Bibliography on Women in Nicaragua

Bibliography on Women in Nicaragua

<p> Bibliography No. 6</p><p>Bibliography on Women in Nicaragua</p><p>Bibliography prepared at the request of the International Gender Equality and WID Office of the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Danida) by Zoë Oxaal March 1997</p><p>The authors gratefully acknowledge support for the preparation of this bibliography from the International Gender Equality and WID Office of the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Danida). However, the views expressed and any errors or omissions are those of the authors and not of Danida.</p><p>BRIDGE (development - gender) Institute of Development Studies University of Sussex Brighton BN1 9RE, UK Tel: +44 (0) 1273 606261 Fax: +44 (0) 1273 621202/691647 Email: [email protected] Website:</p><p>ISBN: 1 85864 245 0 © Institute of Development Studies, Brighton CONTENTS</p><p>1. INTRODUCTION...... 2</p><p>2. HEALTH...... 3</p><p>3. AGRICULTURE...... 5</p><p>4. TRANSPORT AND INFRASTRUCTURE...... 8</p><p>5. ENVIRONMENT...... 9</p><p>6. LEGAL STATUS...... 11</p><p>7. DEMOCRATIC DEVELOPMENT...... 13</p><p>8. OTHER ITEMS...... 18</p><p>2 1. INTRODUCTION</p><p>This bibliographic search was prepared by BRIDGE for the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (DANIDA). The bibliography is intended as background information for a gender profile of Nicaragua focused on the sectors; health; agriculture; transport and infrastructure environment; democratic development; and legal status.</p><p>The database searched was the British Library of Development Studies, with some additional references from other sources. </p><p>This bibliography was compiled by Zoë Oxaal for BRIDGE at IDS. Sally Baden provided advice. This bibliography is not fully comprehensive, but covers relevant materials which could be identified within the time frame allowed. The entries are ordered under headings as listed in the table of contents. The entries vary in format due to the different sources searched. For sectors in which scant literature directly addressing the topic was found, references likely to cover relevant issues have been included1. Section 7 is comprised of other references collected in the course of the search, but does not attempt to be comprehensive in its coverage.</p><p>1particularly in sections 3 and 4</p><p>3 2. HEALTH</p><p>Encuesta sobre Salud Familiar Nicaragua, 92-93 : informe final. -- Managua : CDC, 1993. -- xlii, 311, 62 p CORPORATE AUTHOR(S): Asociación Demográfica Nicaraguense Centers for Disease Control (U.S.) DESCRIPTORS: /Nicaragua/ /family/ /public health/ /health surveys/ /household surveys/ SHELF CATEGORY: [NON-OFFICIAL MONOGRAPHS COLLECTION] SHELVED AT: PROFAMILIA [NICARAGUA]. Encuesta sobre Salud ... Record no: 139203</p><p>The impact of women's literacy on child health and its interaction with access to health services / P. Sandiford ... [et al.]. // IN: Population studies : a journal of demography (GB) 49,no.1 (1995): 5-17. PERSONAL AUTHOR(S): Sandiford, P. DESCRIPTORS: /maternal and child health/ /literacy/ /education of women/ /child mortality/ - /Nicaragua/ SHELF CATEGORY: [NON-OFFICIAL SERIALS COLLECTION] SHELVED AT: (32) POPULATION STUDIES. - 49,no.1 (1995): 5-17. Record no: 139334</p><p>If we don't do it, it won't get done : a case study from Nicaragua. // IN: International social work (GB) 35,no.2 (1992): 229-41. PERSONAL AUTHOR(S): Albert, Jim DESCRIPTORS: /Nicaragua/ /social participation/ /health services/ /social services/ - /women's organizations/ SHELF CATEGORY: [INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS COLLECTION] SHELVED AT: INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON SOCIAL WELFARE. International social work.- 35,no.2 (1992): 229-41. Record no: 90443</p><p>Health care in Nicaragua : primary care under changing regimes. -- New York : Oxford U.P., 1992. -- xxii, 296 p. -- ISBN 0-19-506753-3 PERSONAL AUTHOR(S): Garfield, Richard M.; Williams, Glen DESCRIPTORS: /Nicaragua/ /health services/ /primary health care/ /health expenditures/ /health policy/ /health planning/ /health economics/ /social participation/ /mortality/ /political development/ /women/ /maternal and child health/ SHELF CATEGORY: [NON-OFFICIAL MONOGRAPHS COLLECTION] SHELVED AT: GARFIELD, Richard M. Health care in Nicaragua ... Record no: 100186</p><p>4 El niño, la familia y la comunidad. -- Managua : Editorial Ciencias Sociales, 1990. -- 423 p. -- (Manual de atención sico-social para promotores ; 2) PERSONAL AUTHOR(S): Métraux, Jean - Claude DESCRIPTORS: /Nicaragua/ /maternal and child health/ /child care/ /family environment/ /community facilities/ /schooling/ /child rearing/ SHELF CATEGORY: [NON-OFFICIAL MONOGRAPHS COLLECTION] SHELVED AT: METRAUX, Jean-Claude. Niño, la familia y la comunidad. Record no: 68865</p><p>ORS and the treatment of childhood diarrhea in Managua, Nicaragua. // IN: Social science and medicine (GB) 37,no.1 (1993): 97-103. PERSONAL AUTHOR(S): Hudelson, Patricia M. DESCRIPTORS: /Nicaragua/ /diarrhoeal diseases/ /oral rehydration/ /child care/ /maternal and child health/ /medical care/ SHELF CATEGORY: [NON-OFFICIAL SERIALS COLLECTION] SHELVED AT: (32) SOCIAL SCIENCE AND MEDICINE - 37,no.1 (1993): 97-103. Record no: 111647</p><p>Pizarro, A.M. (1994) Nicaragua: Poblacion y Calidad de Vida.</p><p>5 3. AGRICULTURE</p><p>Struggling for survival : workers, women, and class on a Nicaraguan state farm. -- Boulder, Colo. : Westview, 1989. -- ix, 128 p. -- (Development, conflict, and social change series). -- ISBN 0-8133-7407-3 PERSONAL AUTHOR(S): Ruchwarger, Gary DESCRIPTORS: /Nicaragua/ /state farms/ /agricultural workers/ /agricultural economy/ /social classes/ /social structure/ /women workers/ /women's role/ /women's participation/ /revolution/ SHELF CATEGORY: [NON-OFFICIAL MONOGRAPHS COLLECTION] SHELVED AT: RUCHWARGER, Gary. Struggling for survival ... Record no: 6873</p><p>Revolución y mujeres del campo : el impacto de la reforma agraria sandinista sobre la subordinación de la mujer rural / editado por la Asociación de Trabajadores del Campo, ATC. -- Managua : La Asociación, 1985. -- 47 p. -- Autoras: Ana Criquillion...[et al.] - T.p. verso PERSONAL AUTHOR(S): Criquillion, Ana CORPORATE AUTHOR(S): Asociación de Trabajadores del Campo (Nicaragua) DESCRIPTORS: /Nicaragua/ /agrarian reform/ /rural women/ /women workers/ SHELF CATEGORY: [NON-OFFICIAL MONOGRAPHS COLLECTION] SHELVED AT: ASOCIACION DE TRABAJADORES DEL CAMPO [NICARAGUA]. Revolución y mujeres del campo: el impacto de la reforma agraria sandinista... Record no: 4846</p><p>Mujer y agroexportación en Nicaragua. -- Managua : Instituto Nicaragüense de la Mujer, 1987. -- 152 p. -- "Editado por Instituto Nicaragüense de la Mujer" - Cover CORPORATE AUTHOR(S): Instituto Nicaragüense de la Mujer Centro de Investigación y Estudios de la Reforma Agraria (Nicaragua) Asociación de Trabajadores del Campo (Nicaragua) Centro de Estudios del Trabajo (Nicaragua) DESCRIPTORS: /Nicaragua/ /women/ /agroindustry/ /exports/ /women workers/ /rural women/ SHELF CATEGORY: [NON-OFFICIAL MONOGRAPHS COLLECTION] SHELVED AT: INSTITUTO NICARAGUENSE DE LA MUJER. Mujer y agroexpotación ... Record no: 10594</p><p>Plan de lucha de las mujeres campesinas organizadas en UNAG. -- Managua : MED, 1989. -- 31 p CORPORATE AUTHOR(S): Unión Nacional de Agricultores y Ganaderos (Nicaragua) DESCRIPTORS: /Nicaragua/ /rural women/ /women's organizations/ SHELF CATEGORY: [NON-OFFICIAL MONOGRAPHS COLLECTION] SHELVED AT: UNION NACIONAL DE AGRICULTORES Y GANADEROS. Plan de lucha de las mujeres ... Record no: 49680</p><p>6 Las mujeres y la alimentación popular : una experiencia práctica de liberación femenina? : estudio de casos en tres países de América Latina / Marcela Chueca ... [et al.]. -- Lima : CELATS, c1989. -- 229 p. -- (Nuevos cuadernos CELATS ; 16) PERSONAL AUTHOR(S): Chueca Márquez, Marcela CORPORATE AUTHOR(S): Centro Latinoamericano de Trabajo Social DESCRIPTORS: /Chile/ /Nicaragua/ /Peru/ /women/ /women's role/ /food policy/ /human nutrition/ /women's participation/ /social movements/ SHELF CATEGORY: [NON-OFFICIAL SERIALS COLLECTION] SHELVED AT: (164) CENTRO LATINOAMERICANO DE TRABAJO SOCIAL. Nuevos cuadernos CELATS, 16. Record no: 55056</p><p>El acceso de la mujer a la tierra en Nicaragua. -- San José : CIPRES, 1992. -- 161 p. -- ISBN 9977-17-003-7 CORPORATE AUTHOR(S): Centro para la Promoción, la Investigación y el Desarrollo Rural y Social Fundación Arias para la Paz y el Progreso Humano DESCRIPTORS: /Nicaragua/ /women/ /land allotment/ /women workers/ /rural women/ /land allotment/ /agrarian reform/ land tenure/ SHELF CATEGORY: [NON-OFFICIAL MONOGRAPHS COLLECTION] SHELVED AT: FUNDACION ARIAS PARA LA PAZ Y EL PROGRESO HUMANO. Acceso de la mujer ... Record no: 106548</p><p>The peasantry and development in Nicaragua. // IN: Annual review of Nicaraguan sociology : a journal of social thought and analysis (US) 2,nos.1-2 (1989): 41-56. PERSONAL AUTHOR(S): Serra, Luis; Frenkel, Maria Verónica DESCRIPTORS: /Nicaragua/ /peasantry/ /peasant organizations/ /rural cooperatives/ /women's role/ /agricultural policy/ SHELF CATEGORY: [NON-OFFICIAL SERIALS COLLECTION] SHELVED AT: (112) ANNUAL REVIEW OF NICARAGUAN SOCIOLOGY ... - 2,nos.1-2 (1989): 41-56. Record no: 75804</p><p>The peasant woman and organization in Nicaragua : productive participation without political participation?. // IN: Annual review of Nicaraguan sociology : a journal of social thought and analysis (US) 2,nos.1-2 (1989): 81-88. PERSONAL AUTHOR(S): Pérez, Paola; Vega, Mignone; Aguirre, Lucia DESCRIPTORS: /Nicaragua/ /women's participation/ /political participation/ /peasantry/ /women's organizations/ /peasant organizations/ /agricultural cooperatives/ /rural women/ SHELF CATEGORY: [NON-OFFICIAL SERIALS COLLECTION]</p><p>7 SHELVED AT: (112) ANNUAL REVIEW OF NICARAGUAN SOCIOLOGY ... - 2,nos.1-2 (1989): 81-88. Record no: 75806</p><p>Chiriboga, M., Grynspan, R. and Perez, L. (1995) Mujeres de Maiz Proyecto La Politica del Sector Agropecuario Frente a la Mujer Productora de Alimentos en Centroamerica y Panama, IICA/BID, Costa Rica.</p><p>Mayoux, L. (1993) Integration is not Enough: Gender Inequality and Empowerment in Nicaraguan Agricultural Co-operativesDevelopment Policy Review vol II pp67-89</p><p>Fauné, M.A., Sequeira, O. Maldidier, C. and Ampié (1990) Cooperacion y Subordinacion en las Familas Campesinas, CIPRES, Managua, Nicaragua</p><p>Fauné, M.A. (1995) Guia Para Incorporar Genero en los Proyectos Agropecunarios en America Latina y el Caribe, consultancy report for BID</p><p>Fauné, M.A. (1992) Nicaragua: Diagnostica Sobre la Situacion de la Mujer productora de Aliementos Proyecto: La Politica del Sector Agropecunarion Frente a la Mujer Productora de Alimentos en Centroamerica y Panama, IICA/BID, Nicaragua</p><p>8 4. TRANSPORT AND INFRASTRUCTURE</p><p>Rural transport. -- London : IT Publications, 1996. -- viii, 72 p. -- (Energy and environment technology source books). -- ISBN 1-85339-345-2 PERSONAL AUTHOR(S): Doran, Jo CORPORATE AUTHOR(S): Intermediate Technology Development Group United Nations Development Fund for Women DESCRIPTORS: /transport policy/ /transport infrastructure/ /rural areas/ /women's role/ /technical cooperation/ /manuals/ SHELF CATEGORY: [NON-OFFICIAL MONOGRAPHS COLLECTION] SHELVED AT: INTERMEDIATE TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT GROUP. Rural transport. Record no: 159258</p><p>Women and transport in developing countries. -- Crowthorne : Transport Research Laboratory, 1993. -- 22 p. -- Project report PR/OSC/004/93 PERSONAL AUTHOR(S): Turner, J. ; Fouracre, P.R. CORPORATE AUTHOR(S): United Kingdom. Overseas Development Administration Transport Research Laboratory (U.K.) DESCRIPTORS: /women/ /women's participation/ /urban transport/ /transport planning/ SHELF CATEGORY: [BRIDGE COLLECTION ROOM 165] SHELVED AT: U.K. Overseas Development Administration. Women and transport ... Record no: 121939</p><p>Gender and third world development. Module 5, Towards gender-aware provision of urban transport. -- Brighton : IDS, [1991]. -- 45 p. + tutor notes . -- ISBN 0-9037-15-54-6 PERSONAL AUTHOR(S): Levy, Caren CORPORATE AUTHOR(S): Institute of Development Studies (Brighton, England) Commission of the European Communities DESCRIPTORS: /economic and social development/ /sex/ /women/ /urban transport/ /transport planning/ /training/ /teaching aids/ OTHER TERMS: [gender] SHELF CATEGORY: [RESERVE COLLECTION] SHELVED AT: IDS. Gender and third world development. Module 5 ... Record no: 84115</p><p>9 5. ENVIRONMENT</p><p>The effect of income on the extraction of non - timber tropical forest products : model, hypotheses and preliminary findings from the Sumu Indians of Nicaragua. // IN: Human ecology : an interdisciplinary journal (US) 23,no.1 (1995): 29-52. PERSONAL AUTHOR(S): Godoy, Ricardo; Brokaw, Nicholas; Wilkie, David DESCRIPTORS: /Nicaragua/ /forest resources/ /ethnic groups/ /household income/ SHELF CATEGORY: [NON-OFFICIAL SERIALS COLLECTION] SHELVED AT: (112) HUMAN ECOLOGY: an interdisciplinary journal - 23,no.1 (1995): 29-52. Record no: 144634</p><p>Women's responses to environmental degradation : poverty and demographic constraints : case studies from Latin America. -- Washington : ICRW, 1996. -- 35 p PERSONAL AUTHOR(S): Paolisso, Michael; Gammage, Sarah CORPORATE AUTHOR(S): International Center for Research on Women DESCRIPTORS: /Latin America/ /poverty/ /environmental degradation/ /population dynamics/ /women's role/ SHELF CATEGORY: [BRIDGE COLLECTION ROOM 165] SHELVED AT: INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR RESEARCH ON WOMEN. Women's responses to environmental ... Record no: 163796</p><p>Women in the Americas : bridging the gender gap. -- Washington, D.C. : IDB, 1995. -- vii, 222 p. -- ISBN 0-940602-98-9 CORPORATE AUTHOR(S): Inter-American Development Bank DESCRIPTORS: /Latin America/ /Caribbean/ /women/ /women's status/ /social policy/ /employment/ /democratization/ /environmental management/ OTHER TERMS: [gender] SHELF CATEGORY: [INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS COLLECTION] SHELVED AT: IDB. Women in the Americas ... Record no: 154152</p><p>Population, social equity and changing production patterns. -- Santiago : ECLAC, 1993. -- 153 p. -- (Libros de la CEPAL ; 35). -- LC/G.1758/Rev.1-P. -- LC/DEM/G.131/Rev.1. -- [Sales No.] E.93.II.G.8 . -- ISBN 92-1-121186-7 CORPORATE AUTHOR(S): Centro Latinoamericano de Demografía United Nations. Economic Commission for Latin America</p><p>10 DESCRIPTORS: /Latin America/ /Caribbean/ /population/ /population growth/ /production/ /development strategy/ /social justice/ /population policy/ - /environmental protection/ /women/ SHELF CATEGORY: [INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS COLLECTION] SHELVED AT: U.N. E/CEPAL/. Libros de la CEPAL, 35. Record no: 118331</p><p>Women, poverty and the environment in Latin America. -- Washington, D.C. : ICRW, 1991. -- 47 p PERSONAL AUTHOR(S): Paolisso, Michael; Yudelman, Sally W. CORPORATE AUTHOR(S): International Center for Research on Women DESCRIPTORS: /Latin America/ /women/ /poverty/ /environmental degradation/ /nature conservation/ /environmental management/ /women's role/ /women's organizations/ /development policy/ /environmental policy/ SHELF CATEGORY: [NON-OFFICIAL MONOGRAPHS COLLECTION] SHELVED AT: INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR RESEARCH ON WOMEN. Women, poverty and the environment ... Record no: 94483</p><p>Summary for PrepCom IV : many mandates for women, follow - up actions. -- Washington, D.C. : The Project, 1992. -- 11 p. -- "Issue 2, March, 1992" CORPORATE AUTHOR(S): Global Assembly Project United Nations Conference on Environment and Development : 1992 : Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). Preparatory Committee (4th : 1992) Global Assembly of Women and the Environment: "Partners in Life" : 1991 : Miami, Fla.) DESCRIPTORS: /UN system/ /environmental policy/ /environmental management/ /nature conservation/ /women/ /women's role/ /women's participation/ /international cooperation/ - /Latin America/ OTHER TERMS: [sustainable development] SHELF CATEGORY: [NON-OFFICIAL MONOGRAPHS COLLECTION] SHELVED AT: GLOBAL ASSEMBLY OF WOMEN AND THE ENVIRONMENT: "PARTNERS IN LIFE", Miami, 1991. Summary for PrepCom IV ... Record no: 90258</p><p>11 6. LEGAL STATUS</p><p>Informes : 10 años de investigaciones sobre la mujer en Nicaragua 1976 - 1986 / Paola Pérez, Pamela Díaz ; Ministerio de la Presidencia, Oficina de la Mujer. -- Managua : La Oficina, 1986. -- 61 p PERSONAL AUTHOR(S): Pérez, Paola; Díaz, Pamela CORPORATE AUTHOR(S): Nicaragua. Oficina de la Mujer DESCRIPTORS: /Nicaragua/ /women/ /women's role/ /women's participation/ /women's rights/ /women workers/ SHELF CATEGORY: [GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS COLLECTION] SHELVED AT: NICARAGUA. Oficina de la Mujer. Informes: 10 años de investigaciones sobre la mujer en Nicaragua, 1976-1986. Record no: 4894</p><p>Industria, género y mujer en Nicaragua. -- Managua : Centro de Publicaciones INIES, 1989. -- 134 p PERSONAL AUTHOR(S): Pérez Alemán, Paola; Martínez, Diana; Widmair, Christa CORPORATE AUTHOR(S): Instituto Nicaragüense de la Mujer DESCRIPTORS: /Nicaragua/ /textile industry/ /working conditions/ /women's organizations/ /women/ /sex roles/ /equal opportunity/ /employment opportunities/ /sex discrimination/ OTHER TERMS:[gender] SHELF CATEGORY: [NON-OFFICIAL MONOGRAPHS COLLECTION] SHELVED AT: INSTITUTO NICARAGUENSE DE LA MUJER. Industria, género... Record no: 30561</p><p>1993 : IWRAW to CEDAW country reports on Bangladesh, France, Guyana, Iraq, Kenya, Korea, Madagascar, Nicaragua, Romania, Rwanda, Sweden, Yemen. -- Minneapolis : IWRAW, 1992. -- ii, 48 p PERSONAL AUTHOR(S): Ladin, Sharon CORPORATE AUTHOR(S): International Women's Rights Action Watch DESCRIPTORS: /women/ /sex discrimination/ /women's rights/ /women's status/ /conventions/ /UN/ /member states/ /progress reports/ SHELF CATEGORY: [QUICK REFERENCE COLLECTION] SHELVED AT: INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S RIGHTS ACTION WATCH. 1993: IWRAW to CEDAW country reports ... (QR:P) Record no: 103623</p><p>12 Mujer y constitución. -- Managua : El Centro, 1990. -- 76 p PERSONAL AUTHOR(S): Vargas Escobar, Milú CORPORATE AUTHOR(S): Centro de Derechos Constitucionales Carlos Nuñez Téllez Centro Nicaragüense de Promoción de la Juventud y la Infancia DESCRIPTORS: /Nicaragua/ /women/ /constitutions/ /women's rights/ SHELF CATEGORY: [NON-OFFICIAL MONOGRAPHS COLLECTION] SHELVED AT: CENTRO DE DERECHOS CONSTITUCIONALES CARLOS NUÑEZ TELLEZ. Mujer y constitución. Record no: 106705</p><p>Nicaragua : el poder de las mujeres. -- Managua : Cenzontle, 1992. -- 248 p. -- (Colección realidades) PERSONAL AUTHOR(S): Olivera, Mercedes; Montis, Malena de; Meassik, Mark A. CORPORATE AUTHOR(S): Cenzontle (Organization) DESCRIPTORS: /Nicaragua/ /women/ /social conditions/ /political participation/ /women's participation/ SHELF CATEGORY: [NON-OFFICIAL MONOGRAPHS COLLECTION] SHELVED AT: CENZONTLE (ORGANIZATION). Nicaragua: el poder de las mujeres. Record no: 117050</p><p>The mother of the Nicaraguans : Dona Violeta and the UNO's gender agenda. // IN: Latin American perspectives : a journal on capitalism and socialism (US) 23,no.1 (1996): 67-86. PERSONAL AUTHOR(S): Kampwirth, Karen DESCRIPTORS: /Nicaragua/ /women/ /politics/ /heads of state/ /government policy/ /women's rights/ OTHER TERMS: [gender] SHELF CATEGORY: [NON-OFFICIAL SERIALS COLLECTION] SHELVED AT: (112) LATIN AMERICAN PERSPECTIVES: a journal on capitalism and socialism. - 23,no.1 (1996): 67-86. Record no: 155535</p><p>Associacion de Mujeres Profesionales (1996) El Ejercicio de los Derechos de las Mujeres en Nicaragua: Un analisis de Genero. Consultoria para ASDI, Managua, Nicaragua</p><p>13 7. DEMOCRATIC DEVELOPMENT</p><p>10 [Diez] años de lucha de las mujeres nicaragüenses : balance y perspectivas. -- Managua : ANICS, 1986. -- 18 p. -- Photocopy PERSONAL AUTHOR(S): Murguialday Martínez, Clara CORPORATE AUTHOR(S): Congreso Nicaragüense de Ciencias Sociales (5th: 1986 : Managua, Nicaragua) Asociación Nicaragüense de Científicos Sociales DESCRIPTORS: /Nicaragua/ /women/ /women's organizations/ /women's participation/ SHELF CATEGORY: [NON-OFFICIAL MONOGRAPHS COLLECTION] SHELVED AT: ASOCIACION NICARAGUENSE DE CIENTIFICOS SOCIALES. Congreso Nicaragüense de Ciencias Sociales, 5th, Managua, 1986. Diez años de lucha ... Record no: 11216</p><p>Oigame! Oigame! : struggle and social change in a Nicaraguan urban community. -- Boulder : Westview Press, 1992. -- xiv, 184 p. -- (Conflict and social change series). -- ISBN 0-8133-8083-9 PERSONAL AUTHOR(S): Higgins, Michael James; Coen, Tanya Leigh DESCRIPTORS: /Nicaragua/ /political participation/ /urban areas/ /household/ /non-governmental organizations/ /local government/ SHELF CATEGORY: [NON-OFFICIAL MONOGRAPHS COLLECTION] SHELVED AT: HIGGINS, Michael James. Oigame! Oigame!: struggle and social change ... Record no: 108079</p><p>Construcción de la democracia en Nicaragua. -- Managua : Imprenta UCA, 1989. -- 195 p. -- (Colección textos de sociología) CORPORATE AUTHOR(S): Universidad Centroamericana (Nicaragua). Escuela de Sociología DESCRIPTORS: /Nicaragua/ /democracy/ /political development/ /administrative reforms/ /women's participation/ SHELF CATEGORY: [NON-OFFICIAL MONOGRAPHS COLLECTION] SHELVED AT: UNIVERSIDAD CENTROAMERICANA. Escuela de Sociología. Construcción de la democracia ... Record no: 32258</p><p>Las mujeres nicaragüenses a 10 años de revolución. -- Managua : AMNLAE, 1989. -- 30 p CORPORATE AUTHOR(S): Asociación de Mujeres Nicaragüenses Luisa Amanda Espinoza DESCRIPTORS: /Nicaragua/ /women's role/ /women's participation/ /political participation/ /women workers/ SHELF CATEGORY: [NON-OFFICIAL MONOGRAPHS COLLECTION] SHELVED AT: ASOCIACION DE MUJERES NICARAGUENSES LUISA AMANDA ESPINOZA. Mujeres nicaragüenses ... Record no: 49149</p><p>14 Revolutionary popular feminism in Nicaragua : articulating class, gender, and national sovereignty. // IN: Gender and society / Sociologists for Women in Society (US) 4,no.3 (1990): 370-97. PERSONAL AUTHOR(S): Chinchilla, Norma Stoltz DESCRIPTORS: /Nicaragua/ /women's status/ /women's rights/ /social movements/ /revolution/ /marxism/ OTHER TERMS:[gender] SHELF CATEGORY: [NON-OFFICIAL SERIALS COLLECTION] SHELVED AT: (112) GENDER AND SOCIETY. - 4,no.3 (1990): 370-97. Record no: 59129</p><p>Femmes : organisation et lutte / Maryse Jean - Jacques ... [et al.]. -- [Port-au-Prince] : CRESFED, [1990?]. -- iii, 54 p. -- Includes chapter in French Creole of Haiti PERSONAL AUTHOR(S): Jean-Jacques, Maryse CORPORATE AUTHOR(S): Centre de recherche et de formation économique et sociale pour le développement (Port - au - Prince, Haiti) COVER TITLE: Femme : organisation et lutte DESCRIPTORS: /Haiti/ /women's participation/ /women's organizations/ /women's rights/ /women/ /economic and social development/ - /Nicaragua/ /national liberation movements/ SHELF CATEGORY: [NON-OFFICIAL MONOGRAPHS COLLECTION] SHELVED AT: CENTRE DE RECHERCHE ET DE FORMATION ECONOMIQUE ET SOCIALE POUR LE DEVELOPPEMENT. Femmes: organisation et lutte. Record no: 61309</p><p>Mujeres : panorámica de su participación en Nicaragua. -- Managua : Cenzontle, 1990. -- 91 p. -- (Colección realidades ; no. 1) PERSONAL AUTHOR(S): Olivera, Mercedes; Montis, Malena de; Meassick, Mark A. CORPORATE AUTHOR(S): Cenzontle (Organization) DESCRIPTORS: /Nicaragua/ /women's participation/ /political participation/ SHELF CATEGORY: [NON-OFFICIAL MONOGRAPHS COLLECTION] SHELVED AT: CENZONTLE (ORGANIZATION). Mujeres: panorámica ... Record no: 65889</p><p>Class, state and popular organizations in Mozambique and Nicaragua. // IN: Latin American perspectives : a journal on capitalism and socialism (US) 19,no.2 (1992): 105-24. PERSONAL AUTHOR(S): Cochran, Augustus B.; Scott, Catherine V. DESCRIPTORS: /Nicaragua/ /Mozambique/ /national liberation movements/ /women's participation/ /democratization/ /revolution/ /marxism/ /working class/ SHELF CATEGORY: [NON-OFFICIAL SERIALS COLLECTION] SHELVED AT: (112) LATIN AMERICAN PERSPECTIVES: a journal on capitalism and socialism. - 19,no.2 (1992): 105-24. Record no: 91018</p><p>15 Women's participation in Central American revolutions : a theoretical perspective. // IN: Comparative political studies : a quarterly journal (US) 25,no.1 (1992): 63-89. PERSONAL AUTHOR(S): Mason, T. David DESCRIPTORS: /Nicaragua/ /El Salvador/ /political participation/ /women's participation/ /revolution/ /guerrillas/ SHELF CATEGORY: [NON-OFFICIAL SERIALS COLLECTION] SHELVED AT: (112) COMPARATIVE POLITICAL STUDIES: a quarterly journal - 25,no.1 (1992): 63-89. Record no: 91370</p><p>La mujer nicaraguense en los años 80 / Ada Julia Brenes Peña ... [et al.]. -- Managua : Ediciones Nicarao, 1991. -- 305 p PERSONAL AUTHOR(S): Brenes Peña, Ada Julia CORPORATE AUTHOR(S): Instituto de Investigaciones, ITZTANI Pan American Health Organization Netherlands Organization for International Development Co-operation DESCRIPTORS: /Nicaragua/ /women/ /women's participation/ /political participation/ /women's role/ SHELF CATEGORY: [NON-OFFICIAL MONOGRAPHS COLLECTION] SHELVED AT: INSTITUTO DE INVESTIGACIONES ITZTANI. Mujer nicaraguense ... Record no: 94124</p><p>Women transforming politics : worldwide strategies for empowerment / edited by Jill M. Bystydzienski. -- Bloomington :Indiana University Press, c1992. -- x, 229 p. -- ISBN 0-253-20698-7 PERSONAL AUTHOR(S): Bystydzienski, Jill M. DESCRIPTORS: /women/ /politics/ /political participation/ /women's rights/ /equal opportunity/ /women's organizations/ - /Norway/ /United States/ /Spain/ /Japan/ /Greece/ /United Kingdom/ /Mexico/ /Canada/ /Uganda/ /Palestinians/ /Nicaragua/ /Poland/ /India/ SHELF CATEGORY: [NON-OFFICIAL MONOGRAPHS COLLECTION] SHELVED AT: BYSTYDZIENSKI, Jill M. Women transforming politics ... Record no: 102861</p><p>Subordinación de género en las organizaciónes populares Nicaraguenses : un estudio sobre la participación política de las mujeres. -- Managua : CENZOTLE, 1992. -- 31 p. -- (Cuadernos de trabajo ; 2) CORPORATE AUTHOR(S): Cenzontle (Organization) DESCRIPTORS: /Nicaragua/ /political participation/ /sex discrimination/ /women's participation/ /women's organizations/ /women's role/ /men's role/ OTHER TERMS:[gender] SHELF CATEGORY: [NON-OFFICIAL MONOGRAPHS COLLECTION] SHELVED AT: CENZONTLE (ORGANIZATION). Subordinación de género en las organizaciones ... Record no: 117101</p><p>16 Directorio : organismos que trabajan con mujeres en Nicaragua. -- Managua : Centro Editorial de la Mujer, 1994. -- 163 P PERSONAL AUTHOR(S): Chamorro, Teresa CORPORATE AUTHOR(S): Instituto de Investigaciones Mujer y Cambio DESCRIPTORS: /Nicaragua/ /women/ /women's organizations/ - /directories/ SHELF CATEGORY: [QUICK REFERENCE COLLECTION] SHELVED AT: INSTITUTO DE INVESTIGACIONES MUJER Y CAMBIO. Directorio organismos que trabajan ... (QR: P) Record no: 145482</p><p>Inventario de organizaciones con programas dirigidos a las mujeres de Centroamérica : Nicaragua y Panamá. -- 2nd ed . – San José : Fundación Arias para la Paz y el Prgreso Humano, 1993. -- viii, 235 p. -- "Proyecto CAM/89/001 Ejecutado por el Banco Mundial" . -- ISBN 9977-17-010-X CORPORATE AUTHOR(S): Fundación Arias para la Paz y el Progreso Humano. Unidad Regional de Asistencia Técnica DESCRIPTORS: /Central America/ /Nicaragua/ /Panama/ /women/ /women's organizations/ - /directories/ SHELF CATEGORY: [QUICK REFERENCE COLLECTION] SHELVED AT: FUNDACION ARIAS PARA LA PAZ Y EL PROGRESO HUMANO. Unidad Regional de Asistencia Técnica. Inventario de organizaciones ... (QR: P) Record no: 145557</p><p>Gender, practice and faith in Nicaragua : constructing the popular and making 'common sense'. -- Aldershot : Avebury, c1996. -- ix, 265 p. -- ISBN 1-85972-298-9 PERSONAL AUTHOR(S): Linkogle, Stephanie DESCRIPTORS: /Nicaragua/ /Catholic Church/ /social movements/ /women's participation/ /religion/ /liberation/ /revolution/ /ideologies/ /Marxism/ /traditional culture/ OTHER TERMS:[gender] SHELF CATEGORY: [NON-OFFICIAL MONOGRAPHS COLLECTION] SHELVED AT: LINKOGLE, Stephanie. Gender, practice and faith in Nicaragua ... Record no: 156519</p><p>The Nicaraguan revolution : six years after the Sandinista electoral defeat. // IN: Third world quarterly (GB) 17,no.2 (1996): 307-27. PERSONAL AUTHOR(S): Prevost, Gary DESCRIPTORS: /Nicaragua/ /political development/ /democratization/ /economic reform/ /agrarian reform/ /social reform/ /women's rights/ SHELF CATEGORY: [NON-OFFICIAL SERIALS COLLECTION] SHELVED AT: (32) THIRD WORLD QUARTERLY. - 17,no.2 (1996): 307-27. Record no: 158126</p><p>17 Women and revolution in Nicaragua / Lucinda Broadbent ... [et al.] ; edited by Helen Collinson. -- London : Zed Books, 1990. -- xii, 207 p. -- ISBN 0-86232-935-3 PERSONAL AUTHOR(S): Collinson, Helen; Broadbent, Lucinda DESCRIPTORS: /Nicaragua/ /women/ /revolution/ /social conditions/ /women's role/ /women's status/ /education of women/ /women's organizations/ SHELF CATEGORY: [NON-OFFICIAL MONOGRAPHS COLLECTION] SHELVED AT: COLLINSON, Helen. Women and revolution in Nicaragua. Record no: 55232</p><p>La mujer nicaraguense en los a7os 80 / Ada Julia Brenes Pe7a ... [et al.]. -- Managua : Ediciones Nicarao, 1991. -- 305 p PERSONAL AUTHOR(S): Brenes Pe7a, Ada Julia CORPORATE AUTHOR(S): Instituto de Investigaciones, ITZTANI Pan American Health Organization Netherlands Organization for International Development Co-operation DESCRIPTORS: /Nicaragua/ /women/ /women's participation/ /political participation/ /women's role/ SHELF CATEGORY: [NON-OFFICIAL MONOGRAPHS COLLECTION] SHELVED AT: INSTITUTO DE INVESTIGACIONES ITZTANI. Mujer nicaraguense ... Record no: 94124</p><p>18 8. OTHER ITEMS</p><p>Las sandinistas / Elizabeth Maier. -- México, D.F. : Cultura Popular, 1985. -- 173 p. -- (Crónicas, testimonios y documentos / Ediciones de Cultura Popular) PERSONAL AUTHOR(S): Maier, Elizabeth DESCRIPTORS: /Nicaragua/ /women's organizations/ /women's role/ /women's participation/ /rural women/ SHELF CATEGORY: [NON-OFFICIAL MONOGRAPHS COLLECTION] SHELVED AT: MAIER, Elizabeth. Sandinistas. Record no: 4271</p><p>Examen y evaluación de la Década para la Mujer 1976 - 1985 / Secretaría General Junta de Gobierno, Oficina de la Mujer. -- Managua : La Oficina, 1984. -- 53 p CORPORATE AUTHOR(S): Nicaragua. Oficina de la Mujer DESCRIPTORS: /Nicaragua/ /women/ /women's role/ /women's participation/ /international development decades/ SHELF CATEGORY: [GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS COLLECTION] SHELVED AT: NICARAGUA. Oficina de la Mujer. Examen y evaluación de la Década para la Mujer 1976-1985. Record no: 4761</p><p>El FSLN y la mujer en la revolución popular sandinista. -- Managua : Editorial Vanguardia, 1987. -- 40 p CORPORATE AUTHOR(S): Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional DESCRIPTORS: /Nicaragua/ /women's role/ /revolution/ /social movements/ /liberation/ SHELF CATEGORY: [NON-OFFICIAL MONOGRAPHS COLLECTION] SHELVED AT: FRENTE SANDINISTA DE LIBERACION NACIONAL. FSLN y la mujer en la revolución popular sandinista. Record no: 8046</p><p>La mujer en la economía nicaragüense : cambios y desafíos. -- Managua : Oficina de la Mujer, 1986. -- 18 p. -- At head of title: Ponencias presentadas en el V Congreso Nicaragüense de Ciencias Sociales, ANICS ... PERSONAL AUTHOR(S): Pérez Alemán, Paola; Siu, Ivonne CORPORATE AUTHOR(S): Congreso Nicaragüense de Ciencias Sociales (5th: 1986 : Managua, Nicaragua) Asociación Nicaragüense de Científicos Sociales Nicaragua. Oficina de la Mujer DESCRIPTORS: /Nicaragua/ /women workers/ /education of women/ SHELF CATEGORY: [NON-OFFICIAL MONOGRAPHS COLLECTION] SHELVED AT: ASOCIACION NICARAGUENSE DE CIENTIFICOS SOCIALES. Congreso Nicaragüense de Ciencias Sociales, 5th, Managua, 1986. Mujer en la economía ... Record no: 11225</p><p>19 Bibliografía nacional anotada sobre la mujer en Nicaragua. -- Managua : INIM, 1988. -- 219 p CORPORATE AUTHOR(S): Instituto Nicaragüense de la Mujer DESCRIPTORS: /Nicaragua/ /women/ - /annotated bibliographies/ SHELF CATEGORY: [REFERENCE COLLECTION] SHELVED AT: 631(157) INSTITUTO NICARAGUENSE DE LA MUJER. Bibliografía anotada ... Record no: 25321</p><p>Análisis de la situación económico social de Nicaragua, julio de 1984. -- [Santiago, Chile?] : UNICEF, [1984?]. -- viii, 297 p CORPORATE AUTHOR(S): United Nations Children's Fund. Regional Office for the Americas DESCRIPTORS: /Nicaragua/ /economic and social development/ /poverty/ /children/ /women/ /maternal and child health/ - /statistical data/ SHELF CATEGORY: [INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS COLLECTION] SHELVED AT: U.N. E/ICEF/. Oficina Regional del UNICEF para las Américas. Análisis del la situación económico social del Nicaragua ... Record no: 25653</p><p>Realidad y perspectiva : bibliografía nacional anotada sobre la mujer en Nicaragua. -- Managua : El Centro, 1987. -- 50 p CORPORATE AUTHOR(S): Centro de Documentación de la Mujer (Nicaragua) DESCRIPTORS: /Nicaragua/ /women/ - /bibliographies/ SHELF CATEGORY: [REFERENCE COLLECTION] SHELVED AT: 631(157) NICARAGUA. Oficina de la Mujer. Centro de Documentación de la Mujer. Realidad y perspectiva: bibliografía nacional ... Record no: 61279</p><p>Informe, inventario de proyectos para la mujer en Nicaragua. -- Managua : La Oficina, 1987. -- 83 p CORPORATE AUTHOR(S): Nicaragua. Oficina de la Mujer. Area de Proyectos DESCRIPTORS: /Nicaragua/ /women/ /women's participation/ /women's role/ /development projects/ SHELF CATEGORY: [GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS COLLECTION] SHELVED AT: NICARAGUA. Oficina de la Mujer. Area de Proyectos. Informe, inventario de proyectos ... Record no: 61285</p><p>20 Ensayo, la mujer en la economía nicaraguense : cambios y desafíos. -- Managua : La Oficina, 1986. -- 18 p. -- "Ponencia presentada en el V Congreso Nicaragüense de Ciencias Sociales, ANICS, del 9-12 de octubre, 1986" PERSONAL AUTHOR(S): Pérez Alemán, Paola; Siu, Ivonne CORPORATE AUTHOR(S): Nicaragua. Oficina de la Mujer DESCRIPTORS: /Nicaragua/ /women workers/ /women's participation/ SHELF CATEGORY: [GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS COLLECTION] SHELVED AT: NICARAGUA. Oficina de la Mujer. Mujer en la economía nicaraguense ... Record no: 61291</p><p>Fuerza laboral femenina en la rama textil - vestuario : segregación, salarios y rotación : avances de investigación. -- Managua : La Oficina, 1987. -- 44 p PERSONAL AUTHOR(S): Pérez Alemán, Paola; Martínez, Diana; Windmaier, Christa CORPORATE AUTHOR(S): Nicaragua. Oficina de la Mujer. Area deInvestigaciones DESCRIPTORS: /Nicaragua/ /women workers/ /textile industry/ /clothing industry/ SHELF CATEGORY: [GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS COLLECTION] SHELVED AT: NICARAGUA. Oficina de la Mujer. Area de Investigaciones. Fuerza laboral femenina en la rama textil ... Record no: 61303</p><p>From idealism to realism : women, feminism and empowerment in Nicaraguan tailoring co-operatives. // IN: Development and change (NL) 23,no.2 (1992): 91-114. PERSONAL AUTHOR(S): Mayoux, Linda DESCRIPTORS: /Nicaragua/ /industrial cooperatives/ /clothing industry/ /women workers/ /women's participation/ /division of labour/ /sex discrimination/ SHELF CATEGORY: [NON-OFFICIAL SERIALS COLLECTION] SHELVED AT: (333) DEVELOPMENT AND CHANGE. - 23,no.2 (1992): 91-114. Record no: 89429</p><p>Nicaragua, crisis económica y estratégias de sobrevivencia : con énfasis en la mujer / Carlos Lucas Arauz. Las pequeñas unidades de generación de ingresos : una alternativa para las mujeres / Luis Pocoma Loza. -- Managua : CIRA, 1991. -- 109 p. -- (Colección sociedad y cambio) PERSONAL AUTHOR(S): Arauz, Carlos Lucas; Pocoma Loza, Luis CORPORATE AUTHOR(S): Centro de Investigación de la Realidad Américalatina DESCRIPTORS: /Nicaragua/ /women/ /informal sector/ /women workers/ SHELF CATEGORY: [NON-OFFICIAL MONOGRAPHS COLLECTION] SHELVED AT: CENTRO DE INVESTIGACION DE LA REALIDAD DE AMERICALATINA. Nicaragua ... Record no: 93851</p><p>21 La universidad : revista de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua. -- Managua : La Universidad, 1991. -- 48 p. -- (Universidad ; v. 1, no. 1). -- Specimen issue CORPORATE AUTHOR(S): Universidad Nacional de Nicaragua DESCRIPTORS: /Nicaragua/ /Central America/ /women/ /society/ /universities/ SHELF CATEGORY: [NON-OFFICIAL MONOGRAPHS COLLECTION] SHELVED AT: UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTONOMA DE NICARAGUA. Universidad. Record no: 94161</p><p>Nicaragua : analysis of the social and economic situation. -- [Managua] : UNICEF, 1991. -- 21, [7] p CORPORATE AUTHOR(S): United Nations Children's Fund. Oficina para Nicaragua DESCRIPTORS: /Nicaragua/ /economic conditions/ /social conditions/ /economic policy/ /social policy/ /politics/ - /maternal and child health/ /women/ /children/ SHELF CATEGORY: [INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS COLLECTION] SHELVED AT: U.N. E/ICEF/. Oficina para Nicaragua. Nicaragua: analysis of the social and economic situation. Record no: 118245</p><p>Descripción de organizaciones y proyectos para mujeres en Nicaragua : a fin de indicar necesidades de apoyo y posibilidades de colaboración. -- Managua : ASDI, 1986. -- 1 v. (various pagings) PERSONAL AUTHOR(S): Madsen, Bente Ostergaard CORPORATE AUTHOR(S): Swedish International Development Authority DESCRIPTORS: /Nicaragua/ /women/ /women's organizations/ /women's participation/ /project design/ /project implementation/ /project financing/ SHELF CATEGORY: [GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS COLLECTION] SHELVED AT: SWEDEN. Swedish International Development Authority. Descripción de organizaciones y proyectos ... Record no: 122901</p><p>Diagnóstico sobre la situación de la mujer de la pequeña y microempresa en Nicaragua. -- Managua : INCAE, 1991. -- 24 p PERSONAL AUTHOR(S): Moreno, Ana Julia CORPORATE AUTHOR(S): Instituto Centroamericano de Administración de Empresas DESCRIPTORS: /Nicaragua/ /women workers/ /small enterprises/ /informal sector/ /development aid/ /industrial development/ /institutional framework/ /development projects/</p><p>22 SHELF CATEGORY: [INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS COLLECTION] SHELVED AT: INSTITUTO CENTROAMERICANO DE ADMINISTRACION DE EMPRESAS. Diagnóstico sobre la situación de la mujer de la pequeña y microempresa en Nicaragua. Record no: 128955</p><p>Mujeres en tiempo de guerra : Nueva Guinea, Nicaragua. -- Managua : Mujer y Cambio, 1993. -- 133 p PERSONAL AUTHOR(S): Saakes, Sylvia; Zúñiga, Flor de Maria CORPORATE AUTHOR(S): Instituto de Investigaciones Mujer y Cambio DESCRIPTORS: /Nicaragua/ /Papua New Guinea/ /women/ /war/ /economic aspects/ /social aspects/ /women's participation/ SHELF CATEGORY: [NON-OFFICIAL MONOGRAPHS COLLECTION] SHELVED AT: INSTITUTO DE INVESTIGACIONES MUJER Y CAMBIO. Mujeres en tiempo de guerra ... Record no: 131956</p><p>Sandino's daughters revisited : feminism in Nicaragua. – New Brunswick, N.J. : Rutgers University Press, 1994. -- xvi, 311 p. -- ISBN 0-8135-2024-X PERSONAL AUTHOR(S): Randall, Margaret DESCRIPTORS: /Nicaragua/ /women/ /revolution/ /socialism/ /interviews/ SHELF CATEGORY: [NON-OFFICIAL MONOGRAPHS COLLECTION] SHELVED AT: RANDALL, Margaret. Sandino's daughters revisited: feminisim in Nicaragua. Record no: 136633</p><p>Personnel practices in careers of women at the top in government and business in Nicaragua and Costa Rica. // IN: Public administration and development : an international journal of training, research and practice (GB) 15,no.4 (1995): 395-416. PERSONAL AUTHOR(S): Snyder, Monteze M.; Osland, Joyce; Hunter, Leslie DESCRIPTORS: /Nicaragua/ /Costa Rica/ /women workers/ /managers/ /personnel management/ /private sector/ /public sector/ SHELF CATEGORY: [NON-OFFICIAL SERIALS COLLECTION] SHELVED AT: (32) PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND DEVELOPMENT: an international journal of training, research and practice. - 15,no.4 (1995): 395-416. Record no: 148747</p><p>23 After the revolution : neoliberal policy and gender in Nicaragua . // IN: Latin American perspectives : a journal on capitalism and socialism (US) 23,no.1 (1996): 27-48. PERSONAL AUTHOR(S): Babb, Florence E. DESCRIPTORS: /Nicaragua/ /women/ /economic policy/ /women workers/ /labour market/ /unemployment/ /social implications/ OTHER TERMS:[gender] [structural adjustment] SHELF CATEGORY: [NON-OFFICIAL SERIALS COLLECTION] SHELVED AT: (112) LATIN AMERICAN PERSPECTIVES: a journal on capitalism and socialism. - 23,no.1 (1996): 27-48. Record no: 155533</p><p>The disruptions of adjustment : women in Nicaragua. // IN: Latin American perspectives : a journal on capitalism and socialism (US) 23,no.1 (1996): 49-66. PERSONAL AUTHOR(S): Fernández Poncela, Anna M. DESCRIPTORS: /Nicaragua/ /women/ /economic policy/ /labour market/ /unemployment/ /women's role/ /social problems/ OTHER TERMS:[gender] [structural adjustment] SHELF CATEGORY: [NON-OFFICIAL SERIALS COLLECTION] SHELVED AT: (112) LATIN AMERICAN PERSPECTIVES: a journal on capitalism and socialism. - 23,no.1 (1996): 49-66. Record no: 155534</p><p>Centro Internacional de Formación de la OIT, Consejería Regional para la Mujer Trabajadora (1992) Promoción de la Participación de la Mujer en la Formaciòn Técnica y Profesional</p><p>Comite Nacional de Beijing (1994) Encuentro Nacional de Consulta Hacia Beijing, Nicaragua</p><p>Goierno de Nicaragua /INIM (1995) IV Conferencia Mundial Sobre la Mujer Posicion del Gobierno de Nicaragua Sobre la Propuseta de Plataforma de Accion Mundial.</p><p>Gobierno de Nicaragua (1994) Informe Preparatorio para la IV Conferencia Regional de America Latina y el Caribe Sobre La Mujer</p><p>INATEC and OIT (1992) Participación de la Mujer en la Formación Téchnica y Profesional en Nicaragua.</p><p>Renzi, M.R. and Agurto, S. (1993) Qué Hace la Mujer Nicaraguense Ante la Crisis Económica? FIDEG, Nicaragua</p><p>24 Wiegersma, N. (1994) State Policy and the restructuring of Women's Industries in Nicaragua in Aslanbeigui, N et al (eds) Women in the Age of Economic transformation: Gender Impact of Reforms in Post-Socialist and Developing Countries, Routledge, London and New York.</p><p>Elson, Diane and Gideon, Jasmine (1996), Gender Aware Country Economic Reports: Working Paper Number 4; Nicaragua (Draft), University of Manchester, Graduate School of Social Sciences, Genecon Unit</p><p>25</p>

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