o S.U.R.F. Erasmus+ STEP UP FOR RIGHTS NEWBEGINNINGS OF FEMALES WWOMENOMEN RRIGHTS-BASEDIGHTS-BASED AAPPROACH:PPROACH: TURNINGTURNING PPRINCIPLESRINCIPLES INTOINTO PPRACTICERACTICE EERASMUS+RASMUS+ TRAININGTRAINING COURSECOURSE 009.10-17.10.20189.10-17.10.2018 VVIJAYAWADA,ijayawada, IINDIAndia PPARTICIPATINGarticipating cCOUNTRIES:ountries: Kv IINDIAndia I 1 HHONDURASonduras SSENEGALenegal LLITHUANIAithuania * i I " S.UR.F. STEP UP W FOR RIGHTS OF FEMALES NAME: WWomenomen rrights-basedights-based aapproach:pproach: TTurningurning pprinciplesrinciples iintonto ppracticeractice ACTIVITY: TTrainingraining ccourseourse DURATION: I 7+27+2 traveltravel ddaysays ((09.10-17.10.2018)09.10-17.10.2018) PARTICIPATING COUNTRIES: ( t India, Honduras, Senegal, Lithuania ! India, Honduras, Senegal, Lithuania V \ 0 NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS: \ 2200 inin totaltotal ( i / I ,’ms. SEE INTEGRACIJOS Erasmus* TransicionHonduras NEVVBEGINNINGS CENTRAS INTRODUCTION:PRE-DEPARTUREDETAILSINTRODUCTION: PRE-DEPARTURE DETAILS India:India: ItIt iiss a ccountryountry ffullull ofof contrast.contrast. A beautifulbeautiful ccountryountry withwith ggreatreat historyhistory aandnd bbackgroundackground asas mmanyany ooff yyouou aawareware ofof it.it. ItIt isis aalsolso kknownnown aass a ccountryountry ofof mystism.mystism. TheThe ssecondecond mostmost populatedpopulated countrycountry iinn tthehe wworldorld wwithith tthehe hhighestighest ppooroor iinn tthehe wworldorld asas wwellell aaccordingccording ttoo tthehe WWBB rreport.eport. TTherehere iiss aann unthinkablyunthinkably vvastast ddifferenceifference bbetweenetween uurbanrban andand rruralural India.India. OOff tthehe totaltotal ppopulationopulation 68%68% ofof tthehe ppeopleeople livelive inin rruralural India.India. RRegardingegarding wwealthealth ssharing,haring, 11%% ooff tthehe ppopulationopulation controlscontrols 58%58% ooff nnationalational wwealth,ealth, wwhilehile 554%4% controlcontrol tthehe rrestest ooff nationalnational wwealth.ealth. IndiaIndia hhasas tthehe highesthighest nnumberumber ooff ppooroor iinn tthishis wworldorld -– 266266 mmillionillion livelive wwithith llessess tthanhan $ 1 perper day.day. TThishis iiss rruralural andand sslumlum India.India. HHowever,owever, thethe llivingiving sstandardtandard iiss tthehe uurbanrban iiss uunthinkablynthinkably high.high. IfIf ppossible,ossible, I recommendrecommend yyouou ttoo watchwatch a moviemovie “Slumdog“Slumdog MMillionaire”.illionaire”. TThishis ggivesives betterbetter iideadea ooff hhowow India’sIndia’s sslumslums are.are. India’sIndia’s cclaimlaim ofof eeconomicconomic ggrowthrowth ddidid nnotot rreacheach tthehe rruralural IIndiandia much.much. WWhilehile yyouou ccanan ssurviveurvive eeasilyasily iinn a rruralural vvillageillage wwithith € 250-300250-300 perper yyear,ear, thethe ssameame aamountmount isis bbarelyarely eenoughnough ttoo ssurviveurvive iinn aann IIndianndian citycity fforor a mmonth.onth. AAndhrandhra PPradesh:radesh: AAndhrandhra PPradeshradesh isis thethe nnewestewest sstatetate thatthat wwasas bifurcatedbifurcated ffromrom thethe erstwhileerstwhile uunitednited AAndhrandhra PPradesh,radesh, llocatedocated oonn tthehe south-easternsouth-eastern ccoastoast ooff IIndia,ndia, wwhichhich wwasas ddividedivided intointo TelanganaTelangana andand AAndhrandhra PPradeshradesh iinn 22014.014. IItt isis oneone ooff tthehe ffiveive southernsouthern sstates.tates. TThehe newnew sstatetate hhasas a populationpopulation 449.679.67 mmillionillion asas pperer tthehe NationalNational CCensusensus 22011.011. AP’sAP’s nnewew ccapitalapital ccityity AAmaravathi,maravathi, llocatedocated nearnear VVijayawada,ijayawada, iiss eestimatedstimated ttoo bbee ccompletedompleted bbyy 22020020 -– 22025.025. UUntilntil tthen,hen, HyderabadHyderabad rremainsemains tthehe dede jjureure ccapitalapital forfor bbothoth sstates.tates. AAndhrandhra PPradeshradesh hhasas ttwowo betterbetter kknownnown rregionsegions aass CCoastaloastal AAndhrandhra aandnd RRayalaseema.ayalaseema. VVishakhapatnam,ishakhapatnam, locatedlocated oonn tthehe BayBay ofof BBengalengal aandnd VVijayawada,ijayawada, locatedlocated onon thethe rriveriver Krishna,Krishna, aarere tthehe ttwowo mostmost iimportantmportant ccitiesities inin tthishis sstate.tate. VVishakhapatnamishakhapatnam hashas a wwonderfulonderful bbeacheach aandnd a hhomeome fforor tthehe ssouthernouthern wwinging ooff IndianIndian NNavyavy andand iitsts fforces.orces. AAndhrandhra PPradeshradesh hashas tthehe ssecondecond richestrichest ttempleemple inin tthishis wworldorld aafterfter tthehe VVatican.atican. IItt iiss a templetemple ddedicatededicated ttoo HHinduindu ddeityeity VVishnuishnu llocatedocated onon tthehe hhillsills ooff TirumalaTirumala inin TTirupathi.irupathi. ItIt iiss vvisitedisited byby bbil¬il- llionsions ofof ppeopleeople everyevery yyear.ear. TThehe otherother ttouristourist placesplaces aarere VVishakhapatnam,ishakhapatnam, AArakkurakku VValleyalley ((aa nnaturallyaturally formedformed hillhill ccave,ave, ttribes,ribes, aandnd thethe llandscapeandscape etc),etc), KKurnool,urnool, andand VVijayawada.ijayawada. VVijayawada:ijayawada: VVijayawadaijayawada isis a wwonderfulonderful ccityity aandnd a ppeace-lovingeace-loving city.city. IItt isis thethe administrativeadministrative capitalcapital forfor KKrishnarishna ddistrict.istrict. IItt isis llocatedocated oonn rriveriver KrishnaKrishna andand hhasas a ppopulationopulation ooff jjustust overover 1mmillionillion aass pperer 22011011 census.census. HHowever,owever, ttherehere aarere 250,000250,000 mmigratedigrated constructionconstruction wworkersorkers aalonelone iinn thethe citycity aass oonn 22015.015. TheThe citycity hhasas a rreservoireservoir bbuiltuilt oonn tthehe riverriver pprimarilyrimarily forfor aagriculturegriculture aandnd ddrinkingrinking wwater.ater. WhenWhen thethe wwaterater llevelevel iiss bbelow,elow, itit isis pprimarilyrimarily uusedsed fforor drinkingdrinking purpose.purpose. ThereThere aarere tthreehree ccanalsanals runsruns tthroughhrough tthehe ccityity rreachingeaching vvillagesillages andand ootherther ssmallermaller citiescities inin tthehe nneighbouringeighbouring districts.districts. ,’ms. SEE INTEGRACIJOS Erasmus* TransicionHond NEWBEGINNINGS CENTRAS INTRODUCTION:PRE-DEPARTUREDETAILSINTRODUCTION: PRE-DEPARTURE DETAILS TThehe nname,ame, VVijayawada,ijayawada, hashas manymany interestinginteresting toponomy,toponomy, mostmost ooff tthemhem relatedrelated toto rreligions.eligions. VVijay¬ijay- aawadawada hhasas ttwowo iimportantmportant religiousreligious pplaceslaces -– OurOur LLadyady ooff LourdesLourdes -– a CCatholicatholic sshrinehrine locallylocally knownknown aass GunadalaGunadala MMathaatha aandnd thethe ootherther iiss DDurgaurga -– A HHinduindu deitydeity temple.temple. BBothoth areare llocatedocated onon hhilltopsilltops ofof differentdifferent hills.hills. TThehe citycity hhasas aalmostlmost allall rreligiouseligious faithfaith yyouou ffindind iinn IIndia,ndia, iincludingncluding tthosehose wwhichhich aarere vveryery rrareare iinn otherother pplaces.laces. VVijayawadaijayawada iiss kknownnown aass bbusinessusiness aandnd educationaleducational ccentreentre ofof AAndhrandhra PPradesh.radesh. VVijayawadaijayawada iiss oneone ooff thethe metrosmetros iinn tthehe ccountryountry wwherehere yyouou getget freefree WWi-Fii-Fi aatt selectedselected pplaceslaces ssuchuch aass RailwayRailway sstation,tation, BBusus sstation,tation, hheavyeavy mmarketsarkets rroadsoads eetc.tc. VVijayawadaijayawada iiss kknownnown fforor iitsts hheavyeavy traffictraffic bbothoth bbyy roadsroads aandnd railways.railways. VVijayawadaijayawada isis tthehe gatewaygateway ttoo tthehe rrestest ooff tthehe ssouthernouthern sstatestates aandnd isis wwellell connectedconnected byby NNationalational HighwaysHighways rrunningunning tthroughhrough tthishis city.city. NNationalational HHighwayighway 16,16, a ppartart ooff AAsiansian HHighwayighway 4455 aandnd GoldenGolden QQuadrilateraluadrilateral iiss a majormajor hhighwayighway thatthat ppassesasses throughthrough tthehe citycity aandnd connectsconnects KKolkataolkata aandnd CChennai.hennai.[[56]56] WWhile,hile, ootherther hhighwaysighways ssuchuch aas,s, NNationalational HHighwayighway 6565 llinksinks tthehe ccityity wwithith PPune-Machilipatnamune–Machilipatnam routeroute andand NationalNational HHighwayighway 222121 wwithith JJagdalpuragdalpur ofof CChhattisgarh.hhattisgarh. IInnernner RingRing RRoadoad cconnectsonnects bbothoth NHNH 1166 aandnd 6655 andand sserveserves thethe mmainain ppurposeurpose ofof eeasingasing ccityity traffictraffic ccongestion.ongestion. TThehe BusBus stationstation isis thethe ffourthourth llargestargest aandnd busiestbusiest inin tthehe ccountryountry alongalong wwithith DDelhi,elhi, ChennaiChennai aandnd HHyderabad.yderabad. VVijayawadaijayawada rrailwayailway sstationtation isis tthehe tthirdhird bbusiestusiest handlinghandling 332020 ttrainsrains perper dday,ay, bbeingeing thethe ccentralentral pointpoint connectionconnection ddownown southsouth aandnd northnorth IIndianndian ccities.ities. VVijayawadaijayawada airportairport isis connectedconnected ttoo almostalmost aallll thethe citiescities iinn IIndia.ndia. _ „ . SjgfefgÿFr ■■�ama a J ‘ mm T’r"n - — •T- sSUl - * (JgSlr# •’ " * m £ V 4. ‘ . gj s*:* rS ■ £7 : QL ,’ms. SEE INTEGRACIJOS Erasmus+ m m NEWBEGINNINGS CENTRAS VVISAISA Regarding Visa procedure, India provides e-visa (tourist visa) to citizens of most of the countries. The e-Visa is available for 30 days from the day you receive your visa. It is
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