Hidalgo County 4-H Ambassador Information Handbook

Hidalgo County 4-H Ambassador Information Handbook

<p> 2014-2015 Hidalgo County 4-H Ambassador Information Handbook</p><p>“To Make the Best Better”</p><p>Texas AgriLife Extension programs serve people of all ages regardless of socioeconomic level, race, color, sex, religion, disability, or national origin. Table of Contents</p><p>Purpose, Objectives, & Goals...... 2</p><p>Eligibility Requirements...... 2-3</p><p>Required Activities...... 4</p><p>Dress Code...... 4-5</p><p>Code of Conduct...... 4</p><p>Application & Scorecard ...... 6-16</p><p>PURPOSE: The Hidalgo County 4-H Ambassador Council Program aims to project a clear and accurate image of the Texas and Hidalgo County 4-H & Youth Development Program. More specifically, the purpose is to:</p><p>• Help Ambassadors develop leadership and communication skills. • Help the public understand the full scope of the 4-H Program. • Provide service to different organizations in the communities. • Tell and show key audiences what the 4-H & Youth Development Program is and who it impacts, so that these audiences can understand the impact of 4-H on the lives of young people and see how it addresses key youth issues in the community. •To make families, youths, and communities more aware of 4-H and the benefits it offers.</p><p>TEAM MEMBERS: Hidalgo County 4-H youth will be selected to serve as 4-H Ambassadors on an annual basis. Applicants will be accepted, based solely on the criteria listed on the interview scoresheet in this handbook. There is no minimum number of youth who can apply per club. </p><p>4-H members and current Ambassadors must apply, interview and be accepted annually. </p><p>Interviews will be held May 8-9, 2014, by a panel of 3 judges selected by the Agents. Judges will review applications, recordbooks, essays, and interview each candidate. Following this interview, the panel of judges will determine participants for the Hidalgo County 4-H Ambassador Program. </p><p>Interview Date for 2014-2015 Ambassador Program: May 8-9, 2014 - A sign-up sheet with specific times will become available when applications are submitted. </p><p>ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS: The role of a Hidalgo County 4-H Ambassador is quite demanding and requires older 4-H males and females who are dedicated, mature, dependable, and very interested in the purposes of the Ambassador Program. The number of 4-Hers selected, each year, to serve as Ambassadors is determined by the County Extension Agent who supervises the Ambassador Program. The number is based upon need, number of clubs, program demands, and yearly goals for the Ambassadors, and the number of eligible applicants.</p><p>Hidalgo County 4-H Ambassadors must meet certain requirements to be considered for selection as an Ambassador. The requirements are as follows:  Be at least fourteen (14) years of age by August 31, 2014. 2</p><p> Must attend the Ambassador Orientation, at the county extension office. Date: To be announced.  Must have been a member of 4-H for a minimum of three (3) years at the time of submitting the application. Applicants must apply under their current primary or secondary club membership.  Must have participated in two (2) county events within the past two (2) years.  Must have had at least two (2) different projects within the past two (2) years.  Submit a complete application (with 2013-2014 Recordbook) and go through an individual interview with the panel of selected judges.  Meet all activity requirements by the application deadline of the current 4-H year to be considered for renewal.  Must have participated in at least two (2) community service activities as an individual, as a group member, or in a club type project.  Must be academically eligible.  Must be in good standing as a 4-H member.  Must agree to the Obligations and Activity Requirements, as stated in this source book.  Must apply each year to become a Hidalgo County 4-H Ambassador. </p><p>ATTENDANCE & OBJECTIVES: 4-H Ambassadors must make every effort possible to attend all activities and meetings. If attendance is not possible, notice must be given to the County Extension Agent or Adult leader in charge, in advance, at which time. Agent (s) will determine if it is an excused absence. </p><p>Excessive absences (excused or unexcused) will result in dismissal. Attendance will be kept for all activities/events/meetings. Members must attend 75% of required activities and meetings.</p><p>Every Hidalgo County 4-H Ambassador and Ambassador in training has the following obligations and must agree to fulfill the obligations to their best ability. These obligations are:</p><p> To attend the monthly Ambassador meetings, which will be determined at the Ambassador Orientation.  To maintain a positive attitude and represent the Hidalgo County 4-H Program throughout the year.  To write thank you notes to all individuals, as requested.  To never use alcohol, drugs or tobacco products during the year as a Hidalgo County 4-H Ambassador.  To maintain scholastic eligibility (passing all classes).  To meet all commitments for which the Ambassador volunteers & to complete those commitments with excellence.</p><p>3</p><p>ACTIVITY REQUIREMENTS: Hidalgo County 4-H Ambassadors are required to participate in the following activities each year. Journals with required activities list will be signed off at each Ambassador meeting by an adult leader or the County Extension Agent. Some activities may be signed-off by club managers, members of non-profit organizations or school employees.</p><p>• Attend 75% of Ambassador Meetings. Meetings will be held throughout the year (will be decided upon during the August orientation). Other meetings may be called by the County Extension Agent, as needed to plan events and activities. All members must notify designated County Extension Agent or advisor, if not able to attend the meeting. • Each Ambassador will prepare and present on a topic about the 4-H Program to one non- 4-H organization or group, during the fall or spring. Presentations will be given by only one (1) Ambassador. (Presentation topics and audience must be approved by the County Extension Agent). Presentations must also be turned into the County Extension Agent 2 weeks prior to the day of the presentation. Examples of audiences include: afterschool clubs, boys and girls club, Lions Club, Nomad Shrine Club, speech class, FFA etc. This presentation will not count as one of your non- 4-H activities, and will need to be submitted by (Date is To Be Announced). • Organize and lead one (1) event/activity during the current 4-H year as an Ambassador group. • Participate in at least three (3) non 4-H activities (Medical Gala, South Texas Literacy Gala, Cattle Baron’s Ball, Town Hall Meetings etc.). Events must be approved by the County Extension Agents. Throughout the year you will be given (via email/word of mouth) opportunities to attend these non-4-H events, but you must attend three (3).</p><p>Hidalgo County 4-H Ambassadors are required to participate in the following activities/events:</p><p>• Ambassador Training at the County Extension Office – Date to be Announced – All Ambassadors • Achievement Night – September - All Ambassadors • Hoedown – October - All Ambassadors • Christmas Gala (RGVLS) – December – All Ambassadors • STAR Gala – January – All Ambassadors • STAR Auction – March – All Ambassadors • RGVLS Auction – March – All Ambassadors • Including three (3) non 4-H activities – (Throughout the year) - Ambassadors choice, but must be completed and turned in. Deadline date: To be Announced.</p><p>Should all requirements not be met, the Ambassador may lose the privilege of serving as a 4-H Ambassador. However, the Ambassador may attempt to seek membership renewal by meeting face-to-face with an advisory board. The advisory board members will be selected by County Extension Agents, and will include: one (1) County Extension Agent, two (2) current 4-H Ambassadors in good standing, and two (2) adult leader volunteers.</p><p>DRESS CODE: Hidalgo County 4-H Ambassadors are required to dress appropriately for all events in which they will be representing 4-H as an Ambassador. For each event, the 4-H Ambassador Advisor will designate which dress is appropriate.</p><p>4 The dress requirements are:</p><p>Females: Blue Ambassador blazer White buttoned-down shirt/Ambassador Polo Shirt Khaki pants Close-toed heeled shoes (Black or brown) Maximum of 2” pump</p><p>Males: Blue Ambassador blazer White buttoned-downed shirt/Ambassador Polo Shirt Khaki Pants Black or brown dress shoes/ dress boots</p><p>CODE OF CONDUCT: All Hidalgo County 4-H Ambassadors are required to comply with the Texas 4-H Program’s Code of Conduct AT ALL TIMES, when participating in ANY 4-H event. If a 4-H Ambassador violates any provision of the Code of Conduct, whether it be minor, intermediate, or major, the situation and documentation must be presented before a board, consisting of one County Extension Agent, two adult volunteer leaders, and two 4-H Ambassadors (selected by the County Extension Agents). This board will meet with the 4-H Ambassador and make a decision whether or not the 4-H youth will be able to continue serving as a 4-H Ambassador. </p><p>DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS: Ambassadors are highly motivated, interested, mature and dependable individuals. Problems requiring disciplinary actions rarely occur. In an effort to keep the Hidalgo County 4-H Ambassador Program as one of excellence, disciplinary actions have been developed. </p><p>If any Ambassador fails to comply with the Obligations and Activity Requirements section of the application, disregards the uniform requirements, fails to fulfill responsibilities, or represents the Ambassador Program in an unacceptable manner, then the Ambassador will have an opportunity to explain their actions to the County Extension Agent who supervises the Ambassador Program. A written summary of the problem will be made by the County Extension Agent and kept on file. Immediate termination from the Hidalgo County Ambassador Program could result, depending on the nature of the violation.</p><p>All Ambassadors will receive one (1) warning when not fulfilling an obligation or miss an event for which they volunteer. If this occurs a second time, the Ambassador will meet with the County Extension Agent to review the situation and their service as an Ambassador. The result may be probation or termination. If an Ambassador is dismissed, he/she will not be able to re-apply for the Ambassador Program for a period of one year.</p><p>Changes to 4-H Ambassador Program Changes may be made at any time to guidelines, requirements or any other item related to Hidalgo County 4-H Ambassador Program by County Extension Agents, if necessary. </p><p>5</p><p>HIDALGO COUNTY 4-H AMBASSADOR INTERVIEW SCORE SHEET</p><p>NAME: ______</p><p>PERSONAL GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT 20 • Different knowledge and skills learned through 4-H projects and activities • Committees worked with and served on • Offices held (elected and/or appointed)</p><p>SCOPE OF PARTICIPATION 15 • Project Variety • Participation in club, county, district events and contests • Method demonstrations, talk, exhibits, camps, labs • Citizenship and public relations activities</p><p>LEADERSHIP SKILLS 20 • Participation as officer or committee member at club and County levels • 4-H junior or teen leadership or helping others in the club or at County level • Leadership potential with training and opportunities provided</p><p>COMMUNITY SERVICE 20 • Individual community service activities • Participation in club and/or County level community service activities</p><p>INTERVIEW 25 • Ability to communicate; to express thoughts, ideas and opinions • Eye contact and projection of self • Appropriate attire for interview</p><p>COMMENTS:______</p><p>ACCEPTED INTO AMBASSADOR PROGRAM: ______YES ______NO DATE: ______</p><p>6</p><p>HIDALGO COUNTY 4-H Ambassador Application Requirements</p><p> o Application typed, completed and signed by applicant and parent.</p><p> o Submit 2013-2014 recordbook. o Recommendation Letter from club manager, adult leader, counselor, teacher etc. (typed and sealed in envelope).</p><p> o Essays completed (minimum 200 words per essay)</p><p> o Essay questions:</p><p>. If selected as a 4-H Ambassador, what parts of the 4-H Program do you think should be promoted?</p><p>. Why do you want to serve as a 4-H Ambassador?</p><p> o Participate in Interview Selection Process.</p><p>7</p><p>Hidalgo County 4-H Ambassadors</p><p>Head Heart Hands Health The Ambassador Program gives 4-H members the unique opportunity to apply fundamental 4-H leadership skills to local 4-H clubs, and community outreach projects and initiatives. The Ambassadors also serve as role models to their fellow 4-H members and youth within our local communities. </p><p>Age Requirement: Applicants must be at least fourteen (14) years of age by August 31, 2014.</p><p>Ambassador Application and letter of recommendation: Are due at the County Extension Office by Thursday, May 1, 2014 by 5:00 p.m. </p><p>Interviews: Interviews will take place on May 8-9, 204. A sign-up sheet for specific times will be available when applications are submitted. </p><p>Applications are available online at http://hidalgo.agrilife.org/ or you may come by the County Extension Office for a copy as well.</p><p>2014-2015 Hidalgo County 4-H Ambassador Application Name:______(First, Middle, Last)</p><p>Cell Phone:______</p><p>E-Mail:______</p><p>Home Address:______</p><p>City/State/Zip Code:______</p><p>ATTACH Age on 8/31/2014:______(Do Not digitally insert) (Applicant must be 14 years or older by 8/31/14) a recent Date of Birth: ______2 ½” X 3 ½” head and shoulders photo here. Submit (2013-2014) Recordbook: (Must turn in Recordbook with application)</p><p>Number of years enrolled in Hidalgo County 4-H Club(s):______</p><p>Have you served as an Ambassador before (Y/N): </p><p>If yes, # of years:______</p><p>Please complete the sections below: The information, which you will record below, should ONLY be from the current 4-H year (2013-2014) and the previous year (2012-2013).</p><p>4-H Activities Completed</p><p>A. 4-H Contests at County, District, and/or State Level (current year first):</p><p>Contest: ______Level: ______Year: ______Contest: ______Level: ______Year: ______</p><p>Contest: ______Level: ______Year: ______</p><p>Contest: ______Level: ______Year: ______</p><p>Contest: ______Level: ______Year: ______</p><p>Contest: ______Level: ______Year: ______</p><p>Contest: ______Level: ______Year: ______</p><p>B. 4-H Projects Exhibited at Livestock Shows (current year first):</p><p>Project:______Level: ______Year: ______</p><p>Project:______Level: ______Year: ______</p><p>Project:______Level: ______Year: ______</p><p>Project:______Level: ______Year: ______</p><p>Project:______Level: ______Year: ______</p><p>Project:______Level: ______Year: ______</p><p>C. 4-H Camps (4-H Congress, Leadership Lab, etc):</p><p>Camp:______Year: ______</p><p>Camp:______Year: ______Camp:______Year: ______</p><p>Camp:______Year: ______</p><p>Camp:______Year: ______</p><p>D. Citizenship Activities (Examples: advocating for youth issues with elected officials, Purple Up for Military Kids, local proclamation for 4- H Week, assist with local festival, observe Flag Day) </p><p>Activity: ______Year: ______</p><p>Activity: ______Year: ______</p><p>Activity: ______Year: ______</p><p>E. 4-H Promotional Efforts (Examples: speeches, poster displays, radio, newspaper articles, club exhibits, television)</p><p>Efforts: ______Year: ______</p><p>Efforts: ______Year: ______</p><p>Efforts: ______Year: ______</p><p>Efforts: ______Year: ______</p><p>Leadership</p><p>During their 4-H years, the 4-H member must have exhibited leadership skills in at least one of the following areas: </p><p>A. 4-H club officer or committee member at the club or county level Office/Committee______Club/County: ______Year: ______</p><p>Office/Committee______Club/County: ______Year: ______</p><p>Office/Committee______Club/County: ______Year: ______</p><p>B. 4-H junior or teen leader in any activity or project with adult leader supervision </p><p>Please explain: ______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>Community Service</p><p>The 4-H member must have participated in two (2) or more 4-H community service activities or projects either as an individual, as a group member, or in a club type project. Please complete the appropriate sections.</p><p> o Individual:______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p> o Group Member: ______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p> o Club Project: ______</p><p>______</p><p>______</p><p>______Non-4-H Activities</p><p>A. Aside from your 4-H activities, please list other areas you are involved in </p><p>Activity: ______Position: ______Year: ______</p><p>Activity: ______Position: ______Year: ______</p><p>Activity: ______Position: ______Year: ______</p><p>Activity: ______Position: ______Year: ______</p><p>Activity: ______Position: ______Year: ______</p><p>Activity: ______Position: ______Year: ______</p><p>Activity: ______Position: ______Year: ______</p><p>Activity: ______Position: ______Year: ______</p><p>Activity: ______Position: ______Year: ______</p><p>ESSAY # 1</p><p>Please explain why you want to be a 4-H Ambassador? (Please include examples and experiences that led you to apply for this program) ESSAY # 2</p><p>If selected as a 4-H Ambassador, what parts of the 4-H program do you think should be promoted? *****Please attach one (1) Letter of Recommendation to this application.***** (Letter can be from 4-H Adult leader, Counselor, Teacher, Extension Agent etc.) “ My signature indicates that I have carefully read, understand and agree to comply with the requirement and that I will to the best of my ability fulfill the obligations as a Hidalgo County 4-H Ambassador. I pledge my full cooperation in committing time during the coming year and in accepting speaking and service assignments to fulfill membership requirements. I further pledge my regular attendance at a team functions and meetings and to conduct myself in a manner that supports a positive image for the team and for the 4-H program.”</p><p>______4-H Member Signature Date</p><p>“As the parent/guardian of the 4-H member, I have carefully read and understand the requirements and that I agree to fully support my 4- Her in his/her commitment as a Hidalgo County 4-H Ambassador.”</p><p>______(Parent/Guardian Signature) Date</p>

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