Present: Tessa Blackstone (Chair) Christine Rose (Secretary)

Present: Tessa Blackstone (Chair) Christine Rose (Secretary)

<p>the ACADEMIC COUNCIL</p><p>SUMMARY MINUTES FROM THE FIRST MEETING OF 2010 OF ACADEMIC COUNCIL, HELD ON THURSDAY 28 JANUARY 2010 AT 3.00 PM IN ROOM 075, QUEEN ANNE COURT, GREENWICH CAMPUS</p><p>Present: Tessa Blackstone (Chair) Christine Rose (Secretary) Benson Adeeso Alev Adil Patrick Ainley Salam Al-Mosawi Liz Bacon Tom Barnes Maureen Castens Linda Cording Alex Coutroubis Ndy Ekere Joanne Finklestein Neil Garrod Dean Gilbert Richard Hayward Avril Hocking Simon Jarivs Les Johnson Anneyce Knight Liz Meerabeau Nigel Newbutt Chris Philpott Lucie Pollard Martin Snowden Liz West </p><p>In attendance: Christine Couper Dionne Glennon Debi Hayes Ann Murphy Sara Ragab Alan Reed Lynne Spencer Simon Walker</p><p>Apologies: Peter Burt John Crowley David Isaac Guy Poulter</p><p>10.1.1 MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF ACADEMIC COUNCIL HELD ON 26 NOVEMBER 2009</p><p>The following amendments to the Summary Minutes was noted:</p><p>9.4.4 – third paragraph to read: “The Head of Engineering advised COUNCIL that the Business First initiative which is led by Canterbury Christchurch University is a joint bid with the Universities of Kent, Greenwich and the Creative Arts which has generated HEFCE funding of over £300K. The initiative enables Kent businesses to provide placement opportunities to graduates at no cost, in a bid to support business in the economic downturn. COUNCIL requested a report on the results of this initiative when known”.</p><p>9.5.10 – to read: The Head of School of Health & Social Care advised COUNCIL that the system would be more robust if contact with the external examiner is routed through an administrative office. A further meeting would be arranged with the Director of Student Affairs and the Chair of the Research Degrees Committee to look into this matter.</p><p>Subject to the above amendments, the Summary Minutes of COUNCIL held on 26 November 2009 were agreed as an accurate record.</p><p>1 MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES: </p><p>09.4.4 COUNCIL received three separate papers from the Schools of Education & Training, Health & Social Care and the Business School detailing employability initiatives and activity within each school. The Chair invited the three Heads of School to comment on their papers. It was noted particularly in the Schools of Education & Training and Health & Social Care that employability and personal development is integrated into programmes as statutory bodies oversee the professional standards which require this in both schools. The Head of the Business School commented that the papers illustrate the good practice which exists and further consideration should be given to bringing together a formal structure for employability initiatives for the university as a whole.</p><p>The Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic Development) commented that a paper will be presented to Court on the University’s strategy for employability, Schools will be required to undertake any actions arising from the paper.</p><p>The Chair thanked the Heads of School for their interesting reports.</p><p>9.5.10 Appeal against postgraduate examination decision COUNCIL received a paper from the Chair of the Research Degrees Committee which outlined the proposal to unify arrangements for the management and administration of examinations for postgraduate research students. The proposal recommended the transfer of management of the examinations arrangements from the Schools to the Research Students Administrative Office (RSAO). A number of benefits from this proposal were identified. </p><p>COUNCIL agreed the proposal.</p><p>09.6.4 Revised Academic Regulations: LQU has drafted notification to students, staff and examinees. All will be posted in early January via the Portal and email. The Director of Student Affairs informed COUNCIL that notification of the revisions to the Academic Regulations had been undertaken.</p><p>09.6.13 Terms of Reference: University Research Ethics Committee COUNCIL received and agreed the revised terms of reference for the Research Ethics Committee.</p><p>10.1.2 QUALITY ASSURANCE AGENCY (QAA) INSTITUTIONAL AUDIT: MARCH 2009: PROGRESS REPORT</p><p>The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic Development) informed COUNCIL that the University had submitted its formal response to the recommendations from the QAA Institutional Audit Report by the deadline of 24th December 2009. COUNCIL was informed that the two essential recommendations had been completed, and further development work on the assessment regulations is being undertaken through a working group chaired by the Head of School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences. It was further reported that of the five advisory recommendations from the QAA, one had already been completed and the remainder would be undertaken during Spring 2010.</p><p>The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic Development) informed COUNCIL that the QAA would undertake a further evidence based audit to ensure that the University had fully addressed the recommendations. The outcome of this audit would then be reported to the QAA Board which would then close the process.</p><p>2 The Head of Architecture & Construction informed COUNCIL that the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) had initially suspended a validation event following the QAA Audit Report. The Head of School reported that the Institute had been notified of the response by the university to the QAA and that the validation event has now been scheduled to take place in March 2010.</p><p>10.1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE AGENCY (QAA) COLLABORATIVE PROVISION AUDIT: MARCH 2011: PROGRESS UPDATE</p><p>The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic Development) reported that a representative group had been put in place to oversee the preparation of the QAA audit on Collaborative Provision and had held their first meeting to discuss preparations. COUNCIL noted that collaborative provision had grown substantially in numbers since the last collaborative audit. There were now more fte students in collaborations overseas than there were international students on campus. The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic Development) reported that a memo has been issued to the Heads of School requesting that the necessary audit trail is in place by the end of January 2010. </p><p>The Chair thanked the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic Development) for his progress report and reminded COUNCIL that the university must ensure that a positive response to the audit on collaborative provision.</p><p>10.1.4 APPLICATION STATISTICS FOR THE UNIVERSITY TO 7 JANUARY 2010: TO NOTE</p><p>The Head of Planning & Statistics provided COUNCIL with a report on applications received by 7th January 2010 for entry onto full-time and sandwich programmes and a comparison with data from the same date in the previous session. It was noted that the overall number of applications to the University is considerably higher than at the same time last session. The overall acceptance rate for UCAS applications is also higher than last year and whilst the increase in acceptances is smaller, this is expected to change following the UCAS closing date.</p><p>Attention was drawn to the overseas applications and acceptance statistics. Further analysis using information on deposits paid by applicants will provide better quality data on the number of acceptances. It was noted that overseas applications were lower than the previous session.</p><p>Further discussion took place about the drop in the number of international students arriving in January 2010. The Heads of Schools of Engineering, Computing & Mathematical Sciences and Science reported fewer than expected arrivals. It was reported information from the International Office about the last date on which they could arrive in the UK for visa purposes was later than the start of term. There may also have been difficulties in obtaining visas.</p><p>The Chair stressed the importance of ensuring that accurate information across the University is issued to students and the Secretary and Registrar agreed to make further inquiries into this with the International Office.</p><p>COUNCIL discussed the increase in applications to the University and the opportunity for accepting good students at this stage. The Chair stressed the importance of responding to applicants with the minimum of delay to ensure a quality intake of students at an early stage and perhaps for some programmes to reduce the need for student intake through Clearing. </p><p>3 10.1.5 NEW AWARD OF MASTER IN TEACHING & LEARNING</p><p>COUNCIL received a paper on the new Master in Teaching and Learning (MTL) Award. The Head of School of Education & Training said that the award is part of a move to enhance the qualification level of newly qualified teachers. The University was part of a consortium of 11 HEIs in the South East who were successful in a bid to teach the award. Academic Planning Sub-Committee (APSC) had received an outline planning document at its January 2010 meeting. The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic Planning) informed COUNCIL that the Sub-Committee had concerns about the programme due to the requirements stipulated by the TDA. He stressed that the award must have the same rigour as other masters level programmes within the University. </p><p>COUNCIL approved the Master in Teaching and Learning to be added to the list of Masters programmes offered in the University.</p><p>10.1.6 REPORT ON STUDENT INDUCTION AND TRANSITION: 2008-2009: TO CONSIDER</p><p>It was noted that a new policy framework for the student experience of arrival, induction and orientation was approved by COUNCIL in April 2009. The report on Student Induction and Transition provided COUNCIL with progress on initiatives arising from the policy which have been developed and shared between Schools and across the university. Details of activities and results of an induction survey were provided within the report.</p><p>COUNCIL discussed in detail whether or not the term “induction” was clear or helpful for new students and whether induction was seen to be mandatory by new students. </p><p>COUNCIL agreed that the term ‘week 0’ should be replaced with ‘week 1’ for all new students and that ‘week 1’ should include elements of teaching. It was noted from the findings of the induction survey that ‘week 1’ is important for new students to engage with the University community including teaching and learning support staff, personal tutors and other students. The report noted the need for improved communication across the University to ensure new students engage with ‘week 1’ and a need for better communication with students before they arrive.</p><p>The Chair thanked the Head of the Educational Development Team for the report and emphasised the importance of a successful induction programme for new students and the integral role that each School, the Students’ Union and support staff have to play.</p><p>10.1.7 LEARNER SERVICES IN INFORMATION AND LIBRARY SERVICES (ILS): TO CONSIDER</p><p>COUNCIL received a paper on learner services in Information and Library Services (ILS). The report provided an overview of the organisational structure within ILS and a summary of the current position with regard to the student experience as evidenced by student feedback. It was noted that a variety of internal mechanisms are used to obtain feedback on how the services are being used and to identify issues at an early stage so that any necessary action can be taken. Following responses on resource issues and opening times from the previous NSS additional funding had been spent on books, targeted in the first instance at improving collections in specific subject areas and also creating a collection to support international students. In response to feedback on the need for longer opening hours, a midnight opening time for 7 days a week was piloted in the lead up to the exam period in 2009. The Director of ILS reported that the usage statistics and positive reception from students has resulted in this being adopted as the norm from the start of the 2009/2010 session. Monitoring usage would </p><p>4 continue because of additional costs associated with the opening hours. COUNCIL noted comments from members from the Medway Campus that the extended opening times had made a positive social impact on the campus.</p><p>The Director of ILS noted that despite a small annual increase in the numbers of ILS PCs available, the overall university ratio of FTEs per PC remains at 7.4 as in the previous academic session. However there are campus imbalances, to which the different levels of School provision contribute.</p><p>The Director of ILS concluded with a comment on planned future development which included improvements to the physical and virtual teaching and learning environments, academic skills developments and improved management information.</p><p>10.1.8 LEARNER SUPPORT: REPORT ON CENTRAL STUDY SKILLS SERVICES AND THE SUMMER UNIVERSITY: 2009: TO CONSIDER</p><p>COUNCIL received an annual report on the central services provision for learner support. The Director of the Partnership Division informed COUNCIL that both study skills and summer university are firmly embedded within the university learning and teaching structure and enhancements to both forms of provision over the years have been made in response to user needs and technology. It was noted that there has been a 5% increase in the number of students accessing Study Skills support via the university web pages and there was some discussion about the areas where students sought specific support. </p><p>COUNCIL noted the low attendance in the Schools of Science and Engineering and were concerned over the provision of support on the Medway Campus in general. It was noted that the low figures in these schools could be as a result of both Schools already providing study skills as timetabled activities. The Chair suggested that further commentary be provided in light of the data provided.</p><p>The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic Planning) informed COUNCIL that a paper on Study Skills provision had been discussed at the last meeting of the Learning and Quality Committee. As a result, it has been agreed that the development of a more strategic approach to study skills across the institution should be pursued. </p><p>10.1.9 SERVICES TO STUDENTS: 2008/2009: TO NOTE: </p><p> i. ACADEMIC APPEALS, STUDENT DISCIPLINARY, FITNESS TO PRACTISE, FORMAL COMPLAINTS, OIA</p><p>The Head of Awards, Exams & Standards (Office of Student Affairs) provided COUNCIL with an annual report on the case work undertaken in the 2008/2009 academic session. </p><p>It was noted the largest number of academic appeals had been submitted from the School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences. COUNCIL requested that:</p><p> i) in future reports this data should be presented proportionally to the number of students within the School. ii) more detailed analysis of the data relating to the appeals for the next meeting.</p><p>The Head of Awards, Exams & Standards informed COUNCIL that a review of the Code of Behaviour Policy which incorporates the Student Disciplinary Regulations and Disciplinary Appeals procedures would be undertaken during the 2009/2010 academic session. In light of the disciplinary cases about fires in halls of residence the Chair asked whether students were </p><p>5 allowed to smoke inn university accommodation.</p><p>The Chair informed COUNCIL that a number of complaints about members of staff had been received in the Vice Chancellors Office from non existent students and as a result would not be responded to. The Chair asked the Students’ Union to remind students that there is an established Complaints procedure.</p><p>COUNCIL noted the report. </p><p> ii. ONE STOP SHOP</p><p>COUNCIL received an annual report on the activities of the Campus Student Centres (Office of Student Affairs). COUNCIL noted the developments for 2009/2010 specifically relating to the Points Based System, its impact on students applying to renew their visa, as well as the increased workload for Student Centres and the International advice team which would arise as a result of regulations regarding the Points Based System. There is also a major addition to the CRB clearance process with the introduction of student registration to the Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA). COUNCIL noted that sector guidance is expected in January 2010 and ISA registration becomes mandatory in November 2010.</p><p>COUNCIL noted the report and the activities planned for 2009/10.</p><p> iii. STUDENT FINANCE AND FINANCIAL SUPPORT</p><p>The Head of Student Finance & Financial Support (Office of Student Affairs) presented an annual report on the services provided by the section. COUNCIL was informed about the key developments during the 2008/2009 academic session which included the Financial Services Authority ‘Money Doctors’ project, a series of workshops for students on money management and streamlining bursary services with the provision of online application forms and submission. A summary of the type and number of contacts with the SFFS team was noted as was the usage of information on the web, an area which it is anticipated will be developed. </p><p>COUNCIL was informed that the time frame for the debt management protocol will be adjusted during the 2009/2010 session with the tuition fee debt hold applied at a much earlier stage enabling the SFSS team to work more effectively with students experiencing difficulties with fee payments.</p><p>The Chair thanked colleagues from the Office of Student Affairs for presenting their reports.</p><p>10.1.10 CONFIRMATION OF RECOMMENDATION OF EXAMINERS: PhD AND EdD:</p><p>COUNCIL ratified the recommendations.</p><p>10.1.11 (a) CENTRAL COMMITTEES</p><p>Learning and Quality Committee – 28 October 2009 Research and Enterprise Committee – 7 October 2009 Research Ethics Committee – 4 December 2009</p><p>No comments received</p><p>COUNCIL noted the flow of minutes. </p><p>6 (b) SCHOOL BOARDS</p><p>Architecture & Construction – 1 July 2009 Humanities and Social Sciences – 16 September 2009 Partnership Board – 9 October 2009</p><p>The Head of Architecture & Construction informed COUNCIL of the success of the Young Designer project with the Sorrell Foundation and several FE Colleges. The event has also led to a small number of students recruited onto programmes within the School.</p><p>No further comments received.</p><p>COUNCIL noted the flow of minutes. </p><p>10.1.12 ITEMS FOR INFORMATION</p><p> SUUG DIARY DATES</p><p>COUNCIL noted the dates presented for the Fresher’s Fayres and the Students Union AGM</p><p>DATE OF THE NEXT MEETING OF ACADEMIC COUNCIL: 24 MARCH 2010, QUEEN ANNE 075, 3PM.</p><p>7</p>

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