split-ply Twining /ISBN: none I. BK James, Carol Sprang: UnSprung: An Illustrated Guide /ISBN:978-0-9784-69535 BK Jayne, Caroline String Figures and How to Make Them: A Study of Cat’s Cradle in Many Lands /ISBN;0-48620-152-x BK Kallner, Donna New Age Looping: A Handbook for Fiber Artists /ISBN: Self-pub. BK Lawless, Dorothy Rug Hooking and Braiding: For Pleasure and Profit /ISBN: none 1962 BK Marinoff, Getting Started in Handmade Rugs /ISBN: none 1971 Kathryn A. BK Marinoff, Handmade Rugs /ISBN: none 1957 Kathryn A. BK Martin, Catherine Kumihimo: Japanese Silk Braiding Techniques: Basic Marudal Braids /ISBN: 0-93727-459-3 BK Meilach, Dona Z. Creating Art from Fabrics and Fibers /ISBN: none 1975 BK Meilach, Dona Z. Macrame: Creative Designs in Knotting /ISBN: none 1971 BK Owen, Peter Book of Decorative Knots, The: Complete Instructions for Over 60 Functional and Beautiful Knots- for Home, Camp, and More /ISBN: none BK Owen, Rodrick Andean Sling Braids: New Designs for Textile Artists /ISBN: 978-07643-5103-7 BK Owen, Rodrick Braids: 250 Patterns from Japan, Peru & Beyond /ISBN: 1-55821- 304-x BK Phillips, Mary Step-by-Step Macrame: A Complete Introduction to the Craft of Walker Creative Knotting /ISBN: 1-88301-006-3 BK Shaw, George Knots: Useful and Ornamental /ISBN: 978-051746-000-9 Russell BK Sturrock, Sheila Celtic Knotwork Designs /ISBN: 1-86108-040-9 BK Zarbock, Barbara Complete Book of Rug Hooking, The /ISBN: none (reprint 978- J. 04420-959-32 3 ** – Special Book, Deposit to Check Out Q – Oversized Book RMWG Circulating Catalog (SEPT. 2017)</p><p>D Boston Botanic Dye Plants and Dyeing: A Handbook Plants & Gardens, Vol. 20, Gardens #3Shelved at DYE D RMWG, editor Janice Ford Memorial Dye Garden Shelved at JAN /ISBN: none D Adrosko, Rita J. Natural Dyes & Home Dyeing/ ISBN: 0486226885 D Adasko, Laura Batik in Many Forms /ISBN: 0-688-00340-0 D Albers, Josef Interaction of Color /ISBN: 0-30001-473-2 D Baker, Kelley Weeds and Wool: A Natural Dye Sampler /ISBN: none 1976 Keller D Banbilky, Gisela Art of Painting on Silk, The Vol.l /ISBN: 0-85532-597-6 D Battenfield, Ikat Technique / ISBN: 0-44222-571-7 Jackie D Birren, Faber Creative Color /ISBN: 0-44220-786-7 D Birren, Faber The Textile Colorist /ISBN: 0-44223-854-1</p><p>D Bliss, Anne Handbook of Dyes From Natural Materials, A /ISBN: 978-0684-1650-28 D Bliss, Anne North American Dye Plants /ISBN: 0-93402-689-0 D Bliss, Anne Rocky Mountain Dye Plants /ISBN: none self- pub. D Bliss, Anne Weeds: A Guide for Dyers and Herbalists /ISBN: 0-931-870-01-1 D Blumenthal, Hands on Dyeing 0-93402-636-x Betsy & K, Kreider D** Bohmer, Harald Koekboya: Natural Dyes and Textiles: A Colour Journey from Turkey to India and Beyond D Bolton, Eileen Lichens for Vegetable Dyeing D Brackman, Holly Surface Designer’s Handbook, The: Dyeing, Printing, Painting, and Creating Resists on Fabric /ISBN: 978-193-1499-90-3 D Bryan, Nonabah Navajo Native Dyes: Their Preparation and Use /ISBN: none & Stella Young D Buchanan, Rita Dyer’s Garden, A: From Plant to Pot: Growing Dyes for Natural Fibers /ISBN: 978-18830-10-07-2 D Buchanan, Rita Weaver’s Garden, A /ISBN: 0-93402-628-9 D Buffington, Hand-Dyed Fabric Made Easy /ISBN: 1-56477-148-2 Adriene D Burgess, Rebecca Harvesting Color: How to Find Plants and Make Natural Dyes /ISBN: 978-15796-5425-2 D Callahan, Gail Hand Dyeing Yarn and Fleece: Dip-Dyeing, Hand-Painting, Tie- Dyeing, and Other Creative Techniques / ISBN: 978-16034-246-84 D Cannon, John & Dye Plants and Dyeing /ISBN: 0-88192-572-1 Margaret D ** Cardon, Natural Dyes: Sources, Tradition, Technology and Science Dominique /ISBN:9781904982005 D Casselman, Lichen Dyes: The New Source Book /ISBN: 0-48641-231-8 Karen D. D Chambers, Anne Suminagashi: The Japanese Art of Marbling /ISBN: 0-50027-649-8 4 ** – Special Book, Deposit to Check Out Q – Oversized Book RMWG Circulating Catalog (SEPT. 2017)</p><p>D Chijiiwa, Hideaki Color Harmony: A Guide to Creative Color Combinations /ISBN: 0-80198-225-1 D Colton, Mary- Hopi Dyes /ISBN: none Russell Farrell D Conrad, Chris Kakishibu: Traditional Persimmon Dye of Japan /ISBN: 978-09818-001-03 D Crook, Jackie Natural Dyeing/ TP ISBN:978-18567-5280-0 D Davenport, Elsie Your Yarn Dyeing /ISBN:none D Dean, Jenny Colours from Nature: A Dyer’s Handbook /ISBN: 978 D Dean, Jenny Craft of Natural Dyeing /ISBN: D Dean, Jenny Heritage of Colour, A: Natural Dyes Past and Present /ISBN: 978-17822-103-68 D Dean, Jenny Wild Color: The Complete Guide to Making and Using Natural Dyes /ISBN: 978-02385-879-2 D Deighan, Helen Dyeing in Plastic Bags: No Mess, No Fuss, Just Great Colours /ISBN: 0-95403-331-0 D Duerr, Sasha Handbook of Natural Dye Plants, The: Personalize Your Craft with Organic Colors from Acorns, Blackberries, Coffee, and Other Everyday Ingredients 978-16046-902-12 D Eades, B.G. Painted Warps /ISBN: none D Flint, India Eco, Colour: Botanical Dyes for Beautiful Textiles /ISBN: 978-1-59668-330-3 D Fraser, Jean Traditional Scottish Dyes and How to Make Them /ISBN: 0-86241- 108-4 D Furry, Margaret Home Dyeing with Natural Dyes /ISBN: none S. & Bess M. Viement D Gerber, Frederick Indigo and the Antiquity of Dyeing none /ISBN: none H. D Grae, Ida Nature’s Colors: Dyes from Plants /ISBN: none 1975 D Innes, Miranda Fabric Painting /ISBN: 0-7894-0434-6 D Itten, Johannes Elements of Color, The /ISBN: none 1970 D Tomita, Jun & Japanese Ikat Weaving: The Techniques of Kasuri /ISBN: 0-7100- Noriko 9043-9 D Johnston, Ann Color by Accident: Low Water Immersion Dyeing /ISBN: none Self Pub. D Johnston, Ann Color by Design; Paint and Print with Dye /ISBN: 0-96567-76-13 D Johnston, Meda Design on Fabrics /ISBN: none 1967 & Glenn Kaufman D Justema, William Weaving & Needlecraft Color Course /ISBN: & Doris D Kendall, Tracy Fabric and Yarn Dyer’s Handbook, The /ISBN: 1-84340-062-6 TP D Kendal, Tracy Fabric and Yarn Dyer’s Handbook, The /ISBN: 1-85585-879-7 HC 5 ** – Special Book, Deposit to Check Out Q – Oversized Book RMWG Circulating Catalog (SEPT. 2017)</p><p>D Klos, Dagmar Dyer’s Companion, The /ISBN:1-93149-951-9 D Knutson, Linda Synthetic Dyes for Natural Fibers/ ISBN: 0-93402-623-? D Kramer, Jack Natural Dyes, Plants and Processes /SBN: 684-12828-4 D Krochmal, Complete Illustrated Book of Dyes from Natural Sources, The Arnold and /ISBN: none 1975 Connie D Kueppers, Harald Color Atlas: A Practical Guide for Color Mixing /ISBN: 0-8129-2172-x D Lambert, Patricia, Color and Fiber /ISBN: 0-88740-065-5 Barbara Staepelaere & Mary G. Fry D** Larsen, Jack Dyer’s Art, The: Ikat, Batik, Plangi Lenor D Las Aranas Dyeing with Natural Materials /ISBN: none Spinners and Weavers Guild D Lesch, Alma Vegetable Dyeing: 151 Color Recipes for Dyeing Yarns and Fabrics with Natural Materials /ISBN: none 1970 D Liles, J.N. Art and Craft of Natural Dyeing, The: Traditional Recipes for Modern Use /ISBN: 0-87049-670-0 D Maile, Anne Tie and Dye as a Present Day Craft /ISBN: 345-02266-1 D Marshall, John Salvation through Soy! Blissful Dyeing for All Eternity /ISBN: none Self Pub. D Mauer, Paul An Introduction to Carrageenan & Watercolor Marbling /ISBN: none Self Pub. D McLaughlin, Garden to Dye for, A: How to Use Plants from the Garden to Create Chris Natural Colors for Fabrics and Fibers /ISBN: 978-09855-6228-1 D McRae, Bobbi A. Colors from Nature: Growing, Collecting and Using Natural Dyes ISBN: 0-88266-799-8 D Menz, Deb Color Works: Crafter’s Guide to Color 1-931-499-47-0 D Miller, Dorothy Indigo: From Seed to Dye /ISBN:0-96040-601-8 D Moller, Elfriede Shibori: the Art of Fabric Tying, Folding, Pleating and Dyeing /ISBN: 0-85532-895-9 D Noble, Elin Dyes and Paints: A Hands on Guide to Coloring Fabric /ISBN: 1- 56477-103-2 D Palowoda, Marie Basic Fabric Marbling /ISBN: D Porcella, Yvonne Colors Changing Hue /ISBN: 0-91488-186-8 D Porcella, Yvonne Six Color World: Color, Cloth, Quilts & Wearables /ISBN: 1-57120- 035-5 D Prideaux, Vivien Handbook of Indigo Dyeing, A /ISBN: 0-85532-976-9 D Quiller, Stephen Color Choices 0-82300-696-4 D Ritch, Diane and Ikat: An Introduction: Japanese Ikat, Warp, Weft, Figure Yoshiko Wada D Sandberg, Gosta Indigo Textiles: Techniques and History /ISBN: 0-93727-40-2 6 ** – Special Book, Deposit to Check Out Q – Oversized Book RMWG Circulating Catalog (SEPT. 2017)</p><p>D Smith, Jodi Medieval Dyes /ISBN: none /ISBN: none D Taylor, Carol Marbling Paper and Fabric /ISBN: 0-8069-8323x D Taylor, Kathleen Yarns to Dye for: Creating Self-Patterning Yarns for Knitting /ISBN:1-931499-81-0 D Thomas, Heather Fiber Artist’s Guide to Color & Design, A: The Basics and Beyond /ISBN: 978-1-93572-609-8 D Tidball, Harriet Color and Dyeing {SCGM 16} D Tuckman,Diane Best of Silk Painting, The /ISBN:0-89134-729-1 & Janice Janas D Van Gelder, Ikat II /ISBN: 0-96255-865-6 Lydia D Van Stralen, Indigo, Madder & Marigold: A Portfolio of Colors from Natural Trudy Dyes /ISBN:0-934-026-86-8 D Venables, Jane Silk Painting Workshop, The: Painting, Marbling and Batik for Beginners /ISBN: 0-7153-0933-1 D Vinroot, Sally & New Dyer, The /ISBN: 0-93402-605-x Jennie Crowder D Walch, Margaret Color Source Book /ISBN:0-684-161-34-6 D Walch, Margaret Living Colors: The Definitive Guide to Color Palettes Through the and Augustine Ages /ISBN: 0-8118-0558-1 Hope D Wells, Kate Fabric Dyeing and Printing /ISBN: 1-88301-035-7 DC Beveridge, June Authentic Algerian Carpet Designs and Motifs /Shelved at Editor AUT /ISBN:0-486-23650-1 DC Naylor, Maria, Authentic Indian Designs: 2500 Illustrations from Reports of the Editor Bureau of American Ethnology /Shelved at AUT /ISBN:0-486- 23170-4 DC Fiber Arts Mag. Fiberarts Design Book, The:/ Shelved at FIB ISBN: 0-937274-01-1 Editors DC Gillon, Edmund Geometric Design and Ornament: 374 Illustrations for Artists and G. Editor Designers / Shelved at GEO /SBN: 486-22322-6-7 DC Scientific Image, Object, and Illusion/ Shevled at IMA /ISBN: 0-7167-0504-4 American, Richard Held Intro. DC Hageney, Rhythmusic: Lines & Stripes in Variations / Shelved at RHY Wolfgang, Editor /ISBN: 88-7070-015-1 DC Washburn, Symmetry Comes of Age / Shelved at WAS /ISBN: 0-295-98366-3 Dorothy Editor DC Yoshimoto Traditional Stripes & Lattics: Textile Design III/ Textile Design in Kamon Japan/Shelved at TRA / ISBN:9810047754 DC Adachi, Fume Japanese Design Motifs: 4260 Illus. of Japanese Crest /ISBN: 0-48622-874-6 7 ** – Special Book, Deposit to Check Out Q – Oversized Book RMWG Circulating Catalog (SEPT. 2017)</p><p>DC Bothwell, Dorr & Notan: The Dark-Light Principle of Design /ISBN:none Marlys Frey DC Chapman, Early American Craft Inspirations /ISBN: 0-486-22985-8 Suzanne E. DC Clarke, Sarah B. Techno Textiles 2 /ISBN: 978-05002-8684-5 DC D’Amato, Janet Native American Craft Inspirations /ISBN:0-87131-707-9 & Alex DC Duncan, Molly & Exploring Colour and Design for Handweavers /ISBN:0-589- George Bull 01028x DC Enciso, Jorge Design Motifs of Ancient Mexico /SBN: 486-20084-1 DC Garrett, Lillian Visual Design: A Problem-Solving Approach /ISBN:none DC Hartung, Rolf Creative Textile Design: Thread and Fabric /ISBN: none DC Horemis, Spyros Optical and Geometrical Patterns and Designs: 92 Original Plates /ISBN: 486-22214-4 DC Itten, Johannes Design and Form: The Basic Course at the Bauhaus /ISBN: none DC Justema, William Pleasure of Pattern, The /ISBN:none DC Kerimov, Lyatif Folk Design from the Caucasus for Weaving and Needlework /ISBN: 0-486-23014-7 DC Klein, Bernat Eye for Color /ISBN: none DC Landsman, Anne Needlework Designs from the American Indians: Traditional Creek Patterns of the Southeastern Tribes /ISBN: 0-498-01804-0 DC Lichten, Frances Folk Art Motifs of Pennsylvania /ISBN:0=486-23303-0 DC Mera, Pueblo Designs: 176 Illustrations of the “Rain Bird” /ISBN: 0-486- H.P. 22073-7 DC Murray, Aileen Designs in Fabric and Thread /SBN: 2289-79650-4 DC Niwa, Motoji Snow, Wave, Pine: Traditional Designs in Japanese Design /ISBN: 4-77002-689-7 DC Proctor, Richard Principles of Pattern , The /ISBN: none DC Revault, Jacques Designs and Patterns from North African Carpets & Textiles /ISBN: 0-486-22850-9 DC Sandved, Kjell & Butterfly Magic /ISBN: /0-14004-289-x Michael G. Emslet DC Search Press, Glass Painter’s & Silk Painter’s Pattern Book /ISBN: /1-84448-026- Editor 7 DC Spies, Werner Albers /ISBN: none 1975 DC Stein, Susan Fabric Art Workshop: Exploring Techniques & Materials for Fabric Artists & Quilters/ ISBN:978-15892-3328-7 DC** Wada, Yoshiko Memory on Cloth /ISBN: Iwamoto DC Ward, Michael Art and Design in Textiles /ISBN: 0-442-29956-7 DC Washburn, Symmetries of Culture: Theory and Practice of Plane Pattern Dorothy & Analysis /ISBN:0-295-97084-7 Donald W. Crowe editors 8 ** – Special Book, Deposit to Check Out Q – Oversized Book RMWG Circulating Catalog (SEPT. 2017)</p><p>DC Watson, William Textile Design & Color /ISBN: none DC Wolchonok, Art of Three-Dimensional Design, The: How to Create Space Louis Figures /ISBN: 0-442-29561-8 DC Wolchonok, Design for Artists and Craftsmen /SBN: 486-20274-7 Louis DC Wong, Wucius Principles of Three-Dimensional Design /ISBN:0-442-29561-8 FP Ackerman, Dawn Handmade Paper Collage /ISBN: 1-40270-807-6\ FP Cypher, Carol Hand Felted Jewelry and Beads: 25 Artful Designs Huber /ISBN: 1-59668-005-0 FP Dawson, Sophie Art and Craft of Paper, The –Making / ISBN:1-56138-158-6 FP Elliot, Marion Paper Making: How to Create Original Effects with Paper, Including Watermarked, Embossed and Marbled Papers /ISBN:0-805038957 FP Galeskas, Felted Knits / ISBN:1-93149-33-0 Beverly FP Heibert, Helen Paper Illuminated: 15 Projects for Making Handcrafted Luminaria, Lanterns /ISBN: FP Heibert, Helen Papermaker’s Companion, The : The Ultimate Guise to Making and Using Handmade Paper / ISBN:978-15801-7200-4 FP Heibert, Helen Papermaking with Garden Plants & Common Weeds /ISBN:978- 15801-7622-4 FP Hiebert, Helen Playing with Paper: Illuminating, Engineering, and Reimagining Paper Art /ISBN:978-159253-814-0 FP Heller, Jules Papermaking /ISBN:0-8230-3895-5 Hard Cover FP Heller, Jules Papermaking /ISBN: 0-8230-3842-4 Trade Paper FP Huang, Jackie Wool Buddies: 20 Irresistibly Simple Needle Felting Buddies /ISBN: 978-14821-1440-8 FP Johns, Susie Felted Bag Book, The /ISBN: 978-03126-1153-8 FP Karuno, Hiroko Kigami & Kami-ito: Japanese Handmade Paper and Paper Thread /ISBN:978-4-87940-626-2 FP Lorente, Marie- Art of Papermaking with Plants, The /ISBN: 0-393-73135-9 Jeanne FP Reese, Jane H. Making Your Own Marbled and Decorated Papers /ISBN: 0-89134- 712-4 FP Shannon, Faith Art and Craft of Paper, The ISBN: 0-8118-0788-6 FP Spark, Patricia Fundamentals of Feltmaking /ISBN: 0-916-658-48-1 FP Studley, Vance Art & Craft of Handmade Paper, The /:ISBN0-442-27910-8 FP Valentine, How to Make Your Own Recycled Paper /ISBN:0-85532-670-0 Malcolm FP Wiechmann, Eva Pursenalities: 20 Great Knitted and Felted Bags /ISBN:1-56477-565-8 FP Wiechmann, Eva Pursenalities Plus: 20 New Felted Bags /ISBN:1-56477-653-0 /ISBN:1-56477-653-0 KC Leasure Arts Afghans for All Seasons /Shelved at AFG KC Knox, Gerald, Afghans to Knit and Crochet /Shelved at AFG Editor 9 ** – Special Book, Deposit to Check Out Q – Oversized Book RMWG Circulating Catalog (SEPT. 2017)</p><p>KC Knight, Erika, Cables & Arans;250 Stitches to Knit / Shelved at CAB Editor KC Scott, Laura, Crochet for a Quiet Evening {edited by Laura Scott}/Shelved at Editor CRO KC Hagood, Carol Crocheted Afghans /Shelved at CRO Cook, Editor KC Sterling Pub. Crocheting School: A Complete Course/ Shelved at CRO KC Scott, Donna, From Needles to Hook: Complete Guide to Converting Knit Patterns Editor to Crochet/ Shelved at FRO KC Lyric Bks. Pub Harmony Guide to Crochet Stitches, The: Vol. 1/ Shelved at HAR KC Lyric Bks. Pub Harmony Guide to Machine Knitting Stitches, The /Shelved at HAR KC Ligon, Linda Homespun Handknit: Caps, Scocks, Mittens, & Gloves/ Shelved at Editor HOM KC Flew,Janine, Knit: Designs/Shelved at KNI Editor KC Knight, Erica, Knit & Purl: 250 Stitches to Knit/Shelved at KNI Editor KC Albright, Knitter’s Stash; Favorite Patterns from American’s Yarn Shops / Barbara, Editor Shelved at KNI KC Knight, Erica, Lace and Eyelets: 250 Stitches to Knit / Shelved at LAC Editor KC Finseth, Norsk Strikkedesign; A Collection from Norway’s Foremost Margaretha, Knitting Designers /Shelved at NOR Editor KC Durant, Judith, Tops with a Twist /Shelved at TOP Editor KC Malcolm,Trisha, Vogue Knitting: Designer Knits / Shelved at VOG Editor KC Butterick Pub. Vogue Knittting: Socks/Shelved at VOG KC A., Cookie Sock Innovation; Knitting Techniques and Patterns for One-of-a- Kind Socks /ISBN: KC Albright, Barbara Oddball Knitting: Creative Ideas for Leftover Yarn / ISBN:1-40005-351-x KC Allen, Pam Scarf Style: Innovative to Traditional: 31 Inspirational Styles to Knit and Crochet /ISBN: 1-93149-954-3 KC Allen, Pam and Wrap Style: Innovative to Traditional: 24 Inspirational Shawls, Ann Budd Ponchos, and Caplets to Knit and Crochet /ISBN: KC Anderson-Freed, Nordic Knitting Traditions / ISBN:978-14402-3026-4 Susan KC Barker, Bonnie Contemporary Celtic Crochet: 24 Cabled Designs for Sweaters, Scarves, Hats and More /ISBN: 978-14402-3861-1 KC Barry, Bethany Bead Crochet /ISBN: 1-931-499-42x KC Bartlett, Roxana Slip-Stitch Knitting: Color Pattern the Easy Way /ISBN: 1-88301-032-2 10 ** – Special Book, Deposit to Check Out Q – Oversized Book RMWG Circulating Catalog (SEPT. 2017)</p><p>KC Bergman, The Knitting Goddess: Finding the Heart and Soul of Knitting Deborah Through Instructions /ISBN: 0-78686-611-x KC Bestor, Leslie Cast On, Bind Off /ISBN: Ann KC Birkett, Caroline Hand Knits for the Home: 20+ Designs for Stylish Interiors /ISBN: KC Bordi, Cat Socks Soar on Two Circular Needles: A Manual of Elegant Knitting Techniques and Patterns /ISBN: KC Bouquerel, Knitting for Teddies /ISBN: Catherine KC Brant,Sharon Knitting Goes Large: 20 Designs to Flatter Your Figure /ISBN:0-31254-010-8 KC Bredewold, Ank Knitting Design Book, The: Using Color, Pattern and Stitch to & Anneke Pleiter Create Your Own Unique Sweaters /ISBN: KC Bryant, Laura Yarn Stash Workbook: Great Ideas and Dozens of Projects Militzer / ISBN:1-56477-614-x KC Bryant, Laura and Knitting with Novelty Yarns: Exploring Color, Texture and Style Barry Klein /ISBN: KC Budd, Ann Knitter’s Handy Book of Sweater Patterns, A: Basic Designs in Multiple Sizes and Gauges /ISBN: KC Bui, Lan-Anh & Amigurumi /ISBN: Josephine Wan KC Q Burnett, Sarah Passion for Color, A /ISBN: KC Bush, Nancy Folk Knitting in Estonia: A Garland of Symbolism, Tradition, and Technique /ISBN: KC Bush, Nancy Folk Sock: The History & Techniques of Handknited Footwear /ISBN: KC Bush, Nancy Knitting on the Road: Sock Patterns for the Traveling Knitter /ISBN: KC Carles, Julie & Yarn Girls Guide to Simple Knits, The /ISBN: Jordana Jacobs KC Chachula, Robyn Unexpected Afghans: Innovative Crochet Designs with Traditional Techniques /ISBN: KC Chin, Lily M. Couture Crochet Workshop: Mastering Fit, Fashion, and Finesse /ISBN: KC Cobey, Katherine Diagonal Knitting: A Different Slant /ISBN:978-09420-1832-5 Cornell, Kari, For the Love of Knitting: A Celebration of the Knitters Art KC Editor /ISBN:0-89658-045-8 KC Compton, Rae Illustrated Dictionary of Knitting, The /ISBN: KC Crolius, Kendall Knitting with Dog Hair: A Woof- to- Warp Guide to Making Hats, and Anne Sweaters and Much More /ISBN: Montgomery KC Dandanell, Twined Knitting /ISBN: Birgitta and Ulla Danielsson KC Druchunas, Arctic Lace: Knitting Projects and Stories Inspired by Alaska’s Donna Native Knitters /ISBN: 11 ** – Special Book, Deposit to Check Out Q – Oversized Book RMWG Circulating Catalog (SEPT. 2017)</p><p>KC Drysdale, Entrelac 2: New Techniques for Interlace Knitting /ISBN: Rosemary KC Epstein. Nicky Knit Hat Book, The: 25 Hats from Basic Shapes /ISBN: KC Epstein, Nicky Nicky Epstein’s Knitted Embellishments: 350 Appliques, Borders, Cords and More! /ISBN: KC Falick, Melanie Knitting in America /ISBN: D. KC Farson, Laura New Twists on Twined Knitting: A Fresh Look at a Traditional Technique /ISBN: KC Fassett, Kaffe Glorious Color: Sources for Knitting and Needlepoint from the Victoria and Albert Museum /ISBN: KC Fassett, Kaffe Glorious Knits /ISBN: KC Fassett, Kaffe Kaffe’s Classics: 25 Favorite Knitting Patterns for Sweaters, Jackets, Vests and More /ISBN: KC Fassett, Kaffe & Family Album: Knitting for Children and Adults /ISBN: Zoe Hunt KC Fee, Jacqueline Sweater Workshop, The /ISBN: M. 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I. Neck Down and Seamen’s Scarves /ISBN: KC Q Starmore, Alice Celtic Collection, The: Twenty-five Knitwear Designs for Men and Women KC Stoller, Debbie Stitch’ N bitch Nation/ ISBN:978-07611-3590-6 KC Storey, Martin Classic Knits for Real Women; Knitwear for Plus Sizes /ISBN: 1- 57120-369-9 KC Stove, Margaret Wrapped in Lace; Knitted Heirloom Designs from Around the World /ISBN: 978-1-59668-227-6 KC Sulcoski, Carol Knitting Socks with Handpainted Yarn /ISBN: KC Swanson, Meg Handknitting with Meg Swanson /ISBN:</p><p>14 ** – Special Book, Deposit to Check Out Q – Oversized Book RMWG Circulating Catalog (SEPT. 2017)</p><p>KC Swanson, Meg & Armenian Knitting/ISBN:978-09420-1827-1 Joyce Williams KC Swartz, Judith L. 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Shawls and Scarves: The Best of Knitter’s Magazine /ISBN: 0- 96463-916-5 KC Twigg, Vicki Twigg Stitch: A New Twist on Reversible Knitting /ISBN: KC Van der Klift- Knitting from the Netherlands: Traditional Dutch Fishermen’s Tellegen, Sweaters /ISBN: Henriette KC Van Der Linden, Op-Art Socks: Creative Effects in Sock Knitting /ISBN: Stephanie KC Van Zandt, Knitter’s Handbook, The: Yarns, Needles, Stitches, Techniques Eleanor /ISBN: KC Ventura, Carol More Tapestry Crochet /ISBN: KC Ventura, Carol Sweaters From Tricolor /ISBN: KC Walker, Barbara Treasury of Knitting Patterns, A /ISBN: G. 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Non-European Looms in the Collections at Bankfield Museum, Halifax {England} /ISBN: M Kieves, Tama J This Time I Dance!: Trusting the Journey of Creating the Work You Love /ISBN:1-58542-330-0 M ** Koehler, James Woven Color: The Tapestry Art of James Koehler /ISBN:9781- and Carole Green 4507-14433 M Lancaster, Daryl Photographing Your Work /ISBN:none M Larsen, Jack Jack Lenor Larson: A Weaver’s Memoir /ISBN:0-8109-3589-9 Lenor M Ligon, Linda This is How I Go When I Go Like This: Weaving and Spinning as Collier Metaphor /ISBN:1-931499-76-4 M Loveless, Joan Three Weavers /ISBN:0-8263-1318-3 Potter M Mahoney, Olivia Edward F. 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Marshall & G. Wickham S Fannin, Allen Handspinning Art & Technique /ISBN:0-442-22541-5 S Field, Anne Ashford Book of Spinning, The /ISBN:-‘‘ S Field, Anne Spinning Wool; Beyond the Basics /ISBN/ S Fournier, Nola In Sheep’s Clothing; A Handspinner’s Guide to Wool /ISBN: and Jane S Franquemont, Respect the Spindle: Spin Infinite Yarns with One Amazing Tool Abby /ISBN: 19 ** – Special Book, Deposit to Check Out Q – Oversized Book RMWG Circulating Catalog (SEPT. 2017)</p><p>S Gibson, Brenda Complete Guide to Spinning Yarn, The: Techniques, Projects, and Recipes /ISBN: S Gibson- High Whorling: A Spinner’s Guide to an Old-World Skill /ISBN: Roberts, Priscilla S Q Gnatkowski, 167 International Sheep Breeds /ISBN: Janice S Hochberg, Bette Fibre Facts /ISBN: S Hochberg, Bette Handspindles /ISBN: S Hochberg, Bette Handspinner’s Handbook /ISBN: S Hochberg, Bette Spin, Span, Spun: Fact and Folklore for Spinners /ISBN: S Horne, Beverly Fleece in Your Hands/ISBN: S Johnson, Sylvia Silkworms /ISBN: S King, Amy Spin Control: Techniques for Spinning the Yarn You Want /ISBN: S Kluger, Marilyn The Joy of Spinning /ISBN: S Kolander, Cheryl Hempi: For Textile Artists /ISBN: S Kolander,Cheryl Silkworker’s Notebook, A /ISBN:/ISBN: S Kroll, Carol Whole Craft of Spinning from Raw Material to the Finished Yarn, The /ISBN: S Lamb, Sara Silk, Practical Spinner’s Guide /ISBN: S Lamb, Sara Spin to Weave: the Weaver’s Guide to Making Yarn /ISBN: S Linder, Harry and Handspinning Cotton /ISBN: Olive S Linder, Olive and Handspinning Flax /ISBN: Harry S Lynne, Erica Angora; A Handbook for Spinners /ISBN: S McCuin, Judith International Spinner, The: A Holistic Approach to Making Yarn /ISBN: S McFarland, Combs! Combs! Combs! /ISBN: Susan S Menz, Deb Color in Spinning /ISBN: S Moreno, Jillian Yarn*i*tec*ture /ISBN: 978-16121-2522-0 S North, Symeon Get Spun: Step-by-Step Guide to Spinning Art Yarns / ISBN:978-15966-8064-7 S Okey, Shannon Spin to Knit: The Knitter’s Guide to Making Yarn /ISBN: S Pennington, D. American Spinning Wheels: A Pictorial Guide /ISBN:0-915836-01-7 S Raffino,Jonelle Spinner’s Notebook, The: All About Wool /ISBN: S Raven, Lee Hands on Spinning /ISBN: S Raven, Lee Spin it /ISBN: S Robson, Deborah Field Guide to Fleece, The /ISBN: S Robson,Deborah Fleece and Fiber Sourcebook, The: More than 200 Fibers from & Carol Ekarius Animal to Spun Yarn/ ISBN: S Ross, Mabel Encyclopedia of Handspinning /ISBN: S Ross, Mabel Essentials of Yarn Design for Handspinners, The / ISBN:0-95072-921-3 20 ** – Special Book, Deposit to Check Out Q – Oversized Book RMWG Circulating Catalog (SEPT. 2017)</p><p>S Ross, Mabel Handspinner’s Workbook: Fancy Yarns/ISBN: 0-95072-925-6 S Simmons, Paula Spinning and Weaving with Wool /ISBN: S Simmons, Paula Spinning for Softness & Speed /ISBN: S Smith, Beth Spinner’s Book of Fleece, The: A Breed-By-Breed Guide to Choosing and Spinning the Perfect Fiber for Every Purpose /ISBN: S Stove, Margaret Handspinning, Dyeing and Working with Merino and Superfine Wools /ISBN: S Switzer, Chris Spinning Llama and Alpaca /ISBN:0-96426-633-4 S Teal, Peter Hand Woolcombing and Spinning: A Guide to Worsteds from the Spinning Wheel /ISBN: S Throndson, Mary Lamb’s Tails & Fleeces: How to Spin Yarn S Turner, Katy Legacy of the Great Wheel: Myths, History and Traditions with Practical Lessons /ISBN: S Varney, Diane Spinning Designer Yarns /ISBN: S Q Zawitoski, Patsy 14 Pamphlets from November 2007 RMWG Spinning Workshop Sue SEW TV Sew with 501 Sewing Hints: From the Viewers of “Sewing with Nancy”/ Nancy Shelved at 501 /ISBN: 0-8487-14551-2 Viewers,editor SEW Threads, Editor Destinctive Details; Great Embellishment Techniques for Clothing /Shelved at DES /ISBN:1-56158-0953 SEW Scorgie, Jean, Handwoven Designer Patterns: Simple Tops 101 / Shelved at HAN: Designer /ISBN:none1-56158-415-0 ``</p><p>SEW Taunton Press, Notions: Over 50 Great Gadgets You Can’t Live Without/ Shelved Pub. at NOT /ISBN: SEW Switzer, Chris, Projects for Alpaca and Llama: / Shelved at PRO /ISBN: Editor SEW Aimone, Fiberarts Book of Wearable Art, The /ISBN: 978-157990-293-6 Katherine D. 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Swartz TAF Kreamer, Objects as Envoys: Cloth, Imagery, and Diplomacy in Christine, Sarah Madagascar/Shelved at OBJ /ISBN: Fee, Editors TA Q Clarke, Duncan Art of African Textiles, The /ISBN: TAF Dendel, Esther African Fabric Crafts: Sources of African Design and Technique Warner /ISBN: TAF Gillow, John Printed and Dyed Textiles from Africa /ISBN: TAF Hoskins, Nancy Copic Tapestry Albums and Archaeologist of Antinoe, The /ISBN: Arthur TAF Korolnik- Color of Henna, The: Painted Textiles From Southern Morocco Andersch, /ISBN: Annette and Marcel Korolnik TAF Lamb, Venice & West African Narrow Strip Weaving /ISBN: Alastair TAF Levinsohn, Basketry: Renaissance in Southern Africa, A /ISBN: Rhoda TAF Luke-Boone, African Fabrics: Sewing Contemporary Fashion with Ethnic Flair Ronke /ISBN: TAF Picton, John & African Textiles: Looms, Weaving and Design /ISBN: John Mack TAF Sieber, Roy African Textiles and Decorative Arts /ISBN: TAF Q Spring, African Textiles Christopher TAF Spring, Chris & Silk in Africa Julie Hudson TAM W Margaret E. American Hand-Woven Coverlets in the Newark Museum /Shelved White, Editor at AME /ISBN: TAM Schorsch, Anita, Art of The Weaver, The /Shelved at ART /ISBN: Editor TAM Joseph, Marjory, Textiles, A Visual Experience, #2 Weaving /Shelved at TEX Editor /ISBN: TAM ** Bress, Helene Coverlet Book, The: Early American Handwoven Coverlets /ISBN: TAM Burnham, Comfortable Arts, The: Traditional Spinning & Weaving in Dorothy Canada /ISBN: TAM Burnham, Unlike the Lilies: Doukhobor Textile Traditions in Canada /ISBN: Dorothy TAM Burnham, Harold Keep Me Warm One Night /ISBN: ** & Dorothy 26 ** – Special Book, Deposit to Check Out Q – Oversized Book RMWG Circulating Catalog (SEPT. 2017)</p><p>TAM Crosson, Janet Story of the Coverlet, The /ISBN: Grey TAM Dale, Julie Art To Wear /ISBN: ** Schafler TAM Davison, Mildred Coverlets: A Handbook on the Collection of Woven Coverlets in The Art Institute of Chicago /ISBN: TAM Earle, Alice Two Centuries of Costume in America, Vol I /ISBN: Morse TAM Earle, Alice Two Centuries of Costume in America, Vol II /ISBN: Morse TAM Fennelly, Textiles in New England, 1790-1840 /ISBN: Catherine TAM Gordon, Beverly Shaker Textile Arts /ISBN: TAM Hall, Eliza Book of Handwoven Coverlets, The /ISBN: Calvert TAM Kiracofe, The American Quilt: A History of Cloth and Comfort, 1750-1950 Roderick /ISBN: TAM Larsen, Jack Fabrics for Interiors: A Guide for Architects, Designers and Lenor & Joanne Consumers /ISBN: Weeks TAM Linton, George E. Modern Textile and Apparel Dictionary, The /ISBN: TAM Lockwood, Finnish American Rag Rugs: Art, Tradition & Ethnic Continuity Yvonne R. /ISBN: TAM MacDonald, No Idle Hands: The Social History of American Knitting /ISBN: Anne L. TAM Potter, M. David Fiber to Fabric /ISBN: & Bernard P. Corbman TAM Nylander, Jane C. Fabrics for Historic Buildings /ISBN: 0-89133-081-x TAM Rosengarten, Row Upon Row: Sea Grass Baskets of the South Carolina Dale Lowcountry /ISBN: 0-93898-302-4 TAM Safford, Carleton American Quilts and Coverlets /ISBN: L & Robert Bishop TAM Ulrich, Laurel Age of Homespun, The: Objects and Stories in the Creation of an Thatcher American Myth /ISBN: TAM Von Rosenstiel, American Rugs and Carpets from the Seventeenth Century to Helene Modern Times /ISBN: TAM Walker, Sandra Country Cloth to Coverlets: Textile Traditions in 19th Century R. Central Pennsylvania /ISBN: TE Wordsworth Pub. Scottish Clans and Their Tartans, The/ Shelved at SCO /ISBN: TE** Delmarcel, Guy Flemish Tapestry /ISBN: TE Grimble, Ian Scottish Clans and Tartans /ISBN: TE Halls, Zillah Women’s Costume 1600-1980 /ISBN: TE Harrison, E.S. Our Scottish District Checks /ISBN: 27 ** – Special Book, Deposit to Check Out Q – Oversized Book RMWG Circulating Catalog (SEPT. 2017)</p><p>TE Hatzimichali, Greek Folk Costume: Costumes with the Sigouni /ISBN: Angeliki TE Hesketh, Tartans /ISBN: Christian TE Larson, Katherine Woven Coverlets of Norway, The /ISBN: TE Master Weavers Tapestry from the Dovecot Studios, 1912-1980 /ISBN: TE Q McIan, Robert Clans of the Scottish Highlands, The: The Costumes of the Clans/ Ronald ISBN: TE Nylen, Anna- Swedish Handcraft /ISBN: Maja TE Phillips, Carla Spain’s Golden Fleece: Wool Production and the World Trade from Rahn & W. D. the Middles Ages to the Nineteenth Century /ISBN: Phillips,Jr. TE Rossbach, Ed Art of Paisley, The /ISBN: TE Talley, Charles S. Contemporary Textile Art: Scandinavia /ISBN: TE Weltge, Sigrid Women’s Work: Textile Art from the Bauhaus /ISBN: TE Zaczek, Iain & Complete Book of Tartans: A Heritage Encyclopedia of Over 400 Charles Phillips Tatans and the Stories That Shaped Scottish History /ISBN: TN Nuttall, Zella, Codex Nuttall, The: A Picture Manuscript from Ancient Mexico Editor /Shelved at COD /ISBN: TN El Palacio Mag. Navajo Weaving Handbook/ Shelved at NAV /ISBN: Editors TN Harmsen, W.D. Patterns and Sources of Navajo Weaving / Shelved at PAT /ISBN: TN Fisher, Nora, Rio Grande Textiles Shelved at RIO /ISBN: Editor TN Taylor Sacred Land: Indian and Hispanic Cultures of the Southwest / Museum,Editor Shelved at SAC /ISBN: TN Nestor, Sarah, Spanish Textile Tradition of New Mexico and Colorado / Shelved at Editor SPA /ISBN: TN Allen, Carter Weaver’s Way, The Navajo Profiles /ISBN: TN Amsden, Charles Navajo Weaving: Its Technique and History /ISBN: Avery TN Bennett, Noel Halo of the Sun /ISBN: TN Bennett, Noel Weaver’s Pathway, The: A Clarification of the “Spirit Trail” in Navajo Weaving /ISBN: TN Busby, Sharon Spruce Root Basketry of Haida and Tlingit /ISBN: TN Dedera, Don Navajo Rugs: How to Find, Evaluate, Buy and Care for Them /ISBN: TN Dockstader, Weaving Arts of the North American Indians /ISBN: Frederick J. TN Fox, Nancy Pueblo Weaving and Textile Arts /ISBN: TN Fulkerson, Mary Weavers of Tradition and Beauty: Basketmakers of the Great Lee Basin /ISBN: TN Greenfield, Weaving Generations Together: Evolving Creativity Among the Patricia M. Mayas of Chiapas /ISBN: 28 ** – Special Book, Deposit to Check Out Q – Oversized Book RMWG Circulating Catalog (SEPT. 2017)</p><p>TN Gustafson, Paula Salish Weaving/ ISBN: 0-29595-755-7 TN Hedlund, Ann Beyond the Loom: Keys to Understanding Early Southwestern Lane Weavers /ISBN: TN Hedlund, Ann Contemporary Navajo Weaving: Thoughts that Count /ISBN: TN Hedlund, Ann Reflections of a Weaver’s World: The Gloria F. Ross Collection of Lane Contemporary Navajo Weaving /ISBN: TN Holm, Bill Northwest Coast Indian Art: An Analysis of Form /ISBN: TN Jacka, Lois E. Enduring Traditions: Art of the Navajo /ISBN: TN James, George Indian Basketry /ISBN: W. TN James, H.L. Posts and Rugs: The Story of Navajo Rugs and Their Homes TN Jensen, Doreen & Robes of Power: Totem Poles on Cloth /ISBN: Polly Sargent TN Jones, Joan Art and Style of Western Indian Basketry, The /ISBN: Megan TN Kahlenberg, Navajo Blanket, The /ISBN: Mary Hunt and Anthony Berlant TN Kapoun, Robert Language of the Robe: American Indian Trade Blankets /ISBN: with Charles J. Lohrmann TN Kaufman, Alice Navajo Weaving Tradition, The; 1650 to the Present /ISBN: & Christopher Selser TN Kent, Kate Peck Pueblo Indian Textiles: A Living Tradition /ISBN: TN Kent, Kate Peck Story of Navajo Weaving, The: Illustrated with Photographs of Blankets in the Heard Museum of Anthropology and Primitive Art, Phoenix, AZ /ISBN: TN Lucero, Helen R Chimayo Weaving: The Transformation of a Tradition /ISBN: & S. Baizerman TN Macaulay, Stitching Rites: Colcha Embroidery Along the Northern Rio Grande Suzanne P. /ISBN: TN Manley, Ray Southwestern Indian Arts and Crafts /ISBN: TN McKay, Mary T. The Centinela Weavers of Chimayo: Unfolding Tradition /ISBN: & Lisa Trujillo TN McQuiston, Don Woven Spirit of the Southwest, The /ISBN: & Debra TN Reichard, Gladys Spider Woman: A Story of Navajo Weavers and Chanters /ISBN: A. TN Rodee, Marian E. Southwestern Weaving /ISBN: TN Rodee, Marian Weaving of the Southwest /ISBN: TN Samuel, Cheryl Raven’s Tail, The /ISBN: TN Sayer, Chloe Textiles: from Mexico /ISBN: TN Sides, Dorothy Decorative Art of the Southwestern Indians /ISBN: Smith 29 ** – Special Book, Deposit to Check Out Q – Oversized Book RMWG Circulating Catalog (SEPT. 2017)</p><p>TN Stanton, Andra Zapotec Weavers of Teotitlan /ISBN: 0-89013-334-4 Fischgrund TN Underhill, Ruth Pueblo Crafts /ISBN: TN Wells, Oliver N. Salish Weaving, Primitive and Modern /ISBN: TN Valette, Rebecca Weaving the Dance/ ISBN: 0-96337-102-9 TN Webster, Laurie Navajo Textiles: Collection at The Museum of Nature and Science, Denver /ISBN: 978-1-60732-672-4 TN** Wheat, Joe Ben Blanket Weaving in the Southwest {Edited by Ann Lane Hedlund} TN** Whitaker, Southwest Textiles: Weaving of the Navajo and Pueblo/NB with Kathleen CD-rom TN Whiteford, Southwestern Indian Baskets /ISBN: Andrew Hunter TN Willink, Roseann Weaving a World: Textiles and the Navajo Way of Seeing /ISBN: S. & Paul G. Zolbrod</p><p>TSC King, Mary E. Ancient Peruvian Textiles from the Collection of the Textile Editor Museum, Washington, D.C./ Shelved at ANC /ISBN: TSC Salvador, Mari Art of Being Kuna: Layers of Meaning Among the Kuna of Panama/ Lyn, Editor Shelved at ART /ISBN: TSC Rowe, Ann Costume and Identity in Highland Ecuador / Shelved at COS Pollard, Editor /ISBN: TSC Berenguer, Jose NASCA/ Shelved at NAS /ISBN: R. TSC Meisch, Lynn A., Traditional Textiles of the Andes: Life and Cloth in the Highlands / Editor Shelved at TRA /ISBN: TSC Alvarez, Nilda Faces of Tradition: Weaving Elders of the Andes /ISBN: Callanaupa TSC Alvarez, Nilda Textile Traditions of Chinchero: A Living Heritage /ISBN: Callanaupa TSC Alvarez, Nila Weaving in the Peruvian Highlands; Dreaming Patterns, Weaving Callanaupa Memories /ISBN: TSC Barth, Kathy & Traveling Boliva Through the Wonders of Weaving /ISBN: Teresa A Oroza Garron TSC Bertrand, Regis Textiles of Guatemala, The /ISBN: & Danielle Magne TSC Cahlander, Adele Bolivian Tubular & Andean Crossed- Warp Techniques /ISBN:0- 932394-29-2 TSC Cahlander, Adele Double-Woven Treasures from Old Peru /ISBN: and Suzanne Baizerman TSC Chandler, Traditional Weavers of Guatemala ; Their Stories; Their Lives Deborah & /ISBN:978-09838-8607-5 30 ** – Special Book, Deposit to Check Out Q – Oversized Book RMWG Circulating Catalog (SEPT. 2017)</p><p>Teresa Cordon TSC Chandler, Guatemalan Woven Wealth: Preserving a Rich Textile Tradition 2 Deborah & copies/ ISBN: 978-0-615-28778-2 Raymond E Senuk TSC Ehlers, Tracy Silent Looms: Women & Production /ISBN:0-29272-103-x Bachrach TSC Hecht, Ann Textiles from Guatemala /ISBN: TSC Morris, Walter F., Living Maya /ISBN: Jr. TSC** Pettersen, Maya of Guatemala: Life and Dress /ISBN: Carmen L. TSC Rowe, Ann Warp-Patterned Weaves of the Andes /ISBN: Pollard TSC Young-Sanchez, Tiwanaku: Ancestors of the Inca /ISBN: Margaret TW Weiner B. & Jane Cloth and Human Experience / Shelved at CLO Schneider, Editors TW Ferrero, Color Treasury of Rugs & Tapestries: From East & West/ Shelved Mercedes Viale at COL /ISBN: TW* Kahlenberg, Extraordinary in the Ordinary, The: Textiles and Objects from the Mary Hunt, Collections of Lloyd Cotsen / Shelved at EXT /ISBN: Editor TW Fukai, Akiko, Fashion: A History of the 20th Century: The Collection of the Kyoto Editor Costume Institute /Shelved at FAS / ISBN: TW Q Ginsburg, Illustrated History of Textiles, The / Shelved at ILL /ISBN: Madeline, Editor TW Roberts, Nora In Celebration of the Curious Mind: A Festschrift to Honor Anne &Martha Stanley, Blinks on her 80th Birthday / Shelved at INC /ISBN: Editors TW Gervers, Studies in Textile History / Shelved at STU /ISBN: Veronika, Editor TW Albers, Anni On Weaving /ISBN: TW Barber, E.J. W. Prehistoric Textiles: The Development of Cloth in the Neolithic and Bronze Ages /ISBN: TW Barber, Elizabeth, Women’s Work: The First 20,000 Years: Women, Cloth and Society W. in Early Times /ISBN: TW Birrell, Verla Textile Arts, The: A Handbook of Fabric Structure and Design Process: Ancient & Modern Weaving, Braiding, Printing, & Other Textile Techniques /ISBN: TW Collingwood, Maker’s Hand, The: A Close Look at Textile Structures /ISBN: Peter TW** Constantine, Beyond Craft: The Art Fabric /ISBN: Mildred & Jack 31 ** – Special Book, Deposit to Check Out Q – Oversized Book RMWG Circulating Catalog (SEPT. 2017)</p><p>Lenor Larsen TW Farr, Chris Contemporary Rugs: Art and Design /ISBN: TW Gianturco, Paola In Her Hands: Craftswomen Changing the World /ISBN: & Toby Tuttle TW Gillow, John World Textiles: A Visual Guide to Traditional Techniques /ISBN: TW Hamamura, John Woven Works /ISBN: and Susan TW Hecht, Ann Art of the Loom, The: Weaving, Spinning, Dyeing Across the World /ISBN: TW Hyde, Nina Wool; Fabric of History {National Geographic Vol. 173, No 5, May 1988, pages 552-591} /ISBN: TW Ireland, Marion Textile Art in the Church: Vestments, Paraments, and Hangings in P. Contemporary Worship, Art, and Architecture /ISBN: TW Justin, Valerie Flat-Woven Rugs of the World; Kilim, Soumak, and Brocading Sharaf /ISBN: TW Lucie-Smith, Story of Craft, The: The Craftsman’s Role in Society /ISBN: Edward TW Parker, Julie All About Cotton: A Fabric Dictionary & Swatchbook TW Parker, Julie All About Silk: A Fabric Dictionary and Swatchbook /ISBN: TW Parker, Julie All About Wool: A Fabric Dictionary and Swatchbook /ISBN: TW Pfannschmidt, Twentieth- Century Lace /ISBN: Ernst-Erik TW Rivers, Victoria Shining Cloth, The: Dress and Adornment that Glitter /ISBN: Z. / ISBN: 0-50001-951-7 TW Rossbach, Ed Baskets as Textile Art /ISBN: TW Rossbach, Ed Nature of Basketry, The /ISBN: TW Rossbach, Ed New Basketry, The /ISBN: TW Roth, H. Ling Studies in Primitive Looms /ISBN: TW Rutt, Richard History of Hand Knitting, The /ISBN: TW Scobey, Joan Rugs and Wall Hangings: Period Designs and Contemporary /ISBN: Techniques TW Textile Museum, Textile Museum Journal Vol 38-39 1999-200 /ISBN:0088-7407 Editor TW Q Tilke, Max Costume Patterns and Designs /ISBN: TW Waller, Irene Designing with Thread: From Fiber to Fabric /ISBN: W HGA Pub. Baker’s Dozen I: Tablemats and Beyond/ Shelved at BAK W HGA Pub. Baker’s Dozen II: From Rags to…Shelved at BAK W Van der Hoogt, Best of Weaver’s, The: Fabrics that Go Bump / Shelved at BES Madelyn , Editor W Van der Hoogt, Best of Weaver’s, The: Huck Lace/ Shelved at BES Madelyn, Editor W Van der Hoogt, Best of Weaver’s, The: The Magic of Double Weave/ Shelved at Madelyn, Editor BES W Van der Hoogt, Best of Weaver’s, The: Overshot is Hot / Shelved at BES Madelyn, Editor 32 ** – Special Book, Deposit to Check Out Q – Oversized Book RMWG Circulating Catalog (SEPT. 2017)</p><p>W Van der Hoogt, Best of Weaver’s, The: Summer Plus Winter Shelved at BES Madelyn, Editor W Van der Hoogt, Best of Weaver’s, The: Thick & Thin / Shelved at BES Madelyn, Editor W Van der Best of Weaver’s, The: Twill Thrills / Shelved at BES Hoogt, ,Madelyn Editor W Best, Eleanor, Compilation of Complex Weavers Newsletters, A:1979-1989 / Editor Shelved at Com W Shelp, Wanda J., Compilation of Complex Weaver’s Newsletters, A. May 1990 Editor through September 1997 / Shelved at COM W Falcot, P. Falcot’s Weave Compendium: A Source Book for Textile Designers and Weavers / Shelved at FAL /ISBN:0-94779-2511-1 W Davidson, Handweaver’s Source Book:146 Patterns from the Laura M. Allen Marguerite Collection/Shelved at HAN Porter, Editor W Handwoven, Handwoven Scarves / Shelved at HAN /ISBN:1-88301-065-9 Editor W Patrick, Jane, Handwoven Treasury, A / Shelved at HAN Editor W Handwoven, Handwoven Designer Collection: Simple Summer Tops #1 Editor W Handwoven, Handwoven Designer Collection: Table Linens #2 Editor W Handwoven, Handwoven Designer Collection: Gifts #3 Editor W Handwoven, Handwoven Designer Collection: Outerwear #4 Editor W Handwoven, Handwoven Designer Collection: Dishtowels #5 Editor W Handwoven, Handwoven Designer Collection: Not for Beginners #6 Editor W Handwoven, Handwoven Designer Collection: Simple Styles #7 Editor W Handwoven, Handwoven Designer Collection: Just Rags #8 Editor W Handwoven, Handwoven Designer Collection: No Sew Garments #9 Editor W Handwoven, Handwoven Designer Collection: Terrific Table Toppers #10 Editor W Handwoven, Handwoven Designer Collection: Heirloom Table Linens #11 Editor Handwoven, Handwoven Designer Collection: Great Cover-up #12 W Editor W Handwoven, Handwoven Designer Collection: Super Simple Tops #13 33 ** – Special Book, Deposit to Check Out Q – Oversized Book RMWG Circulating Catalog (SEPT. 2017)</p><p>Editor W Handwoven, Handwoven Designer Collection: Weaving for Baby #14 Editor W Handwoven, Handwoven Designer Collection: Sensational Scarves #15 Editor W Handwoven, Handwoven Designer Collection: Kitchen Collection # 16 Editor W Handwoven, Handwoven Designer Collection: Jackets & Pullovers #17 Editor W Handwoven, Handwoven Designer Collection: Treasury of Towels, A # 18 Editor W Handwoven, Handwoven Designer Collection: Scarves and Shawls for all Editors Seasons #19 W Handwoven, Handwoven Designer Collection: Weekend Weaving Projects #20 Editor W Vanmagasinet, Happy Weaving from Vanmagasinet / Shelved at HAP /ISBN: Editor W Autio, Laurie, Interlaced: The Weavers’ Guild of Boston Celebrates 90 Years of Editor, Friendship and Education / Shelved at INT /ISBN: WGBoston W Vanmagasinet, Mera Vavgodis fran Magasinet {Weaver’s Delight II with English Editor Supplement} / Shelved at MER /ISBN: W Strickler, Carol, Portfolio of American Coverlets, A: Vol. 1,2,3,4, NB/Shelved at Editor STR /ISBN: W Snyder, Mary E. Red & White Workshop /Shelved at SNY/ ISBN: W Carlton Gardens, Scottish Wool Cloth Sample Book/ Shelved at SCO /ISBN: Editor Johansson, Swedish Rag Rugs: 35 New Designs Shelved at SWE /ISBN: W Lillemor, Editor W Nye, Thelma, Swedish Weaving /Shelved at SWE /ISBN: Editor W Strickler, Carol, Weaver’s Book of 8-Shaft Patterns, A: From the Friends of Editor Handwoven / Shelved at STR Copies 1 & 2 /ISBN: W Handwoven, Weaver’s Companion, The /Shelved at WEA /ISBN: Editor W Meaney, Janet, Weavers Friend: Bk1/ Shelved at WEA /ISBN: Editor W Meaney, Janet, Weavers Friend Bk2/Shelved at WEA /ISBN: Editor W WGB, Editor Weaver’s Wisdom/ Shelved at WEA /ISBN: W Alderman, Handweaver’s Notebook, A /ISBN: 0-934026-57-2 Sharon W Alderman, Mastering Weave Structures /ISBN: 1-93149-932-2 Sharon W Allard, Mary Rugmaking: Techniques and Design /ISBN: 0-80190-490-0 34 ** – Special Book, Deposit to Check Out Q – Oversized Book RMWG Circulating Catalog (SEPT. 2017)</p><p>W Allen, Heather L. Weaving Contemporary Rag Rugs: New Designs, Traditional Techniques /ISBN: 1-88737-439-6 W Anderson, “Beiderwand” /ISBN: none Clarita, Gordon and Naomi Towner W Angstadt, Jacob His Weaver’s Patron Book /ISBN: none W Am-Grischoott, Doubleweave on Four to Eight Shafts: Ideas for Weaving Double Ursula and Multilayered Fabrics /ISBN: 1-88301-074-8 W Atwater, Mary Byways in Hand-weaving/ISBN: none Meigs W Atwater, Mary Design and Handweaver {SCGM3} /ISBN: none Meigs W Atwater, Mary Guatemala Visited{SCGM 15} /ISBN: none Meigs W Atwater, Mary Handwoven Rugs {SCGM 29} /ISBN: none Meigs W Atwater, Mary Mary Meigs Atwater Recipe Book: Patterns for Handweavers Meigs /ISBN: none W Atwater, Mary Shuttle-Craft Book of American Hand-Weaving /ISBN: none Meigs W Austin, Robert Manuel of Fingerweaving, A /ISBN: 1-92957-200-x W Baizerman, Finishes in the Ethnic Tradition /ISBN: Suzanne & Karen Searle W Baizerman, Latin American Brocades: Explorations in Supplementary Weft Suzanne & Karen Techniques /ISBN: Searle W Ballentine, Eliz., Twills: Fabrics that Enchance our Lives /ISBN: Michael Posgay W Barrett, Clotilde Boundweave /ISBN: W Barrett, Clotilde Double Two-Tie Unit Weave/ISBN: 0-93745-205-1 W Barrett, Clotilde Shadow Weave and Corkscrew Weave /ISBN: W Barrett, Clotilde Summer and Winter and Beyond/ ISBN: W Barron, Brigit Knitting on the Loom; Techniques for Producing Knit Stitches Olsen within the Woven Structure /ISBN: none W Bateman, Bateman Blend Weaves: Based on Dr. William G. Bateman’s / William G. Manuscript SCGM 36/ISBN: W Bateman, Boulevard, Chevron, and Combination Weaves: Based on Dr. William G. William G, Bateman’s Manuscript SCGM38 /ISBN: W Bateman, Extended Divided Twill Weaves: Based on Dr. William G. William G. Bateman’s Manuscript SCGM39 /ISBN: W Bateman, Extended Manifold Twill Weaves: Based on William G. Bateman’s William G. Manuscript SCGM 40 /ISBN: W Bateman, Mutiple Tabby Weaves: Based on William G. Bateman’s 35 ** – Special Book, Deposit to Check Out Q – Oversized Book RMWG Circulating Catalog (SEPT. 2017)</p><p>William G. Manuscript SCGM 35 /ISBN: W Bateman, Park Weaves: Based on Dr. William G. Bateman’s Manuscript William G. SCGM 37 /ISBN: W Becker, John Pattern and Loom: A Practical Study of the Development of Weaving Techniques in China /ISBN: 8-7725-151-3 W Becker, John Pattern and Loom-Supplement: Enlarged Weaving Drafts /ISBN:8- 77245-151-3 W Bennett, Noel Designing with the Wool: Advanced Techniques in Navajo Weaving /ISBN: 0-87358-171-7 W Bennett, Noel and Navajo Weaving Way: The Path from Fleece to Rug Tiana Bighorse /ISBN:1-88301-030-6 W Bennett, Noel and Working with Wool: How to Weave a Navajo Rug Tiana Bighorse /ISBN: 0-87358-084-2 W Best, Eleanor 1533 Patterns for Weaving: From Eight to Sixteen Harnesses: Vol. I /ISBN: none W Best, Eleanor 596 Patterns for Weaving: For Seventeen to Twenty-Four Harnesses:Vol.2 /ISBN: none W Best, Eleanor Dictionary of Weaves: Four to Eight Harnesses :1688 Drawdowns by E.A. Posselt /ISBN: none W Beutlich, Tadek Techniques of Woven Tapestry, The 0-82305-300-8 W Bjerregaard, Lena Techniques of Guatemalan Weaving /0-44220-785-9 W Black, Mary E. New Key to Weaving /ISBN: none W Black, Mary E. Sett and Weaving of Tartans, The /ISBN:none W Brack-Kaiser, Continuous Strand Weaving Method: Techniques & Projects Carol Leigh W Bress, Helene Inkle Weaving /ISBN: 0-96205-431-3 W Bress, Helene Weaving Book, The: Patterns and Ideas /ISBN:0-68415-664-4 W Bronson, J. and Early American Weaving and Dyeing: The Domestic R. Manufacturer’s Assistant and Family Directory in the Arts of Weaving and Dyeing /ISBN: 0-48623-440-1 W Brostoff, Laya Double Weave: Theory & Practice /ISBN:0-93402-601-7 W Brostoff, Laya Professional Handweaving on the Fly-Shuttle Loom /ISBN:0-44229-487 W Brostoff, Laya Weaving a Tapestry /ISBN:0-93402-610-6 W Brown, Rachel Weaving on a Inkle Loom /ISBN: W Brown, Rachel Weaving, Spinning and Dyeing Book, The /ISBN: 0-39473-383-5 W Brusic, Lucy M. Crackle Weave Companion, A: Exploring Four-Shaft Crackle /ISBN:978-93379-456-3 W Butler, Su Understanding Rayon Chenille /ISBN: 0-97264-700-7with CD W Caplinger, Mary Weave It! Quilt It Wear It! ISBN:1-56477-142-3 Anne W Carlstedt, Rep / ISBN:9-13602-617-4 Catharina Cason, Marjorie Art of Bolivian Highland Weaving, The /ISBN:0-82300-264-0 W & Adele 36 ** – Special Book, Deposit to Check Out Q – Oversized Book RMWG Circulating Catalog (SEPT. 2017)</p><p>Cahlander W Chandler, Learning To Weave /ISBN:0-93402-615-7 Deborah Redding W Cherepov, Klara Diversified Plain Weave /ISBN: W Chetwynd, Hilary Leno Weave-4 Shaft /ISBN: W Chetwynd, Hilary Simple Weaving /ISBN: W Coe, Margaret 4-8…Weave / ISBN:978-09859-6174-9 W Coifman, Rep, Rip, Reps Weave /ISBN: 978-06153-3674-9 Lucienne W Collingwood, Peter Collingwood: His Weaves and Weaving /ISBN: Peter W Collingwood, Rug Weaving Techniques: Beyond the Basics /ISBN: Peter W Collingwood, Techniques of Rug Weaving, The /ISBN: none 1968 Peter W Crockett, Card Weaving /ISBN: Candace W CUM{Textile Scandinavian Hand Weaving & Rya /ISBN: Industries} W Cyrus- Manuel of Swedish Handweaving /ISBN:913-60213-93 Zetterstrom, Ulla W Dalgaard, Lotte Magical Materials to Weave: Blending Traditional & Innovative Yarns /ISBN:978-1-5706-528-5 W Dam, Inge Tablet-Woven Accents for Designer Fabrics: Contemporary Uses for Ancient Techniques 978-09917-614-01 W Davenport, Betty Hands on Rigid Heddle Weaving / ISBN:978-09340-262-53 W Davenport, Betty Textures & Patterns for the Rigid Heddle Loom 978-06152-010-61</p><p>W Davison, Handweaver’s Pattern Book, A /ISBN: none Marguerite W DeRuiter, Erica Weaving on Shafts: Loom Controlled and Hand Manipulated /ISBN: W D’Harcourt, Textile of Ancient Peru and Their Techniques /ISBN:0-295-95331-4 Raoul /Copy 1 W D’Harcourt, Textiles of Ancient Peru & Their Techniques /ISBN: 0-295-95331-4 Raoul /Copy 2 W Dixon, Anne Handweaver’s Pattern Directory /ISBN: 978-15966-8040-1 W Dixon, Anne Weaver’s Inkle Pattern Directory, The /ISBN:978-59668-647-2 W Drooker, Samplers You Can Use 0-93402-613-0 Penelope W Dunbar, John T. Official Tartan Map of Tartans Approved by Clan Chiefs, the & Don Pottinger Standing Council of Scottish Chiefs /ISBN: W Ellis, Catherine Woven Shibori /ISBN: 1-93149-9167-5 W Erf, Mary Elva C. Shaker Towels: April 1999 Workshop Notebook with Samples /ISBN: none 37 ** – Special Book, Deposit to Check Out Q – Oversized Book RMWG Circulating Catalog (SEPT. 2017)</p><p>W Erf, Mary Elva C. Tiny Textiles: Bk One /ISBN: W Erickson, Rag Weaving Gimmicks and Tricks /ISBN: Johanna W Eriksson, Swedish Weaving Book, The / ISBN:974-1505-2-5 Mariana W Ericksson, Warp and Weft: Lessons in Drafting for Handweaving /ISBN: 978- Mariana et.al 15707-6473-8 W Evans, Jane Joy Forever, A Latvian Weaving: Traditional and Modified Uses /ISBN:0-93239-416-7 W Fannin, Allen Handloom Weaving Technology /ISBN: 1-55821-612-x W Field, Anne Collapse Weave: Creating Three-Dimensional Cloth /ISBN: W Field, Anne Learn to Weave/ ISBN:978-15707-6618-3 W Folts, Teressa Warping the Loom Alone /ISBN: none W Fort Worth Sampler Cookbook: 24 Fabulous Woven Samples & 101 Great Weavers Guild Recipes from the Hands That Weave /ISBN: W Frey, Berta Designing & Drafting for Handweavers /ISBN:0-02011-400-1 W Frey, Berta Four Harness Weaving /ISBN: none W** Fry, Laura Magic in the Water: Wet Finishing Handwovens {With CD- rom}/ISBN:none W Gaudy, Betty Loom Controlled Alternate Checkerboard Patterns /ISBN: W Gipson, Liz Weaving Made Easy: 17 Projects Using a Simple Loom /ISBN:978- 59668-075-3 W Glasbrook, Tapestry Weaving/ ISBN: Kirsten W Goerner, Doris Woven Structure & Design, Part 1: Single Cloth Construction /ISBN:0-900820-17-9 W Goerner, Doris Woven Structure & Design Part 2:Compound Structures /ISBN:0- 90366-951-x W Goody, Rabbit Pattern Weaving: Basics /ISBN:978-08117-0053-5 W Gordon, Beverly The Final Steps: Traditional Methods and Contemporary Applications for Finishing Cloth by Hand /ISBN: W Gordon, Judith American Star Work Coverlets /ISBN:1-55821-382-1 W Graver, Pattie Next Steps in Weaving /ISBN:978-16203-3627-4 W Green, Louise & Weaving on Simple Looms /ISBN: none 1977 Deborah Redding W Groff, Russell E. 200 Patterns for Multiple Harness Looms: 5 to 12 Harness Patterns for Handweavers /ISBN: W Groff, Russell E. Card Weaving: Complete Instructions plus 53 Patterns for Card Weaving or Tablet Weaving /ISBN: W Groff, Russell E. Sectional Warping Made Easy /ISBN: W Guagliumi, Susan Handwoven /ISBN: W Hall, Joanne Learning to Warp Your Loom /ISBN:none W Hall, Joanne Mexican Tapestry Weaving /ISBN: none W Hargrove, John Weavers Draft Book and Clothiers Assistant {Introduction by Rita J. Adrosko /ISBN:0-91229-617-8 38 ** – Special Book, Deposit to Check Out Q – Oversized Book RMWG Circulating Catalog (SEPT. 2017)</p><p>W Hart, Rowena Ashford Book of Rigid Heddle Weaving, The /ISBN:0-437-08437-6 W Harter, Joyce & Weaving for Worship: Handweaving for Churches and Lucy Brusic Synagogues /ISBN:1-56659-056-6 W Harter, Joyce & Weaving that Sings: Variations on the Theo Moorman Nadine Sanders Technique/ISBN: 0-96443-150-5 W Harvey, Nancy Patterns for Tapestry Weaving: Patterns and Techniques /ISBN:0- 91471-883-5 W Harvey, Nancy Tapestry Weaving: A Comprehensive Study Guide /ISBN:0-93402- 664-5 W Heinrich, Linda Linen: From Flax Seed to Woven Cloth /ISBN: W Held, Shirley E. Weaving: A Handbook for Fiber Craftsmen /ISBN:0-03083-180-6 W Hersh, Tandy Rural Pennsylvania German Weaving 1833-1857: & Frey and Small Pattern Books /ISBN:none W Hendrickson, Tubular Cardwoven Neckpieces: 56659-076-0 Linda W Hindson, Alice Designer’s Drawloom: An Introduction to Drawloom Weaving and Repeat Pattern Planning /ISBN: W Holland, Nancy Inkle Loom Weaving /ISBN: 0-8230-2551-9 W Holroyd, Ruth & Jacob Angstadt Drawn from His Weavers Patron Book / Shelved at Ulrike L Beck ANG /ISBN: W Hooper, Luther Hand-loom Weaving; Plain & Ornamental /ISBN:0-27301-267-3 W Hoskins, Nancy Weft-Faced Pattern Weaves: Tabby to Taquete A. /ISBN:0-29597-199-1 W Ignell, Tina Favorite Rag Rugs /9-15342-875-0 W Ingers, Gertrud Flemish Weaving; A Guide to Tapestry Weaving /ISBN: 0-44203- 63-3 W Ingers, Gertrud Nya Mattor; Trasmattor, Ryor, Rolakan {Swedish Language}/ISBN: W Inouye, Bonnie Exploring Multishaft Design /ISBN:0-96784-890-3 W Irwin, Bobbi Twined Rag Rugs /ISBN:0-87341-898-0 W Irwin, Bobbi Twist & Twine: 18 Ideas for Rag Rugs and Home Décor /ISBN:978- 089689-736-6 W James, Carol Fingerweaving Untangled: An Illustrated Beginner’s Guide Including Detailed Patterns and Common Mistakes /ISBN:978- 09846-950-4 W Jarvis, Helen N Weaving a Traditional Coverlet /ISBN: W Jefferson, Annie Summer and Winter: Techniques and Variation /ISBN: W Johansson, Damask and Oppharmta with Weaving Sword or Lillemor Drawloom/ISBN:9-13602-158-x W Journal for Peter Collingwood: Technical Knowledge/ Special Edition Weavers, Spinners, & Dyers, Editor W Keasbey, Pattern Devices for Handweavers /ISBN: Doramay W Keasbey, Pattern Techniques for Handweavers /ISBN: 39 ** – Special Book, Deposit to Check Out Q – Oversized Book RMWG Circulating Catalog (SEPT. 2017)</p><p>Doramay W Keasbey, Sheer Delight: Handwoven Transparencies /ISBN:0-96234-683-7 Doramay W King, William A. Warp and Weft from Tibet; A Guide to Tibetan Rug Weaving /ISBN: W Knisley, Tom Weaving Rag Rugs /ISBN: W Konsulentkursen, Band Pa Manga Satt /ISBN: 9-15340-450-5 H.V. W Koppen, Maria Norwegian Tapestry Weaving /ISBN:0-97779-680-9 Brekke W Krogh, Elsa Ashford Book of Projects for the Eight Shaft Loom, The /ISBN:0-95826-311-6 W Kurtz, Carol S. Designing for Weaving: A Study Guide a Drafting, Design & Color /ISBN:0-93402-621-1 W Lancaster, Daryl Inlaid Transparency: The Theo Moorman Technique /ISBN: W Lancaster, Daryl Warp Fast! /ISBN: W Lancaster, Daryl Weaving on the Inkle Loom/ ISBN: W Landes, John Patterns for Hand-Weaving /ISBN: W Landis, Lucille Twills and Twill Derivatives; Design Your Own: 4 to 8 Harnesses /ISBN: W Lang, Elizabeth Parallel Shadow Weave {WGBM 6} /ISBN: & Erica D. Voolich W Laughlin, Mary More Than Four; A Book for Multiple Harness Weavers/ISBN: 2 E. Copies ? W Lemond, Charles Mary Meigs Atwater’s The Shuttle-Craft Book of American A. Handweaving: The Drafts NB/ Shelved at ATW W Lieber, Barbara Hands on Weaving /ISBN:0-934026-24-6 W Linder, Harry Hints from Harry /ISBN: W Linder, Harry Techniques of Code Drafting /ISBN: 0-91511-300-7 W Lundback, Maja Small Webs /ISBN: & Marta Rinde- Ramsback W Lundell, Laila Rep Weave /ISBN:9-15341-154-4 W Lundell, Laila Stora Varboken /ISBN:915-340388-6 /ISBN: 9153403386 W Lyon, Nicki Treading Through Twill: 8 Harness Twill Workbook /ISBN: W Marshall, Kelly Custom Woven Interiors /ISBN:978-09852-0710-6 W Mattera, Joanne Navajo Techniques for Today’s Weaver /ISBN:0—823031-53-5 W McDowell, Grace Lace Weaving /ISBN: none:1968 W Meany, Janet & Rag Rug Handbook /ISBN1-88301-028-0 Paula Pfaff W Meek, Kati Reflections from a Flaxen Past: For Love of Lithuanian Reeder Weaving/ISBN:0-97006-480-2 40 ** – Special Book, Deposit to Check Out Q – Oversized Book RMWG Circulating Catalog (SEPT. 2017)</p><p>W Miller, Barbara Frances L. Goodrich’s Brown Book of Weaving Drafts / ISBN: 978-07643-4541-8 W Mitchell, Peter Overshot; A Manual for Creative Drafting & Weaving /ISBN: W Mitchell, Syne Inventive Weaving on a Little Loom /ISBN: 978-16034-2972-6 W Moes, Dini & No Common Thread: Woven Favourites to Explore /ISBN: Mandy Heggtveit W Moore, Jennifer Weaver’s Studio, The: Doubleweave /ISBN:978-159668-179-8</p><p>W Moorman, Theo Weaving as an Art Form: A Personal Statement /ISBN:0-44226-002-4 W Mullarkey, John Tablet Weaver’s Pattern Book, A /ISBN:978-06151-7934-5 et al W Muller, Donna Handwoven Laces /ISBN:0-93402-666-1 W Murphy, Marilyn Woven to Wear: 17 Thoughtful Designs with Simple Shapes/ISBN: W Murray, Practical Modern Weaving 0-44230-078-6 Rosemary W Nass, Ulla Harness Lace /ISBN:none1977 W Nass, Ulla Weaves of the Incas /ISBN: none W Neher, Evelyn Four-Harness Huck /ISBN: none 1967 W Nunneley, Faithe Thrums: Odds and Ends for Handweavers and Dyers S. /ISBN:0-96205-433-x W O’Conner, Paul Loom-Controlled Double Weave from the Notebook of a Double R. Weaver /ISBN: W O’Conner, Paul More Loom- Controlled Double Weave from the Notebook of a Double Weaver/ ISBN: W O’Conner, Paul Twill of Your Choice, A /ISBN: 0-93402-06-8 W Oelsner, G.H. Handbook of Weaves, A /ISBN: W Osterkamp, Peggy Osterkamp’s New Guide to Weaving Number 1: How to Peggy Wind a Warp and Use A Paddle /ISBN: W Osterkamp, Warping Your Loom & Tying on New Warps Peggy /ISBN: 0-96377-935-4 W Parkland Napkin Pattern Book /ISBN: Handweavers and Spinners W Patrick, Jane Time to Weave: Simply Elegant Projects to Make in Almost No Time /ISBN:978-19314-9959-0 W Patrick, Jane Weaver’s Idea Book, The :Creative Cloth on a Rigid Heddle Loom/ ISBN:978-15966-8175-0 W Pearson, Alec Complete Book of Tapestry /ISBN: 0-31215-633-2 W Pegg, Barbara Weaving Without a Loom /ISBN: 0-80197-724-x W Pendleton, Mary Navajo and Hopi Weaving Techniques /ISBN:0-02595-500-4 W Phillips, Janet Designing Woven Fabrics /ISBN:978-09557-6201-7 W Phillips, Janet Weaver’s Book of Fabric Design, The /ISBN:0-31285-980-5 W Piroch, Sigrid Design Challenges- Monograph 1: Works of Elmer Wallace Sample Hickman 41 ** – Special Book, Deposit to Check Out Q – Oversized Book RMWG Circulating Catalog (SEPT. 2017)</p><p>W Plath, Iona Craft of Handweaving /ISBN: W Powell, Marian 1000+ Patterns in 4,6,8 Harness Shadow Weaves /ISBN: W Preckshot, Amy Weaving a Zoo/ ISBN:0-97221-280-5 D. W Pyysalo, Helvi Hand Weaving Patterns from Finland /ISBN:none 1960 W Regensteiner, Art of Weaving, The /ISBN:none1975 Else W Regensteiner, Geometric Design in Weaving /ISBN:0-88740-0787 Else W Regensteiner, Weaver’s Study Course: Ideas and Techniques Else /ISBN: 0-44226-871-8 W Regensteiner, Weaving Source Book; Ideas Techniques /ISBN: 0-44227-507-2 Else W Rhodes, Tonya S. Color Related Decorating Textiles {Edited by Harriet Tidball {SCGM 14}/ISBN: none 1965 W Richards, Ann Weaving Textiles That Shape Themselves /ISBN:978-184797-319-1 W Roth, Bettie G. & Handbook of Timesaving Tables for Weavers, Spinners and Dyers Chris Schulz /ISBN: W RMWG, Editor RMWG Weaving & Spinning Samples thru 2015 W Ligon, Linda C., Rug Weaver’s Source Book, A: A Compilation of Rug Weaving Editor Techniques /ISBN: 0-93402-616-5</p><p>W Russell, Carol K. Tapestry Handbook, The: An Illustrated Manual of Traditional Techniques /ISBN:0-93727-454-2 W Russell, Carol K. Tapestry Handbook: The Next Generation/ISBN:978-07643-2756-8 W Ryall, Pierre Weaving Techniques for the Multiple-Harness Loom /ISBN:0-44227-085-2 W Saltzman, Ellen Overshot Weaving /ISBN:0-44221-371-9 Lewis W Sanders, Nadine Warping on a Shoestring /ISBN: W Sanders, Nadine Theme & Variations: More Weaving that Sings and Joyce Harter /ISBN: 0-97202-481-6 W Schlein, Alice Network Drafting: An Introduction /ISBN:0-96447-40-1 W Scorgie, Jean Designing to Weave and Sew /ISBN: W Searles, Nancy Technique of Freeform Design, The /ISBN: W Selander, Malin Swedish Handweaving /ISBN:none 1961 W** Selander, Malin Swedish Swatches: Blue Series W** Selander, Malin Swedish Swatches: Green Series W** Selander, Malin Swedish Swatches: Red Series W** Selander, Malin Swedish Swatches: Yellow Series W Selander, Malin Swedish Swatches: Yellow, Blue, Red, and Green Series in Color Photos/ 0-96225-860-5 W Selander, Malin Weave a Weave /ISBN:9-13602-508-9 W Selby, Margo Color and Texture in Weaving: 150 Contemporary Designs /ISBN: 978-15966-8372-3 42 ** – Special Book, Deposit to Check Out Q – Oversized Book RMWG Circulating Catalog (SEPT. 2017)</p><p>W Shelp, Wanda J. Eight Shafts: A Place to Begin /ISBN: two copies ? & Carolyn Wostenberg W Shenton, Jan Woven Textile Design /978-17806-7337-0 W Sheppard, Patterns-MSS (Miniatures) /ISBN: Margaret S. W Skjoidebrand, Treasure Chest of Swedish Weaving, The /ISBN: 9-15520-981-5 Ingerlise W Skowronsky, Log Cabin: The Basic /9-15520-981-5 Gloria W Skowronski, Doup Leno: A Quick and Simple System for Weaving Loom- Hella & Sylvia Controlled Leno /ISBN: Tacker W Smith, Joyce Taaniko: Maori Hand-Weaving /ISBN: 0-684142-04-x Ronald W Snow, Marjorie Step by Step Tablet Weaving /ISBN: & William W Snyder, Mary E. Crackle Weave /ISBN: W Snyder, Mary E Lace and Lacey Weaves /ISBN: W Spady, Robyn Weaving Innovations from the Bateman Collection / ISBN: 978-07643-4991-1 W Specht, Sally & Creating with Card Weaving: A Simple Non-Loom Technique Sandra Rawlings /ISBN: 0-51750-3484-79-4 W Stewart, Donald Setts of the Scottish Tartans with Descriptive and Historical Notes, C. The /ISBN: W Staub, Marianne Hand Weaving & Cloth Design /ISBN: 0-67036-037-6 Design W Strickler, Carol American Woven Coverlets /ISBN:0-93402-630-0 W Strickler, Carol & Weaving in Miniature /ISBN: 0-93402-602-5 Barbara Taggart W** Stubenitsky, Weaving with Echo and Iris /ISBN: Marian W Stump, Margaret Pin Loom Weaving /ISBN:978-08117-1248-4 W Sullivan, Donna Pique; Plain and Patterned /ISBN: 0-96201-180-0 L. W Sullivan, Donna Summer & Winter /ISBN: 0-93402-651-3 L. W Sullivan, Donna Weaving Overshot: Dedesigning the Tradition /: 1-88301-023-3 L. W Sutton, Ann Colour-and Weave Design: A Practical Reference Book /ISBN: 0- 93402-638-6 W Sutton, Ann Structure of Weaving, The /ISBN: W Sutton, Ann & Ideas in Weaving /ISBN: 0-90402-642-4 Diane Sheehan W Sutton, Ann, Craft of the Weaver, The /ISBN:0-56316-507-3 43 ** – Special Book, Deposit to Check Out Q – Oversized Book RMWG Circulating Catalog (SEPT. 2017)</p><p>Peter Collingwood & Geraldine St. Aubyn- Hubbard W Sutton, Ann & Tartans: Their Art and History /ISBN: 0-66806-189-8 Richard W Swanson, Karen Rigid Heddle Weaving /ISBN: W Taber, Barbara & Backstrap Weaving /ISBN: 0-27300-903-6 Marilyn Anderson W Tacker, Harold Band Weaving: the Techniques, Looms and Uses for Woven and Sylvia Bands /ISBN: 0-442-2840-47 Tacker W Tallarovic, Rep Weave and Beyond /ISBN: 1-93149-945-4 Joanne W Tate, Lou Weaving at the Little Loomhouse /ISBN: W Tattersall, C.E.C. Notes on Carpet-Knotting And Weaving /ISBN: W Thorpe, Azalea S. Elements of Weaving: A Complete Introduction to the Art and & Jack Lenor Techniques /ISBN: none 1967 Larsen W Tidball, Harriet Brocade {SCGM 22} /ISBN: W Tidball, Harriet Build or Buy a Loom {SCGM 23} /ISBN: W Tidball, Harriet Contemporary Costume: Strictly Handwoven to Wear {SCGM 24}ISBN: W Tidball, Harriet Contemporary Satins {SCGM 7}/ISBN: W Tidball, Harriet Contemporary Tapestry {SCGM 12}/ISBN: W Tidball, Harriet Double Weave {SCGM 1}/ISBN: W Tidball, Harriet Handloom Weaves /ISBN: W Tidball, Harriet Handwoven Specialities:62 Articles for the Handweaver to Make {SCGM 11} /ISBN: W Tidball, Harriet Interior Decorating the Handloom Way {SCGM 106} /ISBN: W Tidball, Harriet Merry Christmas, Handweavers {SCGM 10}/ISBN: W Tidball, Harriet Mexican Motifs {SCGM 6}/ISBN: W Tidball, Harriet Peru: Textiles Unlimited, Part 1 {SCGM 25}/ISBN: W Tidball, Harriet Peru: Textiles Unlimited, Part II {SCGM 26}/ISBN: W Tidball, Harriet Sumer and Winter and Other Two-Tie Unit Weaves {SCGM 19}/ISBN: W Tidball, Harriet Supplementary Warp Patterning {SCGM 17}/ISBN: W Tidball, Harriet Surface Interest: Textiles of Today {SCGM 2}/ISBN: W Tidball, Harriet Textile Structure and Analysis {SCGM 18}/ISBN: W Tidball, Harriet Thomas Jackson: Weaver {SCGM 13}/ISBN: W Tidball, Harriet Two-Harness Textiles; The Loom Controlled Weaves {SCGM 20}/ISBN: W Tidball, Harriet Two- Harness Textiles: The Open-Work Weaves {SCGM 21}/ISBN: 44 ** – Special Book, Deposit to Check Out Q – Oversized Book RMWG Circulating Catalog (SEPT. 2017)</p><p>W Tidball, Harriet Undulating Weft Effects: Honeycomb {SCGM 9}/ISBN: W Tidball, Harriet Weaver’s Book , The (trade paper copy) W Tidball, Harriet Weaver’s Book, The (HC copy 3)/ISBN: W Tidball, Harriet Weaver’s Book of Scottish Tartans, The {SCGM 5}/ ISBN: W Tidball, Harriet Weaving Inkle Bands {SCGM 27}/ISBN: W Tidball, Harriet Weft Twining {SCGM 28}/ISBN: W Tidball, Harriet Woolens and Tweeds {SCGM 4}/ISBN: W Tilson, Davis, Bateman Weaves, The Missing Monograph: The Basics and Susan Beyond/ISBN:978-15398-9882-5 W Tod, Osma Joy of Handweaving, The /ISBN: Gallinger W Tod, Osma Rug Weaving for Everyone /ISBN: Gallinger & J. Del Deo W Torgenrud, Norwegian Pick-up Bandweaving /ISBN:978-07643-4751-1 Heather W Tovey, John Technique of Weaving, The /ISBN: 0-68414-322-4 W Turner, Alta R. Finger Weaving: Indian Braiding/ISBN: 0-80695-264-4 W Van der Hoogt, Complete Book of Drafting for Handweavers, The /ISBN: Madelyn W Van der Hoogt, Complete Book of Drafting for Handweavers, The /ISBN: Madelyn W Van Gelder, Ikat /ISBN:0-8230-2530-6 Lydia W Ventura, Carol Maya Hair Sashes Backstrap Woven in Jacaltenango, Guatemala /ISBN: 0-97212-531-0 W Veren, Boris Swedish-English Weaving Glossary /ISBN: W Voiers, Leslie Conversations & Notes on Log Cabin /ISBN: W Voiers, Leslie Lace Weaves Portfolio /ISBN: W Voiers, Leslie Plain Weave is Anything But Plain/ ISBN: self Pub.1996 W Voiers, Leslie Winding a Warp with a Warping Paddle /ISBN: W Voolich, Erica Playing with Blocks; An Exploration of Multiharness Overshot /ISBN: W Weavers Guild of Sixty Scarves for 60 Years (Shelves at WEA) /ISBN: 978-0615305- Greater 75-2 Baltimore, Editors W Weigle, Palmy Color Exercises for the Weaver /ISBN: 0-82300-727-8 W Weigle, Palmy Double Weave /ISBN:0-82301-355-3 W Wertenberger, 8,12,…20: An Introduction to Multishaft Weaving /ISBN: 0- Kathryn 934026-34-3 W West, Virginia Finishing Touches: A Study of Finishing Details for Handwoven M. Articles /ISBN: W West, Virginia Virginia West Swatch Book, The /ISBN: W Wiklund, Doris Old Swedish Weaving from North to South: Collection from 1850 to 45 ** – Special Book, Deposit to Check Out Q – Oversized Book RMWG Circulating Catalog (SEPT. 2017)</p><p>1950 / ISBN:978-0974-15053-6 W Wilson, Jean Jean Wilson’s Soumak Workbook /0-034026-092-2</p><p>W Wilson, Jean Pile Weaves, The /ISBN: 0-68416-0-85-4</p><p>W Wilson, Jean Weave with Style /ISBN: 0-91484-237-4 W Wilson, Jean Weaving is Creative: The Weaver-Controlled Weaves /ISBN: W Wilson, Jean Weaving You Can Use /ISBN:0-44229-546-4 W Wilson, Jean Weaving You Can Wear /ISBN:0-44229-514-6 W Wilson, Susan Weave Classic Crackle & More /ISBN: 978-07643-3940-0 W Windeknecht, Color and Weave 2 Copies /ISBN: 0-44223-329-9 Margaret B. W Windeknecht, Color and Weave II 0-96187-973-4 Margaret B. W Windeknecht, Creative Monk’s Belt {SCGM 30} /ISBN: Margaret B. W Windeknecht, Creative Overshot {SCGM 31} /ISBN: Margaret B. W Windeknecht, Pinwheel, The: An Exploration in Color-and-Weave Design /ISBN: Margaret B. W Windeknecht, Point Twill with Color-and-Weave /ISBN: Marjorie B. W Windeknecht, Rosepath Motif, The: An Approach to Weaving Design /ISBN: Marjorie B. W Winslow, Irene More on Moorman: Theo: Theo Moorman Inlay Adapted to K. Clothing /ISBN: W Wood, Irene, 16 Harness Patterns: The Fanciest Twills of all by Fred A. Editor Pennington /ISBN: W Worst, Edward F. Foot-Power Loom Weaving 2 copies/ISBN: W Worst, Edward F. Weaving with Foot-Power Looms {Re- Publication of 6th edition of Foot- Power Loom Weaving }/ISBN: W Xenakis, Xenakis Technique for the Construction of Four Harness Textiles on Athanasios David the Rigid Heddle Looms, The /ISBN: W Young, Helen D. Heritage Linens: Heritage Linens Interpreted in Profile: Heritage Linens with Modern Ideas: Linen Weaves in Miniature /ISBN: W Young, Helen D. Linen Weaves in Miniature: Featuring Color/ ISBN: Self Pub.1967 W Zielinski, Encyclopedia of Hand-Weaving /ISBN: Stanislaw A. W Zielinski, S. A. A Treasury for Beginners (Master Library #1) /ISBN: W Zielinski, S. A. All About Looms (Master Library #2)/ISBN: W Zielinski, S. A. Creative Drafting and Analysis (Master Library #3)/ ISBN: W Zielinski, S. A. Yarns and Fibers (Master Library #4) /ISBN: W Zielinski, S. A. Everything a Weaver Should Know About Warps and Warping (Master Library #5) /ISBN: W Zielinski, S. A. Technology of Handweaving (Master Library #6) /ISBN: 46 ** – Special Book, Deposit to Check Out Q – Oversized Book RMWG Circulating Catalog (SEPT. 2017)</p><p>W Zielinski, S. A. Contemporary Approach to Traditional Weaves: Overshot & Summer and Winter (Master Library #7) /ISBN: W Zielinski, S. A. Contemporary Approach to Traditional Weaves: Crackle, M’s & O’s & Others (Master Library #8) /ISBN: W Zielinski, S. A. Fascination of Twills: Four Shaft (Master Library #9) /ISBN: W Zielinski, S. A. Fascination of Twills: Multishafts (Master Library #10) /ISBN: W Zielinski, S. A. Traditional Texture Weaves and Exploring the Textures (Master Library #11) /ISBN: W Zielinski, S. A. Spot Weaves: Old and New; Bronson, Swivel, Turned Spot, Spot (Master Library #12)/ISBN: W Zielinski, S. A. Woven Lace and Lacey Weaves; Bronson Lace, Swedish Lace, Huckabach, Cross Weaves, Leno, Gauze (Master Library #13) /ISBN: W Zielinski, S. A. Pile Weaves, Rugs and Tapestry (Master Library #14)/ISBN: W Zielinski, S. A. Double Weaves (Master Library #15)/ISBN: W Zielinski, S. A. Little Known Weaves Worth Knowing Better: Cannele, Locked Wefts, Lappet, Mock Leno, Paper Spots (Master Library #16)/ISBN: W Zielinski, S. A. Resist Dyeing, Curiosities & Inventions (Master Library #17)/ISBN: W Zielinski, S. A. Composition and Designing: Part 1 (Master Library #18)/ISBN: W Zielinski S.A. Composition and Design: Part 11 (Master Library #19)/ISBN: W Zielinski S. A. More about Fabrics (Master Library #20) /ISBN: W Zielinski S. A. A Weaver Ponders his Craft: Weaving in the Past #21-22) plus Index /ISBN: W Znamierowski, Step-by-Step Rugmaking: A Complete Introduction /ISBN: Neil W Znamieroski, Step –by-Step Weaving: A Complete Introduction /ISBN: Neil DVD Wada, Yoshiko ARIMATSU-Narumi Shibori: Celebrating 400 years of Japanese Iwamoto Artisan Design/ Yoshiko Iwamoto Wada /ISBN: none DVD Lance, Mary, BLUE Alchemy: Stories of Indigo, A Documentary Producer /ISBN: 978-1-87891-717-1 DVD Menz, Deb DYEING in the Kitchen /ISBN: 978-1-59668-668-7 DVD Bryant, Laura FIBER Artist’s Guide to Color /ISBN: 978-1-59668-604-5 DVD Kohls, Elda IKAT on the Loom/ presented by Elda Kohis /ISBN: DVD Marshall, John JOURNEYS in Japanese Dye Techniques- two set DVD /ISBN: none Self-Pub. DVD ** Garcia, Michael NATURAL Dye Workshop II: Colors of the Americas on Wool Fibers Using Sustainable Methods DVD Klos, Dagmar NATURAL Dyeing /ISBN: 978-1-62033-744-8 DVD Klos, Dagmar OVERDYEING with Natural Dyes /ISBN: 978-1-62033-744-8 DVD Grabowski, Kerr ADVENTURES in Surface Design /ISBN: 978-1-59668-392-1 DVD Marshall, John CLOISONNE Design for Artists:Classic Collection /ISBN: none DVD Grabowski, Kerr DECONSTRUCTED Screen Printing for Fabric and Paper /ISBN: </p><p>47 ** – Special Book, Deposit to Check Out Q – Oversized Book RMWG Circulating Catalog (SEPT. 2017)</p><p> none DVD Marshall, John JOURNEYS in Katazone/ Stencils with John Marshall /ISBN: none DVD Marshall, John Stencils/John Marshall /ISBN: none DVD Costillo, Sharon PAINTING with Wool: Create Images with Needle-and Wet-Felting Techniques /ISBN: 978-1-62033-861-2 DVD Tarasovich-Clark, BROICHE Knitting Basics /ISBN: Mercedes DVD Zimmerman, CLASSIC to Creative Knit Cables/ copy 1 Kathy /ISBN: 978-1-59668-229-0 DVD Zimmerman, CLASSIC to Creative Knit Cables/ copy 2 /ISBN: 978-59668-229-0 Kathy DVD Berk, Anne INSIDE Intarsia/Anne Berk /ISBN: 978-1-59668-318-1 DVD Bush, Nancy KNITTED Lace of Estonia/ Nancy Bush /ISBN:978-1-59668-327-3 DVD Bryant, Laura KNITTER’s Guide to Color, A /ISBN: 978-159668-484-3 DVD Khmeleva, KNITTING Lace in Intarsia: The Secrets of Olga Fedorova/ ISBN: Galina DVD Khmeleva, KNITTING Old World Lace from Shetland to Orenburg /ISBN: Galina 978-1-63250-548-4 DVD Khmeleva, ORENBURG Knitting: Knitting Gossamer Webs /ISBN:978-1- Galina 62033-432-4 DVD Khmeleva, SPINNING Gossamer Threads: Yarns of Orenburg, (The 2 Galina DVD’s) /ISBN: DVD Moore, Jennifer CROMATIC Fantasy /ISBN: DVD PBS CRAFT in America: A Journey to the Origins, Artists & Techniques of American Crafts /ISBN: 0-793-69336-5 DVD Vogel, Susan FOLD CRUMPLE CRUSH: The Art of El Anatsui/ Susan Vogel /ISBN: none DVD Alverez, Nilda ANDEAN Spinning /ISBN: Callanaupa DVD Casey, Maggie BIG and Lofty Yarns: Spin the Big, Soft Yarns of Your Dreams /ISBN: DVD Anderson, Sarah BUILDING Blocks of Spinning: Make the Yarn You Want *2 DVD /ISBN: DVD Menz, Deb COLOR and Yarn Design for Spinners: Inspiration and Know-How for Creating Yarns That Sing*2 DVD /ISBN:978-1-59668-468-3 DVD Menz, Deb COLOR Works for Spinners: Simple Tools and Tricks for Making the Most Beautiful Colors in the World /ISBN: DVD Russo, Robin COMBING Fiber: How to Create Splendid Tops for All Your Spinning Needs /ISBN: DVD Franquemont, DRAFTING: The Long and the Short of it /ISBN: Abby DVD MacKenzie, GENTLE Art of Plying, The: Beyond Singles- Creating Just the Judith Yarns You Want /ISBN: DVD Casey, Maggie GETTING Started on a Drop Spindle: Learn How to Use a Simple, Portable Tool to Make Your Own Yarn /ISBN: 978-1-59668-472-0 48 ** – Special Book, Deposit to Check Out Q – Oversized Book RMWG Circulating Catalog (SEPT. 2017)</p><p>DVD Robson/ Deborah HANDSPINNING Rare Wools: How to Spin them, Why We Should Care *2 DVD’s /ISBN: 978-1-59668-464-5 DVD Buchanan, Rita HOW I Spin: A Common-Sense Approach to Great Productivity and Creative Joy *2 DVD’s /ISBN: DVD Rhoades, Carol HOW to Card Wool: Four Spinners, Four Techniques /ISBN: etc. DVD MacKenzie, POPULAR Wheel Mechanics: How to Choose the Wheel You Judith Want, Love the Wheel You’ve Got, and Truly Master the Machine /ISBN: DVD Kennedy, SPIN Flax & Cotton: Traditional Techniques /ISBN: 978-1-59668- Norman 682-3 DVD Lamb, Sara SPIN to Weave: Making Unique Cloth from Your Handspun Yarn *2DVD’s /ISBN: DVD Gaustad, SPINNING Cotton * 2 DVD’s / ISBN:978-1-59668-463-8 Stephenie DVD Hallman, Eileen SPINNING Cotton on the Charkha *2DVD’s /ISBN: 978-1-59668- 463-8 DVD Alexander, SPINNING Energized Yarns: Harnessing the Magic of Twist /ISBN: Kathryn DVD Stove, Margaret SPINNING for Lace: Tried and True Methods for Spinning Fine Yarns and More /ISBN: DVD MacKenzie, SPINNING Luxury Fibers /ISBN: Judith DVD Lamb, Sara SPINNING Silk: Sensuous, Successful Yarns from Luxurious Silk *2 DVD’s /ISBN: 978-1-59668-676-2 DVD Mac Kenzie, SPINNER’s Toolbox, A: Six Drafting Techniques for Crafting any Judith Yarn You Can Imagine with Your Own Two Hands * 2 DVD’s ISBN: 978-1-59668-460-7 DVD Zawistoski, Patsy SPINNING Wool- Beyond the Basics: Wheels, Fiber Preparation and Spinning Techniques /ISBN: 0-936225-41-6</p><p>DVD MacKenzie, THREE Bags Full: How to Select, Prepare, and Spin a Great Judith Fleece /ISBN: 978-1-59668-68 DVD Alto, Marta SERGER Basics /ISBN: 978-09352-785-90 DVD Endangered SAVING the Weavers /ISBN: Threads DVD Van der Hoogt, BLOCK Weaves: Designing and Weaving with Blocks/ Madelyn Madelyn van der Hoogt /ISBN: 978-15966-865-88 DVD Mayer, Anita CREATIVE Cloth: Designing and Embellishing Handwoven Fabric/ Luvera 2 DVD’s /ISBN: 978-15966-865-95</p><p>DVD Moore, Jennifer DOUBLEWEAVE Basics *2DVD’s/ Copy 1 /ISBN:978-15966-837-09 DVD Moore, Jennifer DOUBLEWEAVE Basics *2DVD’s /Copy 2/ ISBN:978-15966- 837-09 49 ** – Special Book, Deposit to Check Out Q – Oversized Book RMWG Circulating Catalog (SEPT. 2017)</p><p>DVD Moore, Jennifer DOUBLEWEAVE Pick-up* 2 DVD’s /ISBN: 978-15966-837-78 DVD Ashenden, Becky DRESS Your Loom the Swedish Way /ISBN: DVD Patrick, Jane INKLE Weaving A to Z *2DVD’s /ISBN: DVD Gipson, Liz LIFE After Warping: Weaving Well on Your Rigid-Heddle Loom *2DVD’s/ISBN: 978-16203-363-97 DVD Knisely, Tom LOOM Owner’s Companion, The : Know and Love Your Loom *2 DVD’s /ISBN: 978-15966-865-02 DVD Gipson, Liz SLOTS and Holes: 3 Ways to Warp Your Rigid- Heddle Loom /ISBN: 978-15966-865-33 DVD Mullarkey, John TABLET Weaving Made Easy /ISBN: 987-16203-355-50 DVD Spady, Robin TOTALLY Twill: the Basics/ Robyn Spady /ISBN:987-16203-374-79 DVD Spady, Robin TOTALLY Twill: Beyond the Basics/ Robyn Spady /ISBN: 978- 16203-374-86 DVD Van der Hoogt, WARPING Your Loom *2 DVD’s /ISBN: Madelyn DVD Knisely, Tom WEAVE a Good Rug with Tom Knisely: From Fiber to Finish *2 DVD’s 978-16203-314-39 DVD Patrick, Jane WEAVING on a Rigid Heddle Loom /ISBN: DVD Van der Hoogt, WEAVING Lace/*2 DVD’s Madelyn DVD Neilson, Rosalie WEAVING Rep *2 DVD’s DVD Van der Hoogt, WEAVING Well: From Yarn to Cloth * 2 DVD’s Madelyn DVD Knisely, Tom WEAVERS’ Yarn Companion /ISBN: 978-16203-374-55 DVD Fry, Laura WET-Finishing for Weavers: Creating Finished Cloth /ISBN: 978- 6203-376-60</p><p>VIDEOs/ by title within category</p><p>Video B SPLIT Basketry-1: Appalachian Egg Basket/presented by Robin Taylor Video BJ BEAD Woven Necklaces: Loom Beading Techniques/presented by Virginia Blakelock Video BJ BEADWEAVING- Peyote Stitch/ Presented by Carol Perrenoud Video BJ COMPREHENSIVE Bead Stringing/ RGA,Inc. Video BK KUMIHIMO: Japanese Braiding Video D ART of Fiber Dyeing, The/ presented by Sandy Sitzman Video D FIBER Dyeing: Immersion & Painting of Protein Fibers 50 ** – Special Book, Deposit to Check Out Q – Oversized Book RMWG Circulating Catalog (SEPT. 2017)</p><p>Video D JAPANESE Textile Dyeing: Introduction to Paste- Resist Techniques/ presented by John Marshall Video FP FELTMAKING: Garments and Surface Design Techniques/ presented by Anne E. Vickery Video FP SILK Fusion/presented by Karen Selk Video FP FEATHERWEIGHT Felt: Making Felt Scarves/presented by Sharon Costello Video KC CROCHET from Start to Finish-ing Video KC KNITTING from Start to Finish-ing Video KC KNITTING, Marlene’s Way: Cuff to Cuff/ presented by Marlene Andreasdottir Video KC Knitting, Multi-Color Techniques for Handknitters/presented by Susie Hodges Video KC TAPESTRY Crochet/presented by Carol Norton Video M BODYWORK for Weavers and Fiber Artists/presented by Tracy Penfield Video M CROMATIC Fantasy/present by Jennifer Moore Video M RMWG Convergence Steering Committee: Invitation and Proposal to HGA to Host Convergence 2004. Denver 1999 Video OH Wool: Farm to Fabric, Naturally/ Colorado Wool Board Video OH FIBER to Fabric… Wool’s a Natural/Colorado Wool Board Video S FIBER Preparation and Multicolor Blending Techniques/ presented by Deb Menz Video S HANDSPINNING {Wool}: Advanced Techniques/presented by Mabel Ross Video S SPINNING and Plying Texture Yarns/Presented by Patsy Zawistoski Video S SPINNING Cotton, Silk & Flax/presented by Patsy Zawistoski Video S SPINNING Exotic Fibers & Novelty Yarns/presented by Judith MacKenzie Video SEW WEAVERS’ Fashion Show/Midwest Weavers’ Conference 1997 Video SEW WARP Painting Plus: Garment Design & Construction Tips/presented by Mollie Freeman and Sara Lamb Video SEW BASIC Pattern Making by the Flat-Pattern Method/present by Peggy Sagers Video TN ART of Navajo Weaving, The & The Durango Collection of Southwest Textiles/Denver Museum of Natural History Video W BEGINNING Four Harness Weaving/presented by Deborah Chandler Video W BOUNDWEAVING: Level 1/presented by Nancy Arthur Hoskins Video W DOUBLEWEAVE/present by Clotilde Barrett Video W HANDWOVEN Fabric: Structure and Pattern/ presented by Madelyn Van der Hoogt Video W INTRODUCTION to Weaving/presented by Deborah Chandler Video W RUG WEAVING: Block WEAVES and Shaft Switching/ presented 51 ** – Special Book, Deposit to Check Out Q – Oversized Book RMWG Circulating Catalog (SEPT. 2017)</p><p> by Jason Collingwood Video W TAPESTRY Techniques for Fabric for Clothing/ presented by Nancy Harvey</p><p>Video W TAPESTRY Techniques for Rug Weaving/presented by Nancy Harvey Video W TAPESTRY Weaving-Level 1/presented by Nancy Harvey Video W TAPESTRY Weaving- Level 2/presented by Nancy Harvey Video W TIPS, Tricks & Problem Solvers for the Handweavers/presented by Sallie Guy Video W WARPING on a Shoestring/presented by Nadine Sanders Video W WEAVE Drafting the Easy Way: Part 1/presented by Constance La Lena Video W WEAVE Drafting the Easy Way: Part 2/presented by Constance La Lena</p><p>52 ** – Special Book, Deposit to Check Out Q – Oversized Book RMWG Circulating Catalog (SEPT. 2017)</p><p>53 ** – Special Book, Deposit to Check Out Q – Oversized Book</p>

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