Board of Selectmen s13

Board of Selectmen s13

<p> 105</p><p>BOARD OF SELECTMEN June 4, 2015 Special Meeting Town Office Building, 50 Church Street, Windsor Locks, CT 06096</p><p>SELECTMEN PRESENT: Steven N. Wawruck, Jr., Dennis Gragnolati, and Michael Russo ALSO ATTENDING: Catherine Cabral ------CALL TO ORDER: First Selectman Wawruck called the meeting to order at 12:06 p.m. </p><p>PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: The Pledge of Allegiance was observed.</p><p>SET PUBLIC HEARING/TOWN MEETING DATE (July 7, 2015) and REFERENDUM DATE (July 21, 2015) for: 1. 2015 Infrastructure Improvement Project - $1,150,000.00 2. 2015 ADA Improvements at Windsor Locks High School - $375,000.00 Selectman Gragnolati moved to set a Public Hearing (7:00 p.m.)/Town Meeting (7:30 p.m.) date for July 7, 2015, and a Referendum Date (12:00 noon to 8:00 p.m.) for July 21, 2015, for the 2015 Infrastructure Improvement Project and the 2015 ADA Improvements at Windsor Locks High School. Selectman Russo seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion passed. Selectman Gragnolati introduced the following resolution, which was seconded by Selectman Russo: RESOLVED, (a) that the Board of Selectmen hereby calls (i) a Public Hearing for consideration of a re solution for sanitary sewer installation and replacement along Wicklow Street between North Street and Whiton Street to be held on Tuesday, July 7, 2015 @ 7:00 p.m. and (ii) a Town Meeting to be he ld on Tuesday, July 7, 2015 @ 7:30 p.m. for consideration of resolutions: (1) appropriating $1,150,0 00.00 for infrastructure improvements consisting of: (i) sanitary sewer installation and replacement al ong Wicklow Street between North Street and Whiton Street; (ii) drainage and flood control and erosi on control improvements in the area of Dibble Brook running through Tracey Circle; (iii) reclaiming, g rading, and resurfacing portions of John Street between Elm Street and Stevens Street, Roberts Str eet between John Street and Southwest Avenue, all of Stevens Street, all of Helena Lane, Highland Road between Reed Avenue and North Street, Arlington Road, between Highland Avenue and North Street, all of Marshall Road, and Wicklow Street between North Street and Whiton Street; and (iv) si dewalk installation and repair along all of Marshall Road and along Reed Avenue between Highland Street and Dale Street, and (v) certain costs of issuance, and authorizing the issue of bonds or notes and temporary notes in the same amount to finance the appropriation and (2) appropriating $375,00 0.00 for ADA improvements at Windsor Locks High School including, installation of grab bars, ramps sink and plumbing modifications, stair tread modification, and accessible workstations, and authorizi ng the issue of bonds or notes and temporary notes in the same amount to finance the appropriation; all as recommended by the Board of Finance at meeting held on Wednesday, June 3, 2015. The T own Meeting will be adjourned to a referendum to be held July 21, 2015 between the hours of 12:00 noon and 8:00 P.M. to act on the aforesaid resolutions (1) and (2) listed above. (b) that the aforesaid resolutions (1) and (2) listed above being submitted to refer endum vote on Tuesday, July 21, 2015 shall be placed on the paper ballots or voting machin es under the following headings: 106</p><p>Board of Selectmen Special Meeting June 4, 2015 Page 2</p><p>1. “SHALL THE TOWN OF WINDSOR LOCKS APPROPRIATE $1,150,000.00 FOR SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS ALONG A PORTION OF WICKLOW STREET; DRAINAGE AND FLOOD CONTROL AND EROSION CONTROL IMPROVEMENTS IN THE AREA OF TRACEY CIRCLE; RECLAIMING, GRADING, AND RESURFACIN G PORTIONS OF JOHN STREET, ROBERTS STREET, HIGHLAND ROAD, ARLING TON ROAD, AND WICKLOW STREET, ALL OF STEVENS STREET, HELENA LAN E, AND MARSHALL ROAD, AND; SIDEWALK INSTALLATION AND REPAIR ALON G ALL OF MARSHALL ROAD AND ALONG A PORTION OF REED AVENUE AND A UTHORIZE THE ISSUE OF BONDS AND NOTES IN THE SAME AMOUNT TO FINA NCE SAID APPROPRIATION?” 2. “SHALL THE TOWN OF WINDSOR LOCKS APPROPRIATE $375,000.00 FOR A DA IMPROVEMENTS AT WINDSOR LOCKS HIGH SCHOOL AND AUTHORIZE TH E ISSUE OF BONDS AND NOTES IN THE SAME AMOUNT TO FINANCE SAID AP PROPRIATION?” Voters approving a resolution will vote “Yes” and those opposing said resolution shall vote “No”. Electors will vote at the following polling places: DISTRICT 1 - Former Union School - Windsor Locks Town Office Building, 50 Church Street, Windsor Locks, CT DISTRICT 2 - Windsor Locks High School, South Elm Street, Windsor Locks, CT People qualified to vote in town meetings who are not electors will vote at: Former Union School - Windsor Locks Town Office Building, 50 Church Street, Windsor Locks, CT. Absentee ballots will be available from the Town Clerk’s office. (c) that the Board of Selectmen approves the Notice of Town Meeting/Public Hearing an d Referendum which is attached to these minutes. The portion of John Street between Elm Street and Tracey Circle that is listed for infrastructure impr ovements in case any abnormalities are found during the construction process was briefly discussed. All were in favor. Motion passed. A copy of the Notice of Town Meeting/Public Hearing and Referendum is attached to these minutes.</p><p>ADJOURNMENT: There being no further discussion or information to come before the Board of Selectmen; A motion to adjourn the meeting at 12:10 p.m. was made by Selectman Gragnolati and secon ded by Selectman Russo. All were in favor. Motion passed.</p><p>Respectfully submitted, Susan R. Barsanti Susan R. Barsanti Recording Secretary 107</p><p>TOWN OF WINDSOR LOCKS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING – Tuesday, July 7, 2015 7:00 P.M. TOWN MEETING – Tuesday, July 7, 2015 7:30 P.M. REFERENDUM – Tuesday, July 21, 2015 Between 12:00 Noon and 8:00 P.M.</p><p>A public hearing and a town meeting of the electors and citizens qualified to vote in town me etings of the Town of Windsor Locks, Connecticut, will be held in the meeting room of the Town Offic e Building, 50 Church Street in the Town of Windsor Locks, Connecticut, on Tuesday, July 7, 2015, with the Public Hearing called for 7:00 pm and the Special Town Meeting called for 7:30 p.m. The public hearing shall be held for consideration of sanitary sewer installation and replacem ent along Wicklow Street between North Street and Whiton Street, and related work, improvements. The town meeting shall be held for the following purposes: 1. To consider and act upon a resolution, (a) to appropriate $1,150,000.00 for infrastructure improvements consisting of: (i) sanitar y sewer installation and replacement along Wicklow Street between North Street and Whiton Street (estimated cost $148,000.00); (ii) drainage and flood control and erosion control improvements in th e area of Dibble Brook running through Tracey Circle (estimated cost $75,000.00); (iii) reclaiming, gr ading, and resurfacing portions of John Street between Elm Street and Stevens Street, Roberts Stre et between John Street and Southwest Avenue, all of Stevens Street, all of Helena Lane, Highland Road between Reed Avenue and North Street, Arlington Road, between Highland Avenue and North Street, all of Marshall Road, and Wicklow Street between North Street and Whiton Street (estimated cost $786,500.00); (iv) sidewalk installation and repair along all of Marshall Road and along Reed Av enue between Highland Street and Dale Street (estimated cost $128,000.00), and (v) certain costs o f issuance (estimated cost $12,500.00). The appropriation may be spent for design and construction costs, equipment, materials, land and easement acquisition, site improvements, engineering fees, le gal fees, net interest on borrowings and other financing costs, and other expenses related to the proj ect or its’ financing. The Board of Selectmen shall be authorized to determine the scope and particul ars of the project, and may reduce or modify the scope of the project; and the entire appropriation m ay be spent on the project as so reduced or modified, provided, however, that no funds shall be exp ended under this appropriation for any portion of the project until such portion has been referred to t he Planning and Zoning Commission for a report pursuant to Section 8-24 of the General Statutes of Connecticut, Revision of 1958, as amended. (b) to authorize the issue of bonds or notes of the Town in an amount not to exceed $1,1 50,000.00; to authorize the issue of temporary notes of the Town in an amount not to exceed $1,150, 000.00 in anticipation of such bonds or notes; and to authorize the First Selectman and the Treasure r of the Town to determine, the amounts, dates, interest rates, maturities, redemption provisions, for m and other details of the bonds or notes; and to perform all other acts which are necessary or appr opriate to issue the bonds or notes; (c) to take such action to allow temporary advances of available funds which the Town re asonably expects will be reimbursed from the proceeds of borrowings; and to authorize the First Sel ectman and the Treasurer to bind the Town pursuant to such representations and covenants as they deem necessary or advisable in order to maintain the continued exemption from federal income taxa tion of interest on the bonds or notes authorized by the resolution if issued on a tax-exempt basis, in cluding covenants to pay rebates of investment earnings to the United States in future years; (d) to authorize the First Selectman and the Treasurer to make representations and enter into written agreements for the benefit of holders of the bonds or notes to provide secondary market disclosure information, which agreements may include such terms as they deem advisable or appro priate in order to comply with applicable laws or rules pertaining to the sale or purchase of such bon ds or notes; and 108</p><p>(e) to authorize the First Selectman to apply for and accept state grants for the project an d to enter into any grant or loan agreement prescribed by the State, and that the First Selectman an d the Treasurer are authorized to take any other actions necessary to obtain such grants or loans; a nd to authorize the Board of Selectmen, the First Selectman, the Treasurer, and other proper officer s of the Town to take all other action which is necessary or desirable to complete the project and to i ssue bonds or notes to finance the aforesaid appropriation. 2. To consider and act upon a resolution, (a) to appropriate $375,000.00 for ADA improvements at Windsor Locks High School incl uding, installation of grab bars, ramps, sink and plumbing modifications, stair tread modification, and accessible workstations. The appropriation may be spent for design and construction costs, equipme nt, materials, engineering fees, legal fees, net interest on borrowings and other financing costs. The Board of Selectmen shall be authorized to determine the scope and particulars of the project, and m ay reduce or modify the scope of the project; and the entire appropriation may be spent on the proje ct as so reduced or modified. (b) to authorize the issue of bonds or notes of the Town in an amount not to exceed $375, 000.00; to authorize the issue of temporary notes of the Town in an amount not to exceed $375,000 in anticipation of such bonds or notes; and to authorize the First Selectman and the Treasurer of the Town to determine, the amounts, dates, interest rates, maturities, redemption provisions, form and o ther details of the bonds or notes; and to perform all other acts which are necessary or appropriate t o issue the bonds or notes; (c) to take such action to allow temporary advances of available funds which the Town re asonably expects will be reimbursed from the proceeds of borrowings; and to authorize the First Sel ectman and the Treasurer to bind the Town pursuant to such representations and covenants as they deem necessary or advisable in order to maintain the continued exemption from federal income taxa tion of interest on the bonds or notes authorized by the resolution if issued on a tax-exempt basis, in cluding covenants to pay rebates of investment earnings to the United States in future years; (d) to authorize the First Selectman and the Treasurer to make representations and enter into written agreements for the benefit of holders of the bonds or notes to provide secondary market disclosure information, which agreements may include such terms as they deem advisable or appro priate in order to comply with applicable laws or rules pertaining to the sale or purchase of such bon ds or notes; and (e) to authorize the Board of Selectmen, the Treasurer, and other proper officers of the T own to take all other action which is necessary or desirable to complete the project and to issue bon ds or notes to finance the aforesaid appropriation. 3. Pursuant to Section 806 of the Town Charter to adjourn said town meeting at its concl usion and to submit the foresaid resolutions to be presented under items 1 and 2 of this Notice to vot e upon voting machines or by paper ballot on Tuesday, July 21, 2015, between the hours of 12:00 N oon and 8:00 P.M. Voting will be at the following polling places: DISTRICT 1 - Windsor Locks Town Office Building 50 Church Street, Windsor Locks, CT</p><p>DISTRICT 2 - Windsor Locks High School South Elm Street Windsor Locks, CT</p><p>Persons qualified to vote in town meetings who are not electors shall vote at: Windsor Locks Town Office Building, 50 Church Street, Windsor Locks, CT. 109</p><p>The aforesaid resolutions presented under items 1 and 2 of this Notice will be placed on the paper ballots or voting machines under the following headings: 1. “SHALL THE TOWN OF WINDSOR LOCKS APPROPRIATE $1,150,000.0 0 FOR SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS ALONG A PORTION OF WICK LOW STREET; DRAINAGE AND FLOOD CONTROL AND EROSION CONTR OL IMPROVEMENTS IN THE AREA OF TRACEY CIRCLE; RECLAIMING, G RADING, AND RESURFACING PORTIONS OF JOHN STREET, ROBERTS STREET, HIGHLAND ROAD, ARLINGTON ROAD, AND WICKLOW STREET, ALL OF STEVENS STREET, HELENA LANE, AND MARSHALL ROAD, AN D; SIDEWALK INSTALLATION AND REPAIR ALONG ALL OF MARSHALL R OAD AND ALONG A PORTION OF REED AVENUE AND AUTHORIZE THE I SSUE OF BONDS AND NOTES IN THE SAME AMOUNT TO FINANCE SAID APPROPRIATION?” 2. “SHALL THE TOWN OF WINDSOR LOCKS APPROPRIATE $375,000.00 FOR ADA IMPROVEMENTS AT WINDSOR LOCKS HIGH SCHOOL AND AU THORIZE THE ISSUE OF BONDS AND NOTES IN THE SAME AMOUNT TO FINANCE SAID APPROPRIATION?” Voters approving a resolution will vote “Yes” and those opposing said resolution will vote “N o.” Absentee ballots will be available from the Town Clerk’s office, 50 Church Street, Windsor Lo cks, CT, during normal business hours starting on June 23, 2015. Dated at Windsor Locks, Connecticut, this 4th day of June, 2015.</p><p>Steven N. Wawruck, Jr. – First Selectman</p><p>Dennis Gragnolati - Selectman</p><p>Michael Russo - Selectman 110</p>

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