<p> HOMOPHONES</p><p>A list of Homophones (Definition: Two or more words which sound alike but are not only spelled differently but have different meanings.) For example, the words: flour and flower are .homophones</p><p>They are closely related to Homonyms, which are defined as words which are spelled the same way, have similar pronunciations, but have different meanings. Words such as: bark are homonyms because it could mean the sound that a dog makes, the cork-like substance .surrounding a tree and also a type of sailing vessel</p><p>Heteronyms are words which are spelled the same way but when different parts of the words are emphasized, the word carries a different meaning. Words such as: CONvict (a prisoner serving a .sentence) and conVICT (to find guilty) are examples of heteronyms</p><p>.Names of people and names of places have deliberately been omitted from this list</p><p>What follows is a list of well over 800 homophones. The number printed at the end of a series is the number of different sound-alike words found. Corrections, suggestions or unlisted homophones :suggested by you will be gladly included. Simply send them to</p><p> [email protected]</p><p>As of: January 1st, 2010</p><p>A</p><p>(accede: agree to; exceed: go beyond a limit; (2 .1 (accent: a distinctive way of speaking; ascent: an upward slope; assent: consent; (3 .2 (accept: to receive willingly; except: with the exclusion; (2 .3 (access: right to enter; excess: more than is needed; (2 .4 (acclamation: strong approval or loud applause; acclimation: getting used to a new climate; (2 .5 (acts: divisions of a play or opera; ax: a tool for chopping wood; (2 .6 (ad: abbreviation for advertisement; add: to combine numbers; adze: ax-like tool for trimming wood; (3 .7 (adapt: to fit or adjust as needed; adept: highly skilled; adopt: take as one's own; (3 .8 (addition: adding together; edition: a form in which a book is published; (2 .9 (adherence: fidelity; adherents: followers; (2 .10 (adolescence: the time between childhood and adulthood; adolescents: youths; (2 .11 (adverse: opposed; averse: unwilling; (2 .12 (advice: an opinion on what to do; advise: inform; (2 .13 (aerie, aery: the nest of a bird; airy: open to the air; (2 ,14 (aero: of aircraft: arrow: the sign (); (2 .15 (affect: act on, influence; effect: a result; (2 .16 (affluent: wealthy; effluent: the outflow of a sewer, etc; (2 .17 (aid: to give assistance; aide: a person who acts as an assistant; (2 .18 (ail: to suffer ill health; ale: an alcoholic beverage; (2 .19 (air: what we breathe; ere: before; err: be wrong; heir: one who inherits property; (4 .20 (aisle: a passage separating a section of seats; isle: an island; I'll: I will, I shall; (3 .21 (albumen; white of an egg; albumin: protein in eggs and muscle, etc; (2 .22 (all: every; awl: a pointed tool for marking surfaces; (2 .23</p><p>1 (allergy: sensitive reaction to certain materials; elegy: a poem lamenting a dead person; (2 .24 (allowed: permitted; aloud: with a strong voice; (2 .25 (allude: refer to: elude: escape, evade; (2 .26 (allusion: indirect or casual mention; elusion: act of evading; (2 .27 (allusive: elusive: illusive: a misleading appearance; (2 .28 (alms: charity; arms: human upper limbs; (2 .29 (altar: a raised structure on which sacrifices are offered; alter: change; (2 .30 (amend: correct, improve; emend: correct as a text; (2 .31 (annual: yearly: annul: make null and void; (2 .32 (ant: insect with a complex social organization: aunt: the wife of one's uncle; (2 .33 (ante: a player's stake in poker; anti: against; aunty: familiar form of: aunt; (3 .34 (apposite: fitting, appropriate; opposite: entirely different; (2 ,35 (arc: a curved path; ark: something that affords protection; (2 .36 (aren't: are not; aunt: the sister of one's parent; (2 .37 (arrant: out and out; errant: wandering; (2 .38 (as: for instance; ass: donkey; (2 .39 (ascent: climb; assent: agree; (2 .40 (assaulted: attacked; assorted: miscellaneous; (2 .41 (assay: test, attempt; essay: a short personal effort in writing on one subject; (2 .42 (assistance: the act of assisting; assistants: people who help; (2 .43 (ate: past tense of eat; eight: number between 7 and 9; (2 .44 (attendance: people present; attendants: employees who wait on customers; (2 .45 (auger: a tool for boring holes in wood; augur: foretell; (2 .46 (aught: zero; ought: an auxiliary verb showing duty, desirability or probability; (2 .47 (aural: relating to the ear or to the sense of hearing; oral: uttered by the mouth or in words; (2 .48 (auricle: ear-shaped pouch in each atrium of the human heart; oracle: authoritative or wise expression; (2 .49 (aureole: halo; oriole: a bird with bright orange and black plumage; (2 .50 (away: at a distance; aweigh: just clear of the bottom; said of an anchor; (2 51 (awe: dread,; or: a logical operator; oar: a rowing pole; ore: a source from which valuable matter is extracted; (4 .52 (awed: sounded a protest; odd: peculiar; (2 .53 (awful, aweful: terrifying, dreadful; offal: refuse, garbage; (2 .54 (axes: tools for chopping wood; axis: a straight line around which a thing rotates; (2 .55 (aye: an affirmative vote; eye: organ of sight; I: one who is speaking or writing; (3 .56</p><p>B</p><p>(bail: container to remove water from a boat; bale: sorrow; (2 .1 (bait: to tease; bate: restrain; (2 .2 (baize: coarse, felt-like cloth; bays: wide inlets of a sea; beys: Turkish titles of respect; (3 .3 (bald: lacking hair on the head; bawled: shouted; (2 .4 (ball: a round object used in games; balled: dealt with a ball in a game; bawl: to shout; (3 .5 (band: something that binds; banned: barred; (2 .6 (bans: formal preventions by authority; banns: church notice of an upcoming marriage; (2 .7 (bard: a poet; barred: not allowed; (2 .8 (bare: exposed; bear: large American mammal; (2 .9 (barely: only just; barley: cereal grain; (2 .10 (bark: sharp cry of a dog; barque: a variant of: bark; (2 .11 (baron: a nobleman; barren: incapable of producing offspring; (2 .12 (barrel: round, wooden container with bulging sides; beryl: hard, bright mineral, such as the emerald; (2 .13 (base: goal in some games: bass: lowest male singing voice; (2 .14 (basal: basic; basil: a herb; (2 .15 (based: something on which a fact is founded; baste: sew with loose, temporary stitches; (2 .16 (bases: goals in some games; basis: main constituent; basses: lowest male singing voices; (3 .17 (bask: warm oneself; basque: a tight fitting bodice for women; (2 .18 (bawd: a prostitute; bored: wearied by dullness; (2 .19 (bay: an alcove; bey: Turkish title of respect; (2 .20 (bazaar: market place with shops, stalls, etc; bizarre: odd, fantastic; (2 .21 (be: part of the verb 'to be'; bee: honeybee; (2 .22 (beach: body of water covered by sand; beech: hardwood tree with smooth bark; (2 .23 (bean: seed of the legume family; been: past participle of 'to be'; bin: enclosed space for storage; (3 .24</p><p>2 (beat: to strike repeatedly; beet: a biennial plant used as a source for sugar; (2 .25 (beau beautiful, pretty; bow: something bent into a curve; (2 .26 (beer: an alcoholic beverage usually made from malted cereal grain; bier: a coffin; (2 .27 (beetle: insect with hard front wings; betel: fruit of the betel palm tree; (2 .28 (below: beneath; bellow: roar or shout; blow: force air out, as with the mouth; (3 .29 (bell: a metallic device that gives off a reverberating sound; belle: an attractive girl; (2 .30 (belligerence: warlike attitude; belligerents: persons at war; (2 .31 (berg: iceberg; burg: a quiet city or town; (2 .32 (berry: a pulpy and usually edible fruit; bury: to inter with funeral ceremonies; (2 .33 (berth: where a ship lies when at anchor; birth: emergence of a new individual; (2 .34 (besot: stupefy, as with liquor; besought: implored; (2 .35 (better: more suitable; bettor: one who bets; (2 .36 (billed: caressed affectionately; build: construct; (2 .37 (bight: a loop in a rope; bite: to seize especially with teeth; byte: a unit of computer information; (3 .38 (bitten: seized as with teeth; bittern: heron-like bird; (2 .39 (blew: past tense of the verb; 'blow'; blue: of the color blue; (2 .40 (bloc: a combination of persons or groups; block: a piece of wood; (2 .41 (boar: wild hog; boor: a rude person; bore: to drill a hole; (3 .42 (board: a piece of sawed lumber; bored: to make a hole; (2 .43 (boarder: one provided with regular meals and lodging; border: boundary; (2 .44 (bobbin: spool for thread; bobby: British for: policeman; (2 .45 (bode: an omen of; bowed: action by bow on violin strings; (2 .46 (bold: fearless before danger; bowled: rolled (a ball) as in the game of bowling; (2 .47 (bolder: more confident; boulder: mass of rock; (2 .48 (boll: the pod of a plant; bowl: a drinking vessel; (2 .49 (boos: shouts of disapproval; booze: to drink liquor especially to excess; (2 .50 :baby's knitted or cloth shoe; bootie: plunder, spoils; (2) 51. booty (born: brought forth by birth; borne: transported by; bourne: boundary, limit; (3 .52 (borough: self-governing towns; burro: donkey; burrow: a hole dug by an animal; (3 .53 (bough: a branch of a tree; bow: submit, yield; (2 .54 (bouillon: clear broth; bullion: gold or silver ingots; (2 .55 (boy: a male child from birth; buoy: a floating beacon; (2 .56 (brake: a stopping mechanism; break: fracture; (2 .57 (brae: hillside – Scottish; bray: the sound that a donkey makes; (2 .58 (braid: interweaved strands; brayed: sound uttered by a donkey; (2 .59 (braise: to brown then to simmer; brays: the sounds that donkeys make; (2 .60 (breach: infraction or violation of a law; breech: the hind end of the body – the bottom; (2 .61 (bread: food, sustenance; bred: deep-rooted; (2 .62 (brewed: preparation of tea and beer; brood: offspring; (2 .63 (brews: making beer, etc.; bruise: injure and discolor the skin without breaking it; (2 .64 (bridal: intended for a newly married couple; bridle: to restrain, check, or control; (2 .65 (broach: a cutting tool for removing material from metal; brooch: same as: broach; (2 .66 (brows: forehead; browse: to look over casually; (2 .67 (burger: hamburger or cheeseburger; burgher: an inhabitant of a town; (2 .68 (bussed: traveled by bus; bust: the breasts of a woman; (2 .69 ;(but: except for the fact; butt: strike with the head or horns (2 .70 (by: near; buy: to acquire possession; bye: a farewell greeting; (3 .71</p><p>C</p><p>(cabal: a group of conspirators; cable: a thick rope, often made of wire; (2 .1 (cache: something hidden; cash: ready money; (2 .2 (calendar: a table showing the months, weeks and days of the year; calender: a paper machine with rollers; (2 .3 (call: speak loudly; caul: fatty substance covering the intestines (as of a cow, sheep, or pig); cool: unfriendly; (3 .4 (caller: one who visits briefly; collar: part of the garment around the neck; (2 .5 (callous: hardened, unfeeling; callus: a hard, thickened place on the skin; (2 .6 (calves: plural of: calf; carves: to cut with care or precision; (2 .7 (canon: an accepted principle or rule; cannon: a large heavy gun usually mounted on a carriage; (2 .8 </p><p>3 (canape: an appetizer on a cracker; canopy: a covering over a bed or throne; (2 .9 (cant: lively; can't: short for: can not; (2 .10 (canter: beggar, vagabond; cantor: a synagogue official who sings or chants liturgical music; (2 .11 (canvas: closely woven cloth; canvass: to examine in detail; (2 .12 (capital: a city serving as a seat of government; capitol: a building of a state legislative body; (2 .13 (carat: measure of gold fineness; caret: a mark indicating a line addition; carrot: a biennial herb; karat: gold; (4 .14 (caress: to treat with affection and love; cress: pungent leaves used especially in salads; (2 .15 (caressed: treated with fondness crest: identifying emblem worn on a knight's helmet; (2 .16 (caries: decay of the teeth and bone; carries: takes to another place; (2 .17 (carol: a Christmas song of joy; carrel: a small enclosure for study in a library; (2 .18 (carpal tunnel syndrome: pain or numbness in wrist; carpel: a modified leaf forming a pistil; (2 .19 (cast: to get rid of; caste: prestige; (2 .20 (caster: small swiveled wheel as on a table leg; castor: an oil used in a laxative; (2 .21 (caught: past tense of: to catch; court: a manor house or large building; (2 .22 (cauk and caulk: make watertight by filling cracks with putty-like sealant; cork: light, thick bark of oak; (2 .23 (caul:: membrane enclosing the fetus at birth; call: say loudly; (2 .24 (cause: reason for an action; cores: parts of some fruits; corps: organized unit of the military establishment; (3 .25 (caw: a crow's harsh cry; core: the central part of an apple; corps: an organized group; (3 .26 (caws: crow's harsh cries; cause: something that brings a result; (2 .27 (cease: to end; seas: oceans; sees: looks at; seize: take suddenly by force; (4 .28 (cedar: evergreen tree with fragrant wood; seeder: one who plants seeds; (2 .29 (cede: to yield or grant; seed: progeny; (2 .30 (ceiling: overhead inside lining of a room; sealing: confirm or make secure; (2 .31 (celery: plant with edible, crisp stalks; salary: a fixed payment at regular intervals; (2 .32 (cell: a small compartment; sell: to deliver for money; (2 .33 (cellar: basement; seller: one that offers for sale; (2 .34 (censer: a vessel for burning incense; censor: a person who supervises conduct; sensor: sense organ; (3 .35 (census: the official count of a population; senses: perceives or understands; (2 .36 (cent: one hundredth of a dollar; scent: to perfume; sent: past tense of: send; (3 .37 (cents: American coins worth 100th of a dollar; scents: an odor; sense: intelligence; (3 .38 (cereal: food made of grain; serial: arranged in a series; (2 .39 (cession: ceding; session: meeting of a court, legislature, class, etc.; (2 .40 (chance: luck, fortune; chants: sings; (2 .41 (chard: beet with edible leaves and stalks; charred: scorched; (2 .42 (chary: discreetly cautious; cherry: a small red fruit; (2 .43 (chased: followed rapidly; chaste: pure in thought and act; (2 .44 (cheap: low in price; cheep: a young bird's short, shrill sound; (2 .45 (cheater: one who influences by deceit; cheetah: a long-legged, spotted African cat; (2 .46 (check: sudden stop; cheque: the British version of: check; (2 .47 (chews:, grinds food with the teeth; choose: select freely; (2 .48 (chic: smartly stylish; sheik: Arab chief; (2 .49 (chili: a hot pepper; chilly: noticeably cold; (2 .50 (choir: a group of singers; quire: a set of sheets of the same paper; (2 .51 (choral: relating to a chorus or choir; coral: yellowish red; corral: enclosure for confining livestock; (3 .51 (chord: three or more musical tones sounded simultaneously; cord: the hangman's rope; (2 .53 (chute: parachute; shoot: to propel a missile; (2 .54 (cistern: large storage tank; system: an orderly way of doing things; (2 .55 (cite: : to quote by way of example; sight: something that is seen; site: the place of an occurrence; (3 .56 (clack: make an abrupt sharp sound; claque: a group of fawning admirers; (2 .57 (claps: to strike with the flat of the hand in a friendly way; collapse: to break down completely; (2 .58 (clause: a group of words containing a subject; claws: a sharp nail on the toe of an animal; (2 .59 (clew: a ball of thread, etc; clue: a hint or fact that helps solve a mystery; (2 .60 (click: : to fit or agree exactly; clique: a narrow exclusive circle or group of persons; (2 .61 (climb: to go upward; clime: climate; (2 .62 (close: confined; clothes: wearing apparel; (2 .63 (coal: black material used as fuel; cole: crop plant derived from wild cabbage; (2 .64 (coarse: of ordinary or inferior quality; course: an ordered process or succession; (2 .65 (coat: an outer garment worn on the upper body; cote: a shed or coop for small domestic animals; (2 .66 (coax: to urge by soothing words; cokes: fuels made by removing gases from coal; (2 .67 (cocks: roosters; cox: often used to indicate the enzyme cyclo-oxygenase; (2 .68</p><p>4 (coffers: boxes or chests; coughers: people who cough; (2 .69 (collage: bits added to a surface to make a work of art; college: school of higher learning; (2 .70 (colonel: a high ranking military officer; kernel: the inner, softer part of a nut; (2 .71 (coma: deep unconsciousness; comma: the punctuation mark","; (2 .71 (come: move from "there" to "here"; cum: with; (2 .72 (comedy: a humorous play; comity: courtesy; (2 .73 (compare: to liken; compeer: the master of ceremonies; (2 .74 (competence: adequacy; competents: people who are capable, able; (2 .75 (complacent: smug; complaisant: obliging; (2 .76 (complement: completes or makes perfect; compliment: an expression of esteem or respect: (2 .77 (concord: agreement; conquered: defeated, overcame; (2 .78 (concur: agree; conquer: defeat, overcome; (2 .79 (console: a piece of furniture; consul: a government representative in a foreign country; (2 .80 (continence: sexual self-restraint; continents: large land masses; (2 .81 (coo: to talk amorously or fondly; coup: overturn or upset: (2 .82 (coolie: an Asian laborer; coolly: unfriendly; (2 .83 (coop: cooperative; coup: a bold, successful stroke; (2 .84 (cops: policemen; copse: thicket; (2 .85 (core: central part of an apple; corp: corporal; (2 .86 (co-respondent: a person in a divorce suit charged with adultery; correspondent: a journalist; (2 .87 (corporal: lowest ranking non-commissioned officer; corporeal: material; (2 .88 (cosign: sign jointly; cosine: a trigonometric function; (2 .89 (cosy: comfortable; cozy: the British version of: cosy; (2 .90 (council: an assembly for consultation; counsel: a lawyer engaged in a trial; (2 .91 (councilor: member of a council; counselor: a lawyer; (2 .92 (cousin:: a child of one's uncle or aunt; cozen: to cheat; (2 .93 (cow: mature female that gives milk; cowl: a monk's hood; (2 .94 (coward: one lacking courage; cowered: cringed as in fear; cowherd: one who tends to cows; (3 .95 (crape: crepe; crepe: thick, wrinkled silk, rayon, etc.; (2 .96 (creak: squeak; creek: a small stream; (2 .97 (crewel: yarn used in embroidery; cruel: causing suffering; (2 .98 (crews: people working on a job; cruise: to sail about touching at a series of ports; cruse: a small jar or pot); (3 .99 cue: prompt; queue: a waiting line especially of persons or vehicles; (2)100 (curb: to restrain; kerb: the British version of: a sidewalk gutter; (2 .101 (currant: a small seedless raisin grown chiefly in the Levant; current: most recent; (2 .102 (curser: one who swears; cursor: movable indicator light on a computer screen; (2 .103 (cygnet: a young swan; signet: a small, official seal; (2 .104 (cymbal: a concave brass plate that produces a brilliant clashing tone; symbol: a token or sign; (2 .105</p><p>D</p><p>(dais: a raised platform; days: in the daytime repeatedly; daze: stun, dazzle; (3 .1 (dam: a body of water confined by a barrier: damn: to condemn to a punishment or fate; (2 .2 (dammed: flowing water held back by a dam; damned: condemned; (2 .3 (darn: mend by sewing; darn: a euphemism for: damned; (2 .4 (days: plural of the word: day; daze: to stupefy especially by a blow; dais: a raised platform; (3 .5 (deal: a transaction; dill: a plant with aromatic seeds; (2 .6 (dear: precious; deer: a small animal; (2 .7 (decent: proper, respectable; descent: lineage; dissent: to differ in opinion; (3 .8 (deep: hard to understand; dip: plunge into a liquid for a moment; (2 .9 (dense: compactness or crowding together; dents: a minor depression in a substance; (2 .10 (dependence: reliance; dependents: those who rely on others; (2 .11 (depravation: morally bad; deprivation: take away; (2 .12 (desert: an arid, sandy region; dessert: a sweet dish at the end of a meal; (2 .13 (desperate: having lost hope; disparate: different; (2 .14 (dew: condensation upon the surfaces of cool bodies; due: owed or owing as a debt; (2 .15 (die: to pass out of existence; dye: a soluble or insoluble coloring matter; (2 .16 (dine: eat dinner; dyne: a unit of force used in science; (2 .17 (dire: dismal; dyer: one who imparts a new color to a garment or cloth; (2 .18 (disburse: pay out; disperse: scatter; (2 .19 </p><p>5 (discreet: careful, prudent; discrete: separate, distinct; (2 .20 (discus: a heavy disk thrown in a contest; discuss: talk or write about; (2 .21 (discussed: talked or wrote about; disgust: a sickening dislike; (2 ,22 (divers: those who dive; diverse: various; (2 .23 (do: carry out; doe: female deer; dough: a thick mixture that consists essentially of flour or meal; (3 .24 (doc: abbreviation for: document; dock: landing pier; (2 .25 (doer: one who takes some action; dour: gloomy; (2 .26 (does: plural of: doe; dose: amount of medicine taken at one time; doze; sleep, nap; (3 .27 (dole: money paid by the government to those in need; give sparingly; doll: child's to made to resemble a person; (2 .28 (done: arrived at or brought to an end; dun: marked by dullness and drabness; (2 .29 (draft: the act or an instance of drinking or inhaling; draught: British version of: draft; (2 .30 (dual: double; duel: a combat between two persons; (2 .31 (ducked: avoided; duct: a bodily tube or vessel; (2 .32 (dyeing: coloring with a dye; dying: present participle of: die: (2 .33 </p><p>E</p><p>(earn: to receive as a return for effort; urn: a closed vessel, usually with a spigot; (2 .1 (eave: projecting edge of a roof; eve: evening; (2 .2 (elicit: to draw forth or bring out: illicit: not permitted or illegal; (2 .3 (eligible: qualified; illegible; hard or impossible to read; (2 .4 (elusive; hard to grasp; illusive; giving a misleading appearance; (2 .5 (eminent: prominent or high; imminent: likely to happen without delay; (2 .6 (ensure: protect; insure: get or give insurance; (2 .7 (epic: long poem about a hero's deeds; epoch: a period marked by certain events; (2 .8 (equivalence: equal in quantity, meaning; equivalents: things that are equal; (2 .9 (ewe: female of the sheep; yew: evergreen tree with stiff leaves; you: the one being addressed; (3 .10 (ewes: sheep females; use: put into action;: yews: evergreen trees or shrubs; (3 .11 (exercise: activity to develop the body; exorcise: drive our an evil spirit; (2 .12 (extant: still existing; extent: vast area; (2 .13 (eyed: cast attention; I'd: I would; (2 .14 (eyelet: a small hole as in a hook; islet: a very small island; (2 .15</p><p>F</p><p>(faced: confronted; fazed: disturbed; phased: changed; (3 .1 (facts: actuality; fax: facsimile; fail: fall short; faille: soft, ribbed fabric of silk or rayon; (4 .2 (fain: willing; feign: to pretend; (2 .3 (faint: weak, dizzy; feint: a mock blow or attack; (2 .4 5. fair: free from self-interest; fare: cost of travel; (2) (fairy: a mythical being of folklore; ferry: to carry by boat over a body of water; (2 .6 (faker: one who shams; fakir: a swindler; (2 .7 (fall: tumble, collapse; fool: a silly person; (2 .8 (false: not true; force: strength, power; (2 .9 (furrow: a groove made in the ground by a plow; Pharaoh: title of ancient Egyptian rulers; (2 .10 (farther: to a greater degree or extent; father: a man who has begotten a child; (2 .11 (fate: a power supposedly making events inevitable; fete: outdoor party; (2 .12 (faun: a Roman deity, half man and half goat; fawn: flatter in a servile manner; (2 .13 (faux pas: a social blunder; foe: enemy; (2 .14 (fax: electronic sending of pictures and printed material; facts: actual happening; (2 .15 (faze: to disturb the composure of; phase: a distinguishable part in a course; (2 .16 (feat: an exploit or an achievement; feet: plural of the word: foot; (2 .17 (feel: be aware of; fill: to make or become full; (2 .18 (file: a tool of hardened steel with cutting ridges for surfaces; phial: a vial; (2 .19 (feel: be aware of; fill: supply things ordered; (2 .20 (feted: one honored by a party; fetid: stinking; (2 .21 (filter: something used for straining out particles; philter: magic potion to arouse love; (2 .22</p><p>6 (find: to come across, often accidentally; fined: punished, usually by a sum of money; (2 .23 (fir: an evergreen tree of the pine family; fur: the hairy coat of a mammal; (2 .24 (fisher: one who fishes; fissure: cleft or crack; (2 .25 (foaled: gave birth to a young horse; fold: wrap up; (2 .26 (flair: aptitude, knack; flare: blaze up; (2 .27 (flaw: a defect in physical structure or form; floor: the level base of a room; (2 .28 (flea: a small wingless bloodsucking insect; flee: to pass away swiftly; (2 .29 (flecks: spots; flex: tense, as in a muscle; (2 .30 (flew: past tense of the word: fly; flu: abbreviation for the word: influenza; flue: shaft in a chimney; (3 .31 (flier: handbill or leaflet; flyer: an aviator; (2 .32 (floor: bottom surface of a room; fluor: fluorite; (2 .33 (flour: a powdery substance ground from grain; flower: a plant grown for its blossoms; (2 .34 (floe: a large sheet of floating ice; flow: proceed; (2 .35 (fool: a person lacking in judgment; full: containing as much as possible; (2 .36 (for: used as a word to indicate purpose; fore: forward; four: the fourth in a set of series; (3 .37 (foray: pillage; fray: to frighten away; (2 .38 (forbear: control oneself; forebear: ancestor; (2 .39 (forego: precede; forgo: do without; (2 .40 (foreword: a preface; forward: advanced; (2 .41 (formally: observing rules or customs; formerly: in the past; (2 .42 (fort: fortified place for military defense; fought: past tense of: fight; (2 .43 (forte: something that someone does well; forty: four times ten; (2 .44 (forth: forward; fourth: the number immediately following the number 3 in the numbers table; (2 .45 (foul: loathsome; fowl: a cock or hen of the domestic chicken; (2 .46 (frays: quarrels or fights; phrase: a short colorful expression; (2 .47 (franc: a French monetary unit; frank: outspoken, candid; (2 .48 (frees: negates another's control; freeze: to become chilled by cold; frieze: coarse wool with a rough surface; (3 .49 (friar: a member of a mendicant order; fryer: a deep utensil for frying foods; (2 .50 (funeral: ceremony for burial or cremation; funereal: sad, gloomy; (2 .51</p><p>G</p><p>(gaff: a large hook on a pole for landing fish; gaffe: a blunder; (2 .1 (gage: a fruit commonly known as a: greengage; gauge: the diameter of a slender object; (2 .2 (gait: a manner of walking or moving on foot; gate: an opening in a wall or fence; (2 .3 (gays: homosexual males; gaze: to fix the eyes in a steady intent look; (2 .4 (gamble: to play a game for money or property; gambol: to skip about in play; (2 .5 (gaol: British version of: jail; jail: a prison for short term confinement; (2 .6 (gel: a jelly-like substance; jell: become, or make into, jelly; (2 .7 (genes: units of heredity in chromosomes; jeans: trousers or overalls of twilled cotton cloth; (2 .8 (genteel: polite, refined; gentile: a non-Jewish person; gentle: mild, moderate; (3 .9 (gibe: taunt; jibe: shift a sail, or the course of a ship; (2 .10 (gild: a thin covering of gold; gilled: divided into 1/4 of a pint; guild: people with similar interests; (3 .11 (gilt: of the color of gold; guilt: the state of one who has committed an offense; (2 .12 (gnaw: to bite or chew on with the teeth; nor: neither; (2 .13 (gneiss: rock like granite formed in layers; nice: pleasant, kind, good; (2 .14 (gnu: African antelope; knew: past tense of: know; new: never existing before; (3 .15 (gorilla: a very large black-colored anthropoid ape; guerrilla: one who engages in irregular warfare; (2 .16 (gored: pierced as with a tusk; gourd: bulb-shaped fruit of a trailing plant; (2 .17 (gores: gruesomeness depicted in vivid detail; gauze: a loosely woven cotton surgical dressing; (2 .18 (gorgeous: magnificent; gorges: deep, narrow passes; (2 .19 (grade: mark or rating as in a test; grayed: a mixture of black and white; (2 .20 (graft: dishonest behavior; graphed: drawn on a diagram to show changes in value; (2 .21 (grate: to gnash or grind noisily; great: notably large in size – huge; (2 .22 (grays or greys: a series of neutral colors between black and white; graze: to feed on growing herbage; (2 .23 (grill: broil; grille: open grating forming a screen; (2 .24 (grip: a firm hold; grippe: influenza; (2 .25 (grisly: ghastly; grizzly: grayish; (2 .26</p><p>7 (groan: utter a deep sound of pain; grown: reaching adulthood; (2 .27 (grocer: a shopkeeper who sells food, etc.; grosser: coarser; (2 .28 (guarantee: a pledge to replace something sold if faulty; guaranty: a guarantee; (2 .29 (guide: a person whose responsibility is to guide; guyed: directed by a rope; (2 .30 (guessed: formed an opinion from little or no evidence; guest: a person entertained in one's house; (2 .31 (guise: an assumed or false appearance; guys: informal word for: men; (2 .32</p><p>H</p><p>(hail: precipitation of small balls of layers of clear ice and compact snow; hale: free from defect; (2 .1 (hair: an outgrowth of the epidermis of most animals; hare: any of various long-eared lagomorph mammals; (2 .2 (hairier: more hairy; harrier: a runner on a cross-country team; (2 .3 (hall: a public building with offices; haul: pull, drag; (2 .4 (hallow: make or regard as holy; halo: ring of light; hello and hullo: a common greeting between friends; (3 .5 (handsome: good-looking in a manly way; hansom: : a light 2-wheeled covered carriage; (2 .6 (hangar: aircraft shelter; hanger: that on which something is hung; (2 .7 (hardy: bold and resolute; hearty: cordial; (2 .8 (hart: British version of a stag; heart: a human pump maintaining the circulation of the blood; (2 .9 (hay: herbage mowed and cured for fodder; hey: used to call attention, surprise, or exultation; (2 .10 (hays: mown grass; haze: mist of fog, smoke, etc. (2 .11 (heal: to restore to health; heel: the back of the human foot below the ankle and behind the arch; he'll: he will; (3 .12 (hear: to listen to with attention; here: in or at this place; (2 .13 (heard: perceived or apprehended by the ear; herd: undistinguished masses; (2 .14 (heed: pay careful attention; he'd: he would; (2 .15 (heroin: a narcotic derived from morphine; heroine: central female character in a story; (2 .16 (hertz: international unit of frequency, as of electromagnetic waves; hurts: causing pain or injury; (2 .17 (hew: to fell by blows of an ax; hue: color; (2 .18 (hi: used especially as a greeting; hie: hasten; high: taller than average; (3 .19 (hide: keep secret; hied: hastened; (2 .20 (higher: taller; hire: available for use or service in return for payment; (2 .21 (hill: mound of land; he'll: shortened form of: he will; (2 .22 (him: objective case of: he; hymn: a song of praise to God; (2 .23 (hoard: a supply or fund stored up and often hidden away; horde: a teeming crowd or throng; (2 .24 (hoarse: rough or harsh in sound; horse: a large solid-hoofed mammal long domesticated; (2 .25 (hoes: implements for tilling; hose: a cloth leg covering that sometimes covers the foot; (2 .26 (hole: an opening through something; whole: a complete amount or sum; (2 .27 (holed: full of open places; hold: keep in a certain position; (2 .28 (holey: full of holes; holy: divine; wholly: completely; (3 .29 (hookah: tobacco pipe with a tube for drawing smoke through water; hooker: a prostitute; (2 .30 (hoop: a large circular band; whoop: a loud shout, cry, etc.; (2 .31 (hosed: watered down; host: one who entertains guests: (2 .32 (hostel: a lodging place; hostile: unfriendly; (2 .33 (hour: the 24th part of a day : 60 minutes; our: relating to us or ourselves; (2 .34 (how: in what manner or way; howl: to utter with unrestrained outcry; (2 .35 (human: a human being; humane: kind, merciful, etc.; (2 .36 (humerus: the long bone of the upper arm; humorous: funny; (2 .37</p><p>I</p><p>(inc: abbreviation for: incorporated; ink: colored liquid for writing; (2 .1 (idle: : not occupied; idol: an object of extreme devotion; idyl and idyll: a short poem about rural life; (3 .2 (in: used as a function word to indicate inclusion; inn: tavern; (2 .3 (incidence: range of occurrence or effect; incidents: events; (2 .4\ (incite: instigate; insight: the power or act of seeing into a situation; (2 .5 (independence: not ruled by others; independents: :those who are free of being ruled by others; (2 .6 (inequity: injustice, unfairness; iniquity: a sin or a wicked act; (2 .7 (innocence: being without sin; innocents: those who are not guilty; (2 .8 (instance: example; instants: moments; (2 .9 </p><p>8 (ion: electrically charged atom; iron: a strong metal that is a chemical element; (2 .10 (it's: it is; its: of it; (2 .11</p><p>J</p><p>(jalousie: window of slats fixed as in a Venetian blind; jealousy: resentfully suspicious or envious; (2 .1 (jam: made by boiling fruit and sugar; jamb: a projecting columnar part or mass; (2 .2 (jewel: a precious stone; joule: a unit of work or energy; (2 .3 (juggler: one who does tricks with balls, etc.; jugular: either of two large veins in the neck; (2 .4</p><p>K</p><p>(key: a metal instrument by which the bolt of a lock is turned; quay: a landing place built parallel to a waterway; (2 .1 (kibitz: act as a meddlesome onlooker; kibbutz: Israeli collective farm; (2 .2 (knap: a small hill; nap: sleep briefly; (2 .3 (knave: a dishonest person; nave: the main, long part of some churches; (2 .4 (knead: to manipulate or massage; need: a necessary duty; (2 .5 (knew: past tense of: know; new: fresh; (2 .6 (knight: a person of antiquity equal to a knight in rank; night: the time from dusk to dawn; (2 .7 (knit: to tie together; nit: the egg of a louse; (2 .8 (knob: round handle; nob: British for one who lives in a privileged status; (2 .9 (knot: a tight constriction; not: used as a function word to make negative a group of words; (2 .10 (know: to have understanding of; no: a word to express the negative of an alternative choice; (2 .11 (knows: to be aware of the truth; noes: plural of the word: no; nose: the part of the face that bears the nostrils; (3 .12</p><p>L</p><p>(lac: resinous source of shellac; lack: state of not having enough or any; (2 .1 (lacks: having little or nothing of something; lax: deficient in firmness; (2 .2 (ladder: a series of rungs framed by two side-pieces for climbing up; latter: nearer the end; (2 .3 (lain: reclined; lane: a narrow path; (2 .4 (lair: an animal's den; layer: a single thickness; (2 .5 (lam: to beat soundly; lamb: : a young sheep; (2 .6 (laps: the front part of the lower trunk and thighs of a seated person lapse: decline; (2 .7 (laud: solemn praise; lord: one having power and authority over others; (2 .8 (law: a rule of conduct or action; lore: traditional knowledge or belief; (2 .9 (lays: puts down on something; laze: idle or loaf; leis: garlands or wreaths with flowers; (3 .10 (lea: arable land used temporarily for hay or grazing; lee: on the side away from the wind; (2 .11 (leach: dissolve and wash away; leech: bloodsucking worm; (2 .12 (lead: to guide a way; led: past of: lead; (2 .13 (leak: a crack or hole that usually by mistake admits or lets escape; leek: a biennial garden herb; (2 .14 (lean: to rely for support or inspiration; lien: a charge upon real for the satisfaction of some debt or duty; (2 .15 (leased: hired; least: lowest in importance or position; (2 .16 (leave: go away from; live: having life; (2 .17 (lends: lets someone use temporarily; lens: a curved piece of glass, for adjusting light rays passing through it; (2 .18 (lessen: decrease; lesson: a division of a course of instruction; (2 .19 (lesser: smaller, less; lessor: one giving a lease; (2 .20 (levee: a reception usually in honor of a particular person; levy: the imposition or collection of an assessment; (2 .21 (liable: legally responsible; libel: a statement in writing that may unjustly hurt a reputation; (2 .22 (liar: a person who tells lies; lyre: a stringed instrument of the harp class; (2 .23 (lie: to be or to stay at rest in a horizontal position; lye: a solid caustic (as sodium hydroxide); (2 .24 (light: radiant energy by which one sees; lite: diminished in substance; (2 .25 (lighter: an instrument that ignites something; liter: metric unit of capacity (61.0237 cubic inches); (2 .26 (limb: arm, leg, or wing; limn: portray in pictures or words; (2 .27 (links: connecting structures; lynx: any of several wildcats with relatively long legs; (2 .28 (literal: actual; littoral: situated or growing on or near a sea shore; (2 .29 (lo: look, see; low: not high; (2 .30 (load: a pack or cargo; lode: an ore deposit; (2 .31</p><p>9 (loan: money lent at interest; lone: having no company; (2 .32 (loch: Scottish for: lake; lock: a fastening (as for a door) operated by a key or a combination; (2 .33 (locks: devices for fastening a door; lox: smoked salmon; (2 .34 (locus: site, location; locust: grasshopper-like insect; (2 .35 (loot: : goods usually of considerable value taken in war; lute: a stringed instrument having a pear-shaped body; (2 .36 (lumbar: of or near the loins; lumber: move heavily and clumsily; (2 .37</p><p>M</p><p>;ma: mother; mar: damage, spoil .1 (made: put together of various ingredients; maid: a woman or girl employed to do domestic work; (2 .2 (magnate: a person of rank, power, influence; magnet: a body having the property of attracting iron; (2 .3 (mail: material sent or carried in the postal system; male: a man or a boy; (2 .4 (main: the chief part; mane: long, heavy hair on a person's head; (2 .5 (maize: corn; mays: those who are undecided and vote for: may; maze: a confusing network of paths; (3 .6 (mall: an urban shopping area; maul: a tool like a sledgehammer; (2 .7 (manna: food supplied to the Israelites through the wilderness; manor: mansion; manner: custom; (3 .8 (mantel: frame around or shelf above a fireplace; mantle: sleeveless cloak; (2 .9 (mare: a female horse; mayor: an official elected to act as chief executive or nominal head of a city; (2 .10 (marquee: roof-like projection over an entrance; marquis: nobleman above an earl or count; (2 .11 (marshal: a high official usually in command of the military forces martial: warlike; (2 .12 (marten: weasel-like animal; martin: a kind of swallow; (2 .13 (mask: a cover to conceal or protect the face; masque: elaborate verse play; (2 .14 (massed: assembled; mast: a long pole rising from the deck of a ship and supporting the, booms; (2 .15 (mat: a flat piece, as of woven straw, for protecting a floor; matte: dull surface or finish; (2 .16 (maw: the throat, gullet, or jaws; more: additional, further; (2 .17 (mean: to have in the mind as a purpose; mien: demeanor; (2 .18 (meat: animal tissue considered especially as food; mete: allot, distribute; meet: to come into the presence of; (3 .19 (medal: a piece of metal commemorating excellence; meddle: interfere without right or propriety; (2 .20 (medlar: a small deciduous Eurasian tree; meddler: one who interferes without right or propriety; (2 .21 (mends: repairs; men's: belonging to the men; (2 .22 (metal: a hard, lustrous substance used for construction; mettle: stamina; (2 .23 (mewl: to cry weakly, like a baby; mule: offspring of a male donkey and a female horse; (2 .24 (mews: small gulls; muse: to think or say reflectively; (2 .25 (might: power; mite: any of numerous small arachnids that often infest animals; (2 .26 (mil: .001 of an inch; mill: a place for grinding grain into flour; (2 .27 (mince: to cut or chop into very small pieces; mints: places where coins, medals, or tokens are made; (2 .28 (mind: recollection, memory; mined: to get (as ore) from the earth; (2 .29 (miner: one who digs in a mine; minor: not having reached majority; mynah: Asian starling; (3 .30 (minks: weasel-like animals; minx: a bold or saucy girl; (2 .31 (missal: a book of songs sung at mass; missile: a weapon able to be thrown at a distant object; (2 .32 (missed: failed to hit; mist: a cloud of small particles; (2 .33 (moan: a low, mournful sound; mown: cut down grass; (2 .34 (moat: a deep, usually water-filled ditch around a castle; mote: a speck, such as dust; (2 .35 (modal: used of a contract or legacy; model: one who poses for an artist; (2 .36 (mode: a way of acting or doing; mowed: cut down, such as grass; (2 .37 (mold: soil rich in humus; mould: British variant of: mold; (2 .38 (mood: state of mind; mooed: the vocal sound of a cow; (2 .39 (moor: open wasteland; more: in addition; (2 .40 (moose: the largest animal of the deer family; mousse: chilled dessert of egg, gelatin, etc.; (2 .41 (moral: virtuous; morale: degree of courage; (2 .42 (morn: dawn; mourn: to feel or express grief or sorrow; (2 .43 (morning: the time from sunrise to noon; mourning: the act of sorrowing; (2 .44 (motif: main theme of an artistic work; motive: a reason for doing something; (2 .45 (mucous: slimy; mucus: slimy secretion of mucous membranes; (2 .46 (muscle: muscular strength; mussel: a marine bivalve mollusk; muzzle: snout; (3 .47 (mussed: made untidy, disarranged; must: something that has to be done; (2 .48 (mustard: a yellow, spicy paste, used for seasoning; mustered: summoned; (2 .49</p><p>10 N</p><p>(naught: nothing, zero; nought: zero, nothing; (2 .1 (naval: of or relating to a navy; navel: a depression in the middle of the abdomen; (2 .2 (nay: a negative vote; neigh: the cry of a horse; (2 .3 (none: not one; nun: a woman belonging to a religious order; (2 .4 (nougat: a confection of nuts or fruit pieces in a sugar paste; nugget: a solid lump; (2 .5</p><p>O</p><p>(oar: a pole with a broad blade at one end; o'er: over; or: an alternative; ore: rock containing metal; (4 .1 (ode: a lyric poem; owed: under an obligation to pay or repay in return for something received; (2 .2 (oh: used to express an emotion (as surprise or desire); owe: be indebted; (2 .3 (one: a single unit or thing; won: past tense of the word: win; (2 .4 (ordinance: statute, especially of a city government; ordnance: heavy guns, ammunition; (2 .5 (overdo: do too much; overdue: past the time for payment, arrival, etc.; (2 .6 (overseas: across or beyond the sea; oversees: supervises; (2 .7 (our: of us; hour: 1/24 of a day; (2 .8</p><p>P</p><p>(pac: an abbreviation for: political action committee; pack: a bundle arranged for carrying on the back; (2 .1 (paced: speed rated; paste: moist, smooth mixture; (2 .2 (packed: compressed; pact: an international treaty; (2 .3 (paean: a song of joy; peon: landless laborer of Latin America; (2 .4 (pail: a cylindrical container; pale: not bright or brilliant; (2 .5 (pain: localized physical suffering associated with bodily disorder; pane: a framed sheet of glass in a window; (2 .6 (pair: two similar or associated things; pare: to trim off the excess; pear: fruit of a tree of the rose family; (3 .7 (palate: roof of the mouth; palette: board on which artists mix paint; pallette: a plate at a suit of armor; (3 .8 (paltry: trifling, petty; poultry: domestic fowls; (2 .9 (pall: become boring; pawl: a catch for the teeth of a ratchet wheel; (2 .10 (panda: a large black-and-white mammal in central China; pander: to provide gratification for others' desires; (2 .11 (parish: part of a diocese under a priest; perish: be destroyed; (2 .12 (parity: equality of value at a given ratio between monies; parody: a farcical imitation of a work; (2 .13 (parse: to resolve a sentence into component parts of speech; pass: a passage; (2 .14 (passed: moved beyond; past: time gone by; (2 .15 (patience: the capacity of being patient; patients: individuals awaiting or under medical care and treatment; (2 .16 (pause: a temporary stop; paws: the feet of a quadruped that has claws; pours: flow in a stream; pores: studies; (3 .17 (paw: the foot of a quadruped with claws; pore: to gaze intently; pour: to cause to flow in a stream; (3 .18 (pawn: something used as a pledge; porn: short for the word: pornography; (2 .19 (pea: a legume that is cultivated for its rounded smooth, edible protein-rich seeds; pee: act of urination; (2 .20 (peace: a state of tranquility or quiet; piece: a part of a whole; (2 .21 (peak: the visor of a cap or hat; peek: to look furtively; pique: resentment at being slighted; (3 .22 (peal: a loud succession of sounds; peel: to strip off an outer layer of (peel an orange); pill: tablet, capsule; (3 .23 (pearl: a colored gem; purl: a type of stitch; (2 .24 (pedal: related to the foot; peddle: to sell; (2 .25 (peer: one that is of equal standing with another; pier: a structure in navigable water for use as a landing place; (2 .26 (penance: an act of self-abasement; pennants: flags emblematic of championship; (2 .27 (pence: plural of: penny; pent: shut in; (2 .28 (pend: await a decision; penned; written with a pen; (2 .29 (pends: awaits a decision; pens: hand-held devices for writing; (2 .30 (pendant: a hanging object used as an ornament; pendent: suspended; (2 .31 (penitence: willingness to atone; penitents: people willing to atone; (2 .32 (per: for each; purr: a low vibratory murmur typical of an apparently contented or pleased cat; (2 .33 (petit: small or lesser; petty: of little importance; (2 .34 (petrel: small sea bird; petrol: gasoline; (2 .35 (pi: ratio of the circumference to the diameter; pie: fruit or meat baked in a crust; (2 .36 (picks: selects; pyx: metal box used in a mint; (2 .37 (pidgeon: plump bird with a small head; pidgin: a mixture of Chinese and English; (2 .38</p><p>11 (pincer: a tool for gripping things; pincher: one who squeezes; pinscher – Doberman: breed of hunting dog; (3 .39 (pistil: seed-bearing organ of a flower; pistol: small firearm held with one hand; (2 .40 (place: physical environment; plaice: any of various flatfishes; (2 .41 (plain: lacking ornament; plane: to make smooth or even; (2 .42 (plaintiff: one who brings a suit into a court of law; plaintive: sad, mournful; (2 .43 (plait: braid, pleat; plate: a shallow dish; (2 .44 (planar: two-dimensional; planer: smoother; (2 .45 (plantar: of the sole of the foot; planter: container for plants; (2 .46 (pleas: legal suits or actions; please: to give pleasure; (2 .47 (pleural: refers to inflammation of chest cavity; plural: more than one; (2 .48 (plough: implement for cutting and turning up soil; plow: the British version of: plough; (2 .49 (plum: any of various trees and shrubs of the rose family plumb: exactly; (2 .50 (pole: a long staff of wood or metal; poll: to receive and record votes; (2 .51 (pool: a small body of standing liquid; pull: to exert force; (2 .52 (poor: having little money; pore: study or ponder; pour: rain heavily; (3 .53 (popery: usually disparaging Roman Catholicism; potpourri: mixture; (3 .54 (pore: study or ponder: pour: rain heavily; (2 .55 (pound: unit of weight – 16 ounces; British monetary unit; enclosure for stray animals; beat to pulp; throb; (5 .56 (practice: do repeatedly so as to gain skill; practise: the British version of: practice; (2 .57 (praise: to express a favorable opinion; prays: entreats or implores; preys: animals seize as food; (3 .58 (pray: to make a request in a humble manner; prey: an animal taken by a predator as food; (2 .59 (precedence: before; precedents: earlier cases that set an example; presidents: executives of republics, firms; (3 .60 (presence: vicinity; presents: gifts; (2 .61 (pride: self-respect; pried: raised with a lever; (2 .62 (pries: raises with a lever; prize: something given to the winner of a contest; (2 .63 (prince: a nobleman of varying rank and status; prints: marked impressions; (2 .64 (principal: most important, consequential, or influential; principle: a fundamental law or doctrine; (2 .65 (prism: clear glass, etc., for dispersing light into the spectrum; prison: place of confinement; (2 .66 (profit: a valuable return; prophet: one who utters divinely inspired revelations; (2 .67 (pro's: those in favor: prose: non-poetic language; (2 .68 (pucker: wrinkle; pukka: genuine, authentic; (2 .69 (purrs: sounds of cats at ease; purse: a small bag for money; (2 .70 (put: impose or assign; putt: in the game of golf, a stroke to roll the ball into the hole; (2 .71</p><p>Q</p><p>(quarts: fractions of a gallon; quartz: a bright mineral; (2 .1 (quiet: silent; quite: completely; (2 .2 (quince: yellowish fruit; quints: quintuplets; (2 .3</p><p>R</p><p>(rabbit: burrowing rodent with soft fur and long ears; rabid: fanatical; (2 .1 (rack: to cause to suffer torture, pain, anguish, or ruin; wrack: a wrecked ship; (2 .2 (racquet: a lightweight instrument used in various games; racket: a confused clattering noise; (2 .3 (rain: water falling in drops in the atmosphere; reign: royal authority; rein: a restraining influence; (3 .4 (raise: to stir up; rays: beams of radiant energy; raze: to destroy to the ground; (3 .5 (raiser: one who lifts up; razor: sharp-edged instrument for shaving; (2 .6 (rap: a sharp blow or knock; wrap: to enclose as if with a protective covering; (2 .7 (rapper: a door knocker; wrapper: the paper cover of a book not bound in boards; (2 .8 (rapped: knock sharply; rapt: wholly absorbed, engrossed; wrapped: covered especially by winding or folding; (3 .9 (raw: not cooked; roar: to laugh loudly; (2 .10 (read: (pronounced: red) printed or written words uttered aloud; red: having red as a distinguishing color; (2 .11 (read: (pronounced: reed) to receive information especially by sight or touch; reed: any of various tall grasses; (2 .12 (real: not artificial, fraudulent, or illusory; reel: a revolvable device on which something flexible is wound; (2 .13 (recede: move or slope backward; reseed: to plant again with seeds; (2 .14 (receipt: a written acknowledgement of a sum received; reseat: provide someone to sit down again; (2 .15</p><p>12 (reek: a strong or disagreeable fume or odor; wreak: to give free play or course to malevolent feeling; (2 .16 (reference: mention of a source of information; referents: one that refers; (2 .17 (relieve: to ease, comfort; relive: experience again; (2 .18 (rends: splits; wrens: small song birds; (2 .19 (resident: one residing in a home; residence: a home; (2 .20 (rest: freedom from activity or labor; wrest: to pull, force, or move by violent wringing or twisting; (2 .21 (retch: to make an effort to vomit; wretch: a miserable person; (2 .22 (review: a general survey; revue: a theatrical production often with satirical skits, songs, and dances; (2 .23 (rex: associated with royalty; wrecks: destroys or ruins; (2 .24 (rheum: the watery discharge from the nose, eyes. etc.; room: space set off by walls; (2 .25 (rhyme: likeness of end sounds in words or lines of poetry; rime: white frost; (2 .26 rigger: one who works on the ropes of a ship; rigor: strictness or hardship; (2)27 . (right: suitable,; rite: ceremonial act; write: to form characters with a pen; wright: a worker skilled in wood; (4 .28 (ring: a set of bells; wring: to squeeze or twist; (2 .29 (ringer: one who causes a bell to sound out; wringer: one who squeezes and twists; (2 .30 (rise: stand up; ryes: cereal grasses; (2 .31 (road: a route or way to an end; rode: past tense of: ride; rowed: moved by the propulsion of oars; (3 .32 (rho: letter of the Greek alphabet; roe: eggs of a fish; row: number of objects arranged in a usually straight line; (3 .33 (roes: the eggs of a fish; rose: past tense of: rise; rows: to propel a boat by means of oars; (3 .34 (roil: make muddy or cloudy; royal: of a monarch; (2 .35 (role: a character assigned or assumed; roll: a document containing an official or formal record; (2 .36 1 (rood: a British unit equal to ⁄4 acre; rude: lacking refinement or delicacy; rued: regretted; (3 .37 (roomer: one living in a room; rumor: an unconfirmed report or story; (2 .38 (root: the usually underground part of a seed plant; route: a traveled path; (2 .39 (rote: the use of memory usually with little intelligence; wrote: past tense of: write; (2 .40 (rough: not smooth; ruff: high, frilled collar; (2 .41 (rouse: to stir up; rows: noisy disturbances or quarrels; (2 .42 (rues: regrets; ruse: an artful trick; (2 .43 (rung: past tense of: ring; wrung: past tense of: wring; (2 .44 (rye: a hardy annual grass widely grown for grain and as a cover crop; wry: to pull out of proper shape; (2 .45</p><p>S</p><p>(sac: a pouch within an animal or plant often containing a fluid sack: usually rectangular-shaped bag; (2 .1 (sachet: a small bag of perfumed powder; sashay: to strut in an ostentatious or conspicuous manner; (2 .2 (sacks: large bags of coarse cloth; sax: abbreviation of: saxophone; (2 .3 (sail: fabric by means of which wind is used to propel a ship through water; sale: the act of selling; (2 .4 (sari: long, draped outer garment of Hindu women; sorry: full of regret; (2 .5 (satire: use of ridicule, irony, etc.; satyr: Greek mythology, woodland god with goat's legs; (2 .6 (sauce: something that adds zest or piquancy; source: a generative force; (2 .7 (saver: one who saves; savor: have a special taste, smell or quality; (2 .8 (saw: a tool or a machine used to cut hard material; soar: to fly aloft; sore: causing pain or distress; (3 .9 (sawed: cut with a thin blade with sharp teeth; sword: a weapon with a handle and a long blade; (2 .10 (scared: frightened; scarred: marked by a wound that has healed; (2 .11 (scene: the place of an occurrence or action; seen: past tense of: see; (2 .12 (scent: an agreeable odor (usually); sent: past tense of: send; (2 .13 (scull: large oar at the stern of a boat; skull: bony framework of the head; (2 .14 (sea: a great body of salt water that covers much of the earth; see: to perceive by the eye; (2 .15 (seam: the joining of two pieces of cloth by sewing, usually near the edge; seem: to appear; (2 .16 (seaman: sailor; seamen: sailors; semen: reproductive fluid of the male; (3 .17 (secret: kept from being known by others; secrete: to hide; (2 .18 (sear: to make withered or dry; seer: one that predicts events; sere: withered; (3 .19 (seas: bodies of water; sees: perceives by the eye; seize: to take possession of; (3 .20 (sects: a section; sex: characteristic of being a male or female; (2 .21 (serf: a member of a servile feudal class; surf: the swell of the sea that breaks upon the shore; (2 .22 (serge: a durable twilled fabric; surge: to rise and fall actively; (2 .23 (sew: to unite or fasten by stitches; so: in a manner or way indicated; sow: scatter; (3 .24 (sewn: fastened; sown: planted with seed for growing; (2 .24</p><p>13 (shake: move quickly up and down; sheikh: an Arab chief; (2 .25 (shear: to cut off the hair; sheer: of very thin or transparent texture; (2 .26 (shoe: an outer covering for the human foot; shoo: used especially in driving away an unwanted animal; (2 .27 (shone: past tense of: shine; shown: revealed; (2 .28 (sic: intentionally so written; sick: affected with disease or ill health; (2 .29 (side: the right or left part of the wall of something; sighed: took a deep audible breath; (2 .30 (sighs: takes a deep audible breath; size: physical magnitude; (2 .31 (sign: a signal; sine: a trigonometric function; (2 .32 (silicon: chemical element forming silica; silicone: silicon compound resistant to heat, water, etc.; (2 .33 (slate: a tablet used for writing; sleight: deceitful craftiness; (2 .34 (slay: to kill violently; sleigh: an open usually horse-drawn vehicle with runners for use on snow or ice; (2 .35 (sleight: a skill in doing tricks with the hands; slight: small or weak; (2 .36 (sloe: a small dark fruit of the blackthorn; slow: naturally inert or sluggish; (2 .37 (soared: flew high in the air; sword: a weapon with a handle and a long blade; (2 .38 (sold: past tense of: sell; soled: having a sole put on a shoe; (2 .39 (sole: solitary; soul: the spiritual principle embodied in human beings; (2 .40 (some: an unknown, undetermined, or unspecified number; sum: amount; (2 .41 (son: the masculine child of a family; sun: the heat giving planet in the sky; (2 .42 (soot: black particles in smoke; suit: coat and trousers; (2 .43 (sort: to resolve; sought: past tense of: seek; (2 .44 (spa: a resort having a mineral spring; spar: a pole supporting a ship's sail; (2 .45 (spade: a shovel; spayed: a sterilized female animal; (2 .46 (staid: sober, sedate; stayed: remained; (2 .48 (stair: one of a series of steps between levels; stare: gaze steadily; (2 .49 (stake: money risked as a wager; steak: a thick slice of meat or fish; (2 .50 (stalk: stem of a plant; stork: a long-legged wading bird; (2 .51 (stationary: not moving or changing; stationery: writing materials; (2 .52 (steal: take dishonestly and secretly; steel: hard alloy of iron; stele: portion of the axis of a vascular plant; (3 .53 (step: one foot movement; steppe: a great plain; (2 .54 (stile: steps for climbing over a fence or wall; style: fashion; (2 .55 (storey: the space in a building between two adjacent floors; story: a fictitious narrative; (2 .56 (straight: not crooked or bent; strait: a narrow waterway; (2 .57 (succor: help; sucker: a dupe; (2 .58 (suede: leather with one side buffed into a nap; swayed: influenced; (2 .59 (suite: a group of connected rooms; sweet: tasting of sugar; (2 .60 (summary: a brief report; summery: weather much like the summer; (2 .61 (sundae: ice cream covered with syrup, nuts, etc.; Sunday: the first day of the week; (2 .62 (surplice: a clergyman's loose, white tunic; surplus: a quantity over and above what is needed; (2 .63</p><p>T</p><p>(tacks: short, flat-headed nails; tax: compulsory payment to a government; (2 .1 (tacked: fastened with tacks; tact: skill in dealing people; (2 .2 (tail: the appendage at the rear end of an animal's body; tale: a story; (2 .3 (talk: to say words; torque: force that gives a twisting motion; (2 .4 (tall: high in stature; tool: an instrument to perform a particular action; (2 .5 (tare: a weed; tear: pull apart; (2 .6 (taught: past tense of: teach; taut: tightly stretched; tort: a wrongful act according to the law; torte: rich cake; (4 .7 (taxes: compulsory payments to a government; taxis: plural of: taxi; (2 .8 (tea: afternoon party with tea; tee: starting place for each hole in golf; (2 .9 (team: a group working or playing together; teem: abound; (2 .10 (tear: a drop of liquid from the eye; tier: any of a series of rows, one above the other; (2 .11 (teas: drinks made from Asian shrubs; tease: to annoy; tees: small pegs on which the golf ball is placed; (3 .12 (tenor: highest male voice; tenure: right or duration of holding a position; (2 .13 (tense: anxious; tents: shelters made of canvas, nylon, etc. (2 .14 (tern: gull-like seabird; turn: revolve or rotate; (2 .15 (the: definite article indicating a particular kind; thee: objective case of: thou; (2 .16</p><p>14 (theirs: belonging to them; there's: there is; (2 .17 (there: at that point; their; of them; they're; they are; (3 .18 (threw: past tense of: throw; through: from end to end; (2 .19 (throes: spasms or pangs of pain; throws: transmit through the air by the hand; (2 .20 (throne: the official chair of a king; thrown: sent through the air from the hand; (2 .21 (thyme: plant of the mint family; time: period or duration; (2 .22 (tic: involuntary, repeated muscle spasm; tick: a light, clicking sound; (2 .23 (tide: rise and fall of the ocean twice a day; tied: fastened with string, rope, etc. (2 .24 (tighten: to make taut; titan: a giant; (2 .25 (timber: wood for building houses, etc.; timbre: the distinctive sound of a voice or musical instrument; (2 .26 (to: toward; too: also; two; one more than one; (2 .27 (toe: any of five end parts of the foot; tow: pull by rope or chain; (2 .28 (toad: frog-like land animal; toed: touched with the toes; towed: pulled by a rope or a chain; (3 .29 (tocsin: an alarm bell; toxin: a poison, especially from bacteria, viruses, etc.; (2 .30 (told: past tense of: tell; tolled: charge paid on a turnpike; (2 .31 (tole: lacquered or enamel metal ware; toll: charge on a turnpike; (2 .32 (tool: instrument, implement, etc. used for some work; tulle: fine netting for veils, etc., made of silk, etc.; (2 .33 (ton: 2,000 pounds; tun: a large cask; (2 .34 (toughed: made very difficult; tuft: bunch of hairs, grass, etc. growing or tied together; (2 .35 (tracked: followed the trail; tract: a large stretch of land; (2 .36 (trader: one who buys and sells; traitor: a disloyal person; (2 .37 (tray: flat, low-sided server to carry things; trey: playing card with three spots; (2 .38 (treat: pay for food, etc.; subject to medical care; thing giving pleasure; (3 .39 (troop: a group of soldiers; troupe: a group of actors; (2 .40 (trooper: a mounted policeman; trouper: one of a group of actors; (2 .41 (trussed: tied or fastened; trust: custody; (2 .42 (tuba: large, deep-toned brass instrument; tuber: thickened part of an underground stem; (2 .43</p><p>U</p><p>(udder: large, bag-like organ containing milk-secreting glands, as in cows; utter: complete; (2 .1 (undo: cancel or destroy; undue: more than is proper; (2 .2 (urban: on or in a city; urbane: suave, refined; (2 .3 (use: put into action; yews: a type of evergreen; (2 .4 V</p><p>(vain: conceited; vane: device that swings to show wind direction; vein: blood vessel going to the heart; (2 .1 (vale: valley; veil: piece of thin fabric worn by women over the face; (2 .2 (variance: degree of difference; variants: different forms; (2 .3 (vary: make or become different; very: extremely; (2 .4 (veracious: truthful; voracious: greedy or ravenous; (2 .5 (verses: stanzas; versus: against; (2 .6 (vial: small bottle; vile: evil, wicked; (2 .7 (vice: substitute or subordinate; vise: a device with adjustable jaws for holding an object firmly; (2 .8 (vow: a solemn promise or statement; vowel: letter representing a speech sound of air in a continuous stream; (2 .9 </p><p>W</p><p>(wade: walk through water, mud, etc.; weighed: determined the heaviness of something; (2 .1 (wail: make a loud sad cry; wale: welt; whale: a huge, fish-like sea animal; (2 .2 (waist: body part between the ribs and the hips; waste: use up needlessly; (2 .3 (wait: remain until something occurs; weight: amount of heaviness; (2 .4 (waive: give up, as a right; wave: move to and fro; (2 .5 (waiver: a legal non-acknowledgment of a right; waver: flutter, falter; (2 .6 (walk: go on foot at moderate speed; wok: bowl-shaped frying pan; (2 .7 (want: wish for; wont: accustomed; (2 .8 (war: armed conflict; wore: past tense of: wear; (2 .9 (ware: something for sale; wear: have on the body as clothes; where: in or to what place; (3 .10</p><p>15 (warn: advise to be careful; worn: past tense of: wear; (2 .11 (warred: fought as in a war; ward: division of a hospital; (2 .12 (warship: a ship used in warfare; worship: intense love; (2 .13 (watt: unit of electric power; what: which thing or event, etc.; (2 .14 (wax: plastic substance secreted by bees; whacks: hits or slaps with a sharp sound; (2 .15 (way: road or route; weigh: determine the heaviness of an object; whey: watery part of curdled milk; (3 .16 (we: persons speaking or writing; wee: very small; (2 .17 (weak: lacking strength; week: period of seven days; (2 .18 (weal: skin welt; we'll: we will; wheel: round disk turning on an axle; will: wish, desire; (4 .19 (weather: condition outside as to temperature, humidity, etc. whether: if it is true or likely; (2 .20 (weed: an unwanted plant; we'd: we would; (2 .21 (weave: make cloth by interlacing threads; we've: we have; (2 .22 (wen: skin cyst; when: at what time?; (2 .23 (were: past tense of: be; whirr: fly or revolve with a buzzing sound; (2 .24 (we'll: short for: we will or we shall; wheel: turn, revolve; (2 .25 (we're: we are; weir: a low dam in a river; (2 .26 (weigh: determine the heaviness of something; whey: the watery part of curdled milk; (2 .27 (wet: covered or soaked with water; whet: stimulate; (2 .28 (wheeled: moved by means of wheels; willed: decided to dispose of property upon death; (2 .29 (which: what one or ones of several; witch: a woman supposed to have evil supernatural powers; (2 .30 (whig: an American favoring independence from Great Britain; wig: false covering of the hair; (2 .31 (while: during the time that; wile: trick, lure; (2 .32 (whine: make a long, high cry as in complaining; wine: fermented juice of grapes or of other fruits; (2 .33 (whined: made a loud cry; wind: twine around; wined: entertained lavishly; (3 .34 (whirled: spun or moved rapidly; whorled: designed of circular ridges; world: the earth; (3 .35 (whirred: revolved with a buzzing sound; word: news; (2 .36 (whit: least bit; wit: the ability to make clever remarks; (2 .37 (whither: where; wither: wilt; (2 .38 (whose: of whom or of which; who's: who is; (2 .39 (wield: handle with skill; wheeled: moved on wheels; (2 .40 (won't: contraction of: will not; wont: accustomed; (2 .41 (wood: hard substance under the bark of a tree; would: past tense of: will; (2 .42 (worst: most evil; wurst: sausage; (2 .43</p><p>Y</p><p>(yaw: swing erratically off-course; yore: time long past; your: of you; you're: you are; (4 .1 (yawl: kind of sailboat; y'all: variant of: you all; (2 .2 (yew: evergreen tree; you: the person spoken to; (2 .3 (yoke: frame for harnessing together a pair of oxen, etc; yolk: the yellow part of an egg; (2 .4 (you'll: you will; Yule: Christmas; (2 .5 (yore: time long past; your: of you; you're: contraction of: you are; (3 .6</p><p>16</p>
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