THE EDUCATION PROVIDED BY THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT: A COMPARATIVE CASE STUDY BETWEEN JAPAN AND THAILAND By Mr.Chaiyasit Tangthongtongkul A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Educational Administration Graduate School SILPAKORN UNIVERSITY 2015 Copyright of Graduate School, SILPAKORN UNIVERSITY THE EDUCATION PROVIDED BY THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT: A COMPARATIVE CASE STUDY BETWEEN JAPAN AND THAILAND By Mr.Chaiyasit Tangthongtongkul A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Educational Administration Graduate School SILPAKORN UNIVERSITY 2015 Copyright of Graduate School SILPAKORN UNIVERSITY Chapter I Introduction Education is an important fundamental and that shall develop the human life quality and country to be civilized, so promoting thing and emphasizing the education should be done in the first priority. According to H.M.King Bhumibol Adulyadej’s royal speech given to graduation ceremony at Srinakrinviroj University on the 12th December, 1967; excerpted that. “..Dealing with education is one of the most important of our country because of progression or the mal-progression is depended on the education significantly. In fact, as we know well that nowadays, the birth rate in our country are increasing rapidly, and there is a signal is shown some of population‘s ethical is decreases both physical and mind. According to this crisis seem to be worried, if it has been still like this, may we might not be survived from this phenomenon. Moreover over, this crisis may occur form many causes including the providing the education exactly. We need to provide education more strengthtenly ….”1 According to H.M.King Bhumibol Adulyadej’s royal speech that is mentioned above is shown that the significant of education as a mechanic can develop our country to be as developing country as equally. In addition, we can apply the education as a tool for developing our citizen to be qualified. As all above of an important of education, we can infer that the education is the most important fact to drive our country up for competition with the nationwide. As similarity, the office of the National Education Commission said that if we provided the quality education for our citizen, the education out put such as all kind of the individual attire that passed the education process might be qualified too. 1 2 Statement and significant of the problem Over the last decades until the present, Thailand has still faced and involved with the world significant changing in many contexts both the global and domestic changing; those can be an opportunity or treat for our nation. According to the significant changing that has mentioned, the government has to allocate well preparation for the citizen in their own country and also provide the efficiency vaccine to the social system to deal and protect with the world crisis of changing and its impact by prompting the adoption of the Philosophy of sufficiency economy as the life- line of the principle in the 8th till 10th plan, while its practical applications become the significant evident. The significance that can prove the application of practical plan is shown the following. In 1997, Thailand was involved in the Asian crisis. Continuously, form the eight until eleventh National Economy and Social Development Plan, the Philosophy of sufficiency economy has applied extensively in Thailand including other Asian countries. The result is greater resilience in various aspects of Thai society and enables the nation to cope effectively with the impacts of the 2008 global economic crisis. This will lead the country toward sustainable development and “Happy Society”1 Moreover, the Eleventh National Economy and Social Development Plan (2012 – 2016), Thailand will encounter more complicated domestics and external changes. Thus it is necessary to utilize the current resilience of our national society and also economy, later prepare both individuals and society as a whole to cope with the effects of such changes and pave the way toward well-balanced development under the Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy.2 In the similarity, the Education Act of B.E. 2549 (1999) in chapter 1 General Provision, section 6 showed that “Education shall aims at the full development of the Thai people in all aspects: physical and 1Office of the National Economic and Social Development, The Eleventh National Economic and Social Development Plan (2012-2016) (n.p., 2013), introduction ii. 2Ibid, introduction ii. 3 mental health; intellect; knowledge; morality; integrity; and desirable way of life so as to be able to live in harmony with other people”3 Nowadays, Education provided by the government can be divided into 3 systems, consisting of formal education, non-formal-education and life-long education. There are many government sectors provided the education in every educational level for example, the Ministry of Education, the ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Defence, the minister of Public Health, the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperative. These show that the education institute, one of the social institutes, is the organization that takes the important role in developing the social and country continuously.4 In the present time, our society is involved to a new fade of the changing as we call “knowledge based Society” and “Knowledge based Economy that we have to apply the innovation as a compulsory principle to develop and produce rather than using capital and man power. To deal with this issue, we need to focus on the knowledge based society construction knowledge management (KM) and Learning organization (LO) to develop a quality of human-force.5 As similar to Duke6 that expressed that in the continuously changing society, the innovation, production, management and men were also changed from consuming the information society to studying the information by using the information and technology (IT) system as the significant factor. The information and technology system affect to the knowledge as the result is to become the power. The educated people is become a valuable person of the organization. Knowing and unknowing is the importance factor indicate 3Office of the national Education Commission, National Education Act of B.E.2542 (1999) (n.p., 1999), 7. 4ชิดชงค์ ส.นันทนาเนตร, “มหาวทิ ยาลยั (ในกา กบั ) ของรัฐในฐานะองคก์ ารเรียนรู้,” ใน กรณีศึกษาการบริหารสถาบันอุดมศึกษา รวมบทความกรณเี รื่องจากประสบการณ์ของผู้เข้ารับการ ฝึกอบรมหลกั สูตรการพฒั นาผู้บริหารระดับสูงมหาวิทยาลัย รุ่นท ี่ 2 (กรุงเทพมหานคร: ทบวงมหาวิทยาลัย,2543), 46. 5Office of the Basic Education Commission,The National teacher (Bangkok: office of National Education commission,1998),1. 6Duke Daniel L.,The Challenges of Educational Change (Peaeson Education, 2004), 18. 4 successfulness in every part. Moreover, every organization also needs to prepare for organization adapting. 7The organization adapting aims at increasing the organization effectiveness in every sector so, every organization needs to adapt themselves to become a learning organization (LO)8 Anyway, providing education to future need to provide for all Thais (Education for all) and encourage all the social sectors to participate in providing education (All for Education). According to the following statement above, the phrase imply that providing education is not someone’s obligation especially such teacher school or the ministry of Education but every social sector has to pay attention and participate this obligation. As a similarity ,Prawet Wasri, MD: 1996 mentioned in Chomin, Kingkan. (2006:2)9state that the way how to provide education in the present , the government has to take the significant role in making decision for providing the education for the community and the marginal or lack of chance people to get in touch with school in providing education. Especially, the providing the education for community should be various, serve with the target group’s potential, fit to the cause of the problem and need of community and local area. Focusing on leading the local to participate the management with school for example human capital, encouragement, budget, wisdom and experience should be concern as the valueless. The government must encourage the local members such as the leaders of the local, the parents, local members, local wisdom teachers, and steak holders to have responsibility and sharing vision for providing the quality education that should be suitable with each community and also Thai societal context. Moreover, there are many issues thatthe working group needs to pay attention to for example the changing both domestic and world, e modern information and technology, etc. But all issues should be equboliam by applying the philosophy of sufficiency economic as the guideline of way of living. 7Ibid,123. 8Ibid,123. 9Chomin, Kingkan, “Community Participation in Basic Educational Schools under the Office of Prachuapkhirikhan Educational Service Area 1” (Master of Education Thesis in Educational Administration, Phetchaburi Rajabhat University, 2006) 5 The ministry of Education should revolute itself to become a modern flexible and decentralized organization as the developmental mission that was stated. The developmental mission there are 3 missions those are; promoting the education for all citizen, developing the management and education quality, developing the educational standards for empowering the capacity in competition with others country, Defining and preparing the human
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