148 SA~DHl"RST. BERKSHIRE. [KELLY'S Browning Rev. George Albert [curate], Ballard John, White Swan P.R Norris Matthew, Wellington Arms P.H Devonshire cottage Barefoot George, Rose & Crown P.R Paice Waiter, farmer I"arrer William James, Sandhurst lodge Bennett Edward D. Bird-in-Hand P.R Parsons Charles, farmer, College farm Gascoigne Lieut.Col. W. J. }'orest end Blake Henry Robert, builder Priucess Charlotte of Wales's (Royal Harrison Rev. Charles [Wesleyan], Bhssett Edward, Railway tavern Berkshire Regiment), 1St Volunteer­ Cowper lodge llown Albert Orton, Jolly Farmers P.R Battalion (H. Co.) (Capt. Horace Harvey Lieut.-Col. George Sheppard Chambers James, grocer & baker Manders) R.A., J.P. Ambarrow Cooper Robf>rt, grocer Pearson Francis, shopkeeper Hawkins Mrs. Gothic villa Cox Josiah, farmer Pigg William Beechey, baker & grocer Majendie Miss, The Warren Crouch Frances (Miss), farmer Reynolds Elijah, Fox & Hounds P.R Malam Rev. Arthur Noel lILA. Eagle Delaney Patrick, dairyman Reynolds John 'rhos. drape!' & clothier' House school Dill Marcus Gordon Colquhoun,solicitor Rogers Edward, Prince of 'Vales P.H Orsborn Mrs. Sunny rest Earley Henry, beer retailer & grocer Russell James M.D. surgeon & medical Over Thomas Elmer George, grocer, White house officer & public vaccinator, Sandhurst Parsons Rev. the Hon. RandallILA.[rec- ' Evans George, saddler district, Easthampstead union tor], Rectory Giblett Robert, farmer Smith George, farmer, Breach farm Raleigh Edward WaIter Gillett Thomas, farmer, Snaprails farm Smith George, farmer Rose Rev. James [Baptist] GoddardSarahR.(Mrs.),Duke'sHeadp.R Taylor William, coal dlr. & shopkeeper Russell James M.D Groves Jas. Geo. farmer, Ambarrow hi Tice Charles, boot & shoe maker Sams Samuel Hills Thomas Chaplen, butcher Watts Herbert, poor rate & tax collector­ Thompson Capt. Alfred, Yew Grove viI James George, builder & grocer & registrar of births & deaths fol" Wild Charles Arthur, Longdown lodge Legras Sylvain Auguste, New inn Sandhurst sub-distrIct COMMERCIAL. :Malan Rev. Arthur Noel M.A. prepara- Wigmore Edward Mosdell, builder Angel Thomas, tailor tory school, Eagle House school White William, Bull & Butcher F.R Auger Frederick, boot & shoe maker I Xew James, beer retailer & grocer SANDLEFORD, formerly extra-parochial, is now a lII. in the seventeenth year of his reign by patent under the parish, a mile and a half south from Newbury, in the South- Great Seal of England and by an ancient Bull of Pope ern division of the county, Faircross hundred, Newbury Gregory VI. in the year II39; the Earl of Perch was one petty sessional division, uniou and county court district, of the Norman barons who came in with William the Con­ situated on a small stream called the Auburn, which here queror, who gave to him the town and manor of Newbury; divides the counties of Berks and Hants. The inhabitants the priory was annexed in the reign of Edward IV. to the attend the church of Newbury. Bya decree obtained by Sir King's Free Chapel of St. George, Windsor. The present Francis Moore bart. of Fawley, in the Court of Exchequer, in mansion, called Sandleford Priory, includes a portion of the the reign of James I. Sandleford was declared to be "no monastic building, the ancient chapel now forming a dining part of the parieh of Newbury, nor so to be reputed," and room. In 1730 it was purchased by Edward Montagu esq. instead of the tithes and other ecclesiastical dues, which had of Dentou Hall, Northumberland, grandson of the first Earl been theretofore paid to the parson of ~ewbury, a charge of Sandwich, and was for many years the residence of his. of £8 yearly was substituted, which £8 yearly is still widow, the celebrated Mrs. Elizabeth Montagu, who founded paid to the rector of Newbury. Like many other extra- about 1760 and entertained here a literary society, called parochial places, Sandleford formerly belonged to a religious "The Blue Stocking Club; " the Priory is now the residence foundation; the priory of Sandleford was founded before of WiIliam Pollett Brown Chatteris esq. D.L., J.P. who is 1205 by Geofl'rey, Earl of Perch, Earl Marshal of England, lord of the manor and principal landowner. The soil is and Maud his wife, for canons of the Augustinian order, gravelly clay; subsoil clay. The chief crops are wheat, bar­ and the church of Sandleford, being then the church of St. ley and oats. The area is 520 acres; rateable value, £612 ;. John the Baptjst, with the lands of Sandleford, was by them the population in 1881 was 34. " assigned and ~iven to the perpeh;lal service of.God and of Letters through Newburyarrive at 7. 15 a.m. the nearest the Blessed Vlrgm Mary and All Sar~ts, to ho~d ll1 free alms money order & telegraph office as by the deed of the same foundatIOn and gIft now shewn forth appeareth," which gift was confirmed by King Henry The children of this place attend the school at Newtowu Chatteris William Pollett Brown D.L., I Wedderburn Mrs. Sandleford lodge I Butler Benjamin Gibbons, farmer J.P. Sandleford priory I Asprey James, farmer & maltster 1 SEACOURT is a parish seven miles north from Abingdon I manor and principal landowner. The soil is stoue brash.. and li from Oxford, in the hundred of Harmer and union I sand and loam; subsoil, various, but principally limestone. and county court district of Abingdon; it is united for ecde- The crops are a succession of grain. The area is 813 acres; siastical purposes with the parish of Cumuor, but is separate rateable value, £1,036; the population in 1881 was 20. as to the maintenance of its poor and other civil purposes. Letters arrive from Oxford by foot post. The nearest money There is no church. The Earl of Abingdon is lord of the order & telegraph office is at Oxford Ireland George, farmer, Tilbury I Saunders Mark, bailiff to Mr. Jason Saunders, ~Iedley farm SHALDOURN is a parish partly in Wilts, 4 miles south- established in Loudon in 1858 and afterwards transferred south-west from Hungerford, iu the Southern division of the to Margate, was removed to this place in 1877 ; it is sup­ county, hundred of Kintbury-Eagle, Newbury aud Hunger- ported by voluntary SUbscriptions and is uuder the man­ ford petty sessional division, union and county court district agement of a committee of gentlemen. .Jethro Tull, the of Hungerford, rural deanery of Newbury, archdeaconry of inventor of horse hoe and drill husbandry, resided at Pros­ Berks and diocese of Oxford. The church of St. Michael, perous Farm in 1730. The Marquess of Ailesbury, who is erected in the thirteenth or fourteenth century, was com- lord of the manor, Richard Casper Lee Bevan esq. J.P. of pletely restored in 1872 aud 1873, at a cost of over £2,800, Fosbury Manor, Hungerford, Thomas Kingston esq. and the under the direction of Mr. George F. Bodley A.R.A., F.S.A. Rev.Thomas HungerfoI'd )Iichell M.A.,J.p.of Hungerford,who architect, when an aisle was added and the tower rebuilt. is also lord of the manor of Bagshot, are the principal land­ the church now consists of chancel, nave, south aisle and owners. The soil is loamand sand; subsoil, saud. The chief south porch and an embattled western tower of three crops are wheat, oats and barley. stages, c01?'taini~g 5. bells: there is. a m.on~ment in t~e The hamlet of J\"EWTON and a portion of this parish chancel, WIth effigy m armour and mSCl'lptlO~ to Fra!lcIs (known as Shalbourn township) had a population in 1881 Choke, (ob. 1561 ): of ~he Ch?ke or Chokke famIly of AVI~g- of 217 and is in the county of Wilts; the other part of Shal­ ton and formerly reSIdent 111 the manor ho~se: a pIece bourn, including the hamlets of BAGSROT and OXENWOOD. of land to e~large the churchyard ~:as gIven by the with a population in 1881 of 605, is in this county. The )'larquess of AIlesbury. aI!'d consecrated 1Il the ~ear 1874: tithings of Shalbourn, Bagshot and Oxenwood (Berks) con­ t,here are about. 300 ,Slttll1.g~, al~ free: The regIster d~tes tain an area of 3,675 acres; the tithings of Shalbourn town­ from the year 1677.. rhe l!vmg IS a Vlcarage, averag~ tIthe ship and Newton (Wilts), 1,892 acres; rateable value of the rent-charge £388, With reSidence and 9 acres of glebe, m the whole £'" 060 The eutire area is 5264 acres' the entire gift of the Dean and Canons of Windsor, and held flince 1872 popul~ti~~ in ~881 was 822 ', by the Rev. George Robert Davies Cooke B.A. of Christ Sexton Jesse Waiter . Church, Oxford. The rectorial tithe commuted rent-charge, ,. '. amounting to £845 5s. and belouging to the Dean and BAGSHOT IS a hamlet 2 mIles north. Canons of Windsor, is leased to the Marquess of Ailesbury. POST & MONEY ORDER OFFICE & Savings Bank.-William There is a Wesleyan chapel in the parish. The charities Henry Levy, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive through are of £n yearly value. A Home for Motherless Girls, Hungerford at 7.10 a.m.; dispatched at 6 p.m. No deli-.
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