COMMUNITY PLAN ACTION PLAN 2006 2016 Year 1 2006-2007

COMMUNITY PLAN ACTION PLAN 2006 2016 Year 1 2006-2007

<p> APRIL 2007 COMMUNITY PLAN ACTION PLAN 2006 – 2016 Year 1 2006-2007 </p><p>This document is ‘Work in Progress’ and will be regularly updated. </p><p>Key to project status Good progress Potential issues Project slipping Project suspended Project pending Project complete</p><p>Mole Valley Community Action Plan 2006-2007 Priority: HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE</p><p>Outcome / Objective for 2006/2007</p><p>To improve the health of the Mole Valley population with a focus on areas of relative deprivation</p><p>Mole Valley Community Action Plan 2006-2007 Priority HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE Local Services (1) and (2) Outcome / Objective for 2006/07 : Increasing health care provision within the community Health and Social Care Planning Group Update Frequency: Quarterly Source Strategies: National statistics for Mole Valley:</p><p>Choosing Health White Paper – Making healthy choices easier </p><p>Health profile for Mole Valley 2006:</p><p>Elmbridge and Mid-Surrey NHS PCT Annual Report 2004: annual report 4_11_05.pdf</p><p>Community Hospitals: Modernising Community Services (6.6MB): Annual report 05 pdf.pdf</p><p>D:\Docs\2018-04-26\0491d242f3d5653a97b072933f9b58dc.doc 26/05/18 HSC 1 Mole Valley Community Action Plan 2006-2007 Priority HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE Local Services (1) and (2) Outcome / Objective for 2006/07 : Increasing health care provision within the community Action Target Progress Made Status G / A / R 1. Improved health provision through Achieved. This has now been completed and is up and running. Medwyn’s Surgery in Dorking. 2. Leatherhead Hospital: Inpatient services. Achieved. This has now been completed and is up and running.</p><p>Key Milestone: To July 2006 Key Milestone: To October 2006 Key Milestone: To January Key Milestone: To April 2007 2007 Medwyn surgery opened Wing opened at Leatherhead Hospital Achieved: Yes/No Achieved: Yes/No Achieved: Yes/No Achieved: Yes/No</p><p>Mole Valley Community Action Plan 2006-2007 Priority HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE (3)- Dental Services Outcome / Objective for 2006/07: Identify areas where further investment is required.</p><p>Health and Social Care Planning Group Update Frequency: Quarterly Source Strategies: <links></p><p>Action Target Progress Made Status G / A / R 3. Secure NHS access to dental services Achieved NHS dental services have been secured in Dorking and primarily in Leatherhead and Dorking Leatherhead. Contracts have been in place since by maintaining current investment April 2006. </p><p>4. Identify areas where further investment Sept 06 Access to enhanced dental care such as dentures, sedation is required services and domiciliary care is very difficult. Particularly for vulnerable patients who are elderly, housebound or who are terrified of the dentist and require sedation. There is a shortage of NHS dentistry in Leatherhead, </p><p>D:\Docs\2018-04-26\0491d242f3d5653a97b072933f9b58dc.doc 26/05/18 HSC 2 Mole Valley Community Action Plan 2006-2007 Priority HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE (3)- Dental Services Outcome / Objective for 2006/07: Identify areas where further investment is required.</p><p>Cobham and Great Bookham.</p><p>5. Identify local concerns around poor oral March 07 There will be a Strategic Health Authority lead consultation health and the level of support for later in the year. fluoridation of the water supply There have only been a couple of concerns from the public regarding fluoridation of the water supply as being enforced medication. It is not practical to expect fluoridation of the water in the short term, as it is not possible to achieve this solely for the Mole Valley area. The local water supply is linked to Kent, Sussex, Hertfordshire and London so it would be necessary for all of these areas to agree before this could take place. There should be a focus on providing awareness, particularly to children at school, on how to keep their teeth healthy. Colegate are able to provide free starter packs containing free tooth brushes and fluoridated toothpaste. Fluoridated milk should also be publicised and could be provided free to schools. Key Milestone: To July 2006 Key Milestone: To October 2006 Key Milestone: To January 2007 Key Milestone: To April 2007 NHS dental services secured in Areas identified for further Dorking and Leatherhead investment Achieved: Yes Achieved: Yes/No Achieved: No Achieved: Yes/No</p><p>D:\Docs\2018-04-26\0491d242f3d5653a97b072933f9b58dc.doc 26/05/18 HSC 3 Mole Valley Community Action Plan 2006-2007 Priority HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE (4) Tackling Health Inequality and (5) Reducing numbers of people who smoke</p><p>Outcome / Objective for 2006/07</p><p>Health and Social Care Planning Update Frequency: Source Strategies: Group Quarterly Government White Paper / Tobacco Control programme</p><p>Health Inequalities: A Program For Action PolicyAndGuidance/DH_4008268</p><p> >Youth Strategy</p><p>Action Target Progress Made Status G / A / R 6. To identify geographical areas Areas identified by March 06 Areas of geographical inequality have been showing high degree of health identified. This needs to be shared with inequality in Mole Valley evidenced the appropriate personnel. by the indices of Multiple Deprivation. The 2005 Public Health Annual Report has a comprehensive statistical appendix outlining health data for all areas within the Primary Care Trust (PCT). The report will be disseminated to all partners including local government, voluntary agencies and other public services. Public health report available as above in source strategies (or copy available from 01372 227389). 7. To support the Leatherhead Children’s Centre in place A drop-in baby clinic commenced mid-October Children’s Centre project 2006. The building opened on 8th November 2006 and is up and running. 8. To support setting up of second To identify health representation for this project Awaiting decision from Surrey County Council Children’s Centre (in Dorking) Education as to whether the daycare can go </p><p>D:\Docs\2018-04-26\0491d242f3d5653a97b072933f9b58dc.doc 26/05/18 HSC 4 Mole Valley Community Action Plan 2006-2007 Priority HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE (4) Tackling Health Inequality and (5) Reducing numbers of people who smoke</p><p> ahead (delayed by changes at County Hall). Awaiting planning decision concerning Dorking Fire Station impacting on whether day care can be offered. 9. Fuel Poverty : Undertake targeted Fuel poverty messages promoted through Dial-a- Initial meeting between PCT and Colin interventions e.g. flu campaigns via Ride, Handyman Scheme and Disabled Facilities Bradfield (MVDC) to establish practicalities of staff and community newsletters Grant. how the fuel poverty messages can be promoted. Article for Mole Valley News written. Directors of Public Health within Surrey included information about fuel poverty and access to grants with the flu vaccination letters. Training on fuel poverty for relevant health personnel e.g. district nurses is currently being planned in partnership with Warm Front. Affordable warmth is being incorporated into strategic planning for standard 8 of the National Service framework for Older People. Affordable warmth to be promoted in Care Spectrum 10. Working with private sector to 11 Districts and Boroughs are working in unison Meeting 25th July. The East Elmbridge Mid participate with Smoke Free Surrey on the Surrey Smoke Free Agenda. We are a key Surrey Primary Care Trust (EEMS PCT) is Alliance in order to reduce number of member of the Surrey Smoke Free Alliance. Each going to workplaces to raise awareness of new people who smoke. Borough and District had funding to implement. smoke-free policies (see link above). 1.1 Support for individuals through General After 1st July 2007 the focus will move to smoking Practitioner (GP) surgeries and in the home. pharmacists. NHS can provide a free support service but can only offer information on the legislation and policy advice and stop smoking groups if the workplaces would like them. (Stop Smoking groups do cost but groups in the community are free if a workplace wishes to advertise to employees.) Smokefree Working charge for their services but would provide the </p><p>D:\Docs\2018-04-26\0491d242f3d5653a97b072933f9b58dc.doc 26/05/18 HSC 5 Mole Valley Community Action Plan 2006-2007 Priority HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE (4) Tackling Health Inequality and (5) Reducing numbers of people who smoke</p><p> workplace with more in-depth services due to extra manpower and time. Any workplace ring 01372 227387 for more information. The Database system, a Surrey-wide service that will show through postcode identification how many quitters are successful in each area, is nearly ready and is in the testing phase. The ‘going live’ date has been delayed due to the restructuring of the PCT (Primary Care Trust) which requires appointment of staff who will require training in its use. Participation is being actively encouraged in workplaces and independent schools. 11. Stop Smoking programme for young The programme is not yet in place. A 1.5 day training event for teachers, youth people across the District development workers and school nurses working with vulnerable young people was held in Feb 06 and was well attended. A further training event will be held in April 07. The Smoke Free Surrey Alliance and Surrey Tobacco Control Team plan to develop support and information for young people under 16 years who want to quit. A strategy has been written outlining these plans. A consultation with young people who wish to stop smoking is being carried out. This will enable the development of services that meet their needs and ensure their ongoing involvement in tobacco control issues that affect them. Organisations that are aware of this gap in services such as the Drug and Alcohol Action Team (DAAT) and Rainer DAYS Service are also working together to meet the need. Stop smoking training has been incorporated into DAAT training for tier 2/3 drug treatment </p><p>D:\Docs\2018-04-26\0491d242f3d5653a97b072933f9b58dc.doc 26/05/18 HSC 6 Mole Valley Community Action Plan 2006-2007 Priority HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE (4) Tackling Health Inequality and (5) Reducing numbers of people who smoke</p><p> workers. An accreditation scheme (by the DAAT) is being developed for those organisations undertaking drug education in schools which will emphasise the importance of including smoking. PHSE (Personal Health and Social Education) classes are running successfully in schools. Key Milestone: To July 2006 Key Milestone: To October 2006 Key Milestone: To January 2007 Key Milestone: To April 2007 Fuel Poverty Fuel Poverty - Insert messages in Take up of ‘Warm front’ and other Reigate and Banstead report on numbers 1.Identify vehicle for newsletters and other communication initiatives ( grants, home of those who have benefited. Partners communication March 06 channels June 06 improvements etc.) in time for working to ensure that more people are 2. Develop coherent messages Winter aware who is entitled to the initiatives and May 06 how they can take up the programmes. Achieved: Yes Achieved: Yes Achieved: Yes Achieved: Yes Key Milestone: To July 2006 Key Milestone: To October 2006 Key Milestone: To January 2007 Key Milestone: To April 2007 Smoke Free 1. East Elmbridge Mid Surrey (EEMS) 1.Develop guidelines for other 1. Working group established for working group to Develop Smoke free workplaces PCT 04/06 policies for workplaces 2. EEMS Smoke free 09/06 2. Identify Mole Valley District 3. Event to launch guidelines 10/06 Council representation on Smoke Free Alliance Achieved: Yes/No Achieved: Yes/No Achieved: Yes/No Achieved: Yes/No</p><p>Smoking and young people Trainers going out to schools and Smoking groups and 1-2-1 interventions youth venues across District to train taken by school nurses, teachers and school nurses, teachers and youth youth workers. workers Achieved: Yes/No Achieved: Yes/No Achieved: Yes/No Achieved: Yes/No</p><p>D:\Docs\2018-04-26\0491d242f3d5653a97b072933f9b58dc.doc 26/05/18 HSC 7 Mole Valley Community Action Plan 2006-2007 Priority HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE (6) Reducing harm and encouraging sensible drinking</p><p>Outcome / Objective for 2006/07</p><p>Health and Social Care Planning Group Update Frequency: Source Strategies: Drug and Alcohol Group (DAG) Quarterly Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership (CDRP) Healthy Schools national initiative: Primary Care Trust (PCT)</p><p></p><p> </p><p>12. Targeted alcohol campaign to promote 2 campaigns per year 1. An on-going Trading Standards under-age sales campaign carrying out test responsible drinking and address under-age purchases is running. A few spot fines have been made, no prosecutions to drinking date. 2. Pre Christmas, together with other partners, Mole Valley District Council ran an alcohol awareness leaflet campaign at Tesco in North Leatherhead. The campaign was aimed at parental purchasing for minors. This was considered to be of limited success due to the numbers seen and spoken to. 3. East Surrey Community Safety Officers ran a joint ‘Yuletide Know Your Limits’ leaflet campaign in tandem with the Home Office Christmas alcohol message. 5,000 leaflets were distributed to Pubs, Clubs and Bars in order to raise awareness.</p><p>Action Target Progress Made Status G / A / R 4. In Nov-06 an under-age ‘spiked’ drinks campaign was launched. This is a continual campaign and items such as ‘alcopos’, which are plastic bottle top protectors, continue to be distributed. 5. Schools are receiving Drugs and Alcohol education information packs. These have been produced as part Drug </p><p>D:\Docs\2018-04-26\0491d242f3d5653a97b072933f9b58dc.doc 26/05/18 HSC 8 Mole Valley Community Action Plan 2006-2007 Priority HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE (6) Reducing harm and encouraging sensible drinking</p><p>Outcome / Objective for 2006/07</p><p> and Alcohol Action Group (DAAG) and part Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership (CDRP), working in partnership with education departments, Primary Care Trusts (PCTs), police, Youth Strategy and Local Authority for delivery in schools. This will continue to be on going.</p><p>Mole Valley Community Action Plan 2006-2007 Priority HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE (7)– Helping children and young people to lead healthy lives See Youth Action Plan</p><p>D:\Docs\2018-04-26\0491d242f3d5653a97b072933f9b58dc.doc 26/05/18 HSC 9 Mole Valley Community Action Plan 2006-2007 Priority HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE (8) – Promoting a healthy and active life amongst older people</p><p>Outcome / Objective for 2006/07</p><p>Health and Social Care Planning Update Frequency: Quarterly Source Strategies: Group</p><p>Action Target Progress Made Status G / A / R 13. Participation in the Public Service Target is 1029 by March 2008. The baseline of 928 is the number of people currently receiving Agreement for Independent Older a service from either community alarm or bathing or handyman People Baseline = 928 scheme. Participation = 1228. Target achieved, though on-going. 14. Grow ‘walking for health’ scheme A wider participation is needed A scheme is now running in Leatherhead. with more trained leaders and beyond Leatherhead. Target other introduce a wide cross section of areas. community to participate (including families and children) (Age Concern) Key Milestone: To July 2006 Key Milestone: To October 2006 Key Milestone: To January 2007 Key Milestone: To April 2007 Baseline = 928; target = 1029 Target achieved (1113) Achieved: Yes Achieved: Yes Achieved: Yes/No Achieved: Yes/No</p><p>D:\Docs\2018-04-26\0491d242f3d5653a97b072933f9b58dc.doc 26/05/18 HSC 10 Mole Valley Community Action Plan 2006-2007</p><p>BACKGROUND PROJECTS AND INITIATIVES – Running on an ongoing basis</p><p>Priority HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE (9)- Improving sexual health</p><p>Outcome / Objective for 2006/07</p><p>Health and Social Care Planning Update Frequency: Quarterly Source Strategies: Group</p><p>Action Target Progress Made All On- Goin g Status G / A / R 15. Roll out Chlamydia screening Surrey Wide Programme Manager in Programme manager in post April 2006. programme. post April 06 Community settings identified as Community settings identified – to roll out training to testing sites (e.g. youth centres and community-based staff from Dec 2006. colleges) March 07 Sites for screening have been identified. Flyer now available to advertise to find other sites that would be willing to screen for Chlamydia and receive related training. Testing programme operational April 07 16. Provide Emergency Hormone The scheme was planned to be live and running by the end Contraception (EHC) of 2006. A commencement date has yet to be confirmed.</p><p>17. Teenage Pregnancy Surrey Wide Condom demonstrations and free A draft protocol has been produced and key stakeholders Condom Scheme provision of condoms in community have been met. Publicity is being looked at, settings e.g. GP surgeries and youth centres.</p><p>D:\Docs\2018-04-26\0491d242f3d5653a97b072933f9b58dc.doc 26/05/18 HSC 11 Mole Valley Community Action Plan 2006-2007</p><p>BACKGROUND PROJECTS AND INITIATIVES – Running on an ongoing basis</p><p>Priority HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE (9)- Improving sexual health</p><p>18. Sexual Health Training Deliver training programme to YOT. Youth Offending Team (YOT) to be trained in Sexual Health in Nov 2006. Continue delivering rolling programme to Connexions March 07 ‘Delaying Sexual Debut’ training to be cascaded to relevant partners and agencies (voluntary, statutory); preparation meetings with Surrey-wide Sexual Health Promotion specialists. Piloted in Nov 2006 in West Surrey. Key Milestone: To July 2006 Key Milestone: To October 2006 Key Milestone: To January Key Milestone: To April 2007 2007 Chlamydia Programme Manager in post Condom promotion underway Training received by YOT Funding secured for EHC Achieved: Yes Achieved: Yes Achieved: Yes Achieved: Yes</p><p>D:\Docs\2018-04-26\0491d242f3d5653a97b072933f9b58dc.doc 26/05/18 HSC 12</p>

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