<p> Timothy W. Stark, MPhil, DC, DACBSP, ICCSP, CSCS 9135 Forest Hills Circle - Bloomington, Minnesota 55437 email: [email protected] ph: 218-234-6722</p><p>Most Recent Positions: 2014-present Director, Human Performance Institute, Northwestern Health Sciences University (NWHSU). Minnesota, USA. 2013-2014 Associate Professor and Dean of the College of Chiropractic, NWHSU. 2011-2013 Assistant Professor and Chair of the Clinical Sciences Department, National University of Health Sciences (NUHS). Florida, USA. 2008-2011 Chief Operations Officer, Clinician/Researcher/Author, Sports Chiropractor for American Gold Gymnastics, FM Acrobatics, and the Fargo Force (Tier 1 Ice Hockey). The Clinic; Family Health & Sports Chiropractic. North Dakota, USA. 2005-2008 Senior Lecturer and Chair of the Graduate Studies Department, Murdoch University - Health Science Division. Western Australia, Australia.</p><p>Education: 2006-2011 Murdoch University, Western Australia, Australia Masters of Philosophy; Human Performance and Rehabilitation</p><p>2005 Murdoch University, Western Australia, Australia Tertiary Teaching Certificate</p><p>1998-1999 North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND Graduate part-time student (M.S.; did not complete) in the field of Clinical Nutrition</p><p>1996-1998 Northwestern Health Science University (NwHSU), Bloomington, Mn Fulltime Residency/Fellowship in Sports Injuries & Rehabilitation </p><p>1993.1996 Northwestern Health Science University, Bloomington, Mn. Doctor of Chiropractic</p><p>1986.1990 North Dakota State University (NDSU), Fargo, ND Bachelors of Science Major: Corporate & Community Fitness Minor: Biology Internship: Exercise Physiology Awards and Honors: 2012 Teacher of the Phase; NUHS - Florida</p><p>2011 Recognized by the International Federation of Sports Chiropractic for outstanding leadership and dedication as the Education Commission Senior Academic Administrator.</p><p>2011 Selected and participated as a sports chiropractor for the Pan Am Games.</p><p>2008 Awarded Tenure at Murdoch University, Perth Australia Timothy W. Stark, MPhil, DC, DACBSP, ICCSP, CSCS Awards and Honors Cont’d: 2005-2008 Nominated for the TEX Award (for Teaching Excellence; top 10% of instructors as selected through student satisfaction surveys; Murdoch University).</p><p>2005 Selected and participated as a Sports Chiropractor in the 2005 World Games.</p><p>2003 Selected and participated in the Volunteer Program at the USA Olympic Training Center, Colorado Springs.</p><p>2002 Selected by the North Dakota Jaycees for one of the FYOND (Five Young Outstanding North Dakotans).</p><p>2002 Selected by the International Federation of Sports Chiropractic and participated as a sports chiropractic physician for the Salt Lake Olympic Winter Games.</p><p>2001 Presented with the Distinguished Club President Award from the National Exchange Club. 1 of 7 honored presidents out of a total of 400 clubs.</p><p>2000 Selected by the International Federation of Sports Chiropractic and participated as a sports chiropractic physician for the Sydney Olympic Games.</p><p>1999 Selected to attend the All African Games in South Africa.</p><p>1996 Selected and attended the Atlanta Olympics to serve in the International Sports Chiropractic Federation Clinic.</p><p>1996 Elected by student peers to deliver the commencement speech; NWHSU.</p><p>1995 Selected by peers and school faculty for the Maverick Award for excellence in student leadership & dedication. NWHSU.</p><p>1994-1995 President of the NWHSU Student Sports Council; student organization committed to educating students on athletic injuries and prevention.</p><p>1989-1990 NDSU Grandparent Phi Epsilon Omega Honor Society.</p><p>Research, Publications and Grants: 2011 Hand-held Dynamometry, a valid and practical diagnostic instrument when compared to isokinetic testing; a systematic review. Published May 18, 2011 in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation</p><p>2009 Awarded a ‘permanent’ loan from JTech of their hand-held dynamometer, algometer, and inclinometer for the use within my research.</p><p>2009 Article published in the Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport; “Ice- Hockey Players Using a Weighted Implement When Training on the Ice: a Randomized Control Trial”. March issue. Timothy W. Stark, MPhil, DC, DACBSP, ICCSP, CSCS Research, Publications and Grants Cont’d: 2007 Article published: “Severe aberrant glenohumeral motor patterns in a young female rower: A case report”. Chiropractic & Osteopathy 2007, 15:17 (13 November 2007)</p><p>2006 Facilitated a commercial donation from Myologic/MSM 7000. They donated a $12,000AUS software and hardware package for muscle testing. This donation was to support random research including my PhD. </p><p>2006 Article published; “Introduction of a pyramid guiding process for general musculoskeletal physical rehabilitation” Chiropractic & Osteopathy 2006, 14:9 </p><p>2005 Text book review “Complementary and Integrative Medicine” by Micozzi</p><p>1998 Original research; “Radiographic & Clinical Analysis of the Cervical Spine of the ”Tight-Five” Rugby Player”, National conference presentation, Los Angeles, Ca. </p><p>1997 Article published in Topics in Clinical Chiropractic journal titled, “Aerobic Conditioning & Its Relationship with Athletic Injury Prevention & Rehabilitation.”</p><p>Presentations: 1997-05,08-14Northwestern Health Sciences University’s post-graduate sports chiropractic program including 14 hour lectures on the single topics of Exercise Physiology, Sports Medicine and Developing a Team, Extremity Techniques, Soft Tissue Techniques in Sports Injuries, Athletic Performance Enhancement, Head Injuries, and athletic strapping.</p><p>2013 Platform presentation; International Federation of Sports Chiropractic annual congress; “Utilization of Hand-held Dynamometry in the Sports Chiropractic office.” Durban, South Africa. </p><p>2013 American Chiropractic Association Sports Chiropractic; “Acute Management of Injuries in Sport.” New Jersey, USA.</p><p>2012 Florida Chiropractic Association; Panhandle Conference (February). “Who, What and Where; A Concussion Orientation.” Florida, USA. </p><p>2011 Pre-Pan Am Games Sports Medicine Congress; “Managing Soft-tissue Injuries in Athletics via Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Manipulation.” Guadalajara, Mexico</p><p>2009 American Chiropractic Association Sports Chiropractic & Prosport Symposiums; “Shoulder Complex Dysrythmia; Hands-on Testing and Functional Rehabilitation via a case-based presentation.” Nevada, USA. Timothy W. Stark, MPhil, DC, DACBSP, ICCSP, CSCS Presentations Cont’d: 2008 Video Conference/Seminar for Australian Chiropractors for 7 different locations throughout the continent; “Physical Rehabilitation; When it Started and Where’s it going?”</p><p>2005-2008 Murdoch University undergraduate chiropractic units including 48 hours of lecture on physical rehabilitation plus 48 hours of lab, 48 hours of clinical neurology lecture and 48 hours of clinical orthopedics per year.</p><p>2005-2008 Murdoch University undergraduate chiropractic course on exercise physiology, 4 hours per year.</p><p>2007 Chiropractic and Osteopathic College of Australasia (COCA); Perth Seminar Series, “New Methodology for Teaching and Implementing Physical Rehabilitation.”</p><p>2007 Poster presentation, Murdoch University PhD student presentations. “Hand- held Dynamometry as a Non-invasive Intervention for Athletic Injury Prevention: a prospective study.”</p><p>2007 Poster presentation at the Annual Research Symposium for COCA. “Ice- Hockey Players Using a Weighted Implement When Training on the Ice: a Randomized Control Trial.”</p><p>2007 Poster presentation at the Annual Research Symposium for COCA. “Shoulder Impingement Syndrome: A Narrative Literature Review.” </p><p>2007 Poster presentation at the Annual Research Symposium for COCA. “Evaluation of Diagnostic Tests for Shoulder Impingement Syndrome: A Narrative Review.”</p><p>2005-2007 Teaching in the Japan chiropractic offshore program via translators on the subjects of Physical Rehabilitation, Orthopedics and Neurology, Upper Extremity and Lower Extremity Conditions. Approximately 9 hours of lecture per day for 5 days.</p><p>2005-2007 Annual 3-day seminars on the Technique of Graston Technique for certification. </p><p>2006 Instructed the specialty topic of Sports Rehabilitation for the Lower Extremity as part of the International Sports Chiropractic Sports Science Diploma (ICSSD) in Melbourne, Australia.</p><p>2006 Abstract selected and presented at the WFC (World Federation of Chiropractic) in Mexico; “Lumbo-pelvic Rehabilitation Utilizing a Rehabilitation Pyramid System.” Timothy W. Stark, MPhil, DC, DACBSP, ICCSP, CSCS Presentations Cont’d: 2006 Abstract selected and presented at COCA’s Annual Research Symposium, Melbourne Australia; “Physical Rehabilitation for severe aberrant glenohumeral motor patterns using the new Physical Rehabilitation Pyramid. A case study.”</p><p>2005 Murdoch University undergraduate chiropractic units including 48 hours of lecture on physiotherapeutics and applied clinical nutrition plus 48 hours of lab.</p><p>1998 Presented original research; “Radiographic & Clinical Analysis of the Cervical Spine of the “”Tight-Five” Rugby Player”, Los Angeles, Ca. at the Annual Sports Chiropractic conference.</p><p>Additional Positions Held: 2004-present Lecturer for Graston Technique.</p><p>2003-present CEO of Stark Enterprises/XPuck LLC. </p><p>2003-present Post-graduate Sports Chiropractic and Physical Rehabilitation Programs Coordinator and lecturer. Northwestern Health Science University.</p><p>2010-present Lecturer and Medical Consultant for RockTape Inc. (Kinesiology taping)</p><p>1998–2005 Private practice. The Clinic; Family Health & Sports Chiropractic. Chiropractic physician & owner.</p><p>1984-94,2004 ND Air National Guard; Crew Chief for a C130 Hercules, Nutritionist for the Medical Services Group.</p><p>2001-2003 EclipseAthletics.com; a company who caters to the athlete providing speed and agility camps. Innovator of the XPuck. President, strength coach, and inventor.</p><p>2001-2003 Strength Coach: West Fargo, ND Junior Hockey Camp.</p><p>2000-2002 Head Coach for the West Fargo 18 year old Junior Olympic Volleyball team.</p><p>1996-1998 Resident/Fellow in Sports Chiropractic & Rehabilitation at NWCC. Duties; study, teach & perform research in the areas of sports injuries and rehabilitation. Maintained a family & sports injury practice.</p><p>1991-1998 Exercise Rehabilitation Specialist. Flagship Athletic Club: created, implemented and managed exercise programs for victims of head injuries, strokes, and systemic pathologies.</p><p>1996 Undergraduate Chiropractic Externship. Schaller-Holstein Family & Sports Chiropractic: patient management.</p><p>1995-1996 Undergraduate Chiropractic Internship. NWCC clinic: patient management. Timothy W. Stark, MPhil, DC, DACBSP, ICCSP, CSCS Additional Positions Held cont’d: 1990-1991 Personal Trainer. Fargo Athletic Club: Implemented personal training program. “Advanced sports conditioning for athletes.”</p><p>1990 Internship. The New York Fitness Center: Exercise physiology internship program. Chicago, Ill.</p><p>Professional Organizations: 1996-present Federation Internationale de Chiropratique du Sport (FICS). 2003-present FICS Education Commission Senior Academic Administrator . 2008-present American Chiropractic Association (ACA) 2008-present ACA Sports Council 2012-present Foundation for Chiropractic Progress; Athletic TIPS Advisory Board 1996-present National Strength & Conditioning Association</p><p>Licenses & Certifications Tertiary Teaching Certificate; Murdoch University, Western Australia Doctor of Chiropractic in North Dakota. Diplomate of the American Chiropractic Board of Sports Physicians, ACBSP International Chiropractic Sports Science Diploma, FICS Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist, NSCA RockTape Instructor (kinesiology tape) Certified Graston Technique Instructor Certified FAKTR practitioner</p><p>Non-Clinical Volunteer Work: 2002-2003 Dakota Territory District Exchange Club President 1998-2005 West Fargo Exchange Club member; President 2000-2001 1998-2005 West Fargo Chamber of Commerce Ambassador 1999-2000 West Fargo Chamber of Commerce Ambassador Committee Chair 1999-2005 West Fargo Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Timothy W. Stark, MPhil, DC, DACBSP, ICCSP, CSCS</p><p>Team physician: 2013, August Invited to participate as a Sports Chiropractor at the Cali, Columbia World Games 2012-present St. Petersburg College, Florida Sports Medicine Volunteer 2002-present Sport Medicine Consultant for USA Volleyball 2011 Pan Am Games, Guadalajara, Mexico: Sports Chiropractic Physician 2008-2011 Sports Chiropractor for the Fargo Force (USHL Junior A ice hockey) 1999-05,08-11 Sports DC for American Gold Gymnastics & FM Acro teams 2006-2008 Team Physician for the Western Australia Volleyball Federation 2005-2006 WAFL Sports Chiropractor for the East Fremantle Sharks (Aussie rules) 2005- 2006 Western Australian Touch Rugby Championships 2005 World Games; Germany 2003-2005 Team Physician for the FM Jets (NAHL Junior A Hockey) 2003 US Olympic Training Center (Volunteer Sports Chiropractor) 2002 World Speed Skating Team Championships in Milwaukee, Wisc. 2002 Salt Lake Olympic Winter Games; FICS 1998-2002 MS 150 Bike Tour, ND : Medical Director 2000 Summer Olympic Games; Sydney Australia 1998 Mn. Monsters; professional indoor football league. Co-team physician 1995-1998 AVP professional sand volleyball tour 1996-1998 Mid-America Football League; professional minor league 1996-1997 US Open Squash Championships – ESPN televised 1997 Heart of Lakes Triathlon 1997 Star of the North Games, St. Cloud, Mn. 1997 Mexico Olympiada Juvenil, Mexico City, Mexico 1997 National Senior Men’s Hockey Championships 1994, 1997 Minneapolis Athletic Club Amateur Squash Championships 1994-1997 St. Croix Lutheran High School (basketball, football) 1996 Summer Olympic Games; Atlanta, USA 1996 World Barefoot Skiing Championships 1996 Mn. Professional Snowmobile Races at Canterbury Downs. 1995-96 Summit Sevens Rugby Tournament 1994-1996 National Open Aerobics Championships – ESPN televised 1994-1996 Farmington High School (all sports) 1995 Border to Border triathlon, across Mn. 1995 National High School Rugby Championships 1995 Junior Olympic Volleyball Championships 1995 Nike triple crown junior soccer championships 1995 Bud Light water-skiing tour 1994-1995 NWCC Back to Shape fun run 1994-1995 Minneapolis Pro/Am Squash Championships 1994-1995 All Minnesota Collegiate Rugby Championships 1994 World Powerlifting Championships Timothy W. Stark, MPhil, DC, DACBSP, ICCSP, CSCS</p><p>Teaching and administrative accomplishments while at Murdoch University:</p><p>University and School Committee activity Graduate Studies (Chair) Health Sciences Divisional Marketing Committee (Chair) Research Committee (Past Chair) University Open Day Planning Committee, 2007 Clinic Committee School Committee Curriculum Committee Clinic Entrance Exam Committee; OSCE format planning Clinic Exit Exam Committee; OSCE format planning Library Committee Murdoch Chiropractic Student Association/Faculty Liaison 2005-6 Clinic Development Committee; design and start-up of the public clinic 2005 Nominated for the TEX Award (Teaching Excellence Award provided to the top 10% of approximately 500 lecturers. Based on student reviews and colleague nominations). Developed the 4pt. Units for CHI411 (Physical Rehabilitation) and CHI423 (Physiotherapeutics/Applied Clinical Nutrition). Developed the lecture component of CHI304 (Clinical Neurology with the lab component including Clinical Orthopedic) Fully taught (Lecture and Lab) and Unit coordinated CHI304, CHI411, CHI423 Guest lecturer for the topic of Exercise Physiology for BMS264 Aided in the development of the Learning Clinic specifically aided in general decisions, the “paperless clinic” process including the IT components, and designed and set-up the Physical Rehabilitation Centre. Aided in the design and provision of the Clinic Entrance Exam; OSCE format Successfully participated and completed the Tertiary Teaching program via TLC. Implemented a weekly quiz system within the School of Chiropractic, which is now being used by most of the teaching academics in the School. Provided clinical learning opportunities for the student interns while consulting on patient care Provided learning opportunities for the student interns while providing sports medicine care at numerous and regular sporting events. Contributed to the budget development 2006 Nominated for the TEX award. Continued to fully teach and unit coordinate CHI411 and CHI304. Assisted with teaching the labs of CHI309 (Extremity pathology and technique) Guest lecturer for the topic of Exercise Physiology for BMS264 Provided instruction and Unit coordination for the chiropractic program in Japan Completely restructured the Physical Rehabilitation (Patient Management) Unit for the Japan program Timothy W. Stark, MPhil, DC, DACBSP, ICCSP, CSCS Teaching and administrative accomplishments while at Murdoch University Cont’d:</p><p>2006 Cont’d Aided in the design and provision of the Clinic Exit Exam: OSCE format. Developed and implemented the Neuro-Science and Clinical Neurology Stream Developed and implemented the Nutritional Stream Provided learning opportunities for the student interns while providing sports medicine care at numerous and regular sporting events. Contributed to the School budget development Supervised three Summer’s student Research Projects Research and publications as noted above 2007 & 2008 Nominated for the TEX award. Continued to teach and unit coordinate CHI411 and CHI304 Guest lecturer for the topic of Exercise Physiology for BMS264 Continued to participate as an instructor and unit coordinator within the offshore Japan program Successfully designed and initiated the Masters in Sports Science degree Began unit coordination and teaching within the distant learning programs as part of the Postgraduate Studies degrees. Created learning opportunities for the student interns while providing sports medicine care at numerous and regular sporting events. Contributed to the School budget development Supervised 3 student Summer’s Research Projects Research and publications as noted above Timothy W. Stark, MPhil, DC, DACBSP, ICCSP, CSCS References:</p><p>Dr. Sheila Wilson, FICS President Georgetown Chiropractic & Wellness 5637 West 56th Street Indianapolis, IN 46254 Mobile; 317-258-8670 Office; 317-297-8800</p><p>Dr. Sherri Laschomb, ACA Sports Council President 765 Center St Lewiston, NY 14092 Office: (716) 754-7400 </p><p>Dr. Brian Nook, Head of College Australian College of Physical Education 1 Figtree Drive Sydney Olympic Park NSW 2127 Australia Telephone: +61-4-07-084-998 Email: [email protected]</p>
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