Mayor Cooper Called the Meeting to Order at 10:08 A.M

Mayor Cooper Called the Meeting to Order at 10:08 A.M

<p> MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION, CITY OF HALLANDALE BEACH, FLORIDA, HELD ON WEDNESDAY, MAY 6, 2009 AT 10:00 A.M., CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS 400 S. FEDERAL HIGHWAY HALLANDALE BEACH, FL 33009</p><p>1. CALL TO ORDER</p><p>Mayor Cooper called the meeting to order at 10:08 A.M. </p><p>2. ROLL CALL</p><p>Commissioners London, Ross and Sanders, Vice Mayor Julian, Mayor Cooper, City Manager Good, City Attorney Jove, and Acting City Clerk Canada - All present</p><p>3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE</p><p>MOTION BY COMMISSIONER ROSS, SECONDED BY VICE MAYOR JULIAN TO APPROVE ADDING THE SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA TO THE AGENDA. The motion carried on a 5/0 voice vote. </p><p>4. PRESENTATIONS AND REPORTS</p><p>A. Proclamation of Arbor/Earth Day and Presentation of Arbor Day/Earth Day Poster Contest Awards to Hallandale Elementary School Students</p><p>Awards and backpacks with school supplies were presented to Hallandale Elementary School Students for the Arbor Day/Earth Day Poster contest. </p><p>B. Presentation of Certificates to the Student Citizens of the Month</p><p>Shatoria Frazier was presented with a Certificate as Hallandale Elementary School’s Student Citizen of the month for April 2009. </p><p>Jasmine Frazier was presented with a Certificate as Gulfstream Middle School’s Student Citizen of the Month for April 2009.</p><p>Leon Grenyion was presented with a Certificate as the Hallandale Adult Community Center’s Student Citizen of the Month for March 2009. </p><p>Iman Williams was presented with a Certificate as the Hallandale Adult Community Center’s Student Citizen of the Month for April 2009. </p><p>C. Recognition of Hallandale High School Student Ashley Alvarez, Winner of the Law Day Essay AR# 016/08</p><p>Certificate was presented to Ashley Alvarez, Winner of the Law Day Essay. </p><p>MAY 6, 2009 1 D. Proclamation Proclaiming National Boating Safety Week</p><p>Proclamation was presented to the Marine Advisory Committee and the Auxiliary Coast Guard. </p><p>E. Proclamation Proclaiming Neurofibromatosis Awareness Month</p><p>Mayor Cooper read the Proclamation declaring May as Neurofibromatosis Awareness Month. </p><p>F. Proclamation Proclaiming Public Works Week </p><p>The proclamation was presented to John Chidsey, Director, Public Works and to the staff of the Public Works and Utilities and Engineering Departments. </p><p>G. Presentation of Weed and Seed Report from Theodore Harrell, Weed and Seed Site Coordinator</p><p>Theodore Harrell, Weed and Seed Site Coordinator, gave the presentation.</p><p>Mayor Cooper inquired about the City’s Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) partnering with Weed and Seed to better utilize their resources. City Manager Good advised they would be working together. </p><p>H. Discussion of Utilities and Engineering Construction Projects</p><p>Bill Brant, Director of Utilities and Engineering, presented the report. </p><p>I. Presentation of the Police Department Quarterly Report</p><p>Chief Tom Magill, Chief of Police, presented the report. </p><p>J. SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA </p><p>Proclamation Proclaiming Law Enforcement Memorial Day</p><p>The Proclamation was presented to Chief Tom Magill, Police Chief. </p><p>5. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION (to be heard at 10:15 A.M.)</p><p>Judith Selz, 717 Layne Blvd, spoke about properties purchased by the City and stated she would like to see the City working with Habitat for Humanity. </p><p>Mary Washington, 700 NW 5TH Court, asked about Agenda Item 8.E. and the 25 year dedication of the Foster Park. </p><p>6. CONSENT AGENDA </p><p>Mayor Cooper reconvened the meeting at 3:47 P.M. </p><p>MAY 6, 2009 2 A. Approval of Minutes - Regular Meeting of December 17, 2008, January 7, 2009 and Special Meeting of February 12, 2009 </p><p>MOTION BY VICE MAYOR JULIAN, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER ROSS TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. The motion carried on a 4/1 voice vote. (Commissioner London voted no). </p><p>7. PUBLIC HEARINGS (to be heard at 10:30 A.M.)</p><p>A. An Ordinance of the City of Hallandale Beach, Florida, Amending the Land Use Element of the City’s Comprehensive Plan by Changing the Land Use Designation of the Property Located at 112 NW 3 Ave from Residential, Low Medium Density to Residential, High Density; Providing for Conflict, Severability and an Effective Date (Second Reading) (This Ordinance is as a Result of Application #017-09-PA by Highland Park Ventures, LLC)(Staff: Director of Development Services)(See Backup)CAD# 021/08</p><p>The City Commission passed the Ordinance on First Reading on April 15, 2009 with a vote of 5/0. </p><p>MOTION BY VICE MAYOR JULIAN, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER ROSS TO DEFER ITEM # 7.A. TO THE MAY 20, 2009 CITY COMMISSION AGENDA FOR A TIME CERTAIN OF 7:30 P.M. The motion carried on a 5/0 voice vote. </p><p>Mayor Cooper recessed the meeting at 1:00 PM. </p><p>8. CITY BUSINESS</p><p>A. Presentation by the Civil Service Advisory Board (Presented by Al Cunningham, Chair)(See Backup)</p><p>Al Cunningham, Chair, gave the presentation. </p><p>B. Presentation by the Beautification Advisory Board (Presented by Phyllis Broccone, Chair)(See Backup)</p><p>Phyllis Broccone, Chair, gave the presentation. </p><p>C. Presentation by the Human Services Advisory Board (Presented by Julie Hamlin, Vice Chair)</p><p>Julie Hamlin, Vice Chair, gave the presentation.</p><p>D. Consideration of the Open Space Park Management Plan for Foster Park (Staff: Director, Parks and Recreation) BP# 022/06 & CAD# 015/02 </p><p>HEARD IN CONJUNCTION WITH ITEM 8.E.</p><p>City Manager Good provided background information on the item and recommended approval. </p><p>MAY 6, 2009 3 MOTION BY VICE MAYOR JULIAN, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER ROSS TO APPROVE THE OPEN SPACE PARK FINAL MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR FOSTER PARK. The motion carried on a 4/1 voice vote. (Commissioner London voted no). </p><p>E. A Resolution of the City of Hallandale Beach, Florida, Dedicating Foster Park to the Public for Twenty-Five Years as an Outdoor Recreation Area (Staff: Director, Parks and Recreation)(See Backup) CAD# 047/05 & BP# 022/06</p><p>HEARD IN CONJUNCTION WITH ITEM 8.D.</p><p>City Manager Good provided background information on the item and recommended approval. </p><p>Mayor Cooper opened the item for public comment. </p><p>Mary Washington, 700 NW 5th Ct, asked if a building at Foster Park was going to be constructed. </p><p>Seeing no other speakers, the public comment was closed. </p><p>Commissioner London inquired on why the park was not being dedicated into perpetuity. City Manager Good noted this resolution does not include the entire park only the portion purchased through the grant. Additionally, City Manager Good advised the designation of parkland as open space in perpetuity will be discussed as part of the City’s Park Master Plan and it will be a Community-based decision. </p><p>MOTION BY VICE MAYOR JULIAN, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER ROSS TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION DEDICATING FOSTER PARK TO THE PUBLIC FOR TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AS AN OUTDOOR RECREATION AREA. The motion carried on roll call vote as follows: </p><p>AYES: Commissioners Ross and Sanders, Vice Mayor Julian and Mayor Cooper</p><p>NAYS: Commissioner London</p><p>F. Consideration of Approval to Apply for a Water Savings Incentive Program (SIP) Grant (Staff: Director, Utilities & Engineering)(See Backup) CAD# 017/07</p><p>City Manager Good provided background information on the item and recommended approval. </p><p>MOTION BY VICE MAYOR JULIAN, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER LONDON TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO APPLY FOR THE WATER SAVINGS INCENTIVE PROGRAM IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $100,000, OF WHICH NO MORE THAN $50,000 WILL SERVE AS THE CITY’S MATCH. FURTHER AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE ALL NECESSARY DOCUMENTS, ESTABLISH ACCOUNTS AND MAKE EXPENDITURES TO IMPLEMENT THE PROJECT. The motion carried on a 5/0 voice vote. </p><p>MAY 6, 2009 4 G. Consideration of Commissioner Appointments for City Representation on the Broward League of Cities (Staff: Acting City Clerk)(see backup)</p><p>MOTION BY VICE MAYOR JULIAN, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER ROSS TO APPOINT COMMISSIONER ROSS AS THE VOTING DELEGATE AND VICE MAYOR JULIAN AS THE ALTERNATE TO THE FLORIDA LEAGUE OF CITIES. The motion carried on a 5/0 voice vote. </p><p>MOTION BY VICE MAYOR JULIAN, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER ROSS TO APPOINT VICE MAYOR JULIAN AS THE VOTING DELEGATE AND COMMISSIONER ROSS AS THE ALTERNATE TO THE NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES. The motion carried on a 5/0 voice vote. </p><p>MOTION BY COMMISSIONER SANDERS, SECONDED BY VICE MAYOR JULIAN TO APPOINT COMMISSIONER ROSS AS THE DIRECTOR, VICE MAYOR JULIAN AS THE FIRST ALTERNATE AND COMMISSIONER SANDERS AS THE SECOND ALTERNATE TO THE BROWARD LEAGUE OF CITIES. The motion carried on a 5/0 voice vote. </p><p>H. A Resolution of the City of Hallandale Beach, Florida, Supporting the Acquisition of 500 Acres of Land in the Everglades from the United States Sugar Corp (Staff: City Attorney)(See Backup)</p><p>City Manager Good provided a substitute Resolution for City Commission consideration. </p><p>Mayor Cooper read the title of the resolution as follows: A Resolution of the City of Hallandale Beach, Florida, Declaring its Support for the Efforts of Governor Charlie Crist and the South Florida Water Management District to Acquire Land South of the Lake Okeechobee for the Protection and Restoration of America’s Everglades and Florida’s Coastal Estuaries. </p><p>Commissioner London clarified that this item was placed on the agenda at his request. </p><p>MOTION BY VICE MAYOR JULIAN, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER ROSS TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF HALLANDALE BEACH, FLORIDA, DECLARING ITS SUPPORT FOR THE EFFORTS OF GOVERNOR CHARLIE CRIST AND THE SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT TO ACQUIRE LAND SOUTH OF THE LAKE OKEECHOBEE FOR THE PROTECTION AND RESTORATION OF AMERICA’S EVERGLADES AND FLORIDA’S COASTAL ESTUARIES. The motion carried on a roll call vote as follows: </p><p>AYES: Commissioners London, Ross and Sanders, Vice Mayor Julian and Mayor Cooper </p><p>NAYS: None</p><p>I. A Resolution Of The City of Hallandale Beach, Florida, Supporting the Department of Defense Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve Organization (Mayor Cooper)(See Backup) CAD# 008/09</p><p>MAY 6, 2009 5 MOTION BY VICE MAYOR JULIAN, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER ROSS TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE EMPLOYER SUPPORT OF THE GUARD AND RESERVE ORGANIZATION. The motion carried on a roll call vote as follows: </p><p>AYES: Commissioners London, Ross and Sanders, Vice Mayor Julian and Mayor Cooper </p><p>NAYS: None</p><p>9. COMMISSIONER REPORTS</p><p>The City Commission discussed activities, events and meetings attended by Commissioners as representative of the City. </p><p>MOTION BY VICE MAYOR JULIAN, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER ROSS TO SUPPORT THE GREEN INITIATIVE COMMITTEE ESTABLISHED BY THE HALLANDALE BEACH AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. The motion carried on a 5/0 voice vote. </p><p>Commissioner London left the dais at 4:17 PM. </p><p>10. OTHER</p><p>The City Commission discussed other City business. </p><p>Commissioner London returned at 4:29</p><p>Vice Mayor Julian left the dais at 4:29 P.M. </p><p>Mayor Cooper discussed staff’s report on the First Time Homebuyers Program and requested for the City to consider purchasing the three foreclosed homes. </p><p>MOTION BY MAYOR COOPER, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER SANDERS TO APPOINT RICHARD STREMLER TO THE BEAUTIFICATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE AS MAYOR COOPER’S APPOINTMENT. The motion carried on a 4/1 voice vote. (Vice Mayor Julian absent). </p><p>Vice Mayor Julian returned at 4:37 PM</p><p>THE CITY COMMISSION REACHED CONSENSUS TO HAVE A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION FOR THE TRAFFIC MASTER PLAN ON JUNE 9, 2009 AT 6:30 P.M. AT THE CULTURAL COMMUNITY CENTER. </p><p>MOTION BY VICE MAYOR JULIAN, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER SANDERS TO DO AN EDUCATIONAL CAMPAIGN REGARDING ONE DAY A WEEK WATER RESTRICTIONS BEING IN PLACE, TO INCLUDE BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO SIGNAGE, LOCATION OF SIGNAGE TO BE DETERMINED BY THE CITY MANAGER. The motion carried on a 5/0 voice vote. </p><p>MAY 6, 2009 6 MOTION BY COMMISSIONER LONDON, SECONDED BY VICE MAYOR JULIAN TO APPOINT JOSEPHINE ALONGI TO THE PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD AS COMMISSIONER LONDON’S APPOINTMENT. The motion carried on a 5/0 voice vote. </p><p>City Manager Good advised he received a letter from the State Department of Education denying the request to build a swimming pool at Hallandale High School. City Manager Good further stated that he has spoken with Senator Eleanor Sobel and will be contacting State Representative Joe Gibbons to continue to pursue this project. </p><p>City Manager Good advised the City will hold a Fourth of July event on Saturday, July 4, 2009, and there will be a fireworks display. </p><p>City Manager Good advised that staff has been instructed to begin the review process for the Ben Gamla Charter School again and that it will go before the Planning and Zoning Board again before being considered by the City Commission. </p><p>11. PLANNING AND SCHEDULING MEETING (to be heard during lunch recess in Room 257)</p><p>Mayor Cooper reconvened the meeting in Room 527 at 1:27 P.M. </p><p>The City Commission discussed events, activities and meetings for the month of May. </p><p>City Manager Good provided the following dates for a Special Meeting regarding the Traffic Master Plan: June 8, June 9 or June 10 at 6:30 PM. The City Commissioners would advise. </p><p>City Manager Good called for an Executive Session regarding Union Negotiations and related Pensions. </p><p>THE CITY COMMISSION REACHED CONSENSUS TO HAVE AN EXECUTIVE SESSION REGARDING UNION NEGOTIATIONS AND RELATED PENSIONS ON MAY 7, 2009 AT 3:00 P.M. </p><p>Mayor Cooper recessed the meeting at 2:33 P.M. </p><p>There being no further business before the Commission, Mayor Cooper adjourned the meeting 5:02 P.M. </p><p>RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED,</p><p>______Mayor ATTEST:</p><p>______Acting City Clerk</p><p>RECORDING SECRETARY: Shari Canada</p><p>MAY 6, 2009 7 APPROVED BY COMMISSION: ______</p><p>MAY 6, 2009 8</p>

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