<p>NEW DGS VEHICLE OPERATION INSPECTION CHECKLIST</p><p>PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION</p><p>BUREAU OF PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION</p><p>PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER: </p><p>AGENCY NAME: </p><p>VEHICLE TYPE: PCID Number 1108 </p><p>ACTUAL VEHICLE DELIVERY DATE: </p><p>VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ______</p><p>FLEET NUMBER: ______</p><p>VENDOR: ______</p><p>INSTRUCTIONS: To complete the New DGS Vehicle Operation Inspection Checklist for each vehicle delivered:</p><p>1.) Enter the purchase order number, agency name, actual vehicle delivery date, vehicle identification number, fleet number, and vendor on the above spaces.</p><p>2.) When a vehicle is delivered, complete Part I through Part VII of the checklist. Follow the inspection instructions for each item listed. For each item which passes inspection, place a check mark in the “Pass” column. For each item which is defective during inspection, place a check mark in the “Defective” column and enter any comments in the “Comments” column. Contact the vendor and arrange for correction of all defective items. Once each defective item is corrected, place a check mark in the “Corrected” column of the checklist and enter the date it was corrected in the “Date” column.</p><p>3.) When all defective items are corrected and the vehicle is determined to be in acceptable condition, the inspector’s signature, the date of inspection, and the vehicle identification number must be furnished on the last page of the checklist.</p><p>4.) A copy of the completed checklist should be mailed to the address shown on the last page of the checklist.</p><p>PCID # 1108-Accessible Paratransit Raised Roof Van July 8, 2011 VEHICLE OPERATION INSPECTION – PART I: DELIVERY INSPECTION</p><p>ITEM INSPECTION INSTRUCTIONS PASS DEFECTIVE DATE (YES/NO) COMMENTS CORRECTED Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Verify that the vehicle does comply with all Standards (FMVSS) applicable Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS) by checking the affixed safety certification label (driver’s side door pillar)</p><p>Operator’s Manual Verify that an operator’s manual is provided for the vehicle. </p><p>As Built Service and Electrical Manual Verify that an as built service and electrical manual is provided for the vehicle and all add-on equipment.</p><p>Front End Alignment with Alignment Verify that alignment was completed by the Sheet distributor prior to delivery. </p><p>Drawings showing wiring schematics Verify that drawings showing wiring schematics of auxiliary circuits are provided</p><p>Completely filled fuel tank(s) Check that the fuel tank or tanks are completely filled.</p><p>Dealer Signs and Emblems Verify that the vehicle is free of all dealer signs and emblems.</p><p>Original vehicle chassis manufacturer’s Verify that the original vehicle chassis factory sticker manufacturer’s factory sticker is provided.</p><p>Valid Pennsylvania State Inspection Verify that a valid Pennsylvania State Inspection Sticker Sticker is provided VEHICLE OPERATION INSPECTION – PART II: CONFIGURATION AUDIT</p><p>INSPECTION ACTUALLY PASS DEFECTIVE DATE ITEM REQUIREMENT INSTRUCTIONS PROVIDED (YES/NO) COMMENTS CORRECTED GVWR 9,000 lb. GVWR Verify GVWR – Check Minimum the safety certification label (driver’s side door pillar). Engine Minimum 5.4 liter Verify the engine Gas Engine capacity (Original vehicle chassis manufacturer’s factory sticker). Transmission Heavy Duty Four (4) Verify the type of Speed Automatic transmission provided Transmission With (Original vehicle chassis Auxiliary manufacturer’s factory Transmission Oil sticker). Cooler Remote Controlled Dual Remote Controlled Verify that remote Low-Mounted Type Dual Low-Mounted controlled dual low- Exterior Rear View Type Exterior Rear mounted type exterior Mirrors View Mirrors, 5” X8” rear view mirrors, 5” X8” Minimum minimum were provided. Alternator Minimum 155 amp Verify the alternator capacity alternator. capacity (Original vehicle chassis manufacturer’s factory sticker, or on plate on exterior of alternator if provided). Battery System 12 volt maintenance Verify that a 12 volt free dual battery maintenance free dual system/1,000 CCA battery system/1,000 @ 0 Degrees CCA @ 0 Degrees Fahrenheit. Fahrenheit is provided. Gauges Gauges for Oil Verify that gauges for oil Pressure, Water pressure, water Temperature, and temperature, and Alternator are to be alternator are provided. provided. VEHICLE OPERATION INSPECTION – PART II: CONFIGURATION AUDIT PAGE 2</p><p>INSPECTION ACTUALLY PASS DEFECTIVE DATE ITEM REQUIREMENT INSTRUCTIONS PROVIDED (YES/NO) COMMENTS CORRECTED Fuel Tank 30 Gallon Minimum Verify the size of the fuel tank provided (Original vehicle chassis manufacturer’s factory sticker). Spare Wheel and Spare Wheel and Verify spare wheel and tire Tire Tire Shall be Located is provide and is located Unmounted Inside unmounted inside the the Vehicle. vehicle. Dual Under Hood Dual LED Under Verify that dual LED Under Light Hood Lights shall be Hood Lights of minimum provided (Minimum 50 lumens are provided. 50 lumens). AM/FM Radio with Manufacturer’s Verify that a Dual Rear Speakers standard AM/FM Manufacturer’s standard Radio with Dual Rear AM/FM Radio with Dual Compartment Rear Compartment Speakers shall be Speakers is provided. provided. Armrest and Sun Armrest and Sun Verify that an armrest and Visor for Driver Visor shall be sun visor is provided for provided for driver. driver. Vent or T-Slider Vent or T-Slider Verify that vent or T-Slider Windows Windows shall be windows were provided for provided for ventilation. ventilation. Position Hold Back Position Hold Back Verify that position hold Devices for Rear Devices shall be back devices were Doors furnished to hold furnished to hold rear rear doors in the doors in the maximum maximum open open position. position. VEHICLE OPERATION INSPECTION – PART II: CONFIGURATION AUDIT PAGE 3</p><p>INSPECTION ACTUALLY PASS DEFECTIVE DATE ITEM REQUIREMENT INSTRUCTIONS PROVIDED (YES/NO) COMMENTS CORRECTED Dome Lights One front and one Verify that one front and rear dome light with one rear dome light with switch on the dash switch on the dash and and door operated door operated switches switches on all on all doors were doors. provided. Day/Night Rear View Day/night inside rear Verify that a day/night Mirror view mirror. inside rear view mirror is provided. Handrail at Entrance A handrail shall be Verify that a handrail at Door provided at the the entrance door is entrance door. provided for the convenience of ambulatory passengers. Back-up Alarm System A back-up alarm Verify that a back-up system shall be alarm system was provided. provided. Front and Rear Mud Front and Rear Mud Verify that front and rear Flaps Flaps provided. mud flaps are provided. Tilt Steering Wheel A Tilt steering Wheel Verify that a tilt steering shall be provided. wheel shall be provided. NHTSA Required NHTSA required Verify that there is a Three-Point Shoulder three-point shoulder NHTSA required three- Restraint System restraint system shall point shoulder restraint be supplied for each system supplied for passenger for each passenger for vehicles under vehicles under 10,000 10,000 GVWR. Not GVWR. This applicable on isle requirement is not facing seats. applicable on isle facing seats. VEHICLE OPERATION INSPECTION – PART II: CONFIGURATION AUDIT PAGE 4</p><p>INSPECTION ACTUALLY PASS DEFECTIVE DATE ITEM REQUIREMENT INSTRUCTIONS PROVIDED (YES/NO) COMMENTS CORRECTED Rear Evaporator of Air An evaporator with a Verify that an Conditioning System minimum of 35,000 evaporator with a with Floor Mounted B. T. U. shall be minimum of 35,000 Passenger Heater mounted in the rear B. T. U. shall be with a floor mounted mounted in the rear with passenger heater. a floor mounted passenger heater. Roof Modification A full-length color Verify that a full-length coordinated steel color coordinated steel reinforced fiberglass, reinforced fiberglass, reinforced metal roof reinforced metal roof or or roof of equal roof of equal strength strength shall be shall be installed to installed to provide a provide a minimum of minimum of 72 72 inches floor to ceiling inches floor to ceiling height. Measure the height. floor to ceiling height. Flooring Floor shall be Verify that the floor shall covered, wall-to-wall, be covered, wall-to-wall, with a non-skid type with a non-skid type one-piece wall-to- one-piece wall-to-wall wall rubber floor rubber floor covering, covering, RCA RCA rubber or rubber or approved approved equal. Edges equal. Edges shall shall be sealed and be sealed and caulked. caulked. Wall Mounted First Aid A wall mounted first Verify that a wall Kit aid kit (Johnson and mounted first aid kit Johnson First Aid Kit (Johnson and Johnson #8172 or approved First Aid Kit #8172 or equal) shall be approved equal) was provided. provided. Fire Extinguisher A mounted five Verify that a mounted pound dry chemical five pound dry chemical type A-B-C fire type A-B-C fire extinguisher shall be extinguisher was provided. provided. VEHICLE OPERATION INSPECTION – PART II: CONFIGURATION AUDIT PAGE 5</p><p>INSPECTION ACTUALLY PASS DEFECTIVE DATE ITEM REQUIREMENT INSTRUCTIONS PROVIDED (YES/NO) COMMENTS CORRECTED Emergency Warning A mounted Verify that a mounted Triangle Kit emergency emergency warning warning triangle triangle kit was provided. kit shall be provided. OHSA Approved Body A mounted OHSA Verify that a mounted Fluids Clean-up Kit approved body OHSA approved body fluids clean-up kit fluids clean-up kit was shall be provided. provided. Auto Wallet An Auto Wallet Verify that an Auto Wallet (NAPA Brand ) or (NAPA Brand ) or approved equal approved equal with self with self adhesive adhesive shall be provided shall be provided.</p><p>LAYOUT SPECIFIC EQUIPMENT SECTION ITEM QUANTITY INSPECTION QUANTITY PASS DEFECTIVE DATE DESCRIPTION REQUIRED INSTRUCTIONS PROVIDED (YES/NO) COMMENTS CORRECTED Side Wheelchair Verify that the ADA Lift with APD Bus approved lift shall have Style Side Entry been tested to a static load Door of 1,000 lb. and an 800 lb. rated lifting capacity. Also measure the lift platform dimensions as per specifications: 33 inches wide by 51 inches long by 2 inches base with curb ramp and equipped with a stop. VEHICLE OPERATION INSPECTION – PART II: CONFIGURATION AUDIT PAGE 6</p><p>ITEM QUANTITY INSPECTION QUANTITY PASS DEFECTIVE DATE DESCRIPTION REQUIRED INSTRUCTIONS PROVIDED (YES/NO) COMMENTS CORRECTED</p><p>Rear Wheelchair Lift Verify that the ADA with Modified OEM approved lift shall have Rear Doors been tested to a static load of 1,000 lb. and an 800 lb. rated lifting capacity. Also measure the lift platform dimensions as per specifications: 33 inches wide by 51 inches long by 2 inches base with curb ramp and equipped with a stop. Rear cargo doors shall be OEM modified type and integrated into the top to provide approximately 56 inches clearance meeting ADA requirements between the floor and the top of the door opening. Wheelchair Positions Verify that Wheelchair securement locations recessed track, and seat belt/ shoulder harness system is in accordance with ADA Requirements . Verify if the securement system is a Sure-Lok Titan System, Q-Straint Deluxe QRT Restraint System or approved equal. Recessed track and locks shall be supplied for attachment of wheelchairs in accordance with ADA Requirements. VEHICLE OPERATION INSPECTION – PART II: CONFIGURATION AUDIT PAGE 7</p><p>ITEM QUANTITY INSPECTION QUANTITY PASS DEFECTIVE DATE DESCRIPTION REQUIRED INSTRUCTIONS PROVIDED (YES/NO) COMMENTS CORRECTED</p><p>Double Forward Facing Count the number of double Fold Down Seat forward facing fold down seats and verify that it matches the number of seats required on the actual Purchase Order and seating diagram. Verify that each seat has a retractable seat belt. Single Forward Facing Count the number of single Fold Down Seat forward facing fold down seats and verify that it matches the number of seats required on the actual Purchase Order and seating diagram. Verify that each seat has a retractable seat belt. Double Aisle Facing Flip Count the number of double Seat aisle facing flip seats and verify that it matches the number of seats required on the actual Purchase Order and seating diagram. Verify that each seat has a retractable seat belt. Single Aisle Facing Flip Count the number of single Seat aisle facing flip seats and verify that it matches the number of seats required on the actual Purchase Order and seating diagram. Verify that each seat has a retractable seat belt. VEHICLE OPERATION INSPECTION – PART II: CONFIGURATION AUDIT PAGE 8 ITEM QUANTITY INSPECTION QUANTITY PASS DEFECTIVE DATE DESCRIPTION REQUIRED INSTRUCTIONS PROVIDED (YES/NO) COMMENTS CORRECTED</p><p>Double Forward Count the number of double Facing Fixed Seat forward facing fixed seats and verify that it matches the number of seats required on the actual Purchase Order and seating diagram. Verify that each seat has a retractable seat belt. Single Forward Count the number of single Facing Fixed Seat forward facing fixed seats and verify that it matches the number of seats required on the actual Purchase Order and seating diagram. Verify that each seat has a retractable seat belt. OEM Right Front Verify that the right Passenger Entry Door passenger door is OEM. OEM Modified Right Verify that each right Front Passenger Entry passenger door is OEM Door modified, raised header and lower step well. LAYOUT 1108/A Verify that two double forward facing fixed seats, two single forward facing fixed seats, one double forward facing fold down seat, one wheelchair position, one specified wheelchair securement and occupant restraint system, one specified ADA compliant wheelchair lift package, single or double panel wheelchair lift door(s), and one OEM modified right front passenger entry door with a raised header and lowered step well. VEHICLE OPERATION INSPECTION – PART II: CONFIGURATION AUDIT PAGE 9</p><p>ITEM QUANTITY INSPECTION QUANTITY PASS DEFECTIVE DATE DESCRIPTION REQUIRED INSTRUCTIONS PROVIDED (YES/NO) COMMENTS CORRECTED</p><p>LAYOUT 1108/B Verify that two double forward facing fixed seats, two single forward facing fixed seats, one OEM passenger seat, one double forward facing fold down seat, one wheelchair position, one specified wheelchair securement and occupant restraint system, one specified ADA compliant wheelchair lift package, single or double panel wheelchair lift door(s), one built in step well for the forward half of the side cargo doors and a raised header, and one OEM right front passenger entry door. LAYOUT 1108/C Verify that one double forward facing fixed seat, two single forward facing fixed seats, two double forward facing fold down seats, two wheelchair positions, two specified wheelchair securement and occupant restraint systems, one specified ADA compliant wheelchair lift package, single or double panel wheelchair lift door(s), and one OEM modified right front passenger entry door with a raised header and lowered step well. VEHICLE OPERATION INSPECTION – PART II: CONFIGURATION AUDIT PAGE 10</p><p>ITEM QUANTITY INSPECTION QUANTITY PASS DEFECTIVE DATE DESCRIPTION REQUIRED INSTRUCTIONS PROVIDED (YES/NO) COMMENTS CORRECTED</p><p>LAYOUT 1108/D Verify that two single forward facing fixed seats, three double forward facing fold down seats, one OEM passenger seat, two wheelchair positions, two specified wheelchair securement and occupant restraint systems, one specified ADA compliant wheelchair lift package, single or double panel wheelchair lift door(s), one built in step well for the forward half of the side cargo doors and a raised header, and one OEM right front passenger entry door. LAYOUT 1108/E Verify that two single forward facing flip down seats, three double forward facing fold down seats, three wheelchair positions, three specified wheelchair securement and occupant restraint systems, one specified ADA compliant wheelchair lift package, single or double panel wheelchair lift door(s), and one OEM modified right front passenger entry door with a raised header and lowered step well. VEHICLE OPERATION INSPECTION – PART II: CONFIGURATION AUDIT PAGE 11</p><p>ITEM QUANTITY INSPECTION QUANTITY PASS DEFECTIVE DATE DESCRIPTION REQUIRED INSTRUCTIONS PROVIDED (YES/NO) COMMENTS CORRECTED</p><p>LAYOUT 1108/F Verify that one single forward facing flip down seat, four wheelchair positions, four specified wheelchair securement and occupant restraint systems, one specified ADA compliant wheelchair lift package, single or double panel wheelchair lift door(s), and one OEM modified right front passenger entry door with a raised header and lowered step well. PCID # 1108 OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT SECTION ITEM QUANTITY INSPECTION QUANTITY PASS DEFECTIVE DATE DESCRIPTION REQUIRED INSTRUCTIONS PROVIDED (YES/NO) COMMENTS CORRECTED</p><p>#1 Two (2) Camera, Count the number of Windshield Mounted windshield mounted video Recording System system cameras provided. CHANGE ORDER OPTIONS SECTION</p><p>CHANGE ORDER QUANTITY INSPECTION QUANTITY PASS DEFECTIVE DATE ITEM DESCRIPTION REQUIRED INSTRUCTIONS PROVIDED (YES/NO) COMMENTS CORRECTED Verify that the requested Change Order Item and the quantity of the requested Change Order Item was provided. VEHICLE OPERATION INSPECTION – PART II: CONFIGURATION AUDIT PAGE 12</p><p>CHANGE ORDER QUANTITY INSPECTION QUANTITY PASS DEFECTIVE DATE ITEM DESCRIPTION REQUIRED INSTRUCTIONS PROVIDED (YES/NO) COMMENTS CORRECTED Verify that the requested Change Order Item and the quantity of the requested Change Order Item was provided.</p><p>Verify that the requested Change Order Item and the quantity of the requested Change Order Item was provided.</p><p>Verify that the requested Change Order Item and the quantity of the requested Change Order Item was provided.</p><p>Verify that the requested Change Order Item and the quantity of the requested Change Order Item was provided.</p><p>Verify that the requested Change Order Item and the quantity of the requested Change Order Item was provided.</p><p>Verify that the requested Change Order Item and the quantity of the requested Change Order Item was provided. VEHICLE OPERATION INSPECTION – PART II: CONFIGURATION AUDIT PAGE 13</p><p>CHANGE ORDER QUANTITY INSPECTION QUANTITY PASS DEFECTIVE DATE ITEM DESCRIPTION REQUIRED INSTRUCTIONS PROVIDED (YES/NO) COMMENTS CORRECTED Verify that the requested Change Order Item and the quantity of the requested Change Order Item was provided.</p><p>Verify that the requested Change Order Item and the quantity of the requested Change Order Item was provided.</p><p>Verify that the requested Change Order Item and the quantity of the requested Change Order Item was provided.</p><p>Verify that the requested Change Order Item and the quantity of the requested Change Order Item was provided.</p><p>Verify that the requested Change Order Item and the quantity of the requested Change Order Item was provided.</p><p>Verify that the requested Change Order Item and the quantity of the requested Change Order Item was provided. VEHICLE OPERATION INSPECTION – PART II: CONFIGURATION AUDIT PAGE 14</p><p>CHANGE ORDER QUANTITY INSPECTION QUANTITY PASS DEFECTIVE DATE ITEM DESCRIPTION REQUIRED INSTRUCTIONS PROVIDED (YES/NO) COMMENTS CORRECTED</p><p>Verify that the requested Change Order Item and the quantity of the requested Change Order Item was provided.</p><p>Verify that the requested Change Order Item and the quantity of the requested Change Order Item was provided.</p><p>Verify that the requested Change Order Item and the quantity of the requested Change Order Item was provided.</p><p>Verify that the requested Change Order Item and the quantity of the requested Change Order Item was provided.</p><p>Verify that the requested Change Order Item and the quantity of the requested Change Order Item was provided.</p><p>Verify that the requested Change Order Item and the quantity of the requested Change Order Item was provided. VEHICLE OPERATION INSPECTION – PART III: INSPECTION ON LEVEL GROUND, ENGINE OFF AND COLD</p><p>ITEM INSPECTION INSTRUCTIONS PASS DEFECTIVE COMMENTS DATE (YES/NO) CORRECTED A. Hood Up 1. Engine, General</p><p> a) Belts Check condition, tightness, and tension b) Filters Verify air filter, oil filter. Check for leaks around oil filter.</p><p>2. Electrical</p><p> a) Battery Inspect connections, case, cables, terminals, mountings, check for excessive corrosion. b) Wiring and Open electrical and junction box: Inspect for loose and stretched Junction Box wires, check wiring supports and damaged insulation. 3. Fluid Levels</p><p> a) Coolant Check anti-freeze level, maintain 20 degrees F year round. b) Engine Oil Check oil level and for dipstick damage</p><p> c) Brake Master check mountings, fluid level, inspect for leaks. Cylinder d) Power Steering Check mountings, fluid level, inspect for leaks. pump 4. Hoses Check radiator, heater, and vacuum hoses and hose clamps. Check hoses for excessive cracks or weathering, firmness – not too soft to collapse. Check for leaks. 5. Windshield Wiper Check blade sweep and operation, blade condition, washer And Washer operation. VEHICLE OPERATION INSPECTION – PART III: INSPECTION ON LEVEL GROUND, ENGINE OFF AND COLD PAGE 2 ITEM INSPECTION INSTRUCTIONS PASS DEFECTIVE COMMENTS DATE (YES/NO) CORRECTED B. Walk Around, External 1. Tires Check for bulges, cracks, and abrasions severe enough to expose (Including Spare) cords, check tread depth and correct air pressure. Inspect valve stem (Check for damage, deterioration, air leaks, and valve caps). 2. Wheels Inspect each rim for dents and cracking. Check lugs and lug nuts (None missing and all tight), and insure that wheel covers are secure. 3. Lights (All Functions)</p><p> a) Headlights Check alignment, operation (Both high and low beam elements must be operational), high beam indicator, headlight switch operation, instrument panel lights operation. b) Turn Signals Check lever condition, indicator lights operation, tail lights, brake and Exterior lights, parking lights, emergency flasher, license plate light. Lights 4. Ramp or Inspect operation (Check for binding and pulsating movement, lift Wheelchair Lift assembly fatigue), lock operation, hydraulic lines and fittings (Check for fluid leaks and excessive flexible hose wear). Check for loose parts. Listen for rattling noises. 5. Finish and Color Visually inspect all exterior surfaces for body work and paint flaws. VEHICLE OPERATION INSPECTION – PART III: INSPECTION ON LEVEL GROUND, ENGINE OFF AND COLD PAGE 3</p><p>ITEM INSPECTION INSTRUCTIONS PASS DEFECTIVE COMMENTS DATE (YES/NO) CORRECTED C. Interior 1. Door Assembly and Inspect panels (Check for loose or missing bolts, moldings, and Operation, Window handles), hinges and pins (Check for free movement and secure Assembly and mountings), locking mechanism and handle operation, weather Operation stripping (Check for worn, missing and broken stripping and water leakage due to improper sealing), door fit and hinges lubed, key lock operation, window condition, and window handle and operation. 2. Seats, Belts, and Inspect condition of driver’s and passenger’s seats; check seatbelts Tiedowns for hazardous protrusions, good fit and workmanship; check adjustments and lock of wheelchair tiedowns. 3. Leaks Check for leaks (Use garden hose, coarse spray or take to carwash)</p><p>4. Accessories Check mirrors (Action and secure); fire, first aid and emergency equipment. Verify lamp operation for all interior lighting. VEHICLE OPERATION INSPECTION – PART IV: INSPECTION ON LIFT, ENGINE COLD</p><p>ITEM INSPECTION INSTRUCTIONS PASS DEFECTIVE COMMENTS DATE (YES/NO) CORRECTED A. Steering Linkage Check for loose parts, excessive play.</p><p>B. Leaks Inspect brake lines; transmission seals and cooling lines; oil sump and valve covers; radiator pump, and heater; shocks; and air conditioner seals and lines.</p><p>C. Lube Fittings Inspect steering linkage, control arms, and universals, check lube level (rear end).</p><p>D. Clear Passage/Lines Check for abrasion and damage on brake lines and cables, fuel lines, transmission, cooling and refrigerant lines, wires and hoses.</p><p>E. Suspension Inspect springs (Check for breakage and distortion), spring hangers (Check for distortion, breakage and loose anchors), U-bolts and nuts (None loose or missing), axle housing and backing plate (Check for distortion, breakage, and leaks).</p><p>F. Exhaust System Visually check for holes and excessive bends in piping and muffler; loose clamps, hangers, and flanges; damage.</p><p>G. Undercoating Inspect for completeness of undercoating. VEHICLE OPERATION INSPECTION – PART V: INSPECTION ON LEVEL GROUND, ENGINE COLD, IDLING</p><p>ITEM INSPECTION INSTRUCTIONS PASS DEFECTIVE COMMENTS DATE (YES/NO) CORRECTED A. Start Sequence List Place gear selector in park or neutral, depress foot brake and check engine for: choke operation, ignition key lock and operation, starter, acceleration pedal, engine operation and idle. B. Dash Gauge Check the operation of the fuel gauge, speedometer, temperature Functioning indicator, oil pressure indicator, and amperage (alternator) indicator. C Brake Operation and Adjustment</p><p>1.) Parking Brake Check the operation of the parking brake release. Release 2.) Foot Brake Free pedal travel should not exceed the halfway point. Pedal Travel D. Power Steering Swing wheel lock to lock, check for full movement of whets, belt slip, leaks E. External Inspection, Engine Idling (Hood Up)</p><p>1.) Exhaust System Listen for escaping exhaust gases. 2.) Air Conditioning Examine belt tensions, check for leaks, verify that mountings are secure. 3.) Electrical System/ Verify that mountings are secure, check for bearing and belt squeaks, Alternator, and vibrations. Regulator F. Heater Check the operation of the heater. VEHICLE OPERATION INSPECTION – PART VI: ROAD TEST</p><p>ITEM INSPECTION INSTRUCTIONS PASS DEFECTIVE COMMENTS DATE (YES/NO) CORRECTED A. Brake Functions</p><p>1.) Service and Verify function of service and parking brakes – easy slow down and Parking Brakes stop test run: straight, noticeable power assist, no noise. Hard, powerful braking test: straight, level power assist adequacy (Some groan or rumble acceptable). Parking brake holds in “drive” (Automatic)</p><p>2.) Parking Brake Verify function of brake indicator – indicator is “on” when parking Indicator brakes are set, indicator is off when they are released.</p><p>B. Transmission Check shift points and smoothness (Automatic)</p><p>C. Air Conditioning Check controls and performance.</p><p>D. Steering (In open lot) Check alignment (No oversensitivity to small wheel motions, neutral wheel on center, no drift or pull), normal turns (Quick response, good handling), and hard turns (No severe over/under steer).</p><p>E. Radio (If equipped) Check reception, and tuning (No spark noise) VEHICLE OPERATION INSPECTION – PART VII: INSPECTION ON LEVEL GROUND, ENGINE HOT, IDLING</p><p>ITEM INSPECTION INSTRUCTIONS PASS DEFECTIVE COMMENTS DATE (YES/NO) CORRECTED</p><p>A. Leaks Check for leaks under vehicle and in engine compartment. Verify coolant and lubricant quantities are unchanged from initiation of road test.</p><p>B. Engine Check smoothness/vibrations, exhaust fumes and smoke, noises (Belts, bearings, intakes), and cooling at idle.</p><p>C. Air Conditioning Open door and operate lift (If equipped). Check cooling performance after doors close.</p><p>Add any additional comments as necessary to more clearly define the vehicle condition and operation.</p><p>Sign your name and enter the date of inspection, and Vehicle Identification Number (V.I.N.).</p><p>Signature of Inspector Date of Vehicle Acceptance Vehicle Identification Number</p><p>Forward one copy of each part of the completed vehicle operation inspection checklist to:</p><p>Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Bureau of Public Transportation P. O. Box 3151 Harrisburg, PA 17105-3151 ATTENTION: Mr. Robert Zolyak, Projects Engineer Email: [email protected] Telephone: (717)-787-1210 FAX: (717)-525-5777 </p>
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