, . AWB LEADER SAYS HE'S AFRAID OF 'THE OWAMBOS' - INSIDE SWAPO BLUEPRINT Movement's post-independence constitutional plans revealed STAFF REPORTER THE Namibian has come into possession or a document which will be the unaltered Constitution (or the new Republic of Namibia ir Swapo wins the eledions with a two-thirds majority. At the end of 1988, Swapo ac­ up:m the principles of democracy, cepted the: tClItof a new ConStilUtion the rule of law and social justice". which will fonn the basis of its In Anicle 5 it says that Windhoek campaign for the independence eJec­ will be thecapital of Namibia and the tions in Namibia scheduled for No­ official language will be English, vember this year. although a citizen' 'may communi­ The main pans of this new docu­ cate withagovernmentofficial in the ment consist of a Preamble and 62 citizen's mother tongue", and pages of constitutional text divided "subject to law, as a medium of into nine parts with 150 articles. instruction. a school may use a mother It has also been wnfinned that this tongue other than English". new Constitution is stili subJ«:t \0 Another article reads: "Namibia ratification by the Swapo Central shall not in thecontextoftheconflict Committee. of power blocs join or conclude mili­ Article 1 o[(hc Constitution states tary pacts or alliances, or allow the that "the Republic of Namibia is an establishment of fOfcign military bases independent, sovc:rign. unit&r)'. on her territory." dcmocrtJ.i<;. and 5CCuIar Stale, founded coni. on page 3 TO TAKE LEGAL ACTION ,h. report concerned an anonymous! ~mear p.aJIlphlet ~h~ch received prominence in yesterday's edition of Ole Repubhkem. Ms Lister said she bad taken note or tbe pampblet a nd the subsequent report, wbich she described as 'scurrilous, unfounded, and devoid ortruth'. She also said that it was in keeping with a more general smear campaign against her, conducted in recent added tbat she had taken note that Die Republikein had not TO LET: AT A MERE R10 000 PER MONTH j:,~~:~~::';:her prior to publication or the report, as is usual NAMIBIAN-born 'Oom Hennie' van Niekerk wants to let his Wmdhoek home at RIO 000 a month. It practice. doesn't matter who it is, he says, since he describes himselF as 'colour-blind'. The sudden scarcity or I tbere was any repetition tben she would take urgent steps Ir houses; those which are available at astronomical rentals, i., part or the 435-revu which has hit the to do so by her lawyers. country recently. Full r eport inside today. Pregnant woman AFRICA AIR LINKS detainee released Air Botswana to fly to Windhoek THE SWATF informed the Legal Assistance Centre in Windhoek yesterday (Thursday) that a pregnant woman detainee would be BY RAJAH MUNAMAVA released. Ms Michaela Clayton or the LAC confi rmed that the Centre was about to br ing an a pplication ror the release or Mrs FOR the first time in Namibian history, a national airline ora black of the best in the region. The Botswana aircraft to Wind­ Maria Shoongelena, when the army inrormed them that she was to African slate will include Windhoek in its nrghlschedule beginning hoek will be a 42 seater with a crew be rreed. April. of 4 - .Captain, First Officer and two Ms ClaylOn added that Ms Shoongeiena was apparently held at the Oshili This dramatic tum of events was Botswana will also be undertaken via cabin members. base. at least since November last year. She was also pregnant., but it is not yesterday attributed by a Botswana Maun and \.lack to Gaborone. It is believed that the move by Air certain how far her pregnancy was advanced. Mr Airline Official to the changing po­ Petch said when asked about Botswana. to start operations between She was held under security legisl!ltion AG 9 in detention without trial and litical s(,'ene in the region. potential passengers thai as commer­ Gaborone and Windhoek have the is apparently from the Ombalantu region of northern Namibit.. Theofficial,MrD.K. Petch said he ci a institutions. the airliners would full backing of the Botswana Gov­ Although the army informed the LAC that her release was imminent, at the believed that the two COUJltries would nO!. have staned operations if .there ernment which in the past has been time of going to press we were unable 10 conflllTl whether in fact she had been be able to deal commercially without was no gain in the venlUre. relUGtant to allow cooperation be­ freed . the political entities which had pre­ Air Botswana, he said, is optimis­ tween the tWO countries ow ing to it viously restricted joint operations tic that there would be people want­ being a member of the OAU and the between the two in the light of the ing to travel between the two coun­ UN which both disapprove of gov­ changing situation. tries and panicularly tourists from ernments condUGling business in NO LONGER AN ARMY MAN Botswana, according to Mr Petch either Botswana or Namibia. Namibia. has pw-chased ATR 42 Aircraft re­ Information on the fares between Ithas also bc:enleamt that officials the twocountrles were still not avail ­ THE rr on t-p~e head li ne in last week's edition orThe Namibian cently which wm: also operative inside from Air Botswana will visit Wind­ 'Army man held ror landmine' was incorrect and should have Botswana. II is these aircraft that will able. hoek shortly to make the necessary be used between here and that COUll­ Asked 10 comment 00. Air Botswana formalities and arrangemcnts before read 'Ex-army man held ror landmine'. customer service compared to other The SWATF approached The Namibian ror a correction since "Y. flights between the Windhoek and There will be two weekly flights airline~ ' in the region, Mr Petch said Gaborone. the report concerned the questioning or a former member or the from Botswana by both Air Bo1Swana "our customer St.'T'I ice is very. very Meanwhile, Namibia air also is­ SWATF in connection with a landmine incident. In ract, as the and Namib Air starting April. good. We are a small, expanding sued a statement late yesterday th at . report itselrstated. the man in question had been dishonourably Air Botswana will fly from Ga­ airline but very professional." , flights between Botswana and Na - discharged rrom the SWA TF seven years earlier (1n 1982), and is Mr Petch said in terms reliability berone. via MaUll to Wmdhoek's &os thererore no longer an 'army man'. Airport. The relUm journey to and proficiency. the Ilirlir.e was one cont. on page 3 2 Friday February 10 1989 THE NAMIBIAN Xl( le I/ H9035 Shopkeeper held for U A 68 1 5 AXA SVG K 1 L L K ILL K IL L P'~"~H~~~~;~!~nn~~~~~!'!HRQH~ landmine explosion SUBS : PSE KILL OUR ACC I ES - ZIM STORY FM fIARARE , 8775 , ABOUT EI GHT PEOP LE BEING KIL LED IN AN ACC ID EN T. ZIANA NOW ADVISES IT WAS STAFF REPORTER NO T PEOPLE BUT CATTLE TH AT WERE KILL ED . POLICE have confirmed the identity of a second man who is being SAPA IRK held in connection with a landmine blast on Monday last week in which two security force members were injured. GZ/ 09 /1 5- 3 8 ' 39 He Is Mr Sakeus Pokat!, a shopkeeper in the area where the incident N fHHI occured, police said this week. Theother person being held forquestlonlng is Mr Walde Muunda, who was In 1982 given a dlshonourable discharge from the SWA Territory Force after serving for four years. Good news for people, bad for the cattle! The SWATF reported last week that a double landmlne was detonated by a security force veh Ide on January 30, approximately 10km south -west THIS urgent message came through on yesterday's Sapa telex. It speaks for itself, but while it was good of Eenhana on the road to Oshlgambo. news for the people, it was a bad day ror the cattle. The army statement said at the time: "It is supposed that the mines were planted last night by Swapo terrorists ... " A SWATFspokesman added last week that " the tracks that were found at the scene were freshly laden, and that is sumclent proof that Swapo Is Damara Administration won't oppose stili carrying on with Its terror activities". However, In a police statement this week connrmlng the Identity orMr scrapping of _ethnic governments Po.kati as the second man being held In connection with the Incident. no menlion Is made of "Swapo terrorists". IN A press release yesterday, Mr Justus Garoeb, who heads the Damara Administration, said following The statement pointed out that Mr Muunda was not a member of the discussions with the Administrator General on the future of the second tiers this week, that his security forces at the time or the incident. and Mr Pokall was merely Administration would not oppose the disbanding of these governments. described as "a shopkeeper". ]n fact. he added, it would be in line with a Damara Council Congress decision taken in 1986. "Investigation Into the malter has not been completed yet as some Mr Garoeb said tbat wbatever the outcome of the talks with the Administrator General, that they Important statements are stili being awaited," police said. merely wished to see that there were acceptable guarantees, on the first tier, for the maintenance of The statement added: "Thus far no evidence could be found that anyot the two men have links with the security forces." healthy administrations, with minimum disruption.
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