<p>THE CLONTARF GOLF and BOWLING CLUB</p><p>Annual Reports of Committees for the year ended 31 October 2016</p><p>Hundredth & Fourth Annual Reports of the Committees MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE REPORT 2016 Meetings The Management Committee met monthly as required by the Constitution. Additional meetings were convened as deemed necessary to discuss particular matters, such as, the Clanmoyle Road Flood Alleviation Scheme, reinstatement progress, general course and house development, membership and budgetary proposals. The Club Officers met with and reported to the Trustees, on a quarterly basis, with these meetings chaired by the President. Meetings, represented by the Chairman and General Manager, were held throughout the year with Dublin City Council in regard to the Clanmoyle Road Flood Alleviation Scheme to progress completion of the contract. Membership All membership queries and issues are referred to Club Secretary, Seamus Smith, who works closely with Anna and Michelle of our administrative team. Our Club Secretary constantly monitors the trend of declining membership numbers and with the help of the initiatives introduced by the Management Committee and implemented by him, the Club has been successful in attracting new members in 2016. The membership numbers are relatively healthy, but it is becoming more difficult to fill Ordinary Membership vacancies. The increased trend of transfer from Ordinary to 5-Day membership continues. Presently there are 493 Ordinary members and 65 Retired Ordinary members totalling 558 with a quota of 630. The 5-Day Ordinary membership is at 258. These trends are impacting on the Club’s finances and they have and will continue to have significant implications in the coming years. Costs are rising with the changed accounting policy relating to VAT in 2014, insurance costs are up 16% in 2016 with an additional 40% increase indicated for 2017. A 25% rent increase is been sought by Dublin City Council. The primary issues of concern are falling income subscription levels. The Management Committee and the subcommittee of club officers have committed significant time in 2014/15/16 on these matters. Age and service discount concessions are adversely affecting subscriptions levels and hence the club finances. This arrangement is not sustainable in this current economic climate as the cost of maintaining the club is being borne by fewer. GUI and ILGU membership numbers have significantly declined in recent years. As outlined in the 2013 to 2015 Annual Reports a significant number of our members do not contribute to the costs associated with the running of the Club. Motions are now proposed at this 2017 AGM, in accordance with the constitution, on membership and related subscriptions to reflect the above. Course The Practice Garden was reconstructed and opened in Spring 2016. New bunkers were strategically constructed on the 13th fairway and, together with the introduced internal out-of-bounds and new men’s tee, have alleviated, we believe, golf balls entering the residential rear gardens on Collins Avenue. Following the success of the purchase of the sanding machine for the greens in 2015, a semi-cut machine was purchased for mowing the first cut of rough which now provides greater definition to the course. Our course consultants, STRI, contribute on a regular basis ensuring that prudent agronomy management is paying long term dividends. The Course Officer’s report refers to the completed and planned course improvements. Great credit is due to our course staff working with our superintendent Darragh under the direction of our General Manager and Course Officer. House The main TV room now houses the Golf and Bowling Photograph Gallery for the Club. The house was externally painted in the summer and some lounge chairs have been re-upholstered. A second defibrillator has been placed at the Toilet Block on the course. CPR and AED training for staff and members took place in October. Four new security cameras have been strategically placed within the carpark and entrance road areas. The snooker tables have been refurbished. The existing smoking shelter was adjusted to ensure compatibility with the Health and Safety Acts and signage has been placed to refrain smoking in the house porch and veranda. Overall the house and environs are in excellent order. Clanmoyle Road Flood Alleviation Scheme The Mechanical and Electrical Contract was awarded in March 2015 by Dublin City Council on a design, supply and install basis. Due to the lateness of the appointment of the contractor, the installation element of the contract was delayed, as per my report at the 2015 AGM. Following prolonged discussions with Dublin City Council, this Contract commenced installation in September 2016. Completion of all outstanding works, snag items, and commissioning is expected by the end of February 2017. The contractors have worked with CGBC management and our course staff to minimise disruption to our members. Staff The Club currently employs the following staff:  Office: General Manager, Accounts Administrator and Receptionist/Administrator (job sharing);  Course: Superintendent and four greenkeepers;  Security: two alternating night security staff;  House and Bar: three house part-time men and one part-time house lady, two full-time and 2 part-time barstaff. Organisation The bulk of our approx. 1300 members, their guests and visitors use the Club and have access to its facilities on a day-to- day basis. The Club is the most active in Dublin and a day rarely goes by without significant numbers enjoying its facilities. The Club Officers, Chairman of Management and General Manager, deliberate on a regular basis across a range of matters, to ensure that the needs of those using the Club are met. The commitment required to continue to improve the service is a credit to all who continue to volunteer across a range of activities.The Club would not function as well without the significant voluntary effort put in by so many of our members. The President, Captain, Lady Captain and Bowling Captain, working with the other Club Officers, members of the Ladies’, Men’s and Bowling Club Committees, members of Course, House and Social sub-committees, ensure that all the core elements of the Club are well organised. The organisers of competitions such as Bunnies, Midweekers, Nine and Dine Mixed and team managers for golf and bowling, all add greatly to the sporting and social experiences. From Snooker to Bridge Club, Book Club to the Choir, Lotto, Christmas Draw, Santa Day, Carol Service, Indoor Bowling and Poker nights we have a vibrant and well entertained membership who appreciate your voluntary efforts. Our thanks also to Eamonn O Dulainn for organising the annual mass for deceased members. Communications A monthly update on the activities within the Golf and Bowling Clubs was written and emailed to members. Hard copies were provided in the clubhouse. Our thanks to our President Sean for his contribution to the monthly news. The texting service operated by our General Manager provides timely information to members and is a helpful communication tool. Sponsors Sponsors are a crucial group that add enjoyment to all members of the Club. The Management Committee thanks all sponsors for their generosity. Captain Ian and Lady Captain Mags thanked the sponsors of the various competitions at a very enjoyable function in October 2016. Members interested in sponsoring a competition in 2017 should contact incoming Captains John and Dolores. Outgoing Members of Management Committee and Staff Captain Ian, Lady Captain Mags and Bowling Captain Dennis, made significant contributions to the management of the Club during their tenure in office and we thank them. We will see our popular and efficient receptionist/administrator Anna retiring in February 2017 after nearly ten years of service and we wish her every happiness in the years ahead. Arthur, our long term serving General Manager of over 18 years, is retiring in March 2017 and we, the members of the Club, wish him good health and happiness in the years ahead. Through his dedication, commitment, work ethic and managerial skills, Arthur has positively guided the Club through general development and many difficult issues during his tenure. He has been instrumental in the culmination of the Clanmoyle Road Flood Alleviation Scheme and the delivery of our much improved new three quarry holes. I have enjoyed working with Arthur and would like to personally thank him for his countenance and friendship throughout the last 4 years. Finally, on behalf of all members I thank the Management Committee of 2016, who unselfishly gave of their time and expertise for the benefit of all in Clontarf Golf and Bowling Club.</p><p>PETER E. FAGAN, Chairman of Management Committee</p><p>HOUSE COMMITTEE REPORT 2016</p><p>On behalf of the House Committee I am pleased to present this report for 2016.</p><p>Last year was a quiet year on the House front. We finished the refurbishing of the dining room with a very smart service hatch to replace the old serving sideboard that had become an eyesore. Four new security cameras have been fitted to cover the Club entrance and the carpark. The house exterior was fully painted.</p><p>The House Committee again, under the leadership of Ray Williams, took on the running of the Christmas Draw and as always it went like clockwork. I would like to thank Ray Williams, Joe Sheridan, Claire Maguire and Patricia McCrossan for all their efforts.</p><p>The Social Committee gave us a wonderful and varied programme throughout the year. There were so many brilliant and successful nights that it would be difficult to choose a winner! Under the direction of Peggy Vather and her committee of Jean Farrelly, Liam O’Donohoe and Tony O’Toole they succeeded in bringing many ‘old nights’ back to the members. </p><p>Again this year, as every other year, there are many volunteers that beaver away on the members’ behalf and they seem to go unnoticed. These include the many members that run the Kiddies’ Santa Party, Christmas Carols Night, Men’s Choir, Poker nights, and the weekly Lotto Draw. On your behalf I would like to thank them all.</p><p>Many thanks to all our staff in the Bar, Catering and Office for all the support they give to the Committees.</p><p>The House and Social Committees will look forward to serving you all again in 2017.</p><p>DAVE DALTON, House Officer COURSE COMMITTEE REPORT 2016</p><p>On behalf of the Course Committee I am pleased to present to the members our end of year course report for 2016. I would like to thank the course committee, Sheila, Donna, Tommy, and Jackie for their time and effort this year.</p><p>Greens This year we continued with the programme set out by our agronomist from STRI. It was also agreed by the management Committee that we would increase STRI’s visits from 3 to 4 a year. On these visits we walk the course with the agronomist checking condition of the tees, fairways, rough, bunkers, and p greens. It was felt that with the traffic on the golf course now we needed to upgrade our greens program. As well as our normal walk of the site we will also be doing a lot more testing of our greens for; firmness, trueness, smoothness, speed, and moisture content. The analysis of those tests will inform us better of the extra work required on the greens to maintain to the high level that we as members expect. The new practice green in the garden opened in April and has provided an enhanced facility. Some members have made a few suggestions to me regarding improving the practice area and it’s something the course committee will consider early this year. The putting green has improved again this year and will continue to do so. With all the extra work going into improving the greens it’s very disappointing that again I have to mention the massive problem we have with Unrepaired Pitch Marks which cause scarring damage to the greens. We know lots of members do repair them but every member is responsible for repairing their own Pitch Marks and any others they see. </p><p>Fairways This year the fairways were cut at 15 mm during the summer playing season and we brought up the height of cut to 20 mm for the winter. We do this over the winter months to maintain good grass cover on the fairways. Again I would like to thank the members for their help in repairing divots by using the divot mix fill in the sand bags provided. It’s a huge help to the course staff in maintaining and presenting the fairways in the best possible condition while offering good lies for members and visitors. Just a reminder that the proper way to use the divot mix is that you should replace your divot first and then use the divot mix to smooth over. </p><p>Rough The rough was cut at 50 mm during the summer months and we dropped the height of cut to 40 mm for the winter months to aid drying and make it easier for members to find balls and to keep play moving. During the summer we introduced a semi-cut rough and we have had favourable comments from members and visitors.</p><p>Bunkers The bunkers played well this year and most bunkers are due to have the sand replaced for the new season. We regularly lose rakes to ‘uninvited visitors’ to the golf course. Members finding a bunker without a rake are requested to advise a member of course staff or the General Manager. It's very important that bunkers are left in the condition we would like to find them. Unfortunately, this year I again received lots of complaints regarding bunkers not being raked properly or in some cases not being raked at all. It’s very important that all members take on the responsibility of making sure bunkers are raked properly after playing our shots.</p><p>Tees. The new tees on the 3rd, 6th, 7th, 8th, 10th and 16th came into play this year and held up well. In line with the course plan we hope to upgrade the men’s 10th tee and medal tee on the 11th and also the ladies 18th tee. Again your help with the divot mix boxes on the par 3’s and the short par 4’s have been a great help to the staff in maintaining the tees. </p><p>Course Capital Expenditure The heavy investment we made in the upgraded irrigation system for the greens and tees again paid huge dividends during the prolonged dry and droughty spells this summer and it was even operational in November ‘16 during a prolonged dry spell. The quality of playing surfaces benefitted enormously as a result. Main items of capital equipment expenditure this year were the purchase of a Truturf Greens Iron at €15k which, when used, improves both the roll smoothness and ball speed of putts. In order to improve course presentation and also to reduce the punitive lies experienced from a ball rolling a few feet from the fairway into high rough, a Toro Semi-Rough mower was purchased at €24.6k, and is used to provide a lower height first-cut run on both sides of fairways. Our Hannix mini-digger went down on us in early season 2016 which we reconditioned at a cost of €9k which will see us get many more service years from it. The cost of safety alterations to the 13th hole came in well under the budget of €25k, at a cost of €14.5k. Course signage at €4.4k completed our 2016 capital programme. The main items of capital equipment expense for 2017, subject to available revenue, is a Toro Gator, carried forward from our 2016 plan, and a replacement Greens mower at €37k net. The Course Capital programme also seeks to further tidy up some of our trees whose roots or crowns are affecting turf quality. </p><p>Bowling Green The green performed well throughout the season. We plan to carry out more maintenance work early in the New Year. The goal is to ensure that the bowling green is treated on the same basis as all the greens in the Club. The green suffered from a few problems this year due to; the re-emergence of Pearlwort weed, typically associated with droughty sections, and bird pecking damage. The winter maintenance programme is in place and the green will be presented at its usual very high standard for the coming season.</p><p>Conclusion I would like to thank the members for their comments during the year regarding the course. I would like to thank General Manager Arthur for all his help and advice to me over the last 4 years and wish him well in retirement. I am looking forward to working with Superintendent Darragh and the course sub-committee again in 2017 and I hope all the members of the club have a great golfing year. The course committee, Darragh and I will make sure the course is presented to you in the best condition possibly. To help us do that please remember the 3R’s Repair Divots, Repair Pitch Marks, and Rake Bunkers. CONOR MURPHY, Course Officer</p><p>LADIES’ CLUB REPORT 2016</p><p>It has been an honour and a privilege for me to have been your Lady Captain for 2016. It has been a wonderful year and a great experience and I would like to thank all the members for their kindness and support throughout the year. We have had a lot of new lady members over my term and our Ladies’ Section is going from strength to strength with time sheets on Mondays and Thursdays being very well supported. Thanks to all who competed in our Inter-Club matches, to the managers, players and caddies for their hard work and commitment. Thanks to all our Committees; to Social for all the great nights of entertainment that they provided for us throughout the year, to House for helping with the refurbishment of the restaurant and maintaining standards in the Club, to Course for their input and hard work in improving the course for the members and to Management and Trustees who oversee the business affairs of our Club. Thanks also to Angela and Michael Melligan for organising and running the very successful ‘Nine & Dine’ Friday Mixed. Thanks also to Kevin Baxter Snr. and all his “elves” for the wonderful Santa Day that is provided each year for all the children. It is a very successful event and it’s down to all the hard work of Kevin and his team. To Arthur, and all the admin staff, catering, bar, house and security staff who all contribute to the very smooth running of the Club on a day-to-day basis. I want to thank them for their support and for always being available to help whenever they were called upon. To Eamonn, Kevin and Eoin in the Pro shop for their support and always providing a very warm welcome. Sincere thanks to my Ladies’ Committee for all their hard work and support. We worked together so well and they made my year so enjoyable and I have forged great friendships which I will treasure for many years to come. To the outgoing committee members, Jennifer and Sheila thank you for all your hard work. To President Sean for his support and friendship, many thanks and to Ian, it’s hard to believe that it’s a year since we came through the gates in our kilts banging on the drums but it’s been a pleasure to have shared the year with Ian who is a gentleman and we have forged a great friendship. There have been great highlights in my year. The Captains’ Charity Days ably assisted by our Social Committee raised over €14,500. We could not have achieved this without the generosity of all the members. The money was divided between our charities, Team 21 and Downs syndrome centre, plus the Autistic centre in Donnycarney My Lady Captain’s Golf Day and my Lady Captain’s Dinner were so enjoyable and this can only be attributed to the support and good wishes of all the Lady members. Thank you all for these memories and for the friendship shown to me throughout my year as your Lady Captain. I would like to wish all the members a very happy and healthy New Year and good golfing for 2017. Finally I would like to wish Dolores and John every success for 2017 and congratulate Marie and Jackie on their selection as Vice-Captains.</p><p>MAGS QUINN, Lady Captain MEN’S CLUB REPORT 2016</p><p>I have really enjoyed this year as your Captain and I would like to say a big “thank you” to Peter Mulvey for giving me the opportunity to do so.</p><p>My initial nerves settled after “marching in” to the Drive-In with the Lady Captain, both of us playing drums as part of the National Ambulance Service Pipe Band, accompanied by their two wonderful Irish wolfhound mascots, Mr Darcy and Keelagh. The party that followed the Drive-In got the year off to a great start and set the tone for what Lady Captain Mags, Bowling Captain Denis and I hoped would be a relaxed, inclusive and good humoured year. And it was.</p><p>The early season starters, our Snooker Team, finished a credible fourth in the league and were beaten semi-finalists in the cup having carried heavy penalty points throughout the season for their league and cup double win the previous year.</p><p>The outstanding golfers this year have to be our Junior Boys, who were guided and encouraged by their mentors Brendan Darcy and Chris Stafford. They won the Fingal League for a third year in a row and we now keep that trophy at Clontarf. Members of our Junior Boys also added the Applegreen Lord Mayor’s Cup (Paddy Byrne), the Golfer of the Year (Sean Kellett Jnr), the Paddy Skerritt Trophy (Dean Russell, at St Anne’s) to their list of “Wins”, in addition to being runners up in the Andy Desmond Trophy, qualifying for the Fred Daly Trophy for the first time, and reaching the 3 rd round of the Leinster Fourball and the Under 15’s also for the first time. Then three young men Sean Kellett, Padraig Rice and Sean Stafford featured on the Metro Cup panel. The one thing I will be very proud of from my year as Captain will be the establishment, along with Lady Captain Mags, of an ‘Academy’ approach to our Junior golf development at Clontarf.</p><p>Our Metropolitan Cup team, managed by Philip Duffy and Glenn Gibbons, went agonisingly close to adding to our reputation as being “Metro Cup specialists”, losing on the 23rd hole in the tie match of the final versus Killeen GC. Hard luck to all the team but well done nonetheless for a really super effort.</p><p>Congratulations to Darragh Congdon who created a new course record of 62 in spectacular style on his way to winning the Club Championship, and he did so surrounded by players whose own individual scores would have won the Club Championship in their own right in any other year. </p><p>To all the Team players, caddies, managers and supporters, my eternal thanks to all of you for your input, dedication and commitment in all the interclub matches that we participated in. My memories of following the many interclub matches over the last two years will be particularly fond memories for me. </p><p>The Captains’ Charity events were a great success. Thank you to the organisers and to the members and friends who supported these events – the Quiz Night, the Golf Day & Race Night and the Fashion Show. We had great fun in making it happen for our chosen local charities, the local Down Syndrome activity groups and the Autism Unit at Scoil Chiaráin Boys School on Collins Avenue. They were absolutely delighted with your generosity and support.</p><p>My thanks to my colleagues on the Management Committee and on the Men’s Club Committee for all your support and your good humour in getting the business of managing the Club’s affairs done. May I say a special ‘thank you’ to Club Secretary Shay Smith and Men’s Secretary Tom Sheridan for all their help this year, and to Brian Looby and his team on Tournament who went about their business quietly every week and who made all those competition events throughout the year run so smoothly. My thanks and congratulations to Conor Murphy and his team for the presentation of our course and the enhancements they have made to it. My thanks also to Kevin Baxter and his Santa Party team for a brilliant 23 rd year of making sure that Santa came to visit Clontarf Golf Club and to Dermot Gilroy for organising the Christmas Carols choir and concert, and to Michael and Angela Melligan for a great “Nine and Dine” Mixed series. And last but far from least, may I say a special thank you to our brilliant Social Committee led by Peggy Vather for all the wonderful social events we have enjoyed this year.</p><p>To the many sponsors this year, I want to thank you for that sponsorship and for your continued generosity. It means so much to a Captain to receive such support, which is also very much appreciated by our members. If you would like to sponsor a prize in 2017 please contact Vice-Captain John. If you have done so already, thank you very much.</p><p>There is no doubt that my Captains Day was a particular highlight of the year that I shall remember for a long time to come. This was all made possible by the hard work of the Social team, the Tournament Committee, a great BBQ by Tony O’Donnell and his Catering team and some great music from Tropical Storm. It was literally ‘standing room only’. There were some excellent scores posted on the day itself and in the qualifiers. I was really delighted that the winner of my Captain’s Prize was Liam O’Donohoe, especially having seen him play so consistently well in many inter-club matches over the last two years. I want to congratulate all of the winners of the Majors, Medals and Cups throughout the year.</p><p>I was very fortunate to be partnered with Lady Captain Mags and Bowling Captain Denis in our year as Captains. They have been two fantastic people to work with, to laugh with, to support and be supported by. My thanks to them and my congratulations to them for the special year they have just had. My thanks too to President Sean who has just had two special years as President and who was such a fantastic supporter over these last two years. </p><p>2017 will see Michael Tyndall take office as President and John McMahon, Dolores Farrell and Shay Carberry take office as Captain, Lady Captain and Bowling Captain respectively. I wish them all great success and enjoyment in office. I want to extend that same wish for success and enjoyment to the Vice-Captains elect Jackie Higgins and Marie McEneff, and to Vice-President elect Tommy Cooke. </p><p>I also wish to say many thanks to Eamonn, Kevin and Eoin in our Pro Shop and to Stephan Walsh for all their help, support and encouragement. To Arthur, Anna, Michelle and Eileen, my thanks to you for all your help and advice and my best wishes to Arthur and Anna for a long, happy and healthy retirement. And to Tony, Anna and all the Catering staff, and to Noel, Dean, Tommy, Matt, Clarisse and Rhyss on the Bar team my thanks to you too.</p><p>I want to thank all the members for their support, generosity and respect shown to me over the past two years. It was a wonderful experience and I have enjoyed every minute. I am bringing away with me great memories of these last two years as one experience. Thank you for that. </p><p>And finally my very best wishes to my Vice-Captain John and his wife Carole for 2017. Have a good one! IAN MAGUIRE, Captain BOWLING CLUB REPORT 2016</p><p>It has been a pleasure for me to serve the office of Bowling Captain of Clontarf Bowling Club in 2016.</p><p>In my opening address on the occasion of the unfurling back on the 19th of March 2016 I said I was looking forward to working with President Sean, Captain Ian, Lady Captain Mags, members of the Management Committee, the Bowling Committee, staff and the Bowling members. I wish to express my gratitude to all the above for their help in making my year as Bowling Captain the success and pleasure it was.</p><p>Our indoor bowling on Tuesday evenings in the lounge of the clubhouse opened our year. On behalf of organisers and supporters, both golfers and bowlers, we thank all for coming along and enjoying a great bit of fun.</p><p>Club competitions were very well supported and produced some very competitive games. We had a record number of entries .All games were a credit to the skill displayed by our bowlers. Congratulations to all the winners. The Clontarf Pairs competition was both a financial and a sporting success, thanks to the organisers who helped run this event. As always this competition produces a very high standard of play and this year was no exception. The Ladies played in LBLI Division 3 – and performed well - but the plan next year is to aim to win the McIntyre Cup again. We have several new lady members showing great promise and who are willing to play on our team. The Gentlemen were exceptional in their play: Competing in the Mecredy Cup Junior Fours, BLI Cup Junior Triples, and in the Nassau Singles. They did very well in BLI League and finished runner up in Division 3 – well done to all. Our Veterans team acquitted themselves well in their league, scoring some excellent results over the season.</p><p>Clontarf made a return visit to Cave Hill and we had a very enjoyable and successful day in retaining the Logan Cup. We look forward to their return trip to Clontarf next season. Clontarf Golf and Bowling Club made a return visit to Malone 12 Bowlers and 12Golfers. They had a great day and we were full of praise for their green, golf course and hospitality. We look forward to Malone visiting next season. I organised the Bowlers v Golfers Bowling competition which provided the opportunity to share our sport with the golfers. The resulting games were both enjoyable, sporting and social occasions. My thanks to all for taking part in this annual event. A record number of 52 played on the green that day. We also had a very successful Golfer/Bowler Pairs competition again in 2016 thanks to all who competed and helped run the event this year.</p><p>This year Clontarf Golf and Bowling Club continued the offer of 20 temporary bowling member positions at a reduced cost of €60 for non-golf members and €40 for golf members. It was a resounding success again and as a result we gained 15 new members. This offer will be made available in 2017 also.</p><p>My personal thanks to all those people who sponsored our competitions, which many do on a yearly basis. To my Vice-Captain Shay and to all the Officers of the Club I thank them for their support to me over the year and also for their attention to the duties of their offices. I would like to take this opportunity wish Shay a successful year as Captain in 2017.</p><p>Members of the Bowling Committee 2016 take a bow for your dedication and work over many long hours on behalf of our members. I have very happy memories of being your Captain for 2016, both on and off the green, and sincerely thank you all for these. </p><p>DENIS LYNCH, Bowling Captain OFFICERS AND MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE FOR 2016</p><p>OFFICERS</p><p>President: S. CARROLL Chairman: P. FAGAN Club Secretary: S. SMITH</p><p>Club Treasurer: T. CONSIDINE Greens Officer: C. MURPHY House Officer: D. DALTON</p><p>Captain: I. MAGUIRE Lady Captain: M. QUINN Bowling Captain: D. LYNCH</p><p>Trustees: M. GEOGHEGAN, B. CURRAN, M. COFFEY</p><p>Vice-President: M. TYNDALL</p><p>MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE (11)</p><p>P. FAGAN (Chairman) S. CARBERRY, T. CONSIDINE, D. DALTON, D. FARRELL, D. LYNCH, I. MAGUIRE, J. MCMAHON, C. MURPHY, M. QUINN, S. SMITH</p><p>General Manager: A. CAHILL</p><p>MEMBERSHIP NUMBERS</p><p>Membership Numbers at 31st October were as follows:</p><p>2016 2015 2016 2015</p><p>Ordinary 489 480 Lady Member 22 22 Retired Ordinary 64 69 Retired Lady 17 21 Life Honorary Male 91 87 Life Honorary Female 24 20 Five-Day 262 252 Bowling 57 55 Retired Five-Day 14 25 Bowling Retired 6 7 Five-Day Cleric 1 2 Honorary Bowlers 3 2 Honorary Members 27 28 Clubhouse/Retired 57 50 Intermediate Student 26 35 Country 15 14 Intermediate 19 12 Special 9 7 Junior 161 147 Leave of Absence 6 9</p>

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