Ssss.Aleem, L.Capretz and F.Ahmed (2015) 000 000 12

Ssss.Aleem, L.Capretz and F.Ahmed (2015) 000 000 12

<p> S.ALEEM, L.CAPRETZ AND F.AHMED (2015) 000–000 1</p><p>Appendix A </p><p>[S1] Ramadan, R., Widyani, Y., 2013. Game development life cycle guidelines. In Proceedings of 5t h International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information Systems (ICACIS). IE EE Computer Society, Jakarta, Indonesia, (September 28–29, 2013) 95–100. [S2] Petrillo F., Pimenta, M., 2010. Is agility out there? Agile practices in game development. In Pr oceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Design of Communication (SIGDOC 201 0). ACM Digital Library, Brazil, (September 2010) 9-15. [S3] Lee, S. H., Lee, G. H., Cho, H. H., Song, D. H., Rhew, S. Y., 2006. An empirical model of the game software development process. In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on So ftware Engineering Research, Management, and Applications. IEEE Computer Society, Seattle, W ashington, (August 9–11, 2006) 371-377. [S4] Tschang, F. T. 2003. 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Game object model version II: a theoretical framework for education game d evelopment, Education Technical Research Development, Springer, 55(1), (February 2007), 51–77.</p><p>[S9] Tang, S., Hanneghan, M., 2011. Fusing games technology and pedagogy for games-based learni ng through a model-driven approach, In Proceedings of IEEE Colloquium on Humanities, Science, & Engineering Research (CHUSER 2011), Penang, Malaysia, (December 5–6, 2011) 380-385. [S10] Hullett, K., Nagappan, N., Schuh, E., Hopson, J., 2012. Empirical analysis of user data in gam e software development, In Proceedings of the ACM-IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement, ACM Digital Library, Lund, Sweden, (September 19–20, 2012), 89–98. [S11] Hullet,K., Nagappan, N., Schuh, E., Hopson, J., 2011. Data analysis for game development (N ier Track), In Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Software Engineering, ACM D igital Library, Hawaii, (May 21–28, 2011), 940–943. [S12] Katsaliaki, K., Mustafee, N., 2012. A survey of serious games on sustainable development, In Proceedings of the 2012 Winter Simulation Conference, IEEE Computer Society, 13 pages. S.ALEEM, L.CAPRETZ AND F.AHMED (2015) 000–000 2</p><p>[S13] Peixoto, D., Possa, R. M., Resende, R. F., Padua, C. I., 2012. Challenges and issues in the dev elopment of a software engineering simulation game, In Proceedings of Frontiers in Education Co nference (FIE). IEEE Computer Society, (October 5–6, 2012), 1-6. [S14] Ibanez, B. C., Boudier, V., Labat, J., 2009. Knowledge management approach to support a seri ous game development. In Proceedings of Ninth IEEE International Conference on Advanced Lea rning Technologies (ICALT), Riga, Lativa, (July 15-17, 2009), 420-422. [S15] Wafisz, M., Zackariasson, P., Wilson, T. L., 2006. Real-time strategy: Evolutionary game dev elopment, Journal of Business Horizons, Elsevier, 49, 6(2006), 487–498. [S16] Maxim, B. R., Ridgway, B., 2007. 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