360 STOKE-UPON-TRENT. STAFFORDSHIRE. (KELLY's- Briggs Oscar, IS The Villas,London rd Dudley Wm. I3 Penkhull ter. Penkhull Hinds Mrs. Hillfield house,. Trent vale­ Briggs Pereival, Cleveland, Oxford Dunn John Williamson, The Hollies, Hodkinson William Geo. 45 James st terrace, Basford Trent vale Holden John Irvin, Irvindale, Prince's Brindley William, 23 Sheppard street Dutton Ralph, 28 Sheppard street road, Hartshill Brooke Ernest, 5 Harding terrace Eardley James, 51 Hartshill Hollins Mrs. Uttoxeter house, Queen's- Brookes Miss, 15 Penkhull terrace Eardley Miss, 30 Bedford st. Basford road, Hartshill Broome John Thomas, 35 Sheppard st Ecclestone Geo.ro2Princes rd.Penkhull Hollinshead Miss, 6r Hartshill Brown Nicholas, Trenton vil. James st Edmondson John, 7 Harding terrace Holtom William Fifield, 21 The Villas,. Brown Vincent, II Frederick street, Edwards .Arthur James, Deanhurst, London road Penkhull Queen's road, Hartshill Hooper John, 54 Princes rd. Penkhull Brunt George, Mount view,Princes rd. Edwards Jn . .Alfd.r3 Temple st.Basford Hordley F. B. Queen's road, Hartshill Penkhull, Stoke Egerton Joseph, 32 Sheppard street Hordley Ralph,238 Princes rd.Hartshill Brunt Henry, The Outlook, Oxford Elphinstone Chas.High gro.Trent vale Howells Geo. Timothy, II Copeland stt terrace, Basford Emery Harold, Avenue, Princes road, Hubbard Joseph, 7 Frederick street, Brunt Mrs. II Penkhull ter. Penkhull Hartshill The Mounts Brushford George, Princes villas, 227 Evans Fdk. Thos. Queen"s rd.Penkhull H ug-hesChas. R. 124Princes rd.Penkhull Princes road, Hartshill Evans William George, 2 Regent st: Hunt George Hy. Roe'~>: side, Basford- Bryant Geo. 142 Princes rd. Penkhull Faram Mrs. The Cliff, Hartshill Hurlston Joseph, Pear Tree house, Buck Mrs. 6o Princes road, Penkhull Fenn John Richardson, 7 Park terrace Trent vale Burgess Clement Foster, 28 Jaines st Fielding John, Brianfield, Oxford ter- Irving Robert, 23 Lord street, Basforcf Burrow Mrs. Oak house,Regent street race, Basford Jackson Mr.:il. 44 Liverpool road Burrows James, 7 Etruria rd. Basford Fleet Georg~. Field house, George st James Thomas, Stanley vils.Regent str Burrows Wm. n8 Princes rd.Penkhull Fleet George John Poulson,n4 Princes Jenkins William, 6o Penkhull New rd~ Burton Hugh, 4 Victoria st. Basford road, Penkhull Penkhull Burton Wilfrid James,High Bank viis. Ford .Arthur P. ro Temple st. Basford John .A. Hilton, 2 Butler street Regent street Ford Geo.Herbt.Fjaerlands,Trent vale Johnson Ernest, Westholm, Gladstone Campbell John, Queen's rd. Penkhull Foreshaw Wm. The Gables, Basford street, Basford Carter Miss, 173 London road Forester Mrs. 5 Temple st. Basford Johnson Gilbert Petgrave :M.D. :z Carter Mrs. 37 Hill street Forster John, Queen's road, Penkhull Brook street Carter William, Mount lodge, Princes Fosbrooke Rev. .Arthur M., M . .A. JohnsonWilliam,62Princes rd.PenkhultJ road, Penkhull (vicar of Holy Trinity), Hartshill Jones .Alfd. Bourne,2r Lord st.Basfor!t Cash Thomas, 4 Boothenwood terrace Fox-, 18 The Villas, London road Jones David Morgan, Matlo~k villa,. Chase WilliamB.Bank house,Church st Frains Robert Charles, go Gladstone James street Chavasse Arthur, 9 Lord street,Basfrd street, Basford Jones Thomas Edward, 2 Parker's ter.:.. Clark Chas. 248 Princes rd. Hartshill Froggatt James Henry, Belmont vil. Basford Clark Mrs. r6 Temple street, Basford East terrace Keary Mrs. Holly bank, Oak hill;. Clark Richard, 3 Lord street, Basford Furnival Arthur, IS Lord st. Basford London road Clarke Frederick Joseph, 14 Belle Vue Furnival Henry Edward, 9 Brook st Keeling Mrs. Matlock viis. James st terrace, Basford Furnivals Saml. Hill Top vil.Regent st KeenGeorge,CherryTree cot. Trent vale- Clarke Halford, Walton vil. Regent st Gask .Alfred, The .Avenue, Basford King Thos. Abraham, 20 Sheppard s~ Clarke John Reginald, 7 Belle Vue Gee Charles, 8 Victoria road, Basford Kirkham Gwyn, Gladwyn, Regent st terrace, :Basford Geen Frederick J.P. Oliffville Knight Joseph Guy,.Ashlands,Hartshi.l) Clarke Mrs. Basford lodge, Basford Geen Mrs. Cliffville Langley Leonard,z6Bedford st.Basforcl Clayt-on John H. 7 Temple ter.Basford Gibbons James Thomas, Basford hall, Law Rev. William Laidlaw Monteitli Clewes .Arthur Joynson, Gladstone st. Basford (curate of Etruria), 17 Temple st. Basford Gibson James, Queen's road, Hartshill Basford Clower Thomas Henry, 29 Hartshill Gifford Mrs. 7 Penkhull ter. Penkhull Lawton William Bold, ro Penkhull ter": Cocker Mrs. 5 Sheppard street Gilbride Bernard, Oopeland street Penkhull Coe Joseph William, 4 Copeland street Gittens Henry, 4 West bank, Penkhull Lea Joseph, Holly villa, Regent streffit Colclough William Yates, Lonfield, Goddard Thos . .A.9TheVillas,London rd Leadbeater Ed. James, Myrtle villa~ Hartshill Gaff Clement, 52 Princes rd. Penkhull James street Cooper Henry, 2 Bank house, Vine st Goodwin Frederick, 14 Penkhull ter Leadbeater Edwin, 55 Hartshill Cooper John, Leveson villa, Regent st Gould Hy. 122 Princes rd. Penkhull Leason George J.P. Ashfield eotta:gB",. Cooper John, 94 Prince's rd.Penkhull Grattidge Mrs. 45 Hartshill London road Copeland Mrs. Ellen, 8 Winton ter Greatbach Geo.234 Princes rd.Hartshl Leason George, jun. .A.shfield cottage,.. Copeland Gustave,u Temple st.Basfrd Green Charles, 25 Woodhouse street London road Copeland Waiter Lincoln, 15 Etruria Grose William Martyn J.P. Hawthorn Leason Miss, 27 Hartshill road, Basford cottage, Trent vale Leigh John, r Queen's rd. Penkhull Copson James, s·S Princes rd.Penkhull Hackney Herbt.ro-1-Princes rd.Penkhull Lee Rev. Herbert (Methodist), rz&. Corbett C. H. 20 Victoria st. Basford Haig Rev. Nathan (Primitive Metho- .Ashford road Corbishley .Albert Henry, 39 James st dist), 8 Butler street Lester William, 23 Glebe street Cornwell Thos. 4 Temple st. Basford Hall James H. 4 Oxford ter. Basford Lewis Daniel, Basford villa, Basford Cotton Henry, 5 Lord street, Basford Hall :Miss, New lodge, Oak hill Lewty Edmund Paul, Linto:a villas-.... Coulton 1'homas, Ivy Burst, Oak hill Halliday Joseph,38 Bedford st.Basford Regent street Course G. Wm. Knowllodge,Hartshill Hamnett Robert, 9 Sheppard street Lightbody William, Benvenue,Basforcl Cowlishaw Wm. Adams, Gordon lodge, Hancock Geo. Edward, 37 Sheppard st Lockitt William Henry, Grasmere ho... Basford Hancock James Frederick,Stanley viis. Quarry road, Penkhull Cowlishaw William George, 6 Temple Hegent street Lodge .Alex. Jn. Hartshill cot.Hartshill'. street, Basford Hank John, 5 Brook street Lodge Mrs. Hartshill cot. Hartshill Cox Waiter, r6 Penkhull ter.Penkhull Hardwick Thos.18Penkhull ter.Penk Longbottom John, 18 Lord st.Basford Cox Waiter John, 9 Penkhull terrace, Harris Mrs. 37 Hartshill Longmore Mrs. 41 Hartshill Penkhull Harrison J sph. 68 Princes rd.Penkhull Lord Charles .A. I Wint()n square Coxon John, 250 Princes rd. Hartshill Harrison Sidney TJ-wmas, 2 Oxford Lovatt Mrs. M. Dartford hu. Regent st.• Crosby Miss, 52 Liverpool road terrace, Basford Ludecke .Albert, 3 Winton square Cunson R. E. 4 Lord street, Easford Harrison William, 31 Hartshill Lynam Charles, 10 .Brook street Curbashley Mark, rg Winton terrace Harrop John, 32 Bedford st. Basford Mc.Aldowie .Alexander Morison M.D.,. Curzon Mrs.r2 Victoria street,Basford Heath .Alien S. 9 Temple st. Basford C.M. 6 Brook street Daniell Mrs. W. M. Regent \'illa, Heath Fredk. 17 The Villas,London rd Machin Miss, 14 Winton terrace Regent street Heat-h Jabez, 22 Penkhull ter.Penkhull Machin Thomas Hulse, Mayfield,A Davenport .Alfred, Park cot. Bath st Heath William, Minton ho. Regent st Basford Davies Wm.Melbourne ho.Lonsdale st Heatley Herbert Thomas,4o Gladstone Malam Edward, The Cliff, Hartshill Davis Ernest, 70 Prince's rd.Penkhull street, Basford Malkin Miss, 24 Victoria st. :Basfor& Dawson Daniel,Stanley villa,Gladstone Hele John, 2 Portland villas, James st Manford Mrs. 94 Liverpool road street, Basford Henchy Danl.24 Penkhull ter.Penkhull Mansfield Miss, Princes \'illas, 23I.- Denno .Arthur James, I2 Penkhull ter. Henk Mrs. 33 Sheppard street Princes road, Hartshill Penkhull Hewitt Joseph, 26 Sheppard street Marks Hubert Noel, Cliff house ... Dickinson Christopher, 25 Hartshill Hibberti Misses, 30 Sheppard street London road Dimmock John,g8 Princes rd.Penkbull Hill Herbert, 20 Lord street, Basford Marshall James C. 4 Winton square-· Done George Evelyn, Lyndon villa, Hill Jesse, 28 Bedford street, Basford Martin Arthur F., M.B., Ch.B.Vict. James street Hind Wheelton M.D.,B.S.Lond.Roxetb North Staffordshire infirmary & eye-· Dudley Frederick M. 30 James street house, Woodhouse street hospital, Hartshill Dudley Horace H. 46 Liverpool road Hinchco Epbraim, Regent street Maskew C. H. White lodge, Basford( .
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