Lawless Champion

Lawless Champion

<p> KICKBOXER 6: Lawless Champion</p><p>Written/STORY by: Brandon noel keith April 20th, 2009</p><p>WE OPEN ON: THAILAND ARENA- Nightfall INT. RING SQUARE</p><p>Matt Reaves stands at one end, with screaming people all around him. Pan to Tong Po who stands across. The two are staring each other down with evil eyes. Now there’s a wider shot of the two at each end.</p><p>CAPTION: 1996</p><p>The caption soon disappears and the two take a couple steps towards each other. They circle each other… now putting their hands up, as if to attack. The crowd cheers louder!</p><p>Tong Po strikes first! A right arm swinging, and Matt ducks quickly… returning to KNEE Tong Po under the chin! Tong Po backs up squinting from the pain. And now Matt JUMPS HIGH, spinning in air. A left leg ROUNDHOUSE KICK across Tong Po’s face! Tong Po spins out of control.</p><p>Now Matt’s feet hit the ground and he LEAPS across the pad with his right leg out, to which Tong Po takes hold the leg with both hands! He CLAMPS tightly, now SLAMMING Matt chest first onto the mat! Tong Po lifts his left leg back… now bringing it forth into Matt’s ribcage.</p><p>REAVES: AAAARRGHH!!!</p><p>Tong Po backs up with a smile which soon disappears. A look of hate on his face as Matt weakly gets to his feet. A slight wobble, but it’s clear Matt is ready for more.</p><p>INT. OUTER RING</p><p>Just outside the ring, an older man stands by a half Thai boy. Half American kid, seven years old. The older man, who’s short with a long white beard… is completely Thai. And he puts his hand on the boy’s left shoulder.</p><p>INT. INNER RING Tong Po and, a weaker, Reaves circle each other again.</p><p>TONG PO: You can not really expect to beat me!</p><p>REAVES: We’ll just see, Tong Po! HAIYAH!</p><p>Reaves JUMPS THROUGH the air, another leg extended! Tong Po spins out of the way just in time. Matt’s feet plant against the mat, and he turns with anger on his face. He turns right into Tong Po’s right fist!</p><p>REAVES: (cont.- spitting blood) HOOOooouh!</p><p>FLASH TO-</p><p>Matt SHOVING his right fist into Tong Po’s gut! A slight grunt later, and Tong Po simply BACK HANDS Matt across the right side of the face! And now Tong brings his right foot up, quickly, into Matt’s mouth! Matt arches his head up… spitting bloody teeth!</p><p>FLASH TO-</p><p>The boy and the old man stare with excitement. Pan away from them, to Tong Po PALMING Matt’s chest! And Matt back peddles to the ropes! He comes right back with his arms out… attempting to clothesline Tong Po.</p><p>Tong Po JUMPS HIGH, his legs split to match Matt’s arms. Now Tong Po SPINS in air, swinging his legs around like a twister… but only once. Once was enough, as we know see Matt hit the ground with a blood smeared mouth. And fresher blood is pouring out now.</p><p>Tong Po is atop Matt in a flash. And he SHOVES his fist into Matt’s face once! Twice! Three times, now four! Blood is now spraying in Tong Po’s face! Though Tong keeps pounding away!</p><p>TONG PO: You dare try and steal the title from me! I am the CHAMPION!!!</p><p>Tong Po raises his fists for the killing strike… when Matt suddenly pulls a switchblade from his pantaloons.</p><p>MATT: (weaker than ever) I’ll see you in HELL, yah bastard! Matt sticks Tong in the right side! Blood pours out the open wound as Matt now proceeds to TWIST the blade! Tong Po is in utter shock, keeping blood speckled face on Matt’s blood soaked face.</p><p>TONG PO: You have no honor… REEEEEAAAVVESSSsss! YAAAHHH!!</p><p>Tong Po takes hold Matt’s head and starts to TWIST! Matt’s neck is clearly SNAPPED! And all the now silenced crowd knows it! Staff armed guards enter the ring hastily, as Tong Po stumbles away to his corner.</p><p>Tong Po drops as the older man and boy enter the ring. They inspect the dying fighter, as the staff armed guards inspect the recently deceased Matt Reaves.</p><p>BOY: Father! NO!</p><p>TONG PO: Hound, you must… must… leave this place.</p><p>HOUND: If I must father. But… DON’T… DIE!!! Please, father!</p><p>Tong Po smiles at his son. Then he closes his eyes. Hound’s eyes fill with water. The older man holds him back.</p><p>OLDER MAN: He’s gone. Come! (leaving) We need not see more.</p><p>The older man escorts the orphaned son away. WE FADE OUT.</p><p>A hold in darkness.</p><p>CAPTION: 2009</p><p>The caption fades away, as we…</p><p>FADE TO: LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA- Sunny Morning</p><p>A shot of the beach. Women in American bikinis are catching some Sun rays, whilst watching their men surf out ahead.</p><p>CUT TO: INNER CITY- Just Before Noon EXT. TWO-LANE STREET</p><p>A wide dump truck backs up from one street, onto this one! It SMASHES apart a fire hydrant, before SMASHING through a warehouse building face! The water sprays out from under the truck both directions, and fiercely! The sound of police sirens getting louder as we now hold on the passenger’s side door. It opens and soon enough, five men drop out with hand guns. Now a police cruiser speeds from the street before onto this one, only to make a quick right turn upon several bullets flying it’s way!</p><p>INT. POLICE CRUISER</p><p>A hot blond female officer in the passenger suit. A long haired male officer drives quickly away the bullets DING his side of the car!</p><p>FEMALE OFFICER: Shit!</p><p>The male officer spins the wheel, and the car spins right ahead at the immobile dump truck.</p><p>EXT. TWO-LANE STREET</p><p>Gunfire from the five goons, just as an overweight wheelchair bound Latino wheels his way into the warehouse opening. The wheels run over boxes of Thai noodles. But his five goons continue to open fire at the officers’ car!</p><p>As they stay hidden by the dump truck, the two officers jump out and duck behind the next car ahead. Parked and being shot at just the same! We see these two officers crouched side by side, handguns drawn.</p><p>MALE OFFICER: I want you to stay here!</p><p>FEMALE OFFICER: But I can help you!</p><p>MALE OFFICER: Not this time, Anna. Too dangerous.</p><p>ANNA: But I’m your PARTNER! Damn’t, Mack!</p><p>MACK: (grinning) You say that like we’re married.</p><p>Now AUTOMATIC GUNFIRE from one of the five goons! This car is now bullet ridden galore! But suddenly, for a brief moment the gunfire ceases. Mack peeks over the back end and aims at one of the five wrestling with the jammed automatic rifle! One SHOT from his pistol! An explosion of blood out the back of this man’s head… and he drops dead. Now we cut to Anna popping over her side, now opening fire numerous times! BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! Two of the five shots enter one of the remaining four’s chests! And this thug drops dead with a prune like face, as the remaining three enter the warehouse. Mack looks to Anna.</p><p>ANNA: They’re all yours, hero.</p><p>MACK: I mean it, Anna. (running off) Stay… here!</p><p>Anna runs back to the squad car as Mack runs up to the dump truck. A closer shot reveals the dump truck full of Thai food packages. Mack sighs, now entering the warehouse.</p><p>CUT TO: WAREHOUSE INT. HIGH SHELF CORNER</p><p>All these high shelves have been cleared. They are left bare, but now Mack turns the corner to the three thugs dressed in dark grey. They’re guns are being kicked away, and they put their dukes up. They are ready to beat Mack to death with their bare hands.</p><p>MACK: (tossing gun over shoulder) Okay.</p><p>One charges and SWINGS his right fist! Mack takes the arm and SNAPS IT instantly at the elbow! This thug screams, and now Mack hits the ground… sweeping his right leg at the screamer’s heels! The thug drops flat on his back.</p><p>Now Mack spins on his own back, eyeing the two thugs charging with arms extended! Mack THRUSTS his legs outward… and they IMPACT on each of the thug’s chests! One drops back, cracking his back on the concrete floor! And the other goes for a roll.</p><p>Mack jumps to his feet, as Anna creeps by the opening. She inspects the packaged Thai food, just as Mack passes by the back cracked thug… who’s howling in agony.</p><p>INT. SHELF HALL- Stacked Crates</p><p>This hall is stacked with wooden crates. And we see the last remaining thug run to the end. No there’s no where to go but back. And he spins around to do so, now faced with Mack Ready. This man is clearly panicking. MACK: It’s your move, tough guy.</p><p>TOUGH GUY: BAAAAWWWHSS!!!</p><p>Suddenly the fat Latino wheels out of the darkness! Mack hits the ground as he pulls a tire iron from the right wheel! And he CHUCKS IT! The tire iron SLICES through the air at the scared tough guy, with widened eyes! Now we watch as this guy is hit in the neck! He drops dead!</p><p>MACK: (jumping up) You’re gonna pay for that, sucker!</p><p>WHEELS: The name’s DICK and don’t you… (pulling a switchblade) FORGET IT!</p><p>Dick swings the switchblade across Mack’s chest, narrowly missing! And with one right KARATE CHOP to that wrist… the switchblade is dropped.</p><p>MACK: Shouldn’t play with knives.</p><p>DICK: (wheeling back) No. PLEASE! We’ll cut a deal!</p><p>Mack’s eyes dart to a crate in particular. At eye level with him as Dick wheels back weakly. Mack’s left hand PUNCHES THROUGH the wood! He pulls a gun shaped object out and then RAMS it down Wheelchair Dick’s throat! Mack presses down on the trigger. And white stuff oozes out.</p><p>MACK: (stepping away) I don’t make deals with caulk suckers.</p><p>Mack steps away from the caulk gun sucking gang leader.</p><p>CUT TO: POLICE STATION- Noon INT. CHIEF’S OFFICE</p><p>A muscular black man, badge reading ‘Arnold Blackman’, lifts his head from his seat behind his desk. Mack Ready enters, taking one look at officer Anna beyond the glass.</p><p>MACK: I was just filling out my report, sir.</p><p>ARNOLD: And it checks out, Mack. Sit down.</p><p>Mack walks over to the fold out chair before the desk. He has a seat as Arnold sets down the file folder. MACK: Did you speak with my wife?</p><p>ARNOLD: I did. And let’s hope your story matches hers.</p><p>MACK: It will.</p><p>ARNOLD: Good. (beat) Now, you say Wheelchair Dick was smuggling… Thai food?</p><p>MACK: Yes. To that supposed island off our coastline.</p><p>ARNOLD: (standing up) You’ve been after him and his mysterious boss for the last two years. (walking around desk) You think you’re going to crack the case, all by yourself? After ALL this time?</p><p>MACK: It would seem appropriate. (pause) Sir.</p><p>ARNOLD: I’m sure it would. (brushing past him) I’m sure with you and your wife’s martial arts skill… you’d be perfect to take out the kickboxing champion himself.</p><p>Mack cocks his head. Arnold has a seat once more.</p><p>ARNOLD: (cont.) You two are working together this time.</p><p>MACK: What?</p><p>ARNOLD: I’m sending you both to that island.</p><p>MACK: You found the island?</p><p>ARNOLD: Found it. You’ll be there by nightfall. And you’re staying there until you bring the old bastard in. You got a problem with that, officer Ready?</p><p>MACK: It would be our pleasure.</p><p>Mack stands up and walks to the door.</p><p>CUT TO: APARTMENT COMPLEX- Afternoon INT. THIRD STORY- Ready’s Apartment</p><p>A living room where a seven year old girl plays Mortal Kombat, the original arcade version, on a black box. She’s playing the character of Sonya. ANNA: (stepping up) How much did it cost again, Cherry?</p><p>CHERRY: Five hundred dollars. But it’s the best! Every game is compatible with it. But I need more games put in!</p><p>MACK: (stepping up) Why don’t you play outside for a while? You’re mother and I have to talk. But don’t go too far.</p><p>CHERRY: I don’t want to.</p><p>MACK: Enough Mortal Kombat. I’m serious.</p><p>Mack takes Anna’s hand and steps out onto the patio.</p><p>EXT. PATIO</p><p>Husband and wife look down at the child swamped grass yard. Then their eyes lock upon each other, and they kiss.</p><p>MACK: I don’t want you to go with me. Stay here.</p><p>ANNA: No! Damn’t, Mack! I’m coming with you. It could be dangerous, and I’m not letting you go alone!</p><p>MACK: You’re right, it’s dangerous. That’s why I don’t want you to come with me. Promise me.</p><p>ANNA: No! I have orders, too… you know? It’s my job just as yours. You know that. (Mack sighs) I’m going.</p><p>Anna walks away. Mack bites his lower lip. Now he slowly advances back to the living room door.</p><p>INT. LIVING ROOM</p><p>Anna walks away as Mack stops before the TV screen. Chun Li fights Blanka in the original Street Fighter.</p><p>MACK: What did I tell you, Cherry?</p><p>CHERRY: You said no more Mortal Kombat?</p><p>MACK: What the Hell is this?</p><p>CHERRY: Street Fighter!</p><p>MACK: (stepping to the TV) I see. Mack bends down and turns the black box off.</p><p>CHERRY: What are you DOING?!</p><p>Mack takes hold the black box. Cherry jumps up at this!</p><p>EXT. PATIO</p><p>Mack steps back onto the patio with Cherry following him.</p><p>CHERRY: Hey, Daddy! Put it DOWN!</p><p>MACK: You got it.</p><p>CHERRY: NOOOooo!</p><p>Mack drops the black box game system! It falls below and SHATTERS on the sidewalk! The kids below GASP! We see a tall French Canadian raise two clenching fists. He closes his eyes slowly in mental torture.</p><p>Back to the patio with Cherry backing to the door with watery eyes. Mack turns his head to his daughter. Mack puts his hands up with a big, smug smile.</p><p>MACK: I told you.</p><p>CHERRY: I hate you.</p><p>Mack’s smile fades away. Cherry runs off, just as Anna steps back out with two glasses of white wine.</p><p>ANNA: Where’s the black box?</p><p>MACK: Thought I’d see if her pride and joy could fly.</p><p>Mack takes one of the wine glasses, then takes a sip. Anna takes a sip from hers. She pulls the glass away and shakes her head in disappointment.</p><p>CUT TO: CALIFORNIA PACIFIC- Sunset EXT. BOAT DECK</p><p>Mack and Anna are just having a seat. Watching the sun set.</p><p>ANNA: I know something’s bothering you, Mack. MACK: Cherry hates me.</p><p>ANNA: No she doesn’t! What kind of talk is that?!</p><p>MACK: She said she did.</p><p>ANNA: Well, you did trash her toy. She may mean it now, but by the time we get back…</p><p>MACK: (interrupting) I know she’s just blowing smoke. But it still hurts to hear your child say that.</p><p>ANNA: I know it does.</p><p>MACK: You know?</p><p>ANNA: She said it once to me, too. Did I tell you? (Mack looks curious) When I told her to clean her room.</p><p>Mack smiles, looking back out at the sunset.</p><p>MACK: If we were home more often, maybe she wouldn’t be that way.</p><p>ANNA: And it doesn’t help, both parents being cops.</p><p>MACK: You think, Anna… you think maybe… one of us should call it quits?</p><p>Anna shakes her head, staring deep into his eyes as they shift right to hers.</p><p>ANNA: You’re talking about me.</p><p>MACK: I just think you should stay home with the kid. Raise her right, because I can barely do it alone… (walking away) When you’re out shopping.</p><p>ANNA: (following him) Maybe one day, we can both retire. But I like my life as it is, now. And when we fight, we fight together.</p><p>MACK: Fine. When the day comes… we quit together.</p><p>Mack and Anna lean in close to one another, and kiss. CUT TO: SECRET ISLAND- Nightfall EXT. DOCK PLATFORM</p><p>The boat arrives and the captain salutes the officers under cover. Mack and Anna Ready step off the boat and upon the dock. They walk out and stare at this small island, two miles in each direction. It’s covered heavily in tall bush.</p><p>CUT TO: MASTER’S PERCH</p><p>High above, hidden in brown bush, an office canopy.</p><p>INT. CANOPY</p><p>An old Thai man, bald with a long white beard. He’s standing before a half Thai, half American twenty year old man. Built and arms crossed over his chest.</p><p>GEEZER: They’ve arrived. Now the tournament may begin. (beat) Remember, Hound! You fight with honor.</p><p>HOUND: I will never forget, master Finickus. But you know as well as I know. It’s not only my honor.</p><p>FINICKUS: Your fathers. God rest his soul.</p><p>HOUND: There’s no such thing as God.</p><p>FINICKUS: (laughing) You can keep saying that… (stone cold) But not in my presence. Not ONCE more, Hound!</p><p>HOUND: I’m sorry.</p><p>Hound starts walking away. Finickus takes a deep breath and sighs. He walks to the window and pulls back the blinds. Now he’s watching a Thai man guide Mack and Anna across the way. Finickus smiles.</p><p>FINICKUS: (to himself) Let’s hope you’re as good as they say.</p><p>The blinds are pulled back down.</p><p>CUT TO: FIGHTER’S HUT- A Little Later INT. BEDROOM</p><p>Mack and Anna have a seat at the foot of the bed. MACK: I’m going to do so prowling.</p><p>ANNA: Wait a minute, Mack. We don’t know anything about these people.</p><p>MACK: They’re Thai. And they’ve got an island off the California coast. And… someone here wants us in they’re kickboxing tournament. Someone in league with my dead arch nemesis, Wheelchair Richard. THAT’S what we know!</p><p>ANNA: But are you sure you want to run around, unarmed?</p><p>MACK: Just because we couldn’t bring weapons… (standing up) It doesn’t mean we’re helpless.</p><p>Mack opens the door and steps out. The door is closed behind him and Anna turns on the Television set.</p><p>ON TV-</p><p>V/O: We now return to BLOCKBUSTER RAMBO!</p><p>BLOCKBUSTER RAMBO</p><p>Written By: Brandon Noel Keith April 12th, 2009</p><p>WE OPEN ON: BLOCKBUSTER VIDEO- Sunset EXT. PARKING LOT</p><p>John J. Rambo walks towards the front entrance. He enters.</p><p>INT. FRONT COUNTER</p><p>John J. Rambo walks up to the counter, taking a peek at the slut in white spandex with big breasts pass him by. She’s carrying a stack of ten videos. Rambo steps up to Mad Max.</p><p>RAMBO: Uh, hey.</p><p>MAX: What can I do for you?</p><p>RAMBO: Eah, you know. I was just looking for, you know… a job.</p><p>TRAUTMAN: (V/O) Rambo! RAM-BO! Rambo turns his head to Trautman waving at him. Max’s eyes shift to Trautman walking over.</p><p>TRAUTMAN: (cont.) How yah doin’, Rambo?</p><p>RAMBO: (shaking his hands) Eh, you know.</p><p>TRAUTMAN: Yeah, Rambo. I know.</p><p>RAMBO: You know?</p><p>TRAUTMAN: I suppose you’re looking for a job. You know I run this place now. (eyeing Max) Seems all us war heroes and shattered officers have is the local blockbuster.</p><p>Rambo stares. He’s not sure if he wants to smile or just stare blankly at Trautman.</p><p>RAMBO: Uuuh… yeah.</p><p>TRAUTMAN: (to Max) Why don’t you feel out the paper work. (to Rambo) Take a walk with me, John.</p><p>Rambo takes one look at Max sighing. He watches him pull out an application. Now Rambo grumbles, following Trautman.</p><p>INT. ACTION ALLEY</p><p>Trautman and Rambo walk side by side. Passing the twenty- four James Bond movies. They look at each one. Dr. No- Diamonds Are Forever. Live And Let Die-A View To A Kill, including Never Say Never Again. The Living Daylights-Die Another Day. And the three Daniel Craig films.</p><p>RAMBO: (stopping at the third) Eh, who’s that?</p><p>TRAUTMAN: Oh, that’s Daniel Craig. Don’t worry, he serves the character justice.</p><p>Rambo pulls up the third Craig film, after Quantum of Solace. And the title reads “Skeetin’ Hearts Die Last”.</p><p>RAMBO: Hmmm.</p><p>Rambo puts the DVD back on it’s shelf. And then he follows Trautman around the corner, into the next alley. TRAUTMAN: So, do you have a place to stay?</p><p>RAMBO: Ah uh UH?</p><p>INT. COMEDY ALLEY</p><p>Trautman takes a good look at Pee Wee’s Next Adventure. Or, rather… Pee Wee In Outer Space.</p><p>TRAUTMAN: Rambo? Where are you living nowadays?</p><p>RAMBO: Eh, you know.</p><p>TRAUTMAN: No, I don’t. I asked you, because I don’t know.</p><p>Rambo stares at Trautman for about ten seconds. And Trautman stares back, eventually raising an eyebrow.</p><p>RAMBO: Hmmmmmm.</p><p>TRAUTMAN: If you don’t have a place to stay, you can stay at my place. The couch folds out, and I’ve got my wife over. She’s… got her sister staying with us.</p><p>RAMBO: Mmmm.</p><p>TRAUTMAN: Perhaps you could… persuade her to stay longer.</p><p>RAMBO: (looking away) Hmmm. Eh, who you want me to kill?</p><p>TRAUTMAN: Nobody, Rambo. This is a Blockbuster store. A video rental store. I… remember the past, Rambo. But those war days are over. They’ll… they’ll be no killing.</p><p>RAMBO: Eh, you know I gotta kill SOMEONE.</p><p>Rambo scans the alley tops. He spots an Iraqi terrorist stuffing a video in his rag of a coat.</p><p>INT. FOREIGN ALLEY</p><p>The terrorist is walking out of sight. We pan back to see Rambo creep around this corner. And he grabs a copy of Cop Land, before creeping down the same way.</p><p>INT. FRONT COUNTER The terrorist is just walking away, and he walks THROUGH the alarm posts! The alarms SOUND, and with that… does Max pull a handgun from his hip side holster.</p><p>Max is just aiming as the terrorist looks back with a grin. But now the Cop Land DVD case BREAKS against the back of his head! The terrorist drops dead, with the shattered DVD pieces stuck in the back of his head.</p><p>Rambo walks up, as Trautman comes running up. Max smirks, putting the gun back in it’s holster. Rambo bends down to the corpse, and pulls back up with a copy of Japanese Bambi. Trautman just smiles.</p><p>TRAUTMAN: That’s a wrap!</p><p>Rambo walks away as Trautman begins to laugh.</p><p>OFF TV-</p><p>Anna is half asleep, spread out on the bed. And in the dark. But now a big lug, eight feet tall and brutish, steps out of a dark corner. Anna turns, and GASPS… as the hands reach down for her!</p><p>She’s now being strangled! Now she goes unconscious, and the big brute steps out. He turns the TV off and closes the door on his way out.</p><p>EXT. SMOOTH WALKWAY</p><p>Mack Ready walks down the way. Tall bush on each side. He looks from one end to the other. Rustling to his right, and his head darts back. But then a blue bird flies away! A slight grin on his face, as he now moves forth.</p><p>EXT. ARENA</p><p>A tan, elevated square surrounded by red ropes. Mack walks over and rolls under the lowest rope. He stands tall and walks to the center of the arena pad. The only lights above… the full moon, and the single street light shining down. Mack takes a good look this light. But then clapping is heard. Mack’s head turns to Hound walking up to the square. Mack steps back with his hands up as Hound enters.</p><p>HOUND: Do you mind a little company?</p><p>MACK: Who are you?</p><p>HOUND: The name’s Hound, Mister Mack Ready.</p><p>Mack and Hound start to circle each other slowly.</p><p>HOUND: (cont.) And you shouldn’t be out this late.</p><p>MACK: I’m an officer of the law.</p><p>Hound smiles evilly, as the two continue to circle.</p><p>HOUND: And know all about you, copper. But where you and you’re wife have studied the art of fighting as self defense… I have lived as a fighter for twenty years!</p><p>MACK: Ten years my junior. Think you got what it takes?</p><p>Hound almost laughs at this, as they continue circling.</p><p>HOUND: As I said… you have studied fighting, but I AM a FIGHTER! Do you wish to see? Before the tournament?</p><p>MACK: You bet I do… sucker.</p><p>Hound CHARGES as Mack JUMPS HIGH! His left leg in the air! And Hound is KICKED across the mouth! Mack hits the ground and ROUNDHOUS kicks Hound into a spin into the corner!</p><p>Now Mack charges and Hound ducks… sliding on his back, and SHOVING his fist into Mack’s gut! Air escapes rapidly, as Hound flips to his legs, having just slid under Mack’s open legs. Hound spins around and BACK HANDS Mack into a wild spin around. To which Hound PUNCHES Mack in the mouth in the return! Mack shakes it off, and the two circle again.</p><p>A brief moment’s wait, now Hound leaps forth with his right leg extended! Mack takes hold the leg and FLIPS him forth, Hound taking hold the ropes with his hands. He uses his free left leg to knock Mack across the mouth! MACK: Fuckin’ A!</p><p>HOUND: That’s it. GET angry!</p><p>Hound runs over and UPPERCUTS Mack under the chin! A spill of blood out the mouth and Mack hits the mat. Hound smiles, assured he’s victorious.</p><p>FLASH TO-</p><p>Hound swinging Mack into a corner! One right punch to the ribs, and then a left punch to the ribs! Another right, and another left as Mack shows his blood teeth.</p><p>Now Mack HEAD BUTTS Hound! Hound stumbles back, and Mack right kicks Hound in the sternum. Once, now twice! Mack then kicks a third and final time with his left… right at Hound’s nose! Blood squirts out the nostrils!</p><p>FLASH TO-</p><p>Mack YANKING on Hound’s pony tail. Hound is brought to his knees, and Mack right KNEES Hound under the chin! Now HOUND is on his back… half conscious. He’s starting to roll back and forth from the pain.</p><p>MACK: GET up!</p><p>Hound slowly gets to his knees. Mack approaches slowly.</p><p>MACK: (cont.) Give up now… and I promise…!</p><p>HOUND: (interrupting) Shut up!</p><p>Mack is POPPED in the mouth! Hound get to his feet and hunches down! He right kicks Mack’s left shin, and it snaps ever so quickly, but just barely! Mack drops to the opposite knee… screaming from the pain! But in nearly the same instant, Hound KARATE CHOPS Mack’s throat!</p><p>MACK: HOOOOUH!</p><p>Mack drops back to his back, holding his throat! Hound backs away, laughing under his breath. Now it is over.</p><p>HOUND: Sleep well, Mack Ready. For you die… tomorrow. Hound sinks low, escaping the arena mat through the ropes. Mack Ready is left whimpering, rocking himself back and forth from the sudden shock and pain. WE FADE OUT.</p><p>FADE IN: ARENA- The Next Morning</p><p>A group of ten individuals stand around. Hound and a black man are in the ring. Shirtless with black pants and shoes. They stand at opposite corners, facing each other.</p><p>Finickus stands by Mack Ready, who’s rubbing his leg wound. He looks around and all throughout the crowd. Then he eyes Finickus, who’s just turning his head to him.</p><p>MACK: Where’s my wife?</p><p>FINICKUS: She’ll show. I promise.</p><p>Mack now eyes Hound. Into the ring, now, Hound and the African-American fighter bow. Now they stop up to one another and begin to circle each other. Hands up, and it’s clearly a dance as this first match has just begun.</p><p>Blackie JABS at Hound, and Hound takes it in the nose! The blood squirts out immediately, but Hound wipes it away. Seemingly unphased. Now they take hold each other’s shoulders, and Hound HEAD BUTTS Blackie! And returns again with a PALM to the chest!</p><p>BLACKIE: UMPH!</p><p>Hound picks Blackie up and SLAMS HIM down, bending his right knee! Blackie’s back is cracked! The crowd begins to clap at Blackie fidgeting there on the mat. His tongue stuck out, and he’s biting it. And just like that, he’s pulled out of the ring by the mob. Hound is victorious.</p><p>FLASH TO- Match Two</p><p>Now Mack stands opposite a china man. Shorter, but better built. And like before they are shirtless… with black pants and black shoes. They step up to each other with fury across their faces. Arms up and ready to fight!</p><p>Chinaman attacks first! A kick nearly missed, Mack sliding out of the way, and Chinaman STOMPS down in anger! He BACKHANDS Mack away, and Mack returns with a punch! We pan away from Chinaman hunching over from the gut blow! Over to Finickus kneeling before Blackie. Finickus sighs.</p><p>FINIICKUS: He’s dead.</p><p>Finickus looks back to the ring as we pan to Mack punching Chinaman across the left side of the face! A kick in the gut and another PUNCH with the left fist! A final blow with the right… it’s a direct sternum hit!</p><p>Chinaman backs up to the ropes, then topples over to top rope! Chinaman drops off, holding his pained chest! He lands on his neck cracking it! Mack raises his arms victorious as the crowd cheers even louder!</p><p>HOUND: (calling out) To the DEATH, Mack!</p><p>Mack’s delight has just then faded away. He stares evilly at the Hound smiling back at him. Between them, it’s personal. But now Mack walks away.</p><p>CUT TO: RAINBOW GARDEN- Before Noon</p><p>Mack walks side by side with Finickus in the colorful, high rise garden patch.</p><p>MACK: I want my wife back.</p><p>FINICKUS: I know you do.</p><p>MACK: If you’re keeping her from me, you’re gonna be in for a big surprise!</p><p>FINICKUS: You don’t get it, do you?</p><p>MACK: What do you mean?</p><p>FINICKUS: It is not I that runs things here, Mack. Not anymore. The Hound is master here.</p><p>MACK: That son of a bitch kicked my ass last night. And I’m going to get revenge if it KILLS ME!</p><p>Mack and Finickus come to a halt at the end of the garden.</p><p>FINICKUS: That’s why you will fail, copper. MACK: If only I had known. Would have brought weapons. Could have stuck to logic! But now, it’s too late.</p><p>FINICKUS: Kickboxing should be dealt with honor. Discipline. For this championship is not merely a game. To US, and to ME… it is a means to find my successor.</p><p>MACK: And I take it Hound was that guy. But now, let me guess. He’s turned on you.</p><p>FINICKUS: That is correct.</p><p>Finickus steps off the garden. Mack jumps off.</p><p>EXT. PATH WAY</p><p>Mack and Finickus walk side by side on this smooth stone.</p><p>MACK: She’s here somewhere. Won’t be that hard to find, once I start looking.</p><p>FINICKUS: Don’t go looking for her, Mack.</p><p>MACK: Why not?</p><p>FINICKUS: It is their intention to have her fight. We know she can… but she… may not fare as well as you. That is why you must be the champion after today.</p><p>MACK: My leg… it’s working good now.</p><p>FINICKUS: So shall we continue?</p><p>MACK: Doesn’t look like I have much choice.</p><p>Finickus nods and Mack stares just over his shoulder, to a big brute with his arms crossed over his chest. He stares right back at Mack.</p><p>EXT. ARENA</p><p>The square arena. Six people are gathered round. Two white men enter, with black pants and shoes… nothing more. They dance around the ring. One swings, knocking the other upside the head! But then the other returns with a spit in the eye! Now the spitter CLOTHESLINES the other flat! FLASH TO-</p><p>The big brute picking both white men up! Both weak in his grasps! And now he SNAPS their necks in a flash! The lifeless bodies drop and he raises his winning hands.</p><p>HOUND: (stepping up) Big Brutus is the winner. Does anyone else dare challenge him?</p><p>FLASH TO-</p><p>Two Thai fighters charge with legs extended! They dart through the air and kick Big Brutus back into his corner! Together, the Thai fighters kick at his sides, but he takes their legs and SNAPS them instantly!</p><p>They drop screaming bloody murder. And that’s just what he does, with a DROP DOWN of all his bodily force! Their heads are cracked open! Blood and brain matter spill out, as he stands with ease. He raises his hands again… and we pan across the diminishing crowd… to Hound laughing with joy.</p><p>FLASH TO-</p><p>Mack clothes lining a Japanese fighter!</p><p>FLASH TO-</p><p>Big Brutus STOMPING upon an American’s chest! A squirt of blood sprays up and curves back to stain the mat.</p><p>FLASH TO-</p><p>Mack punching a Latino square in the mouth, then jumping up to kick him in the neck! The Latino hits the mat, out cold.</p><p>FLASH TO-</p><p>Big Brutus being punched in the stomach once… then twice. But then Brutus takes hold the Thai man’s head… and he TWISTS IT around! The head is nearly torn off. The neck mangled severely. The Thai man drops dead.</p><p>FLASH TO-</p><p>Mack DROP KICKING another American to the ground! FLASH TO-</p><p>A French Canadian being thrown out of the ring, now face first into the nearest bush patch!</p><p>FRENCHIE: AAAAARRGH!!!</p><p>FLASH TO-</p><p>Mack Ready lifting his arms and screaming in victory!</p><p>FADE TO- Rainy Nightfall</p><p>Mack heads into his room. The door shuts as the wind picks up. Pan away to Hound next to Big Brutus. They’re heading away. And we pan quickly toward them, around the corner.</p><p>EXT. SECOND PATHWAY</p><p>Finickus is on his knees, and begging in the rain.</p><p>FINICKUS: Please! I’m an old man… and I beg mercy!</p><p>HOUND: We don’t believe in God.</p><p>Hound snaps his fingers and Brutus moves in! He picks Finickus up and BREAKS his back against the corner wall!</p><p>CUT TO: FIGHTER’S HUT INT. BEDROOM</p><p>Thunder is heard rolling just outside. Mack turns his head to an old man’s screaming. Mack’s head sinks low.</p><p>MACK: ANNA?!</p><p>No answer. Now Mack walks to the bed and plops down. He’s suddenly faced with an envelope. So Mack slides off the bed, envelope in hand. He rips it open and holds the note.</p><p>HOUND: (V/O- Mack reading) You’ve got one hour to get off the island. Swim to the lifeboat above the sunken ship… and meet me at the warehouse noon tomorrow. No cops… or your wife and daughter are dead.</p><p>Mack crumples the note angrily. CUT TO: PACIFIC WATERS- Near Island Dock</p><p>Mack Ready swims from the island, to a small yellow lifeboat. And there is a sunken ship… it’s bow pointed up through the darkness. Mack balances his feet on it’s tip.</p><p>Now Mack climbs in the lifeboat. He finds a single wooden oar, now beginning the stroke process. He makes his way to the California coast… just barely in sight.</p><p>CUT TO: WAREHOUSE- Nearly Noon The Next Day INT. CENTER FLOOR</p><p>Hound Po holds Cherry Ready by the neck. Big Brutus holds her mother, Anna, by the neck. Three thugs in dark grey stand by with shotguns.</p><p>HOUND: He’ll be here any time now. Brutus! It’s time.</p><p>Brutus nods, walking away. Hound looks down at Cherry.</p><p>HOUND: You’re about to be orphaned for the glory of Kickboxing, little girl. Just like I was!</p><p>CHERRY: Except I’m not a loser.</p><p>HOUND: Little… BRAT!</p><p>Hound THROWS Cherry across the room! Her back hits the crates on the second shelf… and she drops with a grunt. Now going unconscious. Hound grins at the three thugs.</p><p>HOUND: (cont.) You three are all that’s left. (walking away) Make me proud, or you’ll wish you were never born.</p><p>FLASH TO- Around The Corner</p><p>Big Brutus THROWS Anna into the wall! A grunt later and it looks like she’s ready to fight. Her dukes up, Brutus just smiles at her. He waves her to come to him… and she does.</p><p>She KICKS him in the ribs and she’s punched in the face! She hits the ground, immediately spitting blood. She starts to get up, though Brutus PUNCHES her back down! Flat on her chest, she’s now drooling blood. Brutus waves at her again, just beginning to laugh. Anna gets up weaker than before. INT. CENTER FLOOR</p><p>We suddenly see MACK READY running in with a tommy-gun! The three grey thugs begin to scatter… but Mack screams for their blood! They open fire, but miss. He opens fire… and brings them shaking to their bloody knees! Then the three drop dead as Mack heads out to the center floor.</p><p>MACK: Come on out, Hound! It’s just you and me!</p><p>Mack turns to Hound popping out around the corner with a flame thrower! A flame BURST Mack’s way, and Mack jumps and ROLLS out of the way! Down on his knees… he aims and FIRES the last of his tommy-gun’s ammunition! Hound Po ducks out of the way, narrowly evading the gunfire!</p><p>Now Mack throws the gun aside, and runs off to the next hall1 Over to Hound side stepping! He pops around the next corner, and another FLAME BURST erupts! Mack DUCKS into the next hall… narrowly evading just the same!</p><p>FLASH TO-</p><p>Anna right punching Brutus in the ribs! A slight grunt, and a left punch to his ribs! Brutus takes hold her head with one hand, picking her up off the ground. She’s bleeding and whining even worse now. But then her foot connects with his crotch, and Big Brutus takes an even bigger fall!</p><p>FLASH TO-</p><p>Two police officers running into the warehouse!</p><p>OFFICER ONE: Police! Come on out!</p><p>OFFICER TWO: No funny business!</p><p>The officers turn to Hound stepping out! Another flame burst and both male officers are set aflame! They scream and run around! Hound Po steps back as they open fire!</p><p>A far shot now, of the officers EXPLODING! The fiery chunks spreading everywhere! Pan to Cherry getting to her feet and running out of sight… away from the corpse chunks falling. Back to Hound, as he spins around to a PUNCH in the face! HOUND: Fuck YOU!</p><p>Mack jumps out and RIPS the flamethrower off the thug! Hound kicks across the air, but Mack takes the leg and PUSHES it upward at an extreme angle! And then he SPINS around… KARATE CHOPPING Hound Po’s abdomen!</p><p>HOUND: Huron!</p><p>Hound drops and rolls back up! He’s limping back as Mack Ready approaches… ready to finish this once and for all!</p><p>MACK: It’s over, Hound.</p><p>HOUND: Not yet, it ain’t.</p><p>Hound and Mack charge at one another! Mack is SLAPPED across the face then KICKED in the back! Mack hits the ground and rolls out of the way of Hound’s foot STOMPING down! Mack jumps up and plants his right foot into Hound’s face! Now Mack ROUNDHOUSE KICKS through the air! Hound Po is knocked for a loop!</p><p>FLASH TO-</p><p>Anna DROP KICKING Brutus to the floor. Brutus still holding his crotch in agony! Brutus pulls a hunting knife and SLICES Anna across the belly diagonally! A scream escapes her lips, and she steps back… holding the bloody wound!</p><p>FLASH TO-</p><p>Mack shoves his right fist into Hound Po’s stomach! Hound pukes all over Mack’s right arm! Now Mack takes hold Hound’s arms shaking his torso… so his head would face him. Now Mack HEADBUTTS Hound’s head! The head arches back! An extreme spray of blood!</p><p>FLASH TO-</p><p>Brutus crawling atop Anna, who’s screaming and panicking! Then Cherry comes around the corner!</p><p>CHERRY: Leave her alone!</p><p>Brutus turns, now Anna takes hold the knife, now DRIVING it into his right temple! And blood spills out both temples. CHERRY: (cont.) Mommy!</p><p>Anna crawls out from under Big, dead Brutus. She runs over and hugs her daughter! Now the two move on into…</p><p>INT. CENTER FLOOR</p><p>Hound SWEEPS Mack off his feet! Then he’s on him in a flash, now JABBING him in the mouth! Mack drools blood.</p><p>HOUND: I’m the best, you fool! You can’t beat the best!</p><p>Mack shoves his index fingers into Hound’s eyes! Deep into his sockets and the blood pours out! Hound SCREAMS most painfully, more painfully than anyone ever has in this particular, bizarre… kickboxing tournament!</p><p>Now Mack finishes with a right knee to the abdomen! Hound coughs up a bit of his intestines. Mack then shoves Hound to the floor… and he slides away into the fire chunks.</p><p>Anna and Cherry run out with widened eyes. Mack turns to them with a cheesy smile. He then gives them a thumbs up! Anna and Cherry walk over, and the family of three hug.</p><p>CUT TO: POLICE STATION- A Little Later EXT. STREET</p><p>Chief Blackman stands before a crowd of reporters and camera men. Mack Ready, Anna and Cherry stand by.</p><p>BLACKMAN: It appears Mack Ready is the new kickboxing champion of the world! This IS a surprise! (to Mack) What now, officer Ready?</p><p>MACK: My wife and I quit. Thanks for your time.</p><p>BLACKMAN: What?! You can’t just… quit!</p><p>Mack and his family walk away.</p><p>BLACKMAN: (cont.) How will you live, Mack?!</p><p>MACK: Day by day.</p><p>The End</p>

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