<p> BSF POLYTECHNIC COURSE CURRICULUM FOR DIPLOMA IN COMPUTER ENGINEERING</p><p>DEVELOPED BY</p><p>BOARD OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION DELHI EFFECTIVE FROM 2005-2006</p><p>DATE: FEBRUARY-2005</p><p>PREPARED BY: KANCHAN KUSHWAHA & MADHUBALA MISHRA CONTENTS</p><p>______Sr.No. Particulars Page No. (s) ______</p><p>1. Study and evaluation scheme 4-9 2. Detailed contents of various subjects 10-73</p><p>Semester-I 11-21</p><p>1.1 Communication Skills 11</p><p>1.2 Applied Maths-I 12-13</p><p>1.3 Engineering Drawing 14</p><p>1.4 Introduction to Information Technology 15-18</p><p>1.5 Workshop Practice 19-21</p><p>Semester-II 22-33</p><p>2.1 Applied Maths-II 22-23 2.2 Applied Physics (Theory) 24-26 2.3 Basic Electronics 27-29 2.4 Electrical Engineering 30-31 2.5 Programming in C 32-33</p><p>Semester-III 35-42</p><p>3.1 Operating system 35 3.2 Digital electronics 36-37 3.3 Data structure in C 38-39 3.4 Microprocessor 40-41 3.5 Computer workshop-I 42</p><p>Semester-IV 43-54</p><p>4.1 Object oriented programming 43-45 4.2 Computer Organization 46 4.3 Data Communication 47-48 4.4 Data base management system 49-50 4.5 Peripheral & interfaces 51-52 4.6 Computer workshop-II 53-54</p><p>Semester-V 56-64 5.1 Computer Troubleshooting & Maintenance 56-57 5.2 Computer Network 58 5.3 Programming in Java 59-60 5.4 Entrepreneurship Development & Management 61-62 5.5 Computer Workshop –III 63-64</p><p>Semester-VI 65-73</p><p>6.1 Computer Graphics 65-66 6.2 Elective 6.2(i) Software Engineering 67 6.2(ii)Advance Computer System Architecture 68-69 6.2(iii)Multimedia Application 70-71 6.2(iv) Network security 72-73</p><p>6.3 Project BOARD OF TCHNICAL EDUCATION, DELHI STUDY & EVALUATION SCHEME-SEMESTER SYSTEM COMPUTER ENGINEERING TERM-I</p><p>S.N O. SUBJECT L T P EVALUATION SCHEME</p><p>INTERNAL TOTAL EXTERNAL ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT MARKS</p><p>WRITTEN M THEORY PRACTICAL HOURS PRACTICALS HOURS MARKS</p><p>1 COMMUNICATION 3 2 - 50 - 100 3 - - 150 SKILLS</p><p>2 APPLIED MATHS-I 4 2 – 50 - 100 3 - - 150</p><p>3 ENGINNERING 2 – 6 - 50 100 3 - - 150 DRAWING</p><p>4 INTRODUCTION TO 2 – 8 50 50 - - 100 3 200 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 5 WORKSHOP - - 50 - - 50 3 100 PRACTICE 6</p><p>STUDENT CENTERED 5 - ACTIVITIES</p><p>11 4 25 150 150 300 150 750 S.N SUBJECT L T P O. EVALUATION SCHEME</p><p>INTERNAL TOTAL EXTERNAL ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT MARKS</p><p>WRITTEN M THEORY PRACTICAL HOURS PRACTICALS HOURS MARKS</p><p>1 APPLIED MATHS-II 4 1 - 50 - 100 3 - - 150</p><p>2 APPLIED PHYSICS 4 1 3 50 50 100 3 50 3 250</p><p>3 BASIC ELECTRONICS 3 1 4 50 50 100 3 50 3 250</p><p>4 ELECTRICAL 3 – 3 50 50 100 3 50 3 250 ENGINEERING</p><p>5 PROGRAMMING IN C 3 1 4 50 50 100 3 50 3 250</p><p>STUDENT CENTERED 5 ACTIVITIES</p><p>17 4 19 250 200 500 200 200 1150</p><p>TERM-II S.N SUBJECT L T P O. EVALUATION SCHEME</p><p>INTERNAL TOTAL EXTERNAL ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT MARKS</p><p>WRITTEN M THEORY PRACTICAL HOURS PRACTICALS HOURS MARKS</p><p>1 OPERATING SYSTEM 3 1 3 50 50 100 3 50 - 250</p><p>2 DIGITAL 3 1 3 50 50 100 3 50 3 250 ELECTRONICS</p><p>3 DATA STRUCTURE IN 3 1 3 50 50 100 3 50 3 250 C</p><p>4 MICROPROCESSOR 3 1 3 50 50 100 3 50 3 250</p><p>5 COMPUTER _ _ - 50 - - 50 - 100 WORKSHOP-I 6 </p><p>STUDENT CENTERED 6 ACTIVITIES</p><p>12 4 24 200 250 400 250 1100</p><p>TERM-III TERM-IV</p><p>S.N SUBJECT L T P O. EVALUATION SCHEME</p><p>INTERNAL EXTERNAL ASSESSMENT TOTAL ASSESSMENT MARKS</p><p>WRITTEN M THEORY PRACTICAL HOURS PRACTICALS HOURS MARKS</p><p>1 OBJECT ORIENTED 3 1 4 50 50 100 3 50 3 250 PROGRAMMING</p><p>2 COMPUTER 3 1 - 50 - 100 3 - - 150 ORGANIZATION </p><p>3 DATA 3 1 3 50 50 100 3 50 3 250 COMMUNICATION </p><p>4 DATABASE 3 1 3 50 50 100 3 50 3 250 MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 5 PERIPHERAL & 3 1 3 50 50 100 3 50 3 250 INTERFACES</p><p>6 COMPUTER _ _ 4 - 50 100 - 50 3 100 WORKSHOP-II</p><p>STUDENT CENTERED 3 ACTIVITIES</p><p>15 5 20 250 250 500 250 1250 S.N SUBJECT L T P O. EVALUATION SCHEME</p><p>INTERNAL EXTERNAL ASSESSMENT TOTAL ASSESSMENT MARKS</p><p>WRITTEN M THEORY PRACTICAL HOURS PRACTICALS HOURS MARKS</p><p>1 COMPUTER 4 1 3 50 50 100 3 50 3 250 TROUBLESHOOTING & MAINTENANCE 2 COMPUTER 4 1 4 50 50 100 3 50 3 250 NETWORK</p><p>3 PROGRAMMING IN 4 1 4 50 50 100 3 50 3 250 JAVA</p><p>4 ENTERPRENUERSHIP 3 1 - 50 - 100 3 - - 150 DEVELOPMENT & MANAGEMENT 5 COMPUTER _ _ - 50 - - 100 150 WORKSHOP-III 6</p><p>STUDENT CENTERED 4 ACTIVITIES</p><p>15 4 21 200 200 400 250 1050</p><p>TERM-V S.N SUBJECT L T P O. EVALUATION SCHEME</p><p>INTERNAL TOTAL EXTERNAL ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENT MARKS</p><p>WRITTEN M THEORY PRACTICAL HOURS PRACTICALS HOURS MARKS</p><p>1 COMPUTER 3 1 6 50 50 100 3 50 3 250 GRAPHICS</p><p>2 ELECTIVE 2.1 SOFTWARE ENGG. 2.2 ADVANCED COMPUTER ARCHITECTU 3 1 6 50 50 100 3 50 3 250 RE 2.3 MULTIMEDI A APLLICATIO N 2.4 NETWORK SECURITY 3 SEMINAR _ _ 16 - 50 - - - - 450</p><p>4 PROJECT 200 250 -</p><p>STUDENT CENTERED _ _ 4 ACTIVITIES</p><p>6 2 32 100 350 200 350 1000</p><p>TERM-VI COMPUTER ENGINEERING DETAILED CONTENTS OF VARIOUS SUBJECTS FIRST YEAR</p><p>______</p><p>Sr.No. Subjects Page No. (S) ______</p><p>Semester-I 11-21</p><p>1.6 Communication Skills 11</p><p>1.7 Applied Maths-I 12-13</p><p>1.8 Engineering Drawing 14</p><p>1.9 Introduction to Information Technology 15-18</p><p>1.10 Workshop Practice 19-21</p><p>Semester-II 22-33</p><p>2.1 Applied Maths-II 22-23 2.2 Applied Physics (Theory) 24-26 2.3 Basic Electronics 27-29 2.4 Electrical Engineering 30-31 2.5 Programming in C 32-33 ______COMMUNICATION SKILLS</p><p>L T P 3 2 - RATIONALE Diploma holders are supposed to communicate effectively through verbal and written modes. They are also expected to acquire skills in preparing different kinds of reports as globalization has made reporting an essential part of communication (interaction). In view of the above requirements, this subject has been added to develop necessary competencies in written and oral communications. Efforts should be made to arrange practice sessions to encourage active participation in mutual interaction. DETAILED CONTENTS</p><p>1- INTRODUCTION: definition of communication, its purpose and importance.</p><p>2- METHODS OF COMMUNICATION: oral, written, and non-verbal (presentation, interview, group discussion, telephonic communication).concept of effective communication and its essentials. Barriers of communication, techniques of overcoming these barriers.</p><p>3- WRITTEN COMMUNICATION: drafting of notices with or without agenda, press releases, advertisements, memoranda circulars forces, electronics mail, complaints, representations, and letters to the editor.</p><p>4- BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE: trade inquiries/request for prices and quotations offers and quotations placing orders and their executions claims, complaints and adjustments business circulars like launching a new product, change of premises, relating to opening new business etc.</p><p>5- LETTER WRITING: application for employment, covering letter forwarding an application, preparation of curriculum vitae/ resume, application on prescribed form preparing job related advertisement.</p><p>6- PRECIS WRITING: making précis of an unseen passage of about 200 to 250 words and giving a suitable title also.</p><p>7- REPORT WRITING: different types of report, essential of a good and effective report, drafting press report/release/ reporting in letter style and in memo style.</p><p>GUIDELINES FOR TUTORIALS</p><p>1: telephonic conversation- making and receiving calls 2: mock exercises on interview for a job 3: group discussion on current issues 4: listening comprehension from radio or TV talk in English 5: extempore speech/ declaration contest 6: presentation of a report with the help of audio- visual aids.</p><p>*** APPLIED MATHS-I</p><p>L T P 4 1 -</p><p>RATIONALE Applied mathematics forms the backbone of engineering discipline. Basic elements of permutations and combinations, trigonometry, vectors, complex numbers and statics have been included in the curriculum as foundation course and to provide base for continuing educations to students. DETAILED CONTENTS</p><p>1: DETERMINANTS & MATRICES Determinant (up to 3rd order only) – expansion of determinant sarus’ diagram row and column expansion Properties of determinant Matrices- types of matrices Addition, subtraction & multiplication of matrices Inverse of a matrix by adjoin matrix method Solutions of linear equations by matrix method</p><p>2: VECTOR ALGEBRA DEFINITION, NOTATION AND RECTANGULAR RESOLUTION OF A VECTOR Addition and subtraction of vectors and their properties Scalar and vector products of two vectors only and their properties</p><p>3: COORDINATE GEOMETRY POINT: Cartesian and polar co-ordinates and their conversion, distance between two points, internal and external division formulae, co-ordinates of centric and incent ere, area of triangle, conditions of co linearity of points, simple problems on locus. STRAIGHT LINE: equation of a straight line in various standard forms, angle between straight lines, perpendicular distance formula. CIRCLE: the equation of circle in standard and general form, finding the equation of circle when its center and radius are given any three points on it is given extremities of the diameter is given. CONICS: definition of conics- parabola, ellipse and hyperbola and their standard equations finding the equation of a parabola when its focus and directory or focus, directory and eccentricity are given. Given the standard equation of conic, to find its focus, directory, vertex, axis, eccentricity and the lotus rectum.</p><p>4: DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS Limits: concept of a function, its value and limit, evaluation of limits, four standards limits only, namely. lim lim (1+x)1’x x-->0 sinx x—>0 ___ , X</p><p>Lim xn-an X—>a ____ , lim ax-1 x-a , ______, x—>0 x</p><p>Differentiation :Defination ,its physical meaning as rate measure and its geometrical meaning Differentiation from first principles of xn,ax,logx sinx ,cosx,tanx only. Differentiation of Cotx,sec x,cosec x and of inverse t – ratios Differentiation of sum , product and quotient of functions Differentiation of function of a function Differentiation of implicit functions and parametric equations Logarithmic differentiation. ***</p><p>ENGINEERING DRAWING</p><p>L T P - - 6</p><p>RATIONALE</p><p>Engineering drawing known as the language of engineers is a widely used means of communication among the designers, engineers, technicians, draftsmen and craftsmen in the industry.The transition of ideas into practice without the use of this graphic language is really beyond imagination.The diploma holder is required to read and interpret the designs and drawing, provided to him for actual execution of the job. This course aims to building a foundation for comprehension of this language of engineering profession. </p><p>DETAILED CONTENTS</p><p>Introduction to instruments and materials used in drawing.</p><p>Plate No.1: Free hands sketching Plate No.2: conventional representation of lines, materials, breaks, electric & electronics symbols. Plate No.3: Free hand lettering and numerals in 3,5,8 & 12 mm series. Vertical and inclined lettering at 75 degree, instrumental single stroke lettering in 12mm. Plate No.4: Dimensions techniques. Plate No.5: Three views of an objects in 1st angle projection. Plate No.6: Six views of an objects in 1st angle projection. Plate NO.7: Three views of an object in 3rd angle projection. Plate No.8: Six views of an objects in 3rd angle projection. Plate No.9: Identification of surfaces from different objects including inclined & curved surfaces. Plate No.10: Sections – conventional representation of materials general conventions of revolved and removed sections. Plate No.11: Representation of pictorial/isometric view of a simple object. Plate No.12: Isometric views of simple objects including slant and curved surfaces. Plate No.13: Isometric of a circle, semicircle, arcs and angles . Plate No.14: Missing views and lines . Plate No.15: Scales ,diagonal scale, scale of chords.</p><p>*** INTRODUCTION TO INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY</p><p>L T P 2 - 6 RATIONALE</p><p>Information technology has great influence on all aspects of life. Almost all work places and living environment are being computerized. In order to prepare diploma holders to work in these environments, it is essential that they are exposed to various aspects of information technology such as understanding the concept of information technology and its scope; operating a computer; use of various tools of MS office using internet etc.</p><p>DETAILED CONTENTS</p><p>1. Information Technology: Its concepts and scope, information seeking information processing and information transmission.</p><p>2. Elements of Computer and its working: Block diagram of computer, input, output and storage devices, memory – primary and secondary, system software, and application software.</p><p>Types of computer – Stand alone, multiuser, network/distributed, personal, micro computers, workstations, servers, mainframes and supercomputers.</p><p>5. Document prepration using word processing software: purpose and characterization of documents, spell checking, mail merge, paragraph and page layout, alignment and justification, tables, charts, graphs, diagrams.</p><p>6. Document presentation using power point: Preparation of slides and its presentation, hyperlinks.</p><p>7. Concept of spread sheet: Handling using spreadsheets formulae, graphs and charts.</p><p>8. Information storage and material: Creating, editing and viewing database, adding, deleting and undeleting records, searching a database, ordering the database on a selected key.\</p><p>9. Basic of networking and internet: concept of networking, overview of internet browser, E-mail, WWW, HTTP, FTP.</p><p>10. Virus: learning various type of viruses such as polymorph virus, stealth virus, boot sector virus, file virus, partition table virus, virus detection, prevention and cure</p><p>LIST OF PRACTICALS 1: Given a PC, name its various components and list their functions. 2: Identification of various parts of a computer and peripherals. 3: practice in installing a computer system by giving connections and loading the system software and application software. 4: features of windows 2000/ windows XP. start shutdown and restore creating and operating on the icons opening , closing and sizing the windows using the elementary job commands like- creating,saving, modifying, renaming,finding and deleting a file creating and operating on a folder changing setting like- date, time, color(background and foreground) using shortcuts using online help windows system tools control panel</p><p>7: MS- WORD</p><p> File management:</p><p>Opening, creating and saving a document, locating files, copying contents in some different file(s)</p><p> Page setup:</p><p>Setting margins, tab setting, ruler, indenting</p><p> Editing a document:</p><p>Entering a text , cut ,copy, and paste using toolbars.</p><p> Formatting a document:</p><p>Using different fonts , changing font size and color, changing the appearance through bold/italic/underlined, highlighting a text, changing case, using subscript using different underline methods</p><p> Aligning of text in a document , justification of document, inserting bullets and numbering.</p><p> Formatting paragraph, inserting page breaks and column breaks</p><p> Use of headers , footers: inserting footnote, endnote,use of comments</p><p> Inserting date, time, special symbols , importing graphic images, drawing tools</p><p> Tables and borders: Creating a table,formatting cells, partition of cells, inserting and deleting a row in a table</p><p> Print preview, zoom,page setup, printing options</p><p> Using tools like:</p><p>Spellchecker, help, use of macros, mail-merge, thesaurus word content and statistics, printing envelops and labels</p><p> Using shapes and drawing toolbar</p><p> Working with more than one window in MS-WORD</p><p> How to change the version of the document from one window OS to another</p><p> Conversion between different text editors, software and MS-WORD</p><p>8:MS- EXCEL</p><p> Starting excel, open worksheet, enter , edit,data, formulas to calculate values, format data , create chart, printing chart, save worksheet, switching from another spread sheet</p><p> Menu commands:</p><p> Create , format data, organize, manage data , solving problem by analyzing data ,exchange with another application. Programming with MS-EXCEL,getting information while working</p><p> WORK BOOKS:</p><p>Managing work books ( create , open, close,save) , working in workbooks, selecting the cells, choosing commands, data entering technics, formula creation and links, controlling calculations,working with array.</p><p> Editing a worksheet, copying,moving cell, pasting,inserting,deletion cells, rows, columns,find and replace text,numbers of cells, formatting work sheets.</p><p> CREATING A CHART:</p><p>Working with chart types, changing data in chart, formatting a chart, use chart to analyze data</p><p> Using a list to organize data, sorting and filtering data list</p><p>9: MS-ACCESS Creating a data base ;table;the table window in designed view, defining fields, primary key fields, planning the table.</p><p> Using data sheet view and designed view ,; modifying the design of a table, making a back up copy</p><p> ADDING AND EDITOR</p><p>The access editor, adding and modifying records , moving data among records, adding sample data.</p><p> FINDING RECORDS:</p><p>Find options, find using wildcard, find and replace</p><p> QUICK SORT:</p><p>Creating a quick sort , removing quick sort </p><p>10: MS- POWERPOINT</p><p> Preparing presentation :</p><p>Creating a new slide, sorting slides, inserting pictures, setting header and footer.</p><p> FORMATTING:</p><p>Setting fonts, alignments, slide design , slide lay out</p><p> SLIDE SHOW;</p><p>View show, rehearse timing, action buttons,slide transition, animation skills.</p><p>11:INTERNET AND ITS APPLICATION</p><p>Log -in to internet Navigation for information seeking on internet Browsing and downloading of information from internet Sending and receiving E-mail Creating a message</p><p> Creating a address book</p><p> Attaching a file with E-mail message</p><p> Receiving a message Deleting a messaging</p><p>Configuring MS-OUTLOOK Express </p><p>***</p><p>WORKSHOP PRACTICE</p><p>L T P - - 6 RATIONALE Manual abilities to handle engineering materials with hand tools to be developed in the students. They will be using different types of tools/equipment in different shops for fabrication purposes. Besides developing the necessary skills, the students will appreciate the importance of quality and safety measures.</p><p>DETAILED CONTENTS</p><p>Following four shops are being proposed:</p><p>1. Fitting shop</p><p>2. Sheet metal shop</p><p>3. Electric shop</p><p>4. Electronics shop</p><p>1. Fitting Shop</p><p> Introduction to fitting shop, common materials used in fitting shop, description and demonstration of various type of work-holding devices and surface plate, V-block.</p><p> Demonstration and use of simple operation of hack-sawing, demonstration of various type of blades and there uses.</p><p> Demonstrate and use of all important fitting shop tools with the help of neat sketches (files, punch, hammer, scraper, taps and dyes etc.).</p><p> Introduction of chipping, demonstration on chipping and its applications, demonstration and function of chipping tools.</p><p> Description, demonstration and practice and simple operation of hack saw, straight and angular cutting.</p><p> Demonstrations, descriptions and use of various types of blades there uses and method of fitting the blade.</p><p> Introduction and use of measuring tools used in fitting shop like: Try square, Steel rule, Measuring tape, Outside micrometer, Vernier caliper and Vernier height gauge.</p><p> Job: Cutting and filling practice on a square of 45x45mm 2 from MS flat</p><p> Job: Angular cutting practice of 45 degree(on the above job)</p><p> Job: H-Fitting in Mild Steel (ms) square 2. Sheet metal shop</p><p>Introduction to forging, forging tools, tongs, blowers/pressure blowers, hammers, chisels, punch, anvil, swage-block etc. Forging operations.</p><p> Making sheet metal joints</p><p> Making sheet metal trey or a funnel or a computer chassis</p><p> Preparation of sheet metal jobs valuing rolling, shearing, creasing, bending or cornering</p><p> Prepare a lap re\ riveting joint of sheet metal pieces</p><p>3. Electric shop</p><p> Demonstration of tools commonly used in electric shop</p><p> Safety precaution, electric shock treatment</p><p> Demonstration of common electric material like: wires, fuses, ceiling roses, battens, cleats and allied items</p><p> Demonstration of Voltmeter, Ammeter, Multi meter and Energy meter</p><p> o Job: Wiring practice in batten wiring, plastic casing-capping and conduit</p><p> o Job: Control of lamp by one switch</p><p> o Job: Control of one bell by one switch</p><p> o Job: Assemble a Type light</p><p> o Job: Dismantle study, find out fault, assemble and test domestic appliances like electric iron, electric mixer, ceiling and table fan, tube-light, water heater (geyser) and desert cooler</p><p> o Job: Laying out of complete wiring of a house (Single-phase and three-phase)</p><p>4 Electronics shop</p><p> Identification, familiarization, demonstration and use of the following electronic instruments</p><p> Multi-meter digital Single beam simple CRO, function of every knob on the front panel</p><p> Power supply, fixed voltage and variable voltage, simple output as well as duel output</p><p> Identification, familiarization and uses of commonly used tools; active and passive components; color code and types of resister and potentiometers </p><p> Cut, strip, join and insulate two lengths and wires/cables (repeat with different types of cables/wires)</p><p> Demonstrate and practice the skill to remove components/ wires by unsoldering</p><p> Cut, bend, tin component, leads, inserts, solder components e.g. resistor, capacitor, diodes, transistors on a PCB </p><p> Wiring of a small circuit on a PCB/tag strip involving laying, sleeving and use of identifier tags</p><p> Demonstrate the joining (or connecting) methods/mounting and dismantling method, as well as uses of the items mentioned below:</p><p> Various types off plugs, sockets, connectors suitable for general purpose audio video use. Some of the such connectors e.g. 2 & 3 pin main plug and sockets, banana plugs, sockets and similar male and female connectors and terminal strips</p><p> Various types of switches such as: normal/miniature, toggle, slide, push button piano key, rotary, SPST, SPDT, DPST, band selector, multi-way Master Mains switch</p><p> Exposure to modem soldering and de-soldering processes (Field Visits)</p><p> De-solder pump, remove and clean all the components and wires from a given equipment, a PBC or a tag strip *** APPLIED MATHS –II</p><p>L T P 4 1 - RATIONALE</p><p>Applied mathematics forms the backbone of engineering discipline .Basic elements of differential calculus, integral calculus, differential equation and coordinate geometry have been included in the curriculum as foundation course and to proved base for continuing education to the students. </p><p>DETAILED CONTENTS</p><p>1. Integral calculus</p><p>1.1.Indefinite Integrals.</p><p>1.2.Physical meaning of Integration.</p><p>1.3.Integration as inverse process differentiation.</p><p>1.4.Integration by substitution, by parts and by partial fractions.</p><p>1.5.Integration of rational and irrational quadratic expressions viz 1.6.Definite Integrals.</p><p> dx/a(x^2)+bx+c’ dx/a(x^2)+bx+c’ a(x^2)+bx+cdx</p><p>1.6 Definite Integrals 1.6.1 Evaluations of definite Integrals 1.6.2 Simple problems of integrations 1.6.3 numerical Integration by Simpson’ s rule</p><p>2. Fourier series</p><p>2.1 Periodic function, equation of waves 2.2 Determination of Fourier coefficients, expansion of a periodic function by Fourier series 2.3 Functions defined in two or more sub ranges.</p><p>3. Laplace transform</p><p>3.1 Introduction 3.2 Laplace transform 3.3 Important Formulae 3.4 Properties of Laplace Transforms 3.5 Inverse Transforms 3.6 Laplace Transform of the Derivative of f(t) 3.7 Laplace Transform of Derivative of order n 3.8 Laplace Transform of Integral of f(t) 3.9 Laplace Transform of t^2 f(t) 3.10 Laplace Transform of 1/t [f(t)] 4. Set Theory</p><p>4.1 Sets 4.2 Subsets 4.3 Equality of two sets 4.4 Notation for describing sets 4.5 The Empty set 4.6 Venn diagrams 4.7 Unions and Intersections 4.8 Difference of sets 4.9 Family of sets Indexed by a set 4.10 Arbitrary union and intersection of sets 4.11 Complement of a set ***</p><p>APPLIED PHYSICS (THEORY)</p><p>L T P 4 2 3 1. MEASUREMENT</p><p>1.1 Units and Dimensions</p><p>Fundamental and Derived Units:</p><p>S.I. Units. Dimensions of Physical quantities. Dimensional formula and Dimensional equation Principle of homogeneity of dimensions and applications of homogeneity principle in:</p><p>(i) Checking the correctness of physical equation, (ii) Deriving relations among various physical quantities, and</p><p>(iii) Conversion of numerical values of physical quantities from one system of units into others,</p><p>1.2 Limitation of dimensional analysis.</p><p>2. BASIC MECHANICS</p><p>2.1 Newton’s laws of motion and their applications conservation of linear momentum. Circular motion, angular velocity, angular acceleration and centripetal force. Conservation of angular momentum. (only conceptual explanations of the physical parameters ) Vector and scalar quantities additions, subtraction and multiplication of vectors (physical examples ).</p><p>2.2 Concept of work, power and energy, different firms of energy. Mass Energy relation.</p><p>3. PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS</p><p>3.1 Elasticity </p><p>Elasticity , stress and strain, Hook’s law, elastic limit, Yielding point and breaking point. Modulus of elasticity, Young’s modulus, bulk modulus and modulus of rigidity . 3.2 Surface Tension </p><p>Introduction, cohesive and adhesive forces, Molecular theory of surface tension. Angle of Contact. Application of surface tension. 3.3 Viscosity </p><p>Fluid motion , streamline and turbulent motion, viscous forces ,co-efficient of viscosity , and its Determination by Stoke’s method and Poisuelle’s method.</p><p>4 HEAT AND TEMPERATURE</p><p>4.1 Concept of heat and temperature on the bases of kinetic theory, Units of heat, Basic principles of measurement of temperature. Various thermometers like mercury thermometer thermocouples, bimetallic thermometer, resistance thermometer, Pyrometers (Principle, construction and working). Criteria for the selection of the thermometer.</p><p>4.2 HEAT TRANSFER</p><p>Modes of heat transfer, coefficient of thermal conductivity and its determination by (i) Searle’s method for good conductor and (ii) Lee’s method for poor conductors conduction of heat through compound media. Radiation of energy. Prevost’s theory of heat exchange. Absorptivity and emissivity. Black body. 5. SIMPLE HARMONIC MOTION </p><p>Periodic motion, characteristics of simple harmonic motion, equation of S.H.M. and determination of velocity and acceleration. Graphical representation. Simple pendulum. Derivation of there periodic time. Energy consideration in S.H.M. definition of free, forced, damped and resonant vibration.</p><p>6. WAVES</p><p>Generation of waves by vibrating bodies. Progressive waves. Equation of wave. Super-position of waves and its applications to interference, beats and stationary wave-graphical method. Sound and light as wave frequencies, wavelengths, velocities and nature.</p><p>7. GEOMETRICAL OPTICS</p><p>Defects in image formation (qualitative) Microscope (simple and compound) and telescope (Astronomical, terrestrial theodolite) and their magnifying powers. Optical projections principles. Epidiascope and overhead projector.</p><p>8. WAVE OPTICS</p><p>Interference of light waves. Young’s experiment. Applications of interference (planeness testing, measurement of small thicknesses). Diffraction of light wave. Polarization of light and its engineering applications. Simple concept of electromagnetic spectrum.</p><p>9. ATOMIC STRUCTURE</p><p>Atomic structure , Bohr’s theory, energy level diagram, excitation, ionization, de-excitation and radiation. Quantum numbers m1, m, s.Pauli’s principle bonds in molecules and solids.</p><p>10. SEMICONDUCTOR PHYSICS</p><p>Energy band formation . Band structure of conductors insulators and and semiconductors . Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors effect of temperature. </p><p>11. NUCLEAR PHYSICS</p><p>Binding energy mass defect, energies of nuclear reactions . Nuclear instability radioactive emission. Radiation damage. Nuclear fission and fussion. Nuclear reactors and there applications.</p><p>LISTS OF EXPERIMENTS</p><p>1. Use of vernier calipers, screw gauge and spherometer in measurement.</p><p>2. Determination of centripetal force.</p><p>3. Verification of law of conservation of energy. 4. Determination of ‘Y’ (Youngs’s Modulus) by Searle’s method.</p><p>5. Study of vibration of simple pendulum.</p><p>6. Determination of surface tension by capillary rise method.</p><p>7. Determination of coefficient of viscosity (Stoke’s method).</p><p>8. Study of interference and sound waves by Quinke’s tube and determination of wavelength.</p><p>9. Combination of suitable lenses to form a telescope and determine its magnifying power.</p><p>10. Measurement of small thickness by interference method.</p><p>11. Measurement of thermal conductivity of a good conductor by Searle’s method.</p><p>12. Measurement of conductivity of a poor conductor by Lee’s method.</p><p>13. Combination of suitable lenses to form a compound microscope and determine its magnifying power.</p><p>14. To study Newton’s ring experiments and determine the wavelength of sodium light.</p><p>NOTE : At least 10 experiments must be done by a student. These could be taken ass optimal experiment.</p><p> These experiments are optional.</p><p>*** BASIC ELECTRONICS</p><p>L T P 3 1 3 RATIONALE</p><p>This subject gives the knowledge of fundamental concepts of basic electronics for effective functioning in the field of electronics service industry.</p><p>DETAILED CONTENTS</p><p>1. INTRODUCTION</p><p> Definition of electronic , application of electronics.</p><p> Introduction to active and passive components.</p><p> Circuit control and protective devices.</p><p> Voltage and current sources.</p><p>2. SEMI CUNDUCTOR PHYSICS.</p><p> 2.1 Intrinsic semiconductor: conductivity, atomic and crystal structure of germanium and silicon, covalent bonds, generation and recombination of carriers, effect of temperature on conductivity of intrinsic semi conductors.</p><p> 2.2 Extrinsic semi conductors : doping of impurity P&N types semi conductors and their conductivity , minority and majority carriers, drift and diffusion currents.</p><p> 2.3 Hall effect.</p><p>3. SEMI CONDUCTOR DIODES.</p><p> 3.1 P –N Junction diode : formation of depletion layer in the P-N junction . P-N junction as forward bias and as reverse bias . 3.2 Semi conductor diode characteristics, static and dynamic resistance there calculation from diode characteristic.</p><p> 3.3 Diode as rectifier : half wave, full wave, bridge rectifiers, ripple factor and its value for half and full wave rectified out put. Calculation of DC voltage output, RMS voltage and efficiency.</p><p> 3.4 Filter circuits : Capacitors input filter, choke input filter, LC filter, RC filter and PI filter.</p><p> 3.5 Brief idea and applications of power diodes, zener diode and character diode.</p><p>4. INTRODUCTION TO THE BIPOLAR TRANSITORS AND FETS</p><p> Concept of bipolar transistor as two junction three terminal device, PNP and NPN transistors there symbols and mechanism of current flow, explanations of fundamental current relations, concept of leakage current, effect of temperature on leakage of current.</p><p> CB, CC & CE configuration : input and output characteristics, determination of the transistor parameters current amplification factors.</p><p> 4.3 Transistor as an amplifier in CE configuration, DC load line, concept of power gain.</p><p> 4.4 JEET : construction, operation, characteristic , JEET parameters.</p><p> 4.5 MOSFET : Introduction, theory of operations, MOSFET parameter application.</p><p> 4.6 comparisons between BJT & FET .</p><p> 4.7 basic BJT & FET amplifier .</p><p> 4.8 Introductory idea of single stage, multistage and feedback amplifiers.</p><p>5. TRANSISTOR BIASING & STABLISATION OF OPERATING POINT</p><p> The DC operating points and load line.</p><p> Stability factor, factors effecting stability of Q-point.</p><p> Condition for proper biasing of the transistors.</p><p> Methods of transistor biasing : base bias, ammeter feedback bias, collector feedback bias, voltage divide bias.</p><p> Hybrid parameters: Introduction, h-parameters of linear circuits, hybrid equivalent circuit of a transistor, approximate hybrid formula for transistor amplifier. 6. INTEGRATED CIRCUITS</p><p> Integrated circuits, analysis of principle of analog integrated circuits and digital integrated circuits.</p><p> Ideal OPAMP, parameters of OPAMP, inverting, non-inverting, OPAMP as summer, subtracter or differentiate and integrator voltage follower</p><p>7. OPTOELECTRONICS DEVICES</p><p> Working principles and characteristics and applications of photo diode, photo transistor, photo voltaic cells, LEDs, LCDs and upto couplers</p><p>8. POWER AMPLIFIERS</p><p> Thyristors: Introduction to the thyristor family, SCR theory of operation characteristics, applications of SCR.</p><p> UJT: Basic theory of operation, characteristics and structure, applications.</p><p>LIST OF PRACTICAL</p><p>1. Familiarization with operation of following instruments</p><p>(A) Multimeter</p><p>(B) C.R.O.</p><p>(C) Signal Generator</p><p>(D) Regulated Power Supply</p><p>2. Plot V-I characteristics for P-N Junction diode & Zener diode</p><p>3. Observe the wave shape of following rectifier circuits</p><p>(A) Half Wave Rectifier</p><p>(B) Full Wave Rectifier</p><p>(C) Bridge Rectifier</p><p>4. Plot the wave shape of full wave rectifier with</p><p>(A) Shunt capacitor filter</p><p>(B) Series inductor filter</p><p>(C) Pie filter 5. Plot input and output characteristic and calculate parameters of transistor in CE and CB configuration.</p><p>6. Plot V-I characteristics of FET amplifier.</p><p>7. Measure the Q-point and note the variation of Q-point</p><p>(A) By increasing the base resistance in fixed bias circuit</p><p>(B) By changing out of bias resistance in potentials divider circuit</p><p>8. Measure the voltage gain input output impedance in single state CE amplifier circuit.</p><p>9. Study of Opamps as</p><p>(A) ADDER</p><p>(B) SUBTRACTOR</p><p>(C) INTEGRATOR</p><p>(D) DIFFENTIATOR</p><p>*** ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING</p><p>L T P 3 1 3 RATIONALE</p><p>This course will enable the student to understand the basic concept and principles of d.c and a.c fundamentals, a.c circuits, batteries, electromagnetic etc.Including constant voltage and current source.a diploma holder may be involved in various jobs ranging from preventive maintenance of electrical installation to local faults location etc.in addition he may be working in testing laboratories where he uses measuring instrument .to carry out these similar jobs effectively knowledge of basic concept, principles and these application is very essential.</p><p>DETAILED CONTENTS</p><p>1.DC circuits</p><p> Nature of electricity,basic terms-current,voltage,potential difference,power,energy &heating effect of electric current.</p><p> Ohm’s law,concept of resitance,resistivity and conductance.</p><p> Effect of temperature on resistance,resistances in series and parallel.</p><p> Kirchoff’s current law and voltage law and their application in simple dc circuits,conversion from star to delta and delta to star.</p><p>2.Network theorems</p><p>Superposition theorem,reciprocity theorem ,thevenin theorem,norton’s theorem & Maximum power transfer theorem.</p><p>3. Electrostatic</p><p> Static electricity-absolute and relative permittivity of medium,laws of electrostatics. Concept of electric field,electric flux,electric field density and intensity,gauss’s theorem coulomb’s law.</p><p> Potential and potential at a point,potential of a charged sphere,equipotential surface,potential and electric intensity inside a conducting sphere,concept of breakdown voltage and dielectric strength.</p><p> Capacitor, capacitance, cylindrical and spherical capacitor, energy stored in a capacitor, parallel plate capacitor, series & parallel combination of capacitor.</p><p>4. magnetism and electromagnetism </p><p> Absolute and relative permittivity, coulomb’s law,magnetic field strength ,magnetic flux and flux density,intensity of magnetization.</p><p> Analogy between electric and magnetic circuit.</p><p> Magnetic field around a current carrying conductor and circular loop,force between two parallel current carrying conductor.</p><p> Faraday’s law lenz’s law,self & mutually induced EMF.</p><p> Energy stored in a magnetic circuit.</p><p>5. AC theory </p><p>Concept of alternating voltage and current ,difference between ac and dc,concept of cycle,frequency,time period ,amplitude,instantaneous value,average value,rms value,form factor(definition only).</p><p>6.Measuring instrument</p><p> Working principle & construction of moving coil and moving iron instrument.Extension of their range.</p><p> Principle & working of wattmeter.</p><p> Energy meter(induction type)</p><p>7. Transformer and UPS</p><p> Principle, operation and constructional features of single phase transformers- core- type, shell type</p><p> Isolation transformer</p><p> Brief study of various types of power problems use of UPS and CVT their working</p><p>LIST OF PRACTICAL 1. Verification of Kirchhoff’s Current Law and voltage Law in a DC circuit.</p><p>2. Prove the series combination of resistance are Req.=R1+R2+R3.</p><p>3. Prove the parallel combination of Resistance 1/Req.=1/R1+1/R2+1/R3</p><p>4. Verification of Thevinin’s Theorem, Superposition theorem and maximum power transfer </p><p> theorem. </p><p>5. Determine the iron and copper losses by performing open and short circuit test on single phase transformer.</p><p>6. Conversion of Galvanometer into Ammeter and voltmeter.</p><p>7. Measurement of single phase power in AC circuit using Wattmeter.</p><p>8. Measurement of energy of a given load by single phase KWH meter.</p><p>***</p><p>PROGRAMMING IN C</p><p>L T P 3 1 3 RATIONALE</p><p>In order to enable the students’s use of computer effectively in problem solving , this course offers the model programming language along with exposure to various application of computer . The knowledge of C language will be reinforced by the practical exersices </p><p>DETAILED CONTENT</p><p>1: Introduction of ‘C ‘language-structure of ‘C’ program , some simple C programs, procedure to execute a ‘C’ program Data type, constants and variables 2: C character sets, identifiers and keywords, data type constants, variables, expression, statement, symbolic constants.</p><p>3: OPERATORS AND EXPRESSION:</p><p>Arithmetic operators, relational and logical operators, unary operators , assignment operators, conditional operators</p><p>4:DATA INPUT AND OUTPUT:</p><p>Library functions, unformatted input output getchar, putchar, gets, puts,getch, getche.formatted input output -scanf, printf.</p><p>5: CONTROL STATEMENTS AND LOOP STRUCTURES</p><p>Branching : the if-else statement, looping: while , do-while, for. Nested control structure statements, break, continue, exit.comma operator, jumping : goto statement.</p><p>6: FUNCTIONS</p><p>Introduction to functions ,need of functions, function definition, function declaration and prototype, passing arguments to functions , passing argument by value, recursion.</p><p>7: ARRAY</p><p>Introduction to arrays, array declaration, single and multidimensional array .ex- array order reversal, removal of duplicates from an ordered array , binary search, matrix multiplication.</p><p>8:STRING introduction to strings , string constants, variables, input output of string data , standard library string functions- strlen(),strcat(),strcpy(),strcmp().</p><p>9: POINTERS</p><p>Introductions to pointers, address operator and indirection operator, declaring and initialize pointers, pointers in parameter passing, call by reference , pointers and one dimensional array, operation on pointers and one dimensional arrays, operation on pointers, dynamic memory location- malloc, calloc.</p><p>10: STRUCTURES AND UNION</p><p>Introduction to structures , declareation of structures, accessing structures members initialization arrays of structures, user defined data type ( typedef),introduction to unions </p><p>11:FILES</p><p>Introduction to file handling –fopen,fclose,fscanf, fprintf,getc,putc</p><p>Additional features of C:</p><p>Enumerations , macro, c pre-processor LIST OF PRACTICALS</p><p>1: programming exercises on executing and editing c programs 2: programming exercises on defining variables and assigning values to variables 3: programming exercises on arithmetical, relational operators 4: programming exercises on arithmetic expression and their evaluation. 5: programming exercise on formatting input output using printf and scanf 6: programming exercise using if statement 7: programming exercises using if-else statement 8: programming exercises on switch statement 9: programming exercise on do- while statement 10:programming exercises on for statement 11: programs on one dimensional array 12: programs on two dimensional array 13: programs on strings</p><p>Programs for putting two string s together Programs for compairing two strings 14: simple programs using pointer 15: simple programs using structures 16: simple programs using files </p><p>COMPUTER ENGINEERING DETAILED CONTENTS OF VARIOUS SUBJECTS SECOND YEAR</p><p>______</p><p>Sr.no. subjects Page No. (s) ______</p><p>Semester-III 35-42</p><p>3.1 Operating system 35 3.2 Digital electronics 36-37 3.3 Data structure in C 38-39 3.4 Microprocessor 40-41 3.5 Computer workshop-I 42</p><p>Semester-IV 43-54 4.1 Object oriented programming 43-45 4.2 Computer Organization 46 4.3 Data Communication 47-48 4.4 Data base management system 49-50 4.5 Peripheral & interfaces 51-52 4.6 Computer workshop-II 53-54</p><p>______</p><p>OPERATING SYSTEM</p><p>L T P 3 1 3 RATIONALE</p><p>The course provides the students with an understanding of human computer interfaces existing in computer systems & the basic concepts of operating system & its working. The aim is to gain the proficiency in using various operating systems after undergoing this course .</p><p>DETAILED CONTENTS</p><p>1 . Brief introduction to system software: compiler , assembler , loader,operating system.</p><p>2. Overview of operating system: operating system as resource manager, operating system services.system calls, operating system classification-single user , multi user,batch processing, time sharing, real time operating system, multi processing, distributed operating system, network operating system. 3. Memory management: single contiguous allocation, partitioned allocation. Relocatable , partitioned allocation, page allocation,segmentation.</p><p>4. Processor management: processor overview, process states, multi programming, levels of schedulers, multi processor scheduling, dead lock, necessary condition for dead lock, dead lock prevention.</p><p>5. File management: file supports , access methods, contiguous, linked and indexed allocation, directory systems, single level, two levels, three structure, graph, directory system and file protection.</p><p>6. Device management: dedicated , shared and virtual devices, sequential access, direct access devices, interrupt processing, idea of spooling, disk scheduling.</p><p>7. Case study: case study of window operating system.</p><p>LIST OF PRACTICAL</p><p>1: practical exercises involving various internal and external DOS Commands. 2: exercises on windows operating system. 3: exercises on UNLX/Linux operating system-shell programming/ operating system commands. ***</p><p>DIGITAL ELECTRONICS</p><p>L T P 3 - 3</p><p>RATIONALE</p><p>The objective this subject is to enable the student to know the basic concepts of digital electronics and gain familiarity with the available IC Chips. This will form a broad base for studying microprocessor and further subjects.</p><p>DETAILED CONTENTS 1: NUMBER SYSTEM AND CODES</p><p> BINARY NUMBERS:- decimal , binary , 0ctal, hexadecimal number systems, conversion from one number system to another system.</p><p> BINARY ARITHMETIC:- binary addition , substraction , multiplication, division 1’s complement, 2’s complement of binary numbers, arithmetic operation with signed numbers.</p><p> BINARY CODES:- binary coded decimal (BCD) code, excess-3 code, error detection code, the grey code or reflected code, alphanumeric code.</p><p>2: BOOLEAN ALGEBRA</p><p> Digital logic operartion:- digital logic, +ve logic, -ve logic, logic operation, logic gates: definition and symbols.</p><p> Fundamental of Boolean algebra:- Boolean algebra, Boolean function, basic theorem and identities.</p><p> Minimization technique for logic operation:- sum of product and product of sum rule, karnaugh map technique upto four variables.</p><p> Digital logic family:- direct coupled logic circuits, resistor transistor logic, transistor transistor logic (TTL) , complementery MOS (CMOS) ,characteristic and comparision of TTL & CMOS .</p><p>3: COMBINATIONAL LOGIC CIRCUIT</p><p> Adders and subtractors:- basic adders and subtractors, parallel binary address, ripple carry and look ahead carry address.</p><p> Digital comparators :- exclusive OR gates as comparator, comparator for 2 bit binary number.</p><p> Decode, encoder: multiplexer, demultiplexer.</p><p>4: SEQUENTIAL LOGIC CIRCUITS</p><p>Operating characteristics of flip-flop(latch), set reset flip flop , clocked flip- flop, edge triggered flip- flop, T flip- flop, D flip flop, and master slave JK flip flop.</p><p>5: COUNTERS </p><p>3bit asynchronous counter, binary ripple counter, synchronous counter, synchronous decade counter, and up- down counter.</p><p>6: REGISTER AND MEMORIES Registers: flip- flop as register,types of register serial in serial out shift register, serial in parallel out shift register , parallel in parallel out shift register, parallelin parallel out shift register , parallel in serial out shift register.</p><p> Memories: classification of memories, RAM, ROM</p><p>7.ANALOG TO DIGITAL& DIGITAL TO ANALOG CONVERTERS</p><p>General principle of A/D and D/A conversion and brief data of their application binary register network register and register ladder network ,method of D/A conversion.</p><p>LIST OF PRACTICALS</p><p>1. Study of logic bread board and verification of truth table for AND , OR,NAND,EX-OR,NOR gate.</p><p>2. Verification of NAND,and NOR gate as Universal gates.</p><p>3. Construction of half adder and full adder circuit using Ex-OR gate and NAND gate and verification of their operation.</p><p>4. Verify the operation of MUX using an IC</p><p>5. Verify the operation of DEMUX using an IC</p><p>6. Verify the operation of BCD to Decimal decoder using an IC</p><p>7. Verify the operation of BCD to Seven segment decoder using an IC</p><p>8. Verify operation SR, JK,D,flip flpop,Master slave JK ff using an IC</p><p>9. Verify operations of SISO,PISO,SIPO,& PIPO shift registers (Universal Shift registers)</p><p>10. Study of ring counter UP-Douwn counter</p><p>11. Construct & verify the operation of an asynchronous binary and decade counter using JK flipflop</p><p>12. Verification of truth tables & studt the operatin of tri-state buffer IC 74126 or similar IC and construction of 4/8 bit bi-directional bus by using an IC</p><p>13. Testing of digital ICs using IC tester.</p><p>*** DATA STRUCTURE USING C</p><p>L T P 3 1 3</p><p>RATIONALE</p><p>The data structure are the technique of designing the basic algorithm for real life projects. Understanding of data structure is essential and this facilitates the understanding of language. </p><p>DETAILED CONTENTS</p><p>1: Problem solving concepts</p><p>Top down and bottom up design, structured programming and debugging technique, program testing to documentation, consideration for choice of paper.</p><p>2: Data type and data structure</p><p>Concept of data type and data structure, difference between data type and data structure, view of data structure at logical level, implementation level and application level,built in data structure and user defined data structure </p><p>3:User defined data structure</p><p>Difference between user defined and built –in data structure.Linear linked list, creation , lnsertion, deletion, traversal, array, circular link list creation, insertion ,deletion, traversal, doubly link list:creation , ,insertion, deletion, traversal and their application</p><p>4:Stacks</p><p>Stack definition and example representation of stacks as an array ,stack operation, pointer implementation of list, comparision of two implementation linked list representation, application of stacks .</p><p>5:Queues</p><p>Queues definition and examples , representation of queues using array, queues operation, link list representation of queues, application of queues, dequeue</p><p>6:Non linear data structure </p><p>Trees, terminology of trees ,concepts and application of binary trees, linked representation of binary trees , tree traversal technique and algorithm using recursion and non recursive methods, creation of binary trees , inserting a node in binary trees and deletion of node from binary tree and searching in binary tree. 7:Searching and sorting </p><p>Searching technique –sequential search and binary search, sorting technique:insertion sort, selection sort , bubble sort, quick sort, merge sort, heap sort and their efficiency consideration.</p><p>LIST OF PRACTICAL</p><p>1: Problems on array for insertion,deletion and searching. 2: Problems on operation of linear linked list. 3: Problems on operation of circular linked list 4: Problems on operations of doubly linked list. 5: Program on implementations of step as an array as well as pointers . 6: Program on implementation of queues as an array. 7: Program on dequeues. 8:Program on tree such as construction of binary trees , insertion, deletion and searching in binary trees 9: Program on tree traversal algorithm- pre order, inorder an post order 10: Program to count the leaves and to find height of tree. 11:Program on linear and binary search. 12:Program on sorting technique Insertion sort, selection sort, bubble sort, quick sort,merge sort.</p><p>*** MICROPROCESSOR</p><p>L T P 3 1 3</p><p>RATIONALE </p><p>The study of microprocessor in terms of architecture, software and interfacing techniques leads to understanding of working of CPU in a microcomputer. The development in microprocessor of 32 bit architecture brings them face to face with main frame finding employment in R&D , assembly, repair and maintenance of hardware of microprocessor and computer.</p><p>DETAILED CONTENTS</p><p>1:Microprocessor architecture </p><p>Intel 8085- architecture blocks diagram, function of ALU, timing and control unit, registers, data, addresses and control buses. Pin configuration and function of various pin ,flags. Instruction cycle-fetch and execute operation M/C cycle and state. Timing diagram –opcode fetch cycle,memory read and write operation Memory organization,memory map and addresses ,basic concepts of memory interfacing ,addresses decoding and memory addresses.</p><p>2: Microprocessor instruction </p><p>Instruction set, instruction classification ,instruction word size ,addressing modes. Detailed instructions-data transfer instruction,arithmetic instruction ,logic instruction,branch instruction, machine control. 3:Programming concepts </p><p>Programming techniques-looping ,counting,indexing</p><p>Use of counters and time delays</p><p>Use of stacks and subroutines</p><p>4: Interfacing and data transfer scheme</p><p>Memory mapped I/O and I/O Mapped I/O</p><p>Synchronous and asynchronous data transfer</p><p>Microprocessor controlled data transfer and peripheral controlled data transfer</p><p>5. Interrupts Interrupts process </p><p>Maskable & non-maskable interrupt</p><p>Interrupt priority</p><p>RIM & SIM Instructions</p><p>6. Supporting chips :8251,8253,8254,8255,8257,8259</p><p>LIST OF PRACTICAL 1.Familarization with microprocessor kit location of 8085 ,8279,8263,keyboard,display field,EPROM programmer, expansion slot TTY and serial lines. Performing exercise on microprocessor kit 2.Addition of two 8 bit numbers 3. Subtraction of 8 bit numbers 4. Decimal addition of two 8 bit numbers 5. Addition of two 16 bit numbers 6. Find the largest number out of three given numbers 7. Find the larger of two numbers 8. To arrange the data array in ascending and descending order 9. Block transfer of data byte 10. Counter design with time delay 11. BCD addition 12. BCD subtraction and other exercises given by the lab incharge *** COMPUTER WORKSHOP-1</p><p>L T P</p><p>- - 4</p><p>RATIONALE</p><p>The course aims at making the student familiar with various parts of computers and how to assemble them, and different types of peripherals desired in addition, the course will provide the students with necessary knowledge and skills in computer software installation and maintenance.</p><p>DETAILED CONTENTS</p><p>1- Electronic CAD</p><p>Familiarization with electronic CAD software such as electronic workbenchfor design of simple analog and digital circuits using simulation provided by electronic CAD software. USE OF existing libraries adding components to the libraries.</p><p>2- AUTOCAD</p><p>Familiarization with latest AUTOCAD software. Basic AUTOCAD commands, drawing and editing commands, editing and dimensioning. 2D examples.</p><p>3- Loading and familiarization of operating system: Linux, Windows NT,Windows 2000, Windows XP</p><p>4- Familiarisation of page Maker & Corel Draw. ***</p><p>OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING</p><p>L T P</p><p>3 1 4</p><p>RATIONALE</p><p>Object oriented is a new approach to understand the complexities of the real world. This course offers the model programming language C++ that shall helped the students to implement the various of object orientatoion practically.</p><p>DETAILED CONTENTS</p><p>1- Introduction</p><p> Problems with procedure oriented Programming technique.</p><p> Concepts of OOPs</p><p> Characteristics of Oops</p><p> Advantage and application of OOpPs</p><p>2- C++ Programming basics</p><p> Basic Data types</p><p> Type copaatibility</p><p> Operators in C++</p><p> Scope resolution operator Control structure</p><p>3- Function C++</p><p> Function prototyping</p><p> Call by reference</p><p> Inline function </p><p> Function overloading </p><p> Library Function</p><p>4- Class and Objects</p><p> Comparision of class and C- structure</p><p> Creating objects</p><p> Array within class</p><p> Arrays of objects </p><p> Objects as Function Arguments</p><p>5- Constructor and Destructor</p><p> Constructor and its characteristics</p><p> Parameterized constructor </p><p> Multiple Constructor in a class</p><p> Copy Constructor</p><p> Overloaded Constructor</p><p> Destructor and its characteristics</p><p>6- Operator Overloading</p><p> Overloading of unary operator</p><p> Overloading of binary operator</p><p> Manipulation of Strings using operator</p><p> Type conversion- basic type to class & class to basic type 7-Inheritance</p><p> Type of inheritance</p><p> Need of protected members</p><p> Application of inheritance</p><p>8- Managing Console I/O operation</p><p> Unformatted I/O operation</p><p> Formatted I/O operation: fill, precision , width</p><p> I/O streams</p><p>9- File Operation</p><p> Opening & closing a file</p><p> Formatted I/O operation: fill, precision, width</p><p> I/O streams</p><p>10- Virtual & friend function</p><p> Pointers to object</p><p> This pointers</p><p> Pointers to derived classes </p><p> Virtual functions</p><p> Pure virtual functions </p><p> Concept of late & early binding</p><p>LIST OF PRATICALS</p><p>1. Write a program using control structure.</p><p>2. Write a program using constructor and destructor.</p><p>3. Using object as function arguments perform the addition of time hourts, minutes, and second’s format.</p><p>4. Perform addition of two complex numbers using classes. 5. Define a class to represent bank account include the following members data Members: Name of the Depositor, account Number, type of account , and balance amount in the account.</p><p>Members function: to design initial value , to deposite an amount., to withdraw an amount after checking the balance, to display name and balances. Write a main program to test the program</p><p>6. Modify the program (5) for handling 10 customers using array of objects</p><p>7. Create a class FLOAT that contains one float data member overload all the four arithmetic operators so that operate on the object of the FLOAT</p><p>8. </p><p>9. Define a class string. Use overload== operator to compare two strings</p><p>9. Write a program using virtual function</p><p>10. Additional Exercise based on various topics. ***</p><p>COMPUTER ORGANISATION</p><p>L T P 3 1 -</p><p>RATIONALE</p><p>This Subject provides with the knowledge of details organization of currently available Personnel computers in order to understand their functioning and maintenance</p><p>DETAILED CONTENTS</p><p>1. Basic Concept/ Introduction</p><p>Registers, stacks, ALU,Contriol Unit, Instruction Types, Instruction Formats, Instruction sets, and Addressing Modes, RISC processor and CISC Processor</p><p>2. Basic Mathematical Operations Concept of fixed and floating point number, and theirrepresentations, fixed point, Addition, subtraction and Multiplication, floating point addition and subtraction.</p><p>3. Control Unit</p><p>Concept of Hard-Wired and Micro instruction based Control units.</p><p>Principles of instruction and decoding and implementation . Horizontal and Vertical classes of micro instruction. Identifying micro- instructions, minimizing micro- instruction size, Parallelism in micro- instruction, encoding control instruction. Timing cycles and clock generation</p><p>4. Memory Organisation</p><p>Main memory, Memory Hierarchy, memory references, address mapping,</p><p>Relocation mechanism, concept of memory compactions.</p><p>Principles of virtual memory, paging and segmentation associative memory, cache memory.</p><p>5. Input- Output Organisation.</p><p>Memory mapped and I?O mapped input- output, modes of data Transfer- polled, Interrupt and DMA</p><p>Multiple I?O- Daisy Chaining., Polling and Parallel Priority Control</p><p>6 . Parallel Proccessing</p><p>Classification ( SSID, MISD and MIMD), Principles of Pipeline processing.</p><p>***</p><p>DATA COMMUNICATION</p><p>L T P 3 1 3</p><p>RATIONALE Data communication curse is intended to provide practical exposure and awareness of existing and up coming communication technology.</p><p>DETAILED CONCEPTS</p><p>1. Modulation</p><p>Need of modulation, various type of modulation (Analog + digital) their basic concept, comparison of different type of modulation with regard to noise immunity and bandwidth requirement. Basic idea of radio, microwave, satellite, optical fiber, mobile communication system</p><p>2. Transmission lines</p><p>Different type of transmission lines used in communication their characteristics (such that bandwidth, characteristics impedance and frequency response) different kind of distortions (for both analog and digital signals) produce by transmission line and line conditioners. Concept of matching various kinds of noises and their effect on communication S.N.R and channel capacity.</p><p>3. Principal of data communication</p><p>Transmission of binary data on telephone lines, simplex, half duplex and duplex mode of transmission two and four line system. Modems and data transfer rate. Basic Block diagram of FSK, PSK, DPSK, QPSK, and QAM modems. Principal of Synchronous, Asynchronous parallel and serial communication. Multiplexing and demultiplexing (TDM, FDM)</p><p>4. Data security and error detection</p><p>Signal formats, encryption. Basic principles of error detection and correction single parity and block parity CRC, communication using frame and packets.</p><p>5. Communication standards</p><p>Direct and handshake mode of communication. Physical aspect o different interface standards (RS 232 line drivers. IEEE-488. Centronics interface)</p><p>6. Communication Equipment</p><p>Introduction to data communication. Test procedure and test equipments (line monitors, loop back method and its implementation, BERT, Protocol analyser, cable tester) (TDR), OTDR</p><p>LIST OF PRACTICAL 1. To obtain an amplitude modulated wave and measure its modulation index.</p><p>2. To demodulate an AM signal and compare with it with original signal.</p><p>3. To obtain FM signal and find maximum deviation.</p><p>4. To detect FM signal and compare it with the original signal.</p><p>5. To obtain a PCM signal and observe the effect of quantization</p><p>6. To obtain a multiplexed signal of two given signals</p><p>7. Study of a given modem and its working.</p><p>8. Study of TDR method of detecting fault</p><p>9. Study of FSK signal</p><p>10. Study of RS-232 port and observe different signal at its various pins</p><p>11. Study of fax machine</p><p>12. Study of LAN ***</p><p>DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM</p><p>L T P</p><p>3 1 3</p><p>RATIONALE</p><p>This course will acquaint the student with knowledge of fundamentals concepts of DBMS and its application in different areas, storage, manipulation and retrieval of data using query languages.</p><p>DETAILED CONTENTS</p><p>1. INTRODUCTION</p><p>View of data</p><p>Data model – ER model, relational model</p><p>Database user and administrator</p><p>Database system Vs File system</p><p>Database system application</p><p>2. DATABASE SYSTEM CONCEPT AND ARCHITECTURE</p><p>Schemes, instances and database state</p><p>DBMS architecture</p><p>Data independence-logical and physical data independence 3. ENTITY-RELATIONSHIP MODEL</p><p>Entity and attributes</p><p>Entity types and entity sets</p><p>Weak entity types</p><p>Key-primary key, candidate key and super key</p><p>Relationship among entities</p><p>ER diagram</p><p>4. RELATION MODEL</p><p> Domains, attributes, tuples and relations</p><p> Domains constraints</p><p> Key constraints and constraints on null</p><p> Entity integrity,referential integrity and foreign key </p><p> Relational algebra-SELECT,PROJECT,JOIN</p><p>5. RELATIONALDATABASE DESIGN</p><p> First Normal form </p><p> Functional dependency</p><p> Decomposition</p><p> BCNF</p><p> Third Normal Form</p><p> Fourth Normal form</p><p>6. EMERGING DATABASE TECHNOLOGIES</p><p> Database ware housing</p><p> Database mining Multimedia database</p><p> Distributive database concepts</p><p> Database security and authorization concept</p><p>LIST OF PRACTICAL</p><p>1. Overview , features and functionality, application development in ORACLE</p><p>2. Exercise on creating tables</p><p>3. Exercise on insertion of data into tables</p><p>4. Exercise on deletion of data using different conditions </p><p>5. Exercise on SELECT statement</p><p>6. Exercise on PROJECT statement</p><p>7. Exercise on JOIN statement</p><p>8. Exercise on UPDATE statement</p><p>***</p><p>PERIPHERALS AND INTERFACE L T P</p><p>3 1 3</p><p>RATIONALE</p><p>A computer engineer should be able to interface and maintained keyboard, printer,mouse , monitor ctc.with computer system .The course provide necessary knowledge and skills regarding working constructions and interfacing aspects of peripherals.</p><p>DETAILED CONTENTS</p><p>1. DISPLAY DEVICE</p><p>Basic principles and working of monitor.video display adapters – CGA,VGA,SVGA. Overview of raster scan and vector scan . concept of resolution and bandwidth of computer. Basic concept of PAL and NTSC standards.</p><p>2. PRINTERS</p><p>Types of printers- Impact and non Impact Printers, specification,construction and working principle of DMP, Inkjet Printers, Laser Printers</p><p>3. DISK DRIVES</p><p>Construction and working of Hard disk</p><p>Types of actuators- voice coil and stepper motor</p><p>Disk preparation – low level formatting, portioning ,high level formatting.</p><p>Data encoding techniques – MFM, RLL.</p><p>Types of interfaces – SCSI,IDF,EIDE</p><p>Sector interleaving</p><p>4. INPUT DEVICES Working principle of keyboard, mouse, scanner,Digitzer, touchscreen,light pen</p><p>5. OPTICAL STORAGE MEDIA</p><p>Construction and working principle of CD – ROM, DVD</p><p>6. OTHER DEVICES – concepts of tape drive, pen drive,zip drive</p><p>LIST OF PRACTICALS</p><p>1. To identify various components and peripherals devices of computer </p><p>2. Exercise on assembly a PC with peripherals and testing the same</p><p>3. Study the construction , assembly, disassembly , working in and testing of the following devices</p><p> Monitors ( Monochrome, colour, Multisync)</p><p> Keyboards</p><p> FDD</p><p> Hdd</p><p> Dot Matrix Printer</p><p> Optical disk drives</p><p> Inkjet printers, laser Printers</p><p> Mouse and Scanners</p><p>*** COMPUTER WORKSHOP - II</p><p>L T P</p><p>- - 4</p><p>RATIONALE</p><p>Visual Basic is a programming language which enables a programmer to write programs and develop application packages to produce live problems. After undergoing this course , the will be able to understand the principles of Active – X objects and write programs in Visual Basic.</p><p>DETAILED CONTENTS</p><p>1. INTRODUCTION TO VISUAL BASIC</p><p>Features and application of VB- concept of integrated development environment(ide) – project application like standard exe.</p><p>2. VB STRUCTURE Variable declaration types - user defined data types – scope and life of a variable – arrays – constructors – control flow statements – procedures and function</p><p>3. DESIGNING THE USER INTERFACE </p><p>Design aspects of VB forms- elements of user interface- properties of controls- text box,label, command button,check box, list box,picture :image shape timer-desigining forms and displaying messages using above controls- control arrays</p><p>4. Menus and common dialogue control</p><p>Creating menus at design using menu window- control menus and runtime- create shortest keys for pop up menus. – common dialogue control.</p><p>5. Display date, time, string type, conversion and printing information.</p><p>Data reports and environments- display tabular data in report form – fundamentals of printing – printing with print form method.</p><p>6. Data Base Programming</p><p>Connecting with database using DAQ,RDO,ADO,ODBXC</p><p>Familiarization with PL/SQL cursors and Triggers</p><p>7. Active X: working with inbuilt active X, windows control, creating own active X through Active X, EXE, diofference between EXE and DLL.</p><p>LIST OF PRACTICALS</p><p>1. Exercise on opening projects like standard Exe, Active –X EXE and Active- X control.</p><p>2. Exercise on all the menus of opening window of VB.</p><p>3. Exercise on all basic controls.</p><p>4. Exercise on UPDATE statement.</p><p>5. Exercise on Queries and Nested Queries.</p><p>6. Exercise on data functions, group and scalar functions.</p><p>7. Exercise on indexes, views and sequences.</p><p>8. Exercise on JOINS, Grant and remove privileges.</p><p>9. Exercise on creation of PL/SQL blocks. 10. Exercise on cursor management in PL/SQL</p><p>11. Write a database trigger after update, delete.</p><p>12. Built a small application using the above illustrations. * * *</p><p>COMPUTER ENGINEERING DETAILED CONTENTS OF VARIOUS SUBJECTS THIRD YEAR</p><p>------Sr.no. Subjects Page No. (s) ______</p><p>Semester-V 56-64</p><p>5.1 Computer Troubleshooting & Maintenance 56-57 5.2 Computer Network 58 5.3 Programming in Java 59-60 5.4 Entrepreneurship Development & Management 61-62 5.5 Computer Workshop –III 63-64</p><p>Semester-VI 65-73</p><p>6.1 Computer Graphics 65-66 6.2 Elective 6.2(i) Software Engineering 67 6.2(ii)Advance Computer System Architecture 68-69 6.2(iii)Multimedia Application 70-71 6.2(iv) Network security 72-73</p><p>6.3 Project ______COMPUTER TROUBLESHOOTING & MAINTENANCE</p><p>L T P</p><p>3 1 3</p><p>RATIONALE </p><p>This subject gives the knowledge and competency to diagnose the faults for trouble shooting for systematic repair and maintenance of computer and its peripherals.</p><p>DETAILED CONTENTS</p><p>1. Concept of serving and maintenance</p><p>Reliability of electronic equipment, MTBF, MTTR, availability of an equipment .Preventive maintenance & need of preventive maintenance. Factors affecting the performance of computer. Preparation of preventive maintenance schedule. Preventive Maintenance requirement of a subsystem & auxiliary sub system. </p><p>2. Breakdown maintenance:Scpoe of field servicing,analysisi of customer call reports in locating faults.</p><p>3. Fault location & its identification: Various methods of locating faults like visual inspection,layman checks,diagnostic software,error logging and its use.Symptoms & remedies for common faults in peripherals like printers,monitors,FDD,HDD,mouse and associated interfaces of PC based systems.</p><p>4. Symptoms & remedies: for common faults and peripherals like printers, monitors,FDD,HDD,mouse,motherboard and supporting cards.</p><p>5. Power supply:Linear power supply and switched mode power supply. Significance of power good signal, block diagram and trouble shooting of switch mode pwer supply. 6. Viruses: their type of detection/prevention /removal using vaccines.Familiarization with PC tools and Norton utilities & their applications.</p><p>LIST OF PRACTICAL</p><p>1 Running diagnostics.</p><p>2 Assembling & disassembling of computer systems.</p><p>3 Virus detection & elimination</p><p>4 Troubleshooting & maintenance </p><p> Monitor</p><p> FDD</p><p> HDD</p><p> Printers</p><p> Mouse</p><p> Keyboard</p><p> CD ROM/DVD</p><p> SMPS</p><p>*** COMPUTER NETWORKS</p><p>L T P 3 1 3 RATIONALE </p><p>The future of computer technology in Computer networks. Global connectivity can be achieved through computer networks.</p><p>DETAILED CONTENTS</p><p>1. Introduction</p><p>Network needs & goals, application of networks, network topologies, need of protocol,procols and interfaces,network services and service access points.</p><p>2. OSI reference model,TCP/IP Reference model,comparison between OSI and TCP/IP reference model.</p><p>3. TRansmissiom Media: Analog Transmission media,digital transmission media,switching techniques.</p><p>4. Data link layer:Functions,protocols-stop & wait,sliding window.</p><p>5. IEE standards:8002.3,802.4,802.5,fast Ethernet,FDDI,fibre optics.</p><p>6. Network layer:Functions ,routing algorithms,inter-networking.Familarization with repeater,hubs,switch,bridge,routers and gateways. 7. Transport layer:Functions & services,transport serviced primitive ,sockets,elements of transport protocols,UDP.</p><p>8. Broadband Network-ISDN,ATM,Introduction to VSAT,ADSL.</p><p>9. Network Security-Levels of security,introduction to cryptography,data encryption standard(DES), Public Key cryptography,firewalls.</p><p>10.</p><p>LIST OF PRACTICALS</p><p>1. Identification of various networks components.</p><p> Connections,BNC,RJ-45,I/O box, Rosette box, crymping tools.</p><p> Cables, Co-axial, twisted pair, UTP,fibre optics</p><p> NIC(Network Interface Card)</p><p> Switch,Hub,Router</p><p>2. Sketch wiring diagram of network considering a computer lab of 20 systems </p><p>3. Interfacing with the network card (ethernet) </p><p>4. Preparing of network cables-cross cables,straight cables</p><p>5. Use of protocols in establishing LAN viz TCP/IP,NETBUL</p><p>6. Installation of networks (Peer to peer networking, client server interconnection)</p><p>7. Use/ installation of Proxy server</p><p>8. Troubleshooting of networks </p><p>*** PROGRAMMING IN JAVA</p><p>L T P</p><p>3 1 3</p><p>1. Introduction to Java The basics of JAVA –A brief history of Java ,the Java ,architecture,java features ,importance of Java to the internet ,Java Applets and applications,fundamentals of Object Oriented Programming ,Concepts of OOP,benefit of OOP,Java & C++,Java environment,Java development kit,application programming interface(API),getting started with JDK,Java program structure,Using Java with other tools.</p><p>2. Language Basics</p><p> Java tokens ,Java character set,keywords,identifiers,Literals,seperaters,Constants,Variables,Datatypes,Type casting,constants,variables and their scope,operators and expressions ,Arithmetic operators,relatyional and conditional operators,logic operators,assignment operaters,increment and decrement,bitwise operaters,special operaters,precedence of operaters,control flow statements-if and if else statements,swtch statements,For loop,while do loop,branching.</p><p>3. Objects and Classes in Java</p><p>Introduction to classes ,defining a class,creating objects,methods,constructors and access specifies,application of constructor,parameterized constructors,overloading methods and constructors ,access control modifiers,inheritenceand method over riding,inheritance basics,method over riding.</p><p>4. Arrays,String and Vectors\</p><p>Arrays,One –dimensional array,multidimensional array,Strings,String class, working with strings,string buffer class ,vector and wrapper class,vector constructors,working with vector methods,wrapper class.</p><p>5. Packages & interfaces</p><p>Using Java interfaces,defining an interface ,implementing an interface ,extending an interface ,using Java packages, defining a package,brief discussion on CLAAS PATH,Access protection,importing a package,Java API Package.</p><p>6. Exeption handling</p><p>Introduction to exeption handling,Why use exeption Handlinh,fundamentals of exeption handling,exeptions and their types,common exeptions,using exeption handling ,using try and catch,multiple catch statemants,Nested try statements,methods available to exeptions,throwing your own exeptio.</p><p>7. Applet Programming Writing Applets,the basics of applets,life cycle of an Applet,painting the Applet,the Applet tag,security restrictions when using Applets,taking,advantage of the Applet API,finding and loading Data files,displaying short status strings,displaying documents in the browser, playing sounds,definging and using Applet parameters.</p><p>8. Working with Graphics</p><p>The graphics Class,Java.awt.Graphics,use of class java.awt.garphics,custom painting ,drawing lines,drawing rectangles,drawing ellipse and circles,drawing arcs ,drawing Polygons. </p><p>Practicals: Exercise based on above theory concepts.</p><p>*** ENTERPRENUERSHIP DEVELOPMENT & MANAGEMENT</p><p>L T P 3 1 - RATIONALE</p><p>Creating awareness regarding entrepreneurial traits entrepreneurial support system opportunity identification project report preparation & understanding of legal and managerial aspects can be helpful in motivating technical students to start their own small scale business/enterprise.</p><p>DETAILED CONTENTS</p><p>1. Enterpreneurship</p><p> Concept/meaning</p><p> Need</p><p> Competancies/qualities of an entrepreneur</p><p>2. Enterpreneurial support Sysytem</p><p> District industry centres (DICs)</p><p> Commercial banks</p><p> State Financial Corporation</p><p> Small industries service institutes (SISIs),small industries development bank of India (SIDBI), National bank of agriculture and rural development(NABARD), National small industries corporation (NSIC) & other relevant institution/organizations at state level.</p><p>3. Market survey & opportunity identification (business planning )</p><p> How to start a small scale industry</p><p> Procedures for registration of small scale industry</p><p> List of items reserved for exclusive manufacture in small scale industry</p><p> Assessment of demand and supply in potential areas of growth Understanding business opportunity</p><p> Considerations in product selection</p><p> Data collection for setting of small ventures.</p><p>4. Project report preparation</p><p> Preliminary project report</p><p> Techno economic feasibility report</p><p> Project viability</p><p>5. Business organization</p><p> Salient features of sale proprietaryship </p><p> Partner private and public limited companies</p><p> Co- operative societies and public sector</p><p> Role of public and private sectors in growth of economy and their social obligations towards society</p><p> Monopoly and price restrictions</p><p>6. Managerial aspects of small business</p><p> Principles of management(definition, functions of management viz. planning, organization, coordination and control)</p><p> Operational aspects of production</p><p> Inventory management</p><p> Basics principles of financial management</p><p> Marketing techniques</p><p> Personal management</p><p> Importance of communication in business</p><p>7. Legal aspects of small business</p><p> Elementary knowledge of income tax, sales tax, patent rules, excise duty Factory act and payment of wages act</p><p>8. Environmental considerations</p><p> Concept of ecology & environment</p><p> Factors contributing to air, water, noise pollution</p><p> Air,water & noise pollution standards & control</p><p>9. Industrial safety and house keeping</p><p> Magnitude and cost of accident</p><p> Cost of accidents</p><p> Job safety analysis</p><p> Safety planning and its implementation safety education instructions and visual aids</p><p> Obligatory provisions</p><p> First aid</p><p> Investigations of accidents</p><p> Fire fighting, BIS, standards</p><p> Security watch and wards</p><p>10. Miscellaneous</p><p> Human relation & performance in organization</p><p> Industrial relation and desputes</p><p> Relations with subordinates, peers & superiors</p><p> Leaderships</p><p> Labour welfare</p><p> Workers participation in management</p><p>11. Motivation Factors determining motivation</p><p> Chacteristics of motivation </p><p> Methods of improving motivation</p><p> Incentives- pay , promotion ,rewards ***</p><p>COMPUTER WORKSHOP III</p><p>L T P</p><p>- - 4</p><p>RATIONALE</p><p>This course will enable the students to understand the basics of internet and various applications of internet like email FTP Telnet, news groups and video conferencing. In edition this course develops competency amongst the students to design professional with sites and interactive web pages.</p><p>Net is an upcoming technology so the teacher should take pain in making the students conversant with this. The demonstration should be given using .NET software for describing the various features of .NET technology. </p><p>DETAILED CONTENTS</p><p>1. Developing portals using HTML</p><p>Basic structure of HTML, designing a web page, inserting links images, horizontal rules, comments. Formatting text, titles, headings, colors, fonts, sizes, simple tables and forms.</p><p>HTML tags, hyperlinks, adding graphics and images, image maps, image files. Using tables , forms, style sheets and frames and DHTML.</p><p>2. Using front page </p><p>Front page editor, front page explore 3. .NET – evolution </p><p>Need and prospective in current scenario, .NET frame work over view structural diagram.</p><p>4. .NET framework base classes </p><p>User and program interface, windows forms, web forms, console application </p><p>5. XML</p><p>An overview of XML, use of XML, integrity of XML with data bases ,XML as the .NET meta languages </p><p>6. Visual studio .NET Common IDE for all languages, the common languages specification, all .NET languages, management of multiple languages, projects.</p><p>7. Language changes </p><p>Visual Basic,C++,C#+,overview of C#,data types in C#,control flow in C#,C# classes</p><p>LIST OF PRACTICALS</p><p>1. Installing of .NET</p><p>2. Exploring the various features of >NET</p><p>3. Ability to work and start various tasks and features of .NET framework</p><p>4. Able to work and develop program in Visual basic .NET</p><p>5. To explorein detail Visual studio.NET</p><p>6. Exerisese based on HTML,DHTML & XML - Creating Web pages using HTML</p><p>- Creating web pages using front page </p><p>- Demonstration of e-commerce transaction</p><p>- Create a Homepage with frames, animation, background sound and hyperlinks</p><p>- Designing simple server side program which accept some request form the client and respond</p><p>- Develop interface with database (MS-Access etc) for online retrieval and storage of data through HTML form.</p><p>- Hosting a webpage</p><p>*** COMPUTER GRAPHICS</p><p>L T P</p><p>3 1 4</p><p>RATIONALE</p><p>This subject will enable the students to have awareness about fundamental graphics which can be generated through computer using programming language c. They will be able to make pictures and introduce motion in them using basic transformations.</p><p>DETAILED CONTENTS</p><p>1. Overview of Graphics system</p><p>Raster scan displays, Vector scan displays, Colour CRT monitors, and Flat panel display, input and output devices.</p><p>2. Output primitives </p><p> Line drawing algorithms – DDA Algorithm and Bresenham’s algorithm </p><p> Circle generating algorithms-Circle algorithm ,midpoint circle algorithm</p><p> Introduction to region filling, flood filling and boundary filling</p><p>3. Graphics primitives in C 4. Two dimensional transformations</p><p> Basic transformation – Translation ,rotation, scaling</p><p> Matric representation & homogeneous coordinates, composite transformations- translation, rotation, scaling</p><p> Other transformations – Shear and reflection</p><p>5. Viewing and Clipping </p><p> Window to view port coordinate transformation</p><p> Point clipping, Cohen-Sutherland line clipping algorithm</p><p> Sutherland Hodgeman polygon clipping</p><p>6. Three-dimensional Graphics</p><p> Three dimensional transformations, Introduction to wireframe model.Bezier curves.</p><p>7. Projections</p><p> Parallel projections</p><p> Perspective projections</p><p>8. Animation</p><p> Conventional and computer animation</p><p> Design of animation sequences</p><p> Morphing</p><p> Kinematics and Dynamics</p><p>LIST OF PRACTICALS</p><p>1. Programming using graphic primitives in C</p><p>2. Line drawing using DDA algorithm</p><p>3. Line drawing using Bresenham algorithm</p><p>4. 2D translation technique 5. 2D translation technique</p><p>6. 2D rotation technique</p><p>7. 2D scaling technique</p><p>8. Creating animations</p><p>*** SOFTWARE ENGINEERING</p><p>L T P</p><p>3 1 3</p><p>RATIONALE</p><p>This subject will enable the diploma students to have awareness about software engineering, various matrices,planning about software, cost estimation, software design etc.</p><p>DETAILED CONTENTS</p><p>1. Introduction to Software (S/W)Engineering</p><p>Introduction, size factors, Quality and productivity factors, Management issues ,models and waterfall ,spiral ,prototyping,fourth generation techniques, software process.</p><p>2. Software Matrices Engineering –Size,function,design,oriented matrices,halstead software science Meate complexity.</p><p>3. Planning</p><p>The development process , an organizational structure,other planning activities, Data flow diagram</p><p>4. Software Cost Estimations Cost factors, cost estimations techniques, Staffing level estimation, estimating software , maintenance costs , COCOMO.</p><p>5. Software requirement definition </p><p>Problem analysis,requirement engineering .Yhe software requirement Specifications(SRS) , formal specifications techniques, characteristics of a good SRS.</p><p>6. Software Design Implementation Issue</p><p>Fundamental Design , Concept design notations, Design techniques, structured coding, techniques coding styles, documentation guidelines.</p><p>7. Verification and validation techniques</p><p>Quality assurance work through and inspections static analysis, symbolic execution unit testing , formal verification . Black box and white box testing techniques.</p><p>8. Maintenance overview</p><p>Configuration management </p><p>*** ADVANCED COMPUTER SYSTEM ARCHITECHTURE</p><p>L T P</p><p>3 1 6</p><p>RATIONALE</p><p>The students will get familiar with different type of motherboard, architechture and bus standards. The single user system base on 486. Pentium MMX, Pentium-II,Pentium-III and Pentium-IV will get emphasis.</p><p>DETAILED CONTENTS</p><p>1. Salient features and block diagram-486 ,Pentium-MMX,P-II,P-III,P-IV</p><p>2. Bus standard -ISA ,EISA,VESA and PCI</p><p>3. Interface standards are RS 232 C,SCS-I-II,Fast and wide SCSI ,IEEE 488 4. Detailed Architechture-486 ,P-MMX,P-II,P-iii,P-IV</p><p>5. Introduction to RISC processor based computer system(power PC)</p><p>6. Parallel processing-pipeline computing-Classification of pipeline processor,array processor-SMID processor and their interconnection networks</p><p>7. Multiprocessor systems-Loosely coupled multiprocessor ,tightly coupled multiproceesor and their interconnection network</p><p>8. Introduction to IRIX Architechture-IRIX root directory,important IRIX system files, IRIX commands configuring user accounts, IRIX login shell,disk drive suppoted by IRIX, system disk ,option disk and partition layout, IRIX file system, IRIX networking</p><p>9. AS/400-Salient features,block diagram,artechture of AS/400</p><p>10. Comparison of Pentium PC and Laptop motherboard</p><p>LIST OF PRACTICALS</p><p>1. Study of motherboard of 486 & Pentium processor</p><p>2. Identification of chipsets and functional aspects of different subsystem on each card</p><p>3. Study of the bus system and identifying various signal lines</p><p>4. Study of Peripheral use their speeds and capacities and study of integration of peripherals into the system</p><p>5. Practical based on AS/400</p><p> Operation & procedure</p><p>Log on,Log off,shut down</p><p> Jobs and sub systems(interactive ,batch,autostart,spooling)</p><p> Back up and restore</p><p> Terminals and user to the system</p><p> Creating multiple AS/400 sessions</p><p> Basic objects and library concepts AS/400 naming convention</p><p> CL commands</p><p> Introduction CL programming</p><p>6. Practical based on silicon graphics</p><p> Creating a login account</p><p> Practical based on IRIX command-pwd,cd,1s,dirview,mk dir,cp,1n,mv,rm,rn- r,rmdir,1p,1pstat,chmode,man,man-t</p><p> Adding user account using shall command</p><p> Configuring for a network</p><p>*** MULTIMEDIA APPLICATIONS</p><p>L T P</p><p>3 1 6</p><p>RATIONALE</p><p>Multimedia Technology is being widely used in web pages,motion pictures and interactive prtesentation,animations etc.This course intends to introduce and expose multimedia technology and various factors and features of Authoring softeware.It will also help in making the internet application richer in content and presenrtation. </p><p>DETAILED CONTENTS</p><p>1. Introduction to Multimedia Need of multimedia</p><p>Application of Multimedia</p><p>Multimedia hardware</p><p>Storage for multimedia</p><p>2. Sound</p><p>MIDI Versus Digital Audio</p><p>Audio Compression</p><p>Capturing sound</p><p>3. Video</p><p>Video Application </p><p>Video Capturing </p><p>Video Compression</p><p>4. Multimedia Authoring tools</p><p>Card based Authoring tools</p><p>Icon based Authoring tools</p><p>Time based Authoring tools</p><p>5. Text</p><p>Fonts and faces</p><p>Font manage</p><p>Hypertext</p><p>6. Images</p><p>Image file format Bitmaps</p><p>Vector drawing</p><p>Image Capture Using MATLAB</p><p>Image Compression</p><p>7. Animations</p><p>Principle of animation</p><p>Animation file formats</p><p>Making animation that works</p><p>LIST OF PRACTICAL</p><p>1. Familiarization with multimedia software and hardware </p><p>2. Exercise on</p><p> Various features of Author ware</p><p> Various features of Director</p><p> Various features of Flash</p><p> Various features of Photoshop</p><p>3. Making multimedia Presentation using various multimedia tools</p><p>4. Installing and use of various multimedia devices</p><p> Scanner</p><p> Digital Camera,Web Camera</p><p> Mike and speakers</p><p> Touch screen</p><p> Plotters and printers </p><p> DVD Audio CD and Video CD</p><p>5. Reading and writing of different format on A Frame CD</p><p> Transporting Audio and Video files</p><p>6. Making multimedia presentations combining director ,Flash and Photoshop such as Department Profile,Lesson presentation,games,and project presentation.</p><p>***</p><p>NETWORK SECURITY</p><p>L T P 3 1 6 RATIONALE </p><p>This course has been designed by keeping in view the basic computer user and information system manager. The concept needed to read through the ripe in the market place and understanding risks and how to deal with them. It is hope that the students wil have a reader prospective on security in general and better understanding of how to rduce and manage the security risks.</p><p>DETAILED CONTENTS</p><p>1. Introduction</p><p>Why secure network-Attackers Vs Hackers;attack from within and external.</p><p>2. How much security </p><p>Promoting risk analysis:developing security policy –accessibility ,definging security goals ,justifying the policy,rules and responsibilities ,consequences of non-compliance ,level of privacy.</p><p>3. Firewalls</p><p>Defining an access control policy, definition o firewalls and types , firewalls (UNIX,and NT),address translation,firewall logging,firewall development. 4. Intrusion detection System (IDS)</p><p>IDS Introduction;IDS limitation- teardrop attacks,counter measures;Host based IDS setup.</p><p>5. Authentication and encryption : Authentication </p><p>Clear text transmission session tracking; encryption- methods weaknesses government interactions ;solutions – data encryption standards,digital certificate servers ,IP security point to point tunneling protocol(PPTP),RSA encryption,secure socket layer(SSL), secure shell . simple key management for IP (SKIP) .</p><p>6. Visual private network(VPN) </p><p>Basic settings of VPN –proposing with firewalls, VPN diagram, configuration of required objects, exchanging keys, modifying security policy.</p><p>7. Virus, Trojans and worms</p><p>What is virus; replication, concealment,bomb,social engineering viruses;</p><p>Worms: Trojan horses ,prevention measures-acess central,check sum verification,process neutering,virus scanners ,neuristic scanners,application level virus scanner,developing virus protection.</p><p>8. Disaster,prevention and recovery</p><p>Disaster categories;network disaster-cabling topology,single point of failure ,save configuration file ;server disaster-UPS,RAID,Clustering,Backups,Server recovery,Reluctant servers. </p><p>*** </p>
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