Turn in: .75 Board: 7.0625 .4375 VISIBLE SPINE = 1.75 .4375 Board: 7.0625 Turn in: .75 The only guide you need for Linux+ exam success . “This is the all-inclusive Linux+ guide you’ve been looking for.” You’re holding in your hands the most comprehensive and effective guide available for the CompTIA Linux+ 100% — Tim Sosbe, Editorial Director, Certification Magazine COMPREHENSIVE 100% exam. Trevor Kay delivers incisive, crystal-clear explanations of every Linux+ topic, highlighting exam- ONE HUNDRED PERCENT critical concepts and offering hands-on tips that can help you in your real-world career. Throughout, he COMPREHENSIVE Covers CompTIA Linux+ AUTHORITATIVE provides pre-tests, exam-style assessment questions, and scenario problems — everything you need to Exam XK0-001 WHAT YOU NEED master the material and pass the exam. ONE HUNDRED PERCENT Inside, you’ll find complete coverage Linux+ of Linux+ exam objectives Linux+ Master the • Get up to speed on Linux basics and understand the differences material for the between different Linux distributions CompTIA Linux+ • Tackle Linux installation, from planning to network configuration, Exam XK0-001 dual-boot systems, and upgrades Test your knowledge • Get the scoop on managing Linux disks, file systems, and with assessment processes; implementing security; and backing up your system Hundreds of unique, exam-like questions give you a random set of questions each questions and • Learn the ins and outs of configuring the X Window time you take the exam. scenario problems system and setting up a network • Find out how to establish users and groups, navigate Practice on the Linux file system, and use Linux system commands A customizable format enables state-of-the-art • Delve into troubleshooting techniques for the boot you to define test-preparation process, software, and networking your own software preferences • Get a handle on maintaining system hardware, from for question CPU and memory to peripherals presentation. ® ® Test-Prep Software and More on CD-ROM About the Author ® • Test engine powered by Boson Software, with hundreds of sample questions Trevor Kay is A+, Network+, Server+, and Linux+ • Linux tools, including Phatlinux, Big brother system certified. Trevor is currently a technical consultant and and network monitor, Apache Web Server, author. He has worked as an IT helpdesk consultant, Squid Web Proxy Cache, AbiWord word technical support specialist, and network administrator, KAY processor, and Encompass and played a key role in Y2K preparations at one of • Plus an e-version of the book Canada’s largest financial organizations. Certification LLinux+inux+ System Requirements: $59.99 USA Reader Level: Shelving Category: PC with Pentium 120 mhz or greater; $89.99 Canada Beginning to Advanced Certification Bible 32 MB RAM; 500 MB free hard drive space. £44.99 UK incl. VAT See the About the CD appendix for details Test-prep and complete system requirements. software on ISBN 0-7645-4881-6 CD-ROM www.hungryminds.com Test Engine powered by *85555-AJJBAe ,!7IA7G4-feiibj!:p;p;T;T;t Trevor Kay, Linux+, A+, Network+, Server+ Author of Server+ Certification Bible 014881-6 FM.F 11/12/01 8:28 AM Page i Linux®+ Certification Bible 014881-6 FM.F 11/12/01 8:28 AM Page ii 014881-6 FM.F 11/12/01 8:28 AM Page iii Linux®+ Certification Bible Trevor Kay Best-Selling Books • Digital Downloads • e-Books • Answer Networks • e-Newsletters • Branded Web Sites • e-Learning New York, NY ✦ Cleveland, OH ✦ Indianapolis, IN 014881-6 FM.F 11/12/01 8:28 AM Page iv ® Linux+ Certification Bible Philippines; by Contemporanea de Ediciones for Published by Venezuela; by Express Computer Distributors for the Hungry Minds, Inc. 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NEITHER THE PUBLISHER NOR AUTHOR SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOSS OF PROFIT OR ANY OTHER COMMERCIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR OTHER DAMAGES. Trademarks: Hungry Minds and the Hungry Minds logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Hungry Minds, Inc. in the United States and other countries. Linux is a trademark or registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Hungry Minds, Inc., is not associated with any product or vendor mentioned in this book. is a trademark of Hungry Minds, Inc. 014881-6 FM.F 11/12/01 8:28 AM Page v About the Author Trevor Kay is a holder of four CompTIA certifications: A+, Network+, Server+, and Linux+. Trevor is also the author of the Server+ Certification Bible. Trevor started his IT career working at a local museum as a desktop publisher. From there, he has held many positions, from IT help desk, technical support, and network administra- tor positions for local companies to having a key roll in the Y2K projects of one of the largest financial institutes in Canada. 014881-6 FM.F 11/12/01 8:28 AM Page vi Credits Acquisitions Editor Project Coordinator Katie Feltman Jennifer Bingham Project Editor Graphics and Production Specialists Amanda Munz Peterson Beth Brooks, Laurie Petrone, Jill Piscitelli, Heather Pope Technical Editor Joe Byrne Quality Control Technician John Bitter, Valery Bourke, Angel Perez Question Writer James Russell Permissions Editor Laura Moss Copy Editor Rebekah Mancilla Media Development Specialist Travis Silvers Editorial Manager Ami Frank Sullivan Media Development Coordinator Marisa Pearman Senior Vice President, Technical Publishing Proofreading and Indexing Richard Swadley TECHBOOKS Production Services Vice President and Publisher Cover Image Mary Bednarek Anthony Bunyan 014881-6 FM.F 11/12/01 8:28 AM Page vii This book is dedicated to all my family and friends. Your tremendous support made this book possible. 014881-6 FM.F 11/12/01 8:28 AM Page viii Preface elcome to the Linux®+ Certification Bible! This book is designed to help you Wacquire the knowledge, skills, and abilities you need to pass CompTIA’s Linux+ Certification: * Exam XK0-001 : Linux+ Certification This book is designed to be the only book or course you need to prepare for and pass CompTIA’s Linux+ Certification exam, which is one of the newest members of CompTIA’s certification family. This book deals with all of the objectives stated by CompTIA for the Linux+ exam. You learn how to deal with planning a Linux implementation (including installing Linux in a GUI or text-based environment) and configuring the Linux operating sys- tem after installation. This book also teaches you how to administrate and maintain your Linux system, troubleshoot common problems, and how to identify, install, and maintain system hardware.
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