<p> TABLE I</p><p>CROPLAND</p><p>A. SOIL RESOURCE QUALITY CRITERIA</p><p>RESOURCE CONCERN DEFINITION INDICATORS AND TARGET VALUES ASSESSMENT TOOLS A.1. Soil Erosion</p><p>The detachment and Indicator: Soil Survey; A.1.a. Sheet and Rill transport of soil particles Assessment of soil loss from field(s) evaluated; Wind Erosion Equation; by surface runoff and/or Assessment of crop residue amounts; RUSLE; A.1.b. Wind the detachment and Target Value: transport of soil particles T < 1Ton/Acre/Year for the rotation cycle; Climatic Data; by wind forces resulting in Wind erosion and sheet and rill erosion are at a loss of soil productivity FOTG Section IV-Residue rates that will sustain the soil resource; or a negative impact to Management, Seasonal other resources. Crop residues are adequate to protect soil from Conservation Practice accelerated wind erosion during high risk periods; Specification and Practice Documentation Worksheet;</p><p>Concentrated flow Indicator: Visual Observations; channels along Assessment of overland flow patterns and deep A.1.c. Ephemeral Client Interview; Gully/ depressional water rill formation; Concentrated courses that begin where Observation of the presence of active NEH 3: Sedimentation; overland flow, including concentrated flow channels. Flow rills, converge. Usually Target Value: obscured by tillage Absence of concentrated flow channels; operations. Potential concentrated flow channels do not require intensive tillage or special treatment; No recent rill development; Old rills have blunted or muted features;</p><p>Gullies are channels that Indicator: Visual Observations; may grow or enlarge from Observation of the presence of active nick point Client Interview; A.1.d. Classic Gully year to year by head- at head of gully or active side-cutting; cutting and lateral Target Value: NFH, Chapter 2; widening. Gullies are too Head-cutting is stopped, gully sideslopes are TR-55; deep to be erased by stabilized, and no active erosion occurs in the normal tillage operations. channel bottom; Base assessment on 10- year, 24-hour storm event.</p><p>The movement of soil Indicator: BLM TR 1737-9 (1993) from sloughing of Functioning Condition of streams and associated Process for Assessing Proper A.1.e. Streambank streambanks caused by riparian or wetland areas relative to site capability Functioning Condition; overbank flow, unstable and potential; Proper Functioning Condition soils, bank scour at Target Value: Standard Checklist; obstructions, unstable Riparian area assessment shows a Functional channel bottom, or all of Rating of either Proper Functioning Condition or USGS Streamflow Data; these conditions. Functional-At Risk with an Upward Trend;</p><p>Soil erosion that is caused Indicator: Visual Observation; by excessive amounts or Presence of sediments in runoff water from FOTG Section IV-Anionic A.1.f. Irrigation velocities of water in irrigated fields; Polyacrylamide (PAM) Erosion Induced border, row, furrow, Evaluation of irrigation system and management Control Practice Specification and/or sprinkler irrigation using Farm Irrigation Rating Index (FIRS); and Practice Documentation water applications or by Target Value: Worksheet; water conveyances and No sediments in runoff water from irrigated fields; tracks from center pivot Farm Irrigation Rating System FIRS factors Md, S, I, M, and SCI 0.95; systems. (FIRS) and Farm Irrigation FIRS factors Wc and Sd (sprinkler systems) or Rating Index (FIRI); factors Ce and L (surface systems) show a minimum increase of 0.5; FUSED; RUSLE; PAM is applied at recommended amount; SPFR;</p><p>TECHNICAL GUIDE USDA-NRCS/Nevada SECTION III July 2002 TABLE I CROPLAND</p><p>A. SOIL RESOURCE QUALITY CRITERIA</p><p>RESOURCE CONCERN DEFINITION INDICATORS AND TARGET VALUES ASSESSMENT TOOLS A.2. Soil Condition</p><p>Unsuitable soil tilth. Soil Indicator: Visual Observation; A.2.a. Soil Tilth, tilth is the condition of the Assessment of crop production history and nutrient Soil Crusting, soil based on suitable management program; Client Interview; combinations of mineral, Water Infiltration, air, water, and organic Target Value: NRCS Nevada Technical Note Organic Matter matter, resulting in a Soil Condition Rating has a (), or soil-improving score; TN-AGRONOMY-15 -"Soil proper medium in which Conditioning Index"; microbial activity and chemical reactions can occur.</p><p>An increase in soil bulk Indicator: Visual Observation; A.2.b. Soil density (weight per unit Presence of soil compaction layers; Compaction volume) that impairs soil Assessment of tillage and harvest operations (timing, no. Client Interview; productivity. passes, etc.) Soil auger , soil probe, or shovel; Target Value: If present, compaction layers represent <20% of field and are Penetrometer; <1-inch thick and are only weakly restrictive to water movement and root penetration; Soil Survey; Tillage and harvest operations present minimum number of equipment entries in field;</p><p>Soil contamination by Indicator: Visual Observation; Soil Contaminants excess chemical content, Soil test; Client Interview A.2.c. Excess salinity, selenium, boron, Soil Electrical Conductivity (ECx103) and pH; Chemical Content, and heavy metals. Health history and observation of animals consuming Technical references on plant soil Contaminants include harvested crop or crop aftermath; salinity/ chemical element Salinity, Selenium, desirable and undesirable tolerance and heavy metal chemical elements in Target Value: Boron, Heavy Metals 3 tolerance and/or uptake ability; either organic or Soil ECx10 and pH within range of tolerance for plants within inorganic forms that the field(s) evaluated NEH-Part 623, Section 623.0205 restrict the desired use of No observable or recorded adverse impacts to animals "Leaching Requirement"; the soil. consuming harvested crop or crop aftermath;</p><p>Indicator: Soil Contaminants Excess animal waste and Client interview; other organics restrict the Expected crop production level; A.2.d. Excess desired use of the soil. Current soil tests; Phosphorus Index (PI); Animal Waste and Contaminants include the Kind, nutrient content, method of application, and amounts of Nutrient Management Other Organics amount of both desirable animal waste (manure) applied; Conservation Practice (Code and undesirable organic Determination of Phosphorus Index (PI); 590) Specification; elements or compounds. Target Value: Low PI rating; Nutrient Management Animal wastes applied according to soil test and crop needs to Conservation Practice meet production objectives and according to Nutrient Documentation Worksheet; Management Practice Specifications;</p><p>Indicator: Soil Contaminants Excess fertilizer Visual Observation; application or quantity of Expected crop production level; A.2.e. Excess nutrients applied restricts Current soil tests; Client interview Fertilizer the desired use of the Kind (formulation), method of application, and amounts of Phosphorus Index (PI); soil. Contaminants fertilizer applied; include desirable and Determination of Phosphorus Index (PI) Nutrient Management undesirable chemical Target Value: Conservation Practice (Code elements in either organic Low PI rating; 590) Specification and Practice or inorganic forms. Fertilizer applied according to soil test and crop needs to meet Documentation Worksheet; production objectives and Nutrient Management Conservation Soil test reports; Practice Specifications;</p><p>Excess pesticides occur if Indicator: Soil Contaminants Pesticide Screening Tool the application method, Pesticides selected for use minimize adverse environmental (NAPRA) A.2.f. Excess pesticide type, or the effects and are applied in forms, at rates, and during times to Pesticides quantity of the pesticide avoid soil contamination; Windows Pesticide Screening residuals, restrict desired Target Value: Tool (WIN-PST); use of the soil. Risk assessment for use of pesticide(s) scores a Low or Very Low rating;</p><p>TECHNICAL GUIDE USDA-NRCS/Nevada SECTION III July 2002 TABLE I</p><p>CROPLAND</p><p>A. SOIL RESOURCE QUALITY CRITERIA</p><p>RESOURCE CONCERN DEFINITION INDICATORS AND TARGET VALUES ASSESSMENT TOOLS A.3. Soil Deposition</p><p>Deposition is the eroded Indicator: Visual Observation; Observation of fields within management unit; A.3.a. Onsite material that has been moved Client Interview; Damage and re-deposited to another Target Value: site within the same No visual damage or impairment to plants NEH Section3 management unit. Need to in field due to deposition is apparent; "Sedimentation"; rework ground because of sediment thickness and distribution; pasture plants destroyed; and deposited material is infertile, especially with coarse textured sediment.</p><p>A.3.b. Offsite Offsite damage occurs from Indicator: Visual Observations; Observation of agricultural production in fields Damage sediment that originates within Client Interview ; the management unit. Need outside of the management unit; to rework ground because of Target Value: NEH Section3 sediment thickness and No visual damage or impairment to "Sedimentation"; distribution; plants destroyed; agricultural lands is apparent that is and deposited material is attributable to sediment originating within infertile. Offsite effects are management unit; presently less than onsite because of increased distance from source problem. </p><p>A.3.c. Onsite Deposition on roads and Indicator: Visual Observation; Observation of transportation corridors Safety railroads that cause an Client Interview; increased accident risk and (including vehicle travel lanes) within management unit; potential loss of life, and limits access for emergency Target Value: vehicles to sites within the No visual damage or impairment to management unit. transportation corridors, property, crops, land, or water within the management unit is apparent;</p><p>Deposition on roads and Indicator: Visual Observation; A.3.d. Offsite railroads away from the Safety Observation of transportation corridors (roads management unit that cause or vehicle travel lanes outside of the Client Interview; an increased accident risk and management unit; potential loss of life, and limits Target Value: access for emergency No visual damage or impairment to vehicles. Offsite effects are property, transportation corridors, land, or presently less than onsite water is apparent that is attributable to because of increased distance sediment originating within management from source problem. unit;</p><p>TECHNICAL GUIDE USDA-NRCS/Nevada SECTION III July 2002 TABLE I</p><p>CROPLAND</p><p>B. WATER RESOURCE QUALITY CRITERIA</p><p>RESOURCE CONCERN DEFINITION INDICATORS AND TARGET VALUES ASSESSMENT TOOLS B.1. Water Quantity</p><p>Subsurface water flows Indicator: Visual Observation; Excess Amounts Soil surface moisture conditions; onto the surface of the Client Interview; B.1.a. Seeps land. Evaluation of crop productivity; Target Value: Irrigation Guide; Seeps are controlled to the extent that there is no Soil Survey; reduction in desired crop production, trafficability or slope stability; </p><p>Excess runoff water Indicator: Visual Observation; Excess Amounts Observation/evaluation of crop plants and accumulates on the Client Interview; B.1.b. Runoff/ surface and impacts the management unit infrastructure components (i.e., fence, irrigation system, etc.). Flooding desired land use. Floodplain Maps; Target Value: Assessments based on Soil Survey; 2-year, 24-hour, storm No observable damage to land, crop productivity, or event to define excess management unit infrastructure; Flood Hazard Study; runoff. For those instances where the management of excess surface water is restricted due to lawful NFH Chapter 2; regulations such as those pertaining to wetlands and TR-55; riparian areas, the quality criteria will be met if pertinent policy and laws are followed; NOAA Atlas Maps;</p><p>Subsurface water Indicator: Visual Observation; Excess Amounts Water table depth; accumulates in the soil Client Interview; B.1.c. Subsurface profile, which adversely Evaluation of irrigation system and management Water affects plant growth and using Farm Irrigation Rating Index (FIRS); NEH "Drainage" Evaluation of crop productivity; production operations. NEH Part 652 Target Value: Irrigation Guide Chapter 7 Water table depth in test wells is below crop root Section 652.0708; zone; FIRS factors Md, S, I, M, and SCI 0.95; Farm Irrigation Rating Index FIRS factors Wc and Sd (sprinkler systems) or (FIRS); factors Ce and L (surface systems) show a DRAINMOD; minimum increase of 0.5; SWRRB; Crop production comparable to expected yields for SPAW; local area and field conditions; SRFR; BORDER;</p><p>Water conveyance Indicator: Visual Observation; B.1.d. Inadequate Evaluation of conveyance capacity of irrigation channels and structures Client Interview; Outlets to collect and remove and drainage systems and outlets; water from the land are Target Value: NFH Chapter 2; unsuitable. Water discharges are safely managed through TR-55; stable outlets of adequate capacity and do not cause erosion, incised channels, unacceptable deposition NOAA Atlas Maps; loads, or excess ponding of water; </p><p>TECHNICAL GUIDE USDA-NRCS/Nevada SECTION III July 2002 TABLE I</p><p>CROPLAND</p><p>B. WATER RESOURCE QUALITY CRITERIA</p><p>RESOURCE CONCERN DEFINITION INDICATORS AND TARGET VALUES ASSESSMENT TOOLS B.1. Water Quantity (continued)</p><p>Inefficient and/or untimely Indicator: Visual Observation; B.1.e. Water Runoff from fields; utilization of existing water Client Interview; Management supplies. Large flows in drains; for Irrigated Crop yields; Pumping Records; Energy costs; Land Farm Irrigation Rating System Target Value: (FIRS) and Farm Irrigation The amount and frequency of application of Rating Index (FIRI); irrigation water is suited to the needs of the desired plants within the field; Surface Irrigation Simulation FIRS factors Md, S, I, M, and SCI 0.95; Model (SRFR); FIRS factors Wc and Sd (sprinkler systems) NEH Part 623 "Irrigation or factors Ce and L (surface systems) show Water Requirements"; a minimum increase of 0.05; NEH Part 652 Irrigation Guide;</p><p>Onsite - Onfarm water Indicator: Visual Observation; Restricted Capacity Assessment of irrigation system design quantity that affects onfarm Client Interview; from Sediment drainage ditches, roadside flows and evaluation of loss of capacity; Deposition in Small ditches, culverts, and canals. Evaluations of management unit and offsite NEH-Chapter 5 "Hydraulics"; Water Conveyance water conveyance capacity losses; Offsite - Water quantity that EFM Chapter 3 "Hydraulics"; affects drainage ditches, Target Value: B.1.g. Onsite Onsite and offsite water conveyances provide EFM Chapter 6 "Structures"; roadside ditches, culverts, and B.1.h. Offsite for design flow capacity and management unit canals. Offsite practice does not contribute to an offsite problem; effects are generally less than onsite because of increased distance.</p><p>Water quantity that is affected Indicator: Visual Observation; Restricted Capacity because of loss of storage Assessment of capacities and evaluation of Client Interview; from Sediment capacity as well as the loss of loss of capacity; Deposition conveyance capacity. Observation of sediment being delivered to B.1.i. Water Bodies, receiving waters and determination of sediment source(s); Streams, Lakes Target Value: Loss of storage capacity does not exceed design or expected rates; Sediment sources are identified and treatment prescribed; </p><p>TECHNICAL GUIDE USDA-NRCS/Nevada SECTION III July 2002 TABLE I</p><p>CROPLAND</p><p>B. WATER RESOURCE QUALITY CRITERIA</p><p>RESOURCE CONCERN DEFINITION INDICATORS AND TARGET VALUES ASSESSMENT TOOLS B.2. Ground Water Quality - Contaminants</p><p>Water pollution problems Indicator: Windows Pesticide Screening from pesticides. Pesticide Pesticides selected for use minimize adverse Tool (WIN-PST); environmental effects and are applied in forms, at B.2.a. Pesticides means "all" chemicals used Soil survey; to manage weeds, insects, rates, and during times so that no significant and diseases. Pesticides contamination occurs in runoff water; degrade beneficial uses of Target Value: ground water for human Risk assessment for use of pesticide(s) scores a consumption, livestock Low or Very Low rating; watering, or irrigation.</p><p>Indicator: Visual Observation; Water pollution problems Expected crop production level; Client Interview; B.2.b. Nutrients from natural or human- Current soil tests; and Organics induced common nutrients Kind (formulation), method of application, and Phosphorus Index (PI); of N, P K, Ca, Na, and Mg amounts of commercial fertilizer applied; Leaching Index; and from animal and other Kind, nutrient content, method of application, and wastes. Application of amounts of animal waste (manure) applied; Nutrient Management commercial fertilizers and Determination of Phosphorus Index (PI) Conservation Practice animal wastes degrade Specification; beneficial uses of Target Value: groundwater for human Low PI rating; Nutrient Management consumption or livestock Fertilizer applied according to soil test and plant Conservation Practice watering. needs to meet production objectives; Documentation Worksheet; Animal wastes stored, applied, and disposed of according to pertinent local, state, and federal Agricultural Waste regulations so that ground water standards are not Management Field Handbook; violated; Soil Survey; Animal waste applied according to soil test and plant needs to meet crop production objectives; NEH Part 623, Chapter 2 Nutrients or animal wastes are applied at rates, subpart 623.0205 - "Leaching forms, and times so that no leachate containing Requirements for Salinity excessive nutrients occurs below the root zone; Control"; Livestock waste storage facilities are adequate to prevent significant loss from leaching and are appropriately sized to safely store waste through environmentally unsafe application periods;</p><p>Indicator: Visual Observation; Salinity water pollution Evaluation of crop salinity tolerance; Client Interview; B.2.c. Salinity problems from common Soil Electrical Conductivity (Ec) test; salts such as sodium, Water Electrical Conductivity (Ec) test; Technical references on crop calcium, potassium, boron, Target Value: soil salinity/chemical element and selenium. Soil and irrigation water electrical conductivity tolerance and heavy metal within range of tolerance for crops in the field tolerance and/or uptake evaluated; ability; A leaching volume is calculated for the soil, crop, NEH Part 623, Chapter 2 and water quality, and this volume is applied; subpart 623.0205 - "Leaching Ec for potable water is 0.7dS/M; Requirements for Salinity Salts reaching the ground water aquifers or Control"; surface water bodies do not exceed local, state, or federal standards;</p><p>TECHNICAL GUIDE USDA-NRCS/Nevada SECTION III July 2002 TABLE I</p><p>CROPLAND</p><p>B. WATER RESOURCE QUALITY CRITERIA</p><p>RESOURCE CONCERN DEFINITION INDICATORS AND TARGET VALUES ASSESSMENT TOOLS B.2. Ground Water Quality – Contaminants (continued)</p><p>Water pollution problems Indicator: Biosolids or domestic sewage from human-induced Application of municipal or industrial sludge (biosolids) to sludge application management common metals or metal agricultural lands is closely regulated and a state plan; B.2.d. Heavy Metals compounds, such as iron, approved biosolids application plan and permits to apply lead, zinc, copper, biosolids and domestic sewage must be obtained; Required permits for biosolids chromium, and cobalt over application; naturally occurring rates Target Value: (i.e., by the application of Heavy metals reaching ground water aquifers do not Soil Survey; municipal sludge). exceed allowable federal, state, or local standards; Excessive concentrations of Agricultural Waste Management heavy metals can be toxic Field Handbook; to humans, plants, and FIRS; animals.</p><p>Water pollution problems Indicator: Nutrient Management from pathogens such as Assessment of kinds, amounts, and timing of application Conservation Practice bacteria, virus, protozoans, of animal wastes to fields being evaluated; Specification and Documentation B.2.e. Pathogens helminths, and fungi. Target Value: Worksheet; Pathogens can be transported in both fluid and Pathogens reaching ground water aquifers do not exceed Agricultural Waste Management particulate forms. allowable federal, state, or local standards; Field Handbook; Soil Survey;</p><p>B.2. Surface Water Quality -Contaminants</p><p>Surface water pollution Indicator: Windows Pesticide Screening problems from pesticides. Pesticides selected for use minimize adverse Tool (WIN-PST); Pesticide means "all" environmental effects and are applied in forms, at rates, B.2.g. Pesticides chemicals used to manage and during times so that no significant contamination of Soil Survey; weeds, insects, and runoff water occurs; diseases. Target Value: Risk assessment for use of pesticide(s) scores a Low or Very Low rating;</p><p>Indicator: Visual Observation; Surface water pollution Expected crop production level; problems that result from Client Interview the use of all applied plant Current soil tests; B.2.h. Nutrients materials with emphasis on Kind (formulation), method of application, and amounts of Phosphorus Index (PI); phosphorus and total commercial fertilizer applied; and Organics Nutrient Management organic carbon and include Kind, nutrient content, method of application, and amounts Conservation Practice animal and other wastes. of animal waste (manure) applied; Specification; Determination of Phosphorus Index (PI); Evaluation of irrigation system and management using Nutrient Management Farm Irrigation Rating Index (FIRS); Conservation Practice Target Value: Documentation Worksheet; Nutrients or animal wastes are applied at rates, forms, and Agricultural Waste Management times so that no runoff containing excessive nutrients or Field Handbook; pathogens occurs beyond field boundaries; Low PI rating; USDA/NRCS (1989) Water Fertilizer and animal wastes are applied according to soil Quality Indicators Guide: Surface test and plant needs to meet crop production objectives; Waters. SCS-TP-161; IWM Practice Documentation Worksheet is completed FIRS; with YES or N/A responses recorded for all Items; FIRS factors Md, S, I, M, and SCI 0.95; FIRS factors Wc and Sd (sprinkler systems) or factors Ce and L (surface systems) show a minimum increase of 0.5;</p><p>TECHNICAL GUIDE USDA-NRCS/Nevada SECTION III July 2002 TABLE I</p><p>CROPLAND</p><p>B. WATER RESOURCE QUALITY CRITERIA</p><p>RESOURCE CONCERN DEFINITION INDICATORS AND TARGET VALUES ASSESSMENT TOOLS B.2. Surface Water Quality – Contaminants (continued)</p><p>Water pollution from Indicator: Visual Observations; B.2.i. Suspended Presence of sediments in runoff water from irrigated suspended sediment USDA/NRCS (1989) Water fields; Sediments and turbidity. Quality Indicators Guide: and Suspended sediment is Target Value: Surface Waters. SCS-TP-161; Turbidity sediment held in No sediments in runoff water from irrigated fields is surrounding fluid. observed to be entering receiving waters; FIRS; Turbidity is reduced FUSED; clarity of fluids because RUSLE; of presence of SPER; suspended matter.</p><p>Low dissolved oxygen Indicator: Water test; B.2.j. Low found in open water or Dissolved oxygen measures relative to levels Nevada State Water Standards Dissolved sediment pore space. considered suited for intended use(s); for water bodies; Oxygen Target Value: Dissolved oxygen levels are at levels suitable for Target values for Nutrients, intended use(s) and meet or exceed established Sediment and Turbidity, Nevada state standards; Temperature, and Aquatic Habitat, can be used to indicate whether adequate levels of dissolved oxygen are present;</p><p>Water pollution from Indicator: Visual Observation; B.2.k. Salinity common salts, such as Soil Electrical Conductivity (Ec) test; Client Interview sodium, calcium, boron, Water Electrical Conductivity (Ec) test; Technical references on crop and selenium. Target Value: plant soil salinity/chemical Soil and irrigation water electrical conductivity within element tolerance; range of tolerance for crop plants in the field evaluated; FIRS; A leaching volume is calculated for the soil, crop, and water quality, and this volume is applied; USDA/NRCS (1989) Water Ec for potable water is 0.7dS/M; Quality Indicators Guide: Surface Waters. SCS-TP-161; Salts reaching surface water bodies do not exceed local, state, or federal standards;</p><p>Water pollution Indicator: Biosolids or domestic sewage B.2.l. Heavy Metals problems from human- Application of municipal or industrial sludge (biosolids) sludge application induced common to agricultural lands is closely regulated and a state management plan; metals or metal approved biosolids application plan and permits to compounds, such as Required permits for biosolids apply biosolids and domestic sewage must be application; iron, lead, zinc, copper, obtained. chromium, and cobalt Soil Survey; over naturally occurring Target Value: rates (i.e., by the Heavy metals reaching surface water bodies do not Agricultural Waste Management application of municipal exceed allowable federal, state, or local standards; Field Handbook; sludge). Excessive FIRS; concentrations of heavy metals can be toxic to humans, plants, and animals.</p><p>TECHNICAL GUIDE USDA-NRCS/Nevada SECTION III July 2002 TABLE I</p><p>CROPLAND</p><p>B. WATER RESOURCE QUALITY CRITERIA</p><p>RESOURCE CONCERN DEFINITION INDICATORS AND TARGET VALUES ASSESSMENT TOOLS B.2. Surface Water Quality – Contaminants (continued)</p><p>B.2.m. Temperature Water temperature, Indicator: Water test; impacted by human Water temperature measures relative to inputs, does not support temperatures considered suited for intended use(s); Nevada State Water Standards for water body; intended beneficial Target Value: uses. Water temperatures are suitable for intended use(s) Shade/Canopy Cover and meet or exceed established Nevada state assessment; standards. Stream shading is >50% where trees are the dominant potential streamside vegetation;</p><p>Indicator: Nutrient Management Water pollution problems B.2.n. Pathogens Assessment of kinds, amounts, and timing of Conservation Practice (Code from pathogens such as application of animal wastes to fields; 590) Specification; bacteria, virus, protozoans, helminths, Target Value: Nutrient Management and fungi. Pathogens can Pathogens reaching surface water bodies do not Conservation Practice (Code be transported in both exceed allowable federal, state, or local standards; 590) Documentation fluid and particulate Worksheet; forms. Soil Survey; Pathogen test reports; USDA/NRCS (1989) Water Quality Indicators Guide: Surface Waters. SCS-TP-161;</p><p>The quality of surface Indicator: Wildlife habitat Evaluation B.2.o. Aquatic waters to support Habitat Suitability Rating as determined using Guides – Nevada NRCS Habitat aquatic life is limited Wildlife habitat Evaluation Guides for Cold water Technical Note Suitability by inadequate habitat. Fish Streams, Riparian Areas, and Wetlands; TN-BIOLOGY-41; Habitat suitability Target Value: USDA/NRCS (1989) Water includes riparian For lands where improving fish and wildlife habitats Quality Indicators Guide: habitat, thermal are not the primary management objective: Surface Waters. SCS-TP-161; conditions, flow Habitat Suitability Rating of 0.35 or above for regime, stream Cold water Fish Streams; morphology, and Habitat Suitability Rating of 0.38 or above for floodplain function. Riparian Areas; Habitat Suitability Rating of 0.32 or above for Wetlands;</p><p>TECHNICAL GUIDE USDA-NRCS/Nevada SECTION III July 2002 TABLE I</p><p>CROPLAND</p><p>C. AIR RESOURCE QUALITY CRITERIA</p><p>RESOURCE CONCERN DEFINITION INDICATORS AND TARGET VALUES ASSESSMENT TOOLS C.1. Air Quality </p><p>Airborne Sediment Airborne sediment Indicator: Visual Observation; Assessment of airborne sediment and smoke particles and Smoke (PM<10) and Client Interview; Particulates Causing smoke particles both onsite and offsite; Safety Problems causing safety Target Value: Nevada Air Quality Standards; problems. Fields evaluated do not contribute to safety problems Wind Erosion Equation (WEE); C.1.a. Onsite Safety onsite or offsite; C.1.b. Offsite Safety Climatic Data;</p><p>Airborne Sediment Indicator: Visual Observation; and Smoke Airborne sediment and smoke particles Assessment of airborne sediment and smoke particles Particulates Causing Client Interview; adversely affect both onsite and offsite; Visibility, visibility, Target Value: Nevada Air Quality Standards; Machinery/Vehicles or machinery/vehicles Cropland fields evaluated do not contribute to safety WEE; Structure Problems or structures. problems onsite or offsite; C.1.c. Onsite Climatic Data; C.1.d. Offsite </p><p>Airborne Sediment Airborne sediment Indicator: Visual Observation; and Smoke Assessment of airborne sediment and smoke particles (PM<10) adversely Client Interview; Particulates Causing affects visibility, both onsite and offsite; Health Problems human or animal Target Value: Nevada Air Quality Standards; health. Fields evaluated do not contribute to safety problems WEE; C.1.e. Onsite Health onsite or offsite; C.1.f. Offsite Health Climatic Data;</p><p>Airborne Sediment Airborne sediment Indicator: Visual Observation; Particulates Causing Assessment of airborne sediment and smoke particles particles causing Client Interview; Conveyance Problems conveyance both onsite and offsite; problems in Target Value: Nevada Air Quality Standards; C.1.g. Conveyance drainage ditches, Fields evaluated do not contribute to safety problems WEE; roadside ditches, onsite or offsite; culverts, canals, Climatic Data; and streams. </p><p>C.1.h. Airborne Airborne and above Indicator: Visual assessments onsite and offsite; Chemical Drift land surface applied Onsite and offsite impacts of pesticide applications relative to target area receiving treatment; pesticides. FOTG Section IV-Pest Pesticide means Target Value: Management Practice "all" chemicals used Product labeling and state regulations relating to the Standard/Specifications (for to manage weeds, application of agricultural chemicals are followed. chemical control) and Practice insects, and Airborne drift of agricultural chemicals will be minimal Documentation Worksheet; diseases. outside the target area; No damage to humans, wildlife, livestock, or non- Daily weather data; targeted vegetation (or other pests) will occur;</p><p>TECHNICAL GUIDE USDA-NRCS/Nevada SECTION III July 2002 TABLE I</p><p>CROPLAND</p><p>C. AIR RESOURCE QUALITY CRITERIA</p><p>RESOURCE CONCERN DEFINITION INDICATORS AND TARGET VALUES ASSESSMENT TOOLS C.1. Air Quality (continued)</p><p>Indicator: Objectionable odors Personal Observation; C.1.i. Airborne from such sources as Assessment of odors present on adjacent areas relative Odors confined livestock, to target area receiving treatment; Client Interview; animal waste, waste Target Value: Adjacent land owner storage areas, waste Treated area does not adversely affect client relations interviews; lagoons, and field with neighbors or community; application of animal State and/or local ordinances No prolonged emissions of objectionable odors from relating to agricultural odors waste and other treatment area; organics. and air quality; Agricultural Waste Management Field Handbook; Climatic Data;</p><p>Indicator: Production and Personal Observation; C.1.j. Fungi, Molds, release of fungi, Assessment of planned or applied conservation Pollen molds, and pollen by practices and cultural operations relative to the Client Interview; components of a production and release of fungi, molds, and pollen; Adjacent land owner practice. Target Value: interviews; Conservation practices and standard cultural operations do not contribute to an excessive production and release Applicable air quality of fungi, molds, and pollen given normal weather standards; conditions; Climatic Data;</p><p>C.2. Condition</p><p>Indicator: Improper Personal Observation; C.2.a. Air temperature for Assessment of planned or applied conservation Temperature development of practices relative to air temperatures within defined zone Client Interview; flora and fauna. of influence; Climatic Data Zone of influence Target Value: TAPS; from ground level to Impacts are minimized by installing wind breaks, wind 10 times plant strips, or other ameliorating practices such as operating FROST; height. sprinkler system for frost protection;</p><p>Indicator: Improper air Personal Observation; C.2.b. Air movement for Assessment of planned or applied conservation Movement development of practices relative to air movement (velocity) within Client Interview; flora and fauna. defined zone of influence; Climatic Data; Zone of influence Target Value: from ground level to Impacts are minimized by installing wind breaks, wind 10 times plant strips, or other ameliorating practices such as wind height. turbines;</p><p>Indicator: Improper humidity Personal Observation; C.2.c. Humidity for development of Assessment of planned or applied conservation flora and fauna. practices and cultural operations relative to air Client Interview; temperatures within defined zone of influence; Adjacent land owner Target Value: interviews; Impacts are minimized by installing wind breaks, wind strips, or other ameliorating practices such as operation Applicable air quality of an irrigation system; standards; Climatic Data;</p><p>TECHNICAL GUIDE USDA-NRCS/Nevada SECTION III July 2002 TABLE I</p><p>CROPLAND</p><p>D. PLANTS RESOURCE QUALITY CRITERIA</p><p>RESOURCE CONCERN DEFINITION INDICATORS AND TARGET VALUES ASSESSMENT TOOLS D.1. Plant Suitability</p><p>Plants are not Indicator: Visual Observation; Plant species seeded for crop production; D.1.a. Suitability adapted to soil and Soil Survey; climatic conditions Evaluation of crop yield; to Site of the area. Target Value: NEH Part 652 Chapter 3 "Crops"; Plants selected for planting are suited to site conditions; Crop yields comparable to average for local area;</p><p>D.1.b. Suitability Plants of concern Indicator: Visual Observation; do not meet the Plant(s) selected for planting are evaluated relative to for Interview With Client; needs and constraints of the site; Intended objectives of the Nevada NRCS Plant Guides; Use Target Value: manager; providing Crops planted are suited to soils within fields NEH Part 652 Chapter 3 "Crops"; quantity and quality evaluated and climate of local area;; of desired forage, controlling erosion, conserving water, and providing habitat for animals.</p><p>D.2. Plant Condition</p><p>Plants do not Indicator: Visual Observation; Estimated crop yield; D.2.a. Productivity provide the quantity Interview With Client; and/or quality of Target Value: (Kinds, Amounts, forage, cover, and Crop yields comparable to average for local area; NV-ECS-03 Ranch Organization and Distribution) habitat in the Summary; amount and time period desired.</p><p>Plants do not Indicator: Visual observation; Estimated crop production; D.2.b. Health manufacture Interview with client; Assessment of insect or disease damage to crop; and Vigor sufficient plant food to continue the Target Value: growth cycle or to Crop production comparable to yields expected for reproduce. local area and field conditions; Crop growth is not impaired due to weeds, disease or insects;</p><p>TECHNICAL GUIDE USDA-NRCS/Nevada SECTION III July 2002 TABLE I</p><p>CROPLAND</p><p>D. PLANTS RESOURCE QUALITY CRITERIA</p><p>RESOURCE CONCERN DEFINITION INDICATORS AND TARGET VALUES ASSESSMENT TOOLS D.3. Plant Management</p><p>Management Indicator: Visual Observation; Stand density determinations of planted sites relative D.3.a. Establishment scheme does not Interview With Client; provide the proper to established standards and local climatic conditions; techniques and Assessment of planting dates, seedbed preparation, Cooperative Extension Service timing of use to and planting method for crop species, and and other references on crop meet plant needs of management during establishment period; establishment practices, timing, plant establishment. Target Value: etc.; Planting dates, seedbed preparation, and planting method for selected species, and management during establishment period are in accordance with established standards; </p><p>Management Indicator: Visual Observation; D.3.a. Growth, and Assessment of harvest operations relative to crop scheme does not Interview With Client; Harvest provide the proper growth and yield; techniques and Evaluation of irrigation system and management using NEH Part 652 "Irrigation timing of use to Farm Irrigation Rating Index (FIRS); Guide"; meet plant needs of Target Value: FIRS; plant growth and Crop harvest level and timing is accomplished in a harvest. manner that provides for sustained crop production; FIRS factors Md, S, I, M, and SCI 0.95; FIRS factors Wc and Sd (sprinkler systems) or factors Ce and L (surface systems) show a minimum increase of 0.5;</p><p>The correct amount Indicator: Visual Observation; D.3.b. Nutrient Expected crop production level; of plant nutrients Client Interview Managenent exceeds or is not Current soil tests; available to meet Kind (formulation), method of application, and amounts Phosphorus Index (PI); plant needs. of commercial fertilizer applied; Kind, nutrient content, method of application, and Nutrient Management amounts of animal waste (manure) applied; Conservation Practice Specification and Practice Determination of Phosphorus Index (PI); Documentation Worksheet; Target Value: Nutrients or animal wastes are applied at rates, forms, Soil Survey; and times to meet crop needs and runoff or leachate Soil test reports; do not contain excessive nutrients; Low PI rating; Fertilizer and animal wastes are applied according to soil test and crop needs to meet production objectives;</p><p>Pests are not Indicator: Visual Observation; D.3.c. Pests Determination of undesirable plant species (including managed to meet Interview With Client; (Brush, Weeds, Insects) the needs of the invasive and noxious weed plant species) and plants of concern threshold levels for undesirable plant species in fields FOTG Section IV – Pest and management evaluated; Management Conservation objectives. Target Value: Practice Standard and Undesirable plant species and other pests are Specifications and Practice managed at levels below management threshold Documentation Worksheet; established for fields evaluated; Noxious weeds are not present in management unit;</p><p>TECHNICAL GUIDE USDA-NRCS/Nevada SECTION III July 2002 TABLE I</p><p>CROPLAND</p><p>E. ANIMAL RESOURCES QUALITY CRITERIA</p><p>RESOURCE CONCERN DEFINITION INDICATORS AND TARGET VALUES ASSESSMENT TOOLS E.1. Habitat (Domestic Animals)</p><p>Quantity and quality Indicator: Visual observation of animals; Available feed produced from crop aftermath E.1.a. Food of food are not Interview with client; provided to meet the evaluated by season; seasonal Nutritional quality of crop aftermath relative to nutritional NRCS National R ange and requirements of needs of animals as indicated by animal Body Condition Pasture Handbook; domesticated Score; NV-ECS-03 Ranch animals. Target Value: Organization Summary;; Completed NV-ECS-003 shows no SHORTAGE of feed for planned livestock crop aftermath grazing requirements; NV-ECS-04 Ranch Planning BCS for cattle 4; BCS for sheep 3; Summary Worksheet; If used, NUTBAL model shows nutritional quality of Livestock Fecal Sampling, livestock crop aftermath is adequate to meet GANLab reports and NUTBAL management objectives; Pro software;</p><p>Domestic animals are Indicator: Visual observation of animals; E.1.b. Shelter Body Condition Score of animals grazing crop aftermath; not provided Interview with client; adequate shelter for Assessment of availability (and need) for protective protection. cover for animals grazing crop aftermath; NRCS National R ange and Animal performance relative to production objectives; Pasture Handbook; Target Value: NRCS, CES and other Protective cover during periods of severe weather is technical references relating to available to animals grazing crop aftermath; shelter/cover requirements for Animal performance objectives are being met; livestock; BCS for cattle 4; BCS for sheep 3;</p><p>The quantity and Indicator: Visual Observation; E.1.c. Drinking quality of water is Spacing of water developments or animal watering Interview With Client; Water inadequate for points within management unit; (Quantity and Quality) domesticated Amount of water continuously available at each NRCS National R ange and animals. animal watering point during grazing period; Pasture Handbook Water salinity (total salt content) of drinking water; Animal performance relative to production objectives; NRCS, CES and other technical references relating Target Value: to water quantity/quality Drinking water for livestock is well-distributed and requirements for livestock; grazing use is not severe at watering points while significant portions of the management unit are either under-grazed or not utilized; Watering facility size and fill rate meet expected daily demand of kind/class and number of animals within each management unit; Water quality for kind/class of animals in each management unit meet Salinity Threshold guidelines in NRPH; Animal performance objectives are being met;</p><p>TECHNICAL GUIDE USDA-NRCS/Nevada SECTION III July 2002 TABLE I</p><p>CROPLAND</p><p>E. ANIMAL RESOURCES QUALITY CRITERIA</p><p>RESOURCE CONCERN DEFINITION INDICATORS AND TARGET VALUES ASSESSMENT TOOLS E.2. Management (Domestic Animals)</p><p>Indicator: Visual Observation of Animals; Numbers and kinds of Determination of crop aftermath utilization levels; E.2.a. Population/ domestic animals are Feed available and forage intake requirements of animals Interview With Client; not in balance with feed, are identified on NV-ECS-003 Ranch Organization Resource FOTG Section IV- Prescribed forage, space, and Summary; Balance habitat requirements. Grazing Practice Standard and Target Value: Specifications and Practice Crop aftermath utilization levels provide for adequate Documentation Worksheet; plant residues and do not contribute to soil erosion problems; Form NRCS-RANGE-414; Completed NV-ECS-003 shows no SHORTAGE of feed for planned livestock aftermath grazing requirements; </p><p>Indicator: Visual Observation of Animals; E.2.b. Animal Proper attention is not Observation of apparent animal well-being; Health given to the health of Assessment of livestock management program; Interview With Client; the animal of concern Estimates of calving or lambing percentages; NRCS National R ange and (including such Target Value: Pasture Handbook; considerations as Body Condition Score of >4 for cattle; disease, parasites, and Body Condition Score of >3 for sheep; insects). Aggressive animal health program (including vaccination, fertility testing, and insect control) is a component of livestock management; Calving or lambing percentages >85%;</p><p>E.1. Habitat (Wildlife)</p><p>Food - Quantity and Indicator: Wildlife habitat Evaluation quality of food are not Habitat Suitability rating for fish and wildlife using Wildlife E.1.a. Food, Guides – Nevada NRCS provided to meet the Habitat Evaluation Guide for Cropland Habitats; Technical Note E.1.b. Cover seasonal requirements Target Value: TN-BIOLOGY-41; or Shelter, of the species of For cropland, where improving fish and wildlife habitats is concern. not the primary management objective, a Habitat E.1.c. Drinking Adequate wildlife cover Suitability Rating of 0.35 or above; Water for the species of (Quantity and Quality) concern is not provided. Adequate quantities of drinking water or required quality are not provided for the species of concern.</p><p>Indicator: Nevada NRCS T&E Handbook; Federal or state listed Presence or documented record of T&E species within E.1.d. Threatened endangered, area evaluated; Nevada NRCS Technical Notes or Endangered threatened, proposed, Assessment of potential impact of planned treatments Species and candidate species, and management actions to T&E species; TN-BIOLOGY-42; as well as, species Target Value: TN-BIOLOGY-43; identified as "unique", TN-BIOLOGY-44; "declining", or "of All land treatment and management activities will conform concern", occur on or to the Endangered Species Act , state and local laws, and NRCS National Biology Manual near the area(s) being established policy; and Handbook; evaluated. Should planned treatments or management actions be expected to adversely impact T&E species, discussion of Nevada Partners in Flight alternatives that will avoid impacts are made with Conservation Plan; landowner. When adverse impacts due to planned Consultation with appropriate treatments or management actions cannot be avoided, state and federal agencies and landowner is consulted and then USF&WS and NDOW conservation groups; are contacted before RMS or associated practices are installed;</p><p>TECHNICAL GUIDE USDA-NRCS/Nevada SECTION III July 2002</p>
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