October 2, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1355 PERSONAL EXPLANATION together against a number of challenges, while Mrs. Brown has long been an educator, maintaining a steadfast commitment to one having taught a variety of age ranges, includ- HON. KAY GRANGER another’s mutual security and prosperity. This ing school-aged, preschool, toddlers, and even OF TEXAS commitment was first enshrined in the Taiwan infants, for more than 40 years. She has IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Relations Act of 1979 (TRA) and was supple- served as Executive Director since 2004 and mented by the Six Assurances by President in various other positions at CCRR for 13 Tuesday, October 2, 2018 Ronald Reagan in 1982. The TRA and the Six years prior. Mrs. Brown also serves on several Ms. GRANGER. Mr. Speaker, I was not Assurances form the foundation of America’s boards and advisory committees. She formerly present to vote on H. Res. 1099. Had I been unshakable relationship with Taiwan and served as the Co-President of the New York present, I would have voted yea on Roll Call today, I would like to express my personal and State Association for the Education of Young No. 415. continuing support for these pillars of our stra- Children and President of the New York State f tegic partnership. Early Care and Learning Council. Mrs. Brown Our ongoing commitment to cooperation was recognized as a 2012 Woman of Distinc- IN HONOR OF THE 150TH ANNIVER- also extends into the areas of trade and eco- tion, Honoring Women in New York. SARY OF THE INCORPORATION nomics. In 2017, Taiwan was ranked as the In addition to working hands-on with the OF THE CITY OF GREEN RIVER 11th largest trading partner of the United children, Mrs. Brown has led professional de- AND THE ARRIVAL OF THE States, the 11th largest U.S. export market velopment for numerous home-based staff and TRANSCONTINENTAL RAILROAD and the 7th largest market for U.S. agricultural early childhood development centers. She products. Taiwan has imported $3.57 billion of worked with staff on developing stronger cur- HON. LIZ CHENEY food and agricultural products from the U.S. riculums, interacting with children and families, OF WYOMING representing more than 28 percent of total im- enhancing the learning environment and help- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ports of those products. ing teachers deal with the stress commonly Taiwan also regularly sponsors trade mis- experienced in the early childhood industry. Tuesday, October 2, 2018 sions to the United States in pursuit of agricul- Mrs. Brown has also taught courses at the Ms. CHENEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to tural products. Last year, these missions cul- B.A. and M.A. level and given local, state- extend my congratulations to the City of Green minated in the signing of letters of intent to wide, and national presentations on early River for the 150th Anniversary of the incorpo- purchase approximately $2.8 billion in U.S.- childhood education. ration of the City of Green River and the ar- produced grains between 2018 and 2019. Mr. Speaker, I urge my fellow Members of rival of the Transcontinental Railroad. Similar missions are organized by the U.S. Congress to join me in expressing thanks to The City of Green River, Sweetwater Coun- Commercial Service to assist U.S. companies Mrs. Brown for her 27 years of outstanding ty Historical Museum, and the Green River in identifying opportunities in Taiwan. One service, dedication, and passion to Child Care Chamber of Commerce continue to proudly such mission was recently organized in con- Services of Rockland and to the children and honor this great town’s history and achieve- junction with the World Trade Center of Utah families of Rockland County and beyond. ments, including Thomas Moran’s famous and led by Governor Gary Herbert to assist f ‘‘First Sketch in the West.’’ Utah-based companies, and other Western Additionally, the Transcontinental Railroad states, to network in Taiwan. I will continue to CONGRATULATING JOHN HERNDON played a pivotal role in not only the develop- seek avenues where we can work together to ON HIS RETIREMENT ment of Green River but Wyoming as a whole. further promote not only Utah-Taiwan rela- On May 10, 1869, the Union Pacific and Cen- tions, but U.S.-Taiwan relations in general. I HON. PETE OLSON tral Pacific Railroads were connected, creating hope my colleagues will join me in promoting OF TEXAS the Transcontinental Railroad. The railroad this cooperation wherever possible. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES brought great change to Wyoming and our na- Once again, I am proud to recognize Tai- Tuesday, October 2, 2018 tion alike. It opened new doors to economic wan’s National Day, and look forward to many opportunity, new trade markets, and even years of friendly and prosperous relations be- Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, as a former helped create the Wyoming Territory. In Gov- tween our two nations. Naval aviator, I rise today to congratulate a ernor John A. Campbell’s inaugural address to f Navy veteran and longtime federal employee, the Wyoming Territorial Legislature, he said, John Herndon, on his retirement. ‘‘For the first time in the history of our country, PERSONAL EXPLANATION John is retiring from his position as a FG– the organization of a territorial government 14 Program Manager in the Department of was rendered necessary by the building of a HON. ANNA G. ESHOO Transportation Federal Aviation Administration. railroad.’’ The Transcontinental Railroad was a OF CALIFORNIA He served a total of 37 years, four months, historic achievement that continues to benefit IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and seventeen days in the federal workforce. the economy of our State to this day. After serving in the Navy for 20 years, six Again, Mr. Speaker, I would like to extend Tuesday, October 2, 2018 months and six days and deploying worldwide my congratulations to the City of Green River Ms. ESHOO. Mr. Speaker, I was unable to in support of reconnaissance squadrons, John for the 150th Anniversary of the incorporation be present during roll call vote number 413, retired as Maintenance Chief. His work serving of the City of Green River and recognize the 414, and 415 on September 28, 2018, due to our country both in and out of uniform de- historic significance of the arrival of the Trans- recent surgery. Had I been present, on roll call serves our utmost respect and gratitude. continental Railroad in Wyoming. vote number 413, I would have voted YES; on On behalf of the Twenty-Second Congres- f roll call vote number 414, I would have voted sional District of Texas, congratulations again NO; and on roll call vote number 415, I would to Mr. John Herndon. May he have fair winds RECOGNITION OF NATIONAL DAY have voted YES. and following seas in his retirement. OF TAIWAN f f HON. ROB BISHOP HONORING MRS. JANE BROWN, IN RECOGNITION OF ELDERS MINI M.ED. MART OF UTAH IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tuesday, October 2, 2018 HON. NITA M. LOWEY HON. DAVID G. VALADAO OF NEW YORK OF CALIFORNIA Mr. BISHOP of Utah. Mr. Speaker, I rise IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES today to recognize the National Day of Taiwan and its ongoing relationship with the United Tuesday, October 2, 2018 Tuesday, October 2, 2018 States. Relations between our two countries Mrs. LOWEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor Mr. VALADAO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to were cemented with the passage of the Tai- Jane Brown M.Ed., Executive Director of Child recognize Elders Mini Mart as it closes after wan Relations Act (TRA) in 1979 and have Care Resources of Rockland (CCRR), as she ninety-eight years of operation in Caruthers, flourished for nearly 30 years. celebrates her retirement at A Benefit for the California. Throughout the decades, Taiwan and the Child Care Tuition Scholarship Program on Founded in 1910 by Lon and Bertha Elder, United States have continuously stood strong Wednesday, October 3, 2018. Elders Mini Mart was originally established as VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:48 Oct 03, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A02OC8.011 E02OCPT1 E1356 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 2, 2018 a grocery store. The shop has seen multiple additional referral to the Committee on Nat- FVPSA, originally enacted in 1984, is at the identity changes but has remained in the own- ural Resources. heart of our nation’s response to domestic vio- ership of the Elder family throughout the dec- I ask that you allow the Committee on lence, ensuring that local domestic violence Natural Resources to be discharged from fur- ades. After operating as a grocery store, it ther consideration of the bill so that it may shelters and programs are able to keep their transitioned into a bar. In the 1985, the Elders be scheduled by the Majority Leader. This lights on and doors open to serve more than remodeled the bar into a barn, selling local discharge in no way affects your jurisdiction 1.3 million victims and their children every produce and hosting dances in the community. over the subject matter of the bill, and it year. Over time, the produce barn slowly trans- will not serve as precedent for future refer- FVPSA funds nearly hundreds of commu- formed into Elders Mini Mart. It remained in rals. In addition, should a conference on the nity-based programs. These programs provide operation until its closing on October 1, 2018. bill be necessary, I would support your re- emergency shelter, counseling, legal assist- Elders Mini Mart has been in the ownership quest to have the Committee on Natural Re- ance, crisis intervention, and domestic and sources represented on the conference com- dating violence prevention education.
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