Title 18 ZONING Chapters: 18.04 Purpose. 18.05 Public Notice Requirements. 18.07 ER District – Estate rResidential dDistrict. 18.08 R1e dDistrict – Established Low-density Residential District. 18.12 R1 dDistrict – Developing Low-density Residential District. 18.13 R2 dDistrict – Developing Two-family Residential District. 18.16 R3e dDistrict – Established High-density Residential District. 18.20 R3 dDistrict – Developing High-density Residential District. 18.24 BE dDistrict – Established Business District. 18.28 B dDistrict – Developing Business District. 18.29 MAC dDistrict – Mixed-use Activity Center District. 18.30 E dDistrict – Employment Center District. 18.32 PP dDistrict – Public Park District. 18.36 I dDistrict – Developing Industrial District. 18.38 DR dDistrict – Developing Resource District. 18.39 Development Application Process and Procedures 18.40 Uses pPermitted bBy sSpecial rReview. 18.41 UPlanned unit dDevelopment zZone dDistrict rRequirements and Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.5", Hanging: 0.5" pProcedures. 18.42 Off-street pParking and lLoading rRequirements. 18.43 Mobile hHome pParks, cCommunities and cCampgrounds. 18.45 Flood plain rRegulations. 18.46 Site Development pPlan review rRequirements and performance standardsProcedures. 18.47 Site dDevelopment pPerformance sStandards and gGuidelines. 18.48 Accessory bBuildings and uUses. 18.50 Signs. 18.52 Supplementary rRegulations. 18.53 Commercial and iIndustrial aArchitectural sStandards. 18.54 Building hHeight rRegulations. 18.55 Personal wWireless sService fFacilities. 18.56 Nonconforming uUses – nNonconforming bBuildings. 18.60 Zoning bBoard of aAdjustments. 18.64 Amendments. 18.68 Enforcement – pPenalties. 18.72 Vested pProperty rRights. 18.76 Sexually oOriented bBusiness zZoning. 18.77 Oil and gGas rRegulations. 18.78 Overlay zZoning dDistricts for dDevelopment sSetbacks fFrom eExisting oOil and gGas fFacilities. 18.80 Appeals. 1 Underlying Code Current as of 12/31/2013 Zoning Code Revisions for PC review on 9-22-14 Chapter 18.04 PURPOSE Sections: 18.04.010 Purpose. 18.04.020 Regulations – Applicability. 18.04.030 Interpretation. 18.04.040 Definitions. 18.04.050 Zoning districts – Established. 18.04.060 Zoning districts – Boundaries – Titles. 18.04.070 Building, structure, or use exempt. 18.04.080 Schedule adoption. 18.04.090 Concurrent submittal and review of a site development plan application. 18.04.070 Definitions generally. 18.04.080 Rules of construction. 18.04.100 Area of lot defined. 18.04.101 Attended recycling collection facility defined. 18.04.110 Bar or tavern defined. 18.04.111 Bed and breakfast defined. 18.04.112 Boarding and rooming house defined. 18.04.113 Building defined. Building envelope defined. Building height defined. 18.04.120 Carwash defined. 18.04.121 Change of use defined. 18.04.122 Clubs and lodges defined. 18.04.123 Combined use development defined. 18.04.124 Commercial child day care centers defined. 18.04.125 Commercial mineral deposit defined. 18.04.126 Community facility defined. 18.04.127 Composting facility defined. 18.04.128 Congregate care facility defined. 18.04.129 Contractor’s storage yard defined. 18.04.130 Convention and conference center. 18.04.131 Crematorium defined. 18.04.132 Cul-de-sac lot defined. 18.04.140 Dance club or dance hall defined. Day care center defined. 18.04.141 Dependent unit defined. 18.04.142 Domestic animal day care facility defined. 18.04.143 Dwelling, attached one-family or single family defined. Dwelling, mixed-use defined. Dwelling, multiple-family defined. Dwelling, multiple-family for the elderly defined. Dwelling, one-family defined. Dwelling, three-family defined. Dwelling, two-family defined. 2 Underlying Code Current as of 12/31/2013 Zoning Code Revisions for PC review on 9-22-14 18.04.144 Dwelling, unit defined. Dwelling, unit, accessory defined. Dwelling, unit efficiency defined. 18.04.150 Elderly defined. 18.04.151 Employees defined. 18.04.152 Entertainment facilities and theaters, indoor defined. 18.04.153 Essential public utility uses, facilities, services, and structures defined. 18.04.160 Family defined. 18.04.161 Fast food or drive-in restaurant defined. 18.04.162 Financial services defined. 18.04.163 Floor area defined. Floor area ratio defined. 18.04.164 Food catering establishment defined. 18.04.165 Funeral home defined. 18.04.180 Garden supply center defined. 18.04.181 Gas station defined. 18.04.182 Greenhouse defined. 18.04.183 Group care facility defined. Disabled person defined. 18.04.190 Hard goods defined. 18.04.191 Health care service facility defined. 18.04.192 Heavy industrial uses defined. 18.04.193 Hospital defined. 18.04.200 Independent unit defined. 18.04.201 Indoor recreation defined. 18.04.202 Intermediate health care facility defined. 18.04.210 Jails, detention, and penal centers defined. 18.04.211 Junkyard or salvage yard defined. 18.04.220 Kennel defined. 18.04.230 Landfill area defined. 18.04.231 Landscaping defined. 18.04.232 Light industrial defined. 18.04.233 Lodging establishment defined. 18.04.234 Logo, corporate or business defined. 18.04.235 Long term care facility defined. 18.04.236 Lot defined. Front lot line defined. Rear lot line defined. Side lot line defined. 18.04.237 Lumber yard defined. 18.04.250 Major recycling processing facility defined. 18.04.251 Massage parlor defined. 18.04.252 Medical or dental clinic or office defined. 18.04.253 Minor recycling processing facility defined. 18.04.254 Mobile home defined. Mobile home community defined. Mobile home park defined. 18.04.255 Mobile recycling collection unit defined. 18.04.270 Neighborhood shopping center defined. 3 Underlying Code Current as of 12/31/2013 Zoning Code Revisions for PC review on 9-22-14 18.04.271 Nightclub defined. 18.04.272 Nursing home defined. 18.04.279 Off-Track Betting Facility defined. 18.04.280 Open-air farmers market defined. 18.04.281 Open space defined. Open space, usable defined. 18.04.282 Outdoor recreation facility defined. 18.04.290 Packing facility defined. 18.04.291 Parcel defined. 18.04.292 Park or recreation area defined. 18.04.293 Parking garage defined. 18.04.294 Parking lot defined. 18.04.295 Personal and business service shops defined. 18.04.296 Place of worship or assembly defined. 18.04.297 Plant nursery defined. 18.04.298 Principal building defined. Principal use defined. 18.04.299 Print shop defined. 18.04.300 Printing and newspaper office defined. 18.04.301 Professional office defined. 18.04.302 Public and private schools defined. 18.04.303 Public service facility defined. 18.04.330 Recreational open space defined. 18.04.331 Recreational vehicle park/campground defined. 18.04.332 Recyclable material defined. 18.04.332.1 Recyclable materials processing defined. 18.04.333 Research laboratory defined. 18.04.334 Resource extraction, process and sales defined. 18.04.335 Restaurant, drive-in or fast food defined. 18.04.336 Restaurant, standards defined. 18.04.337 Retail laundry defined. 18.04.338 Retail store defined. 18.04.339 Reverse mode design defined. 18.04.340 Reverse vending machine defined. 18.04.350 Self-service storage facility defined. 18.04.351 Semi-public use defined. 18.04.352 Setback defined. 18.04.353 Sexually oriented business defined. 18.04.354 Shelter for victims of domestic violence defined. 18.04.355 Sign defined. 18.04.356 Site development improvements defined. 18.04.358 Special trade contractor’s shop defined. 18.04.359 Specific food item or product defined. 18.04.360 Structure defined. 18.04.361 Subsidized single-parent household defined. 18.04.362 Street defined. 18.04.363 Superficial floor area defined. 18.04.370 Travel trailer defined. 18.04.371 Truck stop defined. 4 Underlying Code Current as of 12/31/2013 Zoning Code Revisions for PC review on 9-22-14 18.04.372 Truck terminal defined. 18.04.373 Tourist home defined. 18.04.373.1 Type 1 Standard defined. 18.04.373.2 Type 2 Standard defined. 18.04.380 Unattended recycling collection facility defined. 18.04.381 Unit development defined. 18.04.390 Vehicle major repair, servicing and maintenance defined. 18.04.390.1 Vehicle minor repair, servicing and maintenance defined. 18.04.390.2 Vehicle rentals of cars, light trucks and light equipment defined. 18.04.390.3 Vehicles rentals of heavy equipment, large trucks, and trailers defined. 18.04.390.4 Vehicle sales and leasing of cars and light trucks defined. 18.04.390.5 Vehicles sales and leasing of farm equipment mobile homes, recreational vehicles, large trucks and boats with outdoor storage defined. 18.04.391 Veterinary clinic defined. 18.04.392 Veterinary hospital defined. 18.04.400 Warehouse and distribution defined. 18.04.401 Width of lot defined. 18.04.402 Workshop and custom small industry defined. 18.04.420 Yard defined. 18.04.420.1 Yard, front defined. 18.04.420.2 Yard, rear defined. 18.04.420.3 Yard, side defined. 18.04.500 Interpretation and application of provisions. 18.04.510 Provisions are minimum requirements. 18.04.520 Application of overlapping regulations. 18.04.530 Existing permits and private agreements. *For statutory provisions regarding zoning of cities and towns generally, see C.R.S. § 31-23-201 et. seq.; fFor provisions authorizing local authorities to adopt zoning regulations, see C.R.S. § Formatted: Font: Italic 31-23-301 et.
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