Status of AMRUT Projects in Andhra Pradesh

Status of AMRUT Projects in Andhra Pradesh

<p> Note on AMRUT scheme in Andhra Pradesh 16.11.16</p><p>Thepurpose of Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT)is to (i) Ensurethat every household has access to a tap with assured supply of water and a sewerageconnection; </p><p>(ii) Increasethe amenity value of cities by developing greenery and well maintained openspaces (e.g. parks); and </p><p>(iii) Reducepollution by switching to public transport or constructing facilities for non- motorized transport (e.g. walking and cycling). </p><p>All these outcomes are valued by citizens, particularly women, and indicators and standards have been prescribed by the Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD) in the form of Service Level Benchmarks (SLBs).</p><p>As per the criteria mentioned in AMRUT Guidelines a total of 32 cities/towns along with the Amaravati are eligible for funding under AMRUT scheme in the state of Andhra Pradesh. The list of AMRUT cities are provided in Annexure – I. </p><p>I. Status ofSAAP 2015-16 projects.</p><p>Under the first State Annual Action Plan (SAAP) of AMRUT scheme i.e. SAAP 2015-16: a total of 60 projects (25 Water Supply and 30 Parks) were accorded administrative sanction for an amount of Rs.804.46 crores.</p><p>Dt:16.11.16 No. of No. of No. of S. No. of Tender Tenders to Works to Sector Works No. Projects s be floated be Awarded Floated Awarded Water 1 25 24 1 2 23 Supply 2 Parks 35 32 3 17 18 Total 60 56 4 19 41</p><p>The detailed status of these projects is provided in Annexure – II below.</p><p>II. Status of SAAP 2016-20 projects. Under the second State Annual Action Plan (SAAP) of AMRUT scheme i.e. SAAP 2016- 17: a total of 94 projects (36 Water Supply in 26 ULBs, 28 Sewerage &Septage Management in 28 ULBs, 8 Storm Water Drainage in 8 ULBs and 32 Parks in 32 ULBs) were conceptualized and are approved by the SHPSC and Apex committee for an amount of Rs. 877.05 crores. A comprehensive approach is adopted in conceptualization of the projects in such a way that DPR’s for all the projects for the remaining mission period (SAAP 2016-20) shall be prepared and approved at the same time.The total no of projects for the remaining mission period (SAAP 2016-20) remains to be 94 projects; however the total project cost would be Rs.2191.31 Cr. </p><p>S. Total No. of DPR’s DPR’s Yet to DPR’s No Sector Project Projects Submitted be submitted approved . Cost in Cr. 1 Water Supply 26 1285.36 01 25 - 2 Sewerage 28 529.13 24 04 - &Septage Management 3 Storm Water 08 326.63 01 07 - Drainage 4 Parks 32 50.19 32 0 - Total 94 2191.31 58 36 -</p><p>The detailed status of these projects is provided in Annexure – III below.</p><p>III. Capacity Building and Reforms.</p><p>The state has already appointed the PDMC’s, SMMU and CMMU’s for implementation of the projects under AMRUT scheme. Total amount of 23.51 crores and 13.66 crores are estimated for Capacity building and implementation of reforms during the remaining mission period i.e. SAAP 2016-20. The status of implementation of Capacity Building and Reforms are provided in the Annexure - IV below. </p><p>IV. PDMC’s.</p><p>The following are the details of the PDMC’s appointed for providing the End to End support for projects conceptualized in the state under ANRUT scheme. </p><p>S. Name of the PDMC Sector Region No of AMRUT No. Cities Water Supply, Sewerage &Septage 1 AECOM I 15 Management and Storm Water Drainage TATA Consulting Water Supply, Sewerage &Septage 2 II 17 Engineers Ltd. Management and Storm Water Drainage 3 APUGBCL Other (Parks & Green Spaces) I & II 32 Annexure I: List of AMRUT cities in Andhra Pradesh</p><p>Sr. Population City Corporation/ Municipality No. (2011census) 1. Visakhapatnam 17,82,433 Corporation</p><p>2. Vijayawada 10,34,358 Corporation</p><p>3. Guntur 7,43,354 Corporation</p><p>4. Nellore 5,94,783 Corporation</p><p>5. Kurnool 4,60,330 Corporation</p><p>6. Tirupati 3,74,260 Corporation</p><p>7. Kadapa 3,44,893 Corporation</p><p>8. Rajahmundry 3,43,903 Corporation</p><p>9. Kakinada 3,25,985 Corporation</p><p>10. Ananthapuramu 2,62,340 Corporation</p><p>11. Vizianagaram 2,54,790 Corporation</p><p>12. Ongole 2,52,561 Corporation</p><p>13. Eluru 2,17,876 Corporation</p><p>14. Chittoor 1,97,254 Corporation</p><p>15. Srikakulam 1,33,911 Corporation</p><p>16. Nandyal 2,00,516 Municipality</p><p>17. Machilipatnam 1,70,008 Municipality</p><p>18. Adoni 1,66,537 Municipality</p><p>19. Tenali 1,64,969 Municipality Sr. Population City Corporation/ Municipality No. (2011census)</p><p>20. Proddatur 1,62,717 Municipality</p><p>21. Hindupur 1,51,835 Municipality</p><p>22. Bhimavaram 1,42,184 Municipality</p><p>23. Madanapalle 1,35,669 Municipality</p><p>24. Dharmavaram 1,26,958 Municipality</p><p>25. Guntakal 1,26,270 Municipality</p><p>26. Gudivada 1,18,259 Municipality</p><p>27. Narasaraopeta 1,17,385 Municipality</p><p>28. Tadipatri 1,08,171 Municipality</p><p>29. Tadepalligudem 1,02,622 Municipality</p><p>30. Chilakaluripet 1,01,398 Municipality</p><p>31. Kavali 82,142 Municipality</p><p>32. Srikalahasti 80,056 Municipality Annexure II: Status of Projects under SAAP 2015-16 as on 16.11.16</p><p>S.N Name of the AS Status Sector o ULB Amount Tender stage/ Evaluation stage 1 2 3 4 5 1 Srikakulam Water Supply 10.73 Submitted to COT Parks & Green Spaces 0.50 Revised TS stage 2 Vizianagaram Water Supply 5.85 Tender Stage Parks & Green Spaces 0.50 Tender Stage 3 GVMC Water Supply 153.18 Tender Evaluation stage Parks & Green Spaces 1.07 Tender Stage 4 Rajahmundry Water Supply 2.83 Tender evaluation stage Parks & Green Spaces 0.50 Work in Progress 5 Kakinada Water Supply 41.44 Tender evaluation stage Parks & Green Spaces 0.75 Tender stage 6 Tadepalligudem Water Supply 15.40 Tender evaluation stage Parks & Green Spaces 0.50 TS stage (2 parks) 7 Bhimavaram Water Supply 47.29 Tender evaluation stage Parks & Green Spaces 0.50 Tender stage 8 Eluru Water Supply 2.96 Tender stage -4th call Parks & Green Spaces 0.50 Work in progress 9 Vijayawada Water Supply 87.43 T.S Stage /proposing under PPP & Bid document under preparation Parks & Green Spaces 1.00 Work is in progress (4 parks) 10 Machilipatnam Water Supply 36.75 Tender Evaluation stage Parks & Green Spaces 0.50 Tender Evaluation stage 11 Gudivada Water Supply 32.47 Tender Evaluation stage Parks & Green Spaces 0.50 Tender Evaluation stage 12 Tenali Water Supply 8.59 Tender Evaluation stage Parks & Green Spaces 0.50 Tech opinion accorded 13 Guntur Water Supply 22.02 T.S given & tenders to be recalled Parks & Green Spaces 0.50 work in progress 14 Narasaraopeta Water Supply 13.03 Tender Evaluation stage Parks & Green Spaces 0.50 Tech opinion accorded 15 Chilakaluripeta Water Supply 8.82 COT approved,LOA to be issued Parks & Green Spaces 0.50 Tender Stage 2nd call 16 Tirupathi Water Supply 93.71 Tender Evaluation stage Parks & Green Spaces 0.75 Evaluation stage 17 Ongole Water Supply 2.88 Tender Evaluation stage S.N Name of the AS Status Sector o ULB Amount Tender stage/ Evaluation stage Parks & Green Spaces 0.50 Work is in Progress. 18 Nellore Water Supply 0.00 Not taken Up Parks & Green Spaces 0.50 Work in progress 19 Chittoor Water Supply 2.88 Tender evaluation stage Parks & Green Spaces 0.50 work in progress 20 Madanapalli Water Supply 19.00 Work order issued Parks & Green Spaces 0.50 work in progress 21 Kadapa Water Supply 43.32 Tender stage, 2nd call Parks & Green Spaces 0.50 Work in progress (2 parks) 22 Proddutur Water Supply 0.00 ----- Parks & Green Spaces 0.50 Tender Stage 23 Tadipatri Water Supply 0.00 ----- Parks & Green Spaces 0.50 Work order to be issued 24 Ananthapuramu Water Supply 0.00 ----- Parks & Green Spaces 0.50 Work in Progress 25 Dharmavaram Water Supply 17.57 2 nd call in progress(19-11-2016) Parks & Green Spaces 0.50 Tender stage, 3rd call 26 Hindupur Water Supply 0.00 ----- Parks & Green Spaces 0.50 Work in progress... 27 Nandyala Water Supply 22.54 to be placed before Committee II. Parks & Green Spaces 0.50 Work in progress. 28 Guntakal Water Supply 16.45 Tenders called for 16/11/2016 Parks & Green Spaces 0.50 Evaluation stage 29 Adoni Water Supply 12.54 2ndcall in progress Parks & Green Spaces 0.50 Tenders under Evaluation 30 Kurnool Water Supply 68.25 Work order issued Parks & Green Spaces 0.50 Work is in progress Total 804.50 Annexure III: Status of Projects under SAAP 2016-20</p><p>1. Sewerage & Septage Management.</p><p>A) Status of DPRs Out of 28 projects under sewerage and septage management, DPR’s for 9 projects are in advanced stage, 13 projects are in moderate stage and remaining 6 projects are in preliminary stage of preparation.</p><p>S. SAAP2016-20 Name of ULB DPR Status Remarks No Cost Rs. in Cr.</p><p>1 Srikakulam 6.25 Under Revision 2 Vizianagaram 9.75 Under Revision 3 GVMC 30.00 Under Revision 4 Rajahmundry 9.75 Under Revision 5 Kakinada 9.75 Under Revision 6 Tadepalligudem 34.13 Under Revision 7 Bhimavaram 15.00 Under Revision 8 Eluru 27.55 Under Revision 9 Vijayawada 36.20 Under Revision 10 Machilipatnam 9.75 Under Revision 11 Gudivada 9.75 Under Revision 12 Tenali 18.50 Under Revision 13 Narasaraopeta 1.00 Under Revision 14 Chilakaluripeta 9.75 Under Revision 15 Tirupathi 50.00 Under Preparation 16 Ongole 17.50 Under Revision Land to be acquired 17 Kavali 12.25 Under Revision 18 Srikalahasti 17.50 Under Revision 19 Chittor 17.50 Under Revision 20 Madanapalle 9.00 Under Revision 21 Kadapa 52.00 Under Revision Land to be acquired 22 Ananthapuramu 17.50 Under Revision Land to be acquired S. SAAP2016-20 Name of ULB DPR Status Remarks No Cost Rs. in Cr.</p><p>23 Dharmavaram 16.00 Under Revision Land to be acquired 24 Hindupur 22.50 Under Revision Land to be acquired for second STP 25 Nandyal 17.50 Under Revision Land to be acquired 26 Guntakal 16.00 Under Revision 27 Adoni 8.75 Under Revision Land to be acquired 28 Kurnool 28.00 Under Revision Land to be acquired Total 529.13</p><p>2. Status of Water Supply</p><p>A) Status of DPRs</p><p>Out of 26 projects of water supply, DPR’s for 2 projects are under finalization, 16 projects are in ongoing and 5 projects are yet to start. DPR’s for remaining 3 projects are being prepared by other consultancies and are being reviewed by PDMC’s.</p><p>S. SAAP Remarks/ Expected date of N Name of ULB 2016-20 DPR status Submission o Cost (Cr)</p><p>1 Srikakulam 5.00 Draft DPR submitted for review. 2 Vizianagaram 77.41 Hydrogeological 30th Nov 2016 Survey for source identification is completed. DPR under preparation. 3 GVMC 67.41 DPR under 25th Nov 2016 finalization 4 Bhimavaram 17.50 DPR under 30th Nov 2016 preparation. 5 Eluru 4.20 Topographical survey 25th Nov 2016 in progress. S. SAAP Remarks/ Expected date of N Name of ULB 2016-20 DPR status Submission o Cost (Cr) 6 Machilipatnam 11.00 Topographical survey 22nd Nov 2016 completed. DPR under finalization. 7 Gudivada 14.60 DPR under 30th Nov 2016 preparation. 8 Guntur 25.00 Ongoing 20th Nov 2016 9 Narasaraopeta 3.50 submitted 10 Chilakaluripeta 117.41 Ongoing by CIST 22nd Nov 2016 11 Tirupathi 43.98 Yet to start Population projections has been changed substantially from SAAP 2015-16, Hence DPR has to be changed completely. 12 Ongole 105.43 Ongoing SAAP component is changed. ULB to finalize the intake locations and if necessary survey to be carried out. 13 Kavali 34.84 Ongoing DPR under finalization 14 Srikalahasti 4.00 Ongoing DMA formation area to be finalized 15 Chittoor 152.25 Ongoing Survey to be carried for, approval required for carrying out survey for entire area from ULB. As there is no existing system and also the pipes are old, replacement has been suggested. 16 Madanapalle 8.00 Ongoing 3 new Service Reservoir has been suggested to be taken up by ULB apart from 20km of distribution system replacement.Waiting for final Confirmation from Municipality matters pertaining to carry out survey of zones. 17 Kadapa 55.00 Yet to start Land confirmation of Proposed S. SAAP Remarks/ Expected date of N Name of ULB 2016-20 DPR status Submission o Cost (Cr) ESR’s to be made by ULB along with Survey details 18 Proddatur 115.46 Ongoing by SK SK Consultants are preparing the consultants DPR 19 Tadipatri 115.50 Ongoing by SR SR Consultants are preparing the consultants DPR 20 Ananthapuramu 10.00 Ongoing Survey Completed, Geotechnical to be taken up for SS tank rehabilitation 21 Dharmavaram 8.00 Ongoing Survey to be taken up, DPR status is 80% complete 22 Hindupur 106.00 Yet to start Waiting confirmation from ULB for Area, Carrying out Survey works- NICE DPR of Water supply report is expected. City Topographical Survey has been carried by NICE, but the data is not made available to TCE 23 Nandyal 117.50 Ongoing Water supply DPR prepared by NICE Consultants has to be resubmitted by them based observations made by TCE – Topographical Survey confirmation to be obtained from Municipality along with the land confirmation 24 Guntakal 8.38 Ongoing Second time ULB has changed their requirements, mail received from ULB - on 25-10-2016 requesting for feeder main (earlier it was ESR and Distribution system) - Approval required, from ULB for carrying out survey. 25 Adoni 16.00 Ongoing Topographical Survey confirmation to be obtained from S. SAAP Remarks/ Expected date of N Name of ULB 2016-20 DPR status Submission o Cost (Cr) Municipality along with the land confirmation. 26 Kurnool 42.00 Yet to start Approval is required from ULB for Survey works in Kurnool area, particularly TadakanapalliMI Tank. Needs permission from MI irrigation Dept. Total 1285.36</p><p>3. Status of Storm Water Drainage </p><p>A) Status of DPRs</p><p>Out of 8 projects in storm water drainage, 1 DPR is submitted. DPR’s for 2 projects are in advanced stage, 3 projects are in moderate stage and remaining 2 projects are in preliminary stage of preparation.</p><p>SAAP S. Name of ULB 2016-20 DPR status Remarks No Cost</p><p>1 Srikakulam 35.13 Yet to start 15th Dec 2016 2 Rajahmundry 60.41 Topographical survey in 30th Nov 2016 progress. Hourly rainfall data collected rainfall analysis and DPR in progress. 3 Kakinada 76.97 Topographical survey in 30th Nov 2016 progress. Hourly rainfall data collected rainfall analysis and DPR in progress. 4 Tadepalligudem 6.93 DPR submitted by local 7th Dec 2016 consultants is reviewed and comments communicated. SAAP S. Name of ULB 2016-20 DPR status Remarks No Cost Revised DPR is awaited from the local consultants. 5 Machilipatnam 17.14 Topographical survey 30th Nov 2016 completed. Hourly rainfall data collected and DPR under preparation. 6 Tirupathi 10.30 DPR Submitted 7 Nellore 101.00 Under Progress (60%) Survey Carried out for critical Drain for 10Km. Permission from ULB has been received last week for Balance survey for 40 KMs of drains. Survey will be taken up shortly. 8 Ananthapuramu 18.76 Under Progress (80%) Survey completed recently. Total 326.64</p><p>4. Status of Parks </p><p>A) Status of DPRs</p><p>SAAP S. Name of ULB 2016-20 DPR status Remarks No Cost</p><p>1. Srikakulam 1.37 Under finalization Location under 2. Vizianagaram 1.37 finalization Designs under 3. GVMC 3.29 preparation 4. Rajahmundry 1.37 Under preparation 5. Kakinada 2.06 Under finalization 6. Tadepalligudem 1.37 Under finalization 7. Bhimavaram 1.37 Under finalization 8. ELURU 1.37 Designs under SAAP S. Name of ULB 2016-20 DPR status Remarks No Cost preparation 9. Vijayawada 3.29 Under finalization 10. Machilipatnam 1.37 Under finalization 11. Gudivada 1.37 Under finalization 12. Tenali 1.37 Under finalization 13. Guntur 2.06 Under finalization 14. Narasaraopeta 1.37 Under finalization 15. Chilakaluripeta 1.37 Under finalization 16. Tirupathi 1.73 Under finalization 17. Ongole 1.37 Under finalization 18. Kavali 1.37 Under finalization 19. Nellore 1.73 Under finalization 20. Srikalahasti 1.37 Under finalization Designs under 21. Chittoor 1.37 preparation 22. Madanapalli 1.37 Under finalization Designs under 23. Kadapa 1.37 preparation 24. Proddatur 1.37 Under finalization Location under 25. Tadipatri 1.37 finalization Designs under 26. Ananthapuramu 1.37 preparation 27. Dharmavaram 1.37 Under finalization 28. Hindupur 1.37 Under finalization 29. Nandyal 1.37 Under finalization 30. Guntakal 1.37 Under finalization 31. Adoni 1.37 Under finalization 32. Kurnool 1.73 Under finalization Total 50.19 5. Proposed SLTC Meetings </p><p>No of DPR’s S.No Date Infrastructure Parks Total Water Supply Sewage &Septage Drainage 1 22.11.2016 - 11 - 32 43 2 30.11.2016 - 13 1 - 14 3 17.01.2017 10 3 5 - 18 4 31.01.2017 16 1 2 - 19 Total 26 28 8 32 94</p>

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