<p> Support Material</p><p>‘Developing Early Mathematical Language & Numbers to 5’ Focus</p><p> Increasing student’s everyday and mathematical language through exploratory activities. Developing an understanding of numbers to 5.</p><p>Lesson Structure 1. Action Rhymes 2. Counting activities 3. Matching activities 4. Physical activities 5. Sorting activities 6. Copying activities</p><p>The following activities will provide support in the planning of the 20 — 30 minute sessions. Action Rhymes</p><p>Here is the Beehive Once I Caught a Fish Alive</p><p>Here is the beehive, where are the bees? One, two, three, four and five, (clench fist and bring out fingers quickly one by I caught a fish alive; one) Six, seven, eight, nine and ten, Hidden away were nobody sees Then I let him go again. Watch and you will see them come Why did you let it go? out of their hives, Because it bit my finger so. One, two, three, four, five, Which finger did it bite? Buzz, buzz, buzz. This little finger on the right.</p><p>Counting Apples Five Fat Peas </p><p>Five red apples Five fat peas in a pea pod pressed Hanging on a tree (five fingers held up) (children hold hand in a fist) The juiciest apples you ever did see! One grew, two grew, so did all the rest. The wind came past (put thumb and fingers up one by one) And gave an angry frown They grew and grew (shake head and look angry) (raise hand in the air very slowly) And one little apple came tumbling down. And did not stop, Until one day Four red apples… etc. The pod went POP! (children clap hands together)</p><p>One, Two Buckle My Shoe One Potato, Two Potato</p><p>1, 2 Buckle my shoe One potato, two potato, 3, 4 Shut the door Three potato, four, 5, 6 Pick up sticks Five potato, six potato, 7, 8 Lay them straight Seven potato, more! 9, 10 A big fat hen. Let’s get up and count again! </p><p>Five Little Monkeys Five Little Squirrels</p><p>Five little monkeys Five little squirrels sitting in a tree. Sitting in a tree The first one said, “What do I see?” Teasing Mr. Crocodile-- The second one said, “Some nuts on the “You can’t catch me.” ground.” “You can’t catch me.” The third one said, “Those nuts I found.” Along comes Mr. Crocodile The fourth one said, “I’ll race you there.” As quiet as can be—SNAP!!! The Fifth one said, “All right, that’s fair.” Continue until all monkeys are gone So they shook their tails and ran with glee. Away swims Mr. Crocodile To the nuts that lay at the foot of the tree. As full as he can be!!!</p><p>Five Enormous Dinosaurs Five Little Ducks</p><p>Five enormous dinosaurs Five little ducks Letting out a roar-- Went out one day One went away, and Over the hill and far away Then there were four. Mother duck said Four enormous dinosaurs “Quack, quack, quack, quack.” Crashing down a tree-- But only four little ducks came back. One went away, and Then there were three. Count ducks down until no ducks left…</p><p>Three enormous dinosaurs Sad mother duck Eating tiger stew-- Went out one day One went away, and Then there were two. Over the hill and far away The sad mother duck said Two enormous dinosaurs “Quack, quack, quack.” Trying to run-- And all of the five little ducks came b ack. One ran away, and then there was one. </p><p>One enormous dinosaur, Afraid to be a hero-- He went away, and Then there was zero.</p><p>Ten in the Bed Five Little Birdies</p><p>There were ten in a bed and the little one said, Five little birdies, flying around our door, “Roll over, roll over.” (rolling motion) ( five fingers one hand up in the air, as verse is So they all rolled over and one fell out. said other hand bends down each finger) There were nine in the bed and the little one The blue one flew away and then there were said, four. “Roll over, roll over.” So they all rolled over and one fell out…. Four little birdies sitting in a tree, The yellow one flew away and then there were This is repeated until you get to the number three. one. Each time “roll over” is said, rolling motion is dramatized. The little birdies didn’t know what to do, So the red one flew away, and then there were There was one in the bed and the little one two. said, Two little birdies sitting in the sun, “Good night!” The Brown one flew away, and there was one. The little green birdie felt so all alone, He/she flew away and then there was none. Later on that very day, five little birdies came back to play.</p><p>Five Little Bees Five Currant Buns</p><p>One little bee blew and flew. Five currant buns in the bakery shop. He met a friend, and that made two. Round and shiny with the sugar on top. Along comes (child’s name) with a dollar to pay. Two little bees, busy as could be-- Along came another and that made three. He/she buys a cookie and takes it away. Three little bees, wanted one more, Found one soon and that made four. (continue with four, three, two and one).</p><p>Four little bees, going to the hive. Spied their little brother, and that made five. Five little bees working every hour-- Buzz away, bees, and find another flower.</p><p>Ten Fingers Hickory Dickory Dock</p><p>I have ten fingers Hickory Dickory Dock, (hold up both hands, fingers spread) The mouse ran up the clock; And they all belong to me, (point to self) I can make them do things- The clock struck One, Would you like to see? The mouse ran down, I can shut them up tight (make fists) Hickory Dickory Dock! I can open them wide (open hands( I can put them together (place palms together) Hickory Dickory Dock, I can make them all hide The mouse ran up the clock; (put hands behind back) The clock struck Two, I can make them jump high (hands over head) The mouse said BOO! I can make them jump low (touch floor) Hickory Dickory Dock! I can fold them up quietly (fold hands in lap) And hold them just so. Hickory Dickory Dock, The mouse ran up the clock; The clock struck Three, The mouse said Wheeeee… As he slid down the clock!</p><p>Five Little Men in a Flying Saucer Ten Buzzy Bees</p><p>5 little men in a flying saucer One, two, three, four, five, looked around the world one day Bees come buzzing from the hive, They looked left and right Six, seven, eight, nine, ten, but they didn’t like the sight Buzz around then back again. so one man flew a way. Please tell me buzzy bee, Why you buzz so busily. 4 little men in a flying saucer… ‘Peep in the hive to see, …and so on till you have 0 We’re making honey for your tea.’</p><p>Five Little Speckled Frogs Sausages Sizzling in the Pan</p><p>Five green and speckled frogs Ten fat sausages sizzling in a pan Sat on a speckled log one went pop and the other went bang. Eating some most delicious bugs Yum Yum Eight fat sausages sizzling in a pan one went pop and the other went bang. </p><p>One jumped into the pool Six fat sausages sizzling in a pan Where it was nice and cool one went pop and the other went bang. Then there were Four green and speckled frogs Four fat sausages sizzling in a pan one went pop and the other went bang. Glub Glub! Two fat sausages sizzling in a pan Continue counting down. one went pop and the other went bang. </p><p>No fat sausages sizzling in a pan.</p><p>Monday Monday 1 2 3 I Wish I Was a Funny Clown</p><p>Monday, Monday 1, 2, 3 I Wish I was a funny clown Tuesday, Tuesday skip with me Wednesday, Wednesday turn around With smile so wide and eyes so round Thursday, Thursday touch the ground With pointed hat, a funny nose Friday, Friday reach up high And polka dots upon my clothes Saturday, Saturday wave goodbye Sunday, Sunday stamp your feet End of the week, clap the beat 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7</p><p>Clap Your Hands 1 2 3 Five Fat Sausages</p><p>Clap your hands 1, 2, 3 Five fat sausages frying in a pan Put your hands upon your knees Lift them high to touch the sky All of a sudden one went BANG! Clap hands and away they fly. Four fat sausages, etc Three fat sausages, etc Two fat sausages, etc One fat sausage frying in a pan, All of a sudden it went BANG! And there were NO sausages left!</p><p>Counting Picture Books</p><p>Ten in the Bed – Penny Dale Ten Out of Bed – Penny Dale 1, 2, 3 to the Zoo – Eric Carle The Very Hungry Caterpillar – Eric Carle Counting Sharon – David Pace Five Little Ducks – Ian Beck How do Dinosaurs Count to Ten? – Jane Yolen One Duck Stuck – Jane Chapman Seven Little Helicopters – Galaxy Kids Maths Zolar Can Count Galaxy Kids Maths Ten Skittles – Galaxy Kids Maths Counting Sheep – Galaxy Kids Maths Eggs in the Nest - Galaxy Kids Maths</p><p>Measures, Position and Orientation Picture Books</p><p>Inside, Outside, Upside Down – S & J Bernstein Bears in the Night – S & J Bernstein We’re Going on a Bear Hunt – Michael Rosen Rosie’s Walk – Pat Hutchins Follow That Bear if You Dare – Alison Edgson A Lion in the Night – Pamela Allen What the Ladybird Heard - Linda Monks Where are you Blue Kangaroo? - Emma Chichester Clark Where’s My Teddy? - Jez Alborough Go Ducks Go – Maurice Burns Walking the Dog – Jane Buxton (Ready to Read) The Crawly, Crawly Caterpillar – H. E. Todd The Smallest Turtle – Lynley Dodd My First Monster Book – Pat Edwards (Eureka Maths) On the Skateboard - Galaxy Kids Maths Chocolates Everywhere - Galaxy Kids Maths I am Tall - Galaxy Kids Maths The Longest Nose - Galaxy Kids Maths</p><p>Weblinks for extra support: http://prekinders.com/math-page/ (range ideas to support positional language and early number) http://www.nzmaths.co.nz/supporting-rich-mathematical-interactions-ece (ECE jigsaw) http://www.sparklebox.co.uk (Rhyme story sets)</p><p>Counting Activities</p><p>Focus: Counting forwards and backwards to 5 Number before and after numbers to 5 1 – to – 1 counting</p><p>1. Digit cards Make individual sets of digit cards 1 – 5 for each student. Be creative and make sets using interest topics ie rockets, pawprints, butterflies. Examples available from www.sparklebox.co.uk and www.mrspancake.com Students put them in order. Have number flip strip close so students have a model. Students can: count forwards and backwards along the numbers, point to a specific number, point to number one more/just after, one less/just before.</p><p>Rockets available at: www.mrspancake.com </p><p>2. Finger patterns to 5 Count forwards and backwards 1 – 5 using finger patterns Match finger pattern to five frame dots Show finger pattern to match a numeral card 1 – 5, show finger pattern for number one more/just after and number one less/just before.</p><p>3. Number strip flip Use only the numbers 1 – 5. Count forwards and backwards. Hide the numbers and ask what is this number? What comes one more/next/just after? What comes one less/before? </p><p>4. Listening Tin Make a Listening Tin (Instructions below) Drop magnets into the tin and get students to count the drops they can hear. Finger pattern – place a finger up for each drop Put magnets on the front of the tens frame on the tin. Count magnets as placed on the tin. Find the number on the tin</p><p>5. Hopscotch Go outside and jump forwards and backwards on a hopscotch outline. Jump to a specific number, jump to number one more/just after and number one less/just before. Matching Activities</p><p>Focus: 1 – to – 1 matching</p><p>1. BSM Matching boxes (divided white box with range of small equipment) Students explore equipment and match the items ie. bucket and spade, brush and shovel, bat and ball</p><p>2. Playdough mats (available from www.sparklebox.co.uk ) Print off a couple of the playdough mats and laminate. Students are to create and place on the number of items asked for. ie. dots on ladybird, sausages in pan, petals on flower, teeth on crocodile, apples on tree</p><p>3. Caterpillar Legs Activity from Book 5 page 5 Print and laminate MM5-6 Students to place a specific number of pegs on the caterpillar body</p><p>4. Tens frames dots to 5 match Students match 1-to-1 on 1 – 5 dot frames. Place a teddy, counter, small plastic toy on each dot. Count to toys as they are placed.</p><p>5. Birthday Cake Activity from Book 5 page 6 Print and laminate MM5-8 Students to place a specific number of candles (iceblock sticks) on the birthday cake</p><p>6. Matching cards Students to match 1 – 5 sort cards: finger patterns, numeral, five frames BSM matching sets</p><p>7. Egg carton (six pack) Paint a small egg carton green and place dinosaur stickers on the outside. Purchase six ping pong balls (dinosaur eggs) or mini dinosaurs. Students place a specific number of dinosaur/eggs in the carton. </p><p>8. Memory games – make or purchase a couple of memory games.</p><p>Physical Activities</p><p>Focus: Developing everyday and mathematical language through physical movement activities. </p><p>Language to focus on: over, under, on, off, next to, front, between, up, down, here, there, beside, behind, far, near, close, top, bottom, outside, inside, back</p><p>Maori: front – mua, back – muri, side – taha, right – matau, left – maui, up – runga, down – raro</p><p>1. BSM activities</p><p>Outdoor physical activities Indoor positional activities 3 - 2 -– 22 One, two, or three jumps p.17 3 – 2 – 3 Driving and looking p.10 3 – 2 – 23 Movement – direction and 3 – 2 – 4 Tell me where to put it p.12 orientation p.18 3 – 2 – 26 Inside, outside, or on the line p.23 3 – 2 – 20 What am I doing? p.20 4 – 2 – 2 Where did they land? p.7 4 – 2 – 1 Exploring large boxes p.6 4 – 2 – 3 Where is Piglet? p.8 4 – 2 – 24 Move in this direction p.16 4 – 2 – 25 Guess where I am p.17 5 – 2 – 3 Following direction p.8 4 – 2 – 44 Opposites p.20 5 – 2 – 24 “I Spy” p.19 6 – 2 – 81 Place the bottletops p.81 5 – 2 – 25 Adventure playgrounds p.21 6 – 2 – 21 Up and over in the playground p.15</p><p>2. Kiwidex activities (SPARC) www.sparc.org.nz/en-nz/young-people/Ages-5-12-Years/KiwiDex/ Simon Says p.41 Memory Challenge p.43 Here – There – Where p.54 Over/Under/Side to Side p.89 Zig Zag relays p.109 (Adapt to in and out of cones) Battleships p.149 (Adapt to use positional language) In the Pond p.153 Move like a… p.167 Obstacle relay p.190 and Challenge course s p.245 Hoop work p.194 Tunnel ball p.202 3. Positional Language picture books listed above under rhymes – could act some out on a rainy day!</p><p>Sorting Activities</p><p>Focus: Developing early mathematical language and everyday language through a range of sorting activities.</p><p>Student’s given opportunities to sort a range of materials. Ensure mathematical and everyday language is modelled to/with/by the students - colour, shape, size, texture. Allow students to sort themselves and observe what they have done rather than ask them to sort by shape (for example)</p><p>Materials may include:</p><p>Teddy bears, sorting boxes, attribute blocks, jar of buttons or bottle tops, toy animals and cars, pictures from magazines or education catalogues (Every Educaid is perfect – cut out and laminate).</p><p>Using sorting containers may assist students sorting into sets. ie. set rings (from icecream lids), egg cartons, small cups, sorting plates and muffin trays.</p><p>For example; Copying Activities</p><p>Focus: Copying numbers to 5</p><p>1. Rainbow writing Write numeral in light colour crayon. Students use other crayon colours to go over the top of numeral…getting a rainbow effect</p><p>2. Sand tray writing Have a small tray with a layer of sand. Students draw numerals in the sand then shake tray gently and try another number. Have support numeral formation cards available.</p><p>3. Finger paint numbers Students finger paint numbers on large pieces of paper</p><p>4. Whiteboard numbers Students practice writing numerals on small whiteboards. Have support numeral formation cards available. Butterfly numeral cards can be purchased to support this activity too</p><p>5. Play dough numbers Laminate large A4 numerals (available on www.sparklebox.co.uk) Students create a play dough snake and form numeral on laminated mat Students trace finger over top of play dough numeral</p><p>6. Number on partner’s back Students write a number on a partner’s back and they need to guess the number. Have support numeral formation cards available.</p><p>7. Sandpaper numbers Make large A4 numerals from sandpaper. Glue to card. Students trace their finger over top of numeral.</p><p>Developed by Julie Roberts (Accent Learning) and Marilyn Holmes (University of Otago College of Education)</p><p>0 – 5 Digit cards</p><p>0 1 2</p><p>3 4 5</p><p>0 1 2</p><p>3 4 5</p><p>Quinary Five Frames</p><p>Five Frames 1 – 5 sort cards 1</p><p>2</p><p>3 4</p><p>5 Equipment</p><p>Listening Tin</p><p>Two sets of coloured magnets</p><p>Ideas for using the tin</p><p> Drop the magnets into the tin Students make the number pattern behind their back Describe what the pattern looks like ie 5 and 1 What will the pattern look like on the tens frame? Place magnets on front of tin Find number on bottom of tin One more/one less…two more/two less</p><p>Extension ideas</p><p> What makes 10? Have a second tens frame on back of tin…add the number onto ten? Double the number Counting on/back…what will the number look like on two tens frames?</p>
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