<p> JEFFERSON COUNTY COMMISSION PURCHASING DIVISION ROOM 830 COURTHOUSE BIRMINGHAM, AL 35203-0009 OFFICE: (205) 325-5381 / FAX: (205) 214-4034</p><p>PRINCIPAL BUYER: DOROTHEA ROBINSON APRIL 13, 2016 MICHAEL MATTHEWS, C.P.M., PURCHASING AGENT MUNIS ITB 16023 (ITB: 58-16)</p><p>TO: Prospective Bidders MUNIS ITB NUMBER: 16023 ( Bid must be submitted online at https://mss.jccal.org/mss) SEPARATE SEALED BIDS FOR: WASTE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL SERVICES (GENERAL SERVICE) Dorothea Robinson, PRINCIPAL BUYER INVITATION TO BID RESPONSES 716 Richard Arrington Jr. Blvd North, WILL BE RECEIVED BY: Room 830 Courthouse Birmingham, AL 35203-0009 ***IMPORTANT SOLICITATION DATES*** PRE-BID DATE: BID DUE DATE: BID OPENING DATE: APRIL 25, 2016 at 10:00 AM MAY 10, 2016 by 11:59 PM MAY 11, 2016 at 2:00 PM (Central Standard Time) (Central Standard Time) (Central Standard Time) PARTICIPANTS MUST SUBMIT BID ONLINE AT HTTPS://MSS.JCCAL.ORG INSTRUCTIONS ARE LOCATED IN THE VSS “RESOURCES SECTION” OR CAN BE OBTAINED BY CONTACTING THE BUYER LISTED WITHIN THIS DOCUMENT. VENDORS MUST BE REGISTERED IN MUNIS/VENDOR SELF SERVICE TO ACCESS BID 16023 (ITB 58 - 16)</p><p>BID OPENING WILL BE HELD AT: Jefferson County Courthouse Purchasing Department, Room 830 Courthouse 716 Richard Arrington Jr. Blvd North Birmingham, Alabama 35203-0009</p><p>NOTIFICATION OF INTENT: All recipients of this solicitation notice must indicate intent to submit a bid. Those vendors submitting a Notification of Intent will be sent a complete copy of the bid, any related addendum, answers to inquiries, etc. pertaining to this ITB. Notification of intent must be faxed to (205) 214-4034 or e-mailed to Dorothea Robinson at [email protected].</p><p>* PLEASE RESPOND NO LATER THAN MAY 06, 2016 WITH YOUR INTENT. *</p><p>TELEPHONE INQUIRIES – NOT ACCEPTED: Telephone inquiries with questions regarding clarification of any and all specifications of the ITB will not be accepted. All questions must be written and faxed to (205)214-4034 or e-mailed to Dorothea Robinson at [email protected]. </p><p>Submissions may be withdrawn, modified, and resubmitted prior to the formal bid opening due date. Any submission modification(s) submitted after the “Bid Opening Due Date” will not be considered. </p><p>The County reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals, or any part of any proposal, and to waive any informalities or irregularities in the proposal.</p><p>All costs incurred by the company to respond to this solicitation will be wholly the responsibility of the Bidder. All copies and contents of the proposal, attachments, and explanations thereto submitted in response to this ITB, except copyrighted material, shall become the property of the Jefferson County Commission regardless of the Consultant selected. Response to this solicitation does not constitute an agreement between the Bidder and the County.</p><p>The County is not responsible for delays occasioned by the U.S. Postal Service, the internal mail delivery system of the County, or any other means of delivery employed by the bidder. Similarly, the County is not responsible for, and will not open, any bid responses which are received later than the date and time indicated above. Late bid responses will be retained in the bid file, unopened. </p><p>Released by:</p><p>______</p><p>Page 1 of 24 JEFFERSON COUNTY COMMISSION PURCHASING DIVISION ROOM 830 COURTHOUSE BIRMINGHAM, AL 35203-0009 OFFICE: (205) 325-5381 / FAX: (205) 214-4034</p><p>PRINCIPAL BUYER: DOROTHEA ROBINSON APRIL 13, 2016 MICHAEL MATTHEWS, C.P.M., PURCHASING AGENT MUNIS ITB 16023 (ITB: 58-16)</p><p>INVITATION TO BID # 16023 (ITB 58-16)</p><p>“WASTE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL SERVICES (GENERAL SERVICE)”</p><p>Dorothea Robinson, PRINCIPAL BUYER Room 830*716 Richard Arrington Jr. Blvd N Birmingham, Alabama 35203 Phone: (205) 521-7593 Email: [email protected] </p><p>Page 2 of 24 JEFFERSON COUNTY COMMISSION PURCHASING DIVISION ROOM 830 COURTHOUSE BIRMINGHAM, AL 35203-0009 OFFICE: (205) 325-5381 / FAX: (205) 214-4034</p><p>PRINCIPAL BUYER: DOROTHEA ROBINSON APRIL 13, 2016 MICHAEL MATTHEWS, C.P.M., PURCHASING AGENT MUNIS ITB 16023 (ITB: 58-16)</p><p>INVITATION TO BID</p><p>Sealed bids marked "WASTE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL SERVICES (GENERAL SERVICE)" will be received by the Purchasing Manager, Room 830 * 716 Richard Arrington Jr Blvd N, Birmingham, Alabama.</p><p>Bids will be accepted until 11:59 P.M. central time (standard or daylight savings time, as applicable) on MAY 10, 2016. Bids submitted after this date and time will not be considered.</p><p>Bids will be publicly opened at 2:00 P.M. on MAY 11, 2016.</p><p>The County is not responsible for delays occasioned by the U.S. Postal Service, the internal mail delivery system of the County, or any other means of delivery employed by the bidder. Similarly, the County is not responsible for, and will not open, any bid/proposal responses, which are not received later than the date and time, indicated above. Late bids/proposals will be retained in the bid/proposal file, unopened. </p><p>PRE-BID CONFERENCE: A mandatory pre-bid conference will be held at Jefferson County Courthouse Room 830, 716 Richard Arrington Jr Blvd North, Birmingham, Alabama 35203 at 10:00am on Monday, APRIL 25, 2016. </p><p>SCOPE OF CONTRACT: Contract will be good for the period October 1, 2016 to September 30, 2017 with renewal at county’s option year to year thereafter until September 30, 2019 OR for 3 years with a 30 days cancellation based on the needs of the County.</p><p>SCOPE OF SERVICES: 1. The Contractor will be responsible for the collection, transportation, and disposal of solid waste generated at designated County facilities in accordance with all local, state and federal laws. 2. The Contractor will provide containers for the collection of solid waste materials generated at each designated County facility.</p><p>3. The Contractor must coordinate site access directly with the appropriate authority at each location and follow customary check-in procedures upon arrival</p><p>4. The Contractor will collect solid waste on a regularly schedule basis determined by the County and agreed upon by the Contractor. In areas where pick-up schedule is less than five days per week, contract must contact using department to determine best day and time for pick up. If requested, signed pick up tickets must be left with authorized personnel after each pick up.</p><p>5. The Contractor will be able to respond to irregularities in waste generation. The contract shall respond within 24 hours to unforeseen/non routine service calls request by the County. Calls for unforeseen/non routine service calls will originate in the using department and shall be priced and billed separate from the contract purchase order. Any additional pick ups must have a separate purchase order for any additional service not covered by contract purchase order.</p><p>{REMAINDER OF PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK}</p><p>Page 3 of 24 JEFFERSON COUNTY COMMISSION PURCHASING DIVISION ROOM 830 COURTHOUSE BIRMINGHAM, AL 35203-0009 OFFICE: (205) 325-5381 / FAX: (205) 214-4034</p><p>PRINCIPAL BUYER: DOROTHEA ROBINSON APRIL 13, 2016 MICHAEL MATTHEWS, C.P.M., PURCHASING AGENT MUNIS ITB 16023 (ITB: 58-16)</p><p>INVITATION TO BID (cont’d) SCOPE OF SERVICES – Continued: </p><p>6. The Contractor will maintain a clean area around dumpsters. The Contractor must pick up and remove any debris created as a result of the collection activity. If it is determined by Jefferson County that Contractor is not leaving area clean, it will be the sole responsibility of driver or Contractor representative to clean area. </p><p>7. The Contractor must notify the appropriate authority of any damages, if dumpster or removal of waste causes any damage to area location. Contractor may be required to repair said damage at no additional charge to Jefferson County.</p><p>BIDDER REQUIREMENTS: A. Must comply with all Federal, State, and local legislation, rules and regulations relating to Waste Disposal and Collection. B. Must comply with all applicable County policies and procedures C. Must be authorized to conduct business in the State of Alabama and Jefferson County</p><p>MINIMUM BIDDER QUALIFICATIONS D. Must have sufficient, existing personnel who are qualified personnel currently staffed that can to provide the scope of services expressed in this ITB and fulfill any other requirements of this ITB and who can address any problems that may arise during the entire course of the contract E. Must have a good reputation for reliability and successful completion of similar services with government agencies. F. History of providing service provided herein for a minimum of three (3) years, please state the number of years: ______List company’s years in business ______G. List 3 references indicating successful completion of similar services, including organization name and address, contact name, position and phone number.</p><p>BID EVALUATION: Evaluation of this bid will be based on the following: Price Responsiveness to bid Qualifications Capability to provide specified services</p><p>AWARD: The award will be made on an all or none basis in a manner that is in the best interest of the County. </p><p>CONTACTS FOR JEFFERSON COUNTY COMMISSION: Purchasing Department: Dorothea Robinson @ 205-521-7593 General Services: Ron Robb @ 205-214-5504 Birmingham Jail: Tommy Evans @ 205-214-5504 Bessemer Jail: Randy Spencer @ 205-497-8690 Cooper Green Mercy Hospital: John Baylor @ 205-930-3472 Environmental Services: Jonathan Shorts @ 205-325-5496</p><p>Page 4 of 24 JEFFERSON COUNTY COMMISSION PURCHASING DIVISION ROOM 830 COURTHOUSE BIRMINGHAM, AL 35203-0009 OFFICE: (205) 325-5381 / FAX: (205) 214-4034</p><p>PRINCIPAL BUYER: DOROTHEA ROBINSON APRIL 13, 2016 MICHAEL MATTHEWS, C.P.M., PURCHASING AGENT MUNIS ITB 16023 (ITB: 58-16)</p><p>INVITATION TO BID (cont’d) </p><p>SPECIFICATIONS: The location, container size, number of containers and collection frequency currently in use for each County facility is listed below: GENERAL SERVICES SIZE/CUBIC NO OF BUILDING NAME ADDRESS PICK UPS YARDS CONTAINERS 716 Richard Arrington Jr. Blvd. N Birmingham Courthouse Birmingham, 35203 10 Cu Yd. 1 5 Weekly 809 Richard Arrington Jr. Blvd N. Birmingham PSC Birmingham, 35203 8 Cu Yd. 1 5 Weekly 801 Richard Arrington Jr. Blvd. N Criminal Justice Center Birmingham, 35203 8 Cu Yd. 1 5 Weekly 2124 7th Avenue North Domestic Relations Birmingham, 35203 10 Cu Yd. 1 5 Weekly 796 Lannie Bonner Circle Edgewater Oaks Birmingham, 35224 4 Cu Yd. w/Lock 1 On Call Only 2121 8th Avenue North 2121 Building Birmingham, 35203 10 Cu Yd. 1 5 Weekly 1 Weekly Fleet Management Central 1717 Vanderbilt Road between 7am Shop Birmingham, 35234 8 Cu Yd. 3 & 3 pm 2200 8th Avenue North Tom Gloor Building Birmingham, 35203 6 Cu Yd. 1 2 Weekly 120 Second Court North Family Court Birmingham, 35204 6 Cu Yd. 1 5 Weekly 140 Second Court North Youth Detention Center Birmingham, 35204 10 Cu Yd. 1 5 Weekly General Services Operations 520 Medco Road Center Tarrant, 35217 8 Cu Yd. 2 2 Weekly 2651 Center Point Road Center Point Multi Svcs Birmingham, 35215 6 Cu Yd. 1 3 Weekly 3300 Shades Crest Road 4 Cu Yd. Front Cahaba Sub-Station Birmingham, 35243 Load 1 2 Weekly Service Station 2421 8th Avenue North 6 Cu Yd 1 1 Weekly 25th Street and 8th Avenue (Unpaved Fenced Lot Across from Parking Lot County Service Station) 2 Cu Yd 1 1 Weekly 391 Faust Court Forestdale Substation Forestdale, 35214 4 Cu Yd 1 1 Weekly 1901 Hoover Court Hoover Hoover Satellite Alabama 35226 6 Cu Yd 1 3 Weekly 809 Richard Arrington Jr Blvd Birmingham Jail North; Birmingham, AL 35203 Compactor 1 2 Weekly 3201 Mount Olive Road Mount Mount Olive Sub-Station Olive, Alabama 35117 4 Cu Yd. 1 1 Weekly 5977 Eastern Valley Road McCalla, McCalla Sub-Station Alabama, 35111 4 Cu Yd. 1 1 Weekly Page 5 of 24 JEFFERSON COUNTY COMMISSION PURCHASING DIVISION ROOM 830 COURTHOUSE BIRMINGHAM, AL 35203-0009 OFFICE: (205) 325-5381 / FAX: (205) 214-4034</p><p>PRINCIPAL BUYER: DOROTHEA ROBINSON APRIL 13, 2016 MICHAEL MATTHEWS, C.P.M., PURCHASING AGENT MUNIS ITB 16023 (ITB: 58-16)</p><p>INVITATION TO BID (cont’d) </p><p>SPECIFICATIONS (cont’d): The location, container size, number of containers and collection frequency currently in use for each County facility is listed below:</p><p>COOPER GREEN MERCY HOSPITAL SIZE/CUBIC NO OF BUILDING NAME ADDRESS PICK UPS YARDS CONTAINERS 1515 6th Avenue South *3 Weekly Cooper Green Mercy Hospital Birmingham, 35233 Compactor 1 before 7 am *Pick ups must be on Monday, Wednesday and Friday before 7am</p><p>GENERAL SERVICES (BESSEMER) SIZE/CUBIC NO OF BUILDING NAME ADDRESS PICK UPS YARDS CONTAINERS 1801 3rd Avenue North Bessemer Courthouse Bessemer, 35020 8 Cu Yd 1 5 Weekly 1822 2nd Avenue North Public Safety Center (Jail) Bessemer, 35020 8 Cu Yd 1 5 Weekly 1851 2nd Avenue North Bessemer Justice Center Bessemer, 35020 8 Cu Yd 1 5 Weekly 3201 King Street 4 Cu Yd 1 Weekly between Bessemer Fleet Management Bessemer, 35023 w/Lock 1 7am & 3 pm</p><p>ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES SIZE/CUBIC NO OF BUILDING NAME ADDRESS PICK UPS YARDS CONTAINERS Trussville WWTP (Administration 325 City Hall Drive Bldg.) Trussville, 35173 8 Cu Yd 1 1 Weekly 1700 40th Street North Airport Septage Dump Station Birmingham, 35212 3 Cu Yd 1 1 Monthly 1400 Pleasant Hill Road Village Creek WWTP Birmingham, 35224 10 Cu Yd 4 4 Weekly 1290 Oak Grove Road 2 (Tuesday & Shades Valley Complex Birmingham, 35209 8 Cu Yd 2 Friday)</p><p>Page 6 of 24 JEFFERSON COUNTY COMMISSION PURCHASING DIVISION ROOM 830 COURTHOUSE BIRMINGHAM, AL 35203-0009 OFFICE: (205) 325-5381 / FAX: (205) 214-4034</p><p>PRINCIPAL BUYER: DOROTHEA ROBINSON APRIL 13, 2016 MICHAEL MATTHEWS, C.P.M., PURCHASING AGENT MUNIS ITB 16023 (ITB: 58-16)</p><p>INVITATION TO BID (cont’d) </p><p>INVOICING: All invoices must agree with the purchase order in description and price and include the following information: 1) Purchase Order Number; 2) Ship-to Department name and address. In order to ensure prompt payment, ALL ORIGINAL INVOICES* MUST BE SENT TO:</p><p>Jefferson County Commission Finance Department Room 820, Courthouse 716 Richard Arrington Jr. Blvd, North Birmingham, AL 35203</p><p>*If invoice does not agree with purchase order, credits or a corrected invoice will be required in order for the County to process payment. INVOICES THAT DO NOT REFERENCE AN AUTHORIZED PURCHASE ORDER WILL BE RETURNED TO THE VENDOR. </p><p>THIRD-PARTY “REMIT-TO”: If Bidder has a third-party “remit-to” company, that information must appear on the Bidder’s response. Jefferson County will send payment to the company designated by Bidder on its response, but will not be responsible for resolving payment issues, should the Bidder change payment processing companies after a payment has been mailed or without forty-five (45) days written notification to the Purchasing and Accounting division of Jefferson County.</p><p>PRICES: Include transportation (including fuel surcharge, if applicable), handling, packaging, service charges.</p><p>PRE-PAYMENTS: No prepayments of any kind will be made prior to shipment.</p><p>TAX: Jefferson County is exempt from all tax. Provided however, bidder shall be responsible for payment of all sales, use, lease, ad valorem and any other tax that may be levied or assessed by reason of this transaction.</p><p>If mutually agreed upon, additional contracts may be executed, based upon this bid for the same item(s) or related types and/or sizes.</p><p>Purchase orders will be issued as deliveries are required.</p><p>PERMITS, CODES & REGULATIONS: All equipment, construction, and installation will comply with City, County, State and Federal codes and Regulations. Successful bidder will obtain and pay for all permits necessary, notify proper authorities for inspections and furnish any certificates required for the work.</p><p>{REMAINDER OF PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK}</p><p>Page 7 of 24 JEFFERSON COUNTY COMMISSION PURCHASING DIVISION ROOM 830 COURTHOUSE BIRMINGHAM, AL 35203-0009 OFFICE: (205) 325-5381 / FAX: (205) 214-4034</p><p>PRINCIPAL BUYER: DOROTHEA ROBINSON APRIL 13, 2016 MICHAEL MATTHEWS, C.P.M., PURCHASING AGENT MUNIS ITB 16023 (ITB: 58-16)</p><p>INVITATION TO BID (cont’d) </p><p>CANCELLATION: Failure to deliver as specified and in accordance with the bid submitted, including promised delivery will constitute sufficient grounds for cancellation of the order at the option of the County Commission.</p><p>ADDITIONS/DELETIONS: If mutually agreed upon, locations may be added or deleted during the awarded contract period. </p><p>Failure to deliver as specified and in accordance with the bid submitted, including promised delivery will constitute sufficient grounds for cancellation of the order at the option of the County Commission.</p><p>TERMINATION OF CONTRACT: This contract may be terminated by the County with a thirty (30) day written notice to the other party regardless of reason. Any violation of this agreement shall constitute a breach and default of this agreement. Upon such breach, the County shall have the right to immediately terminate the contract and withhold further payments. Such termination shall not relieve the contractor of any liability to the County for damages sustained by virtue of a breach by the contractor.</p><p>BUSINESS LICENSE In the event you receive a notification of intent to award letter, you will be required to provide your Jefferson County business license within 7 days of receipt of notice of intent to award. If you are not currently registered with Jefferson County Revenue Department, and do not have a business account number, applications may be obtained by logging on to http://jeffconline.jccal.org/revenue. Once you have logged on, click on Business License and then **New Applicants. Failure to submit the requested information may result in the notice of intent to award being revoked. </p><p>PUBLIC DISCLOSURE: Subject to applicable law or regulations, the content of each Bidder’s Proposal shall become public information upon the effective date of any resulting contract.</p><p>NON- DISCRIMINATION POLICY: The Jefferson County Commission is strongly committed to equal opportunity in solicitation of ITB’s and RFP’s. The County encourages bidders and proposers to share this commitment. Each bidder/contractor submitting a proposal will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability or veteran status. The Bidder/Contractor will ensure that qualified applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability or veteran status. Such action shall include, but not be limited to the following: employment, promotion, demotion, or transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. </p><p>{REMAINDER OF PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK}</p><p>Page 8 of 24 JEFFERSON COUNTY COMMISSION PURCHASING DIVISION ROOM 830 COURTHOUSE BIRMINGHAM, AL 35203-0009 OFFICE: (205) 325-5381 / FAX: (205) 214-4034</p><p>PRINCIPAL BUYER: DOROTHEA ROBINSON APRIL 13, 2016 MICHAEL MATTHEWS, C.P.M., PURCHASING AGENT MUNIS ITB 16023 (ITB: 58-16)</p><p>INVITATION TO BID (cont’d) </p><p>INSURANCE: The successful bidder will maintain such insurance as will protect him and the County from claim under Workmen's Compensation Acts, and from claims for damage and/or personal injury, including death, which may arise from operations under this contract. Insurance will be written by companies authorized to do business in Jefferson County, Alabama and shall include Jefferson County, Alabama as Added Additional Insured By Endorsement including a thirty (30) day(s) written cancellation notice. Evidence of insurance will be furnished to the Purchasing agent not later than seven (7) day(s) after Purchase Order/contract date. Successful bidder is also required to include the bid number on the evidence of insurance.</p><p>Insurance Minimum Coverage: Contracting party shall file the following insurance coverage and limits of liability with the County's Human Resource Department and Purchasing Department before beginning work with the County.</p><p>General Liability: $1,000,000 - Bodily injury and property damage combined occurrence $1,000,000 - Bodily injury and property damage combined aggregate $1,000,000 - Personal injury aggregate, Comprehensive Form including Premises/Operation, Products/Completed Operations, Contractual, Independent contractors, Broad Form property damage and personal injury.</p><p>Automobile Liability: $1,000,000 - Bodily injury and property damage combined coverage Any automobile including hired and non-owned vehicles</p><p>Workers Compensation and Employers Liability: $100,000 - Limit each occurrence</p><p>Umbrella Coverage: $1,000,000 - Each occurrence $1,000,000 - Aggregate</p><p>Added Additional Insured by Endorsement: Jefferson County, Alabama 30 day(s) written cancellation notice</p><p>Under Description of Operations/Locations/Vehicles/Exclusions Added by Endorsement/Special Provisions enter the BID/RFP Number, Project Number or Purchase Order Number Covered by the Certificate of Insurance</p><p>{REMAINDER OF PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK}</p><p>Page 9 of 24 JEFFERSON COUNTY COMMISSION PURCHASING DIVISION ROOM 830 COURTHOUSE BIRMINGHAM, AL 35203-0009 OFFICE: (205) 325-5381 / FAX: (205) 214-4034</p><p>PRINCIPAL BUYER: DOROTHEA ROBINSON APRIL 13, 2016 MICHAEL MATTHEWS, C.P.M., PURCHASING AGENT MUNIS ITB 16023 (ITB: 58-16)</p><p>INVITATION TO BID (cont’d) </p><p>SINGLE BID If a single bid response is received for this ITB, the bid will be rejected in accordance with Title 41-16-50-a-1 of the Alabama Code. The bid will be opened, but will not be read publicly. We will proceed with negotiations for a lower price with the rejected bidder and other bidders by means of sealed quotes. The rejected bidder’s initial offer will not be disclosed to other bidders, prior to the awarding of a contract. The award will be made to the company offering the lowest negotiated quotation, provided that all conditions and specifications required by the County are met.</p><p>GOVERNING LAW/DISPUTE RESOLUTION: Any contract agreement that is issued based on this ITB, the parties shall agree that the contract agreement is made and entered into in Jefferson County, Alabama, and that all services, materials and equipment to be rendered pursuant to said contract agreement are to be delivered in Jefferson County, Alabama. The interpretation and enforcement of this contract agreement will be governed by laws of the State of Alabama. The parties agree that jurisdiction and venue over all disputes arising under this contract agreement shall be the Circuit Court of Jefferson County Alabama, Birmingham Division.</p><p>HOLD HARMLESS AND INDEMNIFICATION: Contracting party agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend Jefferson County, Alabama, its elected officers and employees (hereinafter referred to in this paragraph collectively as “County”), from and against any and all loss expense or damage, including court cost and attorney’s fees, for liability claimed against or imposed upon County because of bodily injury, death or property damage, real or personal, including loss of use thereof arising out of or as a consequence of the breach of any duty or obligations of the contracting party included in this agreement, negligent acts, errors or omissions, including engineering and/or professional error, fault, mistake or negligence of Integrator, its employees, agents, representatives, or subcontractors, their employees, agents or representatives in connections with or incident to the performance of this agreement, or arising out of Worker’s Compensation claims, Unemployment Compensation claims, or Unemployment Disability compensation claims of employees of company and/or its subcontractors or claims under similar such laws or obligations Company obligation under this Section shall not extend to any liability caused by the sole negligence of the County, or its employees. Before beginning work, contract party shall file with the County a certificate from his insurer showing the amounts of insurance carried and the risk covered thereby. Liability insurance coverage must be no less than $1,000,000. During performance the company must effect and maintain insurance from a company licensed to do business in the State of Alabama. Coverage required includes 1) Comprehensive General Liability; 2) Comprehensive Automobile Liability; 3) Worker’s Compensation and Employer’s Liability.</p><p>PROTECTION DAMAGE: Contractor will be responsible for any damage to property of the county or others caused by him, his employees or subcontractors, and will replace and make good such damage. The contractor will maintain adequate protection to prevent damage to his work and property of others, and take all necessary precautions for the safety of his employees and others. The contractors will comply with all safety laws and regulations in effect in the locality.</p><p>{REMAINDER OF PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK}</p><p>Page 10 of 24 JEFFERSON COUNTY COMMISSION PURCHASING DIVISION ROOM 830 COURTHOUSE BIRMINGHAM, AL 35203-0009 OFFICE: (205) 325-5381 / FAX: (205) 214-4034</p><p>PRINCIPAL BUYER: DOROTHEA ROBINSON APRIL 13, 2016 MICHAEL MATTHEWS, C.P.M., PURCHASING AGENT MUNIS ITB 16023 (ITB: 58-16)</p><p>INVITATION TO BID (cont’d) </p><p>NEGOTIATIONS: Jefferson County reserves the right to enter into contract negotiations with the selected bidder. If the County and the selected bidder cannot negotiate a successful contract, the County may terminate negotiations and begin negotiation with the next selected bidder. This process will continue until a contract has been executed or all proposals have been rejected. No bidder shall have any rights against the County arising from such negotiations. </p><p>GUARANTEE: Bidder certifies by bidding, that he is fully aware of the conditions of service and purpose for which item(s) included in this bid are to be purchased, and that his offering will meet these requirements of service and purpose to the satisfaction of the Jefferson County Commission and its agent.</p><p>NEGOTIATIONS: Jefferson County reserves the right to enter into contract negotiations with the selected bidder. If the County and the selected bidder cannot negotiate a successful contract, the County may terminate negotiations and begin negotiation with the next selected bidder. This process will continue until a contract has been executed or all proposals have been rejected. No bidder shall have any rights against the county arising from such negotiations. </p><p>GENERAL: Jefferson County expressly reserves the right to reject any or all bids, or parts of bids, and to make the award on merit and/or features of design and quality, delivery, and availability of parts and service as the best interest of the County appears.</p><p>Dorothea Robinson Principal Buyer</p><p>{REMAINDER OF PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK}</p><p>Page 11 of 24 JEFFERSON COUNTY COMMISSION PURCHASING DIVISION ROOM 830 COURTHOUSE BIRMINGHAM, AL 35203-0009 OFFICE: (205) 325-5381 / FAX: (205) 214-4034</p><p>PRINCIPAL BUYER: DOROTHEA ROBINSON APRIL 13, 2016 MICHAEL MATTHEWS, C.P.M., PURCHASING AGENT MUNIS ITB 16023 (ITB: 58-16)</p><p>REQUIRED FORMS</p><p>Page 12 of 24 JEFFERSON COUNTY COMMISSION PURCHASING DIVISION ROOM 830 COURTHOUSE BIRMINGHAM, AL 35203-0009 OFFICE: (205) 325-5381 / FAX: (205) 214-4034</p><p>PRINCIPAL BUYER: DOROTHEA ROBINSON APRIL 13, 2016 MICHAEL MATTHEWS, C.P.M., PURCHASING AGENT MUNIS ITB 16023 (ITB: 58-16)</p><p>BID (Bidder must use this form) Fill in all spaces.</p><p>A BID BOND OR CASHIER'S CHECK IN THE AMOUNT OF 5% OF BID MUST ACCOMPANY ANY BID $25,000 OR MORE. BIDS SUBMITTED WITHOUT THE BID BOND WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED.</p><p>PRICING SCHEDULE</p><p>A. 2 CUBIC YARD CONTAINER</p><p>5 – Pick Up Weekly…………………………………………..$______per Month</p><p>3 – Pick Up Weekly…………………………………………..$______per Month</p><p>2 – Pick Up Weekly…………………………………………..$______per Month</p><p>1 – Pick Up Weekly…………………………………………..$______per Month</p><p>Bi-Weekly……………………………………….……………..$______per Month</p><p>Multiple Container Discount @ Same Location…....______% off Per Month</p><p>B. 4 CUBIC YARD CONTAINER</p><p>5 – Pick Up Weekly…………………………………………..$______per Month</p><p>3 – Pick Up Weekly…………………………………………..$______per Month</p><p>2 – Pick Up Weekly…………………………………………..$______per Month</p><p>1 – Pick Up Weekly…………………………………………..$______per Month</p><p>Bi-Weekly……………………………………….……………..$______per Month</p><p>Multiple Container Discount @ Same Location…....______% off Per Month</p><p>NAME OF COMPANY______</p><p>Page 13 of 24 JEFFERSON COUNTY COMMISSION PURCHASING DIVISION ROOM 830 COURTHOUSE BIRMINGHAM, AL 35203-0009 OFFICE: (205) 325-5381 / FAX: (205) 214-4034</p><p>PRINCIPAL BUYER: DOROTHEA ROBINSON APRIL 13, 2016 MICHAEL MATTHEWS, C.P.M., PURCHASING AGENT MUNIS ITB 16023 (ITB: 58-16)</p><p>BID (cont’d) (Bidder must use this form. Fill in all spaces)</p><p>PRICING SCHEDULE</p><p>C. 6 CUBIC YARD CONTAINER</p><p>5 – Pick Up Weekly…………………………………………..$______per Month</p><p>3 – Pick Up Weekly…………………………………………..$______per Month</p><p>2 – Pick Up Weekly…………………………………………..$______per Month</p><p>1 – Pick Up Weekly…………………………………………..$______per Month</p><p>Bi-Weekly……………………………………….……………..$______per Month</p><p>Multiple Container Discount @ Same Location…....______% off Per Month</p><p>D. 8 CUBIC YARD CONTAINER</p><p>5 – Pick Up Weekly…………………………………………..$______per Month</p><p>3 – Pick Up Weekly…………………………………………..$______per Month</p><p>2 – Pick Up Weekly…………………………………………..$______per Month</p><p>1 – Pick Up Weekly…………………………………………..$______per Month</p><p>Bi-Weekly……………………………………….……………..$______per Month</p><p>Multiple Container Discount @ Same Location…....______% off Per Month</p><p>NAME OF COMPANY______</p><p>Page 14 of 24 JEFFERSON COUNTY COMMISSION PURCHASING DIVISION ROOM 830 COURTHOUSE BIRMINGHAM, AL 35203-0009 OFFICE: (205) 325-5381 / FAX: (205) 214-4034</p><p>PRINCIPAL BUYER: DOROTHEA ROBINSON APRIL 13, 2016 MICHAEL MATTHEWS, C.P.M., PURCHASING AGENT MUNIS ITB 16023 (ITB: 58-16)</p><p>BID (con’td) (Bidder must use this form. Fill in all spaces)</p><p>PRICING SCHEDULE</p><p>E. 10 CUBIC YARD CONTAINER</p><p>5 – Pick Up Weekly…………………………………………..$______per Month</p><p>3 – Pick Up Weekly…………………………………………..$______per Month</p><p>2 – Pick Up Weekly…………………………………………..$______per Month</p><p>1 – Pick Up Weekly…………………………………………..$______per Month</p><p>Bi-Weekly……………………………………….……………..$______per Month</p><p>Multiple Container Discount @ Same Location…....______% off Per Month</p><p>F. 20 CUBIC YARD CONTAINER</p><p>5 – Pick Up Weekly…………………………………………..$______per Month</p><p>3 – Pick Up Weekly…………………………………………..$______per Month</p><p>2 – Pick Up Weekly…………………………………………..$______per Month</p><p>1 – Pick Up Weekly…………………………………………..$______per Month</p><p>Bi-Weekly……………………………………….……………..$______per Month</p><p>Multiple Container Discount @ Same Location…....______% off Per Month</p><p>NAME OF COMPANY______</p><p>Page 15 of 24 JEFFERSON COUNTY COMMISSION PURCHASING DIVISION ROOM 830 COURTHOUSE BIRMINGHAM, AL 35203-0009 OFFICE: (205) 325-5381 / FAX: (205) 214-4034</p><p>PRINCIPAL BUYER: DOROTHEA ROBINSON APRIL 13, 2016 MICHAEL MATTHEWS, C.P.M., PURCHASING AGENT MUNIS ITB 16023 (ITB: 58-16)</p><p>BID (cont’d) (Bidder must use this form. Fill in all spaces.)</p><p>PRICING SCHEDULE</p><p>G. 40 CUBIC YARD CONTAINER</p><p>5 – Pick Up Weekly…………………………………………..$______per Month</p><p>3 – Pick Up Weekly…………………………………………..$______per Month</p><p>2 – Pick Up Weekly…………………………………………..$______per Month</p><p>1 – Pick Up Weekly…………………………………………..$______per Month</p><p>Bi-Weekly……………………………………….……………..$______per Month</p><p>Multiple Container Discount @ Same Location…....______% off Per Month</p><p>Weekend Pick – Up Available ______Yes ______No </p><p>Compactor Rental…...$______per Month</p><p>List All Options for Compactor Rental</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>NAME OF COMPANY______</p><p>Page 16 of 24 JEFFERSON COUNTY COMMISSION PURCHASING DIVISION ROOM 830 COURTHOUSE BIRMINGHAM, AL 35203-0009 OFFICE: (205) 325-5381 / FAX: (205) 214-4034</p><p>PRINCIPAL BUYER: DOROTHEA ROBINSON APRIL 13, 2016 MICHAEL MATTHEWS, C.P.M., PURCHASING AGENT MUNIS ITB 16023 (ITB: 58-16)</p><p>BID (cont’d) (Bidder must use this form. Fill in all spaces.)</p><p>PRICING SCHEDULE</p><p>H. 40 CUBIC YARD COMPACTOR</p><p>5 – Pick Up Weekly…………………………………………..$______per Month</p><p>3 – Pick Up Weekly…………………………………………..$______per Month</p><p>2 – Pick Up Weekly…………………………………………..$______per Month</p><p>1 – Pick Up Weekly…………………………………………..$______per Month</p><p>Bi-Weekly……………………………………….……………..$______per Month</p><p>Multiple Container Discount @ Same Location…...______% off Per Month</p><p>Weekend Pick up Available ______Yes ______No</p><p>Rate for Hauling ……………………………………………………. $______per Month</p><p>Rate for Disposable Service ………………………………………. $______per Month</p><p>(Current 40 Cubic Yard Compactor belongs to the County)</p><p>List All Options for Compactor Rental</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>NAME OF COMPANY______</p><p>Page 17 of 24 JEFFERSON COUNTY COMMISSION PURCHASING DIVISION ROOM 830 COURTHOUSE BIRMINGHAM, AL 35203-0009 OFFICE: (205) 325-5381 / FAX: (205) 214-4034</p><p>PRINCIPAL BUYER: DOROTHEA ROBINSON APRIL 13, 2016 MICHAEL MATTHEWS, C.P.M., PURCHASING AGENT MUNIS ITB 16023 (ITB: 58-16)</p><p>BID (cont’d) (Bidder must use this form. Fill in all spaces.)</p><p>PRICING SCHEDULE</p><p>I. 35 CUBIC YARD COMPACTOR</p><p>5 – Pick Up Weekly…………………………………………..$______per Month</p><p>3 – Pick Up Weekly…………………………………………..$______per Month</p><p>2 – Pick Up Weekly…………………………………………..$______per Month</p><p>1 – Pick Up Weekly…………………………………………..$______per Month</p><p>Bi-Weekly……………………………………….……………..$______per Month</p><p>Multiple Container Discount @ Same Location…...______% off Per Month</p><p>Weekend Pick up Available ______Yes ______No</p><p>Rate for Hauling ……………………………………………………. $______per Month</p><p>Rate for Disposable Service ………………………………………. $______per Month</p><p>Compactor Rental…...$______per Month</p><p>List All Options for Compactor Rental</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>NAME OF COMPANY______Page 18 of 24 JEFFERSON COUNTY COMMISSION PURCHASING DIVISION ROOM 830 COURTHOUSE BIRMINGHAM, AL 35203-0009 OFFICE: (205) 325-5381 / FAX: (205) 214-4034</p><p>PRINCIPAL BUYER: DOROTHEA ROBINSON APRIL 13, 2016 MICHAEL MATTHEWS, C.P.M., PURCHASING AGENT MUNIS ITB 16023 (ITB: 58-16)</p><p>Non-Collusion Affidavit</p><p>I, ______, an authorized agent/representative of ______attest that the Invitation to Bid is not made in the interest of, or on behalf of, any undisclosed person, partnership, company, association, organization, or corporation; that the Invitation to Bid is genuine and not collusive or sham; that the Bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other Bidder to put in a false or sham ITB, and has not directly or indirectly colluded, conspired, connived, or agreed with any Bidder or anyone else to put in a sham ITB, or that anyone shall refrain from proposing; that the Bidder has not in any manner, directly or indirectly sought by agreement, communication or conference with anyone to fix the ITB of the Bidder or any other Bidder, or to fix any overhead, profit, or cost element of the ITB price or of that of any Bidder, or to secure any advantage against the public body awarding the contract of anyone interested in the proposed contract; that all statements contained in the ITB are true; and further, that the Bidder has not, directly or indirectly, submitted his/her ITB price or any breakdown thereof, or the contents thereof, or divulged information or data relative thereto, or paid, and will not pay any fee to any corporation, partnership, company, association, organization, ITB depository, or to any member or agent thereof, to effectuate a collusive or sham ITB. I, the undersigned, hereby certify that I have read and understand this Non- Collusion Affidavit and guarantee complete compliance with all the terms, conditions and stipulations.</p><p>Subscribed and Sworn to BY ______Authorized Signature of Bidder </p><p>Before me this ______day of ______20____. Date </p><p>______Print or Type Name of Bidder</p><p>Notary Public of My Commission expires ______</p><p>Page 19 of 24 JEFFERSON COUNTY COMMISSION PURCHASING DIVISION ROOM 830 COURTHOUSE BIRMINGHAM, AL 35203-0009 OFFICE: (205) 325-5381 / FAX: (205) 214-4034</p><p>PRINCIPAL BUYER: DOROTHEA ROBINSON APRIL 13, 2016 MICHAEL MATTHEWS, C.P.M., PURCHASING AGENT MUNIS ITB 16023 (ITB: 58-16)</p><p>NOTIFICATION OF INTENT TO RESPOND </p><p>Reference ITB 58-16</p><p>( ) On behalf of myself/my firm/institution, I hereby certify that I/we intend to submit a response.</p><p>( ) On behalf of myself/my firm/institution, I hereby certify that I/we do not intend to submit a response.</p><p>______Authorized Signature Individual/Institution/Firm</p><p>______Title Date</p><p>Page 20 of 24 JEFFERSON COUNTY COMMISSION PURCHASING DIVISION ROOM 830 COURTHOUSE BIRMINGHAM, AL 35203-0009 OFFICE: (205) 325-5381 / FAX: (205) 214-4034</p><p>PRINCIPAL BUYER: DOROTHEA ROBINSON APRIL 13, 2016 MICHAEL MATTHEWS, C.P.M., PURCHASING AGENT MUNIS ITB 16023 (ITB: 58-16)</p><p>STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE WITH ALABAMA CODE SECTION 31-13-9</p><p>By signing this contract, the contracting parties affirm, for the duration of this agreement, that they will not violate federal immigration law or knowingly employ, hire for employment, or continue to employ an unauthorized alien within the State of Alabama. Furthermore, a contracting party found to be in violation of this provision shall be deemed in breach of the agreement and shall be responsible for all damages resulting therefrom.</p><p>______Printed Name Authorized Representative) Title</p><p>______Signature Authorized Representative) Date Signed</p><p>______Name of Business </p><p>Page 21 of 24 JEFFERSON COUNTY COMMISSION PURCHASING DIVISION ROOM 830 COURTHOUSE BIRMINGHAM, AL 35203-0009 OFFICE: (205) 325-5381 / FAX: (205) 214-4034</p><p>PRINCIPAL BUYER: DOROTHEA ROBINSON APRIL 13, 2016 MICHAEL MATTHEWS, C.P.M., PURCHASING AGENT MUNIS ITB 16023 (ITB: 58-16)</p><p>Affidavit of Contractor Alabama Act 2011-535 I affirm the following: 1. I will not knowingly employ, hire for employment, or continue to employ an unauthorized alien; and,</p><p>2. I affirm that the below listed Business Organization is enrolled in the E-Verify program, that the Business Organization listed below will remain enrolled in the E-Verify program during the term of the contract and that every employee that is required to be verified will be verified according to the applicable federal rules and regulations; and,</p><p>3. I acknowledge that §9(e) Alabama Act 2011-535 authorizes the County to terminate this contract for a first violation of §9(a) of said Act, and requires the County to terminate this contract for a second violate of §9(a) of said Act.</p><p>______Printed Name of Contractor (or Authorized Representative) Title</p><p>______Signature of Contractor (or Authorized Representative) Date Signed</p><p>______Name of Business Entity Phone Number</p><p>State of ______</p><p>County of ______</p><p>Sworn to and subscribed before me on</p><p>This ______day of ______, 20 ______.</p><p>______NOTARY PUBLIC</p><p>My Commission Expires: ______Page 22 of 24 JEFFERSON COUNTY COMMISSION PURCHASING DIVISION ROOM 830 COURTHOUSE BIRMINGHAM, AL 35203-0009 OFFICE: (205) 325-5381 / FAX: (205) 214-4034</p><p>PRINCIPAL BUYER: DOROTHEA ROBINSON APRIL 13, 2016 MICHAEL MATTHEWS, C.P.M., PURCHASING AGENT MUNIS ITB 16023 (ITB: 58-16)</p><p>JEFFERSON COUNTY, ALABAMA EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY CERTIFICATION FORM</p><p>Contractor/Vendor Name: ______</p><p>Address: ______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>The Contractor acknowledges receipt of Jefferson County’s Equal Employment Opportunity Contractor Compliance Administrative Order (attached hereto) and certifies that it is an equal opportunity employer and agrees to the requirements of the Policy and the Equal Employment Opportunity Clause therein. It further certifies that it will require all subcontractors to execute an Equal Employment Opportunity statement and certification of compliance.</p><p>The Contractor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability or veteran status. The Contractor will ensure that qualified applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability or veteran status. Such action shall include, but not be limited to the following: employment, promotion, demotion, or transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. The Contractor agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices setting forth the provisions of this non-discrimination clause.</p><p>The Contractor will furnish to the County, upon request, reports, notices, policies and/or information certifying compliance with this policy.</p><p>In the event of the Contractor’s non-compliance with the equal employment opportunity clause of this contract, this contract may not be awarded or may be cancelled, terminated or suspended in whole or in part and the Contractor may be declared ineligible for further County contracts.</p><p>______Date Signature</p><p>______Title</p><p>Page 23 of 24 JEFFERSON COUNTY COMMISSION PURCHASING DIVISION ROOM 830 COURTHOUSE BIRMINGHAM, AL 35203-0009 OFFICE: (205) 325-5381 / FAX: (205) 214-4034</p><p>PRINCIPAL BUYER: DOROTHEA ROBINSON APRIL 13, 2016 MICHAEL MATTHEWS, C.P.M., PURCHASING AGENT MUNIS ITB 16023 (ITB: 58-16)</p><p>SIGNATURE PAGE</p><p>The Jefferson County Commission, or its Agent, shall have the right to waive any informality or irregularity. Under certain limited conditions, the Purchasing Department may apply a local preference option in determining the low bid for purchases of personal property. All provisions of this Invitation are accepted by bidder as part of any contract or purchase resulting therefrom. Please specify terms of payment below; otherwise, the terms will be net 30. Date: ______Company Name: ______Web Address: ______Terms: ______Address:______City:______County: ______State:_____ Zip: ______Phone :(_____) ______If Jefferson County Business Licenses were issued to your company for the past twelve (12) months, please list numbers: ______. Vendor's Federal I.D. Number: ______I certify that ______has ___ has not ___ been in operation for one year at (Company Name) (Check one) Location zoned for the type of business conducted by my company at the address stated above. ______(Authorized Signature) ______(Print Name) ______(E-Mail Address) Toll Free Phone: ______Fax Number: ______</p><p>Return original bid in sealed envelope. Authorized signature of bidder must be in ink. Bids received in our office after the specified date and hour will not be considered.</p><p>INDICATE THE FOLLOWING ADDRESSES IF DIFFERENT FROM ABOVE: 1. BID AWARD NOTICE ADDRESS 2. PURCHASE ORDER ADDRESS 3. REMITTANCE ADDRESS (AND NAME IF DIFFERENT THAN ABOVE)</p><p>Page 24 of 24</p>
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