<p> 1 1 Global Strike</p><p>2 Joint Integrating Concept</p><p>3 Version 1.0 </p><p>4</p><p>5</p><p>6</p><p>7</p><p>8</p><p>9</p><p>10</p><p>11</p><p>12</p><p>13</p><p>14</p><p>15</p><p>16</p><p>17</p><p>18</p><p>19</p><p>20</p><p>21</p><p>22</p><p>2 3</p><p>23 10 January 2005</p><p>4 Draft Working Paper ii 5 ii 6</p><p>24 Table of Contents 25 26 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY...... iii 271. Purpose...... 1-1 282. Scope...... 2-1 29 2.1 Concept Definition...... 2-1 30 2.2 Potential Risks...... 2-2 31 2.2.1. Science and Technology...... 2-3 32 2.2.2. Enemy Counter Strategies...... 2-3 33 2.2.3. DOTMLPF...... 2-4 34 2.3 Military Operations Relationships to Other Joint Concepts...... 2-4 35 2.4 Applicable Military Functions and Activities...... 2-5 36 2.5 Assumptions...... 2-7 37 2.6 Relationships to Other Joint Concepts...... 2-7 38 2.7 Impact of Strategic Guidance...... 2-8 393. Central and Supporting Ideas...... 3-1 40 3.1 Statement of the Military Problem to Be Solved...... 3-1 41 3.2 Central Idea...... 3-4 42 3.3 Application of Concept within a Campaign Framework...... 3-5 434. Capabilities, Tasks and Attributes...... 4-1 44 4.1 Capabilities and Tasks...... 4-1 45 4.1.1 Preparation...... 4-1 46 Monitor Potential Adversaries...... 4-1 47 Plan...... 4-3 48 4.1.2 Enabling...... 4-5 49 Joint Command and Control (JC2)...... 4-5 50 Net-Centric (NC) Operations...... 4-7 51 4.1.3 Execution...... 4-8 52 Global Strike...... 4-8 53 Assess and Report...... 4-10 54 4.2 Attributes...... 4-11 555. Implications...... 5-1 56 5.1 Capability Based Assessment...... 5-1 57 5.1.1 Within Functional Areas...... 5-1 58 5.1.2 Across Functional Areas...... 5-1 59 5.1.3 Among Different JICs...... 5-1 60 5.2 Concept Experimentation...... 5-2 61 5.3 Limited Focus...... 5-2 62 63 Appendix A, Reference Documents 64 Appendix B, Glossary 65 Appendix C, Capabilities, Tasks, and Attributes Table 66 Appendix D, Illustrative CONOPS 67</p><p>7 Global Strike Joint Integrating Concept, Version 1.0 8 i 9</p><p>68</p><p>DISCLAIMER</p><p>In some cases, this JIC may contain titles or language similar to existing or planned </p><p> future programs, solutions, solution sets, etc. In those situations, the language is used to </p><p> facilitate a common understanding of conceptual elements or fundamental capabilities </p><p> only. In addition, Appendix D contains an illustrative CONOPS that refers to many </p><p> programs, solutions, solution sets, etc. The references in Appendix D are for illustrative </p><p> purposes only. References in the JIC are not to be used as justification for those </p><p> programs or solution sets. An analytically supported Capability Based Assessment </p><p>(CBA) is required to determine the suitability of a variety of solutions or solution sets to </p><p> support the capabilities specified in this JIC.</p><p>10 Global Strike Joint Integrating Concept, Version 1.0 11 ii 12</p><p>69 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY</p><p>70 The Joint Concept Development and Revision Plan (JCDRP) defines a Joint </p><p>71Integrating Concept (JIC) as a description of how a joint force commander (JFC) </p><p>72integrates capabilities 10-20 years in the future to generate effects and achieve an </p><p>73objective. A JIC includes an illustrative Concept of Operations (CONOPS) for a specific </p><p>74scenario (vignette) and a set of distinguishing principles applicable to a range of </p><p>75scenarios. JICs have the narrowest focus of all concepts, and distill capabilities derived </p><p>76from Joint Operating Concepts (JOCs) and Joint Functional Concepts into fundamental </p><p>77tasks and measures required to conduct Capability Based Assessment (CBA).</p><p>78 This paper describes a concept for conducting Global Strike (GS) operations during </p><p>79the “Seize the Initiative” (STI) phase of a major combat operation (MCO) in 2015. The </p><p>80principle purpose of this concept is to support rigorous capabilities-based assessment and </p><p>81analysis to determine materiel and non-materiel solutions to capability gaps and </p><p>82redundancies throughout the Department of Defense. As the basis for performing this </p><p>83assessment, this concept identifies effects, capabilities, tasks, attributes, conditions, and </p><p>84standards for conducting future Global Strike.</p><p>85 Within the context of this concept, GS is defined as responsive joint operations that </p><p>86strike enemy high value / payoff targets (HVTs/HPTs), as an integral part of joint force </p><p>87operations conducted to gain and maintain battlespace access, achieve other desired </p><p>88effects and set conditions for follow-on decisive operations to achieve strategic and </p><p>89operational objectives. This concept identifies and describes the capabilities for </p><p>90conducting Global Strike operations in 2015 and is consistent with and does not deviate </p><p>91from current strategic guidance. </p><p>13 Global Strike Joint Integrating Concept, Version 1.0 14 iii 15</p><p>92 This concept integrates primarily the military functions of force application, </p><p>93command and control, battlespace awareness, net-centric operations, protection, and </p><p>94focused logistics. Each of these is described in a separate Joint Functional Concept. This</p><p>95concept complements and does not duplicate those concepts. It will describe the </p><p>96integration of those functions for Global Strike operations and will discuss individual </p><p>97functions only if unique to Global Strike. The types of military operations that could be </p><p>98conducted during Global Strike are described in various Joint Operating Concepts and </p><p>99other JICs. This concept is under the Major Combat Operations-Seize the Initiative-</p><p>100Operational Access rubric with interdependencies among all of the Joint Integrating </p><p>101Concepts. This concept focuses on how Global Strike operations will enhance and enable</p><p>102these JICs and discusses the actual conduct of those operations only if unique to Global </p><p>103Strike.</p><p>104 The GS JIC envisions the joint force commander employing joint capabilities </p><p>105anywhere in the world, through and in any domain, at the time of his choosing to </p><p>106neutralize or destroy high value / payoff targets (HVTs/HPTs) in support of joint force </p><p>107efforts to achieve the following effects: </p><p>108 Freedom to operate and freedom from attack (gain and maintain operational </p><p>109 access)</p><p>110 Enemy’s will or capabilities significantly reduced</p><p>111 Conditions set for decisive operations</p><p>112 Global Strike operations will be executed anywhere in the world using CONUS-</p><p>113based, forward-based, or deployed forces in a joint planning and execution environment </p><p>114with short timelines.</p><p>16 Global Strike Joint Integrating Concept, Version 1.0 17 iv 18</p><p>1151. Purpose</p><p>116 The Joint Concept Development and Revision Plan defines a Joint Integrating </p><p>117Concept (JIC) as a description of how a joint force commander (JFC) integrates </p><p>118capabilities 10-20 years in the future to generate effects and achieve an objective. A JIC </p><p>119includes an illustrative CONOPS for a specific scenario (vignette) and a set of </p><p>120distinguishing principles applicable to a range of scenarios. JICs have the narrowest </p><p>121focus of all concepts, and distill capabilities derived from Joint Operating Concepts </p><p>122(JOCs) and Joint Functional Concepts into fundamental tasks and measures required to </p><p>123conduct CBA.</p><p>124 This paper describes a concept for conducting Global Strike operations during the STI</p><p>125phase of a major combat operation (MCO) in 2015. The principle purpose of this concept</p><p>126is to support rigorous capabilities-based assessment and analysis to determine materiel </p><p>127and non-materiel solutions to capability gaps and redundancies throughout the </p><p>128Department of Defense. As the basis for performing this assessment, this concept </p><p>129identifies effects, capabilities, tasks, attributes, conditions, and standards for conducting </p><p>130future Global Strike.</p><p>131 In addition, this concept is intended to help drive joint and service experimentation. </p><p>132When potential near-term solutions are identified, this concept will also inform the efforts</p><p>133of combatant commanders and others to improve Global Strike capabilities.</p><p>19 Global Strike Joint Integrating Concept, Version 1.0 20 1-1 21</p><p>1342. Scope</p><p>1352.1 Concept Definition</p><p>136 Within the context of this concept, Global Strike is defined as responsive joint </p><p>137operations that strike enemy high value / payoff targets (HVTs/HPTs), as an integral part </p><p>138of joint force operations conducted to gain and maintain battlespace access, achieve other</p><p>139desired effects and set conditions for follow-on decisive operations to achieve strategic </p><p>140and operational objectives. This concept identifies and describes the capabilities for </p><p>141conducting Global Strike operations in 2015 and is consistent with and does not deviate </p><p>142from current strategic guidance. </p><p>143 Global Strike requires the ability to prepare, enable, and execute operations to achieve</p><p>144operational and strategic effects. Effects-based analysis, planning, targeting and </p><p>145execution combine to support attacks on HVTs / HPTs, shape the information domain, </p><p>146and support setting the conditions for follow-on, decisive operations. This target set will </p><p>147include weapons of mass destruction and weapons of mass effect (WMD/WME) </p><p>148production, storage, and delivery capabilities, critical command and control facilities, </p><p>149anti-access capabilities (radars, surface-to-air missile sites, theater ballistic missile sites), </p><p>150adversary leadership, populace perception, and key nodes. In order to engage these </p><p>151targets, the joint force will require the capability to find, fix, track, and target moving </p><p>152targets. Global Strike operations will generate effects through lethal, non-lethal, kinetic, </p><p>153and non-kinetic attacks.</p><p>154 Because one of the essential effects of Global Strike is gaining and maintaining </p><p>155operational access for follow-on operations, early Global Strike operations must occur in </p><p>156an anti-access environment. These operations must not only overcome access barriers </p><p>22 Global Strike Joint Integrating Concept, Version 1.0 23 2-1 24</p><p>157such as distance, physical hardening, and active and passive defenses, but also set </p><p>158conditions for other forces to operate freely. Although this JIC is set in an anti-access </p><p>159environment, the identified capabilities are also applicable in lower threat conditions.</p><p>160 Global Strike operations will normally be executed within compressed timelines </p><p>161(from seconds to days) while exerting persistent effects at potentially great distances from</p><p>162the continental United States and forward bases. These operations will include attacks </p><p>163against fleeting, “time-sensitive targets.” Global Strike operations must be executable </p><p>164without requiring establishment of a large logistical footprint.</p><p>1652.2 Potential Risks</p><p>166 If events unfold as described in this concept, there may be several associated </p><p>167risks. For this discussion, these risks fall into three broad categories as listed in the </p><p>168following sections: Science and Technology; Enemy Counter Strategies; and Doctrine, </p><p>169Organization, Training, Materiel, Leadership and Education, Personnel, and Facilities </p><p>170(DOTMLPF).</p><p>1712.2.1. Science and Technology</p><p>172 Advances in the Global Information Grid (GIG) do not integrate cross-service, </p><p>173 horizontally, or vertically</p><p>174 US and multinational force weapons development efforts prove inadequate to </p><p>175 overcome adversary use of hardened and deeply buried facilities to protect key </p><p>176 capabilities</p><p>177 An inability to field capabilities that can find, fix, track, target, and engage </p><p>178 (F2T2E) moving targets responsively</p><p>25 Global Strike Joint Integrating Concept, Version 1.0 26 2-2 27</p><p>179 An inability of all US forces to share a common operating picture (COP) </p><p>180 throughout the battlespace</p><p>181 An adversary will weaponize space to deny access</p><p>182 Effects-based assessment capability is limited or technologically incapable of </p><p>183 providing useful information for dynamic tasking</p><p>1842.2.2. Enemy Counter Strategies</p><p>185 Adversary advances in camouflage, concealment and deception (CCD) </p><p>186 capabilities may outpace US and multinational capabilities to find, fix, track, and </p><p>187 target items of interest</p><p>188 Adversary advances in computer network defense (CND) capabilities may </p><p>189 outpace US and multinational capabilities to penetrate adversary computer </p><p>190 networks</p><p>191 Adversary anti-access capability development exceeds US ability to counter</p><p>192 Adversary employs GIG and COP denial capabilities including computer network</p><p>193 (CNA) and high-altitude electromagnetic pulse / electromagnetic pulse </p><p>194 (HEMP/EMP) attack</p><p>1952.2.3. DOTMLPF</p><p>196 Inter-service training does not keep up with doctrinal improvements</p><p>197 Logistics throughput proves inadequate for ten-day STI persistence</p><p>198 Inadequate basing for forward deployed/based capabilities</p><p>1992.3 Military Operations Relationships to Other Joint Concepts</p><p>200 Within the context of this concept, GS is specifically linked to the MCO JOC; </p><p>201however, the capabilities identified in this concept apply across the range of military </p><p>28 Global Strike Joint Integrating Concept, Version 1.0 29 2-3 30</p><p>202operations. This concept is also relevant to the Homeland Security (HLS), Stability </p><p>203Operations (SO), and Strategic Deterrence (SD) JOCs. </p><p>204 GS capabilities such as surveillance, reconnaissance, intelligence, planning and strike </p><p>205support Homeland Security activities including the Global War on Terrorism (GWOT). </p><p>206These same capabilities can also be essential for supporting Stability Operations. An </p><p>207example of the latter is striking a fleeting insurgency target in eastern Afghanistan with </p><p>208little warning.</p><p>209 Maintaining GS capabilities in a constant readiness state and regularly demonstrating </p><p>210these capabilities contributes to achieving strategic deterrence. The adversary’s </p><p>211perception of US awareness of its activities, our capability of denying him benefits and/or</p><p>212imposing unacceptable costs, and our willingness to do so may induce restraint.</p><p>2132.4 Applicable Military Functions and Activities</p><p>214 GS operations require the capabilities to effectively plan, control, and execute from </p><p>215and to anywhere in the world in any domain (land, sea, air, space and cyber-space) to </p><p>216generate strategic and operational effects. These capabilities cut across the family of the </p><p>217Joint Functional Concepts – Battlespace Awareness (BA), Command and Control (JC2), </p><p>218Force Application (FA), Net Centric (NC), and to a lesser degree Protection (P) and </p><p>219Focused Logistics (FL). </p><p>220 The Joint Staff will assess the tasks identified in this concept to identify capability </p><p>221shortfalls and redundancies. Six of the eight Functional Capability Boards (FCBs) will </p><p>222perform this CBA on the tasks relevant to each functional area. Appendix C summarizes </p><p>223the critical Global Strike capabilities and tasks, and indicates which FCB(s) should be </p><p>224primary assessor(s) for each task. </p><p>31 Global Strike Joint Integrating Concept, Version 1.0 32 2-4 33</p><p>225 The Battlespace Awareness FCB should focus assessment efforts on capabilities that: </p><p>226support command and control of BA assets; execute collection actions; exploit and </p><p>227analyze collected intelligence; model, simulate and forecast adversary actions; and </p><p>228manage knowledge and actionable intelligence for decision-makers in support of GS </p><p>229missions.</p><p>230 The Joint Command and Control FCB should focus assessment efforts on capabilities </p><p>231that reduce decision-making cycle timelines, increase joint planning commonalities, and </p><p>232enhance Service component interdependencies. JC2 will also assess capabilities that </p><p>233enable positive C2 throughout all aspects of GS operations, from posturing and deploying</p><p>234forces and assets through the killchain (Find, Fix, Track, Target, Engage, and Assess) </p><p>235emphasizing persistence and responsiveness. </p><p>236 The Force Application FCB should focus assessment efforts on capabilities that </p><p>237increase hard and deeply buried target (kinetic and functional) kill, agent defeat </p><p>238(neutralization), surface moving target (land and sea), CNA, information operations and </p><p>239stealth improvements capabilities, and reduce planning cycle times to facilitate time-</p><p>240critical targeting throughout the AOR.</p><p>241 The Net-Centric FCB should focus assessment efforts on capabilities (technical and </p><p>242knowledge) that form the basis for a globally synchronized, interdependent joint force </p><p>243with common situational awareness/understanding.</p><p>244 The Protection FCB should focus assessment efforts on capabilities that prevent </p><p>245enemy disruption of US and allied operations, specifically airborne, ballistic and cruise </p><p>246missile defense, CND, information protection, and survive-to-operate in a WMD/WME </p><p>247environment.</p><p>34 Global Strike Joint Integrating Concept, Version 1.0 35 2-5 36</p><p>248 The Focused Logistics FCB should concentrate assessment efforts on capabilities </p><p>249needed to deploy, sustain, and enable Global Strike forces for the ten-day STI phase of an</p><p>250MCO.</p><p>2512.5 Assumptions</p><p>252 An assumption is a condition necessary for the concept to succeed / be valid that </p><p>253cannot be proven through available evidence. The following assumptions apply for this </p><p>254concept:</p><p>255 The 1-4-2-1 force sizing construct remains in effect</p><p>256 The Global War on Terrorism continues</p><p>257 The 2012 Baseline Security Posture is extant and remains valid</p><p>258 For this JIC, Global Strike operations will occur within the 10-30-30 Defense </p><p>259 Strategy timelines</p><p>260 The GIG and COP exist and are functioning at all levels</p><p>2612.6 Relationships to Other Joint Concepts</p><p>262 This concept focuses on Global Strike operations with an explicit recognition of the </p><p>263overlap with other JICs. For example, Integrated Air and Missile Defense (IAMD) and </p><p>264Global Strike JICs both identify attacking airborne targets as a key capability. The task </p><p>265of destroying anti-access systems to enable “freedom to operate” and “freedom from </p><p>266attack” reside in both concepts, but its offensive nature is emphasized in the Global Strike</p><p>267JIC. Conversely, defending against airborne attack receives greater emphasis in the </p><p>268IAMD JIC. </p><p>269 Another example of common tasks is the interrelationship among the operations </p><p>270described in the Global Strike JIC and the Seabasing, Joint Forcible Entry Operations </p><p>37 Global Strike Joint Integrating Concept, Version 1.0 38 2-6 39</p><p>271(JFEO), and Joint Undersea Superiority (JUSS) JICs. Global Strike capabilities will help </p><p>272establish air superiority and set other conditions necessary for successful implementation </p><p>273of Seabasing and JFEO. Once in place, sea based forces and capabilities can be </p><p>274employed to engage HVT/HPT or to support Global Strike operations. These forces will </p><p>275depend, in turn, on the capabilities described in the JUSS JIC, as well as the capabilities </p><p>276described in this concept, for freedom to operate and freedom from attack. The </p><p>277complementary nature of these JICs reinforces the interdependent nature of joint force </p><p>278operations.</p><p>279 2.7 Impact of Strategic Guidance</p><p>280 The Defense Planning Guidance (DPG) contains defense strategy and the guidance </p><p>281for key planning and programming priorities to execute that strategy. The DPG presents </p><p>282the Secretary of Defense’s strategic plan for developing and employing future forces. The</p><p>283following extract from the 2004 DPG underscores several key elements of this concept: </p><p>284the transition to a campaign to swiftly defeat an adversary (seize-the initiative), the </p><p>285requirement to project power over potentially long distances, and timeliness </p><p>286(responsiveness).</p><p>40 Global Strike Joint Integrating Concept, Version 1.0 41 2-7 42</p><p>287</p><p>288 (U) Experience has taught us that the best way to defend the United States, its 289 interests abroad and its allies and friends is to defeat aggression at its source. As 290 a result, a central element of our defense strategy is to: 291 292 Rapidly transition from a posture of forward deterrence into a joint campaign 293 aimed at swiftly defeating the efforts of adversaries who would seek to impose 294 their will on us or our allies and friends, while preserving the option of 295 decisively defeating any one adversary – to include changing its regime and 296 occupying its territory. 297 298 (U) The new defense strategy requires forces with strategic agility capable of 299 bringing power to bear over long distances in a timely fashion while conducting 300 an active defense of US territory. 301 302 - Secretary’s Forward to the 2004 Defense Planning Guidance (p. 2)</p><p>303</p><p>304 The Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) provides a top-down look at US defense </p><p>305strategy, taking into account the world environment, threats, current forces and programs,</p><p>306and the resources likely to be available. The following extract from the 2001 QDR </p><p>307reinforces the need for responsiveness. The final sentence, calling for long-range </p><p>308precision strike capabilities, sets the stage for many of the key capabilities described in </p><p>309this concept.</p><p>310 U.S. forces will remain capable of undertaking major combat operations 311 on a global basis and will train to be effective across a wide range of combat 312 conditions and geographic settings. The focus will be on the ability to act quickly 313 when challenged and to win decisively at a time and place and in the manner of 314 the President's choosing. 315 316 For planning purposes, U.S. forces will remain capable of swiftly 317 defeating attacks against U.S. allies and friends in any two theaters of operation 318 in overlapping timeframes. Combat operations will be structured to eliminate 319 enemy offensive capability across the depth of its territory, restore favorable 320 military conditions in the region, and create acceptable political conditions for 321 the cessation of hostilities. In addition, U.S. forces will degrade an aggressor's 322 ability to coerce others through conventional or asymmetric means, including 323 CBRNE weapons. U.S. forces will fight from a forward deterrent posture with </p><p>43 Global Strike Joint Integrating Concept, Version 1.0 44 2-8 45</p><p>324 immediately employable forces, including long-range precision strike capabilities 325 from within and beyond the theater, and rapidly deployable maneuver 326 capabilities. 327 328 - Quadrennial Defense Review, September 30 2001 (Chapter III, Paradigm Shift 329 in Force Planning, Major Combat Operations, P. 21)</p><p>46 Global Strike Joint Integrating Concept, Version 1.0 47 2-9 48</p><p>3303. Central and Supporting Ideas</p><p>3313.1 Statement of the Military Problem to Be Solved </p><p>332 In 2015, joint forces will be required to operate anywhere in the world from the </p><p>333continental United States, forward bases, and the sea. Future US forces will require both </p><p>334greater operational reach and greater persistence than current forces. The strategic and </p><p>335operational challenges associated with executing Global Strike primarily center on two </p><p>336areas: </p><p>337 1) The ability to understand an adversary’s operational systems and methods, and his </p><p>338decision-making processes, in order to identify Center(s) of Gravity and HVTs / HPTs; </p><p>339and</p><p>340 2) The physical challenges associated with striking specific Global Strike targets.</p><p>341 Understanding an adversary’s systems, methods and decision-making processes </p><p>342requires a collaborative effort by the US military, government agencies, and </p><p>343multinational partners with significant shared responsibilities. A clear challenge is </p><p>344establishing the responsibilities, mechanisms and collaborative networks that enable </p><p>345gaining the desired level of understanding. </p><p>346 In the 2015 operational environment, the set of enemy targets most applicable for </p><p>347Global Strike (IADS, WMD/WME, TBMs, leadership, C2 infrastructure and networks, </p><p>348etc.) are likely to be employed and protected in ways that offer significant challenges to </p><p>349location, identification, and negation or destruction. Techniques to protect these high </p><p>350value assets and capabilities could include hardening, deeply burying, hiding, concealing,</p><p>351camouflaging, and the use of asymmetric or irregular tactics such as integrating </p><p>352into/hugging civilian infrastructure. The fleeting nature of many of these targets, the high</p><p>49 Global Strike Joint Integrating Concept, Version 1.0 50 3-1 51</p><p>353level decision authority for select strike missions, and the potentially great physical </p><p>354distances over which reconnaissance, surveillance and/or strike assets will be required to </p><p>355operate will compound the challenge of planning and executing responsive Global Strike.</p><p>356Key challenges associated with this environment include: </p><p>357 Neutralizing or destroying HVTs / HPTs located deep in enemy territory and </p><p>358 protected by significant air and missile defense systems, hardening, or </p><p>359 burying;</p><p>360 Destroying and/or neutralizing WMD/WME capabilities without causing </p><p>361 substantial collateral damage;</p><p>362 Executing Global Strike in distant theaters on very short notice</p><p>363 Executing Global Strike (including finding and tracking) on key enemy </p><p>364 leaders or other similar fleeting (time sensitive) targets; </p><p>365 Identifying and precisely striking critical nodes and links in key adversary </p><p>366 systems.</p><p>367 Joint force commanders must be able to responsively strike high value and high </p><p>368payoff targets in this environment to effectively conduct Global Strike. Likely adversaries</p><p>369will include near-peer traditional state actors/major regional powers or transnational </p><p>370actors.</p><p>371 A traditional state actor/regional power may possess large, modern ground forces, </p><p>372supplemented by specialized paramilitary and local militias. Air and naval forces may be </p><p>373less capable than US forces, but sufficient for regional domination. It is likely that this </p><p>374adversary’s force planning, military capabilities, and strategy will be based on a </p><p>375fundamental assumption that a US-led coalition will present the most likely obstacle to its</p><p>52 Global Strike Joint Integrating Concept, Version 1.0 53 3-2 54</p><p>376regional hegemony. This adversary will be expected to have significant anti-access and </p><p>377area denial capabilities with modern technologies in a number of niche areas, including </p><p>378communications, computers, intelligence, integrated air defenses, mines, submarines, </p><p>379long-range fires, unmanned aerial vehicles, WMD/WME (including nuclear weapons and</p><p>380associated delivery systems), HEMP/EMP capabilities, and access to space.</p><p>381 This adversary will attempt to counter perceived US capabilities through increased </p><p>382mobility and better distribution, miniaturization, hardening, camouflage, concealment and</p><p>383deception, and shorter exposure operating cycles. If called upon to swiftly or decisively </p><p>384defeat this adversary, the joint force will have to fight to gain and maintain operational </p><p>385access in order to seize the initiative. </p><p>386 The future security environment will also include threats to US vital interests posed </p><p>387by a variety of non-state actors, primarily in the form of transnational terrorism. Anti-</p><p>388access and area denial capabilities will proliferate and failed states will increasingly serve</p><p>389as havens for hostile non-state actors. In the context of the Global War on Terrorism </p><p>390(GWOT), the US and her multinational partners will continue efforts to deter and defeat </p><p>391WMD/WME proliferation to prevent terrorists from obtaining such weapons or </p><p>392development technologies.</p><p>393 Even in the midst of an MCO campaign, joint forces will require the capability for </p><p>394time-critical targeting in support of GWOT in an AOR far removed from the ongoing </p><p>395MCO. </p><p>396 An illustrative vignette (CONOPS) for one possible MCO scenario is provided in </p><p>397Appendix D.</p><p>55 Global Strike Joint Integrating Concept, Version 1.0 56 3-3 57</p><p>3983.2 Central Idea</p><p>399 This concept describes the capabilities and tasks that will be required to achieve GS </p><p>400effects during the first ten days of an MCO campaign – specifically, the STI Phase. As </p><p>401discussed above, the capabilities needed for time-critical targeting in an AOR far </p><p>402removed from the ongoing MCO are also addressed. </p><p>403 Global Strike operations are executed against select HVTs / HPTs that support joint </p><p>404force operations to overcome adversary anti-access capabilities, produce other effects to </p><p>405achieve operational and strategic objectives, and enable follow-on decisive operations to </p><p>406defeat the adversary. </p><p>407 This concept envisions the joint force commander employing joint capabilities </p><p>408anywhere in the world through and in any domain at the time of his choosing to </p><p>409neutralize or destroy HVTs and/or HPTs in support of joint force efforts to achieve the </p><p>410following effects: </p><p>411 Freedom to operate and freedom from attack (gain and maintain operational </p><p>412 access)</p><p>413 Enemy’s will or capabilities significantly reduced</p><p>414 Conditions set for decisive operations</p><p>415 Global Strike operations will be executed anywhere in the world using CONUS-</p><p>416based, forward-based, or deployed forces in a joint planning and execution environment </p><p>417with short timelines.</p><p>4183.3 Application of Concept within a Campaign Framework</p><p>419 Within the context of a joint campaign, and focused on generating the effects </p><p>420described previously, preparation and posturing are essential to successful GS operations.</p><p>58 Global Strike Joint Integrating Concept, Version 1.0 59 3-4 60</p><p>421The right forces and capabilities must be in the right place at the right time and these </p><p>422forces must be trained and prepared to responsively execute GS in support of joint force </p><p>423operations.</p><p>424 The planning conducted during preparation and posturing relies on comprehensive </p><p>425joint and inter-agency collaboration that enables shared understanding, timely and </p><p>426informed decision-making, and development of timely and accurate products related to </p><p>427Global Strike mission planning and execution. The joint force commander, along with </p><p>428DoD and other government agencies involved in Global Strike planning will use this </p><p>429collaborative information and planning environment to establish a shared view of the </p><p>430adversary’s operational systems, methods, and decision-making processes in order to </p><p>431identify center(s) of gravity (COG), critical requirements (CR), critical capabilities (CC), </p><p>432and critical vulnerabilities (CV). Collaboration enhances the ability of commanders to </p><p>433gain situational awareness and coordinate force and capability posturing to optimize the </p><p>434application of Global Strike capabilities and the effects achieved. This comprehensive </p><p>435collaboration relies on a networked information environment involving warfighters, </p><p>436government agencies, decision makers, and multinational partners.</p><p>437 Collaborative planning and networking expedites the distribution of national and </p><p>438theater level guidance and decisions, the predictive analysis underpinning Global Strike </p><p>439planning, the dissemination of operational and strategic objectives and commander’s </p><p>440intent, and the dissemination of Global Strike plans and orders.</p><p>441 Predictive analysis focuses planning on the adversary’s COGs and CCs. It helps </p><p>442identify indicators and events that will confirm the accuracy of anticipated adversary </p><p>443activities and actions. Predicted events may provide the “trigger” mechanism for </p><p>61 Global Strike Joint Integrating Concept, Version 1.0 62 3-5 63</p><p>444initiating Global Strike operations. Predictive analysis also enables the identification and</p><p>445understanding of nodes, linkages within the adversary system(s), and accurate delineation</p><p>446of expected effects. This visualization and analysis requires persistent collection to </p><p>447characterize adversary systems, dependencies, and relationships. </p><p>448 Predictive analysis and planning consider all available forces and capabilities, </p><p>449including CONUS-based, forward-based and deployed forces, and all appropriate </p><p>450combinations. The analysis includes examining the various combinations of forces and </p><p>451assets available to execute a Global Strike mission against the HVT/HPT, and assessing </p><p>452the ability of each to achieve the desired effect while minimizing unintended effects. </p><p>453 The analysis and planning conducted during preparation and posturing results in </p><p>454specific actions, consistent with national and theater level guidance, which include the </p><p>455following:</p><p>456 Repositioning or reallocation of surveillance and reconnaissance assets to </p><p>457 support target tracking, identifying and assessment requirements;</p><p>458 Establishing communication links that provide required “sensor to sensor” and</p><p>459 “sensor to shooter” links and positive C2 of Global Strike missions;</p><p>460 Positioning or arranging for logistical support capabilities for </p><p>461 potential/planned missions;</p><p>462 Employing reconnaissance capabilities to support planning or future </p><p>463 execution;</p><p>464 Coordinating with multinational partners for use of airspace or territory; and</p><p>465 Posturing forces for Global Strike missions.</p><p>64 Global Strike Joint Integrating Concept, Version 1.0 65 3-6 66</p><p>466 Information Operations (IO) efforts will include planning and implementing strategic </p><p>467communications and public information announcements and releases (as appropriate). </p><p>468An integral part of Global Strike preparation and posturing, IO must include measures to </p><p>469protect friendly plans and networks and deny the adversary knowledge of pending </p><p>470operations. Mission planning includes planning for assessment of effects achieved and </p><p>471dynamically tasking if required and appropriate, plus disengagement/redeployment of </p><p>472forces and assets as applicable.</p><p>473 Preparing and posturing actions set the conditions for successful execution of Global </p><p>474Strike operations. Forces and assets for specific Global Strike missions will be selected </p><p>475based on a myriad of factors including target characteristics, location and </p><p>476defensive/protection status, desired effects, time constraints or considerations, diplomatic </p><p>477considerations or limitations, and multinational involvement. Some operations may </p><p>478require minimum preparation time while others may require precise timing at some point </p><p>479in the future. Where appropriate, forward-based or deployed forces and assets can be </p><p>480used to execute strikes to enhance responsiveness, surprise, and survivability. In other </p><p>481cases, CONUS-based forces and assets may be the optimal solution for strike execution; </p><p>482however, use of these assets may complicate response and surprise challenges, </p><p>483reinforcing the need to posture these forces and assets early. Some preparation and </p><p>484posturing actions will require a national level decision for execution.</p><p>485 A unique aspect of Global Strike operations is the likelihood that forces will originate </p><p>486outside the affected regional component commander’s AOR. An organizational C2 </p><p>487structure must be clearly specified to maximize mission effectiveness and minimize </p><p>488friction and “fog of war” among all HQs involved in Global Strike operations. The </p><p>67 Global Strike Joint Integrating Concept, Version 1.0 68 3-7 69</p><p>489controlling HQ (JF HQ, JTF HQ, COCOM HQ, etc.) located in CONUS or in-theater </p><p>490initiates mission execution and exercises positive command and control of mission forces</p><p>491and assets through mission completion and assessment. As mentioned above, in some </p><p>492circumstances multiple HQs will control individual missions at various points in time; </p><p>493therefore command relationships throughout the entire operation must be clearly </p><p>494specified during planning. </p><p>495 The commander must establish the requisite communications links to ensure </p><p>496comprehensive “sensor-to-sensor” and “sensor-to-shooter” data flow and positive C2, </p><p>497which is made much less complex by the extant plug-and-play network. Assured </p><p>498communications with the strike forces and supporting surveillance and reconnaissance </p><p>499assets, which may include CONUS-based/launched, and forward based/deployed forces </p><p>500(air, land, sea, cyber) and combinations thereof, as well as national, interagency and </p><p>501multinational assets, is essential to maintaining positive command and control. The </p><p>502controlling HQ monitors execution of the mission, updates its analysis as the mission </p><p>503progresses, and provides mission updates and mission changes directly to strike forces, </p><p>504including the redirection of strike assets to other higher priority targets as appropriate. </p><p>505 In support of strike execution, collection assets continue to track/monitor HVTs / </p><p>506HPTs, providing continuous location and status updates, enabling the controlling HQ to </p><p>507have an immediate assessment of effects achieved, and enabling dynamic tasking (if </p><p>508required and appropriate.) IO, strategic communications, public information warnings </p><p>509and announcements may also be executed before, during and/or after strikes to enhance </p><p>510effectiveness.</p><p>70 Global Strike Joint Integrating Concept, Version 1.0 71 3-8 72</p><p>511 Once achievement of the desired effect is confirmed, the controlling HQ directs and </p><p>512monitors the disengagement of forces and assets as applicable. This disengagement </p><p>513could include redeployment, transition to other Global Strike missions, or transition to </p><p>514other type missions.</p><p>73 Global Strike Joint Integrating Concept, Version 1.0 74 3-9 75</p><p>5154. Capabilities, Tasks and Attributes</p><p>516 Global Strike operations rely upon three types of capabilities: preparation, enabling, </p><p>517and execution capabilities. These capabilities will be required for all phases of an </p><p>518operation; however the weight of effort will shift as planning progresses through </p><p>519execution. Each capability and task will be measured using a set of attributes specified in </p><p>520Section 4.2.</p><p>5214.1 Capabilities and Tasks</p><p>522 The capabilities and tasks required to prepare for, enable, and execute Global Strike </p><p>523operations follow. These capabilities and tasks are also listed in table format in </p><p>524Appendix C.</p><p>5254.1.1 Preparation</p><p>526 The capabilities required to prepare for Global Strike operations consist of monitoring</p><p>527potential adversaries (and others) and planning. Preparation includes both long- and </p><p>528short-term actions. Long-term preparation involves analysis of world trends with the </p><p>529goal of identifying potential future problem areas. This will reduce crisis planning </p><p>530timelines and assist with predictive analysis as well as guide shaping and deterrence </p><p>531actions. Short-term preparation deals more specifically with rapidly emerging threats and</p><p>532continues into and throughout an actual conflict. In both cases, preparation should be </p><p>533seamless and cyclical.</p><p>5344.1.1.1 Monitor Potential Adversaries</p><p>535 Successful Global Strike operations will require long-term and in-depth knowledge of</p><p>536potential adversaries. In order to achieve this, the joint force will monitor, task, and </p><p>537integrate intelligence collected from tactical, theater and national assets; analyze </p><p>76 Global Strike Joint Integrating Concept, Version 1.0 77 4-1 78</p><p>538adversary culture, leadership, command and control and military capabilities; and </p><p>539predictively analyze adversary intentions, goals, and objectives. </p><p>540 Intelligence tasks supporting Global Strike include the ability to detect, identify, </p><p>541characterize and track items, activities, events, and persons worldwide. These capabilities</p><p>542require persistent observation, reconnaissance, and information collection from both open</p><p>543and clandestine sources. Collection activities must access remote and denied areas and </p><p>544defeat camouflage, concealment, and deception (CCD) through sensor positioning and </p><p>545the development of new sensing capabilities. Furthermore, these activities should be </p><p>546tailorable to enable both wide-area and narrowly focused coverage in order to find, fix, </p><p>547and continuously track specific targets.</p><p>548 As GS operations proceed, commanders will need to prioritize limited resources. This</p><p>549will require informed trade-offs between competing collection requirements. </p><p>550Commanders must have the ability to dynamically task specific collection assets and </p><p>551resources to satisfy requirements, perform higher-priority missions, and synchronize ISR </p><p>552tasks with operations.</p><p>553 In order to produce actionable intelligence for the commander, joint forces must </p><p>554retrieve, filter, combine, and display information from various sources and ensure the </p><p>555right information reaches the decision-maker in a useable format. The joint force must </p><p>556leverage technical advances to enhance intelligence information dissemination. </p><p>557 Tasks:</p><p>558 Develop adversary characterization through long-term, in-depth intelligence </p><p>559 collection and exploitation;</p><p>560 Determine adversary critical capabilities and vulnerabilities;</p><p>79 Global Strike Joint Integrating Concept, Version 1.0 80 4-2 81</p><p>561 Identify, assess and mitigate intelligence gaps;</p><p>562 Process and fuse collected data into intelligence;</p><p>563 Dynamically task collection assets;</p><p>564 Find targets (moving, mobile, hardened and/or underground, concealed, critical </p><p>565 infrastructure, leadership, WMD/WME and related facilities and systems);</p><p>566 Fix targets (moving, mobile, hardened and/or underground, concealed, critical </p><p>567 infrastructure, leadership, WMD/WME, and related facilities and systems);</p><p>568 Track targets (moving and mobile); and</p><p>569 Target (moving; mobile; hardened and/or underground; concealed; critical </p><p>570 infrastructure; leadership; WMD/WME and related facilities and systems targets).</p><p>5714.1.1.2 Plan</p><p>572 Planning for Global Strike operations should begin pre-crisis and continue throughout</p><p>573MCO. Long-term, deliberate planning should be a continuous, cyclical process that </p><p>574provides the foundation for rapid, seamless transition to crisis action planning. Global </p><p>575Strike operational course of action (COA) development should be effects-based, focused </p><p>576on exploiting adversary critical vulnerabilities while considering friendly critical </p><p>577capabilities as well as collateral damage. </p><p>578 Effects-based planning for GS operations begins with commander’s intent and the </p><p>579strategic/operational objectives. Planners must collaborate with all relevant combatant </p><p>580commands, US government agencies and multinational partners. The joint force should </p><p>581leverage networking and automation to assist in planning and decision-making.</p><p>582 Planners must have the ability to predict desirable and undesirable attack </p><p>583consequences and how effects may propagate throughout an adversary’s system while </p><p>82 Global Strike Joint Integrating Concept, Version 1.0 83 4-3 84</p><p>584maintaining flexibility and initiative when the unexpected occurs. This analysis will </p><p>585guide COA development as well as post-strike collection efforts to assess mission </p><p>586success.</p><p>587 Tasks:</p><p>588 Perform collaborative deliberate planning;</p><p>589 Perform collaborative crisis planning;</p><p>590 Determine commander’s intent;</p><p>591 Develop course of action;</p><p>592 Determine HVTs/HPTs;</p><p>593 Evaluate strike consequences;</p><p>594 Estimate collateral damage; and</p><p>595 Identify friendly critical capabilities.</p><p>5964.1.2 Enabling</p><p>597 Global Strike enabling capabilities support preparation and execution activities. These</p><p>598capabilities consist of Joint Command and Control (JC2) and Net-Centric (NC) </p><p>599operations. The enabling capabilities provide the joint force commander with all required</p><p>600information about the operational environment and the means to disseminate guidance </p><p>601and orders to all force echelons.</p><p>6024.1.2.1 Joint Command and Control (JC2)</p><p>603 As with all military operations, effective command and control of GS operations is </p><p>604essential. GS JC2 must be structured for the rapid dissemination and distribution of </p><p>605decisions and guidance from the President and/or Secretary of Defense. The JFC must </p><p>606have an accurate picture of the operating environment depicting all friendly forces, </p><p>85 Global Strike Joint Integrating Concept, Version 1.0 86 4-4 87</p><p>607adversary forces, and neutral parties. Furthermore, the commander requires an integrated </p><p>608network and collaborative environment for disseminating orders, mission statements, </p><p>609commander’s intent, desired end states, desired effects, and desired objectives to all force</p><p>610echelons. </p><p>611 In the context of MCO, GS operations will require synchronization and coordination </p><p>612with multiple regional component commanders, multinational partners, and US </p><p>613government agencies. Multiple, and often simultaneous, GS operations may be </p><p>614distributed across one or more joint operating areas (JOAs). The forces conducting </p><p>615Global Strike may originate in one commander’s AOR, transit through one or more </p><p>616additional AORs, and achieve the intended effects in still another commander’s AOR. As</p><p>617discussed previously in Section 3.3, command relationships throughout the entire </p><p>618operation must be clearly specified and understood at all echelons.</p><p>619 Finally, considering the close relationship between Global Strike operations and </p><p>620operational/strategic objectives and the political sensitivities associated with strikes of </p><p>621this nature, the commander may in some circumstances need the capability to change or </p><p>622terminate missions after giving an execution order.</p><p>623 Tasks:</p><p>624 Identify and track all adversaries and neutrals in the JOA;</p><p>625 Identify and track all “Blue” forces in the JOA;</p><p>626 Specify command relationships for GS operations;</p><p>627 Communicate orders to all echelons;</p><p>628 Terminate/change strike missions;</p><p>88 Global Strike Joint Integrating Concept, Version 1.0 89 4-5 90</p><p>629 Identify and precisely locate critical nodes and links in various adversary key </p><p>630 systems associated with important military or economic activities;</p><p>631 Improve cultural awareness to understand actions, groups, and ideologies </p><p>632 influencing the targeted regional populace; and</p><p>633 Develop an understanding of the adversary that accounts for all Political, Military,</p><p>634 Economic, Social, Infrastructure, and Informational (PMESII) factors.</p><p>6354.1.2.2 Net-Centric (NC) Operations </p><p>636 A critical enabling capability, NC operations are essential to the conduct of future </p><p>637war. GS operations will rely upon net-centricity to meet the anticipated response </p><p>638requirements and to achieve the high degree of collaboration required from planning </p><p>639through execution. The machine-machine and human-machine interfaces at the core of </p><p>640net-centricity will enable superior information flow, shorter response timelines, and more</p><p>641accurate execution within established parameters.</p><p>642 Net-centricity will allow the joint force to establish, adapt, manage, and optimize </p><p>643communications and connectivity. GS operations’ information sharing will require </p><p>644secure data transmission, transport (air waves, hard line, bandwidth “pipe,” etc.), </p><p>645reception, voice, image and video signals’ capabilities. The networks supporting joint </p><p>646forces must be scalable and adaptable. These networks must rapidly transfer and sort </p><p>647multi-level intelligence. </p><p>648 The increased net-centricity emphasis along with the associated technological </p><p>649requirements creates new vulnerabilities. Network, signals, and information protection </p><p>650and defense will be critical to NC operations.</p><p>651 Tasks:</p><p>91 Global Strike Joint Integrating Concept, Version 1.0 92 4-6 93</p><p>652 Deploy network linking all joint force elements (interoperability);</p><p>653 Deploy network linking joint force with other government agencies;</p><p>654 Protect the network and data within;</p><p>655 Transfer and sort updated multi-level intelligence;</p><p>656 Adjust communications links and filters to enable establishment of required </p><p>657 “sensor to sensor” and “sensor to shooter” links;</p><p>658 Establish appropriate organizational relationships; and</p><p>659 Operate interdependently.</p><p>6604.1.3 Execution</p><p>661 Global Strike execution capabilities include actual strike mechanics (kinetic or non-</p><p>662kinetic) and effects assessment. These capabilities will characterize the joint forces </p><p>663conducting Global Strike operations and provide the commander with the information </p><p>664needed to evaluate mission results.</p><p>6654.1.3.1 Global Strike</p><p>666 Achieving effects at the time and place of our choosing is the essence of GS </p><p>667operations. These effects must be precise and scalable, and in the context of MCO, </p><p>668persistent. As discussed previously, the responsiveness required for Global Strike </p><p>669operations is situation dependent; however, in all cases, the joint force must have the </p><p>670capability to conduct and support multiple, simultaneous attacks, often at extended </p><p>671ranges. These strikes may be executed by air, ground, space, maritime, or special forces, </p><p>672and will be delivered through and into any domain. </p><p>673 The responsiveness of the joint force to Global Strike tasking will depend on force </p><p>674structure, mobility/speed, and standoff capabilities. Force structure falls into three </p><p>94 Global Strike Joint Integrating Concept, Version 1.0 95 4-7 96</p><p>675categories, CONUS-based, forward stationed, and forward deployed. Mobility/speed and </p><p>676standoff capabilities are inherent characteristics of particular forces.</p><p>677 Following an execution order, GS operations can be characterized by two phases—</p><p>678maneuver and engagement. Joint forces executing Global Strikes must be capable of </p><p>679maneuvering in a robust anti-access environment. For information operations and other </p><p>680non-kinetic actions, the maneuver phase can be visualized as the events immediately </p><p>681proceeding effects delivery.</p><p>682 GS operations must be able to engage the full range of fixed, mobile, time critical, </p><p>683and specialized targets (including C2 nodes, leadership, missiles, WMD/WME, and </p><p>684HDBT). These targets will be engaged using kinetic weapons and other non-kinetic </p><p>685means based on the nature of the target and the desired effects. Adversary integrated air </p><p>686defenses and theater ballistic missiles will be engaged utilizing low-observable systems </p><p>687or other technologies to deny detection. Global Strike operations will require highly </p><p>688reliable forces capable of achieving precise effects such as biological or chemical agent </p><p>689defeat. Collateral damage must be minimized. Operating environments will include </p><p>690complex and urban terrain.</p><p>691 Tasks:</p><p>692 Posture forces (forces and facilities);</p><p>693 Position forces to engage (maneuver);</p><p>694 Engage WMD/WME production, storage, and delivery targets;</p><p>695 Neutralize WMD active agents;</p><p>696 Engage moving land targets;</p><p>697 Engage moving maritime targets;</p><p>97 Global Strike Joint Integrating Concept, Version 1.0 98 4-8 99</p><p>698 Engage airborne targets;</p><p>699 Engage hard and deeply buried targets (destroy or functionally disable);</p><p>700 Engage leadership targets;</p><p>701 Attack computer networks and other IO targets;</p><p>702 Deceive, disrupt, deny, degrade, and destroy (D5) anti-access capabilities; and</p><p>703 Recover and regenerate forces.</p><p>7044.1.3.2 Assess and Report</p><p>705 Effective combat assessment is essential to GS operations. In the dynamic </p><p>706battlespace environment with changing conditions and effects prioritization, an enroute </p><p>707termination and dynamic tasking capability requirement will give the commander the </p><p>708greatest battlespace flexibility. </p><p>709 The joint force must have the capability to evaluate, via observation or other means, </p><p>710the success of GS operations. Beyond the traditional notion of battle damage assessment, </p><p>711future GS operations will also rely upon a rapid systemic analysis to evaluate not only </p><p>712first-order but also higher-order effects. Long-term evaluation, however, will also be </p><p>713required to evaluate some effects.</p><p>714 Commanders must have these mission results and make these results readily available</p><p>715to forces at all echelons.</p><p>716 Tasks:</p><p>717 Determine immediate objective results </p><p>718 Determine long-term objective results</p><p>719 Report mission status</p><p>100 Global Strike Joint Integrating Concept, Version 1.0 101 4-9 102</p><p>7204.2 Attributes</p><p>721 Global Strike capabilities and tasks will be measured using the following set of </p><p>722specified attributes: Responsiveness, Survivability, Persistence, Effects Spectrum, and </p><p>723Surprise. Not all of these attributes will apply to all the capabilities and tasks described </p><p>724in this concept.</p><p>725The tables in Appendix C identify which attributes apply to each task.</p><p>103 Global Strike Joint Integrating Concept, Version 1.0 104 4-10 105</p><p>7265. Implications</p><p>7275.1 Capability Based Assessment </p><p>728 The GS JIC is written to focus the CBA within the functional areas, across the </p><p>729functional areas, and across the different JICs, as discussed below.</p><p>7305.1.1 Within Functional Areas</p><p>731 Each of the tasks listed in Section 4 and Appendix C has one (or more) Functional </p><p>732Capabilities Board (FCB) assigned for assessment. However, each FCB should review </p><p>733the entire list of tasks and assess any additional tasks they deem appropriate. This </p><p>734process will help ensure that each FCB is aware of and provides the GS capabilities </p><p>735needed from their individual Joint Functional Concept.</p><p>7365.1.2 Across Functional Areas</p><p>737 The identification of critical capabilities allows a focused CBA on the end-to-end </p><p>738integration of capabilities across two or more Joint Functional Concepts. This type of </p><p>739assessment can help ensure multiple FCBs are approaching the problem in a manner that </p><p>740ensures interoperability and full integration of capabilities needed for GS operations.</p><p>7415.1.3 Among Different JICs</p><p>742 The specification of capabilities in Section 4 and Appendix C also allows a focused </p><p>743CBA on common capability needs across different concepts. This type of assessment can</p><p>744help provide insight into demands for the same capabilities outside the individual </p><p>745concept. Examples include the surveillance, reconnaissance, and attack capabilities </p><p>746needed for GS, IAMD (Offensive Counter Air operations), Joint Forcible Entry </p><p>747Operations, and Joint Undersea Superiority.</p><p>106 Global Strike Joint Integrating Concept, Version 1.0 107 5-1 108</p><p>7485.2 Concept Experimentation </p><p>749 US Joint Forces Command, other combatant commands, and the Services should </p><p>750examine opportunities to conduct/sponsor experimentation, wargaming, and exercises </p><p>751centered on the concepts and capabilities identified in this Global Strike JIC. </p><p>752Observations and recommendations from these events should be sent to the lead </p><p>753developer and considered for incorporation into future versions of the concept. Proposed </p><p>754changes will be vetted through the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System </p><p>755(JCIDS) process.</p><p>7565.3 Limited Focus</p><p>757 This JIC focuses on the capabilities needed for gaining operational access, creating </p><p>758operational and strategic effects, and setting conditions for follow-on decisive operations </p><p>759in the STI Phase of an MCO. Additional concepts or future revisions of this concept </p><p>760should describe the employment of Global Strike capabilities across the entire range of </p><p>761military operations.</p><p>109 Global Strike Joint Integrating Concept, Version 1.0 110 5-2 111</p><p>762 APPENDICES</p><p>763 Appendix A, Reference Documents</p><p>764Battlespace Awareness Joint Functional Concept (version 1.0), Feb 04</p><p>765CDRUSSTRATCOM CONPLAN 8022-02, Strategic Concept, 4 Jun 03</p><p>766Command and Control Joint Functional Concept (version 1.0), Feb 04</p><p>767Defense Planning Guidance, 2004-2009</p><p>768Focused Logistics Joint Functional Concept (version 1.0), Feb 04</p><p>769Force Application Joint Functional Concept (version 1.0), Feb 04</p><p>770Global Strike CONOPS, HQ ACC, 24 May 04</p><p>771Joint Concept Development and Revision Plan, 30 Jul 04</p><p>772Major Combat Operations 2, DPS</p><p>773Major Combat Operations Joint Operating Concept (version 1.0), 20 Jul 04</p><p>774Marine Corps Doctrine Pamphlet 1, Warfighting, 20 Jun 97</p><p>775National Military Strategy of the United States of America, 2004</p><p>776National Security Strategy, Sep 2002</p><p>777National Strategy to Combat Weapons of Mass Destruction, Dec 2002</p><p>778Protection Joint Functional Concept (version 1.0), 30 Jun 04</p><p>779Quadrennial Defense Review, 30 Sep 2001</p><p>780Strategic Deterrence Joint Operating Concept (version 1.0), Jan 04</p><p>781Strategic Planning Guidance, FY 2006-2011</p><p>112 Global Strike Joint Integrating Concept, Version 1.0 113 A-1 114</p><p>782 Appendix B, Glossary</p><p>783Part I. Abbreviations and Acronyms</p><p>784APOD Aerial Port of Debarkation</p><p>785ASAT Anti-satellite</p><p>786BA Battlespace Awareness</p><p>787BSP Baseline Security Posture</p><p>788C2 Command and Control</p><p>789CBA Capability Based Assessment</p><p>790CCD Camouflage, Concealment, and Deception</p><p>791CIE Collaborative Information Environment</p><p>792CNA Computer Network Attack</p><p>793CND Computer Network Defense</p><p>794CONUS Continental United States</p><p>795D5 Deceive, disrupt, deny, degrade, and destroy</p><p>796DPG Defense Planning Guidance</p><p>797DPS Defense Planning Scenario</p><p>798F2T2EA Find, Fix, Track, Target, Engage, Assess</p><p>799FA Force Application</p><p>800HDBT Hardened, Deeply Buried Target</p><p>801HLS Homeland Security</p><p>802HPT High Payoff Target</p><p>803HVT High Value Target</p><p>804IAMD Integrated Air and Missile Defense</p><p>115 Global Strike Joint Integrating Concept, Version 1.0 116 B-1 117</p><p>805ICBM Inter-continental Ballistic Missile</p><p>806IO Information Operations</p><p>807IOT In order to</p><p>808JCDRP Joint Concept Development and Revision Plan</p><p>809JFC Joint Force Commander</p><p>810JFEO Joint Forcible Entry Operations</p><p>811JIC Joint Integrating Concept</p><p>812JOA Joint Operations Area</p><p>813JOC Joint Operating Concept</p><p>814JOpsC Joint Operations Concepts</p><p>815JUSS Joint Undersea Superiority</p><p>816LOC Line of Communication</p><p>817MCO Major Combat Operation</p><p>818MRBM Medium-range Ballistic Missile</p><p>819NCA National Command Authorities</p><p>820P Protection</p><p>821QDR Quadrennial Defense Review</p><p>822SD Strategic Deterrence</p><p>823SPG Strategic Planning Guidance</p><p>824SPOD Seaport Of Debarkation</p><p>825SRBMShort-rang Ballistic Missile</p><p>826STI Seize the Initiative</p><p>827UGF Underground Facilities</p><p>118 Global Strike Joint Integrating Concept, Version 1.0 119 B-2 120</p><p>828WEZ Weapons Engagement Zone</p><p>829WMD Weapon of Mass Destruction</p><p>830WME Weapon of Mass Effect</p><p>121 Global Strike Joint Integrating Concept, Version 1.0 122 B-3 123</p><p>831Part II. Terms and Definitions.</p><p>832Access. The ability to enter or use. (GS JIC WG)</p><p>833Agent Defeat. Effects neutralization of chemical or biological agents</p><p>834Assess. Evaluate the effect of and engagement. (GS JIC WG)</p><p>835Attribute. A measurable characteristic that describes an aspect of a task or capability. </p><p>836(GS JIC WG)</p><p>837Capability. A combination of means and ways to perform a set of tasks or achieve an </p><p>838effect to a standard under specified conditions. (JCDRP)</p><p>839Effect. Change to a condition, behaviors, or degree of freedom resulting from tasked </p><p>840actions. (JCDRP)</p><p>841Effects Spectrum. Strike with sufficient mass and variety to achieve the desired effect. </p><p>842(GS JIC WG)</p><p>843 Mass: Is there enough quantity to generate the desired effect?</p><p>844 Variety: Can a task generate disparate effects?</p><p>845Engage. Strike the designated target (includes maneuver). (GS JIC WG)</p><p>846Find. Locate a potential target and pass salient info IOT fix. (GS JIC WG)</p><p>847Fix. Determine potential target position at a given time. (GS JIC WG)</p><p>848High Value Target. A target the enemy commander requires for successful completion </p><p>849of the mission, the loss of which would seriously degrade important enemy functions. (JP</p><p>8501-02)</p><p>851High Payoff Target. A target whose loss to the enemy will significantly contribute to </p><p>852the success of the friendly course of action. Those high value targets that must be </p><p>853acquired and successfully attacked for the success of the mission. (JP 1-02)</p><p>124 Global Strike Joint Integrating Concept, Version 1.0 125 B-4 126</p><p>854Military Objective. A derived set of military actions to be taken to implement NCA </p><p>855guidance in support of national objectives. Defines the results to be achieved by the </p><p>856military and assign tasks to commanders. (JP 1-02)</p><p>857Mission. The task, together with the purpose, that clearly indicates the action to be taken</p><p>858and the reason therefore. (JP 1-02)</p><p>859Persistence. The period of time the potential to create or sustain an effect can be maintained.</p><p>860(GS JIC WG)</p><p>861Posture. To put into proper position before acting. (GS JIC WG)</p><p>862Responsiveness. Ability to generate scaleable effects at the optimum time (i.e., rapidly, </p><p>863at a particular moment in time, over a period of time) and place. (GS JIC WG)</p><p>864Strike. A lethal / non-lethal / kinetic / non-kinetic attack. (GS JIC WG)</p><p>865Surprise. Achieve and effect at the optimum place and time without enemy </p><p>866foreknowledge. (GS JIC WG)</p><p>867Survivability. Operate in an anti-access environment without significant threat of </p><p>868engagement or destruction. (GS JIC WG)</p><p>869Target. Characterize and designate potential target for neutralization / destruction and </p><p>870matching appropriate response. (GS JIC WG)</p><p>871Task. A measurable action or activity based upon doctrine, standard procedures, mission</p><p>872analysis, or concepts that may be assigned to an individual or organization. (GS JIC WG)</p><p>873Track. Display or record the successive positions of a moving potential target and </p><p>874maintain awareness of a fixed potential target. (GS JIC WG)</p><p>127 Global Strike Joint Integrating Concept, Version 1.0 128 B-5 129</p><p>875 Appendix C, Capabilities, Tasks, and Attributes Table</p><p>Capability876 Capability Task Attribute Category 877 Effects FCB Responsiveness Persistence Survivability Spectrum Surprise 4.1.1. Preparation878 Monitor Adversaries 879 Develop adversary characterization through long-term, in-depth X X X BA 880 intelligence collection and exploitation Determine adversary critical 881 requirements capabilities and X X X X C2/BA vulnerabilities Identify, assess, and mitigate X X X X X BA 882 intelligence gaps</p><p>Process and fuse collected data X X X X X BA 883 into intelligence Dynamically task collection assets X X X C2/BA Find (moving, mobile, hardened 884 and/or underground, concealed, critical infrastructure, leadership, X X X X X BA WMD and related facilities and 885 systems targets) Fix (moving, mobile, hardened and/or underground, concealed, 886 critical infrastructure, leadership, X X X X X BA/C2 WMD and related facilities and 887 systems targets) Track (moving and mobile targets) X X X X X BA/C2 Target (moving, mobile, hardened 888 and/or underground, concealed, critical infrastructure, leadership, X X X X X FA/C2 WMD and related facilities and 889 systems targets)</p><p> Plan 890 Perform collaborative deliberate X X X X C2 planning 891 Perform collaborative crisis X X X X C2 planning X X X C2 892 Determine commander's intent Develop course of action X X X X C2 893 Determine HVTs / HPTs X X X X C2 X X X C2 Evaluate strike consequences X X C2 Determine necessary strike scale</p><p>X X X X C2/P Identify friendly critical capabilities</p><p>130 Global Strike Joint Integrating Concept, Version 1.0 131 C-1 132</p><p>894</p><p>895 Capability Capability Task Attribute Category 896 Effects FCB Responsiveness Persistence Survivability Spectrum Surprise 4.1.2. Enabling 897 Joint C2 </p><p>898 Identify and track all adversary X X X X X C2/BA and neutrals in JOA</p><p>Identify and track all "Blue" X X X X C2/BA 899 Forces in JOA</p><p>Specify command relationships X X C2/NC 900 for Global Strike operations Communicate orders to all X X X X C2/NC echelons 901 Terminate / change strike X X C2/NC missions Identify and precisely locate 902 critical nodes and links in various adversary key systems X X X X X C2/BA associated with important 903 military or economic activities Improve cultural awareness to understand actions, groups, and X X C2/BA/P 904 ideologies influencing the targeted regional populace 905 Develop an understanding of the adversary accounting for all political, military, economic, X X C2/BA/P 906 social, infrastructure, and informational (PMESII) factors</p><p>9074.1.2.2. Net-Centric Operations 908 Deploy network linking all joint X X X X X NC force elements (Interoperability) 909 Deploy network capable of linking joint force with other X X X X X NC government agencies 910 Protect the network and data X X X X P/NC within</p><p>911 Transfer and sort updated multi- X X X NC level intelligence Adjust communications’ links 912 and filters to enable establishment of required X X X X X NC “sensor to sensor” and “sensor 913 to shooter” links Establish appropriate X X X X NC 914 organizational relationships Operate interdependently X X X X NC 915</p><p>133 Global Strike Joint Integrating Concept, Version 1.0 134 C-2 135</p><p>Capability 916 Capability Task Attribute Category 917 Effects FCB Responsiveness Persistence Survivability Spectrum Surprise 4.1.3. Execution 918 Global </p><p>Strike 919 Posture forces (forces and X X X X X C2/FL/FA facilities) 920 Position forces to engage X X X X X C2/FL/FA (maneuver)</p><p>Engage WMD production, X X X X X FA 921 storage, and delivery targets</p><p>Neutralize WMD active agents X X X X FA 922 Engage moving land targets X X X X X FA 923 Engage moving maritime X X X X X FA targets 924 Engage airborne targets X X X X X FA</p><p>Engage hard and deeply buried X X X X FA 925 targets X X X X X FA 926 Engage leadership targets Attack computer networks and X X X X X FA/NC other IO targets</p><p>927 X X X X X FA/NC D5 anti-access capabilities 928 Recover and regenerate forces X X X X FL/FA</p><p>9294.1.3.2. Assess and Report 930 Determine immediate objectives X X X BA/C2/FA results 931 Determine long-term objective X X X BA/C2/FA results 932 X X X X C2/NC/FA Report mission status 933</p><p>934</p><p>935</p><p>136 Global Strike Joint Integrating Concept, Version 1.0 137 C-3 138</p><p>936 Appendix D, Illustrative CONOPS</p><p>937 Appendix D is classified and published separate from the main body of this </p><p>938concept.</p><p>139 Global Strike Joint Integrating Concept, Version 1.0 140 D-1</p>
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