General Teaching Advice

General Teaching Advice

<p>Full file at 3rd-Edition-Paula-Caproni CHAPTER 2: DEVELOPING SELF-AWARENESS</p><p>LEARNING OBJECTIVES</p><p>After studying this chapter, students should be able to:  Describe why self-awareness is important to professional effectiveness and well-being  Describe how the self-concept is constructed and how it affects their worldview and behavior  Develop a personal brand that is consistent with how you want to be perceived by others Discuss how culture influences their self-concept, particularly their tendencies toward independence and interdependence  Discuss how technology is changing the way we think about ourselves, others, and relationships  Describe the issues faced by the postmodern manager  Learn why it may be helpful to develop multiple selves rather than a solid stable sense of self  Describe self-monitoring, as well as its consequences on effectiveness and careers  Identify their self-monitoring style and how it may influence their ability to achieve their goals </p><p>CHAPTER PREWORK AND CLASS ACTIVITIES</p><p>Readings  Chapter 2: Developing Self-Awareness  A Brand Called You at This Website has the full text of one of Fast Company’s most well-known and controversial articles, "A Brand Called You” in which Tom Peters makes the controversial case that, "Regardless of age, regardless of position, regardless of the business we happen to be in, all of us need to understand the importance of branding. We are CEOs of our own companies: Me Inc. To be in business today, our most important job is to be head of marketing for the brand called You.” This article stimulates great discussion. I recommend that instructors ask students to read the article and then ask them what they thought of it. Did they like it? Not like it? Like and dislike it at the same time? Why? Is there a gem of useful knowledge in there for everyday life? Most students find some gems of good advice in this article. Students often will note that there is a strong individualistic bias, and that this kind of thinking may not work in collectivist cultures. </p><p>25 Copyright ©2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall Full file at 3rd-Edition-Paula-Caproni</p><p>Recommended Student Prework Assessments Ask students to complete the chapter assessments before they read the chapter. For all these assessments, it’s important to stress that one style is not generally better or worse (or more effective) than the other. Rather, students should consider the consequences – for better and worse – of their preferred styles, as well as when their styles are most and least appropriate. Students should also consider how to best leverage the benefits of each style and develop respect for people who bring different styles to the table:  Box 2-4: Self-Assessment Personality Inventory. This is very similar to the familiar Myers-Briggs Assessment and Keirsey-Bates Assessment. These assessments categorize people’s thinking styles on four dimensions: introvert/extravert, intuitive/sensing, thinking/feeling, and judging/perceiving. The main point is that people have different ways of viewing the world; however, we often tend to think that other people think just like us, and we prefer to interact with people who are similar to us. Students can also go to to complete a free online version of a similar assessment. They can get a more detailed assessment if the pay the fee on the website.  Box 2-5: I am… The main point is that people tend to have self concepts that emphasize independence or interdependence. This self-assessment helps students think about whether they have a more independent or interdependent self-concept using researcher Harry Triandis’ private, public, collective model of the self-concept. This information is useful for debriefing the part of the book chapter that describes the influences that independent and interdependent self-concepts have on thinking, feeling, and behaving.  Box 2-6: Self-Monitoring. Self-monitoring refers to a person’s willingness and ability to read and adapt to other people. This helps people think about the degree to which they are high or low self-monitoring and the consequences of their monitoring style on their effectiveness and careers. Students often assume high self monitoring is generally better than low self monitoring, but this is not the case. High self-monitoring has some advantages (e.g., better boundary spanning, slight edge on promotions), and low self-monitoring has different advantages (e.g., finding jobs that fit one’s interests). </p><p>Debrief these assessments at appropriate times throughout the class, depending on when you discuss each of the topics. Remind students that each of these styles has positive and negative consequences, so it’s helpful to understand the strengths and limitations of each style. Understanding the different styles can help people be more accepting of people whose styles differ from their own and indeed leverage alternative styles. </p><p>CHAPTER SUMMARY</p><p>26 Copyright ©2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall Full file at 3rd-Edition-Paula-Caproni</p><p>I. Why is self-awareness important to long-term success and well-being?</p><p>A. Self-awareness is the hallmark of effective managers. We can’t manage others effectively unless we learn how to manage ourselves first. Successful managers: 1. Know what they want, understand why they want it, and have a plan of action for getting it 2. Know how their styles, strengths, and weaknesses influence their ability to reach their goals 3. Understand how they are perceived by others and how these perceptions affect their ability to gain support 4. Have a special combination of self-confidence, humility, and adaptability that enables them to appreciate the views and styles of others and to thrive in the ambiguous, imperfect and often stressful world of management</p><p>B. Two examples of types of managers with low self-awareness: 1. Empty suits: They have “much form, style, and dress-for-success dash; little substance skill or managerial accomplishment” (Walter Kiechel). Although such managers emphasize form over substance and self- promotion over self-understanding, they are not necessarily without competence. They may be “bright and effective, but in a very predictable, very cubby holed way” (David Campbell). 2. Expansive executives: Unlike empty suits who look out for themselves, expansive executive are genuinely committed to the success of their organizations. They set high standards for their work and the work of others. They make heroic efforts to meet their own high standards, typically working longer and faster than others. They tend to be very competent, ambitious, and successful in conventional terms—high salaries, high-level positions, and substantial organizational power. Yet beneath their success lie serious problems because they: a) Gain their sense of self-worth primarily through their needs for control, mastery and professional success b) Pursue these goals at all costs, often sacrificing their health and relationships c) Are running a race they can’t win because their goals are too high, and they are always performing below the impossible standards that they set for themselves, so they are always disappointed with their own performance</p><p>C. Lack of self-awareness may be an occupational hazard of managerial work because: 1. It is difficult for managers to find time for self-reflection because of: a) Long work hours b) Fast work pace</p><p>27 Copyright ©2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall Full file at 3rd-Edition-Paula-Caproni</p><p> c) Tight deadlines d) Workflow interruptions e) Unexpected crises f) Fear of being “dejobbed” g) Busy personal lives: 1) Managers may take work home with them. 2) Managers may need to balance the demanding schedules of dual careers, often while caring for dependent children and aging parents. 2. High-potential people don’t want to change what they see as a “winning formula” (Kaplan, Drath, and Kofodimos). 3. Because of status differences, managers may shut themselves off from people who can provide them with useful insight and feedback on how their behavior affects others, and direct reports may be hesitant to provide honest feedback. 4. Managers may “hire people in their own image” and are thus more likely to receive reinforcement for their ways of seeing and acting rather than useful criticism.</p><p>D. The Brand Called You (Tom Peters) 1. Well-known management consultant Tom Peters, in his controversial Fast Company article titled “The Brand Called You,” advises managers to know themselves, understand their customers, develop unique and marketable competencies that help them stand out from the crowd, reinvent themselves if necessary, and then package and sell themselves. a) To be in business today,” says Peters, “your most important job is to be head marketer for the Brand Called You.” b) Seeing oneself as a unique, marketable, and portable product may be a reasonable survival strategy in today’s fast-changing and competitive economic environment. c) Yet, seeing oneself as a product to be bought and sold can also leave one feeling alienated from oneself and others and of questionable loyalty to one’s own organization, particularly if one has a collectivist rather than individualist orientation. d) As a professional, though, it’s your responsibility to help others place you where you can make your best contributions, and proactively letting others know where you can best add value is one way you can do that. e) To create the Brand Called You, Tom Peters suggests that you answer the following questions: 1) What do I do that I’m most proud of? 2) What do I do that adds remarkable, measurable, distinguished, distinctive value?</p><p>28 Copyright ©2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall Full file at 3rd-Edition-Paula-Caproni</p><p>3) What do my colleagues and customers say is my greatest and clearest strength and most noteworthy personal characteristics? 4) What have I done lately – this week – that added value to the organization (and that was noticed by others)? 5) In what way is what I do difficult to imitate? f) The Internet has made it possible – even advantageous – to build your brand online as well. Recruiters and college admissions personnel are going online to conduct background checks on potential employees and students, searching Google, Yahoo, Facebook, etc. for additional information, including “red flags”; this is called the “shadow resume” 1) You should Google yourself to see what others see about you online. 2) You should the build your online brand to be consistent with the image you want to present.</p><p>E. What are some of the high costs of self-esteem? (Jennifer Crocker) 1. Self-Esteem refers to one’s general feelings about his or her self- worth. 2. People who have high self-esteem do tend to be happier, have more self-confidence, and expect to have a good future, but they are no more likely to get higher grades, show more kindness toward others, have better job performance, greater leadership ability, or positive citizenship behavior. 3. High self-esteem can backfire if one ties one’s self-worth to high academic achievement, looking good to others, or having abundant material success, these goals can backfire by creating excessive stress, physical problems, and even increased drug and alcohol abuse. People with these goals can also use unethical means to attain these goals. People can cheat on exams, take drugs to maintain high energy, or engage in unhealthy behaviors such as sunbathing in order to “look good”. 4. If we want to achieve greater benefits and fewer costs associated with high self-esteem, we should focus not only on whether one has high or low self-esteem, but also on how one pursues feelings of self-worth. Strategies based on achieving external standards – such as how one appears to others through grades, appearance, or material possessions – are less likely to bring benefits that are strategies based on contributing to others, living in accordance with personal values, and having the desire and ability to control one’s behavior when they may be harmful to oneself and others.</p><p>F. What’s a well-intentioned manager to do about self-awareness? 1. There are no shortcuts.</p><p>29 Copyright ©2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall Full file at 3rd-Edition-Paula-Caproni</p><p>2. There are many long and winding paths to personal and professional growth, and each comes with its own possibilities, limitations and trade-offs. 3. But self-awareness begins by understanding the self-concept—our beliefs about who we are and how we got to be that way.</p><p>II. The self-concept: I think, therefore I think I am </p><p>A. People differ from each other in many ways, including (but not limited to) worldview, skills and abilities, learning styles, problem-solving styles, and interpersonal styles. 1. Although some of these differences may be inherited, researchers agree that genes are not our destiny, accounting for only between 5– 50% of our personality. 2. Our social environment shapes one of the most powerful influences on our behavior: our self-concept. 3. In one study, researchers taught a group of students that intelligence is influenced by the environment and that the brain develops new connections throughout life especially when faced with difficult challenges. The students who were taught that intelligence can change with effort became significantly more conscientious (a characteristic that is thought to be influenced by genes) than did students who weren’t taught that intelligence can change with effort. Researchers have also found that people can become more optimistic (another characteristic thought to be influenced by genes) by learning how to manage their beliefs and developing behaviors that increase their optimism and happiness. 4. Jason Zweig, Wall Street Journal Financial columnist gives an example about how his “investing personality” may be influenced by his DNA, yet also explains that his investing style is also influenced by his family upbringing and extensive reading he has done about investing.</p><p>B. What is the self-concept? 1. The self-concept is an internalized set of perceptions that each of us has about ourselves that is relatively stable over time, consistent across situations, resistant to change, and of central importance to us. 2. The self-concept: a) Is made up of our beliefs about our personalities, interests and skills, strengths and weaknesses, what makes us similar to others, and what makes us unique b) Influences our everyday thoughts and actions, including how we see the world, what we perceive to be threats and opportunities, how we make decisions, how we cope with stress, how we define success, and how we behave toward others</p><p>30 Copyright ©2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall Full file at 3rd-Edition-Paula-Caproni</p><p> c) Influences our fundamental beliefs about who we are, who we should be, who we can be, who we can never be, and who we are afraid of becoming (Hazel Markus and Paula Nurius)</p><p>C. How is the self-concept constructed? 1. The self-concept is, in large part, socially constructed throughout our lives in our families, schools, workplaces, communities, and other social institutions and practices such as the media, language, norms, rituals, and reward and punishment systems. It is influenced through: a) Genetic predispositions although genes are not our destiny because they interact with our environments and our ability to learn from our experiences b) Interpersonal relationships c) Group influences d) National cultures and subcultures e) Media that influences us through exposure to possible selves, management gurus, and role models f) Technologies of saturation (transportation, communication, and information technologies) that expose us to a broad range of people and experiences 2. These institutions socialize us into ways of thinking, feeling, and acting that enable us to “function well—naturally, flexibly, and adaptively—in the types of situations that are fairly common and recurrent in [our] cultural context” (Hazel Markus and Shinobu Kityama).</p><p>D. Cultural influences on the self-concept 1. One of the most fundamental lifelong challenges we face is to reconcile our basic needs to be both connected to and separate from others, to be both “a part of” others and “apart from” others. 2. Some cultures promote an independent self-concept (often labeled individualistic), and other cultures promote interdependence with others (often labeled collectivist) (Hazel Markus and Shinobu Kitayama). 3. Western nations are more likely to promote independence and Eastern nations are more likely to promote interdependence. In the United States, the saying goes, “the squeaky wheel gets the grease. In Japan, the saying goes, “the nail that sticks out gets pounded down.” 4. See Table 2-1, Differences between the Independent and Interdependent Self-Concept. 5. See Table 2-2 for Hofstede’s country-by-country individualism index based his classic studies of over 116,000 primarily male employees in 40 nations. The United States is rated the most individualistic with a score of 91, and Venezuela is rated the least individualistic with a scale of 12.</p><p>31 Copyright ©2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall Full file at 3rd-Edition-Paula-Caproni</p><p> a) The independent self-concept (be true to yourself, follow your dream, be the best you can be) 1) Values: Separate from others, be unique, self-sufficient, and self-promoting; value self-actualization and individual freedom from social constraints over social obligations; value personal rights over mutual obligations; value pursuit of happiness over personal sacrifice. 2) Focus: Private self (“Who am I and what do I need and want?”) tends to be more developed that the public self (“What do other people think of me?”) and the collective self (“I am a member of this community”) (Harry Triandis). 3) Perceptions of weaknesses: In individualistic cultures, people who fail to separate from others, who are easily influenced from others, who go unnoticed, who don’t stand out from the crowd are often encouraged to be more independent, think for themselves, make themselves heard, and find and promote their unique qualities (e.g., a brand called you). (a) In one study, researches found that Anglo American children performed better on a task when they were able to make their own choices about how to perform the task, whereas Asian American children performed better when they were given specific instructions from a trusted in- group authority (e.g., mother). (b) In another study, researchers concluded that people with an independent orientation are more likely to link talking out loud with thinking, whereas people with interdependent orientations are more likely to link being quiet to thinking. 4) Biases: People with individualist orientations tend to have a uniqueness bias, to tend to see their strengths as unique talents (“I received a top grade on my exam because I’m smart”) and weaknesses as common limitations that are shared by others or caused by external factors (“I had a bad childhood,” “I did poorly on the exam because the professor is a poor teacher”). Self worth depends on feeling that one uniqueness and talents are special. 5) Biases: People with individualistic orientations tend to have a self-enhancement bias, to tend to see themselves as better than the average person on important positive characteristics such as intelligence, motivation, or interpersonal skills. 6) Cultures that promote individualism tend to be more affluent, diverse, and mobile. (a) Affluence decreases one’s dependence on others. (b) Diversity enables one to be less dependent on any one group for identity and support. (c) Mobility requires self-reliance and the ability to join and leave groups quickly.</p><p>32 Copyright ©2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall Full file at 3rd-Edition-Paula-Caproni</p><p> b) The interdependent self-concept (fit in with others, attend to others’ needs, create and fulfill mutual obligations) 1) Values: Connect with others, sacrifice own needs, wants, and opportunities for the welfare of the group. Fundamental values are belonging, reciprocity, empathy, dependence on others, group cohesion, interpersonal harmony, and occupying one’s proper place. In Japan, the word for self is “jibun,” which refers to “one’s share of the shared life space” (Hazel Markus and Shinobu Kitayama). 2) Focus: Public self (“What do people think of me?”) and collective self (“I am a member of this community”) tend to be more developed than the private self (“Who am I and what do I need and want?”) (Harry Triandis). 3) Perceived weaknesses: In individualistic cultures, people who are disconnected from others, stand out from the group, are inattentive to the needs of others, act in ways that are inappropriate for their social role, inappropriately express emotions and needs, and fail to fulfill their social problems will be encouraged to be more aware of group needs and less focused on their own. 4) Biases: People with collectivist orientations tend to have a self-critical bias. They are likely to attribute failure to themselves (“I received a poor grade because I didn’t study enough”) and success to external factors (“I received a high grade because I had a good study group”). 5) Biases: People with collectivist orientations tend to have a self- improvement bias. They are likely to focus on their own shortcomings and work toward improving the overall capability of the group. In collectivist cultures, the self-critical and self- improvement biases serve several purposes: the person taking the blame helps other group members save face and thus shows loyalty to others as a group. By focusing on fixing their personal shortcomings, group members work toward enhancing the overall capability of the group, help other group members save face, and show their loyalty to the group. People from interdependent cultures tend to derive feelings of self-worth from their ability to control themselves in social situations, maintain harmony, and adjust and contribute to the group. 6. Advantages of a cultural view of the self-concept: a) Encourages us to look outward to our cultures to understand who we are and how we got that way, giving us a more complex understanding of ourselves and others</p><p>33 Copyright ©2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall Full file at 3rd-Edition-Paula-Caproni</p><p> b) Makes us more inclined to try to understand and respond to others on their terms rather than as variations of or deviations from ourselves c) Broadens our way of thinking about what constitutes normal and effective behavior, which expands our way of seeing the world and our repertoire of behaviors d) Enables us to be wise consumers of managerial knowledge because we become more skeptical of “one-size-fits-all” theories e) Enables us to implement management practices that are respectful of the ways of thinking, feeling, and acting that are considered normal and effective in the culture in which we are working at any given time, thus increasing our effectiveness (for example, empowerment may work more easily in cultures that promote independent rather than interdependence) 7. Avoid stereotyping a) Remember that labels such as “independent” and “interdependent” are extreme ends on a continuum. b) All individuals fall somewhere between these extremes. c) All cultures have several subcultures, each promoting ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving that may differ from those of dominant cultural groups (e.g., Although the United States is routinely viewed as individualistic, research suggests that women and people of color in the United States are more likely to have more interdependent concepts than Caucasian males in the United States). d) Cultures are constantly changing. As people are exposed to different cultures, they compare their own perceptions of the world and behaviors against those of others and may change in response. 1) The United States became fascinated with Japan’s emphasis on teamwork, quality circles, etc., when quality standards became increasingly important in the United States. Similarly, as Southeast Asia faced severe economic turbulence in the late 1990s, many Asian businesspeople, now faced with the threat of losing their jobs, grasped with how to integrate traditionally Western values of self-reliance and reduced organizational loyalty into their more traditional collective values. 2) Younger generations tend to grow up more exposed to external culture than did do their parents and are more likely to be influenced by external cultures.</p><p>E. Social influences on the self-concept: seeing ourselves as others see us 1. Our self-concept is developed, sustained, and changed through our day-to-day interactions with others a) Each time we interact with people who are significant to us— parents, children, friends, lovers, spouses, teachers, students, </p><p>34 Copyright ©2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall Full file at 3rd-Edition-Paula-Caproni</p><p> colleagues, bosses, subordinates—they send us signals about how they perceive us. These signals may be: 1) Descriptive (“you completed that task on time and under budget”; “You are late with the proposal”) 2) Evaluative (“you have the skills to be an excellent manager”; “you can’t seem to get things done on time”) b) We interpret people’s words, tone of voice, gestures, and so on to make inferences about how they see us (and thus who we are). c) As Karl Weick says, “How can I know who I am until I see what they do?”</p><p>2. Family influences on the self-concept: a) Relationships within our families influence our self-concept (e.g., whether we can depend on others or be self-reliant, whether emotional attachments are fulfilling or threatening, and whether authority figures in our lives will be benevolent toward us or harsh). b) Family dynamics and the early lessons we learn about our place in the world often continue to get played out throughout our lives in our roles as friends, partners, parents, subordinates, and managers. c) These family dynamics stem from: 1) Parental style (whether parents are accessible or distant; whether love is unconditional or conditional; whether they are authoritarian or democratic or laissez fair; whether they treat all people as equal or some people better than others) affects the self-concept (am I worthy of parents' love? Am I a good person?). Jack Welch, former CEO of GE, attributes much of his leadership style to his late mother. Rajat Gupta, worldwide managing director of McKinsey & Co., attributes his style to his father’s teachings about Hinduism’s Karma Yoga. Ann Fudge, CEO of Young & Rubicam, attributes her stellar success as an African American woman to her parents’ role modeling and her tight childhood community. 2) Early experiences, including early losses and tragedies, affect the self-concept. A loss of a parent can instill a drive to succeed because the children may feel they, too, have less time to make a contribution. People who have lost a parent may have a shaken sense of security and want the stability of success or they may want to “right a wrong” by making an impact on the world in memory of the people who can no longer do so for themselves. And they may develop characteristics such as compassion, resiliency, and risk-taking that help them pursue in the face of personal hardships. 3) Birth order may affect the self concept: Controversial research by Frank Sulloway and others suggest that whether we are born first, second, etc., significantly affects our personalities. </p><p>35 Copyright ©2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall Full file at 3rd-Edition-Paula-Caproni</p><p>Sulloway argues that this is because of the way siblings compete for parental attention and resources. Sulloway contends: (a) Firstborns tend to be more conservative than later-borns because they identify more with power and authority (parents). (b) Later-borns tend to be more rebellious than firstborns because they tend to question the status quo and taken-for- granted assumptions.</p><p>3. The influence of other people’s expectations on our self-concept a) Self-fulfilling prophecy: Our sense of competence tends to rise and fall to other people’s expectations. b) Pygmalion studies: In the 1960s, researchers Robert Rosenthal and Lenore Jacobson conducted one of the most well-known studies on the self-fulfilling prophecy. 1) They wanted to determine whether teachers’ expectations of students could influence the students’ performance on cognitive tests. 2) They randomly selected 20% of the children in the teachers’ classes and told the teachers that these children showed “unusual potential for growth.” 3) The teachers did not know these students were randomly chosen. 4) They were told not to say anything to any of the children about what they “knew” about their potential. 5) Nonetheless, at the end of the school year, these randomly chosen children showed greater improvement on standardized intelligence tests than did the other children. 6) The researchers concluded that “the change in the teachers’ expectations had led to an actual change in the intellectual performance of these randomly selected children.” Because the teachers had high expectations of the “high potential” students, they gave them subtle but powerful cues (such as more eye contact and approving nods) that enhanced the students’ actual performance, including more positive responses, more challenging work, and more feedback. 4. Group influences on our self-concept a) We all belong to identity groups (such as gender, race, nationality, and religion) and organizational groups (such as profession, organization, and hierarchical level). b) Through socialization within our groups, we: 1) Come to believe that our groups are “distinctive” and “meaningful” 2) Become emotionally attached to our groups</p><p>36 Copyright ©2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall Full file at 3rd-Edition-Paula-Caproni</p><p>3) Learn to take on the values, perspectives, and behaviors that we believe are characteristics of our groups (Celia Harquail) c) Our group memberships affect us in several ways: 1) We have high regard for our groups and are loyal to our groups: (a) We tend to see ourselves as having more in common with people from our identity and organizational groups than with other people. (b) We tend to see people from our own groups as more competent and trustworthy. (c) We may be more cooperative, empathetic, and trusting toward members of our own groups. (d) We may actively advocate on our groups’ behalf, as women and African Americans did during the women’s and civil rights movements in the United States in the 1960s (together with many men and non-African Americans). 2) We may receive internal group pressure to conform. Our group members may expect us to act on behalf of the group and may be disappointed with us when we do not do so. 3) We may experience external pressures to conform. Even if we do not have a sense of connection to a particular social or organizational group, we may be seen by others as having more in common with people from our identity and organizational groups than with people from other groups. (a) We may expect people from North America to be assertive, people from Japan to be team oriented, people from Microsoft to be technically oriented, engineers to be logical, and so on. (b) Consequently, others may encourage us to behave in ways that reinforce their perceptions and stereotypes of those groups.</p><p>III.Why the self-concept is important</p><p>A. The self-concept influences how we think, feel, and act in everyday organizational life. </p><p>B. Understanding our self-concept helps us understand why we do the things we do and how our beliefs and behaviors affect us, others, and the organization—for better and worse.</p><p>C. Specifically, the self-concept influences: 1. Attention: The self-concept acts like a filter that lets some information in and keeps other information out. We tend to notice things that are important to our self-concept, things that are novel, things that </p><p>37 Copyright ©2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall Full file at 3rd-Edition-Paula-Caproni</p><p> challenge our self-concept, and things we feel we can do something about. 2. Memory and speed of attention: We tend to process and remember information that is consistent with our self-concept more quickly. 3. Interpretations and decision making: Our self-concept provides us with a frame of reference for making sense of what we notice. It affects whether we interpret what we see as relevant or irrelevant, boring or interesting, threatening or opportune. It also affects the categories we use to organize our world and the connections that we make among these categories. 4. Social relations: Our self-concept influences who we view as similar and different from us, who we judge as trustworthy and competent, and who we seek out and who we avoid. Consequently, it affects the breadth, diversity, and quality of our network of relationships. It affects how we handle interpersonal challenges such as cooperation and competition, power and influence, and authority and delegation. 5. Moral decision making: Our self-concept influences our assumptions about right and wrong, ethical and unethical, and how we should resolve moral dilemmas. a) Research by Harvard psychologist Carol Gilligan and her colleagues suggests that people who emphasize an independent self-concept are more likely to make moral decisions based on a universal set of standards of right or wrong. People who emphasize an interdependent self-concept are more likely to make moral decisions in response to the particular person or circumstances involved. Rather than frame one way of making moral decisions as better or worse than the other, Gilligan frames these as two equal, but different, ways of making moral judgments. This is different from the late researcher Lawrence Kohlberg, who suggested in his 1960s research that people who have universal standards of right or wrong have higher levels of moral development, a stance that has been challenged as ethnocentric toward individualistic cultures by many recent researchers who take a multicultural approach to human behavior. 6. Ability to cope with stress: A healthy self-concept gives us the psychological resources we need to find meaning among the chaos, complexity, and contradictions of contemporary organizational life; confidence during times of change; integrity during periods of moral ambiguity; a sense of identity in a vast and largely anonymous world; and a sense of control that helps us cope with the frequent interruptions that are common to managerial work.</p><p>IV. The Self in contemporary society</p><p>38 Copyright ©2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall Full file at 3rd-Edition-Paula-Caproni</p><p>A. Regardless of our culture, we all share the same five fundamental human needs: 1. To find meaning in our lives. a) We all strive to understand the world and our place in it, to answer the questions, “Who am I?” “What is true and real?” and” What is worth doing?” b) The need to find meaning in our life is particularly important during difficult times of disruption, change, and loss. 2. To belong: To be appreciated for whom we are not just what we do. a) As social beings, we want to create and maintain “lasting, positive, and significant interpersonal relationships” that are characterized by mutual caring, emotional connection, and frequent interaction (Roy Baumeister and Mark Leary). b) Our effectiveness and well-being depend on our ability to form what psychiatrist John Bowlby calls a “secure base,” unconditional emotional attachments to others that enable us to go out into the world knowing that we will be welcomed home again where we will be “nourished physically and emotionally, comforted if distressed, reassured if frightened.” Paradoxically, our ability to become independent and self-reliant in healthy ways depends in part on whether we have developed a secure based of attachment that enables us to trust both ourselves and others. (William A. Kahn) 3. To be competent: To believe we can be successful at doing what is important to us. 4. To have a sense of control in our lives: a) We all need to believe that our world is coherent, orderly, and bounded and that tomorrow will be somewhat similar to today. 5. To have some consistency in our environment: a) A consistent and predictable environment enables us to process information efficiently, learn from our experiences, understand cause-effect relationships, identify deviations from the norm, anticipate situations, develop shared understandings, maintain the delicate balance between the need for stability and the need for adaptability, coordinate our actions with others, and make and implement decisions more quickly. Box 2.2 “Clean Homes, Organization, and Success” describes a University of Michigan study of 3,395 young adults that found that children who grow up in clean and organized homes were more likely to be successful (they stayed in school longer and earned more money) than those who grew up in homes that were significantly less clean and organized. The researchers controlled for parental education, income, socioeconomic background, cognitive ability, and other factors. </p><p>39 Copyright ©2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall Full file at 3rd-Edition-Paula-Caproni</p><p>B. Managers who understand these five fundamental human needs will be better able to create relationships and work environments that support these needs, and thus bring out the best in themselves, others, and organizations.</p><p>C. The challenges for managers today 1. Profound societal changes—new technologies, globalization, and an increasingly diverse workforce—are challenging our feelings of belonging, competence, control, and consistency, as well as our ability to make sense of ourselves, the world, and our place in it. a) These changes are also fundamentally shifting the means by which we construct our self-concept. Today’s families come in many forms, our neighborhood is a global village that often interacts in cyberspace, and many of us identify with an increasing number of groups. b) Furthermore our cultural institutions are mired in heated debates about who does and doesn’t belong, standards for excellence, and the truths and moral foundations upon which these institutions are built. 2. The saturated self a) These changes in the social content in which we construct our identities are due, in large part, to the rapid development of new technologies throughout the past century. b) Says researcher Kenneth Gergen, author of the book, The Saturated Self: “As a result of advances in radio, telephone, transportation, television, satellite transmission, computers and more, we are exposed to an enormous barrage of social stimulation. Small and enduring communities, with a limited cast of significant others, are being replaced by a vast and ever-expanding array of relationships. . . . This massive increment in social stipulation—moving toward a state of saturation—sets the stage for both radical changes in our daily experiences of self and others. . . . Beliefs in the true and good depend on a reliable and homogenous group of supporters who define what is the reliable “there,” plain and simple. With social saturation, the coherent circles of accord are demolished, and all beliefs thrown into question by one’s exposure to multiple points of view.” c) Cars, trains, airplanes, telephones, car phones, cellular phones, telefaxes, beepers, mail services, radios, television, motion pictures, commercial publishing and electronic communication, and other technologies are bringing us all closer to each other, faster and more often, and exposing us to new perspectives, choices, and ways of acting.</p><p>D. Identity in the age of the Internet</p><p>40 Copyright ©2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall Full file at 3rd-Edition-Paula-Caproni</p><p>1. MIT researcher Sherry Turkle argues that the Internet is transforming the computer from an efficient calculator used for organizing and processing large amounts of data to a “gateway of communication” through which we are redefining human identity and relationships. 2. Electronic mail enables us to create and sustain relationships with a broader and more diverse range of people that ever before possible, and to do so faster, from any place, in real or delayed time. 3. Through the Internet, we can converse with people we may never met face-to-face, take on multiple identities, participate in virtual communities, and “form on-line relationships that can be more intense than real ones.” 4. We are using the computer as a flexible toy to experiment, play, and learn with, not as a rigid machine that needs technical expertise. 5. Turkle uses the term bricolage to characterize on-line tinkering with the computer environment a) Bricoleurs challenge the belief that there is one true way to think about problems and that step-by-step logic is the quickest and most effective way to solve them. b) Bricoleurs play with the various resources they have, combining them in different ways—often by trial and error—to see what happens. c) Bricoleurs are sophisticated, experienced “problem solvers who do not proceed for top-down design but by arranging and rearranging a set of well-known materials." 6. When we tinker with life on the screen, we tinker not only with technology, but also with our selves, our relationships, and our organizations. a) As we reach out to others around the world, we expose ourselves to different worldviews and ways of acting in the world and often change ourselves in the process. b) As we participate in virtual communities, we consider how we can use what we learn from our virtual communities to create new kinds of relationships, organizations, and societies. c) As we make information and communication technologies available to anyone who has a computer, we challenge traditional bases of power. 7. Human beings taste for bricolage can be illustrated by the blockbuster success of the Sims videogames. 8. Life on the screen as risks as well as rewards, including concerns about privacy and harm done through cyberspace. 9. As we search for solutions to the very real problems of our virtual worlds, we will continue to change ourselves, relationships, organizations, and societies in the process.</p><p>E. Identity in the age of mass media</p><p>41 Copyright ©2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall Full file at 3rd-Edition-Paula-Caproni</p><p>1. Futurists Jim Taylor and Watts Wacker argue that we live in an age of celebrity perpetuated by our broad exposure to mass media. 2. Television, motion pictures, and commercial publishing are exposing us to a growing number of superstars, management gurus, and role models who are shaping our beliefs about our “possible selves” (Markus and Kunda), who we are (a highly effective person), who we can be (a millionaire), who we can never be (Bill Gates), and who we are afraid of becoming (you fill this in). 3. This exposure to celebrities, management gurus, and role models is important to our self-concept because we develop our self-concept, in part, by comparing ourselves to others. a) This tendency to compare ourselves with others is known as the “looking glass self” (Cooley). b) Penelope Lockwood and Ziva Kunda explain: “The superstar illustrates the wonderful heights of accomplishment one can hope to achieve, encourages and motivates one to strive for this now all the more palpable success, indicates particular goals to aim for, points to the road one should follow to achieve them, and makes one feel more competent and capable of such achievement. On the other hand, if the superstar’s success seems unattainable, one will be discouraged and demoralized. The superstar’s success highlights one’s own failures and shortcomings. One realizes that one can no longer hope for comparable stardom, one’s own lesser achievement seems paltry by comparison, and one feels disheartened and inferior.” c) Possible selves can be important to our well-being and effectiveness because: (1) They influence our satisfaction with our current self. (2) They guide our aspirations for our future self. (3) They can be liberating because they help us believe that we can change and that there is always a different and potentially better future self. (4) They can inspire us to create new identities for which our society has no previous models: (a) When Madeleine Albright became the first woman Secretary of State during the Clinton and Gore administration, Henry Kissinger, former U.S. Secretary of State during the Nixon and Ford administration, congratulated her by saying, “You’re number 64 (U.S. Secretary of State). Welcome to the fraternity.” Albright replied, “Henry, it’s no longer a fraternity.” (b) Each time someone pursues and achieves a possible self that is not the norm for their organization and society, they change not only themselves, but also their organizations and societies in the process. d) Management gurus and the managerial self-concept</p><p>42 Copyright ©2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall Full file at 3rd-Edition-Paula-Caproni</p><p>(1) The popularity of management gurus cannot be explained solely by their ability to solve managerial problems. Indeed, most of us know it’s unwise to put all our faith in the latest guru or management fad. (2) They are popular because: (a) They help us feel important and proud of our managerial work by giving us a sense of purpose and emphasizing the moral imperative of managerial work. (b) They respond to our need to feel that the world is predictable and controllable (if only we used their way of seeing it and their tools to managing it). (c) They offer us simple and straightforward ways of framing and solving complex problems and give us an opportunity to “stand back from our everyday pressures and encourage us to reflect on what we are doing” (Jackson Bradley). (d) They provide us with hope for a better future. (e) They motivate us with their enthusiastic can-do delivery (often called edu-tainment). (f) They engage us in ways that our day-to-day jobs often don’t. (3) In short, they help us fulfill our fundamental needs to be somebody, to feel competent at our work, to feel like we have control over our increasingly complex environment, and to find meaning in our everyday lives as managers.</p><p>V. The Promise, perils, and self-concept of the postmodern manager</p><p>A. Technology—from the Internet to the mass media—can broaden our perspective, increase our speed and capacity for learning, help us develop a broader and more diverse network of relationships, and expand our intellectual, emotional, and behavior repertoire—all of which enable us to become more effective managers and responsible world citizens. 1. Life on the screen has both risks as well as rewards. UCLA researcher Patricia Greenfield concluded that time spent on the screen has both positive and negative consequences. She found that increase in the use of these technologies has improved visual skills and ability to multitask, yet skills associated with critical thinking, analysis, and retaining knowledge have decreased.</p><p>B. But living in such a stimulating and information-rich world can also increase our concerns, about: 1. The gaps between what we understand and what we think we should understand. 2. The gaps between who we think we are and who we think we should be.</p><p>43 Copyright ©2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall Full file at 3rd-Edition-Paula-Caproni</p><p>C. The postmodern manager must try to make sense of a world that is increasingly difficult to understand, make decisions even though many of today's problems are too complex to anticipate all the consequences, and feel a sense of control in a world that is in continuous flux. </p><p>D. Today’s manager must be both high tech and high touch; manage both global and local interests; create unity while promoting diversity; reach across organizational and social boundaries that have traditionally divided people, organizations, and nations; and help people find meaning among the chaos and confusion that are some of the hallmarks of our time.</p><p>E. But our fundamental needs to make sense of the world and to find our place in it haven't changed, nor have our basic needs for competence, belonging, control, and consistency.</p><p>F. Fulfilling these needs today requires a more fluid and sophisticated way of understanding ourselves and our roles as managers. </p><p>G. See Table 2-3 which summaries the differences between the managerial self-concept in the industrial age and postmodern ages.</p><p>H. The updated managerial self-concept: Today’s managers need to see themselves as: 1. Bricoleurs who are comfortable tinkering with themselves, others, and their environments and improving new ways of thinking and behaving on the spot. Effective tinkering involves: a) Changing habitual routines b) Breaking traditional boundaries c) Using taken-for-granted resources (ideas, materials, people) in new ways. d) Says Turkle, “For planners, mistakes are steps in the wrong direction; bricoleurs navigate through midcourse corrections.”</p><p>2. Meaning-makers: In a world with shifting meanings, multiple realities, and conflict between equally reasonable ideas, managers must not only try harder to make sense of themselves, the world, and their place in it, but they must help others to do the same. a) A primary task is to "frame experience in a way that provides a viable basis for action, e.g., by mobilizing meaning, articulating and defining what has previous remained implicit or unsaid, by inventing images and meanings that provide a focus for new attention, and by consolidating, confronting, or changing prevailing wisdom" (Linda Smircich and Gareth Morgan).</p><p>44 Copyright ©2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall Full file at 3rd-Edition-Paula-Caproni</p><p> b) Managers must learn to think of themselves as “homo-narratus” and become storytellers who can focus and energize their constituents. c) A good story: 1) Helps people make sense of who they are by enabling them to find their place in the story. 2) Holds the organization together by pulling seemingly disparate parts of the organization together, articulating both a shared past and future, and sometimes creating common enemies. d) Managers of meaning: 1) Do not deny that the world consist of immutable facts, concrete realities, and real events, but they also realize that human beings interpret these facts, concrete realities, and events throughout the filters of their cultures, organizations, and self- concept. 2) Realize that some of the most important human concepts— love, morality, effectiveness, success—are always ambiguous and open to interpretation. 3) Pay attention to what psychoanalysts M. Knight and Robert Doan refer to as “stories that have gone awry or outlived their usefulness" and stories that are in collision, as well as “the inherent danger of the one story that has no room for alternative accounts.” 3. Rich in self-complexity, which may mean developing multiple selves that serve different needs. a) Twentieth-century management literature promoted the image of an effective manager as someone with a unified, stable, and predictable self-concept. From this perspective, the goal of self- awareness is to know one’s “true self,” to be “centered” and aligned, to be well integrated, and to be consistent across a variety of situations. b) Today’s managerial self-concept must be more complex than that of the past. In contrast to the model of the “rock solid”, one-size- fits all ideal manager of the industrial age, today’s manager must develop a self-concept that is more complex, more open to experience, more fluid, more dependent on others, more comfortable with change, and less sure of oneself but more certain that what one does matters. c) Concept of multiple selves was used by W. E. B. Dubois since the turn of the century to represent the need for African Americans to live in two worlds. In his view, having multiple selves—or double consciousness—was a necessary and effective survival mechanism. In addition, sociologist Erving Goffman argued that the self is a collection of roles that a person turns on and off depending on the characteristics of the situation. </p><p>45 Copyright ©2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall Full file at 3rd-Edition-Paula-Caproni</p><p> d) Having multiple selves is typically framed as problem to be fixed rather than a skill to be developed. Aida Hurtado explains that “nonconflictual and monocultural social identities are [considered] superior and desirable.” But when having multiple selves is viewed as a normal, desirable, and effective adaptive mechanism for thriving in a complex world, people are encouraged to cultivate different selves, learn to shift among these selves, and to be able to leave one self aside for a while, only to pick it up later when the situation is more appropriate. Markus and Kitayama refer to the currently active self as the “working” or “on-line” self. e) For many people, particularly those who routinely interact across cultures, cross organizational boundaries, or manage complex personal and professional lives, having multiple selves offers many benefits, including: 1) The ability to be a member of multiple groups 2) Freedom gained from not being constrained by these groups 3) Value of having an insider’s and outsider’s perspective when in a group 4) May be better able to resist polarization 5) May make losing one part of one’s identity less devastating because one has other identities through which he or she can find fulfillment 6) Help one adapt to new work roles (Herminia Ibarra) f) Research studies on working women and people who want to change careers support the view that developing multiple selves can be a constructive strategy for success and well-being. g) Marketing firms are looking at ways to market their products and services to people who develop and maintain multiple selves, saying that “each of your customers is actually many customers fitting into multiple segmentation models.” h) Researcher Iris Settles and colleagues call the ability to develop multiple selves “high self complexity” 4. Self-monitors a) Self-monitoring refers to a person’s willingness and ability to be attentive to “social and interpersonal situational cues" and to adapt one’s behavior to these cues (Mark Snyder). 1) High self-monitors are highly sensitive to social and interpersonal cues in their environment and are willing and able to modify their behavior in response. (“Who does this situation want me to be and how can I be that person?”) 2) Neither high nor low self-monitoring is inherently better or worse. Both have consequences for effectiveness and well- being and strategies associated with both can be learned. 3) Low self-monitors are less sensitive to social and interpersonal cues and less willing and able to adapt their behaviors in response. (“Who am I and how can I be me in this situation?)</p><p>46 Copyright ©2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall Full file at 3rd-Edition-Paula-Caproni</p><p>4) Research suggests that high self-monitors are more likely to than low self-monitors to engage in impression management, seek out status and prestigious work, rely more on their social networks to make career decisions, experience higher levels of job involvement, have lower commitment to their organizations, rationalize their actions and manage impressions when their projects fail, change employers and geographic locations, get rated more highly in managerial performance evaluations, achieve more promotions, emerge as leaders of work groups, take on boundary spanning roles in organizations, have more central positions in organization networks, have more instrumental relationships, be less committed to current relationships, and be more open to the possibility of forming new relationships elsewhere. 5) Low self-monitors tend to be more predictable in their behavior, more committed to current employers, friends, and geographic locations; invest emotionally in particular relationships so that they can be themselves; be more comfortable with ambiguity, perhaps because high-self monitors may look more to others for clues about what to do whereas low self-monitors may use their own values and beliefs to make decisions, “tend to value the freedom to pursue work compatible with their own interests rather than work that is prestigious or well-defined” and have greater knowledge about their career preferences so they may not feel the need to gather a lot of information about various career options. 6) David Day and Deirdre Schleicher conducted a meta-analysis on self-monitoring, and found that “men had higher average self-monitoring scores than women. However, care must be taken when interpreting this finding given the relatively small (albeit robust) effect – and that there are likely to be larger within-sex than between sex differences in self-monitoring. It does raise the spector of harmful effects on the career progression of women when considered across all organizational levels.” 7) So far researchers have found no relationship between self- monitoring style and job satisfaction. However, some research suggest that high self-monitors may feel added stress because they are more likely to be in boundary-spanning roles at work, which sometimes require that they manage conflicting demands from different people in the organization. (Aja Mehra and Mark Schenkel) 8) The late Akio Morita, founder and CEO of Sony increased their success by his ability to help Westerners feel comfortable with him and the Japanese culture, in part by adapting his behavior to his Western colleagues. “There is even room for </p><p>47 Copyright ©2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall Full file at 3rd-Edition-Paula-Caproni</p><p> speculation that Morita’s lifelong, tireless campaign to install Sony in the West required a painful personal struggle to reconcile a foreign sensibility with his own… and he was never able to resolve to resolve that tension satisfactorily” (John Nathan). 9) Whether you should be more or less self-monitoring depends on what you want to achieve in your life. It’s worth thinking about your self-monitoring behavior and whether it’s helping you achieve the goals you want and if high or low self- monitoring is more likely to predict success in particular kinds of jobs. 8) Have students take and discuss the self-monitoring assessment in Box 2-6. I. Authenticity is a Work in Progress 1. Can someone who shifts “selves” and presents oneself in multiple ways depending on the context be authentic and trustworthy? Can someone who tenaciously holds onto his or her “true self” in an increasingly diverse and complex world respond empathetically and effectively to others needs? Perhaps it’s useful to view authenticity as a work in progress rather than a static end-state; to understand that we must sometimes express and pursue our own needs and other times find common ground and support others; It may be most useful to view the true self and multiple selves not as opposites but as options, both of which can help us achieve the authenticity that we desire and that others deserve from us.</p><p>VI. Managerial growth and development</p><p>A. Self-awareness is essential to our long-term work effectiveness, career development, and personal well-being.</p><p>B. Many of us are drawn to go beyond who we are to who we are capable of becoming.</p><p>C. To grow means giving up some control and well as some personal meanings and a way of seeing the world and acting in it.</p><p>D. The self-concept will always be a work in progress.</p><p>ADDITIONAL TEACHING AIDS</p><p>RECOMMENDED BACKGROUND READINGS  Crocker, Jennifer and Lora Park. “The Costly Pursuit of Self-Esteem”, Psychological Bulletin, 2004, 130(3).</p><p>48 Copyright ©2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall Full file at 3rd-Edition-Paula-Caproni</p><p> Crocker, Jennifer, Amara Brook, Yu Niiya, and Mark Villacorta. 2006. “The Pursuit of Self-Esteem: Contingencies of Self Worth and Self-Regulation.” Journal of Personality, 74(6): 1749.  Drucker, Peter. "Managing Oneself." Harvard Business Review, March-April 1999, pp. 65–74.  Dweck, Carol. 2008. “Can Personality be Changed? The Role of Beliefs in Personality and Change.” Current Directions I Psychological Science, 17(6): 391-394.  Greenfield, Patricia. 2009. “Technology and Informal Education: What is Taught, What is Learned.” Science. 323(5910): 69-71.  Ibarra, Herminia. "Provisional Selves: Experimenting with Image and Identity in Professional Adaptation." Administrative Science Quarterly, December 1999, pp. 764–791. (useful for understanding multiple selves)  Ibarra, Herminia. Working Identity: Unconventional Strategies for Reinventing Your Career, Harvard Business School Press, 2004. (useful for understanding multiple selves)  Markus, Hazel, and Shinobu Kityama. "Culture and the Self: Implications for Cognition, Emotion, and Motivation." Psychological Review 98, 1991, pp. 224–253. This is the best article I’ve seen that thoughtfully contrasts the independent and interdependent self-concept and the consequences of these on everyday thinking and acting.  Mehra, Ajay and Mark T. Schenkel. 2007. “The Price Chameleons Pay: Self- Monitoring, Boundary Spanning and Role Conflict in the Workplace.” British Journal of Management, 19(2): 138-144.  Peters, Tom. The Brand Called You, Fast Company Online, at  Rothbard, Nancy. “Enriching or Depleting? The Dynamics of Engagement in Work and Family Roles, Administrative Science Quarterly, 2001, 46(4), pp. 655-685. (useful for understanding multiple selves)  Ruderman, Marian, Patricia Ohlott, Kate Panzer and Sara King. “Benefits of Multiple Roles for Managerial Women,” Academy of Management Journal, 2002, 45(2), pp. 369-386. (useful for understanding multiple selves)  Zweig, Jason. April 4, 2009. “Is Your Investing Personality in Your DNA?” Wall Street Journal. B1.</p><p>ADDITIONAL ACTIVITIES</p><p>Quick Activity: Changing Another Person This is useful to do at the beginning of the module on self-awareness. Ask students “How many people have ever tried to change another person?” Most will raise their hands. Then ask “How many of you have succeeded?” Most will put their hands down. I explain that we rarely can change another person directly. We will be more successful if we work on (1) changing ourselves or (2) changing the environment. People will adapt their behavior to the changes you make in yourself and the environment. </p><p>49 Copyright ©2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall Full file at 3rd-Edition-Paula-Caproni</p><p>Quick Activity: Writing with Your Preferred and Non-Preferred Hand This is useful to do at the end of the module on the self-concept. This five-minute exercise is used to illustrate how strong our preferences can be and how difficult it can be to change them. Just as we each have a predisposition to be right or left handed, we each have a predisposition to see the world and act in certain ways that feel natural and normal to us. It’s very useful to do this activity after discussing the self-assessments such as the personality inventory, I am assessment, and self-monitoring assessment. Give the following instructions to the class:</p><p>“Write your name with your preferred hand.” Then ask them, “How did that feel?” Students usually respond with words such as “natural, efficient, automatic, easy, visually pleasing, well-done.”</p><p>Then ask students to “Write your name with your non-preferred hand.” Then ask them, “How did that feel?” Students usually respond with “childish, awkward, out of control, uncoordinated, slow, self-conscious, inefficient, fun, and frustrating.” Some also add “challenging, fun, and interesting.” </p><p>Conclude by saying, “Trying to learn a new style of thinking or behaving is like trying to write your name with your non-preferred hand. It feels awkward at first, is slow, and takes practice.” </p><p>Activity: Personality Style This 60-minute activity provides a fun way for students to understand the consequences of their ways of interpreting the world and solving problems. Ask the students to form groups based on whether their dominant styles are intuitive/feeling, intuitive/thinking, sensing/feeling, sensing/intuitive. Give the following instructions to the groups:</p><p>As a group you have 30 minutes to:  Describe o the strengths you may bring to organizations. o the weaknesses you may bring to organizations. o how you think you are perceived by others. o the kinds of people who drive you crazy. o how you can learn to appreciate the kinds of people who drive you crazy  Summarize your group’s responses on a piece of flip chart paper.  Note if there are any disagreements in your group.  Select a spokesperson to share your conclusions with the class.</p><p>50 Copyright ©2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall Full file at 3rd-Edition-Paula-Caproni</p><p>Activity: Birth Order and Leadership This 60-minute activity gives students an opportunity think about the impact of birth order on leadership styles. It is adapted from Adapted from William A. Kahn, "An Exercise of Authority," Organizational Behavior Teaching Review, Vol. XIV, Issue 2, 1989-90, pp. 28-42.</p><p>Form the class into groups based on birth order (only children, oldest children, middle children, and youngest children). Some people may have more complex family relationships such as a death of a sibling that may change perception of birth order, blended families, and other family situations. Ask them to select the group that they feel most represents how they experience their birth order. </p><p>Give the following instructions to the groups:</p><p>As a group you have 30 minutes to:  Discuss how you react to authority (bosses, teachers, parents, government), focusing on both your attitudes and behaviors.  Describe your leadership style.  Summarize your group’s responses on a piece of flip chart paper.  Note if there are any disagreements in your group.  Select a spokesperson to share your conclusions with the class.</p><p>Report out: 15 minutes</p><p>Debrief: 15 Minutes. Do you notice any patterns in any of the groups? Do you think any of these patterns have to do with birth order? Why or why not? Research by Frank Sulloway on birth order suggests the following:</p><p>1. Each child grows up in a different family environment, even if the children have the same parents. The first born spends some time as an only child and all the time as the eldest child. Later borns, depending on where they sit in the family tree, have different experiences from the first-born. Throughout most of childhood, the first borns are bigger, stronger, and smarter than later borns. They tend to be more conservative (because they relate more to authority) and are over-represented in political leaders.</p><p>2. Children compete for family resources which include parental affection and physical attention. They develop strategies for competing for these resources. First borns identify more with power and authority, and tend to become more conventional. Second borns, feeling that the rules don’t serve them as well and wanting to stand out from the first born, tend to be more rule </p><p>51 Copyright ©2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall Full file at 3rd-Edition-Paula-Caproni</p><p> breakers, flexible, creative, and liberal, often wanting to overthrow the status quo. Bill Gates is a “classic” second born having dropped out of Harvard to build his hardware and software empire.</p><p>Activity: Adult Development and Organizational Preferences This 60-minute exercise gives students an opportunity to think about how life stage influences people’s preferences regarding what they want out of their work and organizations. This exercise only works if there is a relatively wide range of ages (It wouldn’t work with all 18 – 20 year old students or all 25 – 30 year old students). It is adapted from Catherine Durnell Cramton, Learning through the Ages: What Adult Development Theory Brings to Management Classes, Journal of Management Education; Thousand Oaks; Aug 1999.</p><p>1. Divide class into groups based on age and sex (18 – 22, 23 – 28, 29 – 34, 35+ -- or other groupings that fit the age ranges in the class. If numbers are small, then use same sex groups. Sometimes I end up working with the older group if there aren't enough people. </p><p>2. Give each group the following questions:  What I want from my work is (or what motivates me) ______.  My favorite type of organizational environment is ______.</p><p>3. Tell the groups that they have 30 minutes to discuss their answers, write them on a piece of flip chart paper, and select a spokesperson for the group who will report out their answers and note any differences within the group.</p><p>Report Out: 20 Minutes. Have each group report out their answers and take questions from the other groups.</p><p>Debrief 10 Minutes: Explain that people of the same age group share the same stage of life development as well as the same place in history. Some people grew up taking the Internet for granted; others grew up during the Vietnam war, the women’s movement, and the Civil Rights movement. Consequently, people in the same age group often want similar things from their work, their careers, and their organizations, particularly the "meaning and importance of money, time for family, opportunities for advancement, interesting work, learning opportunities, comparisons with others, and developmental relationships.” (Cramton, 1999).</p><p>MOVIE Liar Liar</p><p>52 Copyright ©2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall Full file at 3rd-Edition-Paula-Caproni</p><p>The movie, Liar Liar (1997) starring Jim Carrey is a useful video from which to find clips that illustrate that, although many of us like to think of ourselves as never lying, we often do because not always telling the truth can be perceived as a social skill. This triggers very interesting discussion when discussing self- monitoring because high self-monitors are more likely to not tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth. In this comedy, Jim Carrey’s character can never tell a lie, so he goes through everyday life being entirely truthful, including during his job as a lawyer. There is considerable research that supports the view that people don’t tell the truth as often as they’d like to believe and that lying is a social skill that we teach our children. For example, we teach our children not to say “I don’t want to play with you” or “That’s an ugly outfit”. You can ask whether not giving one’s opinion at a meeting even when one disagrees with the majority is a form of not telling the truth. It is worth conducting a library search or Internet search for academic research on lying not as a social problem, but as a social skill. Of course, lying is also a social problem – consider the costs of Enron and other organizational examples of costly and unethical deception. You can order the video from for under $20 USD.</p><p> You can read a summary of some research on lying as a social skill (by University of Massachusetts researcher Robert Feldman) at: url=/releases/1999/12/991214072623.htm  You can also read about an ABC News Prime Time Special about how commonplace lying is and its role as a social skill at: _feature.html  Discussing lying as a social skill is not to promote lying, but rather to emphasize that everyone engages in social deceit at some time or another (even though some people wouldn’t admit it). Furthermore, most people wouldn’t want everyone to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth at all times. It’s an interesting discussion and some groups are more open to this discussion than others are. I find that undergrads and MBAs are more open to this discussion than executives.</p><p>ASSESSMENTS</p><p>Keirsey Assessment Students can take a free on-line version of the Keirsey Temperament sorter. The Keirsey Temperament sorter gives the same kinds of profiles as the Myers-Briggs does (such as ENTP, INFJ) but it's free and easily accessible on the Web. They can also pay about $35 and receive a full report by email. At this writing, the assessment can be accessed at: </p><p>Myers-Briggs Type Indicator</p><p>53 Copyright ©2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall Full file at 3rd-Edition-Paula-Caproni</p><p>This is the official long version of the assessment. You can order the assessment (hard copy only at this writing) and interpretive guide (I recommend the interpretive guide that focuses on understanding MBTI in work organizations) at: CPP, Inc., and Davies-Black Publishing, 3803 East Bayshore Road, PO Box 10096, Palo Alto, California, 94303, Telephone: 650-969-8901 or 800-624-1765; Fax: 650-969-8608, </p><p>54 Copyright ©2012 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall</p>

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