Welcome to St. John Catholic Parish

Welcome to St. John Catholic Parish

<p> Welcome to St. John Catholic Parish MASS INTENTIONS Saturday , December 20th From Our Pastor 5:00 pm Mr. & Mrs. Roscoe Strange, Derek Arvin Buck & Afra Green, Robert Blackwell Sunday , December 21th My dear friends in Christ, 7:30 am. Chester Lee Harding 10:30 am. Wilma Bateman, Mary Ruth Clements, Bob Larkin, Martin & Louise Ward Monday, December 22nd Thursday of this week we celebrated the funeral (W) 11:00 am Joseph Rayman Funeral at St. Martin Mass for Charles H. Lavely. Charlie was certainly no 6:00 pm No Mass at St. Martin stranger to our parish and community as he was a Tuesday , December 23rd teacher and principal for the Loogootee Jr. High School 8:15 am. Jim Love for nearly 35 years. He also shared his musical ability Wednesday , December 24th with the parish as he was our parish senior choir director 4:00 pm Ben Summers, Jennie Boyd, Donald Hotz, Alonzo Bridgewater, Robert & Virginia Toy, for many years. His kind and gentle spirit will be greatly Gary Williams missed by all of us. May he rest in peace. Amen. 12:00 Dolores & Jack Walker, Jack Compbell, Victor & Terry Beckman, Bob Matthews, John & Mag At this time, I would like to wish all of you a Very Beasley, Mariann Wininger, Wayne Burch, Charles & Merry Christmas and a Blessed Holiday Season. This is Bernice Burch, Margaret Wagoner, John Kelley my first Christmas at St. John the Evangelist as your Thursday, December 25th pastor. It truly is a great honor for me to be here and to 7:30 am Guy Padgett, Jack Trout, Dianne Bradley, be able to serve you in the name of the Lord. I am most Jack Norris appreciative to all you as you share your many gifts and 10:00 am. Bev Summers, Wanda Colvin, Grover & Grace Hawkins, Bill & Belle Ervin talents with the parish. I ask that you keep me in your Friday , December 26th prayers, so that I may serve you well and be there to help 8:15 am. For the People you. Please know that you are in my prayers each day. Saturday , December 27th 5:00 pm Ernest Colvin (a), Ed & Hattie Green Be certain to take home the Prayers for Every Day J.W. & Belle Carrico, Martin & Louise Ward booklet in the white envelopes, which is a little Sunday , December 28th 7:30 am. George Sr. & Eleanor Erler Christmas gift for you. There is a booklet for every 10:30 am. Joseph L. Mattingly, Rita Mae Lannan, person in the parish. Carl “Bus” Morgan, Charles & Dorothy Milligan Ministers for December 20 th /21 st Our Christmas Mass schedule is as follows: SACRISTANS Children’s Mass at 4:00 PM on Christmas Eve; 5:00 pm Julie LaMar Midnight Mass; Christmas Day Masses at 7:30 AM and 7:30 am George Erler 10:00 AM. 10:30 am Noel Harty SERVERS: 5:00 pm Patrick Allbright, Sebastian Toy, You will find at the doors of the church, the 2015 Jace Toy, Emily Wade religious church calendars for you to take home. We are 7:30 am Olivia Wininger, Volunteer, most grateful to the Brocksmith-Blake Funeral Home for Jason/Craig Lubbehusen donating the calendars. 10:30 am Kaylin Harris, Sean Lents, Jody/Nathan Seals, Kylie Vanhoy January 1st is the Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of GREETERS: 5:00 pm FD- Donna Van Winkle God and is a Holy Day of Obligation. Our Mass SD- Joyce Conlon, Theresa Miller schedule is as follows: the Vigil on Wednesday at 6:00 7:30 am FD- Mike and Roseann Morris pm; and on Thursday at 8:15 am and 6:00 pm. SD- Annette Taylor, John/Diane Vaupel 10:30 am FD- Kara, Jarrett, Ashlee Arvin SD- Sue Morrison, Gayle Strange LECTORS: May the Lord bless and keep you, 5:00 pm Cassidy Esch, Jill Wininger 7:30am Brandon Eckerle, Jerry Lubbehusen Father Walker. 10:30 am Rhi Graves, Lindsay Burch EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: 5:00 pm Alice Weisheit, Inger Johnson, Pat Daughterty, Julie LaMar, Diane Schutte, Elaine Wade, Donna Ader 7:30am George Erler, Bernie Smith, Sue David, Annette Taylor, Bruce Hawkins, Kathy Wittmer, Rita Divine 10:30 am Greg Bateman, Lynn Bateman, Tom McAtee, Stephanie McAtee, Peter McDowell, Gayle Strange, Volunteer Ministers for December 27/December 28 Retirement for Religious $ 625.00 SACRISTANS **WINTER WEATHER 5:00 pm Chuck and Carolyn Buxton **If school is delayed, the 8:15 scheduled Mass or 7:30 am George Erler Communion Service will continue. However, if school 10:30 am Samantha Nelson is cancelled, the morning Mass or Communion Service SERVERS: will also be cancelled. 5:00 pm Patrick Allbright, Cassidy Esch, Ethan Todd, Dylan Arthur 7:30 am Brandon and Bryant Eckerle, Youth News with Mark Potts Olivia Wininger, Grace Foddrill During the month of November (AND NOW 10:30 am Carson Rayhill, Alex Bowling, Aaron Dant, DECEMBER) every Wednesday we will be meeting Sydney Blankenbaker, Luke Nonte at the St. John Center at 6 PM (1 hour before GREETERS: religion) to work on making blankets and other 5:00 pm FD- Judy Blackwell, SD- Mary Lou Harding, Rachel Doyle items for residents at the nursing home for the 7:30am FD Tom and Chris Peter coming winter months. We will have drinks and SD- Darin Holder, Jane Holder some snacks for the students while they are 10:30 am FD- Dan and Barbara Gregory working. This is a great opportunity for SD- Faye Holland, Denny Smith Confirmation service hours or a service project. LECTORS: 5:00 pm Jason Jones, Kenny Inman Thanks to those students who came out and 7:30 am Maureen Thomas, John Vaupel helped with the St. Nick Meal. The students help 10:30 am Gil Toy, Kay Summers prepared over 350 meals for members of the EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: community! Those students included Liz Burch, 5:00 pm Janet Matthews, Lina Wickman, Jill Wininger, Renee Burch, Breanna Holloway, Logan Jacobs, John Crays, Charles and Carolyn Buxton, Sean Lents, and Katie Sims. Volunteer Thanks to Corbin Henninger and Brayden 7:30 am Jerry Huelsman, Betty Huelsman, Darin Holder, Horsting for coming and helping out Saturday at Jane Holder, Tom Peter, Volunteer, Peg Neidigh, the Toy Store. Your help and time was much Jerry Lubbehusen appreciated! 10:30 am Donna Heshleman, Alan Lagree, Dayne Holder, Curt Johnson, Mark Bauer, Kenny Inman, Brenda Mathies We will be having an euchre tournament on Monday, December 29th at 7 PM after the Monday st nd rd This Week at St. John Parish Mass. Prizes will be given for 1 , 2 , and 3 places Sunday, December 21 th along with most lones. Anyone is welcome to come Monday, December 22nd and join!! We will need student volunteers. (B) St. Joseph Eucharistic Adoration-9:00am to 1:00pm Student volunteers please be there on Monday (S) St. Mary Eucharistic Adoration-9:00am to noon around 6:30 to help set up! Thank you!! No Quilters Meeting Circle of Peace Prayer Meeting- 1:00 Religious Education News with Paula Ringwald (W) No 6:00pmMass at St. Martin at Whitfield- FAITH FORMATION Please, attend funeral Mass at 11:00am at St. Martin Elementary K-6 Tuesday, December 23th Religious Ed. Classes: 8:45-10:15 Wednesday, December 24th Breakfast served from 8:30-9:00. (W) No St. Martin Eucharistic Adoration Thursday, December 25th Jr. Sr. High Religious Ed. Classes: (L) No Eucharistic Adoration Christmas Break-NO CLASS Friday, December 26th No Quilters Meeting Adult- Saturday, December 27th MUSIC MINISTRY . Private Confessions- 4:00 pm Children’s Choir: Tuesday from 3:30-4:30 in church</p><p>Holy Day of Obligation.-January 1-Solemity of Mary, Praise Band: NO PRACTICE on Monday The Holy Mother of God Sunday Religion Class Helpers s Sunday Collection for December 13th , 14th 2014 Dec. 21st: Martha Blackwell & Jessica Green St. John: 243 Envelopes (902 families) $ 8,159.00 Christmas Flowers </p><p>John W. Dant Edwin (Sonny) Smith Cassady & Carl Dunning Harold & Gladys Smith George & Eleanor Erler Jerry & Rosemary Smith David T. Erler Jerry Smith Family Mr & Mrs Vernon Farrell Jim Smith Mary Gibson Candice Souerdike Mark Gillick Gerald Spalding Buck and Afra Green Matt & Nina Spaulding Ed & Hattie Green St. John Quilters Jim & Mary Greene David Strange Irene Harder Members of Eugene Strange Randy Abbott Joe, Virginia , & Danny Hart family Richard Ader Junior Hedrick Helen S. Strange Carolyn Arvin Sally Hotz John G. Strange Mr. & Mrs. William Bakon Edgar & Bernadette Jones Mickey Strange Robert Blackwell Donald S. Lannan family Mr. & Mrs. Roscoe Strange Walt & Magdeline Blackwell Norma L. Lannan family Tim & Frances Strange Carrie & Hubert Bledsoe Leo & Nora Lannan Minnie & John C. Summers Ted & Mable Bowman Sam & Dolah Lannan Kevin Sweckard Mary Jo Bradley Charles Lavely Paul Sweckard Phil & Helen Bradley Bud Lents H & L Thompson Orville & Opha Brothers Jim Love Phillip D. Todd Walter Brown Simmy Love Mr. & Mrs James W. Todd Bertha Bruner Alice Matthews Jean Trambaugh David Burch Dora & Alberta Mattingly Francis & Martha Wade Ed & Mary Alice Burch Ervin & Flora Mattingly Ralph & Rose Wade Joe & Kay Burris Loretto McCann Bryan Walker Martin & Mary Burris Betty McDonald Dorothy & Tommy Walker Mary Melinda Burris Merkel & Wagner Familes Dolores & Jack Walker Virgil & Alberta Burris Helen & Sam Middleton Mary Marguerite & Leo Walker Jim Carrico Ruth & Lawrence Nolan Walker & Strange family J.W. & Belle Carrico Tommy & Rose Nolan Lana Walton Regina Carrico Poppy & Cecilia Nolley Loran Walton Turk Carrico Cecelia Nolley Regina Wikle John Cissell Edward “Poppy” Nolley Williams & Larkin family Lettie Cissell Jack Norris Bud & Bernice Williams Ron Cissell Lawrence & Hazel Norris Jim Williams William E. Clark Jason Ritchey Vincet & Dorothy Williams Ernest & Catherine Colvin George & Clara Padgett Paul Wittmer Gerald “Doc” Colvin Lester E. Padgett Keith & Mary Louise Yarnell Andy and Dorothy Combess Bric Paner Bill and Janet Combess Sam & Mary Ruth Potts Denny Combess Barb Prentice Marie Combs David Prokopiak Mary Consley Joe Ringwald Wes & Donna Cooper Louise & Patrick Ryan Corrien Dages Harry & Velma Schiller Mary & Henry Dages Harold Schnarr Marguerite & Clarence Dages Helen & Laurence Seal Faith Ann Dant Carla (Yarnell) Smith Remember Them in Prayer Prayer Line Contacts: the office at 812-295-2225 Betty Huelsman 812-636-4465 email: [email protected] Rachel Doyle 295-2740 Rita Ash 295-2619 Please pray for all the sick of our parish.</p><p>Vivian Beard, Marilyn Beemblossom, John Blanton, Linda Blessinger, Michael Bowers, Barbara, Jr., Larry and Wyatt Boyd, Avaley Braun, Paul Cave, Bobbie Cherry, Linda Cresgy, Mike Divine, Scott Dye, Patricia Ellis, Joyce, Betty, John, Kent and Mike Ervin, Bill Farrell, Amanda Grafton, John Griggs, Manfred and Rose Groemminger, Jeff Grube, Shanna, Shirley and Wanda Harding, Ellie Hassfurther, Clyde, Helen, Michael, Pat, and Roy Hawkins, Marlin Holt, Reagan Hopf, Jane Hovis, David Johnson, Irene Kaiser, Louise Lee, Mark Lehmkuhler, Betty Lindley, Patty Miller, Jim and Sue Morrison, Jim, Pam, and Rob Niemeyer, Emil Oster, Pam Owens, Teresa Pevlor, Meg Pew, Betty and Jiggs Pieper, Charles Rasico, Judy Rasico, Kirk Sanders, Linda Schwager, Bill, Carson, Jonah, Kenley, and Terry Shaw, Carolyn, Eddie, and Tony Sims, Adam Sorensen, Dale and Inez Sorrells, Sue Strange, Bonnie and Joe Summers, Troy Tow, Joe Wehr, Bobbie White, Gerald and Ruby Wilcoxen, Brenda Wolf, Rodney Wright, Jim Durlauf, Fred Doyle, Georgia Anna Ragsdale, Bob McGuire, George Templin, Duane Thomas, Rob Smith, Mary Lou Sims, Dee Bechtel, Maureen Thomas, Rob Webster, John Padgett, Jill Ernst, Hyla Richter, John Richardson, Clara Bradley, Frances Trout, JJ (Jim) Jones, Nancy (Miller) Marlow, Anne Gebhardt, Paul Hornstein, Alice Myrum, Riley Osmon, Dianna Gottwalles, Jean Ellis, Jim Ellis, Bryan and Kristi & Baby, Brooklyn, and Katie Wilhelm, Pauline Hotz, Lenora Whitehead, Michael Johnson, Lynn Gee, Karcyn Trambaugh, Rosemary Stuckey, Marilyn Burch, Don and Norma Lannan, Kathleen and Keith Johnson, Pam & Kevin Olson, Rita & Dewey Weaver, Leila Livengood, Breana Dules, Mary Leila (Walker) Livengood, Jon Orth, Jim Bowling, Marcia Stemle, Wanda Bradley, Susie Stemle, Jay and Margaret Garrett, Alvin & Martha Wilheim & family, Georgia Elliott, Curt Elliott, Candy Gootee, Megan Johnson, Robin Myers, Freda Stringer, Laura Ann Brown. </p><p>If you would like to have your name or a loved one’s name listed for prayer, please call 812-295-2225.</p><p>Happy Birthday</p><p>Mary Evelyn Lankford December 24 Chad Walker Jay Breeden December 28 Francyne Fegan James P. Bradley Betty Wessell Lethe Oenone Bradley December 25 Kalli Marie Britton Falicia Hollaway Ronald Dale Frye December 21 Amy Williams Matt Padgett Mitchell Jeffers December 26 Dan Steiner Rachel Lythgoe Cathy Lynn Arvin Makenzie Van Hoy Marty Arvin December 22 Angela Callison Barbara Boyd Christy Daniels Mattie Lynn Milligan Angela Mathies Donna Rayhill Patrick Wagler Morris Trowbridge Rosie Wininger December 23 December 27 Aaron Dant Andy Burch Barbara Hyllested Nina Horsting Luke Jones </p>

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