<p> Single Outcome Agreement Delivery Plan 2013-2017</p><p>Target Description Owner/Officer Latest Assessment Status Date Dundee will be an internationally recognised city at the heart of a vibrant region with more and better employment opportunities for our people Achieve bronze award status under the Athena Swan Charter aimed at the promotion of Nicholas First update women in science, Hamilton/Nicholas 31/12/2017 not yet Assessment not available. technology, Hamilton done engineering, mathematics and medicine (STEMM). Actively support Dundee s account managed and other companies to seek out and explore opportunities that focus on growth through First update Mick Mchugh /Mick innovation, 31/12/2017 not yet Mchugh Assessment not available. organisational done development, market development, strategy development, investment and business improvement. Address sector specific skills needs through delivery of sectoral initiatives including Karen First update sector based Work Donaldson/Karen 31/12/2017 not yet Assessment not available. Academies (e.g. health, Donaldson done hospitality & tourism, renewables, engineering). Align and integrate tracking systems including the Data Hub, First update across partners/ Jenni Tocher/Karen 31/12/2017 not yet providers and within Gunn Assessment not available. done DCC to ensure effective tracking of beneficiaries. Bid for future European Funding and ensure 17/04/2014 that it is aligned with Mike A bid was submitted to Scottish Government for continued On other funding sources, Galloway/Michelle employability funding for the pipeline. This was warmly 31/12/2014 Schedule targeted effectively and Gautier received and we await news of the level of funds that will the impact is be allocated to Dundee maximised. Build upon existing university research Graham First update expertise and exploit Mckee/Graham 31/12/2017 not yet spin-out and Assessment not available. Mckee done commercialisation opportunities. Co-ordinate Employer Engagement activity with partners (including Karen First update a planned approach to Donaldson/Karen 31/12/2017 not yet Dundee Employers Assessment not available. Donaldson done Pledge, CPP and College Regional Outcome Agreement). Continually manage resources to achieve First update Mike Galloway/Mike completion of Dundee 31/12/2017 not yet Galloway Assessment not available. Waterfront work by done 2017. Continue to develop and deliver Dundee: One Mike First update City, Many Discoveries Galloway/Jennifer 31/12/2017 not yet Assessment not available. as a focus for place Caswell done marketing. Continue to develop 17/04/2014 Mike appropriate way-finding City Centre wayfinding signage now installed. Cleaning On Galloway/Gregor 31/12/2015 and signage to support arrangements in place. Process for maintaining fabric and Schedule Hamilton visitors to the city. content developed. Create a leading academic centre the Graham First update Offshore Renewables Mckee/Graham 31/12/2017 not yet Institute (ORI) based at Assessment not available. Mckee done the University of Dundee. Create and deliver a First update Jill Hunter/Jill Youth Employment 31/12/2014 not yet Hunter Assessment not available. Activity Plan. done Create and implement a mechanism for ensuring Karen First update a positive destination Donaldson/Karen 31/12/2017 not yet Assessment not available. for Dundee College Donaldson done learners. Deliver Dundee City Council Community Mike First update Benefits through Galloway/Allan 31/12/2017 not yet procurement Assessment not available. Millar done programme and expand into CPP partners. 15/04/2014 Met in January and March with presentations from Visit Scotland re Growth Fund. Tourism Skills group met on 5th Deliver Dundee City Mike March with presentation from East Lothian Hospitality & On Council s Tourism Galloway/Gaynor 31/12/2017 Tourism Academy. People 1st presented to a group of Schedule Action Plan. Sullivan trainers to pitch becoming a licensed WorldHost trainer and a date has been set for the course in Dundee on 23-25 April. DCC trainer will also attend this. Deliver Opportunities for All to ensure that every 16 to 19 year old in the city who is not First update Jenni Tocher/Karen engaged in 31/12/2017 not yet Gunn Assessment not available. employment, education done or training is offered a place in learning or training Deliver Public Sector Modern Apprenticeships First update Jenni Tocher/Karen Programme and 31/12/2017 not yet Gunn Assessment not available. Employer Pledge done (across CPP). Deliver V&A at Dundee First update Philip Long/Philip building within budget 31/12/2016 not yet Long Assessment not available. during plan period. done Deliver a range of Mike 31/12/2017 First update sector focussed Galloway/Jennifer Assessment not available. not yet initiatives designed to Caswell done support the City s key sectors (e.g. BioDundee, Digital Dundee, Tayscreen, Talking Tayside). Deliver business gateway service, e-zone Mike Galloway/Stan 17/04/2014 On 31/12/2017 and other enterprise Ure All initiatives working well. Schedule support initiatives. Deliver digital inclusion training through Mike First update established job shops Galloway/Allan 31/12/2014 not yet Assessment not available. and community Millar done facilities. Deliver work coach service to supports vulnerable young First update people through the Jill Hunter/Jill 31/12/2017 not yet transition from school Hunter Assessment not available. done to employment, training or education and beyond. Deliver youth focussed initiatives including First update Jenni Tocher/Karen Youth Employment 31/12/2014 not yet Gunn Assessment not available. Scotland s Employer done Recruitment Scheme. Develop a comprehensive range of training and support Karen First update opportunities through Donaldson/Karen 31/12/2017 not yet Energy Training East, Assessment not available. Donaldson done an alliance of Tayside s 5 Universities and Colleges. Develop a range of Mike First update digital tools/apps to Galloway/Gaynor 31/12/2015 not yet support visitors to the Assessment not available. Sullivan done city. Develop mechanisms to ensure that the private sector is actively 17/04/2014 Mike Galloway/Stan On consulted and engaged Sector reference groups regularly consulted. Annual 31/12/2015 Ure Schedule in activities to promote Economic Summit to be held 19 June 2014. sector development and drive economic growth. Develop new academic business and related local opportunities in relation to three themes: 1) Promoting the sustainable use of Graham First update global resources; 2) Mckee/Graham 31/12/2017 not yet Assessment not available. Shaping the future Mckee done through innovative design; and 3) Improving social, cultural and physical well-being. Develop new local 17/04/2014 development plan and Mike Dundee Local Development Plan adopted in December On ensure that an effective Galloway/Gregor 31/12/2013 2013. Planning Application performance figures for Schedule and efficient application Hamilton 2013/14 are ahead of targets in Service Plan. process is in place. Develop new markets Graham 31/12/2017 First update and work with Mckee/Graham Assessment not available. not yet representatives of key Mckee done sectors to develop training and educational content which meets future skill requirements at home and outwith Scotland. Drive the development Mike First update and implementation of a Galloway/Gaynor 31/12/2017 not yet city wide/city region Assessment not available. Sullivan done tourism action plan. Dundee Partners to encourage participation First update Mick Mchugh /Mick in Scottish Enterprise s 31/12/2017 not yet Mchugh Assessment not available. Offshore Business done Support Programmes. Dundee partners will work with Scottish Enterprise and its international arm First update Mick Mchugh /Mick Scottish Development 31/12/2017 not yet Mchugh Assessment not available. International to help done achieve Scotland s foreign investment targets. Embed enterprise skills within Dundee College s Karen First update learning and teaching to Donaldson/Karen 31/12/2017 not yet Assessment not available. increase the number of Donaldson done start-up businesses. Encourage companies to register in Dundee Renewables Green Mike First update Directory and Scottish Galloway/Caroline 31/12/2017 not yet Assessment not available. Enterprise s Offshore Morgan done Renewables Supply Chain Directory. Enhance and develop existing business growth pipeline and First update help deliver national Mick Mchugh /Mick 31/12/2016 not yet growth target for Mchugh Assessment not available. done account managed companies of 10% by 2016. 2016 Enhance arrival facilities for visitors through Mike First update redevelopment of Galloway/Allan 31/12/2016 not yet Assessment not available. Dundee Railway Watt done Station. Ensure Dundee College s key sector expertise including new product Karen First update and transnational Donaldson/Karen 31/12/2017 not yet Assessment not available. project developments Donaldson done actively shape the key sectors within the city. Ensure that new developments at First update Dundee Waterfront Mike Galloway/Alan 31/12/2017 not yet have the optimum Bell Assessment not available. done digital infrastructure and connectivity. Ensure that synergies Lucy First update between health and Rennie/Margaret 31/12/2017 not yet employability services Assessment not available. Hartnett done are maximised. Ensure that there are Mike 31/12/2014 First update effective referral Galloway/Allan Assessment not available. not yet systems to Millar done employability services for people affected by the welfare reform agenda. Evaluate the current provision of employability skills delivered through the Broad General Education (S1 - S3) in Michael First update all secondary schools by Wood/Kenny 31/12/2014 not yet Assessment not available. June 2014, identify Mckeown done examples of innovative practice and develop an action plan by October 2014 for delivery over the period 2014-2017 Explore funding and operator for marina Mike First update development at Galloway/Allan 31/12/2017 not yet Assessment not available. Camperdown and Watt done Victoria Docks. Facilitate city wide Mike First update tourism partnership to Galloway/Gaynor 31/12/2017 not yet progress development Assessment not available. Sullivan done of visitor economy. 17/04/2014 Implement new Contracts were advertised on Public Contracts Scotland contracts for the Mike website on 31st January. Bids were received for all 9 On pipeline to ensure that Galloway/Michelle contracts and the procurement process is underway to 31/12/2014 Schedule funds are targeted to Gautier evaluate and score these bids. Committee Report will be the key client groups. submitted for the Policy & Resources Committee on 19th May with the outcomes and recommendations Implement plans for First update park and ride sites at Niall Gardiner/Niall 31/12/2015 not yet Dundee West and Tay Gardiner Assessment not available. done Bridge South. Implementation of the Community Asset Transfer Strategy by Mike First update Dundee City Council as Galloway/Colin 31/12/2017 not yet a catalyst for social, Assessment not available. Craig done environmental and economic regeneration of local communities. 17/03/2014 Improve performance of Tenders were advertised on the Public Contracts Scotland Mike the pipeline through website and incorporate a scale of unit costs approach, On Galloway/Michelle 31/12/2014 implementation of meaning a move to payment by results. A management Schedule Gautier outcome based funding. structure has been developed to manage the contracts within the Policy & Europe team Improve the capacity of local companies to tender for capital works Mike 17/04/2014 On contracts through Galloway/Mandy 3 events held Is Public sector for you-Jan 14 Meet The 31/12/2017 Schedule facilitation of supplier Mckenzie Buyer-Feb 14 Maximise Your Tender Score development programme events. Increase business Mike 04/04/2014 31/12/2017 On tourism market through Galloway/Karen Dundee & Angus Convention Bureau work to attract Schedule the activities of Dundee Tocher national and international academic and association & Angus Convention conferences to Dundee and Angus and promote the area as Bureau. a leading Business Tourism destination. Recent wins include: ICPA 2014 (International Congress on Photodynamic Applications) to be held in Dundee from 25 - 28 May 2014 attracting over 400 delegates. Creation of the first International Congress, the bid was led by Prof Sam Eljamel, Consultant Neurosurgeon, Centre for Neurosciences, Ninewells Hospital and Medical School. Estimated to be worth over £700,000.00 to Dundee and Angus. ISAM 2015 (International Society for Addiction Medicine) to be held in Dundee from 4 - 8 October 2015, attracting over 400 delegates. Bid led by Dr Alex Baldacchino who is Clinical Senior Lecturer in Addiction Psychiatry with the University of Dundee, Consultant Psychiatrist with NHS Fife. Bid was presented at conference in Geneva. Estimated to be worth over £850,000.00 to Dundee and Angus. 36 conferences have or are being supported by the Conference Support team during 2013- 14, 2014-15 and 2015-16, worth an estimated economic impact value of £8,804,581. DACB are currently working on 4 live bid enquiries worth an estimated £2,483,573 for conferences taking place between 2014 and 2017. Through the Ambassador Programme DACB are conducting lead research, pro-actively identifying potential opportunities to work with ambassadors to bid for conferences. Investigate options for First update enhancements to A90 Niall Gardiner/Niall 31/12/2016 not yet arterial route through Gardiner Assessment not available. done Dundee. Investigate the market First update Kevin Bazley/Kevin for incubator space with 31/12/2016 not yet Bazley Assessment not available. a view to delivery. done Market Dundee Mike First update Waterfront to potential Galloway/Allan 31/12/2017 not yet Assessment not available. investors. Watt done 01/04/2014 With the support of Creative Dundee, an active press Maximise PR benefits Stewart campaign was run throughout the duration of the year On emanating from UK City Murdoch/Stewart 2013 to support the city s bid for UK City of Culture status. 31/12/2014 Schedule of Culture 2017 bid. Murdoch The coverage in the local, Scottish and national press was extremely positive and has assisted significantly in profiling the city as a city with a robust and vibrant cultural offer. Maximise entrepreneurship amongst University of Dundee staff and Graham First update students through Mckee/Graham 31/12/2017 not yet Assessment not available. Enterprise Gym, Mckee done Incubator Facilities and IP based company formation. Maximise growth of the creative industries sector building upon Mike First update existing strengths and Galloway/Jennifer 31/12/2017 not yet Assessment not available. the opportunities Caswell done emerging through V&A at Dundee. Maximise outcomes for long term unemployed and ensure that mainstream provision Mike First update like the Work Galloway/Allan 31/12/2017 not yet Assessment not available. Programme is Millar done complemented by effective employability pipeline services. Maximise the Employability Fund First update opportunities and align Jill Hunter/Jill 31/12/2017 not yet the resources with the Hunter Assessment not available. done skills pipeline in Dundee. Maximise the opportunities arising from Caird Hall refurbishment to host Mike First update larger business tourism Galloway/Karen 31/12/2017 not yet Assessment not available. events and continue to Tocher done monitor the need and potential for additional facilities. Promote Dundee Mike First update through the activities of Galloway/Caroline 31/12/2017 not yet the Dundee Renewables Assessment not available. Morgan done partnership. Promote enhanced rail First update services through Niall Gardiner/Niall 31/12/2015 not yet ScotRail refranchise in Gardiner Assessment not available. done 2015. Promote services, routes and facilities at 17/04/2014 Mike Galloway/Stan On Dundee Airport and Interim London servcie in place. Tenders received for PSO 31/12/2017 Ure Schedule protect the Dundee to servcie to london. London air route. Promote the city to potential inward Mike First update investors and provide Galloway/Jennifer 31/12/2017 not yet an inward investor Assessment not available. Caswell done response programme. 2017 Promote the development of city centre businesses within a safe and 17/04/2014 attractive shopping Businesses in Dundee City Centre were given a environment and presentation by Allan Watt on the Waterfront Development ensure that the Mike and retail / commercial opportunities at the DD One On opportunities emerging Galloway/Sarah breakfast meeting. The DD One newsletter has been re- 31/12/2017 Schedule through the Craig introduced and will feature regular articles on City Centre Waterfront / V&A at businesses. City Centre Management currently exploring Dundee development to opportunity with MiDundee to offer every business in the promote the city as a City Centre a free digital marketing platform. retail and leisure destination are maximised. 2017 Provide gateways for local and other businesses to access expert staff and skills Graham First update through a variety of Mckee/Graham 31/12/2017 not yet channels: knowledge Assessment not available. Mckee done transfer partnership, sectoral groups, Honorary Fellowships, etc. Provision of career coaches in schools and provision of My World of First update Jill Hunter/Jill Work to school pupils 31/12/2017 not yet Hunter Assessment not available. from S3 to enable them done to develop career management skills. Refresh and implement Mike 17/04/2014 31/12/2014 On the pipeline from mid Galloway/Michelle Work has been undertaken over the last year to Schedule 2014 to a case Gautier restructure the employability pipeline. This has resulted in management structure the new case management structure where case manager with the aim of contractors will be responsible for engagement, action minimising drop out and planning and oversseing each client's entire journey increasing the through the pipeline and towards and into employment. In this way, individuals will be closely tracked and any disengagement flagged and acted upon quickly. Case manager contracts are being tendered for the following proportion of positive client groups: Young people, Lone Parents,Workless outcomes achieved. Families, People with Health Problems and Adults. Bids for these contracts are currently being assessed and the outcomes and recommendations will be reported to the Policy & Resources Committee on 19th May 2014 Review operation of Discover Opportunities Mike First update Centre and assess Galloway/Allan 31/12/2014 not yet Assessment not available. potential to deliver new Millar done initiatives. Secure remaining funding required to Sandy First update deliver V&A at Dundee Richardson/Sandy 31/12/2016 not yet project through bids to Assessment not available. Richardson done ERDF, Lottery, Trust and private benefactors. Support Dundee businesses to access international trade First update opportunities, and grow Mick Mchugh /Mick 31/12/2017 not yet through improved Mchugh Assessment not available. done export performance and by accessing new foreign markets. 2017 Support Dundee businesses to grow and/or become more competitive by accessing national First update Mick Mchugh /Mick business services (e.g. 31/12/2017 not yet Mchugh Assessment not available. Scottish Manufacturing done Advisory Service, Co- Operative Development Scotland, Scottish Investment Bank). Support and encourage Dundee businesses to grow through accessing First update regional and national Mick Mchugh /Mick 31/12/2017 not yet sectoral initiatives (e.g. Mchugh Assessment not available. done Tayside Food & Drink Forum, Interactive Scotland). Support business growth within key sectors through Karen First update delivering focussed Donaldson/Karen 31/12/2017 not yet Assessment not available. training, consultancy Donaldson done services and enhanced partnership activity. Support local games development companies and other businesses that have products dependent on developing content and Nicholas First update technology for the Hamilton/Nicholas 31/12/2017 not yet connected digital Assessment not available. Hamilton done economy, with a particular focus on start ups / young companies, supporting skills provision and working capital acquisition. 21/03/2014 A Mapping Exercise to determine the prevalence, scale and size of social enterprises is proposed for April 2014 and will establish baseline information about the strength of the sector, identify new and potential social enterprises and produce data for a Trade Directory. Opportunities to identify Council services that can be delivered by social enterprises are being explored and will gather pace if the recommendations in the CFTF Project 52 Report for April Support the 2014 SMT meeting are agreed as benefitting both the development and Council and social enterprises. There is on-going support to growth of Dundee s progress 2 nursery developments in the East and West social enterprise sector Mike Galloway/Eric ends, the first development scheduled to be open by end On 31/12/2017 through implementation Peebles 2015. The two social enterprises engaged in providing Schedule of social enterprise services to Welfare Fund clients are benefitting from strategy and asset significant increases in turnover. To capture the added transfer strategy. social value generated through Welfare Fund activity, a workshop on Social Return on Investment was delivered in March 14 by the Social Value Lab. More workshops are planned and by the year end, there will be a robust process to measure the social & financial impacts for the Council, SEs and beneficiaries. The Policy & Guidelines for Community Asset Transfer should be finalised by April 2014 and support a process of engagement with enterprises interested in acquiring surplus Council properties. Support the growth and development of businesses by facilitation of networking opportunities, events and key sector Sandra First update activities. Build business Burke/Sandra 31/12/2017 not yet Assessment not available. confidence internally Burke done and externally by promoting the city as a world class destination and providing a strong voice for the local business sector. 01/04/2014 The group established to implement Dundee s Festival and Sustain and deliver a Events Strategy continues to meet on a regular basis. The Stewart co-ordinated 2014 programme of festivals and events is progressing On Murdoch/Stewart 31/12/2017 programme of festivals well, with good turnouts and good feedback. The Festival Schedule Murdoch and events. and Events Strategy is closely linked to the City of Culture Bid and will continue to be reviewed in the light of the outcome of that bid. Utilise Dundee City Council s extensive property portfolio to meet the accommodation needs of start up companies, Mike First update inward investors and Galloway/Colin 31/12/2017 not yet indigenous businesses Assessment not available. Craig done and encourage use of Scottish Property Network amongst public sector bodies to advertise available property Work in partnership Mike 03/04/2014 31/12/2017 On with 10 local authorities Galloway/Caroline Attended the Scenario Mapping study update in Fife, Schedule through East Coast Morgan refocus on timelines and outputs advised by the Renewables to promote developers. ECR meeting was held Feb in Stonehaven and the east coast as a the group looking to explore European funding for future viable location. partnership activity and events. DCC has membership to SHFCA via ECR and an opportunity for DCC bespoke briefing and plans underway to arrange this event in the next few months. Attended and exhibited via ECR the Scottish Renewables Annual conference in Edinburgh March 2014. Work through Scottish Cities Alliance to develop Dundee s First update Mike Galloway/Neil contribution to the use 31/12/2017 not yet Gellatly Assessment not available. of renewable energy done sources for sustainable transport. Work with, and encourage, growth companies to access First update Mick Mchugh /Mick targeted financial 31/12/2017 not yet Mchugh Assessment not available. support (e.g. Regional done Selective Assistance, R&D Grants). Our people will be better educated and skilled within a city renowned for learning, research, innovation and culture Stewart First update Deliver a programme of Murdoch/Marie 31/12/2016 not yet family learning events. Assessment not available. Dailly done Establish collective Stewart First update baselines through the Murdoch/Merrill 31/12/2013 not yet collection of survey Assessment not available. Smith done data. Implement the Being a First update Jenni Tocher/Chris Parent in Dundee 31/12/2016 not yet Scott Assessment not available. strategy. done 01/04/2014 Plans for refreshing Dundee s Cultural Strategy are well underway. The first part of this has been to submit a bid to Implement the Cultural Stewart UNESCO for Dundee to be considered one of their Cities of On Strategy to 2014 and Murdoch/Stewart Design. This bid was submitted in March. It is intended 31/03/2014 Schedule revise for 2015-2020. Murdoch that a draft Cultural Strategy will be produced by early June. The Strategy will build on the UK City of Culture bid, taking forward those things that partners in the city are committed to and looking towards a horizon of 2024. Dorothee First update Implement the ESOL Leslie/Dorothee 31/12/2016 not yet Strategy Action Plan. Assessment not available. Leslie done Stewart 15/04/2014 Implement the Outdoor On Murdoch/Derek Outdoor Learning Strategy Action Plan is being updated to 31/12/2016 learning Strategy. Schedule Napier represent a new suite of performance indicators Stewart First update Implement the Strategic Murdoch/Marie 31/12/2016 not yet Literacies action plan. Assessment not available. Dailly done 01/04/2014 Maintain and promote a The programme of cultural events continues to be vibrant programme of delivered and expanded by the Cultural Agencies Network Stewart cultural events and in the City. It s vibrancy has in no way been diminished by On Murdoch/Stewart 31/12/2018 activities in the city the outcome of the City of Culture bid and partnerships Schedule Murdoch through the Cultural and connections made during that process continue to Agencies Network. expand the range of opportunities available within the cultural sector. Maximise opportunities Stewart 01/04/2014 31/03/2017 On arising from the City of Murdoch/Stewart A number of actions are being taken forward to maximise Schedule Culture bid. Murdoch the opportunities arising from the City of Culture bid. Top amongst these has been a bid to UNESCO for Dundee to be recognised as a City of Design. Secondly, has been the development of a ten year Cultural Strategy for the period 2014-2024 and thirdly, a series of initiatives which would help deliver the five year action plan. Top amongst these is to bid to Creative Scotland for Place Partnership status for the city. Plan and conduct a David First update citizen perception Dorward/Peter 31/03/2014 not yet Assessment not available. survey. Allan done Plan and conduct an Mike First update external perceptions Galloway/Jennifer 31/03/2014 not yet Assessment not available. survey. Caswell done Provision of learning Stewart First update support and guidance in Murdoch/Marie 31/12/2016 not yet Assessment not available. communities. Dailly done Repeat the analysis of Stewart First update cultural events in the Murdoch/Merrill 31/12/2014 not yet Assessment not available. city for 2013. Smith done Target Adult learning Stewart towards areas and of 20/03/2014 On Murdoch/Marie 31/12/2016 greatest need and to 56% of learners are from Regeneration areas Schedule Dailly equalities groupings. Targeting of CLD to Stewart First update support skills leading to Murdoch/Marie 31/12/2016 not yet Assessment not available. increased employability. Dailly done Targeting of learning Stewart First update opportunities at people Murdoch/Marie 31/12/2016 not yet with no or low level Assessment not available. Dailly done qualifications. Our children will be safe, healthy, achieving, nurtured, active, respected, responsible and included 17/04/2014 Assess and manage risk New Beginnings Service remains in place delivering a through the provision of multi-agency targeted support to pregnant women and targeted multi-agency Jenni parents of newborns with compromised parenting. MASH On support to pregnant Tocher/Kathryn remains the main referral route to the service. Work is 31/12/2015 Schedule mothers and parents of Lindsay ongoing on the development of detailed guidance to social newborns with work staff outwith the service on the completion of unborn compromised parenting. baby assessments to improve consistency across the wider SWD Children's Service. Deliver Dundee s 17/04/2014 strategy for engaging We regulary engage with children, young people, families children and families in and communities across a number of key initiatives such as the planning, delivery the development of the integrated Children's services plan, and evaluation of public the looked after children champions board, the lochee services. (e.g. young pathfinder and the workstreams within the early years Jenni Tocher/Bert On people and parents collaborative. All of this engagement is helping to shape 31/12/2017 Sandeman Schedule involved in the services and the way they are delivered. A significant development of the illustration of this is how we are developing the locality Integrated Children s 'hub' approach which we are about to pilot in the Lochee Services Plan and the ward which will be primarily based on what children, young Early years people, their families and the communities in which they Collaborative). live tell us they want to see available. Deliver the action plan 17/04/2014 within Dundee s looked The action plan is well established and making good After Children progress. Work is nearing completion on the establishment Champions Board such Jenni Tocher/Bert of a bespoke young persons space in the Hilltown, the Peer On 31/12/2017 as the Youth Sandeman mentoring project is about to start the recruitment Schedule Engagement Strategy process, work is advanced on the anti sigma programme, and PEER Mentoring and work underway in developing more child friendly programme. meetings and children's hearings. Develop Alternatives to Secure Care and Custody Programmes to First update Jenni Tocher/Glyn ensure fewer children 31/12/2017 not yet Lloyd Assessment not available. and young people are done placed in or sentenced to secure settings. Develop Early and Jenni Tocher/Glyn 31/12/2017 First update Effective Intervention Lloyd Assessment not available. not yet and Diversion done Programmes to ensure fewer children and young people are prosecuted and sentenced in Court. Develop and promote young people's access to sexual health services, through making available information and advice in schools and local Michael First update communities. This is Wood/Tracey 31/12/2017 not yet delivered by a multi- Assessment not available. Stewart done agency group based on actions developed around the Strategic Action Plan of the Tayside Managed Care Network on Sexual Health and BBV. Develop capacity of voluntary sector partners to support parents through Christine First update initiatives and Lowden/Christine 31/12/2017 not yet partnerships such as Assessment not available. Lowden done Dundee early Intervention Team (DEIT) Roots of Empathy etc. Develop further links with Dundee & Angus College to provide learning modules and First update Michael Wood/Paul activities for pupils in 31/12/2017 not yet Clancy Assessment not available. the Senior Phase of done education from S4 S6 as part of their annual course options. Develop multi agency professional First update Michael development 31/12/2017 not yet Wood/Lesley Gibb Assessment not available. opportunities for the done early year s workforce Develop programmes of diversionary sports activities in response to First update Bob Mcintosh/Bob young people s needs 31/12/2017 not yet Mcintosh Assessment not available. for example midnight done and drop in football, drop-in dance. Develop programmes of diversionary youth work Stewart First update in response to young Murdoch/Kenny 31/12/2017 not yet Assessment not available. people s needs such as Lindsay done DISC Target Project. Ensure children have all the developmental skills and abilities expected at Elaine First update the start of primary Cruickshank/Elaine 31/12/2017 not yet school through the work Assessment not available. Cruickshank done of the EYC and Early Years Lochee Pathfinder. Ensure children have all Elaine 31/12/2016 First update the developmental skills Cruickshank/Elaine Assessment not available. not yet and abilities expected of a 27-30 month old by parents and practitioners working Cruickshank done together through initiatives such as the Early Years Collaborative). Ensure that all young people Looked after at home or accommodated Elaine First update have an assessment of Cruickshank/Elaine 31/12/2014 not yet Assessment not available. their health needs Cruickshank done including mental health and wellbeing. Ensure that women experience positive pregnancies which Elaine First update result in the birth of Cruickshank/Elaine 31/12/2015 not yet more healthy babies Assessment not available. Cruickshank done through early assessment and targeted intervention. Implement Dundee s Parenting Strategy 17/03/2014 (Being A Parent In The BAPID framework will be adopted and incorporated Dundee) for example by into all seven ICS Strategic Planning Groups action plans. Jenni Tocher/Bert On developing and This approach is to ensure that we imbed the parenting 31/12/2017 Sandeman Schedule deploying appropriate strategy into the foundation of services to children young parenting programmes people and their families and not have parenting as a stand which promote parental alone task. responsibility. Implement the Early Years Collaborative approach across Michael First update Dundee though the use Wood/Michael 31/12/2014 not yet Assessment not available. of the Test of Change Wood done Improvement methodology. Implement the curriculum for Excellence in all Dundee City Council s First update Michael Wood/Paul establishments in 31/12/2017 not yet Clancy Assessment not available. Literacy and numeracy done outcomes with a specific emphasis on the need to improve attainment. Implement the curriculum for Excellence in all Dundee City Council s First update Michael Wood/Paul establishments in all 31/12/2017 not yet Clancy Assessment not available. aspects of the new SQA done framework to include National levels, Higher and Advanced Higher. Implement the curriculum for Excellence in all Dundee First update Michael Wood/Paul City Council s 31/12/2017 not yet Clancy Assessment not available. establishments in all done subject areas across the 3-18 age groups. Improve access to Steven 19/03/2014 31/12/2017 On substance misuse Dalton/Steven The ADP is continuing its review of all services in the City Schedule services for those with Dalton to ensure services are best placed to deliver appropriate interventions to a range of individuals including those with the care of children by the care of children and young people. Current services in early identification of the City may require to be redesigned and will ensure that problems and creating access to high quality services remains a top priority. The better working links creation of local hubs will ensure easy access to a range of with adult and children services including specialist counselling and support, s services. parenting advice and skills enhancement and welfare rights advice and support Increase the time devoted to curricular Michael First update Physical Education to 2 Wood/Michael 31/12/2017 not yet hours per week in Assessment not available. Wood done Primary and 2 periods per week in S1-S4. Involve young people in 04/04/2014 decision making In 2013/14 467 young people were recorded as having processes in the city Stewart influenced local and/or national developments. This ranges On through forums such as Murdoch/Kenny from young people involved with Dundee Youth Council to 31/12/2017 Schedule Dundee Youth Council, Lindsay groups of young people developing and running local LAC Champions Board, programmes to Peer Educators influencing the school School Pupil Council etc. curriculum. Parents to take a leading role in their child s language and Stewart First update literacy development by Murdoch/Marie 31/12/2017 not yet upskilling their own Assessment not available. Dailly done literacy competence and utilising parenting Programmes. Promote healthy eating and physical activity with families, pre-school settings, schools and communities targeting a Elaine First update reduction in BMI and Cruickshank/Elaine 31/12/2015 not yet obesity levels for Assessment not available. Cruickshank done example through 1:1 health behaviour change interventions, group work and sign posting. 17/04/2014 The Change Team are now in place and a two day Roll out the learning development workshop was held in December. This is from the Lochee Ward helping set the priorities for the team and the wider Early Years Pathfinder Pathfinder Blueprint. We are beginning to roll out elements across the city, e.g. of the Pathfinder such as family splash into other wards in affordable leisure the city and a report to the Chief Executive and CHP is Jenni Tocher/Bert On activity (Family Splash) currently being drafted on how we can take that initiative 31/12/2017 Sandeman Schedule prevention& early forward. We are developing a community and family hub intervention (Early and will pilot it in Lochee and therafter roll out across the Start) community asset city.The next stage is meaningfull engagement with the building (Community Ward community to see what they would like to see in such Engagement Team). a 'hub' this will sit alongside the development of an integrated multi-agency team based on existing resources and we are currently testing that model out in the ward. Roll out the new peer led Healthy Transitions Stewart 17/03/2014 On programme to all Murdoch/Kenny 31/12/2015 As per previous update. Schedule Secondary Schools in Lindsay Dundee. Support young people Stewart 31/12/2017 First update to volunteer through Murdoch/Kenny Assessment not available. not yet taking more Lindsay done responsibility in their youth group or as a volunteer member of staff. Work with partners to improve the attainment of Looked After Children and their transition from school into employment, training, First update Michael Wood/Paul volunteering or further 31/12/2015 not yet Clancy Assessment not available. learning opportunities done through initiatives such as the Family Firm which is part of Dundee s Corporate Parenting Strategy. People in Dundee will have improved physical and mental wellbeing and will experience fewer health inequalities. Agree and implement a set of standards for Andrew First update local smoking cessation Radley/Andrew 31/12/2018 not yet Assessment not available. and prevention Radley done services. Continue to deliver Keep Well Assessments to identified target groups including offenders, people who Shona First update are homeless or at risk Hyman/Shona 31/12/2018 not yet of becoming homeless, Assessment not available. Hyman done gypsy travellers and South Asian and Black Afro Caribbean and those who misuse substances. Continue to provide universal immunisation Elaine First update programmes (i.e. MMR, Cruickshank/Elaine 31/12/2018 not yet Diptheria, Tetanus, Assessment not available. Cruickshank done Polio, Pertussis, HIB, HPV vaccinations). Deliver Health and Transport Action Plan in Dundee promote active travel, mitigate the First update detrimental impacts on Lucy Rennie/Lucy 31/12/2015 not yet public health of the Rennie Assessment not available. done transport system, improve access to healthcare and address NHS Staff travel. Deliver Healthy Working Lives programmes to small and medium First update enterprises to enable Pat Davidson/Pat 31/12/2018 not yet them to understand, Davidson Assessment not available. done protect and improve the health of their employees. Deliver a consistent and integrated approach to sex and relationships education across the age span based on the Michael First update principles of respect and Wood/Tracey 31/12/2018 not yet Assessment not available. responsibility and Stewart done Curriculum for Excellence, including around blood borne viruses. 19/03/2014 The ADP is continuing its review of all services in the City to ensure services are best placed to deliver appropriate Develop a recovery interventions to a range of individuals. Current services in Steven care-pathway for the City may require to be redesigned and will ensure that On Dalton/Steven 31/12/2014 substance misuse access to high quality services remains a top priority. The Schedule Dalton services in Dundee creation of local hubs will ensure easy access to a range of services including specialist counselling and support, parenting advice and skills enhancement and welfare rights advice and support 19/03/2014 The ADP is continuing its review of all services in the City to ensure services are best placed to deliver appropriate interventions to a range of individuals including those with Develop a recovery Steven the care of children and young people. Current services in care-pathway for On Dalton/Steven the City may require to be redesigned and will ensure that 31/12/2014 substance misuse Schedule Dalton access to high quality services remains a top priority. The services in Dundee creation of local hubs will ensure easy access to a range of services including specialist counselling and support, parenting advice and skills enhancement and welfare rights advice and support Develop and deliver actions that support the Stewart First update findings of the NHS Murdoch/Sheila 31/12/2018 not yet Assessment not available. Tayside pilot targeting Mcmahon done "distress" Develop and implement action plan based on local project findings on Julie First update breast cancer screening Cavanagh/Julie 31/12/2013 not yet Assessment not available. uptake in Cavanagh done disadvantaged communities. Develop and implement local social marketing Julie First update work programme to Cavanagh/Julie 31/12/2013 not yet increase early detection Assessment not available. Cavanagh done of breast, bowel and lung cancer. Develop and implement First update model for enhanced Lucy Rennie/Lucy 31/12/2015 not yet Dundee Healthy Living Rennie Assessment not available. done Initiative. Engage with local communities to establish views about alcohol availability in their areas. Support Vered First update local communities to Hopkins/Vered 31/12/2018 not yet Assessment not available. participate in the Hopkins done licensing process and identify local solutions to alcohol over consumption Ensure effective sex and relationships education is delivered through all schools by providing SHARE Michael First update training for teachers Wood/Tracey 31/12/2014 not yet and support the roll out Assessment not available. Stewart done of the Health Buddies peerled education programme to encompass wider risk taking behaviours. Implement Equally Well Stewart 18/03/2014 31/12/2014 On Equally Well Health and Wellbeing Networks are meeting regularly in the Coldside, Strathmartine, North East and East End wards. Equally Well activity in Lochee links with existing early years structures. Community wellbeing surveys with over 800 residents of the mosts deprived streets in these wards have identified key issues affecting wellbeing as substance misuse, anti-social behaviour, poor environment, social isolation, poverty and lack of activities for children and young people. Local assets for wellbeing include community buildings, green space and social actions from the support networks. Logic model events have taken place in transitional model all 5 wards attended by 20-30 services to link existing business plan in the five activity to wellbeing outcomes and to identify gaps. Murdoch/Sheila wards containing Community information and feedback events have taken Schedule Mcmahon community place in Coldside, East End and North East to raise regeneration areas awareness of services/ activities that can help address approach. wellbeing issues and to continue dialogue with local people about potential solutions. Tests of change are now being developed in all 5 wards. These are - Coldside; drop-in facility in local church: Lochee; supporting community responses to substance misuse issues: East End; supporting volunteering and health activities: Strathmartine; information and feedback event: North East; activities for children supported by volunteers. NHS Tayside Board awarded recurring funding for a permanent Equally Well model at their meeting on February 27th 2014. Implement good practice recommendation that Julie First update all CHP based smear Cavanagh/Julie 31/12/2018 not yet takers have appropriate Assessment not available. Cavanagh done training and regular refresher/ update training. Implement the social prescribing actions from Stewart First update the Equally Well Murdoch/Sheila 31/05/2014 not yet Assessment not available. transitional model Mcmahon done business plan 17/04/2014 All community pharmacies in Tayside have signed up to the Improve access to Carol Barnett/Carol On scottish Government pilot to provide Healthy Start vitamins 31/12/2014 Healthy Start vitamins. Barnett Schedule free to beneficiaries and at an agreed cost to non beneficiaries Improve access to First update Sexual and Ann Eriksen/Ann 31/12/2014 not yet Reproductive Health Eriksen Assessment not available. done Services (SRHS). Improve and increase the knowledge, skills, confidence and 17/04/2014 attitudes of all those Carol Barnett/Carol Quarterly 2 day Maternal and Infant Nutrition training On 31/12/2015 working with Barnett programmes offered to all those working with young Schedule nutritionally vulnerable families in Dundee. women of childbearing age and infants. Improve breastfeeding First update rates at birth, HV first Janet Dalzell/Janet 31/12/2014 not yet visit and 6-8 week Dalzell Assessment not available. done review. 17/04/2014 Increase awareness of Two Community Roadshows ran in February and March in Carol Barnett/Carol On the Healthy Start shopping centres in Dundee. 800 questionnaires were 31/12/2014 Barnett Schedule Scheme. completed by families indicating their knowledge of Healthy Start Local tobacco control Andrew 31/12/2018 First update plan to be developed (see Outcome 4d) focussing on vulnerable young people such as looked after children and young offenders. Advice on creating a Radley/Andrew not yet Assessment not available. smoke-free home to be Radley done a feature of all ante- natal and post natal services and adoption, foster, kinship and residential care services. Make use of social media to improve young people s access to First update sexual health Ann Eriksen/Ann 31/12/2014 not yet information and advice, Eriksen Assessment not available. done including commissioning the development of an sexual health app. Monitor the delivery of Alcohol Screening and Vered First update Brief Intervention with Hopkins/Vered 31/12/2018 not yet Primary Care settings Assessment not available. Hopkins done and extend to other priority settings Participate in a feasibility Study in First update Mary Colvin/Mary Primary Care to deliver 31/01/2014 not yet Colvin Assessment not available. brief advice/brief done interventions. Progress recommendations from Steven First update evaluation of Substance Dalton/Steven 31/12/2018 not yet Assessment not available. Misuse Family Dalton done Programmes Promote education and First update Michael information regarding 31/12/2018 not yet Wood/Sandy Clarke Assessment not available. sexual health. done Promote the uptake of First update vocational rehabilitation Cathy Grieve/Cathy 31/12/2018 not yet services to small and Grieve Assessment not available. done medium enterprises. Provide a programme of diversionary physical activities targeting First update young people, the Bob Mcintosh/Bob 31/12/2018 not yet unemployed, substance Mcintosh Assessment not available. done misusers etc. providing them with new skills and prospects. Provide a series of specialist physical activity options for Graham First update people and families Wark/Graham 31/12/2018 not yet Assessment not available. suffering from or Wark done recovering from substance misuse Provide access to parenting programmes First update through commissioning Ann Eriksen/Ann 31/12/2014 not yet Strengthening Families Eriksen Assessment not available. done Programme 10-14 and Speakeasy. Provide targeted Sex and Relationships education and access to services for identified groups e.g. off-site provision, working with voluntary agencies such as HELM, provision for Michael First update young people who do Wood/Tracey 31/12/2018 not yet not attend school, Assessment not available. Stewart done young offenders, people with disabilities and vulnerable young adults, Looked After and Accommodated Children, BME communities, LGBT and the student population. 01/04/2014 Provide targeted and Leisure & Culture Dundee have an active programme specialist programmes targeting support for the delivery of opportunities to those of sports activities, Stewart on low incomes, those recovering from COPD and those classes and clubs as On Murdoch/Stewart affected by physical or sensory disability. Delivery of this 31/12/2015 well as generic Schedule Murdoch programme has been enhanced by some supplementary opportunities accessible funding for the Splash Programme made available through to a wider range of Dundee City Council and by joint agreement of the city s people. Concessions Strategy. Provide targeted and specialist programmes of sports activities, Graham First update classes and clubs as Wark/Graham 31/12/2018 not yet well as general Assessment not available. Wark done opportunities accessible to a wider range of people Reduce the decline in First update Janet Dalzell/Janet breastfeeding from birth 31/12/2014 not yet Dalzell Assessment not available. to 6-8 weeks. done Review and deliver the partnership programme First update Active for Life , Mary Colvin/Mary 31/12/2018 not yet ensuring the most at Colvin Assessment not available. done need can access the programme. 01/04/2014 The Sport and Physical Activity Strategy Implementation Review and deliver the Stewart Group has continued to meet and is well supported by sport and physical On Murdoch/Stewart partners. A revised action plan for 2013-15 has been 31/12/2015 activity strategy action Schedule Murdoch agreed and will continue to be implemented. The Sport and plan for Dundee. Physical Activity Strategy Implementation Group will next meet on 22 April 2014. Support the Local Community Planning Partnerships to identify First update Lucy Rennie/Lucy the health needs of 31/12/2018 not yet Rennie Assessment not available. local communities and done take action to address these. Support the use of the My Wellbeing Website Stewart First update to encourage adoption Murdoch/Sheila 31/05/2014 not yet of social prescribing Assessment not available. Mcmahon done approached by wider workforce Train NHS Staff to Mary Colvin/Mary 31/01/2014 First update assess physical activity Colvin Assessment not available. not yet and provide brief done advice. Update the Dundee overprovision report and support the Vered First update Licensing Board to Hopkins/Vered 31/12/2018 not yet make ongoing use of Assessment not available. Hopkins done partnership evidence as part of the licensing decisions Work alongside young people, pregnant teenagers, young parents and the First update Ann Eriksen/Ann communities through 31/12/2014 not yet Eriksen Assessment not available. the Health Community done Collaborative to develop shared solutions/interventions. Work with voluntary sector and local Andrew First update communities to develop Radley/Andrew 31/12/2018 not yet Assessment not available. the Dundee local Radley done tobacco control plan. People in Dundee are able to live independently and access support when they need it Agree and implement a Jenni First update Medication Tocher/Denise 30/04/2015 not yet management in the Assessment not available. Morton done Community policy Agree model of Care First update Home support which Jenni Tocher/Diane 31/03/2014 not yet meet the needs of Mcculloch Assessment not available. done people with dementia Develop a framework 17/04/2014 which progresses an 1) Shadow Board for Health & Social Care Integration Jenni Tocher/Laura On integrated delivery established 2)Interim Chief Officer in post 3) Terms of 31/03/2015 Bannerman Schedule model for Health and Reference agreed 4) Workplan in place 5)organisational Social Care in Dundee Development Framework agreed Develop a further range of respite and short First update Jenni Tocher/Diane break options for adults 31/03/2014 not yet Mcculloch Assessment not available. and older people and done their carers Develop a model of Early Intervention and anticipatory care planning by identifying First update people at risk of Gail Young/Gail 31/03/2014 not yet unplanned hospital Young Assessment not available. done admission through risk stratification and key indicators such as polypharmacy and falls Develop a partnership strategy to prevent and First update Jenni Tocher/Diane address situations 30/06/2014 not yet Mcculloch Assessment not available. where adults are at risk done of financial exploitation Develop alternatives to residential care and locally based alternatives to First update Jenni Tocher/Diane congregate forms of 31/03/2017 not yet Mcculloch Assessment not available. care for adults with done learning disabilities, physical disabilities and mental illness Develop and deliver an integrated Protecting People Framework which draws on Child Protection, Adult First update Jenni Tocher/Laura Protection and Violence 31/12/2014 not yet Bannerman Assessment not available. Against Women to done ensure we have a protective framework that works for all of our citizens Develop and embed an implementation plan for First update Jenni Tocher/Avril the introduction of Self 31/03/2014 not yet Smith Hope Assessment not available. Directed Support in line done with legislation Develop and implement First update Jenni Tocher/Diane a Delayed Discharge 31/03/2014 not yet Mcculloch Assessment not available. Improvement Plan done Develop and implement Janice First update a Falls Strategy for Henderson/Janice 31/03/2014 not yet Assessment not available. Dundee Henderson done Develop and pilot a revised assessment First update framework for carers in Jenni Tocher/Diane 30/04/2014 not yet order to make services Mcculloch Assessment not available. done more responsive to the needs of carers Follow up on the recommendations contained in the Biennial Report of the Independent Convener Jenni First update of the Adult Support Tocher/Katrina 31/03/2014 not yet Assessment not available. and Protection Finnon done Committee which has an action plan to identify and support adults at risk of harm Fund staff in Domiciliary Care Services and Day Services to undertake First update Jenni Tocher/Diane the Stirling University 31/12/2013 not yet Mcculloch Assessment not available. Best Practice in done Dementia Facilitators Training Further develop First update resources which support Jenni Tocher/Diane 31/03/2017 not yet people with dementia Mcculloch Assessment not available. done and their carers Identify and map health and social care data/spend through the First update Jenni Tocher/Laura Integrated Resource 31/03/2017 not yet Bannerman Assessment not available. Framework and remodel done future resources to meet local need First update Implement the Telecare Jenni Tocher/Diane 31/03/2017 not yet Strategy Mcculloch Assessment not available. done In order to ensure that Jenni Tocher/Diane 31/03/2017 First update people receive timely Mcculloch Assessment not available. not yet and responsive services done which meets individual outcomes we will work with our partners to develop and implement a Partnership Commissioning Statement for people with a Learning Disability and/our Autism, Physical Disability and/or Sensory Impairment, people with mental illness and people with dementia and older people Initiate a new service Jenni First update that provides Moving Tocher/Denise 31/12/2013 not yet and Handling advice Assessment not available. Morton done and training to carers Pilot and test Housing First update Jenni Tocher/Diane with Care step down 31/03/2017 not yet Mcculloch Assessment not available. support from hospital done Procure additional First update Jenni Tocher/Diane Housing with Care for 31/03/2014 not yet Mcculloch Assessment not available. Older People done Review the current level of psychological First update services within Adult Jenni Tocher/Diane 31/03/2017 not yet Mental Health Services Mcculloch Assessment not available. done and Psychiatry of Old Age Services Review the current level of services within adult First update Jenni Tocher/Avril mental health services 31/12/2017 not yet Smith Hope Assessment not available. including psychiatry of done old age services Revise assessment and self assessment First update processes in order to Jenni Tocher/Diane 31/10/2015 not yet promote more choice Mcculloch Assessment not available. done and control over the services people receive Revise the Physical First update Jenni Tocher/Avril Disability and 31/12/2014 not yet Smith Hope Assessment not available. Rehabilitation Strategy done Revise the current model of respite First update Jenni Tocher/Diane provision to support 31/03/2014 not yet Mcculloch Assessment not available. service users and their done carers Support arrangements for people with a Jenni First update learning disability will Tocher/Arlene 31/03/2014 not yet Assessment not available. be revised to improve Mitchell done personal outcomes Test revised models for Janice First update post diagnostic Henderson/Janice 30/04/2015 not yet Assessment not available. dementia support Henderson done Test revised models for Janice First update the early diagnosis of Henderson/Janice 30/04/2014 not yet Assessment not available. dementia Henderson done The Community Jenni Tocher/Diane 31/03/2014 First update Capacity development Mcculloch Assessment not available. not yet fund will result in a done range of new projects which will support older people in the community. Examples include a dementia community cafe, community transport project, development of a local home help scheme, dementia choir Through the Change Fund Budget, progress a work-stream to First update address the impact of Jenni Tocher/Diane 31/03/2015 not yet social isolation on older Mcculloch Assessment not available. done people and test potential developments for sustainability Undertake self assessment of Adult Protection and integrate First update Jenni Tocher/Diane into the Adult Support 30/04/2014 not yet Mcculloch Assessment not available. and Protection done Committee Business Plan Use test of change to optimise interventions Jenni First update within the enablement Tocher/Denise 31/03/2014 not yet service and ensure we Assessment not available. Morton done respond quickly to people's changing needs Work with partners to develop and implement a Partnership Carer's Strategy in order to First update Jenni Tocher/Diane ensure that people 31/03/2017 not yet Mcculloch Assessment not available. receive timely and done responsive services which meet individual outcomes Our communities will be safe and feel safe 17/04/2014 A number of responses covering a varying range of issues have been co-ordinated through the CS Hub. These have included youth issues, reassurance and antisocial noise. Examples include significant youth issues in Kirkton and a stakeholders meeting was held including Asda. A range of solutions was proposed and young people involved Co-ordination of resulting in an action plan being developed with Asda resources and inter- commiting some funding. Antisocial Behaviour Officers Stewart On agency response refer cases to CS Wardens for additional patrols to gather 31/12/2014 Murdoch/Liz Kay Schedule through the CSP HUB evidence in support of cases. This has led to speedier Tasking meeting investigations and where appropriate, applications to Legal for ASBO's.It has also resulted in higher reassurance patrols in areas experiencing antisocial behaviour. A recent multi-agency survey has been undertaken in the Dalfield multis, in consultation with local residents to identify any potential issues and address these at an early stage. The results will be discussed with residents at their agm in April. Complete Community Reintegration Trial in partership with HM Prison Perth and First update Jenni Tocher/Glyn Scottish Government 31/12/2014 not yet Lloyd Assessment not available. for adult males done sentenced to between 6 months and 4 years custody Conduct a Martin Tait/Martin 31/12/2014 First update comprehensive analysis on road traffic collisions encountered in Dundee and promote a strategic approach to road safety by developing and implementing a robust not yet Tait Assessment not available. road safety plan in done consultation with key stakeholders based on the four 'E's (Education, Enforcement, Engineering and Encouragement) Conduct joint fire First update investigations to Martin Tait/Martin 31/12/2017 not yet establish the cause of Tait Assessment not available. done fires Conduct ongoing analysis of road traffic collision data in order to Mike First update identify and consider Galloway/Fiona 31/12/2018 not yet appropriate engineering Assessment not available. Reid done meaures and techniques to improve safety on our roads Continue our partnership approach and work with residents and housing providers to address the issues of First update Martin Tait/Martin combustible materials 31/12/2018 not yet Tait Assessment not available. stored within done closes/stairwells which can often result in deliberate fire setting activity Continue to educate young people and conduct appropriate First update Martin Tait/Martin youth engagement 31/12/2018 not yet Tait Assessment not available. activities to promote done safety and responsible citizenship Continue to enforce traffic legislation and support national and Grant First update local campaigns that Edwards/Grant 31/12/2017 not yet highlight and Assessment not available. Edwards done discourage driving offences and promote road safety Continue to target and deliver Home Fire First update Safety Visits and where Martin Tait/Martin 31/12/2018 not yet appropriate, provide Tait Assessment not available. done and fit free smoke alarms Continue to work in partnership and deliver local educational First update Martin Tait/Martin initiatives aimed at 31/12/2018 not yet Tait Assessment not available. particular high risk done groups to promote key road safety measures Continue to work in Martin Tait/Martin 31/12/2018 First update partnership utilising an Tait Assessment not available. not yet intelligence led approach and target resources in areas of greatest risk and deliver done a range of interventions to make our communities safer Deliver a programme of activities with communities and staff at all levels within 17/03/2014 partner agencies aimed Contest Briefings delivered to DCC Senior Management at raising awareness of Team and MAPPA. 5 Community/Voluntary organisations the CONTEST PREVENT Stewart commissioned to deliver community engagement activities. On 31/12/2014 objectives linked to Murdoch/Neil Gunn Review of Council's Acceptable Use of Facilities ongoing. Schedule various themes Further multi-agency Contest event took place in February including preventing 2014 and a programme of events will take place during terrorism, violence, and 2014/2015. criminality supporting vulnerable individuals and reporting concerns Delivery of E Safety inputs in response to First update Stewart current and emerging 31/12/2016 not yet Murdoch/Liz Kay Assessment not available. threats to schools and done community groups Develop Personal Safety First update Strategic Assessment to Stewart 31/12/2014 not yet inform future action Murdoch/Liz Kay Assessment not available. done planning Develop a 17/04/2014 communication strategy The work of the CSP and the CS Hub is being promoted in to promote work of the a number of ways including once more, advertising in the CSP and Dundee as a Council Tax leaflet which is distributed to 78,000 homes. In safe city in which to live Stewart addition,a number of targeted leaflet campaigns have been On and work, including 31/12/2014 Murdoch/Liz Kay introduced covering drugs, general reporting, shed and Schedule social media by house break-ins. Articles are being developed for inclusion supporting communities in local area newsletters highlighting issues in these areas. through positive Use of Facebook is being explored and it is hoped to have messaging and factual this active by the summer. responses Develop the Police Repeat Callers to support repeat victims Kevin First update of crime and anti social Mcmahon/Kevin 31/12/2015 not yet behaviour through Assessment not available. Mcmahon done involving callers in problem solving solutions Develop with partners a programme of leisure time, evening and weekend activities providing positive Stewart First update engagement Murdoch/Kenny 31/12/2014 not yet opportunities which Assessment not available. Lindsay done divert young people from ASB, involvement with alcohol and other possible offending behaviour Ensure all registered sex offenders are First update assessed and managed Jenni Tocher/Elaine 31/12/2015 not yet through multi agency Stewart Assessment not available. done public protection arrangements Establish and develop the Home Safety First update Scheme and a Home Ken Laing/Laura 31/12/2015 not yet Safety Strategic Mcdermott Assessment not available. done Assessment to inform future action planning Fully implement and evaluate a pilot Community Justice First update Centre for women Jenni Tocher/Glyn 31/12/2015 not yet offenders delivering Lloyd Assessment not available. done services at all stages of the criminal justice process Identify an appropriate range of performance First update indicators to measure Stewart 31/12/2015 not yet improved personal Murdoch/Liz Kay Assessment not available. done safety in the home and in the community Identify and deliver suitable initiatives that First update Martin Tait/Martin encourage safer 31/12/2018 not yet Tait Assessment not available. driving/road safety done behaviours Implement and evaluate a multi agency First update Jenni Tocher/Glyn approach to managing 31/12/2015 not yet Lloyd Assessment not available. persistent acquisitive done offenders 03/04/2014 Year 1 report has been favourably received by the CSP and CCPC. Year 2 action plan and monitoring framework is Implementation of E- being drafted and will be submittted for approval. A Stewart On Safety Strategy and number of events were held across the city promoting e- 31/12/2016 Murdoch/Liz Kay Schedule Action Plan safety. Main event was held in the Steeple Church on 13 February and was well attended. Feedback from the event was very positive and it is planned to run a similar event next year. Inform and educate our communities, utilising a variety of methods, First update Martin Tait/Martin highlighting the 31/12/2017 not yet Tait Assessment not available. common causes of fire done and benefit of having working smoke alarms Produce a three year Local Fire and Rescue Plan for the Dundee area which sets out the First update priorities and objectives Martin Tait/Martin 31/12/2014 not yet for reducing the Tait Assessment not available. done incidents of fire and other emergencies to be agreed the the local authority Progress a whole system approach to reducing re-offending for young people and First update Jenni Tocher/Glyn adults, involving a 31/12/2015 not yet Lloyd Assessment not available. preventative approach done where offending is identified and addressed early Reduce violent crime Mark Duncan/Mark 31/12/2014 First update through implementation Duncan Assessment not available. not yet of a range of tactics including the National done Violence Reduction campaign Review the assessment, targeting, court report proposals, sentence First update outcomes and access to Jenni Tocher/Glyn 31/12/2015 not yet statutory treatment Lloyd Assessment not available. done programmes for adult male perpetrators of domestic violence 19/03/2014 The ADP is continuing its review of all services in the City Support local to ensure services are best placed to deliver appropriate community plans by interventions to a range of individuals including those with tackling the ASB aspect Steven the care of children and young people. Current services in On of drug misuse through Dalton/Steven the City may require to be redesigned and will ensure that 31/12/2017 Schedule Addressing Stigma and Dalton access to high quality services remains a top priority. The developing recovery- creation of local hubs will ensure easy access to a range of focused services. services including specialist counselling and support, parenting advice and skills enhancement and welfare rights advice and support Support local community plans by tackling the ASB aspect Kevin First update of drug misuse through Mcmahon/Kevin 31/12/2014 not yet Assessment not available. patrolling and Mcmahon done interventions in identified problem areas Support the Dundee Licensing Board to Vered First update develop and use an Hopkins/Vered 31/12/2014 not yet Assessment not available. overprovision statement Hopkins done for the city Support young people to make safe decisions 17/04/2014 in their communities Stewart 1300 primary 7 pupils attended Safe Taysiders during On through the Safe 31/12/2014 Murdoch/Liz Kay August/September 2013. Plans are currently underway for Schedule Taysiders Initiative the same period 2014. aimed at all P7 pupils in Dundee Tackle Antisocial behaviour in the city through developing a Elaine First update co-ordinated response Zwirlein/Stewart 31/12/2015 not yet Assessment not available. to reducing the Steen done emerging problem that is Noise Nuisance Tackle Domestic Abuse through better support for victims through the implementation of First update safety plans, support Iain Wales/Iain 31/12/2014 not yet through MARAC and Wales Assessment not available. done preventative actions against the offender by enforcement of domestic bail checks Tackle Domestic Abuse First update through implementation Iain Wales/Iain 31/12/2015 not yet of the Police Scotland Wales Assessment not available. done Domestic Abuse toolkit Tackle Hate Crime Mark Duncan/Mark 31/12/2016 First update through the HIMAP, Duncan Assessment not available. not yet developing preventative done approaches and action plans to tackle identified trends, support victims and tackle offenders Tackle alcohol misuse through a preventative approach towards young people, supporting children at risk through their own First update behaviours including Eric Knox/Eric Knox 31/12/2017 not yet alcohol misuse, Assessment not available. done developing diversions through Youth Justice, Operation Dry Up and inputs developed through the co-location educational Hub Tackle alcohol misuse through promotion of the 5 licensing Steven First update objectives within Dalton/Steven 31/12/2017 not yet Dundee and through Assessment not available. Dalton done the development of the ADP's overprovision work Tackle anti-social behaviour in the city by supporting victims within the Police Repeat Kevin First update Caller process through Mcmahon/Kevin 31/12/2014 not yet Assessment not available. support, problem Mcmahon done solving approaches and enforcement against offenders Tackle city centre violence and disorder Shaun First update through the Mckillop/Shaun 31/12/2014 not yet Assessment not available. CENTRESAFE Policing Mckillop done operation Tackle prostitution including kerb crawling, First update tackling offenders and Sinead Daly/Sinead 31/12/2017 not yet supporting women out Daly Assessment not available. done of prostitution through the Vice Versa project Tackle the anti-social Kevin use of motorbikes First update Mcmahon/Kevin 31/12/2017 through Operation Assessment not available. not yet due Mcmahon Challenge Tackle the fear of crime for those who have been victims of house 17/04/2014 breaking or are living in For the year 2013/14 96 improvement measures were Stewart On areas which are undertaken in the CRA areas and 123 in non CRA areas. 31/12/2014 Murdoch/Liz Kay Schedule vulnerable to housing Figures are colleated on a quarterly basis. The CSP has breaking through the increased its funding for 2014/15 from £5,000 to £7,500. target hardening of premises Tackle the fear of crime particularly hate crime through the work of First update HIMAP, tackling under Mark Duncan/Mark 31/12/2016 not yet reporting, building trust Duncan Assessment not available. done and developing third party and remote reporting processes Tackle the negative trend of increasing drug Steven First update deaths through the Dalton/Steven 31/12/2017 not yet work of the Drug Assessment not available. Dalton done Deaths Working Group of the ADP Tackle violence and disorder in the city centre and local Mike First update communities through Galloway/Morag 31/12/2015 not yet Assessment not available. further development of Beattie done the Best Bar None Scheme Tackle violence thorugh proactively targeting known offenders using Shaun First update Recency, Frequency Mckillop/Shaun 31/12/2014 not yet Gravity methodology Assessment not available. Mckillop done and the utilisation of appropriate stop search tactics Utilise Community and Crime intelligence through the Community Intelligence Unit to identify trends, Kevin First update offenders and victims Mcmahon/Kevin 31/12/2014 not yet Assessment not available. and develop Mcmahon done preventative approaches and problem solving solutions We will learn more about the fear of crime to develop more Wendy First update effective responses Strathearn/Wendy 31/12/2016 not yet Assessment not available. through collaboration Strathearn done with the University of Abertay Work in partnership to identify, target and First update protect the more Martin Tait/Martin 31/12/2018 not yet vulnerable members of Tait Assessment not available. done the community who are most at risk from fire Dundee will be a fair and socially inclusive city Administer the Dundee Partnership Community David 04/03/2014 Regeneration Fund, On Dorward/Peter Grants totalling 672,903 were allocated between April and 31/12/2016 targeting community Schedule Allan February 2014. regeneration areas across the city 18/02/2014 All primary school children were issued with a KIDZ Card ( part of the NEC smartcard products) and the process to automatically issue them to P1s is in place. Any member of Deploy the National a household in receipt of Council Tax reduction will receive Entitlement card for David enhanced concession discounts at L&CD swimming centres concessions across the On Dorward/Paul by using their NEC Card. A review is underway to consider 31/12/2013 community, including Schedule Carroll how to extend this facility or promote it better. AS part of KIDZ cards for the 5-12 the launch of the KIDZ card a KIDZ Card parentcone year old age group facebook page was launched and this has attracted approx 1,000 liked followers of which 89% fit the profile of local parents. This oproides a key way for the council to engage with parents on activities for children and families. Develop a Management Stewart 27/03/2014 31/12/2016 On Information System to Murdoch/John Community Capacity Building Outcomes Framework was Schedule provide evidence of whether Community implemented in May 2013. It will be evaluated in April Capacity Building Hosie 2014 outcomes are being improved 14/02/2014 Develop improved client Improvements to CATS now complete, and testing within referral and record Welfare Rights team also complete. A CATS User group has system to facilitate David been established and links and authorisation details issued information sharing and Dorward/Derek to all current users. CATS is being used in connection with 31/12/2013 Completed maximise efficiency of Miller referrals arising from the Welfare Rights Action Plan financial inclusion software. Operating efficiency and reliability will continue services to be monitored, but otherwise, this phase of CATS development is now complete 19/03/2014 Develop poverty David The opportunity to build on the launch of the new customer On awareness training for Dorward/Peter charter with briefings for team leaders and managers are 30/04/2014 Schedule frontline staff Allan being considered between the Chief Executive's and Corporate Services Departments. 05/03/2014 Changes in the way applications for benefit are dealt with are resulting in a reduction in benefit appeals. Applicants can now request a 'mandatory reconsideration of a decion to refuse or reduce benefit, and a proportion of these Ensure availability of David decisions are being overturned at that point. The Benefit Tribunal On Dorward/Derek withdrawal of Atos is also likely to see a reduction as 31/03/2017 representation keeps Schedule Miller decisions are delayed while DWP appoints a replacement pace with demand agency. In qtr 3 (to 31st Dec)a total of 218 appellants were represented at appeal hearings. Total confirmed income generated from appeals won amounted to £447,934, bringing the cumulative figure for the 9 months to 31st Dec to £2,765,402 Establish fast-track Mike First update referrals from welfare Galloway/Allan 30/04/2014 not yet advice services to Assessment not available. Millar done employability partners Identify and develop a David First update bill paying service for Dorward/Derek 30/06/2014 not yet people on Universal Assessment not available. Miller done Credit 04/03/2014 David The next 6 monthly update on the Fairness action plan will Implement the Fairness On Dorward/Peter be reported to Committee in April. This may lead to further 31/12/2016 Strategy action plan Schedule Allan actions reflecting the new Scottish Government Child Poverty Strategy which is to be published imminently. 01/04/2014 An exploratory meeting was held between criminal justice Improve access to David team and welfare rights. Pilot arrangement being financial inclusion Behind Dorward/Derek developed with a view to new referral system being 31/12/2013 advice for offenders and Schedule Miller implemented to ensure offenders and their families have pre-release prisoners easy access to benefit, money and debt advice. Details should be available by June 2014. Increase collaborative approach with partner agencies to deliver targeted outdoor 10/04/2014 Stewart learning provision to Ancrum will seek to identify targeted opportunities to On Murdoch/Derek 31/12/2016 deliver more outdoor develop outdoor learning provision in community Schedule Napier learning training regeneration areas opportunities in Community Regeneration Areas 17/03/2014 David Discovery Credit Union adult membership stood at 4445 at Increase membership of On Dorward/Derek end January 2014. Junior membership (incl Save By the 31/12/2016 Credit Unions in the city Schedule Miller Bell members) stood at 2810 SBTB has established links with 2 secondary schools and has 35 secondary members. Increase number of people from community 03/04/2014 regeneration areas Stewart discussions with community regeneration workers On participating in outdoor Murdoch/Derek 31/12/2016 continues to identify target groups for future outdoor Schedule learning through Napier learning provision delivery of the Outdoor Learning Strategy 01/04/2014 NHS Tayside are being kept informed about progress with the City Council's response to the impacts of welfare reforms, so that scope for their involvement can be kept under review. NHS Tayside are awaiting publication of a National Report on the National Health Service and its response to the Welfare reforms. The Welfare Reforms Increase referrals from Group will maintain contact and monitor developments. At David health services to the Healthy Dundee meeting in February, it was reported On Dorward/Derek 31/12/2013 financial inclusion that all Health Boards had been advised that they should Schedule Miller services be preparing an outcomes focussed plan setting out what actions they will take to mitigate the impact of welfare reforms. In Tayside this will be delivered through the NHST Employability and Welfare Reform Forum.As work on that is progressed, the Council will liaise as appropriate to explore setting up a system to facilitate referrals between health services and the financial inclusion advice services in th city 01/04/2014 In the qtr to 31st Dec, 2448 people received benefit, Increase take up of David money or debt advice. A total of £942,912 additional On debt, money, benefit Dorward/Derek 31/12/2016 income was generated for clients. The total confirmed Schedule and fuel poverty advice Miller income geberated for the 9 months to 31st Dec amounted to £3,148,170. Introduce Poverty 04/03/2014 David Impact Assessment to Following the necessary training for officers it is now On Dorward/Peter 31/03/2014 Council decision-making anticipated that the tool will go live after the summer Schedule Allan processes recess in 2014. Manage and co-ordinate poverty profile/fairness David First update strategy data sets and Dorward/Peter 31/12/2016 not yet produce reports of Assessment not available. Allan done updated statistical evidence on inequalities 01/04/2014 Maximise the take up of In the qtr to 31st Dec, 2448 people received benefit, David welfare, money, debt money or debt advice. A total of £942,912 additional On Dorward/Derek 30/04/2014 and fuel poverty advice income was generated for clients. The total confirmed Schedule Miller and action income geberated for the 9 months to 31st Dec amounted to £3,148,170. 01/04/2014 Advice agencies are so busy dealing with the impacts of welfare reforms, it has not been possible for any of them to allocate resources to a separate campaign to target low paid workers. Many of the people engaging with advice Mount campaign to David agencies at present will fall into the category of low paid On target benefit advice to Dorward/Derek 31/12/2017 workers, but they are not doing so through any targeted Schedule low paid workers Miller campaign. The Financial Inclusion Strategy Group re- visited this at their meeting at the end of March with a view to identifying possible action. Possibility of Support and Connect Team reaching low paid workers being explored. Organise local delivery Stewart 01/04/2014 30/09/2013 On of Stop Loan Sharks Murdoch/Derek Schools drama based project around high interest rate Schedule Project Miller lenders and loan sharks has secured commitment from Dundee and Angus College dance and drama course to provide Director and actors and technical back-up for the drama to be toured round Dundee secondary schools next summer. College team met Morgan pupils doing research, and early stages of development of script underway. Discussions in hand with a local film-maker about filming a performance for use as a Scotland wide teaching resource. Dates set for performances in Dundee schools in June 2014. Discussions also in hand re a series of briefing essions again in spring 2014 on how to recognise and report signs of loanshark activity. Produce Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation updates and city-wide 14/02/2014 and community area Peter Allan/Peter These have been produced, circulated to partners and 31/12/2013 Completed data sets for use Allan added to the Dundee Partnership website throughout the Council and Partnership organisations 01/04/2014 Provide access to David At the end of January 2014, Discovery CU's loan book affordable credit On Dorward/Derek stood at £882,578, representing 1291 live outstanding 31/12/2016 through Discovery Schedule Miller loans. 89 loans were issued in the month of January 2014. Credit Union Savings held for members stood at £1,042,354 Provide additional information and support to individuals and First update Greg Colgan/Greg households affected by 31/12/2016 not yet Colgan Assessment not available. welfare reforms done including Universal Credit Review strategies and implement workstreams First update Greg Colgan/Greg to mitigate the potential 31/03/2014 not yet Colgan Assessment not available. impact of welfare done reform changes Target Capacity Building Stewart First update Initiatives to Murdoch/John 31/12/2016 not yet Community Assessment not available. Hosie done Regeneration areas Update joint David First update Council/NHS Tayside Dorward/Peter 30/06/2014 not yet Assessment not available. inequalities profiles Allan done Our People will live in strong, popular and attractive communities Achieve the Scottish Elaine 04/04/2014 On Housing Quality Zwirlein/Roger 31/03/2015 Compliance with SHQS at 31st March 2013 is 80.7% Schedule Standard Seaman 18/03/2014 Home Scotland anticipate that the first handovers of completed houses in Phase 2 at Mill O Mains will take place during April 2014. The remaining houses in this phase will be complete by Autumn 2014. Planning permission has been granted for Phase 3 and building work will commence once existing tenants are rehoused and their homes are demolished. Planning permission has been applied for by Merchant Homes to build 36 social rented houses (for Build new energy Home Scotland) and 50 private houses (12 in phase 1) at efficient homes in Summerfield Avenue, Dundee. It is anticipated that works Elaine partnership with will start on site during April/May 2014. Angus Housing On Zwirlein/Nancy 31/12/2016 Housing Associations Association are currently demolishing the skarne blocks in Schedule Farquharson and the National Ormiston Crescent in preparation for commencement of Housing Trust building 32 new social rented houses on this site. Planning permission has been granted to Hillcrest Housing Association for the provision of 32 flats at Coupar Angus Road/Sinclair Street. Works should commence on site during April/May 2014. Works to develop new mid market rent houses at Sandy Lane (East Links Place) Broughty Ferry, via the National Trust Initiative, have commenced on site. Discussions are underway with the RSL's to prepare the 20-15-2018 Strategic Housing Investment Plan (SHIP). Co-ordinate and report 17/03/2014 David Dorward/Jill On on the annual Retail Preparation for 2014 survey underway, this will be carried 31/12/2016 Brash Schedule Monitoring Survey out in May Complete Phase 2 of the Mill O'Mains Elaine First update Community Zwirlein/Gordon 31/12/2015 not yet Assessment not available. Regeneration Birrell done Masterplan Complete the next phase of physical works Mike 17/04/2014 as set out in the On Galloway/Gregor The works to construct Bank Street are in progress. 31/03/2015 regeneration framework Schedule Hamilton Housing development at Sinclair Street has commenced. for Lochee District Centre Deliver shop upgrade Mike First update programme of Council Galloway/Colin 31/03/2017 not yet Assessment not available. owned shops Craig done Develop a Land Asset 14/04/2014 Management Plan for all Ken Laing/Peter Grounds maintenance Data to be reconfigured to enable On 31/12/2016 areas of public open Sandwell more effecient analysis .Information is being digetised for Schedule space Parks.Tree surveys are continuing. Develop and implement 14/04/2014 an action plan for the Ken Laing/Peter Funding has been allocated for the upgrading Dawson Park On 30/06/2014 upgrading of tennis Sandwell Tennis Courts by Sport Scotland and The Lawn Tennis Schedule facilities across the city Association. Ensure that a five year 17/04/2014 Mike supply of effective The Local Development Plan was adopted in December On Galloway/Gregor 31/03/2017 housing land is 2013. It allocates land for the development of housing, Schedule Hamilton available at all times thus ensuring a five year supply is available. Increase number of individuals and/or 27/03/2014 groups involved in Stewart Between 1st June and 30th September 2014, a provisional On planning, delivery and Murdoch/John 31/12/2016 total of 13 Community-led Festivals are scheduled to be Schedule evaluation of festivals Hosie held across the city. and other community events Increase number of Mike occupied shops in 03/04/2014 On Galloway/Michelle 31/12/2013 Community Currently 84.4% ocuupancy rate. Schedule Glass Regeneration Areas Introduce Green Fitness 14/04/2014 Gyms into appropriate Ken Laing/Peter As part of the draft report , monitering of current sites is On 31/03/2015 parks and areas of open Sandwell being undertaken along with a list of all adult Gym Schedule space equipmnent currently in the city . Promote and develop 14/04/2014 the Dundee Flower and Preparations are wll underway for the 2014 Festival, Food Festival as a Ken Laing/Peter On contracts have been signed with the celebrity chefs and 30/09/2014 regional event, Sandwell Schedule gardeners. Public announcements to be made prior to the highlighting 2014 as the Gardening Scotland Event Year of Homecoming Support and encourage entries into appropriate 14/04/2014 national award and Ken Laing/Peter Beautiful Scotland entries have been submitted for Ardler , On 31/03/2017 recognition schemes to Sandwell Broughty ferry and Dundee , eight it's your neighbourhood Schedule improve the image and applications have been made. perception of the city 17/04/2014 Update the Whitfield Strategic Housing Initiative Group has been established to Planning Framework Mike progress land sales. Disposals of land at Aberlady On and use it to promote Galloway/Gregor Crescent, Ormiston and Summerfield Avenue are at an 31/03/2014 Schedule high quality housing Hamilton advanced stage. An internal review of the Whitfield development Planning Framework has been completed and will be reported to the next meeting of the Whitfield Project Board Work with appropriate Ken Laing/Peter 14/04/2014 31/03/2017 On community groups to Sandwell The Department continue to work with community groups Schedule seek gold standard to improve the City's entry in the Beautiful Scotland within the Beautiful Awards. Scotland Awards Work with local 14/04/2014 community planning The department is working with North ,Lochee ,Coldside partnerships to improve Ken Laing/Peter On and West Local Community planning partnerships on 31/03/2014 standard of play Sandwell Schedule projects which will attract external funding into the area provision and open ,improving the provision of play. space Work with other partners to plan a 14/04/2014 programme of outdoor Ken Laing/Peter On The department is currently working with the waterfront 31/03/2017 activities and events for Sandwell Schedule team on landscape projects. the Central Waterfront open spaces Our communities will have high quality and accessible local services and facilities Assist with development Mike First update of a successful multi- Galloway/John 31/12/2017 not yet Assessment not available. operator travel ticket Berry done Co-ordinate and report David First update on Dundee Partnership Dorward/Peter 31/12/2016 not yet Assessment not available. annual social survey Allan done Complete construction and occupation of 17/04/2014 Whitfield Life Services Mike Galloway/Rob The construction handover was achieved in March 2014. 30/04/2014 Completed building by Council, Pedersen Client fit-out is complete and the project is live. NHS services and community groups Continue to support and develop access to a Mike First update range of travel services Galloway/John 31/12/2016 not yet deliverd on the National Assessment not available. Berry done Entitlement Card (bus, rail and taxi) 27/03/2014 Develop in-house Centre Managers deliver Charity-related training annually training opportunities to each Community Centre's respective LMG. Via the Stewart through Dundee DALMG training sub group, a range of training On Murdoch/Doug 31/03/2017 Association of Local opportunities is offered in response to expressed requests Schedule Rennie Management Groups from DALMG members. Training delivered is as follows: training sub-group Coffee Bar Volunteering, British Sign Language, British Red Cross First Aid, Care & Protection (1), Marketing & Publicity 02/04/2014 Develop local The Opportunities Project has continued to develop with a community centres and Stewart coordinated team of volunteers delivering IT training. A libraries as local public On Murdoch/Stewart programme of literacies support is in place across the City. 31/12/2016 service contact points Schedule Murdoch Further partnerships between libraries and adult learning and provide facilities to teams to deliver coordinated support to customers are combat digital exclusion developing. 27/03/2014 Develop local During the first year of implementation of the Local community planning Stewart Community Plans for 2012 to 2017, 330 actions (38%) On partnerships and Murdoch/John across all 8 areas have been completed. 413 actions 31/03/2017 Schedule implement local Hosie (47%)are on schedule and 120 actions(15%) require to be community plans progressed. Findings from the next monitoring of Local Plans will be available in May 2014 27/03/2014 Engage wider Section has completed a survey of non users of community community in Stewart centres in Dundee in partnership with LMG's, CLD On consultation process on Murdoch/Doug colleagues, other facilities and commercial outlets over 8 30/09/2015 Schedule the programme for Rennie wards will be completed this year. A Commonwealth community centres Games Legacy engagement was completed at Kirkton, Menzieshill, Ardler, Douglas and Finmill Centres. Establish digital Stewart 17/04/2014 31/03/2017 On community information Murdoch/Doug The Wi-Fi link has been established and is up and running Schedule within all community centres. The next stage will be to establish the freeway option in each centre in at least one points (such as location within the smaller centres and possible two or Freeway) within Rennie three locations within the larger ones. An IT Business case community centres has been presented. The Local Management Groups have agreed contribution to costs for Freeway systems across community centres. 17/04/2014 Establish weekend lets Stewart Weekend lets have been established at Menzieshill, On of community centres Murdoch/Doug Douglas and Ardler centres. Kirkton weekend access 31/03/2017 Schedule for the public Rennie systems will be addressed as part of the current Capital Plan. Formalise links between 27/03/2014 community centres and Community centres have established further Partnership Stewart external agencies to Agreements with external agencies to widen the On Murdoch/Doug 31/03/2017 widen the programme programme of opportunities within these facilities. Web Schedule Rennie of opportunities within base information links are being established through NHS these facilities to further promote the programmes available. Implement a strategy to build capacity within 14/04/2014 community groups to The department continues to work with community groups Ken Laing/Peter On enable the transfer of who are indentifying potential funding sources , a number 31/07/2016 Sandwell Schedule appropriate land and of these will require the groups to lease the ground from associated assets to the the council. community Increase individuals/groups involved in planning, 27/03/2014 Stewart delivering and 5549 individuals participated in 56 Community On Murdoch/John 31/12/2017 evaluation of Local Engagement events in 2012/13. Monitoring figures for Schedule Hosie Community 2013/14 will be available in May 2014. Engagement Action Plans Increase the number of Mike First update bus stops with raised Galloway/John 31/12/2017 not yet kerb heights to improve Assessment not available. Berry done accessibility Increase the number of 15/04/2014 community recycling Community recycling facilities currently total 122 sites. facilities avilable across Suitability, siting, collection frequency and usage of the city, including existing communal recycling facilities currently being Recycle on The Go, assessed as part of the current domestic waste & recycling Kenny Kerr/Janet On Neighbourhood service review, and an appropriate strategy will be 31/03/2017 Wade Schedule Recycling Points and implemented for these aspects of the Council's recycling Recycling Points taking service provision thereafter. Following proposed Major into account possible Service Change rollouts it is likely that the existing obstruction hazards to communal network will be redeployed to better feflect the people with a disability kerbside recycling profile of Dundee. Maintain and improve Mike First update the availability of the Galloway/John 31/12/2017 not yet public transport Assessment not available. Berry done network across the city 04/03/2014 Organise biannual David The community conference on Community Asset Transfer On Dundee Partnership Dorward/Peter was held sucessfully on 22 February 2014.Presentations 31/12/2016 Schedule Community Conferences Allan included guidance on the Council's strategy and procedures resources available from the Big Lottery Fund. Raise awareness of volunteer opportunities Stewart 31/03/2014 On and level of Murdoch/John Over 20,000 people in Dundee give up their time to 31/12/2013 Schedule volunteering in local Hosie volunteer(details from Dundee Volunteer Centre) communities Review the possibilities David 04/03/2014 31/03/2017 On for co-locating services Dorward/Peter Discussions continue with health partners to exlore Schedule between health services Allan potential for multi-agency co-location in Lochee and and the Council in partnerships with forthcoming primary schools in community regeneration areas i.e. Menzieshill and Hilltown. building on Whitfield Life Services model Support and increase the activity of community groups involved in the 14/04/2014 management and Ken Laing/Peter 14 Clean ups have been planned as part of the clean up On maintenance of open 31/03/2017 Sandwell Scotland Campaign , leading up to the Queens Baton Relay Schedule spaces including and the Commonwealth Games. community clean ups and Neighbourhood Environmental Action Teams Undertake a local Stewart First update Community Plan Impact Murdoch/John 31/12/2015 not yet Assessment not available. Assessment Hosie done Our people will live in a low carbon, sustainable city Continue to participate in the international Eco David First update Schools programme to Dorward/Bryan 31/03/2017 not yet promote environmental; Assessment not available. Harris done awareness via the school curriculum Deliver more capacity in the Dundee Travel 16/04/2014 Active strategy to Mike JMP consultants have been appointed to undertake a On deliver health benefits Galloway/John programme of classroom workshops across all primary 31/12/2016 Schedule as well as reduce the Berry schools in Dundee, under the DTA banner, promoting need for city centre sustainable transport and raising awareness of Air Quality. parking David First update Develop a Low Carbon Dorward/Bryan 31/03/2015 not yet Strategy for Dundee Assessment not available. Harris done 14/04/2014 Develop a biodiversity Biodiversity actions are continuing such as the creation of action plan for Dundee Ken Laing/Peter On annual meadows , the management of nature areas and 31/12/2013 involving partner Sandwell Schedule the invovement of communities and volunteers in natural organisations heritage activities.These will be brought together in a plan. 15/04/2014 Departmental requirements for meeting Waste (Scotland) Regulations 2012 have been communicated to applicable sites. Food waste collections underway in schools. Proposals for internal waste management measures within Develop a corporate Council locations have been developed in line with ongoing waste management Kenny Kerr/Janet proposals for city-wide recycling strategy & will be Behind 31/12/2013 strategy for all Council Wade implemented in due course - hence corporate strategy has Schedule facilities been pending committee approval of domestic recycling strategy. A member of the Policy & Performance team recently qualified as a trainer for the CIWM-certified "Waste Smart" course & we intend to dovetail the rollout of our corporate strategy with the training of "waste Smart" recycling champions in each department Develop a programme 28/03/2014 of environmental Ken Laing/Rod On Capital improvement works reported to committee for 30/04/2014 improvments along key Houston Schedule 2013/14 have been completed ambassador routes Develop action plan to reduce the incidence of 19/03/2014 Ken Laing/Iris On environmental health Setting up system to gather baseline information to inform 31/03/2017 Coghill Schedule nuisances within local development of action plan communities Develop and implement Ken Laing/Peter 14/04/2014 31/03/2014 On a strategy to improve Sandwell A strategy is being implemented , meadows are being Schedule the wildlife value of created and managed. Dundee's open spaces including the creation of more natural grassed areas 09/04/2014 On the 14th Feb 2014 the Environment Committee approved the implementation of an Action Plan to promote responsible use of the parks and open spaces. A Working Develop and implement Group has now been setup to implement the Action Plan. a strategy to reduce the Gary Robertson/Iris On In addition a Dog Fouling Awareness Campaign focussing 31/05/2014 level of dog fouling in Coghill Schedule on parks, cemeteries, open spaces and known dog fouling the city hot spots was run during the last quarter of 2013/14. During the campaign 37 Fixed Penalty Notices were issued and positive feedback was receieved from the public and the media. 09/04/2014 The Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP) for Nitrogen Dioxide and Fine Particulate Matter was approved by the Housing, Develop and implement Dundee Contract Services & Environment Services mitigation measures as Committee on the 10th January 2011.The Air Quality appropriate in Ken Laing/Iris Progress Report 2013 which includes the Council's progress On accordance with the 31/12/2014 Coghill with the implementation of the various measures within Schedule Local Air Quality the AQAP has been submitted to the Scottish Government Management and SEPA. The progress with each of the measures within Framework the AQAP is updated by the lead officers on a six monthly basis and they can be viewed on the Online Plan Monitoring Database under Air Quality Action Plan Service Area. 15/04/2014 Work is still ongoing, in conjunction with Zero Waste Develop and implement Scotland, to progress the Council's proposed strategy and the Dundee Zero Waste activities relating to the legislative measures. Dundee Held Strategy changing the a Major Service Change Workshop involving Elected collection infrastructure Ken Laing/Janet On Members, senior council personnel and ZWS 31/03/2017 to meet the recycling Wade Schedule representatives was held in January 2014 designed to targets consistent with finalise proposals to bring DCC's residual and recycling the Waste (Scotland) service profile in line with regulatory Regulations 2012 requirements.Proposals to go before elected members 21st April 2014 Develop strategy for the development of 14/04/2014 community allotments Ken Laing/Peter On on site work is ongoing preparing the Douglas Community 30/09/2014 and gardens within the Sandwell Schedule Allotment for use this season . community regeneration areas 31/03/2014 Integrated / Smart ticketing now has the support of the Scottish Cities Alliance with a view to proof of concept for a Scottish roll out. National Express Dundee have commenced issuing of their own commercial 'Discovr' Smart Card, which can also be added to existing NEC. This offers monthly and weekly tickets, with ten journey tickets to follow. Initial smart ticketing is now live with succesgful Develop with transport Dundee College Smart Travel pilot partners an integrated Mike Galloway/Neil http://www.dundeecollege.ac.uk/News/News/2013/Smart- On transport ticket on the 31/12/2013 Gellatly students-choose-the-smartcard. Early results are promising Schedule National Entitlement with students travelling across the National Express Card Dundee network Further development and expansion of the trial is being developed by Dundee City Council and Transport Scotland with funding from SCA. This will prove the smart element of travel and there will be a future policy development required locally and nationally between government and operators to deliver integrated ticketing. Addition of car club membership on NEC to be investigated during 2014 Ensure renewable Elaine 14/04/2014 31/03/2014 On technologies are Zwirlein/Heather RHI (Renewable Heat Incentive) has now been introduced. Schedule deployed where Mcquillan The possibilities it could provide for Housing to install appropriate as means of renewable technologies are still being examined to reducing costs of heating/ electricity for determine whether they represent the most cost-effective tenants and reducing means of providing tenants with low-cost heat. carbon emissions Form partnerships with other Council departments and Elaine 14/04/2014 On external agencies in Zwirlein/Heather 31/03/2014 There is nothing further to add to the last update. Schedule Dundee and beyond in Mcquillan energy networks that benefit households Identify climate change adaptation challenges and opportunities in David First update Dundee and plan and Dorward/Bryan 31/03/2015 not yet Assessment not available. implement work Harris done required to address these Implement 'Zero Waste' 26/03/2014 management plans to SWMPs will in future incorporate standardised resource Mark Ross/Jim On reduce the impact of management plans and it is envisaged a co-ordinated 31/03/2014 Byrne Schedule construction operations Council-wide approach will be taken in order to ensure on the environment corporate statistical reporting. Implement appropriate priority actions from Ken Laing/Peter 14/04/2014 On 31/03/2017 Dundee's Outdoor Sandwell Actions are being implemented across the city. Schedule Access Strategy Implement sustainable measures such as 16/04/2014 Smarter Choices Mike Funding has been secured to improve active travel links at On Smarter Places (Dundee Galloway/John 31/12/2014 Seabraes and Lower Broughty Ferry Road and work is Schedule Travel Active), Cycling, Berry expected in 2014. Walking and Safer Streets Improve the cleanliness of our streets, parks 14/04/2014 Ken Laing/Rod On and open spaces Four sites have been submitted for external Green Flag 31/03/2017 Houston Schedule utilising LEAMS to assessment for 2014 along with the internal assessments measure progress Improve the quality of open space through the application of Green Flag standards to parks and open space where 14/04/2014 Ken Laing/Peter On appropriate and Four sites have been submitted for external Green Flag 31/03/2017 Sandwell Schedule participation in the assessment for 2014 along with the internal assessments Keep Scotland Beautiful beach resort award scheme for Broughty Ferry beach 17/04/2014 In partnership with the The SCA have commissioned Mini Stern reviews of each of Scottish Cities Alliance, the Scottish cities to identify potential economic risks and take forward a opportunities arising from climate change and the low programme of David carbon agenda. These reviews will be high level and On collaborative action on Dorward/Bryan indicative, assessing the economic risks of potential climate 31/03/2014 Schedule sustainable cities to Harris change impacts at the local city level as well as the support Dundee in benefits from the low carbon agenda for each city including transitioning to a low employment opportunities, job creation and skills carbon economy development. The project is in stage 1 and the contractor will meet with Council officers in May to advance. Increase the number Ken Laing/Gary 17/04/2014 31/03/2017 On and use of Council Mcrae The Fleet Section are currently preparing their list of plant Schedule vehicles powered by and vehicles to purchase in 2014/15 and are looking into electricity or other low various alternative powered vehicles including Electric carbon fuel systems Gators and cars. The Fleet will also be in attendance at the Green Fleet Event in April 2014 to see new vehicles. The electric cars are being monitored on a monthly basis and efforts to increase utilisation are ongoing. Introduce a resource distribution system David First update (WARPit) for public Dorward/Bryan 31/03/2014 not yet Assessment not available. sector organisations in Harris done the city Introduce measures to First update Mike Galloway/Neil improve bus services 31/12/2014 not yet Gellatly Assessment not available. and reduce emissions done Introduce measures to First update Mike Galloway/Neil reduce emissions from 31/12/2014 not yet Gellatly Assessment not available. Heavy Goods Vehicles done Participate in public David First update climate change and Dorward/Bryan 31/12/2014 not yet energy efficiency Assessment not available. Harris done awareness campaigns Prepare and implement development plans for Dundee's major parks Ken Laing/Peter 14/04/2014 On including Camperdown 31/03/2017 Sandwell HLF Funding application to be resubmitted June 2014. Schedule Park and Dundee Law creating high quality regional facilities Promote the uptake and First update use of cleaner and/or Mike Galloway/Neil 31/12/2014 not yet alternative fuels where Gellatly Assessment not available. done possible for transport Realise the potential to become a leading centre for the renewable energy in the 17/04/2014 UK by delivering at Mike Galloway/Stan Renewables industry looking for financial committments On 30/06/2017 least two new Ure beyond 2020 to justify investments. Investment decisions Schedule manufacturing on hold. operations within the City employing local people Review and rationalise 17/03/2014 existing routing of all The Routesmart Officers have now transferred to the Council vehicles and Ken Laing/Gary Environment Policy section. They have introduced On service delivery systems 31/12/2015 Mcrae Commercial Food Waste Routes and these are now Schedule to improve efficiency operational, they have also begun working on large and reduce unnecessary Sweeping Vehicles. journeys 15/04/2014 Currently working collaboratively with ZWS to provide a future programme which will highlight the local issues Streamline current resulting from any amended service profile, whilst education and maintaining the waste avoidance, reduction and reuse awareness activities to aspects. These aspects currently form part of the provide a more targeted Kenny Kerr/Janet On awareness programme being carried out within Educational 31/03/2017 approach to waste Wade Schedule establishments citywide. comprehensive Engagement & education and to Awareness campaign has been devised for the proposed promote the "Towards changes to deomestic waste & recycling collections & if Waste" message implemented, this would involve community & tennat group liaison, targeted engagement with hard-to-reach & protected characteristics groups. Work with the Scottish 17/04/2014 Government and other The Fleet Section are set to install another publically Rapid partners to develop a Ken Laing/Gary Charger in the city within the next couple of months. The On network of publically 31/08/2014 Mcrae council are currently involved in a major project, Horizon Schedule available electric 2020, with various departments to try and recognise vehicles charging points Dundee as a lighthouse city. across Dundee</p>
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