<p> Annotated Bibliography</p><p>Aron, L. (2009). Alternative schooling in the USA. In Kitty te Riele (Eds.), Making schools </p><p> different. (pp.10-19). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications Incorporated.</p><p>This book chapter provides an overview of the need for alternative schooling in the </p><p>United States. The author conducts studies for U.S. and federal agencies and provides</p><p> an ongoing report to the nation on public mental health service systems. This chapter </p><p> also explains the term alternative schools and reviews the typologies of those schools. </p><p>Characteristics of high quality programs were addressed. The outcomes of alternative </p><p> schooling was discussed. This author pointed out that many students who qualify for</p><p> alternative schooling may be being pushed out of schools because they do not perform</p><p> well on high stakes tests. It is a “quiet crisis” our schools are facing. The alternatives</p><p> for these students is largely of unknown quality and too few in numbers and types of </p><p> facilities. This book chapter will be valuable to my research by addressing some basic </p><p> terminology and reviewing the basic types of alternative schools. This will add to my </p><p> discussion of the literature in my literature review section. </p><p>Booker, K., & Mitchell, A. (2011). Patterns in recidivism and discretionary placement in disciplinary alternative education: The impact of gender, ethnicity, age, and special</p><p> education status. Education & Treatment of Children (ETC), 34(2), 193-208. doi:10.</p><p>1353/etc.2011.0016</p><p>This study examined the probability of being placed in an alternative education setting</p><p> for disciplinary reasons and the possibility of returning within one year. The authors are</p><p> researchers at Texas Women’s University. They revealed that minority students and </p><p> high school students had a higher chance of returning within one year than non-minority</p><p> students and middle school students. Boys were also rated to have a higher rate of </p><p> return than girls. Students with special education services were noted to have about the</p><p> same return rate as non-special education students. Cultural and developmental </p><p> implications due to the findings of this study were discussed. This study provides clear</p><p> quantitative data on the impact of gender, race, and special education status on the</p><p> return rate of students to alternative school settings and will add dimension to my </p><p> research. Several suggestions for future practice and further research were outlined </p><p> which has given me ideas on where I may want to go with my own research. </p><p>Christle, C. A., Jolivette, K., & Nelson, C. (2005). Breaking the school to prison pipeline: </p><p>Identifying school risk and protective factors for youth delinquency. Exceptionality,</p><p>13(2), 69-88. doi:10.1207/s15327035ex1302_2 The authors of this study discussed key elements that are present and identified for </p><p> students who are on a school to prison track. The authors are professors at the </p><p>University of South Carolina, Georgia State University, and the University of </p><p>Kentucky. The key elements that were found are academic failure, exclusionary </p><p> discipline practice, and dropout. Three multi-method studies were conducted that </p><p> examined these key elements. The article points out that much research has been </p><p> conducted on the risks of delinquency but not on the variables to offset these risks. </p><p>This study specifically pointed out school characteristics and policies that can help to </p><p> minimize the risk factors or can intensify risk factors for delinquent students. This </p><p> article will be beneficial to my research because it points out key elements that have</p><p> been identified as risk factors for students who attend alternative schools. It will be </p><p> interesting to see if I find the same key elements in my own research. </p><p>D'Angelo, F., & Zemanick, R. (2009). The Twilight Academy: An alternative education program</p><p> that works. Preventing School Failure, 53(4), 211-218. doi:10.3200/PSFL.53.4.211-218</p><p>The authors of this article point out that youth today are more diverse than ever before.</p><p>Frank D’Angelo is an assistant professor at Bloomsburg University in Pennsylvania. </p><p>Robert Zemanick is an assistant principal at the Nazareth Area Middle School in </p><p>Pennsylvania. Schools need to address this diversity in their school population and create alternative education settings that meet the needs of the students that have </p><p> difficulty succeeding in a traditional classroom setting. The authors point out that </p><p> characteristics of successful alternative programs as well as the philosophy of </p><p> alternative education need to be clearly defined. Challenges to alternative schooling</p><p> also need to be well described and stated. This article is beneficial because it confirms</p><p> that alternative schools can be highly effective in providing an education to students </p><p> who have not been successful in traditional educational settings. This will add to my </p><p> literature review because it aids me in the triangulation of resources in support of </p><p> alternative schools.</p><p>Dixon, P. (2010). The forgotten room: Inside a public alternative school for at-risk youth.</p><p>Childhood Education, 87(1), 65. </p><p>The forgotten room is an ethnographic study of an alternative school in Georgia, and </p><p> gives a true candid look at an alternative school. The author, Patrick Dixon, is a </p><p>Principal of Bellflower Adult School in Bellflower Unified School District in </p><p>California. This is an eye-opening account that should be read by the people </p><p> determining policies, making decisions, or running support programs for alternative education. These individuals are often far removed from what actually goes on in </p><p> these </p><p> schools. This article will add to my research because it is different from other </p><p> ethnographic studies. This is due to the fact that the observer, Mary Hollowell, has</p><p> varied roles as, volunteer, substitute paraprofessional, observer, and teacher. This </p><p> allowed for a unique observatory perspective which weaves several alternative </p><p> education topics into one remarkable story. This article will help me to stay grounded</p><p> to the fact that what I am researching has real implications with real people not just</p><p> research subjects. </p><p>Houchins, D. E., Puckett-Patterson, D., Crosby, S., Shippen, M. E., & Jolivette, K. (2009).</p><p>Barriers and facilitators to providing incarcerated youth with a quality education.</p><p>Preventing School Failure, 53(3), 159-166. doi:10.3200/PSFL.53.3.159-166</p><p>The authors of this article collected a list of barriers and catalysts to providing a </p><p> quality education to youth that are incarcerated. The authors are professors at </p><p>Georgia State University and Auburn University. They provided a list which offered </p><p> several themes for starting point to discussing how to improve the educational </p><p> process and its quality for youth that are incarcerated. The following nine themes are </p><p> the foundation for discussions: discipline, student concerns, academics, personnel concerns, materials and supplies, parent involvement, funding, communication, and </p><p> facilities. The authors used the constant comparative method to analyze their data. The</p><p> article then focused as to what teachers and administrators can do specifically to </p><p> improve the educational process for incarcerated youth. This article will be useful to me</p><p> because the themes will help me to focus on specific areas that I may want to include in </p><p> my questionnaires. The constant comparative method is also something I am </p><p> considering for my own research method.</p><p>Rios, L. (1996). Me...teach criminals? The true adventures of a prison teacher. New York, </p><p>NY: Vantage Press Incorporated.</p><p>This book is a true account personal account of teaching criminals for eight years in a </p><p>Texas jail system. The author, Lorna Rios, taught Texas prisoners in two jails and a </p><p> prison for eight years. She has also taught probationers and GED classes for Austin</p><p>Community College. She is currently a certified public school teacher in Idaho and is </p><p> a professional presenter and conference speaker. The author discovers that </p><p> approximately 80% of the prisoners she teaches are high school dropouts. She explores </p><p> the question of why this is so, and what makes these prisoners different from other </p><p> uneducated adults. This narrative explores prejudices toward minority groups and the notion that incarcerating people for longer terms does not work. This actually makes it </p><p> harder for prisoners to rehabilitate and transition back into a free society. This book </p><p> will assist me in my research by giving me a first-hand account of what it is like to work</p><p> in an alternative setting.</p><p>Tissington, L.D. (2006). History: Our hope for the future. Preventing School Failure, 51(1), </p><p>19-25. http://courses.unt.edu/bullock/readings/PreventingSchool51%281%29.pdf#page=</p><p>18</p><p>The author of this article looks at how public education has changed throughout history. </p><p>Laura Tissington is an assistant professor and Associate Chair of the College of </p><p>Professional Studies at the University of West Florida in Pensacola, Florida. She points</p><p> out that these changes have led to the formation of alternative education settings which </p><p> are now fast growing due to the need of these settings. Quality alternative education </p><p> settings must contain essential components in order to comply with federal mandates </p><p> that require all public schools hold all students to the same standard. Tissington </p><p> declares that administrators and teachers are cautious about counting low test scores</p><p> on state tests or low school averages. This article is valuable because it provides me</p><p> with the history of public education. This will help to give readers a better </p><p> understanding of the role of education and how it relates to the growing field of alternative education. </p><p>Turton, A. M., Umbreit, J., & Mathur, S. R. (2011). Systematic function-based intervention for </p><p> adolescents with emotional and behavioral disorders in an alternative setting: </p><p>Broadening the context. Behavioral Disorders, 36(2), 117-128. Retrieved from </p><p>EBSCOhost.</p><p>This article examines the efficacy of function-based interventions in an alternative </p><p> setting. The authors are researchers from the University of Alaska at Anchorage, </p><p>University of Arizona, and Arizona State University respectively. Their interventions</p><p> were designed to support students with emotional and behavioral disorders. It was </p><p> decided that implementing these interventions would continue even after the study </p><p> ended in an effort to control behavior and to facilitate transition back into the </p><p> mainstream classroom. This article pointed out a major problem in how we are </p><p> educating a whole group of children. This information is important because it adds to </p><p> the literature supporting the efficacy function-based interventions and the social validity </p><p> of those interventions. This will be invaluable to my research in many ways. I hope to add some component where I look at how students transition back to their home </p><p> schools. This article gives me ideas on how to make that transition more successful and</p><p> hopefully reduce the return rate of students back to alternative schools.</p><p>Vacca, J. S. (2004). Educated prisoners are less likely to return to prison. Journal of </p><p>Correctional Education, 55(4), 297-305. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. </p><p>This study supports earlier research that prisoners who attend some type of educational</p><p> programs during the time they are incarcerated are less likely to return to prison once </p><p> they are released. The author, James Vacca, is the Chair of Special Education and </p><p>Literacy at C.W. Post College in Long Island, New York. He has taught reading and</p><p> writing to inmates at a maximum security prison in Comstock, New York. He was also</p><p> a school teacher and administrator in New York Public Schools and residential </p><p> treatment centers for more than thirty years. Educational programs in prisons account</p><p> for less violence by inmates involved in the program. They also help to create a more</p><p> positive prison climate. This is confirmed by several studies in several states. In </p><p> addition, these educational programs advocate vocational training for prisoners. This</p><p> is especially important when prisoners transition from prison back to society. This </p><p> article gives me strong support in favor of alternative schooling.</p>
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