CURRICULUM VITAE - 1st December 2018 Mark T. Reynolds 306GWestHall, Phone:+1734764–4160 1085 S. University Ave., Email: [email protected] Ann Arbor, Homepage: dept.astro.lsa.umich.edu/∼markrey MI 48109 Education: Ph.D.Astrophysics 2008,UniversityCollegeCork,Ireland Title: Optical & IR observations of quiescent LMXBs. Advisor: Prof. Paul Callanan B.Sc. Physics 2003, University College Cork, Ireland Graduated with first class honours Employment: • 2013 – Present: Assistant research scientist in the astronomy department at the University of Michigan. • 2008 – 2013: Postdoctoral researcher in the astronomy department at the University of Michigan (w/ Jon Miller). Research Interests: • Accretion as a function of M, M˙ , ‘feedback’, disk-jet connections in accreting sources. • Accretion physics, stellar remnants (BHs, NSs & WDs), transients & variable sources • Supermassive black-hole/Galaxy growth & co-evolution. • Using black holes and neutron stars to test GR in the strong field limit. • Using neutron stars to constrain the equation of state of ultra-dense matter. • X-ray binaries, compact object mass estimation, population studies, LMXB - millisecond radio pulsar link, SNRs, YSOs. • Extragalactic X-ray binaries, supernovae, gamma-ray bursts. Selected Publications: • “A Swift Survey of Accretion onto Stellar Mass Black Holes” Reynolds M.T., Miller J.M., 2013, ApJ, 769, 16 • “Reflection From the Strong Gravity Regime in a z=0.658 Gravitationally Lensed-Quasar” Reis R.C., Reynolds M.T., Miller J.M., Walton D., 2014, Nature, 507, 207 • “A Rapidly Spinning Black Hole Powers the Einstein Cross” Reynolds M.T., Walton D.J., Miller J.M., Reis R.C., 2014, ApJ, 792, 19 • “Chandra Grating Spectroscopy of the Be/X-ray Binary 1A 0535+262” Reynolds M.T., Jon Miller, 2010, ApJ, 723, 1799 • “An Anomalous Quiescent Stellar Mass Black Hole” Reynolds M.T., Miller J.M., 2011, ApJ, 734, 17 Observing Programs as PI: • XMM-Newton AO20 – 135ks: Is Accretion Really Driving the X-rays in TW Hya? • Chandra AO20-DDT – 20ks: A multiwavelength ATCA/GAIA/Chandra Search for the Weakest Jets • NuSTAR AO4 – 50ks: Constraining the Relativistic Outflow in the Micro-Quasar GRS 1758-258 • NuSTAR AO3 – 50ks: A NuSTAR Study of the Inner Accretion Flow in the Microquasar 1E 1740.7-2942 • XMM-Newton AO16 – 65ks: X-Ray Plasma Diagnostics with RGS: A Bright T-Tauri Star in Sco Cen • Chandra AO18 – 20ks: The Anomalous Quiescent Accretion Flow in GS 1354-64 • NuSTAR AO2 – 50ks: The NuSTAR View of an AMXP Accretion Flow • Chandra AO17 – 30ks w/ 20ks NuStar: Accretion Disk Winds in the Presence of a Neutron Star with a 1012 G Magnetic Field • Hubble C23 – 2 orbits: 2 orbits: Characterizing a Magnetic CV Associated with a PNe via COS UV Spectroscopy • Chandra AO16 – 30ks: 16ks: Characterizing a New Variable Hard X-ray Source in the Planetary Nebula G343.3-0.6. 20ks: Characterizing a New Radio Faint SNR: G309.4-0.1. • Suzaku AO9 – 200ks: Constraining the Hard X-ray Emission from the Young SNR G306.3-0.9 • XMM-Newton AO13 – 45ks: 16ks: Characterizing a New Variable Hard X-ray Source in the Planetary Nebula G343.3-0.6. 29ks: Characterizing a New Radio Faint SNR: G309.4-0.1. • NOAO/Gemini-N 2010A – 20 hrs: The Mass of the Black Hole in the Galactic Microquasar GRS 1915+105 • Chandra AO14 – 20ks: Sub-Arcsecond Imaging of the Microquasar SS433 • XMM-Newton AO11 – 30ks: Characterizing New X-ray Sources in the Swift Galactic Plane Survey. • Chandra AO13 – 40ks: The Luminosity of Quiescent Stellar Mass Black Holes • XMM-Newton AO10 – 134ks: Constraining the Spin of the Black Hole in the Microquasar 1E 1740.7-2942 • Chandra AO12 – 40ks: The Quiescent X-Ray Luminosity of Stellar Mass Black Holes • Chandra A10-DDT – 20ks: Chandra High Resolution Spectroscopy of the Be X-Ray binary A0535+262 • NOAO/Gemini-N 2010A – 10 hrs: The Mass of the Black Hole in the Galactic Microquasar GRS 1915+105 Selected Programs as Co-I: • Swift – 1.5 Ms: The Swift Galactic Plane Survey (lead scientist) Professional Memberships: American Astronomical Society (AAS) & High Energy Astrophysics Division (HEAD) Service: Referee for ApJ, A&A, MNRAS, Science. Served on time allocation committee for Chandra, Suzaku, Swift, Hubble, Magellan. Reviewer for NASA (ADAP, NPP). Reviewer for NSF. Teaching Experience: Lecturer University of Michigan: Astro102 (winter 2017), Astro220 (fall 2018, fall 2017, winter 2016), Astro107 (winter 2018). Lecturer University of Michigan-Dearborn: Galaxies & Cosmology (Astro445, winter 2015). Substitute Lecturer University of Michigan: On-going a number of times per year, various 100/200/300 level courses. Undergraduate student project supervisor University of Michigan: E.g., current – Decklyn Scott (incoming 2019), Sameer Ali (fresher), Major Stevens (fresher), Audrey Lang (fresher); 2016/current – Kinsey Johnson (junior); 2017/current – Alanah Cardanes O’Toole (junior) Supervisor/Demonstrator UCC Astrophysics degree observing trip to Kryoneri Observatory, Greece, 2004-2007 Laboratory Demonstrator University College Cork, 2002-2006 Honors and Awards: UCC College Scholar 2003 Talks: “Accretion as the Driving Mechanism for the Observed X-Ray Emission in TW Hya” Accretion in Stellar Systems, Boston, Massachusetts, 2018 “A Relativistic Outflow Detected in the Hard State from the Microquasar GRS 1758-258” 42nd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Pasadena, California, 2018 “Chandra/HETGS observations of SMC X-3 at a Luminosity of ∼ 10 LEdd” 42nd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Pasadena, California, 2018 “Detection of a Relativistic Outflow from the Galactic Microquasar GRS 1758-258 in the Hard State” 41st COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Istanbul, Turkey, 2016 (cancelled) “Swift Studies of Galactic X-ray Sources” Time Domain Astrophysics with Swift II, Clemson SC, 19 – 21 October, 2015 “Reflection from the Strong Gravity Regime in a Lensed Quasar at z=0.658” X-ray Universe 2014, Dublin, Ireland, 16 – 19 June, 2014 “The Swift Galactic Plane Survey” 2013 Swift senior review meeting, State College, Pennsylvania, USA, 28-30 October, 2013. “X-Ray Binaries as Astrophysical Laboratories” 2013 Departmental Colloquium, University of Michigan, Michigan USA, 10 January, 2013. “The Swift Galactic Plane Survey” 2011 High Energy Astrophysics Division Meeting, Newport, Rhode Island, USA, 7-10 September, 2011. “Galactic X-Ray Binaries as observed by Swift” Swift Mission Conference Celebrating 5 Years, State College, Pennsylvania, USA, 18-20 November, 2009. “X-Ray Binary Systems” MSU-UM interchange talk, Michigan State University, 21st January 2009. “Suzaku Broadband Spectroscopy of the Black Hole Candidate Swift J1753.5-0127” 213th AAS meeting, Long Beach, California, 4th − 8th January 2009. “IR Contamination from the Accretion Disc in Quiescent X-Ray Novae” Astronomy Science Group of Ireland Spring Meeting, Armagh Observatory, 14th March, 2008. “The Black Widow Pulsar PSR B1957+20” Astronomy Science Group of Ireland Spring Meeting, University College Cork, 3rd/4th May, 2006. PUBLICATION LIST Mark T. Reynolds (H-Index: 21; i10-Index: 41) See on Google Scholar Refereed Publications: 1. “Evidence for the ultra-compact nature of IGR J17062-6143” Hernandez Santisteban J. V., Cuneo V., Degenaar N., van den Eijnden J., Altamirano D., Gomez M. N., Russell D. M., Wijnands R., Golovakova R., Reynolds M. T., Miller J. M., 2018, MNRAS, subm. 2. “The Swift observations and strong X-ray flaring activity of the TeV-detected blazar 1ES 1959+650 in 2016 August - 2017 November” Kapanadze B., Dorner D., Vercellone S., Romano P., Hughes P., Aller M., Aller H., Reynolds M.T., Ka- panadze S., Tabagari L., 2018, ApJS, 238, 13 3. “Constraining the inclination of the Low-Mass X-ray Binary Cen X-4” Hammerstein E.K., Cackett E.M., Reynolds M.T., Miller J.M., 2018, MNRAS, 478, 4317 4. “Planet formation imager: project update” Monnier, J.D., Ireland, M., Kraus, S., ... Reynolds M.T., et al., 2018, SPIE, 10701E, 18 5. “Mid-UV Studies of the Transitional Millisecond Pulsars XSS J12270-4859 and PSR J1023+0038 During Their Radio Pulsar States” Rivera Sandoval L.E., Hernndez Santisteban J.V., Degenaar N., Wijnands R., Knigge C., Miller J.M., Reynolds M.T., Altamirano D., van den Berg M., Hill A., 2018, MNRAS, in 476, 1086 6. “The second strong X-ray flare and multifrequency variability of 1ES 1959+650 in 2016 January-August” Kapanadze B., Dorner D., Vercellone S., Romano P., Hughes P., Aller M., Aller H., Reynolds M.T., Ka- panadze S., Tabagari L., 2018, MNRAS, 473, 2542 7. “Simultaneous Multiwavelength Observations of V404 Cygni during its 2015 June Outburst Decay Strengthen the Case for an Extremely Energetic Jet-base” Maitra D., Scarpaci J.F., Grinberg V., Reynolds M.T., Markoff S., Maccarone T.J., Hynes R.I., 2017, ApJ, 851, 148 8. “A Multi-wavelength Analysis of Binary-AGN Candidate PSO J334.2028+01.4075” Foord A., Gultekin K., Reynolds M.T., Ayers M., Liu T., Gezari S., Runnoe J., 2017, ApJ, 851, 106 9. “The Chandra Dust-scattering Halo of Galactic Center Transient Swift J174540.7-290015” Corrales L.R., Mon B., Haggard D., Baganoff F.K., Garmire G., Degenaar N., Reynolds M.T., 2017, ApJ, 839, 76 10. “A cold neutron star in the transient low-mass X-ray binary HETE J1900.1-2455 after 10 yr of active accretion” Degenaar N., Ootes L.S., Reynolds M.T., Wijnands R., Page D., 2017, MNRAS, 465, 10 11. “X-Ray Flaring Activity of MRK 421 in the First Half of 2013” Kapanadze, B.; Dorner, D.; Vercellone, S.; Romano, P.; Aller, H.; Aller, M.; Hughes, P.; Reynolds M.T., Kapanadze, S.; Tabagari, L., 2016, ApJ, 831, 102 ∗ 12. “Deep Chandra Observations of the Compact Starburst Galaxy Henize 2-10: X-Rays from the Massive Black Hole” Reines A.E., Reynolds M.T., Miller J.M., Sivakoff G.R., Greene J.E., Hickox R.C., Johnson K.E., 2016, ApJ, 830, 35 13. “NuSTAR Observations of the Black Hole GS 1354-64: Evidence of Rapid Black Hole Spin” El-Batal A.M., Miller J.M., Reynolds, M.T., Tomsick J., Harrison F.A., et al., 2016, ApJ, 826, 12 14.
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