<p>PHIL 101 Introduction to Religious Studies Dr. Bryce Gayhart Monday 6:50-10 p.m. Room 1420 #11412 Fall Semester 2013</p><p>Student Learning Outcome What is this course about? As part of the Philosophy curriculum, we will study the broad topics that relate to Metaphysics/Religion. Following along our selected text, we will cover: “How Do We Know Anything?” (Skepticism) “What is the Good? (Morality\Religion)” “Are We Ever Really Free? (God and Free Will)” “Who Are We?” “Do We Survive Death?” “Is There a God? (Paranormal\Metaphysics)” “What is the Meaning of Life? (Religion)” We will lecture; have in-class discussions; view visual materials (DVD and Projector); and provide an informal atmosphere of openness through “round-table” discussions. </p><p>PHIL 101 Outcome: Upon successful completion of PHIL 101 F, Introduction to Religion, the student will be able to compare and contrast at least two methods used to study religion. Outcome: Upon successful completion of Phil 101, Introduction to Religion, the student will be able to analyze at least two primary sources used in the study of religion. Outcome: Upon successful completion of Phil 101, Introduction to Religion, the student will be able to identify and analyze at least two major issues in the field of religious studies.</p><p>Your instructor offers other courses -- Phil 160 Ethics; Phil 100 Intro to Philosophy; Phil 105 World Religions, and Phil 170 Logic and Critical Thinking and he has a working profession in Religion; and academic degrees in Science; and in Philosophy, and in Theology and Religion.</p><p>Required Text:</p><p>1. Philosophy for Dummies by Tom Morris 1999 by Wiley Publishing ISBN: 978-0-7645-5153-6 Paperback [$3-$10 See Amazon.com link below] http://www.amazon.com/Philosophy-Dummies-Tom Morris/dp/0764551531/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1306339560&sr=1- 1</p><p>2. Materials from my Website. http://staffwww.fullcoll.edu\bgayhart </p><p>Website will also contain Course Syllabus and sample of essay writing as well as Exam Previews and other class updates.</p><p>1 Calendar of Important Dates</p><p>Monday, August 26...... Classes Begin Monday, September 2...... Labor Day Holiday (Sat/Sun classes will meet Aug 31 & Sept 1) Tuesday, September 3 – Friday, December 13...... Parking Permits required in all Student Lots Friday, September 6 ...... Last day to file Audit and P/NP forms Friday, September 13 ...... Last day to apply for Fall graduation Sunday, September 8...... Last day to drop classes and qualify for refunds* …………...... Last day to add classes* ...... Last day to drop classes without a “W”* Wednesday, November 13 ...... College Hour – Homecoming Celebration (12 – 1 pm) Monday, November 11 ...... Veteran’s Day Holiday (Sat/Sun classes will meet Nov 9 & 10) Friday, November 15 ...... Last Day to Increase/Decrease Variable Unit Classes Sunday, November 17 ...... Last day to withdraw from classes* Thursday, November 28 – Sunday, December 1……...Thanksgiving Holiday (Sat/Sun classes will not meet Nov 30 & Dec 1) Saturday, December 14...... Last day of term</p><p>COURSE REQUIREMENTS </p><p>EXAMS There will be four exams in our course. I will explain and preview each exam. The essay question for each exam will be posted on my website the week prior to the exam. You will be graded not only on your command of the material (content) but also on the quality (grammar, and writing ability). Exams represent 50% of your course grade. </p><p>Journal/Homework Almost half of your course grade will be to write a continuing journal that will be handed in by the last lecture—DEC 2 No late journals accepted You cannot receive a C in the course if you do not turn in a journal or if the journal is incomplete. No journal = No Credit for Course</p><p>To receive credit for the course, you MUST use a lined Composition notebook. They are under $1 and available in the bookstore, Walgreen’s, CVS, etc. It will function as your assigned “homework” during the semester. In your journal, you will keep a diary-style record of your interaction with the material presented. Write only on ONE SIDE of the journal. All 8 assignments must be numbered. All 8 must be handwritten (not typed or stapled to the pages unless you check with me first). The absolute DEADLINE is: Last Lecture, DEC 2</p><p>A journal: 3+ pages (page = one side) per assignment B journal: 3 pages (page = one side) per assignment</p><p>2 C journal: 2 pages (page = one side) per assignment </p><p>You must have between 5-8 words per line of your journal. Anything less than 5 words per line is NOT acceptable. But remember: it is not the LENGTH that is crucial—it is the QUALITY. The journal Assignments are listed in the lecture outline below. The deadline for the journal is: Last Lecture, DEC 2.</p><p>Your journal grade will be based on: (1) evidence that you have done the reading and have taken the text seriously. (2) The depth of your interaction with the material</p><p>What and how do you write in a journal? Answer: You are not to summarize your reading – I want you to INTERACT with it. You must not merely “copy” material into the journal taken from reading, web, or elsewhere. If the material does not come from YOUR INTERACTION, it will be marked as “incomplete” or “missing assignment.” I do not want any “filler”--Please!!!!</p><p>For Example, write along the following lines:</p><p>Do you understand what you are reading? Do you agree/disagree with what you are reading? Does the author clear up your personal questions? Is the author fair and unbiased? Is he patronizing? Does the reading provoke an emotional reaction in you? Are there more questions that are left unanswered? Does it lead you to desire to learn more? Do find it really difficult?</p><p>Journal Deductions are for: (1) your entries are too short and sketchy—did you really take the time to read/reflect upon the text??; (2) you are missing material/chapters; (c) your journal is sloppy and poorly written—did you do it all in the last week? If you merely “copy” text into the journal from our reading, it will be evidence that you did not spend the time to INTERACT Diary-style with the material. DEC 2 is the deadline for the journal</p><p>ABSOLUTELY NO LATE JOURNALS ACCEPTED!!! </p><p>NO EXCUSES accepted such as: “I left my journal at work before I came to class--can I mail it to you later in the week?” “My cousin is going to the hospital and I need to give him a ride so I have to miss class”; “I caught the flu last week and need another week”; “I did not attend class when we </p><p>3 covered that topic so I had to skip it”; “I did not understand the material so I skipped it”; “My hand is sore from baseball so I couldn’t do it” “I was unclear about the length and meant to ask you first”; “my dog chewed up the book and I am trying to find another and start over”</p><p>----although I may sympathize with you, my question will always be: “Why did you wait so long to turn it in? Why did you not turn it in EARLIER than the deadline????</p><p>GRADE Your course Grade will be based upon:</p><p>50% 4 Exams 10% Class Participation—attendance, following directions 40% JOURNAL</p><p>Typical Questions: “What if I have a job conflict and I need to miss your class?” “What if my job changes my work hours? What if I have to travel out of state for work? What if I have a family situation that arises? (funeral; travel; etc). (See Me!!) My writing skills are so poor—is it possible to pass your class? (Yes!! I will help you improve – promise. Can you email me last week’s lecture notes or materials? (NO! Go to my website!) What if English is a second language and I do not write well? (see me) What if I am shy and feel uncomfortable about speaking in class – will that affect my Class participation grade?? (NO! see me) What if my journal is not done or is incomplete? (Incomplete Journal = D; No journal = No Credit); Do you give extra credit?? (No!)</p><p>Answer: Your instructors, believe it or not, were once students too! Of course, we make every effort to accommodate your special situations. Be aware that Class Participation is part of your grade. So ….COMMUNICATE your work or personal situation with your instructors!!!!</p><p>Attendance According to school policy, you are allowed one unexcused absence per evening class per semester. Attendance is taken by signing your name on a sheet that is passed around. Leaving unannounced at the break (“sneaking away”) is never acceptable in education. Always inform your instructor if you do not feel well or have an urgent issue. Remember: a portion of your grade is attendance and participation.</p><p>CONTACTING INSTRUCTOR</p><p>I prefer to be contacted by email, which I check every day: [email protected] Communicate with me about special situations!!!! MY WEBSITE: http://staffwww.fullcoll.edu/bgayhart</p><p>4 COURSE OUTLINE</p><p>AUG 26 “Introduction to Religious Studies” Discussing syllabus. Introducing the course and signing-in students. Course topics introduced. Author Tom Morris discussed. Questions answered. Make sure that you have Blue Books and Scantron 882-ES. Don’t forget to sign the attendance sheet that is passed out each week. Next Week: Read Chapter 19: “Two World Views” and Chapter 20: “Theistic Visions” ………………………</p><p>SEPT 2 NO CLASS -- LABOR DAY</p><p>………………….. SEPT 9 “The Question of Reality” “What About God?” Part 1 We will lecture on Chapter 19: “Two World Views” and Chapter 20: “Theistic Visions. How do philosophers approach the world of Religion? What is ‘Appearance” and what is “Reality?.” Is Media deceptive? Can we Trust Advertising? Western Religious View (Judaism, Islam, Christianity)—God as Personal.</p><p>WEBSITE: PHIL 101: LECTURE NO. 1 "WHAT IS REALITY?" HTTP://STAFFWWW.FULLCOLL.EDU/BGAYHART/READINGS/BRYCE%20SCANS/LECTURE %20WHAT%20IS%20REALITY%20WITH%20PLATO%20CAVE%2010%20PAGES.PDF </p><p>Evening DVD: “The Truman Show” Deception and Entertainment. Class Roundtable discussion to follow Journal Writing No. 1 Why do think that Dr. Gayhart chose to show The Truman Show for this lecture topic??. Do you think that the producers have something to tell us about life in America or…. Orange County? What parts of the film especially spoke to you and what did you learn?</p><p>…………………. SEPT 16 “The Question of Reality” “What About God?” Part 2</p><p>We will continue to lecture on Chapter 19 and 20. We will continue to look at a Chart of Western and Eastern religious worldviews from my website. Hinduism will be presented as representative of the traditional Eastern worldview. Reality and Maya. Karma and Reincarnation. And we will look at the involvement of former Beatle, George Harrison, with Hinduism and study some of his lyrics. We will then read a dialogue with Ramana 5 Maharishi as he explains the Eastern notion of “God.” (I will pass out the Harrison song lyrics) Finally we will watch a short recording of a living Hindu Master speaking to college students. (Harrison videos are often blocked by EMI. But new ones pop up continually, so do a search if link is blocked) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SsiDnGtTcyU George Harrison “The Art of Dying” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_P-2MthG190 George Harrison “Awaiting on You All” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rrw7bE_a4NY YouTube - “Enlightenment“: Himalayan Yogi Hamasa speaking to college students. . Written Transcript of this on my website: Phil 101, 105 Dr. Gayhart Transcript of YouTube Hindu Yogi with College Students</p><p>Journal Writing No. 2 Do you agree with the belief in Reincarnation? Do you believe in a PERSONAL God? Why or Why not? For Next Week: Read pp. 151-184 Chapters 13- 15: “What is a Person?” “The Case for Materialism” “The Case for Dualism” ……………………. SEPT 23 “Who Are We? Are We Machines?” We will lecture on pp. 151-184 Chapters 13-15:“What is a Person?” “The Case for Materialism” “The Case for Dualism” We will also look at the psychology of BF Skinner and discuss his article “Walden II: Human Utopia” which is posted on my website. Is it possible to create a Utopia on our planet? Can politics deliver us from ourselves???</p><p>WEBSITE: Walden: Utopia II Reading http://staffwww.fullcoll.edu/bgayhart/READINGS/Bryce Scans/Skinner Walden Utopia Reading.pdf</p><p>Evening DVD: “The Island” Class discussion to follow</p><p>Journal Writing No. 3 We watched the futuristic film The Island. What would be a Utopia in your opinion?? How much improvement in society will occur in your lifetime? …………….. SEPT 30 Exam No. 1 (Bring Scantron 882-ES and a Blue-Book) You are allowed to bring a CLEAN copy of Skinner’s Walden II to answer the question about his Utopia. But do not write on your copy!! For Next Week: Read chapter 9: Ethical Rules and Moral Character; pages 111-122. ……………….. OCT 7 “Ethical Rules and Moral Character Chapter 9’ Part I</p><p>Why and How do Cultures differ? (Terms from Sociology). Commandments, Rules, and Loopholes; The Golden Rule and What it Means. We will looks at examples of Morality and ask ourselves why we are so addicted to judging others. Also we will watch Bill Maher as he confronts homosexuality in the world of religion and lashes out against the </p><p>6 commercialization of religion. Relative and Absolute Morality. The 7 Capital Sins of Roman Catholicism– Obsolete or still Relevant?? Heaven and Hell. Are “unbelievers” going to Hell??? Dante’s INFERNO and Seven Deadly Sins. We will also watch some short Youtube.com animations of the video game “Dante’s Inferno.</p><p>WEB: HTTP://EN.WIKIPEDIA.ORG/WIKI/SEVEN_DEADLY_SINS WEB: HTTP://EN.WIKIPEDIA.ORG/WIKI/INFERNO_%28DANTE%29</p><p>Website: “Do we Need God in Order to be Good?” http://staffwww.fullcoll.edu/bgayhart/School Fall 2009-2010/Do We Need God for Morality F 2009 2010.doc</p><p>Evening DVD: “Super Size Me” Watch as a normal guy decides for one month to eat nothing but McDonalds for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner. Guess what happens after 30 days! An example of Gluttony? Corporate Deception? Also available as full movie on YouTube.com at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-eRXuuH9AI</p><p>YouTube.com “The Kids of Haight-Asbury” (Illustration of Alienation and/or Sloth??) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sIHa8QyU2Ok</p><p>YouTube.com “Krazy Kardashian Clan” (illustration of Avarice and Materialism??) http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=AlzmUVCeDAQ&list=FL0EKvjmcKiAmRIRn5YhrcaA&index=9</p><p>Journal Writing No. 4 What do you think about all the moral rules in our society? (pages 112-113)? Do we even need moral rules? Read the quote on page 111 by Sydney J. Harris and respond to it. ……………… OCT 14 Ethical Rules and Moral Character Part II’</p><p>Should we “punish” those who break the moral rules? Are Americans addicted to “excessive violence??” Tonight we will look at social activist and filmmaker, Michael Moore, as he questions racial relations, fear, and film media of such “exploitive” shows as COPS. Is there too much hatred and judgment in the world of religion???</p><p>WEBSITE What is Culture? http://staffwww.fullcoll.edu/bgayhart/Culture Handout F 2008 Big Revisions made.doc</p><p>Website http://staffwww.fullcoll.edu/bgayhart/Bowling for Columbine Questions.pdf Questions to Ask from “Bowling for Columbine” by Michael Moore.</p><p>YouTube.com Watch one of the most hateful, outspoken group of “religious” folk in </p><p>7 America--who detest American soldiers; the entire country of Australia (!), homosexuals, and just about anyone else who does not belong to their “church.” Can you believe it???!!! Strong stuff for sure! “Pastor Fred Phelps Minister of hate Westboro Baptist Church” http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=HuR22urjfP4&list=FL0EKvjmcKiAmRIRn5YhrcaA&index=8</p><p>Evening DVD: “Bowling for Columbine” Michael Moore’s expose of Gun Control and violent America and violent media exploitation</p><p>Journal Writing No.5. We watched the religious folk in the Westboro “church” above. Do you think that religion turns people into judgmental fanatics??? Why are there so many judgmental people in the religious world???</p><p>………………. OCT 21 Exam No. 2 (bring Scantron 882-ES and a Blue-Book)</p><p>For Next Week: Read The Challenge of Skepticism Chapter 5 pages 53-66</p><p>……………….. OCT 28 Challenge of Skepticism and Unbelief: Conspiracy Theories Chapter 5: 53-66</p><p>Can we trust our Eyes and Ears?? We will look at the topic of Belief and various forms of Skepticism. The Ancient art of Doubt. Incredible Questions that we cannot Answer. Source Skepticism. Radical Skepticism. “A conspiracy theory is an explanatory proposition that accuses two or more people, a group or an organization of having caused or covered up, through deliberate collusion, an event or phenomenon of great social, political, or economic impact.”</p><p>WEB: Article on CONSPIRACY THEORIES http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conspiracy_theory</p><p>Evening DVD: “UFOs: Above and Beyond” Watch former Star Trek Cast member James “Scotty” Doohen as he does his best to convince us that “overwhelming video evidence” is at hand to settle the issue. Also Bob Lazaar and Area 51—a credible Witness?? (Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob_Lazar).</p><p>Evening DVD: “Loose Change.” Watch as college students who produced this string of films endeavor to convince us that 9/11 was an ‘inside job’ –a Conspiracy—by the Bush Administration. Who can we trust? Who is reliable? (Also available on YouTube.com in many versions)</p><p>8 Journal Writing No. 6: Based on pages 56-57 and “incredible questions that we cannot answer.” Respond to chapter 5 on Skepticism. Are you a Skeptic? What would it take to convince you of UFOs and other controversial topics? How easy is it to TRUST others in our world?? ……...... ………………. NOV 4 Creationism and Evolution</p><p>We will now examine the topics of Evolution and Creationism. I will present both sides of the debate fairly. Natural Selection; Mutation; Gene Replication; and Adaptation—all illustrate the method of Empirical Science. Dating the age of the Earth – radioactive half- life and the ages of the Earth (handout in class) Then we will present the position of Creationism. We will read the Creation account in the Bible book of Genesis – sacred to millions of Jews; Muslims; and Christians. Reply and defense from the literalist position.</p><p>WEBSITE http://staffwww.fullcoll.edu/bgayhart/READINGS/Bryce Scans/What Evolution Is by Mayr 5 pages.pdf “What Evolution Is” by Mayer.</p><p>WEBSITE Web Summary of Evolution http://staffwww.fullcoll.edu/bgayhart/READINGS/Bryce Scans/What is Evolution Web Collection 3 pages.pdf</p><p>WEBSITE Reply from the Creationists and Book of Genesis Chapter 1,2 http://staffwww.fullcoll.edu/bgayhart/READINGS/Bryce Scans/Phil Evolution Genesis 3 pages.pdf</p><p>YouTube.com: “ PBS Nova Evolution Episode 7-- What About God?” http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=UQNZHwAKpYM&list=FL0EKvjmcKiAmRIRn5YhrcaA&index=2 Creationist and Evangelic speaker Ken Ham and college student, Nathan Baird.</p><p>YouTube.com Creationist John Pendleton: “The Earth is 6,000 Years Old” http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=l1msS71xL00&list=FL0EKvjmcKiAmRIRn5YhrcaA&index=5</p><p>Journal Writing No. 7 After examining both positions, what are your thoughts about Evolution and Creationism?? Should Fullerton College offer BOTH Evolution and Creationism in their course offerings? ……………………………….....</p><p>9 NOV 11 NO CLASS VETERANS DAY</p><p>………………………………...... NOV 18 Exam No. 3 Skepticism and Evolutionism/Creationism. </p><p>For Next Week: read Chapter 16: “What’s the Deal with Death?” pp. 188-196 and Chapter 18: “Is There Life After Death?” pp. 212-230 …………………………</p><p>……………………………….... NOV 25 Part 1 “What’s the Deal with Death?” Ch 16: 188-196</p><p>Website: “Magic and Occult” packet http://staffwww.fullcoll.edu/bgayhart/READINGS/Bryce Scans/Magic and the Occult 12 pages.pdf</p><p>Website: “Words to Know and Video Rating Sheet” http://staffwww.fullcoll.edu/bgayhart/School%20Spring%202011/YouTube%20videos %20Rating%20Sheet%20and%20Words%20to%20Know.doc</p><p>YouTube.com “Ghosts, Spirits, Demons Part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=deoJUBW9CI8</p><p>YouTube.com “Ghosts, Spirits, Demons Part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=6OwaafssECo</p><p>YouTube.com “Ghosts, Spirits, Demons Part3 http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=r3jSVSpJW88</p><p>Journal writing No. 8: What is your impression of “reality” shows that track the Paranormal such as Ghost Hunters? In many of my classes, numerous students have related chilling tales of personal encounters. What do you think of the Paranormal??</p><p>……………………….. DEC 2 The World of the Mystical and the Paranormal Part II Is there Life After Death?” Ch 18: 212-230 </p><p>10 ***JOURNALS ARE DUE TONIGHT NO LATE JOURNALS ACCEPTED!!! Incomplete journal = D for the Course No Journal = No Credit for the Course </p><p>The Final Exit and the Four Fears. Philosophical Doubts and Details. The Silence Argument. Arguments for Survival. The Light at the End of the Tunnel. Near Death Experiences. Listen to the editor of Skeptic Magazine, Michael Shermer, who claims that most paranormal footage is pure hokum.</p><p>Now we will study the Paranormal scientifically and watch a short episode of Ghost Hunters as they investigate the site of the Charles Manson Murders to determine if it is haunted. </p><p>YouTube.com http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zPf4mH8KVYA&feature=related Watch Michael Schermer on “Why People Believe Weird Things.”</p><p>Also watch Amazing Randi as he debunks Peter Popoff Faith Healer and exposes Mentalist Uri Geller on YouTube.com: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9w7jHYriFo</p><p>Website: “Wikipedia on Ghost Hunters and K-2 Meter” Phil 101 and Phil 105: "Ghost Hunters and K-2 Meter" From Wikipedia .pdf file</p><p>Evening DVD: Ghost Hunters. We will watch an episode of the popular Sci-fi original series “Site of the Charles Manson Hollywood Murders” and raise questions about their methodology and conclusions. We will also log onto YouTube and watch user submitted videos and then rate them. ………………………………...</p><p>DEC 9 FINAL Exam (NO. 4) (Same time; Same classroom) YOU MUST SHOW FOR THE FINAL. NO SHOW = NO CREDIT FOR COURSE</p><p>END OF COURSE</p><p>11</p>
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