Communication & Language Co-Ordinator Session

Communication & Language Co-Ordinator Session

<p>Early Years & Childcare Training Programme</p><p>January-March 2013</p><p>2 Early Years and Childcare Professional Development Programme!</p><p>Joined up working</p><p>The Professional Development Programme will include all training courses provided by the Early Years Pedagogy Advisory Team, Childcare Development Team and Business Support Courses. In the next year we aim to move towards a more streamlined and cohesive Early Years & Childcare Professional Development Programme. We appreciate your patience and co-operation in advance during the period of transition. Feedback is always welcomed and assists us to improve the developing programme.</p><p>Going Electronic!</p><p>The spring term training programme will be sent out to Day Nurseries, Pre-schools, Independent schools and Maintained schools electronically by email only. Childminders and Out of School Clubs will continue to receive a hard copy due to printing access. We hope practitioners will appreciate that this will help us to make significant savings on printing and postage costs. Settings, schools & Network Childminders should print the training programme to share with assistants and co-childminders. The Early Years Pedagogy Advisory Team will email their programme to all EYFS settings/practitioners and maintained schools before the end of autumn term 2012. The Childcare Development Team programme will distribute their programme soon after. </p><p>3 Day Nurseries and Pre-schools experiencing particular difficulties with printing access or sustainability issues please contact Victoria Hall at [email protected] and we will review individual circumstances. </p><p>Contents</p><p>Introduction </p><p>1. Managing the Training Process Before and after training courses Code of Conduct Audiences Booking courses Course charges Maximum numbers Accessibility and Special Requirements Cancellation Policy</p><p>2. Information for Managers in PVI Settings, </p><p>Childminders & Out of School Clubs</p><p>3. All Courses EYPA Team Courses </p><p>4 Overview of autumn term courses Overview of courses planned for spring and summer terms 2013 Individual Courses details for autumn term courses FiND – Business Support Courses </p><p>Childcare & Development Team Courses Individual Courses details for autumn term courses Courses for Childminders, Out of School Clubs, Pre-schools & Day Nurseries</p><p>4. Maps of Venues</p><p>5. Booking Forms Early Years Pedagogy Advisory Team Form Childcare Development Team Form</p><p>1. Introduction</p><p>Training is a crucial part of professional development for practitioners working with young children. All practitioners need to attend training to update their knowledge and skills, and to be enthused and motivated in their practice in order to improve outcomes for children and families in London Borough of Redbridge. Training should not be viewed as a single event but as an ongoing process to make a difference. In order to impact practice, the training process needs careful planning, follow up and monitoring.</p><p>All settings in receipt of 3 & 4 year old funding in London Borough of Redbridge are expected to access training as a condition of the Eligibility for 3 & 4 year old Funding Agreement. </p><p>Managers in PVI settings, Out of School Clubs and Childminders with assistants are expected to support their staff to find appropriate training to meet their individual needs, the needs of the setting and the needs of the children. </p><p>5 Network childminders are reminded that they are required to undertake at least 20 hours of training per year to comply with their network agreement</p><p>OFSTED…. .</p><p>‘Strong emphasis is placed on staff training and development to ensure they keep up-to-date with current best practice. Staff appraisals are carried out annually and staff share information about children and cascade training during monthly staff meetings, which helps to develop their skills and promotes a cohesive approach to children's care and learning.’ Toad Hall Nursery – ‘Outstanding’ judgement</p><p>‘In the best-run settings there is an atmosphere of infectious enthusiasm where adults are highly motivated and committed to providing the very best support for children. The adults are committed to continuous improvement, by further developing their knowledge and skills, reflecting on their practice, and enhancing what they do to promote the best outcomes for children. They test out their own practice against the best that research describes. They welcome advice from their local authority and other support networks, attend training, and apply what they learn.’ OFSTED ‘Early Years Leading to Excellence’</p><p>‘The childminder is conscientious and dedicated to providing high quality childcare. She continuously develops and extends her already excellent practice through attending regular training….She is proactive and forward thinking in seeking to improve what she offers the children, identifying where she needs additional training and attending relevant courses. She adapts her practice as a result of training. Consequently, she shows excellent capacity for further improvement.’ ‘Outstanding’ Childminder – Redbridge</p><p>2. Managing the Training Process</p><p>Organisation and Systems All practitioners should be supported to access training on a rolling programme throughout the year. Budgets need to include provision for</p><p>6 training courses and cover for the practitioner in order to maintain ratios. There should be time in setting for practitioners to discuss training actions with the manager and time in meetings to feedback key points and useful information, (e.g. handouts) from courses. </p><p>Before the course </p><p>Which Training?</p><p>Consider the relevant elements below to inform your choice of training:</p><p>Nursery Development Plans – Priorities identified for the year ahead. RAG rating – key development points identified in RAG rating for year ahead. OFSTED – Inspection recommendations or to feed into Self Evaluation Form Quality Improvement/QuILT – to support current module of self evaluation/area for development Support Identified Groups – Groups of children at risk of underachieving – Boys, summer-born children, EAL, SEN, Black African/Caribbean children, Gypsy, Roma, Traveller children. Continued Professional Development – individual practitioner’s needs identified through supervision/appraisal meetings.</p><p>Who Should Attend?</p><p>Managers/Deputies – Courses/meetings will support the Leadership and Management role with an expectation to affect practice in setting.</p><p>7 Co-ordinators – Ongoing sessions for lead practitioners in setting to update knowledge with an expectation to lead on and co-ordinate practice in a specific area. All Practitioners- Courses to support daily practice in setting with practical elements that should be implemented in practice.</p><p>What to Consider Once Training is Booked?</p><p>Does the practitioner booked on a course know the correct venue and time of course? Are travel arrangements to venue suitable and is sufficient travelling time allowed to ensure punctuality? Is cover arranged to ensure ratios are maintained and contingency arrangements in place for possible absence in setting on the day of the course? If training is outside working hours, are there arrangements in place for staff be paid or receive time off in lieu?</p><p>If cancellation notice is not received 7 days prior to the date of the course, the full cost of the course will be payable. Please see Cancellation Policy.</p><p>After the course</p><p>In PVI settings (Day Nurseries, Pre-schools & Independent Schools) certificates will no longer be given out for attendance at the end of a course. Instead they will be emailed to settings once managers have observed actions being implemented and sustained in setting, impact recorded and the impact form returned. (Approximately a 3-month period after the course).</p><p>8 Practitioners and managers should share action plans as soon as possible after the course or agree the earliest convenient time to meet. Managers should support practitioners to feed back key information to all the staff, share any handouts etc. and to put agreed actions into place.</p><p>PVI Managers should record sustained impact observed and email/post impact form to EYPA Team. Certificates will be sent to the setting by email on receipt of impact forms.</p><p>Childminders will continue to receive certificates at the end of the course.</p><p>Certificates will be emailed to Maintained Schools and Out of School Clubs shortly after the course.</p><p>Code of Conduct</p><p>We ask anyone attending a training course to adhere to the following code of conduct to ensure that all participants may gain maximum benefit from training courses in a professional, courteous environment. Managers should ensure this code of conduct is shared with all practitioners and they are familiar with it before they attend.</p><p>Course Content – Participants should ensure they have read the course description in the training programme and are familiar with course content prior to arrival.</p><p>Punctuality/Lateness - Plan ahead when travelling to venues ensuring there is sufficient time for the journey. In the event that practitioners are going to be late, please contact the team who are providing the training as soon as possible. (Early Years Pedagogy Advisory Team/Childcare Development Team) </p><p>N.B Participants arriving later than 15 minutes to training may not be allowed to take part in the course since this disrupts the flow of the </p><p>9 course and disturbs participants. Please plan ahead to avoid disappointment.</p><p>Mobile phones – Participants should ensure phones are switched off or on silent mode as phone calls interrupt the course flow for trainers and fellow participants.</p><p>Registers – It is important the register is signed on arrival. The local authority is required to hold data on courses attended - the registers provide this data. Certificates will only be sent to participants on the register who attend all course sessions.</p><p>Consideration – Please ensure discussions are limited within time allocated for tasks. Individual discussions during training disturb other participants and valuable information sharing may be lost.</p><p>Course evaluation – Please complete both sides of evaluation form at the end of the course. We appreciate positive feedback as well as any issues that may have arisen. This information is used to inform how we plan future training courses. The information on the reverse of the form enables us to ensure we are providing an inclusive programme. </p><p>Action plans – There will be time to discuss actions individual to you and your setting with trainers & other practitioners. It is very important that action plans are completed before leaving course and shared with managers on returning to your setting.</p><p>All sessions must be attended – Participants attending courses with more than one session must attend all sessions. Courses are planned carefully to meet the needs of the target audience, including discussions and tasks in between sessions to share with colleagues. The aims of the course cannot be met if any sessions are missed. Audiences</p><p>10 The Early Years and Childcare Professional Training Programme offers courses for a range different audiences working within the Early Years Foundation Stage. </p><p>The audience is listed in the right hand column on the overview sheet and highlighted at the top of individual pages providing course details.</p><p>Please remember to check the audience to ensure appropriate bookings are made and the course meets your needs.</p><p>Early Years Pedagogy Advisory Team Courses are for:</p><p>PVI Managers </p><p>PVI Co-ordinators</p><p>PVI Practitioners</p><p>Children Centre Practitioners</p><p>Maintained Schools </p><p>Out of School Clubs – some courses will be available to Out of School Clubs</p><p>FiND courses are for:</p><p>PVI Nursery Owners, Managers & Committee Members</p><p>Childcare Development Team Courses are for:</p><p>Network Childminders</p><p>11 Childminders</p><p>Out of School Clubs</p><p>PVI Nurseries – some courses are available to PVI settings.</p><p>Booking courses</p><p>Please note- The training programme does not offer any drop- in sessions; to avoid embarrassment please do not attend training unless a written or verbal confirmation is received. Trainers will be required to turn people away that are not on the register. </p><p>EYPA Team courses </p><p>Bookings open – Tuesday 8th January 2013 Early Years Pedagogy Advisory Team Redbridge College Children’s Centre, Redbridge College, Little Heath, Romford, Essex. RM6 4XT 020 8586 4813 [email protected]</p><p>Provisional bookings may be made by telephone and then confirmed by email or post using the booking form provided. If confirmations are not received within a two-week period, the booking will be cancelled. All successful bookings will be confirmed by email. Payments should be made by cheque and made payable to ‘London Borough of Redbridge’. These should be posted to the above address for the attention of Victoria Hall. </p><p>Childcare Development Team Courses</p><p>12 The office is closed - Tuesday 25th December 2012 Bookings open - Tuesday 2nd January 2013 Childcare Development Team Courses Childcare Development Team Cranbrook Children's Centre The Drive Ilford Essex IG1 3PS 0208 709 2020 [email protected]</p><p>Please use the booking form provided and attach your cheque. Cheques should be payable to LBR and posted to the above address for the attention of Rosian Elie-Vidal. All successful bookings will be confirmed by email.</p><p>13 Course charges</p><p>We continually strive to keep course charges to a minimum where possible. Every effort is made to use venues that are free of charge but as you will appreciate these are not always available due to high demand. The programme is broad and varied comprises a diverse range of trainers with different areas of expertise; these include Redbridge professionals as well as external trainers. We are confident that the course prices remain competitive in comparison to advertised training available outside the local authority. Please note there is an early bird discount for conferences booked within 7 days from the first day of booking. (6.9.12 – 13.9.12) Don’t miss out, book early!!!</p><p>PVI Settings Type of course/session LBR funded settings LBR Non – funded settings</p><p>Two course training £30 £50 Single session training £20 £30 Co-ordinator Sessions £10 £15 Conferences £50 per place £60 per place Conference early bird disc. £40 per place £50 per place </p><p>Maintained Schools Maintained schools will continue to pay a flat annual charge. Whilst we have reluctantly increased the annual charge, there are an increased number of courses on offer to schools. We remain confident that across the year the programme will continue to provide value for money.</p><p>Annual charge £125 Conference £50 per place £40-early bird discount</p><p>Childminders </p><p>14 Courses are free of charge (except Conferences) as childminders do not receive funding. Cheques are held in advance of training for the following amounts; these will only be cashed when a course is not attended or cancelled within 7 days of the start date. </p><p>Two or more session training £30 Single session training £20 Conference £20 £15 -early bird discount</p><p>Out of School Clubs</p><p>Two course training £30 Single session training £20 Conferences £50 per place Conference early bird disc. £40 per place </p><p>Maximum Numbers There are a maximum number of places available on each course; once these are filled a waiting list is held. If places become available on a register through cancellations, we will contact participants at the top of the list as soon as possible. Popular courses are monitored and repeated whenever possible in the future. </p><p>Accessibility and special requirements When booking your course please let us know if there are any special requirements that would support participants to access training more easily, such as access to venues, larger print on hand outs, seating closer to the front to support visual impairment etc. We will make every effort to meet your needs.</p><p>Cancellation Policy When a booking is made the expectation is that the course will be attended. However we appreciate occasionally circumstances arise where cancellation is unavoidable.</p><p>15 Seven days notice of cancellation prior to the start of the course is required in order that payment is not lost. The course may be cancelled and the payment may be rolled over to use for another course. Payments may only be rolled over to the term after the current training programme and cannot be used after this time.</p><p>Nurseries, Pre-schools, Out of School Clubs and Maintained Schools may need to substitute the participant attending the course. This can be done up to 7 days before the start of the course, ensuring the alternative participant is appropriate to the course audience. Failure to provide 7 days notice before the course will mean the full cost of the course is payable. (Maintained Schools pay an annual charge). This applies if there is no cancellation or substitution and nobody attends. All cancellations, verbal or written will be recorded on receipt. Individual circumstances should be brought to the attention of the team and will be reviewed.</p><p>We make every effort to ensure that courses offered are not cancelled, however this is sometimes unavoidable if bookings fall below the minimum requirement. On rare occasions, a venue needs to be changed but we will ensure you are given as much notice as possible should this be the case. 3. Information for Managers in PVI Settings Childminders & Out of School Clubs </p><p>Compulsory managers Meetings (PVI Settings)</p><p>All managers are expected to attend two EYFS Managers’ Forums per term as a requirement of the Eligibility for the 3 and 4 Year Old Funding Agreement. Please see course details for dates. EYFS PVI Forums - update managers on local and national issues. EYFS PVI Forums (PDP) - share information about training and to discuss impact in setting. </p><p>16 Managers should always bring completed training impact forms for the previous term to the meeting. These are needed for discussion on impact in individual settings and to share good practice with colleagues within locality. In the event that a manager is unable to attend, deputy managers are expected to attend in their place.</p><p>Co-ordinator role (PVI Settings)</p><p>The co-ordinator role is vital within the setting to lead and support practice in specific areas. Managers may wish to identify and discuss appropriate practitioners for different co-ordinator roles through supervision and performance management meetings in setting. There are different sessions in the programme available for co- ordinators; these should be attended each term by the named co- ordinator within locality. Please check venues and dates as they vary.</p><p>Co-ordinators should be supported by managers to understand their role and responsibility within the setting. Co-ordinator’s files should be organised and kept up to date to share key information with staff and for regular reference.</p><p>17 Support for Children with Medical Needs</p><p>Are you working with or planning to work with a child with a medical condition?</p><p>The Early Years and Childcare Service are continuing to fund the provision of a health practitioner to support childcare settings in managing the needs of children with complex medical conditions. </p><p>The purpose of the service is to provide professional advice, guidance and training to childcare provisions in Redbridge regarding specific medical conditions. This includes Day Nurseries, Out of School Care Providers, Pre-schools and Childminders. There will be no charge to childcare providers for this service. This will primarily apply to children who have severe allergies and may experience anaphylaxis shock. These children may well have been prescribed an Epi Pen. It may also apply to children with other medical needs, for example, children with epilepsy, asthma or diabetes. </p><p>It is essential that when you are agreeing a place with a parent you collect all relevant information about a child’s health needs.</p><p>Where necessary, you will need to build time into the admissions process to ensure that you can arrange any necessary staff training to take place and for a care plan or protocol to be drawn up in tandem with you, the parent and a health practitioner. </p><p>You should have a copy of the DFE guide ‘Managing Medicines in Schools and Early Years Settings’ and refer to this guide as a background to this procedure (downloadable from the Department of Health website). </p><p>Procedure</p><p>1. When you identify that you will need to set up a protocol or you need advice about a child’s medical needs you can discuss the situation and arrange health practitioner input through:</p><p>Claire Donnelly – RGC Senior Lead Office 0208 822 4131 Mobile 07920 767945</p><p>If Claire is not available e.g. on leave then you may call</p><p>Anna Hadassi – Modern Matron Office 0208 822 4141 Mobile 07789 948364</p><p>18 2. You must allow sufficient time for health to be able to put the necessary support in place. A minimum period of a week is essential and more than this if possible .You need to bear this in mind and not agree a start date until such time as the meeting between you; health and the parent has taken place. </p><p>3. When you contact health you will need to provide the following information : </p><p>1 Name; DOB and address of child 2 Name of parent(s) 3 Name of the child’s GP & Health visitor 0 Name of any other health consultant or service that is involved with the 1 management of the child’s condition. 1 Name of the school the child attends (out of school care providers & 0 childminders.</p><p>…... as well as the details of your setting.</p><p>You will need written permission from the parent to pass this information on to the health practitioner where it will be stored in line with Data Protection Guidance.</p><p>4. Relevant staff within the setting (which may be all staff – see below) will need to be involved in the necessary training which can be delivered within your setting. </p><p>5. Conditions of employment are individual to each setting. It is therefore for the registered person to arrange who should administer medicines within a setting, either on a voluntary basis or as part of a contract of employment. However, all staff should be aware of the likelihood of an emergency arising and what action to take if one occurs. Back up cover should be arranged for when the member of staff responsible is absent or unavailable. At different times of the day other staff may be responsible for children, such as at lunchtime or at the beginning and end of shifts. It is important that they are also provided with training and advice. </p><p>6. The setting must have adequate insurance including staff indemnity and you will be required to confirm this and provide details to be included in the protocol. </p><p>7. The parent will need to be involved in the meeting with health to draw up a protocol or care plan. This will also need to be reviewed on a regular basis as advised by health. Advice and guidance can be sought from health at any point.</p><p>8. A copy of the Care Plan should be kept securely with the child’s records.</p><p>9. The setting are responsible for ensuring that staff receive ongoing supervision, a record of training is retained, that they contact health when retraining or updating are due, or if there is a change in the child’s condition which requires a review of the care plan.</p><p>EYFS Links Partnership with Parents Partnership working with other professionals</p><p>19 Health and Medicines</p><p>20 Crèche Information for childminders</p><p>This term we are, again, running some courses in the mornings with a crèche to ensure childminders are able to access as much training as possible. We are pleased to be able to offer you a well-equipped crèche with experienced and qualified staff. </p><p>Before booking, please check that a crèche is available for the selected course. Crèche places are very limited so book early. Indicate on your booking form that you would like a crèche place for your minded child or children. </p><p>Saturday sessions and evening courses will continue to have NO crèche facilities.</p><p>We will require a crèche permission form from parents /carers for each child at every session. The date of the particular session needs to be clearly stated on this permission form and viewed by the lead crèche worker at the start of the crèche. We will not accept permission forms that are undated or do not include the specific date of the crèche session the child is attending on that day. We will also require the following written information for each child. Please be aware we cannot hold children’s personal information on file so this information must be provided each time any child attends the crèche.</p><p> Child(rens) name, date of birth and address  Parent/guardian’s name, address and contact number  Emergency contact number for child (other than parent/guardian)  Who child normally lives with  Who has legal contact/responsibility for child  Any health or medical information we may need including any allergies and dietary requirements  Any other information that will help the child feel comfortable and secure. For example please feel free to bring a child’s favourite toy or comforters as well as details of the child’s routine, favourite activities etc</p><p>21 CodeIf the form or Courseany of Title this information Audienceis not providedDate at the start Timeof the EY26asession theC&L child(ren) Coordinator Session will West not be permittedC&L Coordinators to PVIstay 15inth Janthe 2013 crèche 9.30-12.00and the th EY26bchildminderC&L Coordinatorwill have Session to Northforfeit her/hisC&L Coordinators place on PVI the15 training Jan 2013 9.30-12.00 EY26c C&L Coordinator Session South C&L Coordinators PVI 16th Jan 2013 9.30-12.00 16th & 23rd Jan EY27 Child Development Children’s Centres Children’s Centres 2.30-4.30 Please also bring a drink and a fruit snack. Fruit will be shared amongst2013 all children (allergies 17th & 24th Jan EY28permitting).Supporting Other children food on is thenot Autism allowed Spectrum in the crèche roomAll 9.30-12.00 2013 EY29 Raising Boys Achievements - The Gender Divide All 24th Jan 2013 1.00-3.30</p><p>EY30a 2yr Old Coordinator Session West 2yr Old Coordinator 28th Jan 2013 9.30-12.00 EY30b 2yr Old Coordinator Session North 2yr Old Coordinator 1st Feb 2013 1.00-3.30 EY30c 2yr Old Coordinator Session South 2yr Old Coordinator 4th Feb 2013 9.30-12.00</p><p>EY31 EYFS Managers Meeting-Forum Updates PVI 31st Jan 2013 9.30-12.00</p><p>EY32 EYFS Profile Training Reception Teachers 4th Feb 2013 9.30-12.00</p><p>EY33 Brain Development Conference All 7th Feb 2013 9.15-12.00</p><p>EY34 SEN Conference All 7th Feb 2013 1.00-4.00</p><p>EY35 EYFS Profile Training Reception Teachers 11th Feb 2013 9.30-12.00</p><p>EY36a PSED Coordinators Session West PSED Coordinator 12th Feb 2013 9.30-12.00 EY36b PSED Coordinators Session North PSED Coordinator 12th Feb 2013 9.30-12.00 EY36c PSED Coordinators Session South PSED Coordinator 13th Feb 2013 9.30-12.00 PVI working with EY37 Creating an enabling environment for under 2’s 14th Feb 2013 9.30-12.00 under 2’s Managers/Deputies EY38 OuILT Intro 14th Feb 2013 1.00-2.30 PVI EY39 Progress Tracker All 26th Feb 2013 9.30-12.00</p><p>EY40 EYFS Profile Training Headteachers 26th Feb 2013 1.00-3.30</p><p>EY41 EYFS Schools Forum Schools 26th Feb 2013 4.15-6.00 EY42a Physical Development Coordinator Session West PD Coordinator 27th Feb 2013 9.30-12.00 EY42b Physical Development Coordinator Session North PD Coordinator 27th Feb 2013 9.30-12.00 EY42c Physical Development Coordinator Session South PD Coordinator 4th March 2013 9.30-12.00 5th & 11th March 9.30-3.00 & 9.30- EY43 Leadership in Preschools Managers PVI 2013 12.00 Safeguarding EY44a Safeguarding Coordinator Session West 6th March 2013 9.30-12.00 Coordinator Safeguarding EY44b Safeguarding Coordinator Session North 6th March 2013 9.30-12.00 Coordinator Safeguarding EY44c Safeguarding Coordinator Session South 6th March 2013 9.30-12.00 Coordinator EY45 Monitoring PVI 11th March 2013 1.00-3.30 EY46 EYFS Managers Meeting - PDP PVI 12th March 2013 9.30-12.00 13th & 27th March EY47 ECAT Children’s Centres Children’s Centres 2.30-4.30 2013 14th & 20th March 9.30-3.30 & 1.30- EY48 SENCo Training SENCo’s PVI 2013 3.30 EY49a SEN Coordinator Session South SEN Coordinator 18th March 2013 9.30-12.00 EY49b SEN Coordinator Session West SEN Coordinator 19th March 2013 9.30-12.00</p><p>SEN Coordinator th EY49c SEN Coordinator Session North 22 20 March 2013 9.30-12.00 EY50 Safer Recruitment PVI 21st March 2013 10.00-4.00 PVI FiND/3 How to access external funding 15th Feb 2013 9.30-12.30 Managers/Owners Communication & Language Co-ordinator Session</p><p>Target audience C & L Co-ordinators working in: Day Nurseries, Pre-schools, Independent Schools & Out of School Clubs</p><p>Course Description This session will enable co-ordinators to become more confident in their role, to model good practice and support other practitioners in setting. Sessions will include updates, elements of training and opportunities to network with other co-ordinators. (This is not a training course)</p><p>23 Trainers West Locality Team North Locality Team South Locality Team</p><p>Date West Locality Tuesday15th January 2013 North Locality Tuesday 15th January 2013 South Locality Wednesday 16th January 2013</p><p>Time 9.30-12.00pm</p><p>Venue West Locality Woodford Rugby Club North Locality Busy Bodies Pre- School South Locality All Saints</p><p>Cost £10 (Funded Redbridge Settings) </p><p>EYFS Links Communication & Language </p><p>QuILT Links Learning & Teaching Strategies Parental Partnership, Home & Comm. Liaison The Learning Experiences The Physical Environment</p><p>Child Development </p><p>Target audience Practitioners working in: Children’s Centres </p><p>Course Description</p><p>24 This course will broaden practitioner’s understanding of child development. It will look at the ages and stages of development for posture and large movement, social behaviour and play and a particular emphasis on communication. The course will help practitioners to understand how to plan for an appropriate environment to support these areas in children’s centre sessions, considering interactions, resources and organisation. This is a new training.</p><p>Trainers Lucille Samuel & Tahirah Gynn</p><p>Date Wednesday 16th & 23rd January 2013 (Two sessions)</p><p>Time 2.30-4.30pm</p><p>Venue Cranbrook Children’s Centre</p><p>Cost Not applicable</p><p>EYFS Links Child Development is at the heart of the entire EYFS</p><p>QuILT Links Relationships & Interaction The Physical Environment</p><p>25 Supporting Children on the Autism Spectrum (Previously known as Inclusion Development Programme)</p><p>Target audience All Practitioners working in: Day Nurseries, Pre-schools & Independent Schools </p><p>Course Description This course will enable practitioners to recognise and understand how children with autism may differ from their peers and how this may impact their development. The course aims to enable practitioners to become confident in supporting children with specific needs. It will provide practical strategies to create an appropriate, quality environment which supports all young children on the autistic spectrum. This is a repeat training.</p><p>Trainers Vivian Dignan </p><p>Date Thursday 17th & 24th January 2013 (Two sessions)</p><p>Time 9.30- 12.00pm</p><p>Venue Jack Carter Pavilion</p><p>Cost £30 (Funded Redbridge Settings) £50 (Non-funded Redbridge Settings)</p><p>26 EYFS Links The Unique Child</p><p>QuILT Links Equal Opportunities Parental Partnership, Home & Community Liaison</p><p>Raising Boys Achievements – The Gender Divide</p><p>Target audience All Practitioners working in: Day Nurseries, Pre-schools & Independent Schools </p><p>Course Description By the end of the training, participants will be able to:</p><p>Understand the difference in brain development between girls and boys. Explore the importance of male role models. </p><p>Raise the achievement levels of boys in literacy by exploring practical activities. Practitioners will have a greater understanding of different learning styles. </p><p>There will be written material and handouts available to consolidate good practice. This is a new training.</p><p>DateTrainers ThursdayDianne Borien24th January 2013 (Single session)</p><p>Time 1.00- 3.30pm</p><p>Venue Jack Carter Pavilion 27</p><p>Cost £20 (Funded Redbridge Settings) £30 (Non-funded Redbridge Settings) EYFS Links The Unique Child Characteristics of Effective Learning</p><p>QuILT Links Equal Opportunities Parental Partnership, Home & Community Liaison Two Year Old Co-ordinator Session</p><p>Target audience Managers working in: Day Nurseries, Pre-schools & Independent Schools Managers should be co-ordinators initially.</p><p>Course Description This session will enable co-ordinators to become more confident in their role, develop parental partnership, to model good practice and support other practitioners in setting. Sessions will include updates, elements of training and opportunities to network with other co-ordinators. (This is not a training.)</p><p>28 Trainers Locality Teams</p><p>Date West Locality Mon 28th January 2013 North Locality Friday 1st February 2013 South Locality Mon 4th February 2013</p><p>Time West Locality 1.00-3.30pm North Locality 9.30-12.00pm South Locality 9.30-12.00pm</p><p>Venue West Locality Woodford Rugby Club North Locality TBC South Locality All Saints</p><p>EYFS Links Assessment, Enabling Environments</p><p>QuILT Links Observation, Assessment & Planning Parental Partnership, Home and Community Liaison</p><p>EYFS PVI Managers Forum (Updates)</p><p>Target audience Managers working in: Day Nurseries, Pre-schools & Independent Schools</p><p>29</p><p>Course Description Managers must attend this Forum as a requirement of the 3 and 4 year old Eligibility for Funding Agreement. The session will include important information for managers on areas such as OFSTED, 2 and 3&4 Year Old Funding, new documentation, QuILT & Quality Improvement, RAG Rating, SEF and any other local and national updates the local authority are required to share with managers. The Early Years Pedagogy Advisory Team & the Childcare Development Team will be available to speak to managers about any individual enquiries or issues they may wish to discuss.</p><p>Trainers Dawn McCarthy & all Locality Teams</p><p>Date Thursday 31st January 2013</p><p>Time 9.30-12.00pm</p><p>Venue Jack Carter Pavilion</p><p>Cost Not applicable</p><p>30 EYFS Profile Training</p><p>Target audience Reception Teachers working in: Maintained & Independent Schools</p><p>Course Description Following the revised EYFS documentation published last summer, the EYFS Profile guidance and documentation has now also been revised. The new assessment procedures have been piloted in Local Authorities and feedback from the authorities taking part has informed the final documentation. This session will update teachers on changes in the Profile guidance and paperwork for assessments to be completed in summer term2013. All Reception teachers are required to attend EYFS Profile training. This is a new training.</p><p>Trainers Maureen Hart & Diana Groves</p><p>Date Monday 4th February 2013</p><p>Time 9.30-12.00pm</p><p>Venue Jack Carter Pavilion</p><p>31 Cost Not applicable Early Years Conference: Helping the brain to grow: Why the years between birth and three are so important!</p><p>Target audience All Practitioners working in: PVI, Children’s Centres, Out of School Clubs, Childminders & Maintained Schools </p><p>Course Description This conference will focus on what some of the most recent insights that we are gaining about children’s brain development, focusing in particular on the impact of relationships. The information will provide a strong basis for thinking more deeply about how experiences of stress and fear, as compared to predictability and calm, can have long-term consequences for children’s and adult lives. The session will address what can be done in settings for creating resilience and emotional stability. Suzanne Zeedyk has explored these themes in an earlier conference, but she will be bringing new ideas and material with her.</p><p>Trainers Suzanne Zeedyk - Early Years Consultant</p><p>32 Date Thursday 7th February 2013</p><p>Time 9.15-12.00pm</p><p>Venue Jack Carter Pavilion </p><p>Cost £50 per place (Funded Settings, schools & OOSCs) £60 per place (Non-funded Redbridge Settings) £20 per place (Childminders) Conference Early £40 per place (Funded Settings, Schools </p><p>Early Years Conference: Listening to the needs of children with special needs: Communication, emotions, and Intensive Interaction </p><p>Target audience All Practitioners working in: PVI, Children’s Centres, Out of School Clubs, Childminders & Maintained Schools </p><p>Course Description This conference will explore what it means to have staff closely to the needs of children with special needs. By paying closer attention to their sensory experiences, we can better determine what is likely to assist with each child’s learning process and what is likely to interfere with it. We </p><p>33 also come to realise the extent to which standard care settings often fail, unwittingly, to take account of such sensory experiences. We will make use of a range of video materials during the conference, and we will learn practical techniques by drawing on the insights provided through the communicative approach known as ‘Intensive Interaction’. </p><p>Trainers Suzanne Zeedyk - Early Years Consultant</p><p>Date Thursday 7th February 2013</p><p>Time 13.00 – 15.30 pm</p><p>Venue Jack Carter Pavilion </p><p>Cost £50 per place (Funded Settings, schools & OOSCs) £60 per place (Non-funded Redbridge Settings) £20 per place (Childminders) Conference Early £40 per place (Funded Settings, Schools </p><p>EYFS Profile Training</p><p>Target audience Reception Teachers working in: Maintained & Independent Schools</p><p>Course Description</p><p>34 Following the revised EYFS documentation published last summer, the EYFS Profile guidance and documentation has now also been revised. The new assessment procedures have been piloted in Local Authorities and feedback from the authorities taking part has informed the final documentation. This session will update teachers on changes in the Profile guidance and paperwork for assessments to be completed in summer term2013. All Reception teachers are required to attend EYFS Profile training. This is a new training.</p><p>Trainers Maureen Hart & Diana Groves</p><p>Date Monday 11th February 2013</p><p>Time 9.30-12.00pm</p><p>Venue Jack Carter Pavilion</p><p>Cost Not applicable</p><p>EYFS Links Assessment – Development matters</p><p>QuILT Links Observation, assessment & Planning</p><p>35 PSED Co-ordinator Session</p><p>Target audience PSED Co-ordinators working in: Day Nurseries, Pre-schools, Independent Schools & Out of School Clubs</p><p>Course Description This session will enable co-ordinators to become more confident in their role, to model good practice and support other practitioners in setting. Sessions will include updates, elements of training and opportunities to network with other co-ordinators.</p><p>Trainers Locality Teams</p><p>Date West Locality Tuesday 12th February’13 North Locality Tuesday 12th February’13 South Locality Weds 13th February’13</p><p>Time 9.30-12.00pm</p><p>Venue West Locality Woodford Rugby Club North Locality Busy Bodies Pre- School South Locality All Saints</p><p>36 EYFS Links Personal, Social & Emotional Development</p><p>QuILT Links Learning & Teaching Strategies Relationships & Interaction</p><p>Creating an Enabling Environment for Babies & Toddlers</p><p>Target audience Practitioners/Room Leaders working in: Day Nurseries with babies and toddlers.</p><p>Course Description </p><p>Have you ever wondered how you can make your baby or toddler room exciting, cosy and to fit the revised EYFS Curriculum??</p><p>This course will support you to develop your room and help you to understand how you can provide practical daily planning for babies and toddlers. ThisDate is a new training. Thursday 14th February 2013</p><p>Trainers Maz Brown & Chris Jones Time 9.30-12.00pm</p><p>Venue St Luke’s Church Hall</p><p>Cost £2037 (Funded Redbridge Settings) £30 (Non-funded Redbridge Settings) EYFS Links Enabling Environment</p><p>QuILT Links Physical Environment QuILT Introductory Meeting (Quality Improvement in Learning & Teaching)</p><p>Target audience Managers working in: Day Nurseries, Pre-schools & Independent Schools</p><p>Course Description This Meeting is for new managers or managers who would like to return to using the QuILT process for self-evaluation. The quality improvement process was developed by Brighton & Hove, based on EEL (Effective Early Learning Project). It was piloted by Redbridge settings and has been used by both settings and some schools for over10 years to reflect and develop their practice. The session will outline the process and how </p><p>38 settings may use it to improve their practice. Guidance and documentation will be provided. This is a repeat training.</p><p>Trainer Diana Groves</p><p>Date Thursday 14th February 2013</p><p>Time 1.00-2.30pm </p><p>Venue Busy Bodies Preschool</p><p>Cost Not applicable</p><p>Progress Tracker</p><p>Target audience Managers, Deputy Managers & EYFS School Co-ordinators working in: Day Nurseries, Pre-schools, </p><p>39 Independent Schools & Maintained Schools</p><p>Course Description This training looks at an updated assessment system, developed in line with the revised EYFS Development Matters to track children’s progress towards the Early Learning Goals. Child development is at the heart of the document and participants will be guided on how to manage the system effectively and to use it to plan individual next steps for children. The session will also outline how to extract information to identify groups of children that are not achieving in specific areas of learning. This is a new training.</p><p>Trainers Dawn McCarthy, Diana Groves & Jazz Deol</p><p>Date Tuesday 26th February 2013</p><p>Time 9.30-12.00pm</p><p>Venue Jack Carter Pavilion</p><p>Cost Not applicable </p><p>EYFS Links Assessment – Development matters</p><p>QuILT Links Observation, Assessment & Planning</p><p>40 EYFS Profile Training</p><p>Target audience Head Teachers working in: Maintained & Independent Schools</p><p>Course Description Following the revised EYFS documentation published last summer, the EYFS Profile guidance and documentation has now also been revised. The new assessment procedures have been piloted in Local Authorities and feedback from the authorities taking part has informed the final documentation. This session will update Head teachers on changes in the Profile guidance and paperwork for assessments to be completed in the summer term 2013. This is a new training.</p><p>Trainers Maureen Hart & Diana Groves</p><p>Date Tuesday 26th February 2013</p><p>Time 1.00 – 3.30pm</p><p>Venue Jack Carter Pavilion </p><p>Cost Not applicable </p><p>41 EYFS Links Assessment – Development matters</p><p>QuILT Links Observation, Assessment & Planning</p><p>42 EYFS Schools Forum </p><p>Target audience EYFS Co-ordinators & Teachers working in: Maintained Schools</p><p>Course Description This forum is held each term and provides a regular opportunity for EYFS Co-ordinators & teachers to share good practice and network with colleagues. The session will also include local and national updates on all areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage, including OFSTED, Quality Improvement, upcoming training, tips for good practice etc. Occasionally there may be an element of training. Participants are welcome to share any useful tips or documents etc. with colleagues. Please approach one of the Early Years Team in advance or on the day if you would like to share.</p><p>Trainers Maureen Hart & EYPA Team Advisory Teachers</p><p>Date Tuesday 26th February 2013 </p><p>Time 4.15-6.00pm</p><p>Venue Jack Carter Pavilion</p><p>Cost Annual Charge43 Physical Development Co- ordinator Session</p><p>Target audience Physical Development Co- ordinators working in: Day Nurseries, Pre-schools & Independent Schools & Out of School Clubs</p><p>Course Description This session will enable co-ordinators to become more confident in their role, to model good practice and support other practitioners in setting. Sessions will include updates, elements of training and opportunities to network with other co-ordinators. (This is not a training.)</p><p>Trainers Locality Teams</p><p>Date West Locality Weds 27th February 2013 North Locality Weds 27th February 2013 South Locality Monday 4th March 2013</p><p>Time 9.30-12.00pm</p><p>Venue West Locality Woodford Rugby Club North Locality Busy Bodies Pre-School South Locality All Saints 44</p><p>Cost £10 (Funded Redbridge Settings) £15 (Non-funded Redbridge Settings) EYFS/QuILT Links: Equal Opportunities, Relationships & Interaction, Parental Partnership, Home and Community Liaison</p><p>EYFS Links Physical Development</p><p>QuILT Links Learning & Teaching Strategies The Learning Experiences</p><p>Leadership in Pre-Schools</p><p>Target audience Managers & Deputy Managers new to the role working in: Day Nurseries, Pre-schools & Independent Schools </p><p>Course Description This training aims to deepen the participant’s understanding of the leadership and management role. It will address key aspects including, recruitment, induction, supervision and appraisal, monitoring, self evaluation, appropriate systems in building/sustaining effective teams and working with parents and outside agencies. The sessions will also look at leading and motivating a team and implementing appropriate systems to embed practice. Participants will have opportunities to discuss and share practice and any issues/concerns with each other. </p><p>45 A Redbridge Nursery Manager with recognised practice will talk about their experiences of leading and managing a setting. This is a repeat training.</p><p>Trainers Jazz Deol & Rebecca Tuck</p><p>Date Tuesday 5th March & Monday 11th March ‘13 (Two Sessions)</p><p>Time Tuesday 5th March - 9.30-3.00pm Monday 11th March – 9.30–12.00pm</p><p>Venue Jack Carter Pavilion</p><p>Cost £30 (Funded Redbridge Settings) EYFS/QuILT Links: Equal Opportunities, Relationships & Interaction, Parental Partnership, Home </p><p>EYFS Links Suitable People- Leadership & Management</p><p>QuILT Links Staffing</p><p>Safeguarding Co-ordinator Session</p><p>Target audience Safeguarding Co-ordinators working in: Day Nurseries, Pre-schools, Independent Schools & Out of School Clubs</p><p>46 Course Description This session will enable co-ordinators to become more confident in their role, to model good practice and support other practitioners in setting. Sessions will include updates, elements of training and opportunities to network with other co-ordinators.</p><p>Trainers Les Newton (Local Authority Designated Officer)</p><p>Date Wednesday 6th March 2013</p><p>Time 9.30-12.00pm</p><p>Venue All Localities-Jack Carter Pavilion</p><p>Cost £10 (Funded Redbridge Settings) £15 (Non-funded Redbridge Settings)</p><p>EYFS Links Safeguarding & Welfare Requirements</p><p>QuILT Links Staffing</p><p>47 Monitoring (Leadership)</p><p>Target audience Managers, Deputy Managers & Room Leaders working in: Day Nurseries, Pre-schools & Independent Schools </p><p>Course Description This session is to support managers, deputies and room leaders to understand why monitoring is an effective tool to develop the quality of all areas of EYFS practice. The session will include why it is important to have a clear focus for monitoring, how the focus may be identified and feed into improving setting practice. Templates will be provided and the session will include practical strategies for managing an effective rolling programme. Please bring any examples of monitoring used in your setting. This is a repeat training due to high waiting list numbers last term.</p><p>Trainer Jazz Deol </p><p>Date Monday 11th March 2013 (Single session)</p><p>Time 1.00 – 3.30pm</p><p>Venue Jack Carter Pavilion</p><p>Cost £20 (Funded Redbridge Settings) £30 (Non-funded Redbridge Settings)</p><p>48 EYFS Links All areas of EYFS Practice</p><p>QuILT Links Staffing The Learning Experiences</p><p>EYFS PVI Managers Forum (PDP)</p><p>Target audience Managers working in: Day Nurseries, Pre-schools & Independent Schools</p><p>Course Description Managers must attend the PDP Forum as a requirement of the 3 and 4 Year Old Eligibility for Funding Agreement. The session will include general notices for managers and information about upcoming training courses. Managers must bring their completed impact form for the previous term as there will be time to share training impact observed in settings. There will be opportunities to network with other managers and occasionally where appropriate there will be a short training slot to update knowledge. The Early Years Pedagogy Advisory Team & the Childcare Development Team will be available to speak to managers about any individual enquiries or issues they may like to discuss.</p><p>Trainers EYPA Team Advisory Teachers</p><p>49 Date Tuesday 12th March 2013</p><p>Time 9.30-12.00pm</p><p>Venue Jack Carter Pavilion</p><p>Cost Not applicable</p><p>Every Child a Talker</p><p>Target audience Practitioners working in: Children’s Centres </p><p>Course Description This course will give practitioners an opportunity to become familiar with Communication and Language within the EYFS. It will provide a deeper understanding of how children’s communication develops. The training will provide effective communication strategies including adult communication behaviour and practical ideas to support families to support young children’s communication development. </p><p>Trainers Tai Gynn & Lucillle Samuel</p><p>50 Date Wednesday 13th & 27th March 2013</p><p>Time 2.30-4.30pm</p><p>Venue Cranbrook Children’s Centre</p><p>Cost Not applicable</p><p>EYFS Links Communication & Language Development Assessment </p><p>51 SENCo Training (Previously known as SEN Modular)</p><p>Target audience SEN Co-ordinators working in: Day Nurseries, Pre-schools & Independent Schools & Out of School Clubs</p><p>Course Description This course will enable new SEN Co-ordinators to become more confident to support children with additional needs, support and develop parental partnership and enable other practitioners to meet children’s needs with SEN. It will also look at ways to work with professionals outside the setting to meet the needs of children & families. This is a repeat training.</p><p>Trainers Locality Team</p><p>Date Thursday 14th & Wednesday 20th March 2013 (Two Sessions)</p><p>Time Thursday 14th March -9.30-3.30pm Wednesday 20th March -1.30-3.30pm</p><p>Venue Jack Carter Pavilion</p><p>Cost £30 (Funded Redbridge Settings) </p><p>52 EYFS Links A Unique Child Positive Relationships</p><p>QuILT Links Equal Opportunities Parental Partnership, Home & Community Liaison</p><p>SEN Co-ordinator Session</p><p>Target audience SEN Co-ordinators working in: Day Nurseries, Pre-schools & Independent Schools & Out of School Clubs</p><p>Course Description This session will enable co-ordinators to become more confident in their role, to model good practice and support other practitioners in setting. Sessions will include updates, elements of training and opportunities to network with other co-ordinators. (This is not a training.)</p><p>Trainers Locality Teams</p><p>Date South Locality Monday 18th March 2013 West Locality Tuesday 19th March 2013 North Locality Wednesday 20th March 2013</p><p>Time 9.30-12.00pm</p><p>Venue South Locality All Saints West Locality Woodford Rugby Club North Locality Jack Carter Pavilion</p><p>53 Cost £10 (Funded Redbridge Settings) EYFS Links A Unique Child Positive Relationships</p><p>QuILT Links Equal Opportunities Parental Partnership, Home & Community Liaison</p><p>Safer Recruitment</p><p>Target audience Managers & Deputy Managers working in: Day Nurseries, Pre-schools, Independent Schools & Out of School Clubs Childminders employing assistants</p><p>Course Description It is important that childcare setting managers ensure that their recruitment and selection procedures deter, reject or identify people who might abuse children. This workshop will look at identifying the key features of recruitment that deter or prevent the appointment of unsuitable people and consider policies and practices that minimise opportunities for abuse or ensure it’s prompt reporting. Participants will have a raised awareness of offender behaviour and an opportunity to review policies and practices in their own settings, with a view to making their settings ‘safer.’</p><p>54 Trainers Toni Hanson </p><p>Date Thursday 21st March 2013</p><p>Time 10.00 – 4.00pm</p><p>Venue Jack Carter Pavilion</p><p>Cost £30 (Funded Redbridge Settings) £50 (Non-funded Redbridge Settings)</p><p>EYFS Links Safeguarding & Welfare Requirements</p><p>QuILT Links Staffing</p><p>How to Access External Funding - FiND/3</p><p>Target audience Owners, Managers and Committee members of PVI settings, particularly in the voluntary sector</p><p>Course Description</p><p>55 This 3 hour course is designed to help settings who are dependent on funding to build a funding strategy that will support their future needs. It will highlight current sources of funding that can be accessed by settings as well as providing a practical insight into how to write a successful funding application. The session aims for participants to:  Identify options available for sustainable funding so that you can write a funding strategy for your setting  Identify sources of funding that are currently available  Understand what funders are looking for so that you can write funding bids that score highly  Understand the implications for your organisation of writing funding bids</p><p>Date Friday 15th February 2013</p><p>Time 9.30-12.30</p><p>Venue Frenford Clubs, The Jack Carter Centre The Drive IG1 3PS</p><p>Marketing Your Services - FiND/4</p><p>56 Target audience Day Nursery & Pre-School Owners, Managers and Committee members</p><p>Course Description This 3 hour course provides an opportunity for settings to consider the key actions you can take to attract new customers to use your services. The session aims for participants to:  Understand the key information that should be included in a marketing plan  Appreciate the value of target marketing and identify your target market(s) based on your business aims and objectives  Understand how to conduct market research to build your understanding of your target market  Identify a range of cost effective marketing activities which you could build into your marketing plan, including making use of social media  Define what makes you special and consider how best to communicate this to potential customers  Consider good practice when showing parents around your setting.</p><p>Date Friday 15th February 2013</p><p>Time 1.00-4.00pm</p><p>Venue Frenford Clubs, The Jack Carter Centre The Drive IG1 3PS</p><p>57 Map of Lakeside Room (Fairlop) Fairlop Waters, Forest Road, Barkingside, IG6 3HN</p><p>58 Train: Fairlop Underground Station is about a 10 minute walk.</p><p>Parking: Ample parking (pay & display) Map of St. Peter’s Church Hall (Busy Bodies Premises)</p><p>59 Map of Jack Carter Pavilion Fencepiece Road, Ilford, Essex, IG6 2JL</p><p>60 By Road From the Eastern Avenue A12, turn left (if Romford, Chelmsford) bound or right (if London) bound into Hainault Road. Follow this all the way to the bottom. At the mini-roundabout turn left into Forest Road. Proceed along Forest Road until you pass under the railway bridge, the entrance to the club is located via Redbridge Sports Centre which is approximately 20yds past the bridge on the right. Parking Ample parking – free of charge. By Train The Jack Carter Pavilion Frenford is 5mins walk from Fairlop underground station (See Map). Fairlop is on the Central line and is in Zone 5.</p><p>Woodford Rugby Club</p><p>High Road Woodford Green, Essex, IG8 9LB</p><p>61</p><p>Map of Ridley Hall (All Saints PG Premises) All Saints Church Hall, Goodmayes Lane, Goodmayes, Essex, IG3 9QX</p><p>62 63 Audience Position in Code Course Title Name of Attendee/s Cost PP Check setting EYPA Team Booking Form - Setting Name: Date: Spring 2013 EY26a C&L Coordinator Session West C&L Coordinators PVI £10.00 EY26b C&L Coordinator Session North C&L Coordinators PVI £10.00</p><p>EY26c C&L Coordinator Session South C&L Coordinators PVI £10.00</p><p>EY27 Child Development Children’s Centres Children’s Centres N/A</p><p>EY28 Supporting children on the Autism Spectrum All £30.00 Raising Boys Achievements - The Gender EY29 All £20.00 Divide EY30a 2yr Old Coordinator Session West 2yr Old Coordinator £10.00 EY30b 2yr Old Coordinator Session North 2yr Old Coordinator £10.00 EY30c 2yr Old Coordinator Session South 2yr Old Coordinator £10.00 EY31 Managers Meeting-Forum Updates PVI N/A EY32 EYFS Profile Training Reception Teachers N/A</p><p>EY33 Brain Development Conference All £40/50</p><p>EY34 SEN Conference All £40/50</p><p>EY35 EYFS Profile Training Reception Teachers N/A</p><p>EY36a PSED Coordinators Session West PSED Coordinator £10.00</p><p>EY36b PSED Coordinators Session North PSED Coordinator £10.00</p><p>EY36c PSED Coordinators Session South PSED Coordinator £10.00</p><p>Creating an enabling environment for under PVI working with under EY37 £20.00 2’s 2’s EY38 OuILT Intro Managers/Deputies PVI N/A 64 EY39 Progress Tracker All £20.00</p><p>EY40 EYFS Profile Training Headteachers N/A Audience Position in Code Course Title Name of Attendee/s Cost PP Check setting EY41 EYFS Schools Forum Schools N/A Physical Development Coordinator Session EY42a PD Coordinator £10.00 West Physical Development Coordinator Session EY42b PD Coordinator £10.00 North Physical Development Coordinator Session EY42c PD Coordinator EYPA Team Booking Form Continued…….£10.00 South EY43 Leadership in Preschools Managers PVI £30.00 Safeguarding EY44a Safeguarding Coordinator Session West Coordinator £10.00 Safeguarding EY44b Safeguarding Coordinator Session North Coordinator £10.00 Safeguarding EY44c Safeguarding Coordinator Session South Coordinator £10.00 EY45 Monitoring PVI £20.00 EY46 EYFS Managers Meeting - PDP PVI N/A</p><p>EY47 ECAT Children’s Centres Children’s Centres N/A</p><p>EY48 SENCo Training SENCo’s PVI £30.00</p><p>EY49a SEN Coordinator Session West SEN Coordinator £10.00</p><p>EY49b SEN Coordinator Session North SEN Coordinator £10.00</p><p>EY49c SEN Coordinator Session South SEN Coordinator £10.00</p><p>EY50 Safer Recruitment PVI £20.00 FiND/ How to access external funding PVI Managers/Owners £20.00 3 65 FiND/ Marketing your services PleasePVI waitManagers/Owners for confirmation of places & invoice before sending payment £20.00 4 Total Cost - Childcare Development Team Course Course Name Course Time Audience Date Refresher Sessions for Childminders 9am – 15:00pm Childminders Level 3 Training – information briefing 9 January 6:45pm – 10:00pm Childminders Food Hygiene Training 12 January 9:15am – 16:30pm All Practitioners 12 Hour Paediatric First Aid 12 & 26 9:15am – 16:30pm All Practitioners January Safeguarding Awareness Workshop 16 January 10:00am – OOSC Practitioners 13:00pm Safeguarding Awareness Workshop 17 January 9:30am – 12:30pm Practitioners working in or 13:00pm – Pre-Schools/Day 16:00pm Nurseries Development Matters when they are 0- 19 January 9:15am – 15:00pm Childminders 2 years Observation, Assessment & Planning 22 & 29 6:45pm – 9:00pm Childminders January (Two Sessions) Dealing with Children’s Stressful 24 January 9:45am – 12:00 OOSC and Behaviour Childminders Makaton Taster Sessions 26 January 9:15am – 11:30am Childminders Welfare Requirements Update Briefing 30 January 9:30am – 11:30am Childminders Welfare Requirements Update Briefing 31 January 10:00am – 12:00 Providers, Managers: Pre-Schools, Nurseries and Out of School Clubs Eat Better, Start Better 2 February 08:45am – Childminders 17:00pm Makaton – Beginners Course 2 & 9 February 9:00am – 16:00pm Childminders, PVI and OOSC Practitioners Every Child a Talker – ECAT 6 & 13 18:30pm – Childminders February 21:00pm Two Year Old Progress Check 7 February 18:45pm – Childminders 21:00pm Childminder Information Session 14 February 10:00am – 12:00 or Prospective 18:30pm – Childminders 20:30pm Autism Awareness 16 February 9:00am – 16:00pm Childminders Eat Better, Start Better 27 February 08:45am – Pre-Schools, Nurseries 17:00pm and Out of School Clubs Providers, Managers Passport to Services for parents and Deputies: Pre- through the Common Assessment 28 February 10:00am – 12:00 Schools, Day Nurseries Framework (CAF) Process and Out of School Clubs Safeguarding Awareness Workshop 5 March 18:45pm – Childminders 21:00pm Treasure Basket & Heuristic Play 5 March 18:45pm – Childminders 21:00pm Passport to Services for parents 18:45pm – through the Common Assessment 6 March Network Childminders 21:00pm Framework (CAF) Process Autism Awareness 9 March 9:00am – 16:00pm Childminders Supporting Parents of Children with 13 & 20 March 9:30am – 11:30am Childminders, PVI & Disabilities OOSC Practitioners Healthy Eating 13 March 18:45pm – Childminders 21:00pm Self Evaluation (Completing your SEF) 13 & 27 March 18:45pm – Childminders 66 21:00pm Refresher sessions for childminders</p><p>Target audience Childminders registered before September 2012</p><p>Course description</p><p>Would you like to update your knowledge of the new EYFS? </p><p>If the answer is yes, you are invited to attend one (or more) of our childminder pre-registration course sessions:</p><p>Session 2: Suitability of Premises/Risk Assessments and Routines Session 3: Safeguarding/Child Protection and Partnership with Parents Session 4: Play & Learning and Healthy Eating/Food and Drink Session 5: Health/Medicines and Managing Children’s Behaviour Session 6: Inclusion/Equal Opportunities Session 7: Business</p><p>67</p><p>Dates Please contact Rosian Elie-Vidal for the dates of the next course/individual sessions</p><p>Time 09:00– 15:00</p><p>Venue Cranbrook Children’s Centre</p><p>Cost £20 per session (refundable if the full session is attended)</p><p>EYFS Links Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements</p><p>Level 3 training - information briefing</p><p>Target audience Childminders</p><p>Course description</p><p>Are you interested in gaining a level 3 qualification?</p><p>You are invited to attend an information briefing to find out more about accessing Level 3 training through the Redbridge Early Years Team. </p><p>The briefing will be followed by an assessment for those wishing to progress onto the course. Please allow at least 1 hour to attend the briefing and 2 hours to complete the assessment. Acceptance on the course will be</p><p>68 dependent on the outcome of the assessment. There are currently 12 places available. Network Childminders will have priority places.</p><p>Trainers Sue Fox/Fiona Sapler </p><p>Date Wednesday 9th January 2013 </p><p>Time 18:45 -22:00</p><p>Venue Cranbrook Children’s Centre</p><p>Cost No cost</p><p>Course details</p><p>The level 3 training will run over 12 months, starting in April 2013. You will need to attend on one Saturday each month from 9:00 to 3:30. In addition, you will undertake a total of 20 hours of assessment in your home and at the childminding network group. The course is fully funded but you will be asked to pay an initial registration fee of £110. </p><p>Please ensure you meet the criteria overleaf </p><p>Level 3 training - information briefing</p><p>Criteria for the course. </p><p>Participants must be/have:</p><p>69  enthusiastic and committed to the work load and to attendance at the training days and childminding network group sessions;  actively childminding;  at least a year of childcare experience;  access to IT equipment and be IT literate (you will need to be able to research online, email and upload assignments);  a pro-active member of a Redbridge Childminding Network;  meet all Redbridge ’s Childminding Network requirements;  willing to work towards an accreditation framework;  willing to enter a free entitlement funding contract to support the sufficiency of Childcare places;  willing to provide 2, 3 and 4 year old funding after qualifying. </p><p>Trainer(s) Pre-school Learning Alliance </p><p>EYFS Links Staff qualifications, training, support and skills</p><p>70 Food Hygiene Training</p><p>Target audience All practitioners with the responsibility for preparing and handling food. Pre-schools, Day Nurseries, Out of School Clubs, Independent Schools and Childminders </p><p>Course description This course will ensure you have sufficient knowledge to prepare and supply food to comply with regulations. This is a EYFS requirement. There is an exam consisting of 30 multiple choice questions at the end of the day’s training. You will receive a certificate if you pass which is valid for 3 years.</p><p>Trainer Rita Altman</p><p>Date Saturday 12th January 2013 Saturday 23rd March 2013 </p><p>Time 9:15 - 16:30</p><p>Venue Cranbrook Children’s Centre</p><p>Cost £60 (non refundable)</p><p>71 EYFS Links Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements – Staff qualifications, training, support and skills Food and Drink</p><p>We run a rolling programme of Food Hygiene training. If you are unable to attend on the dates above, please contact Rosian Elie-Vidal on 020 8709 2020 to book onto the waiting list for the next available course.</p><p>12 Hour Paediatric First Aid</p><p>Target audience All practitioners: Pre-schools, Day Nurseries, Out of School Clubs and Childminders</p><p>Course description This two day course meets the Early Years Foundation Stage requirements for appropriate first aid training, relating particularly to the needs of young children and babies. Please bring a mat or towel and wear loose, comfortable clothing as you will be required to kneel, bend and lie down to complete this training. Date Saturday 12th and 26th January 2013 or th st Trainers Saturday Mayflower16 and 21 Training March 2013</p><p>Time 9.15-16:30</p><p>Venue Cranbrook Children’s Centre 72 Cost £55 (non refundable) EYFS Links Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements: Suitable People Staff qualifications, training, support and skills</p><p>We run a rolling programme of first aid training. If you are unable to attend the dates above, please contact Rosian Elie-Vidal on 020 8709 2020 to book onto the waiting list for the next available course</p><p>73 Safeguarding Awareness Workshop</p><p>Target audience Out of School Club Practitioners New staff, all staff members who completed safeguarding training more than two and a half years ago and any new Safeguarding Lead Practitioners.</p><p>Course Description This workshop will raise awareness of the signs and symptoms of child abuse and what to do if there are child protection concerns about a child or a colleague in your setting. There will be opportunities to review Ofsted requirements as well as discussing the role and responsibilities of the safeguarding lead officer, the importance of partnership working and appropriate and inappropriate behaviours for childcare staff</p><p>Trainer Fiona Sapler</p><p>Date Wednesday16th January 2013 </p><p>Time 10:00 -13:00</p><p>Venue Cranbrook Children’s Centre</p><p>Cost £20 (refundable)</p><p>74 EYFS Links Safeguarding & Welfare Requirements: Child Protection Suitable people Staff qualification, training, support and skills.</p><p>Safeguarding Awareness Workshop</p><p>Target audience Practitioners working in: Pre-schools and Day Nurseries New staff, all staff members who completed safeguarding training more than two and a half years ago and any new Safeguarding Lead Practitioners</p><p>Course description This workshop will raise awareness of the signs and symptoms of child abuse and what to do if there are child protection concerns about a child or a colleague in your setting. There will be opportunities to review Ofsted requirements as well as discussing the role and responsibilities of the safeguarding lead officer, the importance of partnership working and appropriate and inappropriate behaviours for childcare staff.</p><p>Trainers Fiona Sapler, Theresa May and Toni Hanson</p><p>75 Date Thursday 17th January 2013 </p><p>Time 9:30 -12:30 or 13:00-16:00</p><p>Venue Cranbrook Children’s Centre</p><p>Cost £20 (non refundable)</p><p>EYFS Links Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements: Child Protection Suitable people Staff qualifications, training, support and skills</p><p>76 Development Matters when they are 0-2 year olds</p><p>Target audience Childminders working with children aged 0 to 2 years</p><p>Course Description This course will enable participants to gain a deeper knowledge of the Learning and Developmental needs of 0-2 year olds through the revised EYFS Prime Areas and how to use these to complete a development check.</p><p>Trainers Debbie Sheppard (External Trainer) Debbie previously worked in Essex Local Authority in an advisory role.</p><p>Date Saturday 19th January 2013 </p><p>Time 9:15-15:00</p><p>Venue Cranbrook Children’s Centre Cost £20 (refundable)</p><p>77 EYFS Links PSED, PD, C and L A Unique Child Enabling Environments Positive Relationships </p><p>Observation, Assessment & Planning</p><p>Target audience Childminders </p><p>Course Description This course is an introduction to an observation, assessment & planning system. Childminders will become familiar with documentation and consider how to use and manage the system effectively. The course will look at making different types of observations and how to use these to inform planning for young children. This is a new training.</p><p>Trainers Tai Gynn & Jazz Deol</p><p>Date Tuesday 22nd & 29th January 2013 (Two sessions)</p><p>Time 6.45 – 9.00pm</p><p>78 Venue Cranbrook Children’s Centre</p><p>Cost Not applicable EYFS Links Assessment</p><p>79 Dealing with children’s stressful behaviour </p><p>Target audience Childminders and out of school practitioners working with children aged 5 -11 years </p><p>This course aims to support practitioners to:</p><p> Improve their confidence when dealing with children’s challenging behaviour;  Enhance their adult authority;  Develop a range of strategies for dealing with unwanted behaviour.</p><p>Trainers Sarah Webb Head of Inclusion & Behaviour, London Borough of Redbridge,</p><p>Date Thursday 24th January 2013 </p><p>Time 09:45 - 12:00</p><p>Venue Cranbrook Children’s Centre</p><p>Cost £20 refundable</p><p>80 EYFS Links Managing behaviour Inclusion</p><p>81 Makaton Taster Sessions</p><p>Target audience Childminders</p><p>Course Description The Makaton Organisation has developed a taster session which is designed to provide an introduction to Makaton signing and Makaton symbols and encourage participants to undertake further training in the future. Participants will; </p><p> learn 30 Makaton signs </p><p> be given an overview of Makaton Symbols </p><p> receive information on Makaton resources for use in their setting </p><p> receive a Certificate of Attendance </p><p>Trainer Bernice Walsh </p><p>Bernice is Newbridge School’s accredited Makaton Regional Trainer. She regularly delivers training sessions to staff working at Newbridge School and personnel working in mainstream schools and other agencies in and around the London Borough of Redbridge.</p><p>Date Saturday 26th January 2013 </p><p>Time 9:15 – 11:30</p><p>Venue Cranbrook Children’s Centre </p><p>Cost £20 (refundable)</p><p>82 EYFS Links Equal opportunities Communication and Language </p><p>Welfare requirements update briefing</p><p>Target audience Childminders</p><p>Course description This session will look at the changes to the EYFS safeguarding and welfare requirements and how these may impact on your policies, procedures and practices.</p><p>Trainers Theresa May</p><p>Date Wednesday 30th January 2013 </p><p>Time 9:30-11:30</p><p>Venue Cranbrook Children’s Centre</p><p>Cost £20 (refundable)</p><p>Limited crèche places available, please see 83 EYFS Links Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements</p><p>Welfare requirements update briefing</p><p>Target audience Providers and managers: Pre-schools, Nurseries and Out of School Clubs</p><p>Course description This session will look at the changes to the safeguarding and welfare requirements and how these may impact on your policies, procedures and practices.</p><p>84 Trainers Fiona Sapler/Toni Hanson</p><p>Date Thursday 31st January 2013 </p><p>Time 10:00 – 12:00</p><p>Venue Cranbrook Children’s Centre</p><p>Cost £20 (Pre Schools and Nurseries -non refundable)</p><p>EYFS Links Safeguarding & Welfare Requirements</p><p>85 Target audience Childminders providing meals, drinks and snacks for children aged 1 to 5 years</p><p>Course Description: to enhance the knowledge, skills and confidence of early years practitioners to understand and use the Voluntary Food and Drink Guidelines for Early Years Settings in England to provide healthy, balanced and nutritious food and drink for children aged 1-5 years, and to gain practical ideas for cooking with children. </p><p>Date Saturday 2nd February 2013 </p><p>Time 08:45 – 17:00</p><p>Venue Cranbrook Children’s Centre</p><p>Cost £20 (refundable)</p><p>Attendees will receive The Voluntary Food and Drink Guidelines for Early Years Settings in England Guide and the Summer/Spring & Autumn/Winter Menus and Recipes booklets (only one pack per childcare setting). </p><p>Outcomes of the course are to: - Enhance knowledge and understanding of a healthy, balanced and nutritious diet for children aged 1-5 years - Enhance understanding of the Voluntary Food and Drink Guidelines for Early Years Settings in England, and using the available practical tools to self- evaluate provision and put the guidelines into practice - Extend knowledge and skills of how to plan menus and provide appropriate types, amounts and frequencies of food and drink to ensure it is healthy and nutritionally balanced across a day and a week - Enhance confidence and ideas for cooking with children and including food in activities and learning. </p><p>86 Course itinerary</p><p>9.00 Arrival and registration 9.30 Introduction and importance of good food for young children 10.00 Pre-training quiz 10.15 Young children’s diets (aged 1-5 years) 11.00 Refreshment break 11.15 The Voluntary Food and Drink Guidelines for Early Years Settings in England 12:00 Cooking with children and portion sizes 13.00 Lunch 13.45 Encouraging children to eat well 14.30 Understanding food labels 15.15 Planning menus 16.30 Next steps, course evaluation and close</p><p>Trainer The Children’s Food Trust</p><p>EYFS Links Food and Drink</p><p>Please note</p><p>There are no catering facilities at the Children’s Centre. Please bring a packed lunch and any drinks and snacks you will need for the day.</p><p>87 88 Makaton - Beginners course</p><p>Target audience Childminders, PVI and OOSC practitioners who have previously attended a Makaton taster session</p><p>Course Description The Beginners' Workshop provides a practical introduction to Makaton. You will learn the signs and symbols for Stages 1-4 and Additional of the Core Vocabulary and how to use Makaton in everyday situations. You will receive workshop manuals which include the signs and symbols that you have learned. </p><p>Participants must complete a minimum of 12 hours training, to receive a certificate from the Makaton organisation. </p><p>Trainers Newbridge School. </p><p>Date Saturday 2nd February 2013 and Saturday 9th February 2013 please note this is a two part course and you must attend both sessions </p><p>Time 9:00-16:00</p><p>Venue Cranbrook Children’s Centre</p><p>89 EYFS Links Equal Opportunities Communication and Language </p><p>Every Child a Talker- ECaT</p><p>Target audience Childminders</p><p>Course description This course will give childminders an opportunity to become familiar with Communication and Language within the EYFS. It will provide a deeper understanding of effective communication strategies and knowledge about how young children’s communication develops. The course will also include an effective system for observation, assessment and planning.</p><p>Trainers Tai Gynn and CDT</p><p>Date Wednesday 6th & 13th February 2013 Please note you must attend both sessions</p><p>Time 18:30 – 21:00</p><p>Venue Cranbrook Children’s Centre</p><p>90 EYFS Links Communication & Language The Unique Child Positive Relationships Enabling Environments</p><p>Two Year Old Progress Check</p><p>Target audience Childminders working with 1-2 Year Olds </p><p>Course Description This session will enable childminders to become familiar with documentation for the two year old checks. There will be an opportunity to look at child development milestones for 2 year olds and to understand how these can be used within the progress check.</p><p>Trainers Maz Brown/Sue Fox</p><p>Date Thursday 7th February 2013</p><p>Time 18.45 – 21.00</p><p>Venue Cranbrook Children’s Centre</p><p>91 Cost £20 refundable EYFS Links Characteristics of Learning Observation and Assessment Inclusion</p><p>92 Childminder Information Session</p><p>(This is an information briefing for people interested in becoming an Ofsted registered childminder in Redbridge)</p><p>Target audience Prospective childminders</p><p>Course description This session offers an overview of the role and responsibilities of a childminder and the registration process including:</p><p> What is a childminder/home based childcare  The Ofsted registration and inspection process</p><p> How to access the Redbridge Childminding pre- registration training (local authority approved)  Childcare sufficiency in Redbridge</p><p> The Redbridge Childminder Learning and Development Programme  Questions and answer session</p><p>Trainers Fiona Sapler and Carolyn Burns Theresa May and Sue Fox</p><p>Date Thursday 14th February 2013 </p><p>Time 10:00 -12:00 or 18:30 – 20:30</p><p>Venue Cranbrook Children’s Centre</p><p>Cost None</p><p>93 Following the information session, attendees who would like to attend the local authority approved childminder pre-registration course must complete a Passport to Childcare basic skills assessment at Redbridge Institute on Saturday 2nd March 2013. </p><p>Target audience: Nurseries, pre-schools and out of school settings providing meals, drinks and snacks for children aged 1 to 5 years.</p><p>Course Description: to enhance the knowledge, skills and confidence of early years practitioners to understand and use the Voluntary Food and Drink Guidelines for Early Years Settings in England to provide healthy, balanced and nutritious food and drink for children aged 1-5 years, and to gain practical ideas for cooking with children. </p><p>Trainer: The Children’s Food Trust</p><p>Date Wednesday 27th February 2013 </p><p>Time 08:45 – 17:00</p><p>Venue Cranbrook Children’s Centre</p><p>Cost £20 </p><p>Attendees will receive The Voluntary Food and Drink Guidelines for Early Years Settings in England Guide and the Summer/Spring & Autumn/Winter</p><p>94 Outcomes of the course are to: - Enhance knowledge and understanding of a healthy, balanced and nutritious diet for children aged 1-5 years - Enhance understanding of the Voluntary Food and Drink Guidelines for Early Years Settings in England, and using the available practical tools to self- evaluate provision and put the guidelines into practice - Extend knowledge and skills of how to plan menus and provide appropriate types, amounts and frequencies of food and drink to ensure it is healthy and nutritionally balanced across a day and a week - Enhance confidence and ideas for cooking with children and including food in activities and learning. </p><p>Course itinerary</p><p>9.00 Arrival and registration 9.30 Introduction and importance of good food for young children 10.00 Pre-training quiz 10.15 Young children’s diets (aged 1-5 years) 11.00 Refreshment break 11.15 The Voluntary Food and Drink Guidelines for Early Years Settings in England 12:00 Cooking with children and portion sizes 13.00 Lunch 13.45 Encouraging children to eat well 14.30 Understanding food labels 15.15 Planning menus </p><p>95 16.31 Next steps, course evaluation and close</p><p>EYFS Links Food and Drink</p><p>Please note:</p><p>There are no catering facilities at the Children’s Centre. Please bring a packed lunch and any drinks and snacks you will need for the day.</p><p>Passport to Services for Parents through the Common Assessment Framework (CAF) process</p><p>Target audience Providers, managers and deputies: Pre-schools, Day Nurseries and Out of School Clubs</p><p>Course Description</p><p>96 The majority of children and young people will progress well and have their basic needs met through access to good universal services such as health, early years and school; these children and young people may not ever need additional support. A minority of children will have more complex needs and, as a result, will access support and intervention from specialist services – for example, Social Care. There are also a large group of children who have additional needs; these needs may not be complex but the child or young person would benefit from the involvement of more than one agency to support them and improve their outcomes. In these instances, using the Passport to Services for Parents (CAF) processes will provide an integrated approach to meeting the child or young person’s needs. This could include coordinated multi-agency involvement and an offer of early intervention or help to prevent their needs escalating to the point where the involvement of a specialist service is required. This workshop will enable participants to find out more about using the Common Assessment Framework to support families they work with and improve outcomes for children, young people and families.</p><p>Trainer Kathy Dee CAF Co-ordinator, Redbridge</p><p>Date Thursday 28th February 2013 </p><p>Time 10:00-12:00</p><p>Venue Cranbrook Children’s Centre</p><p>Cost £20 (refundable)</p><p>EYFS Links Partnership with Parents Partnership working with other professionals Team working and support for every child</p><p>97 Safeguarding Awareness Workshop</p><p>Target audience Childminders</p><p>Course Description This workshop will raise awareness of the signs and symptoms of child abuse and what to do if there are child protection concerns about a child or a member of your household. There will be opportunities to review Ofsted requirements as well as discussing the importance of partnership working.</p><p>Trainer Toni Hanson</p><p>Date Tuesday 5th March 2013 </p><p>Time 18:45-21:00</p><p>Venue Cranbrook Children’s Centre</p><p>Cost £20 (refundable)</p><p>EYFS Links Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements: Child Protection</p><p>98 Suitable People Staff qualifications, training, support and skills</p><p>Treasure Basket & Heuristic Play</p><p>Target audience Childminders working with children from birth to 20 months </p><p>Course description This course will deepen understanding of why treasure basket and heuristic play is necessary to support the learning of the youngest children within the EYFS. The session will look at the importance of the adult role and appropriate resources that are needed to provide quality experiences for children. Participants will also have an opportunity to explore the different ways children interact with resources and what this tells us about the child’s needs & interests.</p><p>Trainers Maz Brown & CDT</p><p>Tuesday 5th March 2013 Date (Single session)</p><p>Time 18.45 – 21.00</p><p>Venue Cranbrook Children’s Centre 99</p><p>Cost £20 (refundable) EYFS Links Personal, Social & Emotional Development A Unique Child</p><p>Passport to Services for Parents through the Common Assessment Framework (CAF) process</p><p>Target audience Network Childminders</p><p>Course description The majority of children and young people will progress well and have their basic needs met through access to good universal services such as health, early years and school; these children and young people may not ever need additional support. A minority of children will have more complex needs and, as a result, will access support and intervention from specialist services – for example, Social Care. There are also a large group of children who have additional needs; these needs may not be complex but the child or young person would benefit from the involvement of more than one agency to support them and improve their outcomes. In these instances, using the Passport to Services for Parents (CAF) processes will provide an integrated approach to meeting the child or young person’s needs. This could include coordinated multi-agency involvement and an offer of early intervention or help to prevent their needs escalating to the point where the involvement of a specialist service is required. 100 This workshop will enable participants to find out more about using the Common Assessment Framework to support families they work with and improve outcomes for children, young people and families.</p><p>Trainer Kathy Dee CAF Co-ordinator, Redbridge</p><p>Date Wednesday 6th March 2013 </p><p>Time 18:45 – 21:00</p><p>Venue Cranbrook Children’s Centre</p><p>Cost £20 (refundable)</p><p>EYFS Links Partnership with Parents Partnership working with other professionals Team working and support for every child</p><p>101 Supporting parents of children with disabilities</p><p>Target audience Childminders, PVI and OOSC practitioners</p><p>Course description This training is aimed at helping providers to understand the difficulties faced by parents. It will cover a range of aspects such as </p><p> Strategies to enable discussions with parents of a child who may have a disability  Supporting families using practical strategies.  Using positive language</p><p>Trainers The Parent Voice</p><p>The Parent Voice is run by Andrea Wershof and Phillipa Garland. Both are professionally qualified psychotherapists and have their own children with special needs</p><p>Date Wednesday 13th March 2013 and Wednesday 20th March 2013 (Please note this is a two part course and you must attend both sessions) </p><p>Time 9:30-11:30</p><p>Venue Cranbrook Children’s Centre</p><p>Cost £20 (Funded Redbridge Settings) £30 (Non-funded Redbridge Settings)</p><p>102 EYFS Links Partnership with Parents Equal Opportunities </p><p>Healthy Eating</p><p>Target audience Childminders </p><p>Course Description This course will help childminders develop their understand of:  appropriate healthy eating  meal/menu ideas and planning  portion sizes  weaning/starting solids  appropriate preparation of infant formula</p><p>Trainers Sofie Ball Community Nutritionist Redbridge Healthy Weight Team North East London NHS Foundation Trust </p><p>Date Thursday 13th March 2013 </p><p>Time 18:45 – 21:00</p><p>Venue Cranbrook Children’s Centre</p><p>103 Cost £20 refundable EYFS Links Food and drink Inclusion</p><p>Self Evaluation (Completing your SEF)</p><p>Target audience Childminders</p><p>Course Description This course will introduce the new Self Evaluation Form and ensure childminders are confident to evaluate their provision and demonstrate this effectively. There will also be opportunities to go online and receive practical support to complete the document.</p><p>Trainers Carolyn Burns/Theresa May Date Wednesday 13th March 2013 and Wednesday 27th March2013 (Please note this is a two part course and you must attend both sessions) </p><p>Time 18:45 – 21:00</p><p>104 Venue Cranbrook Children’s Centre EYFS Links Suitable People Staff Qualifications, Training, Support and Skills</p><p>105 Autism awareness</p><p>Target audience Childminders </p><p>Course Description  What is autism  How to recognise autism  Identifying delayed development or disability/SEN?  How to support families through the referral process  Understanding and managing different behaviours  Practical activities for children on the autistic spectrum  Risk assessing needs  Dealing with the feelings of children and their families and carers </p><p>Trainers Access All: Amy Jenkins and Debbie Pearce</p><p>Amy has a BA Honours degree in Special Needs and Inclusion Studies combined with Early Childhood Studies as well as a Level 3 qualification in Learning Disability studies and is a qualified trainer and assessor. She has a lifetime experience of working with disabled children and adults both in a voluntary and professional capacity. In recent years she has project managed a play club, an inclusive youth club for and residential holidays for disabled children and young adults. </p><p>Debbie is a qualified trainer and has NVQ level 3 in Advice and Guidance. She has many years experience as a carer for disabled children and young people and is the proud mum of a young lady with Downs' Syndrome. Debbie’s roles include coordinating a sitting and befriending service for families with disabled children and young adults and an advocate for adults with a learning disability. She has also been a trustee on the boards of local charities working to develop services for disabled children and adults and is presently a trustee of an advocacy project working with adults with a learning disability. </p><p>Date Saturday 9th March 2013</p><p>Time 9:00-16:00</p><p>Venue Cranbrook Children’s Centre</p><p>Cost £20 (refundable) 106 EYFS Links Equal Opportunities Partnership with Parents</p><p>107 Autism awareness</p><p>Target audience Pre School, Nursery and Out Of School Club practitioners </p><p>Course Description  What is autism  How to recognise autism  Identifying delayed development or disability/SEN? How to support families through the referral process  Understanding and managing different behaviours  Practical activities for children on the autistic spectrum  Risk assessing needs  Dealing with the feelings of children and their families and carers </p><p>Trainers Access All: Amy Jenkins and Debbie Pearce</p><p>Amy has a BA Honours degree in Special Needs and Inclusion Studies combined with Early Childhood Studies as well as a Level 3 qualification in Learning Disability studies and is a qualified trainer and assessor. She has a lifetime experience of working with disabled children and adults both in a voluntary and professional capacity. In recent years she has project managed a play club, an inclusive youth club for and residential holidays for disabled children and young adults. </p><p>Debbie is a qualified trainer and has NVQ level 3 in Advice and Guidance. She has many years experience as a carer for disabled children and young people and is the proud mum of a young lady with Downs' Syndrome. Debbie’s roles include coordinating a sitting and befriending service for families with disabled children and young adults and an advocate for adults with a learning disability. She has also been a trustee on the boards of local charities working to develop services for disabled children and adults and is presently a trustee of an advocacy project working with adults with a learning disability. </p><p>Date Thursday 14th March and Thursday 21st March 2013 (You will need to attend both sessions)</p><p>Time 9:30-12:30</p><p>Venue Cranbrook Children’s Centre</p><p>Cost £10 (Funded Redbridge Settings) £15 (Non-funded108 Redbridge Settings) £20 (Out of School provisions and childminders– refundable) EYFS Links Equal Opportunities Partnership with Parents </p><p> helps children communicate</p><p>Target audienceChildminders, PVI and Out Of School Club practitioners </p><p>Course Description This course will focus on language development, how to encourage communication and language in young children and practical ideas to create a communication friendly environment </p><p>Trainers I CAN</p><p>I CAN is the children’s communication charity. I CAN’s mission is to ensure that no child who struggles to communicate is left out or left behind. Their vision is a world where all children and young people who struggle to communicate receive the help they need so that they can have a happy childhood, make progress at school and thrive as adults. </p><p>Date Wednesday March 27th and Thursday 28th March 2013 (You will need to attend both sessions)</p><p>Time 9:30-11:30</p><p>Venue Cranbrook Children’s Centre</p><p>Cost £10 (Funded Redbridge Settings) £15 (Non-funded109 Redbridge Settings) £20 (Out of School provisions and childminders– refundable) EYFS Links Equal Opportunities Communication and Language </p><p>110 EduCare Child Protection Staying Aware</p><p>Free online safeguarding refresher training that can be completed in the comfort of your own home or setting.</p><p>Target audience Newly recruited staff members Childminding Assistants</p><p>Practitioners who have attended safeguarding training more than a year ago but less than three years ago (refresher training)</p><p>Course Description EduCare Staying Aware on-line training is refresher training designed for childcare practitioners and childminders/assistants who have previously completed formal child protection training. It consists of a questionnaire that will test a participant's child protection knowledge, and also their understanding of how to promote the welfare of children. Those who successfully complete the questionnaire will receive a personalised National Society for the Protection of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) certificate.</p><p>Trainer EduCare is a distance-learning training provider with over 25 years experience in creating award-winning, training programmes, specialising in delivering the essential information on a range of subjects, including child protection awareness programmes written with the NSPCC</p><p>Duration Most participants complete the training in 20-30 minutes</p><p>Cost No cost</p><p>How to register</p><p> Send an email with EduCare as the subject to [email protected]</p><p> Please include the participant’s name(s), name of setting and setting email address and a contact telephone number.</p><p>111 PLEASE NOTE: </p><p>The online training must be fully completed in one session. It cannot be stopped and started. If the training is partly completed (participant stops programme before it is complete) the system will not recognise any further changes and the result will be a ‘fail’. </p><p>Guidelines on use of the Crèche facilities</p><p>We will require a crèche permission form (see page 23) to be completed FOR EACH CHILD, and brought to the training session with you, as well as the following information, provided in writing:</p><p> Child(rens) name, date of birth and address  Parent/guardian’s name, address and contact number  Emergency contact number for child (other than parent/guardian)  Who child normally lives with  Who has legal contact/responsibility for child  Any health or medical information we may need including any allergies and dietary requirements  Any other information that will help the child feel comfortable and secure. For example please feel free to bring a child’s favourite toy or comforters as well as details of the child’s routine, favourite activities etc</p><p>If you require more than 1 crèche permission form please ensure you make photocopies of the form before completing</p><p>If the form or any of this information is not clearly provided at the start of the session the child(ren) will not be permitted to stay in the crèche and the childminder will have to forfeit her/his place on the training</p><p>Please also bring a drink and a fruit snack for each child. Other food is not allowed in the crèche room.</p><p>112 113 Crèche Permission Form</p><p>Dear Parent/Guardian, </p><p>Your childminder would like to attend training with the Redbridge Childcare Development Team. This will enable them to provide:</p><p> higher quality care for your child  more varied learning and development opportunities for your child  childcare that meets the very specific government requirements for childminders  an even safer and better organised childminding environment</p><p>This is an essential part of your childminder’s continuing professional development and we appreciate your co-operation. Thank you </p><p>I (parent/guardian’s name) ………………….………………………… give permission for my child/ren (names)………………………………………to attend the crèche at Cranbrook Children’s Centre on (date)…………………….………….. with their childminder (childminder’s name)………………………………………. to enable her/him to attend training with the Redbridge Childcare Development Team.</p><p>Signed ………………………………………………… (parent/guardian)</p><p>Please note that the crèche facilities and resources at the Children’s Centre are of a very high standard and qualified and experienced staff will be caring for your child(ren). The buildings are secure and safe and training will take place in the centre. Childminders will remain on site at all times. Please contact us with any queries and, if necessary, we would be happy to arrange a visit to the centre for you. </p><p>Thank you</p><p>114 115 Cranbrook Children’s Centre Cranbrook Primary School, The Drive, Ilford, Essex, IG1 3PS</p><p>116 117 CM/Setting Name: Telephone No. Email Address: Date Spring 2013</p><p>Course Title Date Time Crèche/Number of Position in Setting Name/Address of Attendee/s Cost PP Children and Ages 12 Hour Paediatric First Aid</p><p>Autism Awareness</p><p>Childminder Information Session</p><p>Dealing with Children’s Stressful Behaviour</p><p>Development Matters when they are 0-2 years</p><p>Eat Better, Start Better</p><p>Every Child a Talker (ECaT)</p><p>Food Hygiene Training</p><p>Health y Eating</p><p>I Can</p><p>Level 3 Training – Information Briefing</p><p>Makaton – Beginners course</p><p>Makaton Taster Sessions</p><p>Observation, Assessment & Planning</p><p>Passport to Services for parents through the Common Assessment Framework (CAF) Process</p><p>Refresher Sessions for childminders</p><p>118 Safeguarding Awareness Workshop</p><p>Safeguarding Co-ordinator Session</p><p>119 CM/Setting Name: Telephone No. Email Address: Date Spring 2013</p><p>Self evaluation (Completing your SEF)</p><p>Supporting Parents with Children with Disabilities</p><p>Treasure Basket & Heuristic Play</p><p>Two Year Old Progress Check</p><p>Welfare Requirements Update Briefing</p><p>Total Cost - </p><p>120</p>

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