PUBLICATION LIST for Lars Rylander

PUBLICATION LIST for Lars Rylander

<p> 1</p><p>PUBLICATION LIST for Lars Rylander (updated July 2015)</p><p>Lars Rylander has, up to now, co-authored 145 original or review publications (published or in press) in International peer-reviewed journals and three book chapters (see list below). H-index: 36 Sum of times cited: 4146</p><p>THESIS</p><p>Rylander L. “Dietary exposure to persistent organochlorine compounds and health effects in women and their infants - Epidemiological studies on birthweight, cancer incidence, and mortality”. Lund 1997. Lund University, Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Faculty of Medicine.</p><p>ORIGINAL AND REVIEW PUBLICATIONS – In international peer-reviewed journals</p><p>1994 1. Bensryd I, Rylander L, Högstedt B, Bratt I, Fåhraéus C, Holmen A, Karlsson A, Nilsson A, Svensson B-L, Schütz A, Thomassen Y, Skerfving S. Effect of acid precipitation on retention and excretion of elements in man. Sci Total Environ 1994;145:81-102. 2. Tell I, Bensryd I, Rylander L, Jönsson G, Daniel E. Geochemistry and ground permeability as determinants of indoor radon concentrations in Sweden. Applied Geochemistry 1994;9:647-655. 3. Jakobsson K, Rannug A, Alexandrie A-K, Rylander L, Albin M, Hagmar L. Genetic polymorphism for glutathione-S-transferase mu in asbestos cement workers. Occup Environ Med 1994;51:812-816. 4. Ohlsson K, Hansson G-Å, Balogh I, Strömberg U, Pålsson B, Nordander C, Rylander L, Skerfving S. Disorder of the neck and upper limbs in the women in the fish processing industry. Occup Environ Med 1994;51:826-832.</p><p>1995 5. Jakobsson K, Rannug A, Alexandrie A-K, Warholm M, Rylander L, Hagmar L. Radiographic changes and lung function in relation to activity of the glutathione transferases theta and mu among asbestos cement workers. Toxicology letters 1995;77:363- 369. 6. Gerhardsson L, Hagmar L, Rylander L, Skerfving S. Mortality and cancer incidence among secondary lead smelter workers. Occup Environ Med 1995;52:667-672. 7. Wallin H, Skipper PL, Tannenbaum SR, Jensen JPA, Rylander L, Olsen JH. Altered aromatic amine metabolism in epileptic patients treated with phenobarbital. Cancer Epidemiol, Biomarkers & Prev 1995;4:771-3. 8. Rylander L, Strömberg U, Hagmar L. Decreased birthweight among infants born to women with a high dietary intake of fish contaminated with persistent organochlorine compounds. Scand J Work Environ Health 1995;21:368-75. 9. Rylander L, Hagmar L. Mortality and cancer incidence among women with a high consumption of fatty fish contaminated with persistent organochlorine compounds. Scand J Work Environ Health 1995;21:419-26.</p><p>1996 2</p><p>10. Hansson G-Å, Balogh I, Ohlsson K, Rylander L, Skerfving S. Goniometer measurement and computer analysis of wrist angles and movements applied to occupational repetitive work. J Electromyogr Kinesiol 1996;6:23-35. 11. Nielsen J, Johnson U, Welinder H, Bensryd I, Rylander L, Skerfving S. HLA and immune nonresponsivness in workers exposed to organic acid anhydrides. J Occup Environ Med 1996;38:1087-90. 12. Rylander L, Strömberg U, Hagmar L. Dietary intake of fish contaminated with persistent organochlorine compounds in relation to low birthweight. Scand J Work Environ Health 1996;22:260-6.</p><p>1997 13. Jakobsson K, Rannug A, Alexandrie A-K, Rylander L, Hagmar L. Airway symptoms and lung function in pipe-layers exposed to MDI-based polyurethane pyrolysis products and welding fumes do not relate to host polymorphism for CYP1A1, GSTM1 and NAT2. Biomarkers 1997;2:57-62. 14. Lundström N-G, Nordberg G, Englyst V, Gerhardsson L, Hagmar L, Jin T, Rylander L, Wall S. Cumulative lead exposure in relation to mortality and lung cancer morbidity in a cohort of primary smelter workers. Scand J Work Environ Health 1997;23:24-30. 15. Jakobsson K, Kronholm-Diab K, Rylander L, Hagmar L. Airway symptoms and lung function in pipelayers exposed to thermal degradation products from MDI-based polyurethane. Occup Environ Med 1997;54:873-9. 16. Grimvall E, Rylander L, Nilsson-Ehle P, Nilsson U, Strömberg U, Hagmar L, Östman C. Monitoring of polychlorinated biphenyls in human blood plasma: methodological developments and influence of age, laction and fish consumption. Arch Environ Contam Toxicol 1997;32:329-36. 17. Rylander L, Dyremark E, Strömberg U, Östman C, Hagmar L. The impact of age, lactation and dietary habits on PCB in plasma in Swedish women. Sci Total Environ 1997;207:55- 61.</p><p>1998 18. Rylander L, Strömberg U, Hagmar L. Agreement between reported fish consumption obtained by two interviews and its impact on the results in a reproduction study. Eur J Epidemiol 1998;14:93-7. 19. Rylander L, Strömberg U, Dyremark E, Östman C, Nilsson-Ehle P, Hagmar L. Polychlorinated biphenyls in blood plasma among Swedish female fish consumers in relation to low birth weight. Am J Epidemiol 1998;147:493-502.</p><p>1999 20. Rylander L, Hagmar L. No evidence for congenital malformations and prenatal death in infants born to women with a high dietary intake of fish contaminated with persistent organochlorines. Int Arch Occup Environ Health 1999;72:121-4. 21. Nordander C, Ohlsson K, Balogh I, Rylander L, Pålsson B, Skerfving S. Fish processing work: the impact of two sex dependent exposure profiles on musculoskeletal health. Occup Environ Med 1999;56:256-64. 22. Åkesson I, Johnsson B, Rylander L, Moritz U, Skerfving S. Musculoskeletal disoreders among female dental personnel - clinical examination and a 5-year follow-up study of symptoms. Int Arch Occup Environ Health 1999;72:395-403.</p><p>2000 23. Rylander L, Strömberg U, Hagmar L. Lowered birth weight among infants born to women with a high intake of fish contaminated with persistent organochlorine compounds. Chemosphere 2000;40:1255-62. 3</p><p>24. Axmon A, Rylander L, Strömberg U, Hagmar L. Miscarriages and stillbirths in women with a high intake of fish contaminated with persistent organochlorine compounds. Int Arch Occup Environ Health 2000;73:204-8. 25. Hansson G-Å, Balogh I, Ohlsson K, Pålsson B, Rylander L, Skerfving S. Impact of physical exposure on neck and upper limb disorders in female workers. Appl Ergon 2000;31:301-10. 26. Littorin M, Rylander L, Skarping G, Dalene M, Welinder H, Strömberg U, Skerfving S. Exposure biomarkers and risk at gluing and heating of polyurethane: a cross sectional study of respiratory symptoms. Occup Environ Med 2000;57:396-405. 27. Mauritzson N, Johansson B, Albin M, Rylander L, Billström R, Ahlgren T, Mikoczy Z, Strömberg U, Mitelman F, Hagmar L, Nilsson PG. Survival time in a population-based consecutive series of adult acute myeloid leukemia – the prognostic impact of karyotype during the time period 1976-1993. Leukemia 2000;14:1039-43. 28. Axmon A, Rylander L, Strömberg U, Hagmar L. Time to pregnancy and infertility among women with a high intake of fish contaminated with persistent organochlorine compounds. Scand J Work Environ Health 2000;26;199-206. 29. Rylander L, Hagmar L. Medical and psychometric examinations of conscripts born to mothers with a high intake of fish contaminated with persistent organochlorines. Scand J Work Environ Health 2000;26:207-12. 30. Nordander C, Hansson G-Å, Rylander L, Asterland P, Unge Byström J, Ohlsson K, Balogh I, Skerfving S. Muscular rest and gap frequency as EMG-measures of physical exposure: the impact of work tasks and individual related factors. Ergonomics 2000;43:1904-19.</p><p>2001 31. Hansson G-Å, Balogh I, Unge Byström J, Ohlsson K, Nordander C, Asterland P, Sjölander S, Rylander L, Winkel J, Skerfving S, and the Malmö Shoulder/Neck Study Group. Questionnaire versus direct technical measurements for assessment of postures and movements of head, upper back, arms and hands. Scand J Work Environ Health 2001;27:30-40. 32. Hagmar L, Rylander L, Dyremark E, Klasson-Wehler E, Erfurth EM. Plasma concentrations of persistent organochlorines in relation to TSH and thyroid hormone levels in women. Int Arch Occup Environ Health 2001;74:184-8. 33. Mauritzson N, Johansson B, Rylander L, Albin M, Strömberg U, Billström R, Ahlgren T, Mikoczy Z, Mitelman F, Hagmar L, Nilsson PG. The prognostic impact of karyotypic subgroups in myelodysplastic syndromes is strongly modified by sex. Br J Haematol 2001;113:347-56. 34. Englyst V, Lundström NG, Gerhardsson L, Rylander L, Nordberg G. Lung cancer risks among lead smelter workers also exposed to arsenic. Sci Total Environ 2001;273:77-82. 35. Welinder H, Nielsen J, Rylander L, Ståhlbom B. A prospective study of the relationship between exposure and specific antibodies in workers exposed to organic acid anhydrides. Allergy 2001;56:506-11. 36. Nielsen J, Welinder H, Jönsson B, Axmon A, Rylander L, Skerfving S. Exposure to hexahydrophthalic and methylhexahydrophtalatic anhydrides - dose-response for sensitization and airways effects. Scand J Work Environ Health 2001;27:327-34. 37. Axmon A, Rylander L, Strömberg U, Dyremark E, Hagmar L. Polychlorinated biphenyls in blood plasma among Swedish female fish consumers in relation to time to pregnancy. J Toxicol Environ Health 2001;64;485-98. 38. Erfurth EM, Gerhardsson L, Nilsson A, Rylander L, Schütz A, Skerfving S, Börjesson J. Effects of the endocrine system in lead smelter workers. Arch Environ Health 2001;56:449- 55.</p><p>2002 4</p><p>39. Unge Byström J, Hansson G-Å, Rylander L, Ohlsson K, Källrot G, Skerfving S. Physical workload on neck and upper limb using two CAD applications. Appl Ergon 2002;33:63-74. 40. Albin M, Rylander L, Mikoczy Z, Lillienberg L, Dahlman Höglund A, Brisman J, Torén K, Meding B, Kronholm Diab K, Nielsen J. Incidence of asthma in female Swedish hairdressers. Occup Environ Med 2002;59:119-23. 41. Jakobsson K, Thuresson K, Rylander L, Sjödin A, Hagmar L, Bergman Å. Exposure to polybrominated diphenyl ethers and tetrabromobisphenol A among computer technicians. Chemosphere 2002;46:709-16. 42. Axmon A, Rylander L, Strömberg U, Hagmar L. Female fertility fertility in relation to the consumption of fish contaminated with persistent organochlorine compounds. Scand J Work Environ Health 2002;28:124-132. 43. Bengtsson AA, Rylander L, Hagmar L, Nived O, Sturfelt G. Risk factors for developing systemic lupus erythematosus: a case-control study in southern Sweden. Rhematology 2002;41:563-71. 44. Rylander L, Axmon A, Torén K, Albin M. Reproductive outcome among female hairdressers. Occup Environ Med 2002;59:517-22. 45. Richthoff J, Rylander L, Hagmar L, Malm J, Giwercman A. Higher sperm counts in Southern Sweden compared with Denmark. Hum Reprod 2002;17;2468-73. 46. Nilsson T, Lenhoff S, Turesson I, Rylander L, Mitelman F, Westin J, Höglund M, Johansson B. Cytogenetic features of multiple myeloma: impact of gender, age, disease phase, culture time, and cytokine stimulation. Eur J Haematol 2002;68:345-53. 47. Mauritzson N, Albin M, Rylander L, Billström R; Ahlgren T, Mikoczy Z, Björk J, Strömberg U, Nilsson PG, Mitelman F, Hagmar L, Johansson B. Pooled analysis of clinical and cytogenetic features in treatment-related and de novo adult acute myeloid leukemia and myelodysplastic syndromes based on a consecutive series of 761 patients analyzed 1976- 1993 and on 5098 unselected cases reported in the literature 1974-2001. Leukemia 2002;16:2366-78.</p><p>2003 48. Nilsson T, Höglund M, Lenhoff S, Rylander L, Turesson I, Westin J, Mitelman F, Johansson B. A pooled analysis of karyotypic patterns, breakpoints and imbalances in 783 cytogenetically abnormal multiple myelomas reveals frequently involved chromosome segments as well as significant age- and gender-related differences. Br J Haematol 2003;120:960-9. 49. Alveblom AK, Rylander L, Johnell O, Hagmar L. Incidence of hospitalized osteoporotic fractures in cohorts with high dietary intake of persistent organochlorine compounds. Int Arch Occup Environ Health 2003;76:246-8. 50. Richthoff J, Rylander L, Jönsson BA, Åkesson H, Hagmar L, Nilsson-Ehle P, Stridsberg M, Giwercman A. Serum levels of 2,2’,4,4’,5,5’-hexachlorobiphenyl (CB-153) in relation to markers of reproductive function in young males from the general Swedish population. Environ Health Perspect 2003;111:409-13. 51. Rosqvist S, Nielsen J, Welinder H, Rylander L, Lindh CH, Jönsson BAG. Exposure- response relationships for hexahydrophthalic and methylhexahydrophthalic anhydrides using total plasma protein adducts as biomarkers. Scand J Work Environ Health 2003;29:297-303. 52. Brisman J, Albin M, Rylander L, Mikoczy Z, Lillienberg L, Dahlman Höglund A, Torén K, Meding B, Kronholm Diab K, Nielsen J. The incidence of respiratory symptoms in female Swedish hairdressers. Am J Ind Med 2003;44:673-8.</p><p>2004 53. Wallin E, Rylander L, Hagmar L. Exposure to persistent organochlorine compounds through fish consumption and incidence of osteoporotic fractures. Scand J Work Environ Med 2004;30:30-5. 5</p><p>54. Axmon A, Rylander L, Strömberg U, Hagmar L. Altered menstrual cycles in women with a high dietary intake of persistent organochlorine compounds. Chemosphere 2004;56:813- 9. 55. Nilsson T, Lenhoff S, Rylander L, Höglund M, Turesson I, Mitelman F, Westin J, Johansson B. High frequencies of chromosomal aberrations in multiple myeloma and MGUS in direct chromosome preparation. Br J Haematol 2004;126:487-94. 56. Rignell-Hydbom A, Rylander L, Giwercman A, Jönsson BAG, Nilsson-Ehle P, Hagmar L. Exposure to CB-153 and p,p’-DDE and male reproductive function. Hum Reprod 2004;19:2066-75. 57. Axmon A, Rylander L, Strömberg U, Jönsson B, Nilsson-Ehle P, Hagmar L. Polychlorinated biphenyls in serum and time to pregnancy. Environ Res 2004;96:186-95. 58. Nilsson T, Nilsson L, Lenhoff S, Rylander L, Åstrand-Grundström I, Strömbäck B, Höglund M, Turesson I, Westin J, Mitelman F, Jacobsen SEW, Johansson B. MDS/AML- associated cytogenetic abnormalities in multiple myeloma and monoclonal gammapathy of undetermined significance: Evidence for a frequent de novo occurrence and multipotent stem cell involvement of del(20q). Genes Chromosomes Cancer 2004;41:223-31. 59. Malm G, Haugen TB, Henrichsen Y, Bjørsvik C, Grotmol T, Sæther T, Malm J, Figenschau Y, Hagmar L, Rylander L, Levine RJ, Giwercman A. Reproductive function during summer and winter in Norwegian men living north and south of the Artic Circle. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2004;89:4397-402.</p><p>2005 60. Rignell-Hydbom A, Rylander L, Giwercman A, Jönsson BAG, Lindh C, Eleuteri P, Rescia M, Leter G, Cordelli E, Spano M, Hagmar L. Exposure to PCB and p,p’-DDE and human sperm chromatin integrity. Environ Health Perspect 2005;113:175-9. 61. Rignell-Hydbom A, Rylander L, Elzanaty S, Giwercman A, Lindh CH, Hagmar L. Human exposure to persistent organochlorine pollutants and seminal levels of epidydimal and accessory sex gland function in Swedish men. Hum Reprod 2005;20:1910-4. 62. Jönsson B, Richthoff J, Rylander L, Giwercman A, Hagmar L. Urinary phthalate metabolites and biomarkers of reproductive function in young Swedish males. Epidemiology 2005;16:487-93. 63. Rylander L, Källén B. A prospective study of 12 046 infants born to female hairdressers. Scand J Work Environ Health 2005;31:212-7. 64. Tiido T, Rignell-Hydbom A, Jönsson BAG, Lundberg Giwercman Y, Rylander L, Hagmar L, Giwercman A. Exposure to persistent organohalogen pollutants associates with human sperm Y:X chromosome ratio. Hum Reprod 2005;20:1903-9. 65. Wallin E, Rylander L, Jönsson BAG, Lundh T, Isaksson A, Hagmar L. Exposure to CB- 153 and p,p’-DDE and bone mineral density and bone metabolism markers in middle-aged and elderly men and women. Osteoporos Int 2005;16:2085-94. 66. Jönsson BAG, Rylander L, Lindh C, Rignell-Hydbom A, Giwercman A, Toft G, Pedersen HS, Ludwicki JK, Zvezday V, Spano M, Bizarri D, Bonefeld-Jörgensen EC, Manicardi GC, Bonde JP, Hagmar L. Inter-population variations in concentrations, determinants of and correlations between 2,2’,4,4’,5,5’-hexachlorobiphenyl (CB-153) and 1,1-dichloro-2,2- bis(p-chlorophenyl)-ethylene (p,p’-DDE) in 3161 men and women from Inuit and European populations. Environ Health 2005;4:27 (doi:10.1186/1476-069X-4-27). 67. Rylander L, Rignell-Hydbom A, Hagmar L. A cross-sectional study of the association between persistent organochlorine pollutants and diabetes. Environ Health 2005;4:28 (doi:10.1186/1476-069X-4-28).</p><p>2006 68. Rylander L, Nilsson-Ehle P, Hagmar L. A simplified but accurate and precise method for adjusting serum levels of persistent organohalogen pollutants to total serum lipids. Chemosphere 2006;62:333-6. 6</p><p>69. Lynge E, Andersen A, Rylander L, Tinnerberg H, Lindbohm ML, Pukkala E, Romundstad P, Jensen P, Björk Clausen L, Johansen K. Cancer in persons working in dry cleaning in the Nordic countries. Environ Health Perspect 2006;114:213-219. 70. Giwerman A, Rylander L, Hagmar L, Lundberg Giwercman Y. Ethnic differences in occurrence of TDS – genetics and/or environment? Int J Andrology 2006;29:291-7. 71. Axmon A, Rylander L, Hagmar L, Albin M. Factors affecting time to pregnancy. Hum Reprod 2006;21:1279-84. 72. Tiido T, Rignell-Hydbom A, Jönsson BAG, Giwercman AL, Pedersen HS, Wojtyniak B, Ludwicki JK, Lesovoy V, Zvyezday V, Spano M, Manicardi GC, Bizarro D, Bonefeld- Jørgensen EC, Toft G, Bonde JP, Rylander L, Hagmar L, Giwercman A. Impact of PCB and p,p’-DDE contaminants on human sperm Y:X chromosome ratio: Studies in three European populations and the Inuit population in Greenland. Environ Health Perspect 2006;114:718-24. 73. Nielsen J, Welinder H, Bensryd I, Rylander L, Skerfving S. Symptoms from eyes and airways related to organic anhydride exposure – a prospective study. Allergy 2006;61:743- 9. 74. Hagmar L, Wallin E, Vessby B, Jönsson BAG, Bergman Å, Rylander L. Intra-individual variations and time trends 1991-2001 in human serum levels of CB-153, p,p’-DDE and hexachlorobenzene. Chemosphere 2006;64:1507-13. 75. Lundin KB, Giwercman YL, Rylander L, Hagmar L, Giwercman A. Androgen receptor GGN repeat length and reproductive characteristics in young Swedish men. Eur J Endocrin 2006;155:347-54. 76. Giwercman A, Rignell-Hydbom A, Toft G, Rylander L, Hagmar L, Lindh C, Pedersen HS, Ludwicki J, Lesovoy V, Shevets M, Spano M, Manicardi GC, Bizarro D, Bonefeld- Jørgensen E, Bonde JP. Reproductive hormone levels in men exposed to persistent organohalogen pollutants: A study of Inuit and Three European cohorts. Environ Health Perspect 2006;114:1348-53. 77. Rylander L, Wallin E, Jönsson BAG, Stridsberg M, Erfurth EM, Hagmar L. Association between CB-153 and p,p’-DDE and hormone levels in serum in middle-aged and elderly men. Chemosphere 2006;65:375-81. 78. Stronati A, Manicardi GC, Cecati M, Bordicchia M, Ferrante L, Spano M, Toft G, Bonde JP, Hagmar L, Jönsson BAG, Rignell-Hydbom A, Rylander L, Giwercman A, Pedersen HS, Bonefeld-Jørgensen EC, Ludwicki JK, Lesovoy V, Sakkas D, Bizarro D. Relationships between sperm DNA fragmentation, sperm apoptotic markers and serum levels of CB-153 and p,p’-DDE in European and Inuit populatons. Reproduction 2006;132:949-58. 79. Axmon A, Rylander L, Hagmar L, Lillienberg L, Albin M. Fertility among Swedish female hairdressers. Scand J Work Environ Health 2006;32:51-60. 80. Elzanaty S, Rignell-Hydbom A, Jönsson BAG, Pedersen HS, Ludwicki JL, Shevets M, Zvyezday V, Toft G, Bonde JP, Rylander L, Hagmar L, Bonefeld-Jørgensen E, Spano M, Bizarro D, Manicardi GC, Giwercman A. Associations between exposure to persistent organohalogen pollutants and epididymal and accessory sex gland function: Multicentre study in Inuit and European populations Reprod Toxicol 2006;22:765-73.</p><p>2007 81. Rylander L, Strömberg U, Hagmar L. Weight and height at 4 and 7 years of age in children born to mothers with a high intake of fish contaminated with persistent organochlorines. Chemosphere 2007;67:498-504. 82. Lind ML, Albin M, Brisman J, Kronholm Diab K, Lillienberg L, Mikoczy Z, Nielsen J, Rylander L, Torén K, Meding B. Incidence of hand eczema in female Swedish hairdressers. Occup Environ Med 2007;64:191-5. 83. Giwercman A, Rylander L, Rignell-Hydbom A, Jönsson BAG, Pedersen HS, Ludwicki JK, Lesovoy V, Zvyezday V, Spano M, Manicardi GC, Bizarro D, Bonefeld-Jørgensen E, Toft G, Bonde JP, Lundberg Giwercman Y and the Inuendo research group. Androgen 7</p><p> receptor gene CAG repeat length as modifier of the effect of persistent organochlorine pollutants on semen characteristics. Pharmacogenet Genomics 2007;17:391-401. 84. Rignell-Hydbom A, Rylander L, Hagmar L. Exposure to persistent organochlorine pollutants and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Hum Experiment Toxicol 2007;26:447-52. 85. Ruhayel Y, Malm G, Haugen TB, Henrichsen T, Björsvik C, Grotmol T, Saether T, Malm J, Figenschau Y, Hagmar L, Rylander L, Levine RJ, Giwercman A. Seasonal variations in serum concentrations of reproductive hormone and urinary excretion of 6- sulphatoxymelatonin excretion in men living north and south of the Arctic Circle: A longitunnal study. Clin Endocrinol 2007;67:85-92. 86. Tiido T, Rignell-Hydbom A, Jönsson BAG, Rylander L, Giwercman A, Giwercman YL. Modifying effect of AR gene trinucleotide repeats and SNPs in the AHR and AHRR genes on the association between persistent organohalogen pollutant exposure and human sperm X:Y ratio. Mol Hum Reproduc 2007;13:223-9. 87. Holmer H, Svensson J, Rylander L, Johannsson G, Rosén T, Bengtsson BÅ, Thorén M, Höybye C, Degerblad M, Bramnert M, Hägg E, Edén Engström B, Ekman B, Norrving B, Hagmar L, Erfurth EM. Nonfatal stroke, cardiac disease, and diabetes mellitus in hypopituitary patients on hormone replacement including growth hormone. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2007;92:3560-7. 88. Holmer H, Svensson J, Rylander L, Johannsson G, Rosén T, Bengtsson BA, Thorén M, Höybye C, Degerblad M, Bramnert M, Hägg E, Engström BE, Ekman B, Thorngren KG, Hagmar L, Erfurth EM. Fracture incidence in GH-patients on complete hormone replacement including GH. J Bone Mineral Density Res 2007;22:1842-50. 89. Giwercman A, Rylander L, Giwercman YL. Influence of endocrine disrupters on human male fertility. Reprod Biomed Online 2007;15:633-42.</p><p>2008 90. Richthoff J, Elzanaty S, Rylander L, Hagmar L, Giwercman A. Association between tobacco exposure and reproductive parameters in adolescent males. Int J Androl 2008;31:31-9. 91. Scheike T, Rylander L, Carstensen L, Keiding N, Jensen TK, Strömberg U, Joffe M, Akre O. Time trends in human fecundability in Sweden. Epidemiology 2008;19:191-6. 92. Bonde JP, Toft G, Rylander L, Rignell-Hydbom A, Giwercman A, Spano M, Manicardi CG, Bizzaro D, Ludwicki JK, Zvyezday V, Bonefeld-Jørgensen, Pedersen HS, Jönsson BAG, Thulstrup AM, and INUENDO. Fertility and markers of male reproductive function in Inuit and European populations spaning large contrasts in blood levels of persistent organochlorines. Environ Health Perspect 2008;116:269-77. 93. Axmon A, Rylander L, Rignell-Hydbom A. Reproductive toxicity of seafood contaminants: Prospective comparisons of Swedish east and west coast fishermen’s families. Environ Health 2008;7:20.</p><p>2009 94. Axmon A, Rylander L. Birth weight and fetal growth in infants born to female hairdressers and their sisters. Occup Environ Med 2009;66:198-204 (Epub 2008 Nov 18). 95. Mikoczy Z, Rylander L. Mortality and cancer incidence in cohorts of Swedish fishermen and fishermen’s wives: updated findings. Chemosphere 2009;74:938-43. (Epub 2008 Nov 28). 96. Rantakokko P, Kiviranta H, Rylander L, Rignell-Hydbom A, Vartiainen T. A simple fast liquid-liquid extraction method for the determination of 2,2’,4,4’,5,5’-hexachlorobiphenyl (CB-153) and 1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)-ethylene(p,p’-DDE) from human serum for epidemiological studies on type 2 diabetes J Chromatogr A 2009;1216:897-901. (Epub 2008 Dec 10) . 97. Eberhard J, Ståhl O, Cohn-Cedermark G, Cavallin-Ståhl E, Giwercman Y, Rylander L, Eberhard-Gran M, Fugl-Meyer K, Giwercman A. Sexual function in men treated for testicular cancer. J Sexual Med 2009;6:1979-89 (Epub 2009 Apr 28). 8</p><p>98. Rylander L, Hagmar L, Wallin E, Sjöström AK, Tysklind M. Intra-individual variations and time trends in dioxin levels in human blood during 1987-2002. Chemosphere 2009;6:1979-89 (Epub ahead 2009 June 25). 99. Axmon A, Rylander L. No interaction between smoking and working as a hairdresser with respect to reproductive health. J Occup Environ Med 2009;51:399-400 (authors reply). 100. Eberhard J, Ståhl O, Cohn-Cedermark G, Cavallin-Ståhl E, Giwercman Y, Rastkhani H, Rylander L, Eberhard-Gran M, Kvist U, Giwercman A. Emotional disorders in testicular cancer survivors in relation to hypogonadism, androgen receptor polymorphism and treatment modality. J Affect Disord (Epub 2009 Aug 3). 101. Rylander L, Wetterstrand B, Haugen T, Malm G, Malm J, Bjørsvik C, Henrichsen T, Sæther T, Giwercman A. Single semen analysis as predictor of semen quality: clinical and epidemiological applications. Asian J Androl 2009;11:723-30 (Epub 2009 Oct 12). 102. Rignell-Hydbom A, Lidfeldt J, Kiviranta H, Rantakokko P, Samsioe G, Agardh CD, Rylander L. p,p’-DDE: A risk factor for type 2 diabetes. PLoS One 2009 Oct 19;4(10):e7503.</p><p>2010 103. Giwercman A, Lindstedt L, Larsson M, Bungum M, Spano M, Levine RJ, Rylander L. DFI och fertilitet. Sperm Chromatin Structure Assay as an independent predictor of fertility in vivo: A case-control study. Int J Androl 2010;33(1):e221-7. (Epub 2009 Oct 15). 104. Nenonen H, Björk C, Skjaerpe PA, Giwercman A, Rylander L, Svartberg J, Giwercman YL. CAG repeat is not inversely associated with androgen receptor activity in vitro. Mol Hum Reprod 2010;16:153-7 (Epub 2009 Nov 1). 105. Axelsson J, Bonde JP, Giwercman YL, Rylander L, Giwercman A. Gene-environment interaction and male reproductive function. Asian J Androl 2010;12:298-307. (Epub 2010 Mar 29). 106. Ruhayel Y, Giwercman A, Ulmert D, Rylander L, Bjartell A, Manjer J, Berglund G, Giwercman YL. Male fertility and prostate cancer risk: a nested case-control study. Cancer Causes Control 2010;21:1635-43. (Epub 2010 Jun 4). 107. Rignell-Hydbom A, Elfving M, Ivarsson SA, Lindh C, Jönsson BA, Olofsson P, Rylander L. A nested case-control study of intrauterine exposure to persistent organochlorine pollutants in relation to type 1 diabetes. PLoS One 2010 Jun 23;5(6):e11281. 108. Wojtyniak B, Rabczenko D, Jönson BA, Zvezday V, Pedersen HS, Rylander L, Toft G, Ludwicki JL, Góralczyk K, Lesovaya A, Hagmar L, Bonde JP and the Inuendo research group. Association of maternal serum concentrations of 2,2’,4,4’,5,5’-hexachlorobiphyl (CB-153) 1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)-ethylene (p,p’-DDE) levels with birth weight, gestational age and preterm births in Inuit and European populations. Environ Health 2010 Sep 6;9:56.</p><p>2011 109. Lynge E, Tinnerberg H, Rylander L, Romundstad P, Johansen K, Lindbohm ML, Heikkilä P, Westberg H, Clausen LB, Piombino A, Thorsted BL. Exposure to tetrachloroethylene in dry cleaning shops in the Nordic countries. Ann Occup Hyg 2011;55:387-96. [Epub ahead 2011 Feb 3]. 110. Malmqvist E, Rignell-Hydbom A, Tinnerberg H, Björk J, Stroh E, Jakokbsson K, Rittner R, Rylander L. Maternal exposure to air pollution and birth outcomes. Environ Health Perspect 2011;119:553-8 [Epub ahead 2011 Jan 6]. 111. Ståhl O, Boyd H, Giwercman A, Lindholm M, Jensen A, Krüger Kjær S, Anderson H, Cavallin-Ståhl E, Rylander L. Risk of birth abnormalities in the offspring of men with a history of cancer: a cohort study using Danish and Swedish national registries. JNCI 2011;103:398-406. [Epub ahead 2011 Feb 8]. 9</p><p>112. Axelsson J, Rylander L, Rignell-Hydbom A, Giwercman A. No secular trend in sperm counts among Swedish men from the general population. Hum Reprod 2011;26:1012-16. [Epub ahead 2011 Mar 7]. 113. Haugen TB, Tefre T, Malm G, Jönsson BAG, Rylander L, Hagmar L, Bjørsvik C, Henrichsen T, Sæther T, Figenschau, Giwercman A. Differences in serum levels of CB-153 and p,p’-DDE, and reproductive parameters between men living in the southern and the northern part of Norway. Reprod Toxicol 2011;32:261-7. [Epub ahead of print 2011 Jun 25]. 114. Björk C, Nenonen H, Giwercman A, Bergman Å, Rylander L, Lundberg Giwercman Y. Persistent organic pollutants have glutamine dependent effects on androgen receptor activity in vitro. Reproduc Toxicol 2011;32:293-7. [Epub ahead of print 2011 Jun 25]. 115. Nilsson K, Rignell-Hydbom A, Rylander L. Factors influencing the decision to extend working life or retire. Scand J Work Environ Health 2011;37(6):473-80. [Epub ahead of print 2011 Jul 2].</p><p>2012 116. Lindh C, Rylander L, Toft G, Axmon A, Rignell-Hydbom A, Giwercman A, Pedersen HS, Góalczyk K, Ludwicki JK, Zvyezday V, Vermeulen RCH, Lenters V, Heederik D, Bonde JP, Jönsson BAG. Blood serum concentrations of perfluorinated compounds in men from Inuit and European populations. Chemosphere 2012;88:1269-75. [Epub ahead of print 2012 Apr 10]. 117. Rylander L, Björkdahl CM, Axmon A, Giwercman A, Jönsson BA, Lindh C, Rignell-Hydbom A. Very high correlations between fresh weight and lipid adjusted- PCB-153 seum concentrations – irrespective of fasting status, age, body mass index, gender or exposure distribution. Chemosphere 2012;87:828-31. [Epub ahead of print 2012 Apr 28]. 118. Toft G, Jönsson BAG, Lindh CH, Giwercman A, Spano M, Heederik D, Lenters V, Vermeulen R, Rylander L, Pedersen HS, Ludwicki JK, Zviesdai V, Bonde JP. Exposure to perfluorinated compounds and human semen quality in Arctic and European populations. Hum Reprod 2012;27:2532-40 [Epub ahead of print 2012 May 30]. 119. Rignell-Hydbom A, Lindh C, Dillner J, Jönsson BA, Rylander L. A nested case-control study of intrauterine exposure to persistent organochlorine pollutants in relation to risk of hypospadia. PLoS One 2012;7(9):e44767. [Epub ahead of print 2012 Sept 37].</p><p>2013 120. Holmer H, Svensson J, Rylander L, Johannsson G, Rosén T, Bengtsson BÅ, Thorén M, Höybye C, Degerblad M, Bramnert M, Hägg E, Engström BE, Ekman B, Erfurth EM. Psychosocial health and levels of employment in 851 GH deficient Swedish patients on long-term GH therapy: a national primary referral based study. Psychoneuriendocrinology 2013;38:842-52. [Epub ahead of print 2012 Oct 5]. 121. Mattsson K, Rylander L. Influence of maternal and paternal birthweight on offspring birthweight – A population-based intergenerational study. Paediatr Perinatal Epidemiol 2013;27(2):138-44. [Epub ahead of print 2012 Nov 23]. 122. Malmqvist E, Jakobsson K, Tinnerberg H, Rignell-Hydbom A, Rylander L. Gestational diabetes and preeclampsia in association with air pollution at levels below current air quality guidelines. Environ Health Perspect 2013;121:488-93 [Epub ahead of print 2013 Mar 16]. 123. Ode A, Rylander L, Lindh CH, Källén K, Jönsson BAG, Gustafsson P, Olofsson P, Ivarsson SA, Haglund N, Rignell-Hydbom A. Determinants of maternal 10</p><p> and fetal exposure and temporal trends of perfluorinated compounds. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int 2013;20:7970-8 [Epub ahead of print 2013 Feb 24]. 124. Brokken LJS, Rylander L, Jönsson BA, Spanó M, Pedersen HS, Ludwicki JK, Zviezdai V, Bizzaro D, Manicardi GC, Toft G, Bonde JP, Giwercman A, Lundberg Giwercman Y. Non-linear association between androgen receptor CAG and GGn repeat length and reproductive parameters in fertile European and Inuit men. Molecular Cellular Endocrinol 2013;370:163-71 [Epub ahead of print 2013 Mar 16]. 125. Mattsson K, Källén K, Longnecker M, Rignell-Hydbom A, Rylander L. Maternal smoking during pregnancy and daughters´risk of gestational diabetes and obesity. Diabetilogia 2013;56:1689-95 [Epub ahead of print 2013 May 23]. 126. Taylor KW, Novak RF, Anderson HA, Birnbaum LS, Blystone C, Devito M, Jacobs D, Köhrle J, Lee DH, Rylander L, Rignell-Hydbom A, Tornero-Velez R, Turyk ME, Boyles AL, Thayer KA, Lind L. Evaluation of the association between persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and diabetes in epidemiological studies: A National Toxicology Program workshop review. Environ Health Perspect 2013;121:774-83 [Epub ahead of print 2013 May 7]. 127. Fjalldal S, Holmer H, Rylander L, Elfving M, Ekman B, Österberg K, Erfurth EM. Hypothalamic involvement predicts cognitive performance and psychosocial health in long term survivors of childhood craniopharyngioma. J Clin Endocrinol Metabol 2013;98:3253-62 [Epub ahead of print 2013 Jun 14]. 128. Axelsson J, Rylander L, Rignell-Hydbom A, Ågren Silfver K, Stenqvist A, Giwercman A. The impact of paternal and maternal smoking on semen quality of adolscent men. PLoS One 2013;8(6):e66766.</p><p>2014 129. Rylander L, Rignell-Hydbom A, Tinnerberg H, Jönsson BAG. Trends in human concentrations of endocrine disruptors – possible reasons and consequencies. in the Nordic countries. Editorial. J Epidemiol Community Health 2014;68:4-5 [Epub ahead of print 2013 Mar 13]. 130. Toft G, Lenters V, Vermeulen R, Heederik D, Thomsen C, Becher G, Giwercman A, Bizarro D, Manicardi GC, Spanó M, Rylander L, Pedersen HS, Strucinski P, Zviezdai V, Bonde JP. Exposure to polybrominated diphenyl ethers and male reproductive function in Greenland, Poland and Ukraine. Reprod Toxicol 2014;43:1-7. 131. Ode A, Källén K, Gustafsson P, Rylander L, Jönsson BAG, Olofsson P, Ivarsson SA, Lindh CH, Rignell-Hydbom A. Fetal exposure to perfluorinated compounds and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. PLoS One 2014 Apr 23;9(4) e95891 doi 10:1371. 132. Malmqvist E, Olsson D, Hagenbjörk-Gustafsson A, Forsberg B, Mattisson K, Stroh E, Strömgren M, Swietlicki E, Rylander L, Hoek G, Tinnerberg H, Modig L. Assessing ozone exposure for long term epidemiological studies. Atmos Environ 2014;94:241-8. 133. Jørgensen KT, Specht IO, Lenters V, Bach CC, Rylander L, Jönsson BA, Lindh CH, Giwercman A, Heederik D, Toft G, Bonde JP. Perfluoroalkyl substances and time to pregnancy in couples from Greenland, Poland and Ukraine. Environ Health 2014 Dec 22; 13(1):116.</p><p>2015 11</p><p>134. Lenters V, Portengen L, Smit LAM, Jönsson BAG, Giwercman A, Rylander L, Lindh CH, Spanó M, Pedersen HS, Ludwicki JK, Chumak L, Piersma AH, Toft G, Bonde JP, Heederik D, Vermeulen R. Phthalates, perfluoroalkyl acids, metals and organochlorines and reproductive functions: A multi-pollutant assessment in Greenlandic, Polish and Ukrainian men.Occup Environ Med (Epub ahead of print 2014 Sept 10). 135. Høyer BB, Ramlau-Hansen CH, Obel C, Pedersen HS, Ludwicki J, Zviezdai V, Jönsson BAG, Lindh CH, Rylander L, Rignell-Hydbom A, Bonde JP, Toft G. Pregnancy serum concentrations of perfluorinated alkyl substances and offspring behaviour and motor development at age 5-9 years – a prospective study. Environ Health 2015 Jan 7;14:2. 136. Mattsson K, Jönsson I, Malmqvist E, Elding-Larsson H, Rylander L. Maternal smoking during pregnancy and offspring type 1 diabetes risk – accounting for HLA haplotype. Eur J Epidemiol 2015;30:231-8. [Epub ahead of print 2015 Jan 10]. 137. Ode A, Rylander L, Gustafsson P, Lundh T, Källén K, Olofsson P, Ivarsson SA, Rignell-Hydbom A. Manganese and selenium concentrations in umbilical cord serum and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders in childhood. Environ Res 2015;137:373-81. [Epub ahead of print 2015 Jan 7]. 138. Weimann H, Rylander L, Albin M, Skärbäck E, Grahn P, Östergren PO, Björk J. Effects of changing to neighbourhood greenness on general and mental health: A longitudinal study. Health Place 2015;33:48-56. [Epub ahead of print 2015 Mar 11]. 139. Weimann H, Björk J, Rylander L, Bergman P, Eiben G. Impact of neighborhood environment on physical activity among young children: a cross- sectional study from Sweden. Scand J Publ Health 2015;43:283-93. [Epub ahead of print 2015 Feb 23]. 140. Axelsson J, Rylander L, Rignell-Hydbom A, Lindh CH, Jönsson BA, Giwercman A. Prenatal phthalate exposure and reproductive function in young men. Environ Res 2015;138:264-70. [Epub ahead of print 2015 Mar 3]. 141. Malmqvist E, Elding-Larsson H, Jönsson I, Rignell-Hydbom A, Ivarsson SA, Tinnerberg H, Stroh E, Rittner R, Jakobsson K, Swietlicki E, Rylander L. Maternal exposure to air pollution and type 1 diabetes – accounting for genetic factors. Environ Res 2015;140:268-74. [Epub ahead of print 2015 Apr 13]. 142. Mattsson K, Källén K, Rignell-Hydbom A, Lindh CH, Jönsson BA, Gustafsson P, Olofsson P, Ivarsson SA, Rylander L. Cotinine validation of self-reported smoking during pregnancy in the Swedish Medical Birth Register. Nicotine Tobacco Res (in press). [Epub ahead of print 2015 Apr 20]. 143. Lenters V, Portengen L, Rignell-Hydbom A, Jönsson BA, Lindh CH, Piersma AH, Toft G, Bonde JP, Heederik D, Rylander L, Vermeulen R. Prenatal phthalate, perfluoroalkyl acids and organochlorine exposures and term birth weight in three birth cohorts: Multi-pollutant models based on elastic net regression. Environ Health Perspect (in press). [Epub ahead of print 2015 Jun 26]. 144. Mattsson K, Rignell-Hydbom A, Holmberg S, Thelin A, Jönsson BA, Lindh CH, Sehlstedt A, Rylander L. Levels of perfluoroalkyl substances and risk of coronary heart disease: Findings from a population-based longitudinal study. Environ Res 2015;142:148-54. 145. Axelsson J, Rylander L, Rignell-Hydbom A, Jönsson BAG, Lindh CH, Giwercman A. Phthalate exposure and semen quality in young men from the general population (in press). 12</p><p>BOOK CHAPTERS 1. Giwercman A, Rylander L. Blir spermier sämre av kemikalier? Bokkapitel i “Giftfri miljö – utopi eller chans? Utgiven av Formas Fokuseras. 2006. 2. Giwercman A, Rylander L, Giwercman Y (2011) Persistent organohalogen pollutants and phthalates: effects on male reproductive function. In: Nriagu JO (ed.) Encyclopedia of Environmental Health, volume 4, pp. 387–394 Burlington: Elsevier. 3. Rylander L, Rignell-Hydbom A. (2013) Effects of organic chemicals on the male reproductive system. Bokkapitel i Effects of persistent and bioactive organic pollutants on human health. Edited by David O. Carpenter. Wiley. New Jersey, USA.</p>

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