<p> ANNOUNCEMENT</p><p>2012 Skate Canada PEI STARSKATE CHAMPIONSHIPS</p><p>Dates: March 2 to 4, 2012 Location: O’Leary Community Sports Centre Hosted by: O’Leary Figure Skating Club Sanctioned by: Skate Canada PEI Held in Conjunction with: Skate Canada PEI Synchronized Skating Championships</p><p>CONTENTS PAGE 1</p><p>GENERAL INFORMATION...... Contact Information ...... Arena(s) to be used ...... Accommodation...... Registration ...... Registration Fee ...... Coach Accreditation...... Music ...... Awards ...... Costuming...... Accidents/Liability...... </p><p>GENERAL REGULATIONS Eligibility to Compete ...... Event Specifications...... Results Calculation...... Event Marking Criteria, Tie Breaking and Factors...... Events to be Held...... </p><p>SERVICES Photography...... Videographer...... Skate Sharpening...... Entry Form...... 2012 ______STARSkate Championships 2 GENERAL INFORMATION</p><p>The 2012 Skate Canada PEI STARSkate Championships will be conducted in accordance with the regulations as set forth in the Skate Canada Rulebook. If not specifically stated otherwise in this document, the normal regulations governing skating will apply as indicated in Section 4000 and 7000 of the Skate Canada Rulebook, the Technical and Event Management Handbooks, the Policies and Procedures Manual and CPC Regulations.</p><p>Tech Rep</p><p>Name: Mary Ellen McInnis Address: 345 China Point Road Phone: 902.651.2697 Email: [email protected]</p><p>ARENA TO BE USED</p><p>Arena Name: Ice Surface Size: Address: O’Leary Community Sports Centre 85x200 Phone: 902.859.2168</p><p>ACCOMMODATIONS</p><p>The Official Hotel is: </p><p>Rodd Mill River Address: Woodstock Phone: 902.859.3555 or 1.800.565.7633</p><p>Rates: $110 for the first night $103 for the second night</p><p>Note: You are responsible for making your own reservations.</p><p>2012 ______STARSkate Championships 3 REGISTRATION</p><p>Skaters must register by completing the application form attached to this announcement and returning it to the address below by Jan 9th, 2012. The acceptance of late entries is at the discretion of the Section in consultation with the Technical Representative.</p><p>Return application forms to: Michelle Neill 1427 Rustico Road- route 7 Oyster Bed, C1E 0X8 902.218.1590 [email protected]</p><p>All skaters and coaches must register on-site at the O’Leary Community Sports Centre. Registration will be held on the day of your event.</p><p>REGISTRATION FEES</p><p>Freestyle Events $20.00 Interpretive Events $20.00 Dance Events $30.00/team Team Events $20.00/team Gold Creative Skills $20.00 Creative Solo Dance $20.00 Pairs Event $30.00/team</p><p>COACH ACCREDITATION</p><p>Coaches must be a minimum of NCCP Primary STARSkate Coach Certified and must meet the following accreditation standards: be a current professional coaching member of Skate Canada hold a valid First Aid Certificate</p><p>Coaches must register in person and show their photo ID card.</p><p>MUSIC</p><p>All music used must be in the public domain or covered by the performing rights societies.</p><p>2012 ______STARSkate Championships 4 Competitors who have music composed especially for their program either wholly or in part, shall be responsible for obtaining a written release from the composer for the use of such music on radio and television or appropriate clearance from the performing rights societies.</p><p>For the information of Dance competitors: 2001 Skate Canada Series 8 music will be used for all pattern dance events.</p><p>Music Requirements Each entry must provide two CDs or cassettes for the competition upon registration. One for competition (marked "Master") and one for back up (marked "Copy"). If two CDs are provided, it is recommended that a back-up cassette be available.</p><p>Standard Specifications for CDs and Cassettes 1. Only one program shall be recorded on each CD or cassette. 2. The start of the music shall be recorded on the CD or tape with less than two seconds of lead in. 3. Skater’s name followed by music time (not skating time) shall be clearly printed on side one of the CD or cassette. 4. Each CD or cassette shall be enclosed in its plastic container marked with the skater's name, event and total music time</p><p>AWARDS</p><p>Medals will be presented to the top three finalists of each discipline. In the case of only two entries, each entry shall be awarded a prize. The presentation schedule will be available at registration. </p><p>COSTUMING</p><p>The clothing for all competitors must be modest, dignified and appropriate for athletic competition – not garish or theatrical in design. Accessories and props are not permitted.</p><p>ACCIDENTS / LIABILITY</p><p>Skate Canada, the host Section/Club and the Local Volunteer Team undertake no responsibility for damages or injuries suffered by skaters. As a condition of and in consideration of their entries in these Championships, all competitors and their parents or guardians shall be deemed to agree to assume all risks or injuries to the competitor’s person and property resulting from, or caused by or connected with, the conduct and management of the competitions and to release any and all claims they may have </p><p>2012 ______STARSkate Championships 5 against the officials, the Association, the Section, the Volunteer Team and against their officers and their entries shall be accepted only on these conditions. GENERAL REGULATIONS</p><p>ELIGIBILITY TO COMPETE (From Skate Canada Rule 5401)</p><p> Be eligible person(s) as defined in Skate Canada Rule Book Section 2100 (Rule 5401).</p><p> Be Associate member(s) in good standing of the Association (Rule 5401). </p><p> For eligibility in a Sectional STARSkate competition, please note the following restrictions: COMPETITIVE SKATERS: Skaters registered to compete in any event at the Novice or higher level at a Sectional or Sectional qualifying competition, do not qualify to compete in the Sectional STARSkate Championships in any category at any level. Skaters registered to compete in the Pre-Novice level at a Sectional or Sectional qualifying competition may register to compete in event categories at the STARSkate level other than those competed in at a Sectional or Sectional qualifying competition. Please see the table below for the qualifications for entry.</p><p>For purposes of interpretation of this regulation, registration for a Sectional or qualifying event is defined as the submission of a registration form for such event.</p><p>Competitive Category (registered Events that may be entered at the for at Sectionals or Sectional Sectional STARSkate Championships qualifying event) (or qualifying event) Novice and higher in Singles, Pairs No events and Dance Pre-Novice Competitive Dance Free Skate, Pairs, Interpretive, Skating Skills Pre-Novice Competitive Singles Pairs, Dance, Interpretive, Skating Skills Pre-Novice Competitive Pairs Free Skate, Dance, Interpretive, Skating Skills Competitive Synchronized Skater All events</p><p></p><p>2012 ______STARSkate Championships 6 WINNER OF A PREVIOUS QUALIFYING EVENT LEADING TO THE SECTIONAL STARSKATE CHAMPIONSHIPS: A previous winner of a qualifying event for the Sectional STARSkate Championships is eligible to re-enter the same qualifying event provided that the competitor is still eligible to enter the corresponding category.</p><p> TEST AND AGE PREREQUISITES: Competitors wishing to enter the 2012 Skate Canada PEI STARSkate Championships and events leading to it shall meet the test requirements to compete before November 15 preceding the competition. Age requirements shall be met before October 1 preceding the competition.</p><p> COMPETITIVE SINGLES TEST EQUIVALENCIES IN THE STARSkate PROGRAM: As regulation 4000 –E – 3.1 states, skaters passing free skating tests in the competitive test system are granted equivalencies for regular free skating tests as follows: </p><p>Juvenile Competitive Singles Test = Junior Silver Free Skating Test Pre-Novice Competitive Singles Test = Senior Silver Free Skating Test Novice Competitive Singles Test = Gold Free Skating Test Junior or Senior Competitive Singles Test = Gold Free Skating Test</p><p>Skaters who have passed any of the competitive test equivalencies must enter the STARSkate Championships at the level corresponding to their highest STARSkate test passed or at the level which they received the equivalency in the STARSkate Program, whichever is higher.</p><p> Skaters may participate in either the 2012 Skate Canada PEI STARSkate Championships or the 2012 Adult Figure Skating Championships, but not both.</p><p> In the case where the test requirements deadline for the event is November 15, 2011 skaters may skate up in the free skate categories if desired. Skating up is not permitted in the Skating Skills and Interpretive events. </p><p> Should a Free Skate, Interpretive or Skating Skills event have only one entry, the skater will be given the option to skate at the next level or skate an exhibition. In the case of a dance category with only one entry, there will be no option to skate at the next level. </p><p>2012 ______STARSkate Championships 7 EVENT SPECIFICATIONS</p><p>(1) EVENT COMPOSITION: In normal circumstances, each category at the competition must be held for men and women separately. It is permissible for events that do not progress skaters on to a subsequent level of STARSkate Interclub competition to combine events as follows:</p><p>(a) Combine two or more categories in the same event when each category has fewer than three entries; (b) Combine two or more categories in the same event when one category has insufficient entries to hold the event;</p><p>The decision to combine events is at the discretion of the technical representative and the host committee. </p><p>In any of the above cases, categories may be combined – only with full prior knowledge and agreement of all competitors affected.</p><p>(2) GROUPING SKATERS BY AGE: The following guideline is suggested for grouping skaters:</p><p>(a) For events that require grouping because of a large number of entries, the following procedure may be used: </p><p>(i) In a category that does not progress skaters on to a final round, skaters may be divided and grouped according to age. (ii) In an event that progresses skaters on to a final round, skaters in the same category must be divided and grouped by random draw.</p><p>(3) GROUPING SKATERS BY TEST LEVEL: Due to a large number of entries in the Pre- Introductory Interpretive, skaters may be divided and grouped according to Free Skate test level.</p><p>(4) COMPOSITION OF PARTNERS: Couples for Dance and Pairs events may be comprised of two women (one performing the man’s steps), one woman and one man or two men. Similar and mixed couples may compete against each other. </p><p>2012 ______STARSkate Championships 8 RESULTS CALCULATION</p><p>Please note that the CPC judging system will be used for Junior Bronze and higher free skating and Team event, Junior Bronze and higher pattern dances, all interpretive and pair events, and creative skating skills events. For all other events the “OBO” (one-by- one) results calculation method will be used.</p><p>EVENT MARKING CRITERIA, TIE BREAKING AND FACTORS</p><p>CPC: EVENT MARKING CRITERIA TIE BREAKER Free Skate and Team Technical Score, Program Components (Junior Bronze and higher) Components Dance (Junior Bronze and higher) Technical Score, Program Technical Pattern 1 & 2 Components Interpretive Program Components IN, PE, CH, SS, TR* Creative Solo Dance Technical Score, Program Components Components Creative Skating Skills Technical Score, Program Technical Components *Note: For interpretive events, ties are broken based on the individual component scores in priority according to the order listed.</p><p>OBO: EVENT MARKING CRITERIA FACTOR % TIE BREAKER Free Skate and Team Technical Merit, 1.0 100 2nd mark (Pre-Preliminary and Presentation Preliminary) Pairs Technical Merit, 1.0 100 1st mark (Open and Junior Bronze) Presentation Dance (Preliminary) Technique, 0.5 50 1st mark Pattern 1 Timing/Expression Pattern 2 Technique, 0.5 50 1st mark Timing/Expression</p><p>2012 ______STARSkate Championships 9 EVENTS TO BE HELD</p><p>The following events may be offered at the Sectional STARSkate Championships:</p><p>(1) FREE SKATE EVENTS</p><p>(A) INTRODUCTORY FREE SKATE</p><p>(i) TEST: Must not have passed any part of any Skate Canada free skate, skills or complete Preliminary dance test. Must be a first year competitor (not competed in anything but a Canskate competition; ie ADL or Interclub)</p><p>(ii) SPECIFICATIONS FOR EVENT: One free program of 1:30 minutes in length (+ / - 10 seconds). </p><p>(B) PRE-PRELIMINARY FREE SKATE</p><p>(i) TEST: Must not have passed the complete Preliminary Free Skate test</p><p>(ii) SPECIFICATIONS FOR EVENT: One free program of 1:30 minutes in length (+ / - 10 seconds)</p><p>(C) PRELIMINARY FREE SKATE</p><p>(i) TEST: May have passed the Preliminary Free Skate test but no higher complete Free Skate test</p><p>(ii) SPECIFICATIONS FOR EVENT: One free program of 1:30 minutes in length (+/- 10 seconds)</p><p>(D) JUNIOR BRONZE FREE SKATE</p><p>(i) TEST: May have passed the Jr. Bronze Free Skate test but no higher complete Free Skate test</p><p>2012 ______STARSkate Championships 10 (ii) SPECIFICATIONS FOR EVENT: One free program of 2:00 minutes in length (+/- 10 seconds)</p><p>(E) SENIOR BRONZE FREE SKATE</p><p>(H) TEST: May have passed the Sr. Bronze Free Skate test but no higher complete Free Skate test</p><p>(H) SPECIFICATIONS FOR EVENT: One free program of 2:30 minutes in length (+/- 10 seconds)</p><p>(F) JUNIOR SILVER FREE SKATE</p><p>(H) TEST: May have passed the Jr. Silver Free Skate test but no higher complete Free Skate test</p><p>(ii) SPECIFICATIONS FOR EVENT: One free program of 3:00 minutes in length (+/- 10 seconds)</p><p>(G) SENIOR SILVER FREE SKATE</p><p>(i) TEST: May have passed the Sr. Silver Free Skate test but no higher complete Free Skate test</p><p>(ii) SPECIFICATIONS FOR EVENT: One free program of 3:00 minutes in length (+/- 10 seconds)</p><p>(H) GOLD FREE SKATE</p><p>(i) TEST: May have passed the Gold Free Skate test </p><p>(ii) SPECIFICATIONS FOR EVENT: One free program of 3:30 (women) or 4:00 (men) minutes in length (+/- 10 seconds)</p><p>(2) INTERPRETIVE EVENTS </p><p>(A) PRE- INTRODUCTORY INTERPRETIVE </p><p>(i) TEST: Must not have passed any Skate Canada Interpretive Skating test</p><p>(ii) SPECIFICATIONS FOR EVENT: One Interpretive program of 2:00 to 3:00 minutes in length (+/- 10 seconds)</p><p>2012 ______STARSkate Championships 11 (B) INTRODUCTORY INTERPRETIVE</p><p>(i) TEST: Must have passed the Introductory Interpretive test but no higher interpretive test </p><p>(ii) SPECIFICATIONS FOR EVENT: One Interpretive program of 2:00 to 3:00 minutes in length (+/- 10 seconds)</p><p>(C) BRONZE INTERPRETIVE </p><p>(i) TEST: Must have passed the Bronze Interpretive test but no higher interpretive test </p><p>(ii) SPECIFICATIONS FOR EVENT: One Interpretive program of 2:00 to 3:00 minutes in length (+/- 10 seconds)</p><p>(D) SILVER INTERPRETIVE </p><p>(i) TEST: Must have passed the Silver Interpretive test but no higher Interpretive test </p><p>(ii) SPECIFICATIONS FOR EVENT: One Interpretive program of 2:00 to 3:00 minutes in length (+/- 10 seconds)</p><p>(E) GOLD INTERPRETIVE </p><p>(i) TEST: Must have passed the Gold Interpretive test</p><p>(ii) SPECIFICATIONS FOR EVENT: One Interpretive program of 2:00 to 3:00 minutes in length (+/- 10 seconds)</p><p>(3) SKATING SKILLS EVENTS</p><p>Gold Creative SKATING SKILL</p><p>(i) TEST: Must have passed the Gold Skating Skills test</p><p>(ii) SPECIFICATIONS FOR EVENT: Skaters will perform an exercise of their own creation as per the Creative Exercise specifications</p><p>2012 ______STARSkate Championships 12 MARKING SKATING SKILLS: Skating Skills exercises will be given two marks which will be added together to determine a total mark for each exercise from each judge. The marking criteria are Technique and Performance. The mark for Technique will break the tie. Components of each mark are outlined below: Technique: Edge Quality, Ice Coverage, Correctness of Steps</p><p>Performance: Ease of Motion, Posture</p><p>(4) DANCE EVENTS</p><p>Note: Dances are to be skated in the order listed. Skaters should practice skating the dance from either end of the ice as they may be required to skate starting from their designated end of the ice. The number of dance patterns to be skated shall be the same as for Evaluated Tests. Please refer to the Skate Canada Technical Handbook Figure Skating Terms Defined – 3.15 (2).</p><p>(A) PRELIMINARY DANCE a (i) TEST: At least one partner must have passed the complete Preliminary Dance test and not the complete Junior Bronze Dance test</p><p>(ii) SPECIFICATIONS FOR EVENT: Dutch Waltz and Baby Blues</p><p>(B) JUNIOR BRONZE DANCE</p><p>(i) TEST: At least one partner must have passed the complete Junior Bronze Dance test and not the complete Senior Bronze Dance test</p><p>(ii) SPECIFICATIONS FOR EVENT: Swing and Fiesta Tango </p><p>(C) SENIOR BRONZE DANCE</p><p>(i) TEST: At least one partner must have passed the complete Senior Bronze Dance test and not the complete Junior Silver Dance test</p><p>(ii) SPECIFICATIONS FOR EVENT: Ten Fox and Fourteenstep</p><p>(D) JUNIOR SILVER DANCE</p><p>2012 ______STARSkate Championships 13 (i) TEST: At least one partner must have passed the complete Junior Silver Dance test and not the complete Senior Silver Dance test</p><p>(ii) SPECIFICATIONS FOR EVENT: Harris Tango and Rocker Foxtrot </p><p>(E) SENIOR SILVER DANCE</p><p>(i) TEST: At least one partner must have passed the complete Senior Silver Dance test and not the complete Gold Dance test</p><p>(ii) SPECIFICATIONS FOR EVENT: Starlight Waltz and Kilian</p><p>(F) GOLD DANCE</p><p>(i) TEST: At least one partner must have passed the complete Gold Dance test and not the complete Diamond Dance test</p><p>(ii) SPECIFICATIONS FOR EVENT: Blues and Quickstep</p><p>(G) DIAMOND DANCE </p><p>(i) TEST: At least one partner must have passed the complete Diamond Dance test</p><p>(ii) SPECIFICATIONS FOR EVENT: Viennese Waltz and Argentine Tango</p><p>(H) BRONZE CREATIVE SOLO DANCE</p><p>(i) TEST: Must have passed the complete Junior Bronze Dance test but not the complete Senior Bronze Dance test.</p><p>(ii) SPECIFICATIONS FOR EVENT: This competition shall consist of one part: CREATIVE DANCE: One selection of Skate Canada or ISU music or a free choice of music selected from the compulsory dance rhythms of the Senior Bronze Dance Test. No time requirement. The pattern shall consist of a full circuit of the ice or a half pattern repeated. Technical requirements as per the Bronze Creative Dance test. </p><p>2012 ______STARSkate Championships 14 (I) SILVER CREATIVE SOLO DANCE </p><p>(i) TEST: Must have passed the complete Junior Silver Dance test but not the complete Senior Silver Dance</p><p>(ii) SPECIFICATIONS FOR EVENT: This competition shall consist of one part: CREATIVE DANCE: A 2.0 minute (+/ - 10 seconds) dance created to Skate Canada or ISU music or a free choice of music selected from the compulsory dance rhythms of the Senior Silver Dance Test. Technical requirements as per the Silver Creative Dance test.</p><p>(J) GOLD CREATIVE SOLO DANCE </p><p>(i) TEST: Must have passed the complete Senior Silver Dance test or higher.</p><p>(ii) SPECIFICATIONS FOR EVENT: This competition shall consist of one part:</p><p> CREATIVE DANCE: A 2.5 minute (+/ - 10 seconds) dance created to Skate Canada or ISU music or a free choice of music selected from the compulsory dance rhythms of the Gold Dance and Diamond Dance tests. Technical requirements as per the Gold Creative Dance test.</p><p>(5) PAIR EVENTS</p><p>(A) OPEN PAIR</p><p>(i) TEST: Each partner must have passed at least the Preliminary Free Skate test but no higher.</p><p>(ii) SPECIFICATIONS FOR EVENT: One free program of 2:00 minutes in length (+/- 10 seconds) </p><p>(B) Junior Bronze PAIR</p><p>(i) TEST: Each partner must have passed the Junior Bronze Freeskate test. There are no other test restrictions</p><p>2012 ______STARSkate Championships 15 (ii) SPECIFICATIONS FOR EVENT: One free program of 2:30 minutes in length (+/- 10 seconds)</p><p>(6) TEAM EVENTS Teams will consist of 4 skaters, (in case of sickness, a team of 3 will be allowed to compete), each skater will skate one element (in case of sickness 1 skater will skate 2 elements). A skater cannot skate for 2 different teams at the same competition) Skaters may skate up a category. </p><p>(A) Pre Preliminary Team Must not have passed the complete Preliminary Free Skate Test Salchow Toe loop Sitspin Spiral</p><p>(B) Preliminary Team Must have passed the Preliminary Free Skate Test, but not the complete Junior Bronze Free Skate Test Loop Lutz Camel Spin Footwork across width of the ice</p><p>(C) Junior Bronze Team Must have passed the Junior Bronze Free Skate Test, but not the complete Senior Bronze Free Skate Test Lutz/loop combination Axel Camel / sit spin Spiral with a change of edge</p><p>(D) Senior Bronze Team Must have passed the Senior Bronze Free Skate Test, but not the complete Junior Silver Free Skate Test. Must not have passed a competitive singles test. One skater may have passed the Juvenile Singles test, but not the Pre Novice Singles test. Double Salchow Axel double toe combination Flying camel spin Circular footwork sequence</p><p>(E) Junior Silver Team</p><p>2012 ______STARSkate Championships 16 Must have passed the Junior Silver Free Skate Test, but not the complete Senior Silver Free Skate Test. One skater may have passed the Pre Novice Singles test, but not the Novice Singles test. Double Loop/Double Loop Double Flip Flying Camel/back sit spin Layback f</p><p>SERVICES</p><p>PHOTOGRAPHY---TBA</p><p>VIDEOGRAPHER---TBA</p><p>SKATE SHARPENING ---TBA</p><p>THIS ANNOUNCEMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE</p><p>2012 ______STARSkate Championships 17</p>
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