Applications at CSU 7

Applications at CSU 7

<p>Table of Contents Introduction ...... 3 Rationale ...... 3 Definition ...... 4 Current Climate ...... 5 Applications at CSU ...... 7 Mobile Learning Applications ...... 7 Mobile Learning Facilitation Tools ...... 9 Personas ...... 10 Implementation ...... 15 Actions in 2010 with current resources...... 15 Actions requiring additional resources ...... 16</p><p>2 | P a g e Introduction LTS, DIT and DLS have proposed an investigation into how portable, largely handheld devices, may transform aspects of the learner’s experience. Mobile learning would include both the facilitation of learning experiences as well as supporting the learner. This investigation aims to achieve this goal by administrating a review of mobile learning and propose perspective project goals. Rationale The Horizon Project is a long-running qualitative research project that seeks to identify and describe emerging technologies likely to have a large impact on teaching, learning, research, or creative expression within learning-focused organisations. For the last three years mobile learning has featured as the number one emerging technology both internationally and in Australasia. Mobile devices (such as Phones, Smart phones, PDA’s, Tablets, Netbooks and Portable Gaming Platforms) are more common and we are seeing an increase in usage of handheld ‘mobile’ devices by staff, community members and students. Many of these are Internet capable, able to connect to the Internet via a wireless connection, or via the 3G mobile phone network. As a greater percentage of potential website users start using small screen, low bandwidth mobile devices, there is a greater potential need to cater for them. </p><p>Investigations at CSU indicate the need to explore mobile learning. For example, David Cameron recently stated “Since 2005 we have surveyed our first year students in the School of Communication about a range of technology/media issues. Of the 207 we surveyed today - 94% own a portable media player (eg iPod), and 80% use iTunes at least weekly.” CSU students doing fieldwork need to access CSU’s learning and teaching systems through mobile devices. The envisaged increase in students from lower SES backgrounds could see a decrease in privately owned laptops with a resultant higher ratio of mobile (small screen) devices. Enables and increases the opportunities for flexible delivery of CSU subject resources and other L&T content in line with CSU’s vision to be a leader in the provision of flexible delivery by 2011. A changing trend in hardware is towards mobile computing in a variety of forms. A multitude of Mobile Operating Systems are in development including Apple’s iPhone OS, Google’s Android, Microsoft’s Windows Mobile and various Linux based systems. These are being launched in conjunction with the next wave of Tablet hardware (See: Apple iPad ; Microsoft Courier and HP Slate There is a considerable market push towards Tablets and Netbooks and these devices will be heavily marketed towards students, who will be attracted by the functionality, portability and significant price difference compared to traditional desktop and laptop computers. Definition Mobile Learning Mobile learning facilitates authentic learning environments anywhere, anytime through mobile devices to enable students to successfully complete their studies. Mobile learning takes advantage of a range of technologies to provide the ability to engage in </p><p>3 | P a g e learning conversations between students and lecturers, between student peers, students and subject experts. </p><p>Mobile Device A mobile device is a pocket-sized or handheld computing communication device typically having a display screen with touch input, keypad or keyboard. Mobile Devices are typically wireless enabled allowing access to the Internet and use mobile Web 2.0 tools to connect and engage some computing capabilities.</p><p>Current Climate Examples in Education</p><p>Seaton Hill University </p><p>SHU is one of the first universities to offer all their students free iPads - The iPad program initiated the University's Griffin Technology Advantage Program. This new program provides students with the best in technology and collaborative learning tools, ensuring that Seton Hill students will be uniquely suited to whatever careers they choose - even those that have not yet been created. However, fundamentally, there does not seem to be any large infrastructure for mobile learning. The free iPad looks to be somewhat of a novelty and not part of a large implementation. </p><p>Oxford University Oxford University is in the stages of creating a Mobile Learning site. The site is mostly about web applications, but there are some possible uses for learning. They have been working on a mobile portal ( and have recently open sourced the code; this is available on sourceforge as the "Molly project" </p><p>The mobile portal displays all sorts of information such as maps, live bus times, weather reports, podcasts and library search and is designed in two parts - an aggregation/manipulation layer and a web UI which works on all web capable phones (self adjusting). The design also allows for native applications to be built concurrently with the web UI. As part of the work they are currently providing Auth-based access to Sakai tools, this includes tools such as Polls, Schedule and Announcements.</p><p>University of Cape Town</p><p>The University of Cape Town have developed a SMS-messaging capability in Sakai.</p><p>North Carolina State University in Raleigh </p><p>4 | P a g e iPads are to be available for checkout by students and faculty from the library. Have also rolled out the new iPod Touch </p><p>Cedars School of Excellence</p><p>This K-12 school near Glasgow, Scotland, is distributing iPads to all of its 105 students this fall. Fraser Speirs, who is supervising the project, is particularly excited about reducing the amount of paper student’s lug around.</p><p>Developments at Australian Universities</p><p>Deakin University Deakin Library is now lending preloaded Kindles.</p><p>Adelaide University </p><p>Adelaide University issue iPads to all first year students</p><p>University of Melbourne </p><p>Uni. of Melbourne built an iPhone application Latrobe University LaTrobe University rolling out iPod Touch for their Graduate Diploma in Education (Middle Years) at the Shepparton campus as an integral part of their course in 2010. shepparton-education-students </p><p>Examples at CSU The CSU Library is currently in the process of purchasing a Sony eBook reader for staff to trial. Sony readers are compatible with our major eBook vendor EBL. Lending eBook readers to students would enable them to download EBL books for set loan periods. The Library could also preload them with help guides, campus maps etc. as they are compatible with PDF and Word documents.</p><p>The University has been endorsing the use of a Pebblepad mobile app. Pebblepad is an ePortfolio tool and is free for students to use. The implementation has only been endorsed by the university and at present no data is available on consumption rates. </p><p>5 | P a g e The School of Communication & Creative Industries has been developing learning outcomes that establish the need for students to produce content using mobile devices. This can be simple videos or Podcasts. Applications at CSU Use Cases Mobile learning has the potential to support the Flexible and Blended Standards and the Professional Educational Standards. The use case technique is used to capture a system's behavioural requirements by detailing scenario-driven threads through the functional requirements of devices. </p><p>Mobile Learning Applications</p><p>For the purpose of this investigation the following section will highlight possible Mobile Learning applications. Application in this sense refers to intent of use. These mobile learning applications will allow the mobile learning initiative to establish scope for any possible future projects. Learning Resources Students can access a variety of learning resources including: 1. learning packages - existing materials supplied to students by LTS 2. eResources - including journals, library resources 3. eBooks - media rich digital editions of text books and LTS produced materials 4. pod/vodcasts - access to download direct to a mobile device Learning Skills Toolkit To support learning - tutorials, how-to guides, dictionary, thesaurus, calculator, referencing etc all standardised for use at CSU. Self Assessment Tools Student can do formative testing through a downloaded tool/file or via online access. Feedback is provided instantaneous. Classroom Interaction and Feedback Through "clicker" functions, quizzes and polls. These can be used in all classroom situations - virtual, remote (IVT) and physical. Feature rich feedback applications could also be deployed by subject coordinators, trainers, divisions, service providers, to simplify gathering and managing feedback. This could also include tools that simplify feedback - "like" and "comment" buttons - that can be added to a variety of sources. (CSWE will do generic feedback by students on general CSU services which is dependent on their programs scope.) OLE Access Access to existing OLE tools via a mobile device: a. Interact - a student being able to access their various subject sites and access the information and tools available. SMS alerts e.g. students are informed of tutorial or class time changes b. Pebble Pad- a current student contributing items to their Pebble Pad portfolio. There is already an existing application that can be utilised for </p><p>6 | P a g e c. EASTS - students can submit assessments. d. DOMS - an academic staff member searching for L&T content. e. MSI - students can access their assessment tasks and associated dates. Messaging System To facilitate communication and collaboration for:  organic groups outside of official communications for staff, schools, subjects, courses, residential groups, social clubs, peer-to-peer - something like an expanded Yammer  communications within Interact e.g. CHAT, Forums, email archive, announcements. Mobile Capture Facilitate the ability to use a mobile device to capture and record information  For students on prac or for assessment such as voice notes, pictures, video and self reflection.  For staff to use in a teaching context such as recording lectures, field trips, lab experiments. Mobile Publishing That supports the mobile device as a collection and recording tool for text, images, photos, voice - to publish to a variety of systems within the OLE such as ePortfolio and Interact tools as well as other supported web tools like Flickr, Vimeo and YouTube. Web Application Client The ability to integrate and interact with existing web tools like Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr and Flickr within the OLE so that the affordances of this technology can be leveraged to the benefit of staff and students. (Note that all students could not be expected to have access to these applications) Learning Support Tools A unified mobile platform for delivering professional development, training and support regarding learning to both staff and students. Mobile Device Library The ability to lend students with pre-loaded mobile devices. This could include texts, applications, learning skills resources. The Library could extend and expand to providing students ownership of the devices through payment or supported through funding to be rolled out to groups of students, schools & divisions.</p><p>Mobile Learning Facilitation Tools The following describes a set of generic tools that are possible candidates for inclusions with the scope of the Current Student Web Experience project. The actual scope of the CSWE project will depend on input from the Current Student Reference Committee, the outputs from user experience research and consideration of time and funding constraints. The capabilities are noted here as they are considered by the Mobile Learning Investigation group as being important to creating an authentic mobile learning environment and improving the students learning experience. </p><p>7 | P a g e Automated Notification System that relays information related to study - assessment dates, class changes, assessment marks, and final grades - could use SMS or email. Calendar System  Personal timetable for class information which can include links locations and maps  Organic calendar systems that users can create and subscribe to - academics, campuses, support services, divisional, social, clubs Location Aware Applications That can provide information to student using location markers on special developed CSU campus maps (useful for oWeek and res-schools) A CSU Profile A single profile for use within all CSU systems - comms directory, Interact, subject outlines CSU News Feed A unified platform for delivering information about CSU, faculty/school, students and business operations in the form of content feeds that can be subscribed to that engage all the diverse groups in the CSU community. Think of an online broadsheet newspaper where you can choose which sections you receive - the ones that relate to you. This brings together CSU 'publications' together to form a more aggregated, interactive and engaging experience. Support Tools A unified platform for delivering training and support to both staff and students</p><p>Personas</p><p>The following attempts to link the mobile devices to real time contextual use cases to further analyse their potential of learning. The personas regard mobile learning in general and are not an overall relation to current CSU services. Learning Resources - Learning Packages Kevin (20) is a student whom is stuck on public transport in a regional location. While waiting to get home he uses his mobile device to download information regarding his subject, including - the subject study guide. He is then able to make use of this time to read through subject related content. Learning Resources - eResources Michael (23) is a final year Vet student. His study is based in Wagga but he is going to do his 3rd clinical rotation in a dairy practice in Warrnambool, Vic. Cattle are not his strong point. So he uses his iPad to download some readings and journals about common procedures that he can review in the field or on the drive to the farm. Learning Resources - eBooks Martha (28) is studying by distance. Whilst on the train she is able to browse books and resources in an online store on her iPad. Before she reaches he destination she has read a few samples and chosen to purchase an eBook of her prescribed text so she can avoid lugging the large volume print copy to and from work.</p><p>8 | P a g e Learning Resources - Pod/Vodcasts Rachel (43) has two children and is enrolled in CSU through distant education. She uses mobile technology to mostly complete her readings while on the move. She would like to be able to access podcasts of her lectures while in the car - travelling to work. Learning Skills Toolkit Said (22) is international student studying Bachelor of Business on Wagga Campus. He often finds he needs to translate and get the definitions of words used in his lectures. He also struggles with APA referencing having previously used the Harvard format. By accessing his Toolkit from his smart phone he is able to find words and meanings during the lecture. He is also able to convert his references from Harvard to APA for his assessments.</p><p>Self Assessment Tools</p><p>James (29) is studying a health science degree. James is about to undertake a multiple choice test on the train as part of his subject revision. To access this, James uses his tablet and an environment specifically designed for mobile use. Once complete, James will get instantaneous feedback from the test and see where he may need to focus his studies for the exam.</p><p>Classroom Interaction</p><p>Tiffany (18) is school leaver and full time first year student living on-campus in Bathurst student accommodation. She is studying a Bachelor of Communication. During a class, Tiffany is asked to respond to a poll on which TV channel offers the most trusted news. She is able to answer using her smart phone while others in the class use their laptops and tablet computers. The next slide shows the results of the poll which leads into a conversation over why one news sources is perceived to be more trustworthy than another. Classroom Feedback Leanne (31) - first year academic teaching Accounting. It’s her first full time teaching position. Leanne wants to ensure that she is engaging with the students, that they are finding the subject information useful and the assessments beneficial so she has deployed a range of feedback tools to her subject materials. Students can “like” sections of the online modules as well as make comments, which are recorded anonymously. Students have already commented on a number of areas that are difficult to understand and she now knows that they need further development. Students are able to update their comments simultaneously, using a their smart phone OLE Access - Interact Andrea (23) is a 4th year education student on practicum in small country town teaching stage 1 students. He uses an iPad to access his Interact modules and communicate with other students in the class using the chat tool. OLE Access - Interact Forums George (22) is on practicum for his nursing subject. He uses his mobile device to access the online forums to see how his peers are going and to share his experiences. During </p><p>9 | P a g e his rounds he has had to deal with a particularly difficult patient and during his break posted how he and his supervisor dealt with the situation. This stimulates a long thread of other students sharing stories and techniques that they have picked up. Other students are able to read these and feel more prepared if they are placed in similar circumstances. This supports authentic learning (meaningful learning tasks are related to immediate learning goals).</p><p>OLE Access - ePortfolio (Pebble Pad)</p><p>Liz (24) is a final year student in B. Information Studies (DE only), currently studying Social Networking in Info Studies subject. Liz does website work in her spare time. She is able to update her ePortfolio using her smart phone while on campus grounds to keep a record of any meetings that she will have in regards to work or study. She uses the Pebble Pad application on her smart phone to full effect. OLE Access - EASTS Sam (28) is a trainee parks manager completing a Bachelor of Environmental Sciences. Sam is struggling to connect to anything because of his location (very remote). Sam struggles with a poor internet connection on his homestead but is able to get mobile reception in some locations with higher elevation. Sam is able to take his tablet computer and submit his assessments using his mobile connection saving a long trek into town. </p><p>OLE Access - DOMS Susan (35) –First time lecturing at CSU, teaching two Early Childhood subjects in Education. Susan is able to use her tablet to search for resources that other staff has created that are stored in the DOMS. She has found a couple of great resources and is able to quickly add them to her Interact sites. Susan is able to quickly share the resource with her other work colleagues by sending them links. </p><p>OLE Access – MSI</p><p>Patrick (37) is a post grad MBA student part time that works in the city with a 45min commute each way. During his commute he remembers that one of his assessments is due next week but can’t remember the exact date. Using his smart phone he logs into Interact, checks his subject outline and then marks it into his calendar and set a reminder for the weekend. Messaging System - Organic Matt (19) is from Sydney and is new student recruit in School of Policing, Goulburn. He’s into music, videos, online gaming and footy and quite a sociable person. Matt is able to contact and make new friends with his peers from a number of different subjects through a group that was setup for first year students. They are able to keep in touch about their study as well as share information about the area - where to go and what to do using his mobile phone. He’s also joined a couple of other groups since and even set one up to get together for one of the difficult law subjects so they can plan to meet and test each other before the exam. </p><p>10 | P a g e Messaging System - Interact Pete (41) is an academic teaching a distance education cohort in Papa New Guinea, with only two residential schools per session per year. His students in the region have intermittent Internet access at best but the mobile networks are far more accessible. Pete sends notifications to students (using SMS) regarding the availability of new Internet resources as they are posted so students know when they need to get online. Mobile Capture - Student Mick (44) is a mature age student, family man and farming outside Broken Hill. He is in his second year of study doing an agricultural diploma by DE. Out in the field, where there is no network connection, Mick is still able to use his phone to take photos of examples from his study guide. When he is back at the homestead he is able to upload them to the forums for discussion with his peers. This supports contingent learning (reacting to the environment and changing experiences), situated learning (learning takes place in the surroundings that make learning meaningful).</p><p>Mobile Capture - Staff David (57) – Associate Head of School. During a conference he sees a really interesting presentation from a Stanford academic. There are some really interesting points that he thinks some of his post grad students maybe interested in. During the lunch break he manages to find the presenter and asks if he could do an interview for his students to which the presenter agrees. They meet up later and David uses his mobile phone to record the interview. When he arrives home David then distributes the interview to his students. Mobile Publishing Hannah (25) is a second year Graphic Design student on campus in Wagga. She is doing a group assignment which is due after the Easter break where most people seem to be heading home. Using her smart phone Hannah is able to take photos of things when she sees them and upload them straight to a Flickr album the group are sharing. Others can view the album and make comments immediately and vice-versa. The group is able to choose their favourites and decide what direction they will be going with before the break is over. This supports context aware learning (learning is informed by the surroundings and environment of the learner). </p><p>Web Application Client</p><p>Liz (24) is a final year student in Bachelor of Information Studies currently studying a Social Networking subject. The class is engaged with a variety of Web 2.0 tools. Using a web application client, the class is able to aggregate and share content on their Galaxy Tablet from a variety of sites and applications. For Liz this is a great time saver. She can also use tools she is already using and familiar with. This supports personalised learning (learning is customised for the preferences, history and abilities of individual learners or groups of learners). </p><p>Learning Support Tools</p><p>Robyn (51) is a mature age student returning to study after 25 years in the workforce. </p><p>11 | P a g e She is struggling with Interact and with the DE materials that are so different from when she got her degree. Fortunately she is able to access a range of resources and tools to help her, including interactive tutorials so she is able to see how things work. She has to contribute to a Wiki in one of her subjects and after watching a video showing how Wiki formatting is done she feels more confident. She has downloaded a cheat sheet to her mobile that lists all the codes so she can refer to it quickly whenever and wherever she needs to.</p><p>Mobile Device Library Grace (19) is a first year undergraduate student and has just borrowed a Kindle from the library. The Kindle is preloaded with the textbook she needs, as well as guides to Academic writing, referencing, successful database searching, evaluating information and a campus map to help her find her way around the campus. Grace has the Kindle for a two week loan period and can take it with her on prac - if she needs to.</p><p>Mobile Subject Evaluation </p><p>Archna (23) is a third year communications student. She is sitting in a café when a notification comes through that it is time to review her subject. Using her mobile device Archna is able to give a very suffice subject evaluation of her Com 340 subject. The review takes Archna seven minutes and is then able to go back to her conversation. </p><p>Implementation Actions in 2010 with Current Resources 1. Identify functionalities for the learning and teaching dimension of the CSU mobile app to be developed by the Student Web Experience group as it relates to generic capabilities of this app; alternatively develop unique aspects/app in 2011 2. Work with the Vodcast/Podcast project to ensure that the delivery aspect include delivery onto mobile devices </p><p>3. Promote (via the PODs, general communication, CSUED, specific online forums):</p><p>12 | P a g e  the use of the Interact podcasting tool (as follow up to BURF project promotion)  the ePortfolio (PebblePad) mobile app</p><p>Mobile Capture - Develop the ability to use a mobile device to capture and record information  For students on prac or for assessment such as voice notes, pictures, video and self reflection.  For staff to use in a teaching context such as recording lectures, field trips, lab experiments </p><p>Mobile Publishing That supports the mobile device as a collection and recording tool for text, images, photos, voice - to publish to a variety of systems within the OLE such as ePortfolio and Interact tools as well as other supported web tools like Flickr, Vimeo and YouTube.</p><p>4. Contribute to the design of mobile learning in Sakai Open Academic Environment (OAE). 5. Develop or update Initiative to SEC for 2011 actions.</p><p>Actions Requiring Additional Resources 2011 1. Interact A student being able to access their various subject sites and access the information and tools available. Appropriate the work done at UCT and Oxford. (This could ideally link to CSWE app/mobile online environment). Include organic messaging not just formal messaging within Interact. Training (train the trainer model) in the use of mobile learning A study of the learning effectiveness of mobile devices, that will include using the Use Cases (above) to develop pilot programs for 201130 and 201160 sessions with divisions, academics and subject coordinators through Expressions of Interest and consultation. 2. Trial of devices Develop a list of best-of-breed examples of the types of mobile devices best suited to a range of uses within CSU e.g. Classroom Interaction and Feedback - "clickers"; eBooks etc. Propose class-size purchasing of those chosen devices to be used in a range of pilot programmes in 2011. Cost out initial implementation and ongoing costs for a 1 year period. Develop process for device management and integration with CSU infrastructure and systems.</p><p>13 | P a g e Explore ongoing development and implementation programs with the intention of extending rollout beyond pilot programs. Explore possible relationships with device, network, communications and content vendors. 3. Contribute to the design of mobile learning in Sakai OAE including  communications within Interact e.g. CHAT, Forums, email archive, announcements  MSI - students can access their assessment tasks and associated dates. 4. Learning packages Existing materials supplied to students by LTS 5. Learning Skills Toolkit To support learning - tutorials, how-to guides, dictionary, thesaurus, calculator, referencing etc all standardised for use at CSU. 6. Self Assessment Tools Student can do formative testing through a downloaded tool/file or via online access. Feedback is provided instantaneous. Test Centre 7. EASTS Students can submit assessments. 8. DOMS An academic staff member searching for L&T content 9. Web Application Client The ability to integrate and interact with existing web tools like Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr and Flickr within the OLE so that the affordances of this technology can be leveraged to the benefit of staff and students. 10. Learning Support Tools A unified platform for delivering professional development, training and support regarding learning to both staff and students 11. Mobile Device Library The ability to lend students with pre-loaded mobile devices; this could include texts, applications, learning skills resources. The Library could extend and expand to providing students ownership of the devices through payment or supported through funding to be rolled out to groups of students, schools & divisions. 12. iTunes U Implement within the project scope 13. Mobile Subject Evaluation Students need to be able to complete the online evaluation surveys via mobile devices 14. Build Learning and Teaching functionalities in the CSWE application This will need to be developed if not completed by the CSWE working group. </p><p>15. Readings including those in eReserve need to be mobile enabled</p><p>14 | P a g e 2012 1. Roll-out of devices and mobile learning use</p><p>Provide mechanisms for CSU students to acquire appropriate devices as per the pilot </p><p>2. Roll out mobile learning as per the pilots</p><p>15 | P a g e</p>

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