Sutton Courtenay Parish Council

Sutton Courtenay Parish Council

<p> SUTTON COURTENAY PARISH COUNCIL</p><p>A meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Village Hall, Sutton Courtenay on Tuesday 6th November, 2012 Present: Councillors: M. Jenkins (Chairman), Mrs. R. Atkinson, D. Butler, C. Campbell, W.Hanks, D. Hignell, R. Mead, J. Warwick, C. Woodward Clerk: Mrs. L. Martin 60 members of the public Cllr. G. Duffield (District Councillor), David Bainbridge – Bidwells Matthew Stock and Johnathan Wood – Redrow Homes Ltd.</p><p>Prior to the commencement of formal business, Bidwells, agents for Redrow Homes Ltd gave a presentation about proposals for housing development on land rear of 28-72 Milton Road. They answered questions from councillors and members of the public.</p><p>2012/215 Apologies for absence Apologies for absence had been received from Cllrs. Ms. T. Field and Mrs. H. Knight. Apologies had also been received from Cllr. S. Lilly (Oxfordshire County Council) as he was in hospital.</p><p>2012/216 Declarations of Interest There were no declarations of interest.</p><p>2012/217 Minutes of the meeting held on 2nd October, 2012 Cllr. Ms. Field, although not present at the meeting had asked members to consider whether or not the minute relating to the allotment item was an accurate record. Cllr. Woodward referred to a letter from a member of the public and queried whether the record represented what was said at the meeting. Council discussed the minutes and agreed that these were a true record of the proceedings. The Chairman signed the minutes as a true record.</p><p>2012/218 Matters arising from the Minutes of the meetings held on 2nd October, 2012</p><p>Hobbyhorse Lane / Old Wallingford Way – footpath signs These had now been installed by the County Council.</p><p>Drayton Road – Traffic Calming The clerk reported that reminders to the County Council’s various staff involved had been sent. The support of Cllr. Lilly in resolving the outstanding design and implementation of the scheme had been requested.</p><p>Cross Trees Farm – Planning Enforcement The planning enforcement officer had confirmed that as far as the businesses in units 1-6 were concerned, the District Council was waiting</p><p>76 for an application for a certificate of lawful development. A visit had also taken place to the building / scaffolding business which was operating from the cow shed and off the hardstanding. As a material change of use had taken place, a planning application was required within 28 days should the use continue.</p><p>2012/219 Public Particpation</p><p>High Street - Traffic Calming – hump adjacent to Spring Cottage Mr. Dougan asked, that if funding was now available for traffic measures in Sutton Courtenay, that some funds should be spent on the traffic calming cushions outside of Spring Cottage. He asked that this be an agenda item for the next meeting. He referred to the nuisances caused to the cottage and its occupants, by the large lorries. It was noted that the weight restriction in the High Street had been increased to 7.5 tonnes owing to European requirements. This could not be reversed.</p><p>Peafowl It was reported that Nuneham Courtenay Arboretum was prepared to take some of the surplus peafowl from the village.</p><p>Landfill Site Questions were asked regarding the lake behind the recreation ground, and the construction works on the landfill site. The Chairman responded and confirmed that the lake was probably going to be filled in as it was not part of the site’s drainage scheme. The Council was waiting to see the overall drainage plans for the site. The Clerk had reminded Mr. Molland and Mr. Marsh from FCC that the drainage amendments were still outstanding. A member of the public asked that the Council write to the County Council to stop the decision about drainage being made, and that the current drawings be withdrawn, and new drawings submitted as and when ready and that the matter then go out for consultation at a later stage. The construction works were the MRF building which had been granted planning consent. </p><p>Reference was made to the Millennium Common. FCC had undertaken some works to clear the north east corner. It was stated that the remainder needed clearing. Cllr. Duffield advised that a new millennium common was about to be formed following the leaving of some committee members and the retirement of county council officers.</p><p>High Street – verges It was reported that the drains were becoming blocked with mud, and there was permanent ponding of water. Thames Water Utilities’ pipe had become ruptured at the end of September owing to the works being undertaken by the Gas Board. The verges would require restoration once the gas pipe laying work was complete.</p><p>77 Water Table Questions were asked to the level of the water table in Sutton Courtenay. The Chairman responded that this was high.</p><p>Footpath 27 It was reported that the Hobbyhorse Lane end of footpath 27 was in a poor stated of repair and had several holes. The Parish Council was asked as to what it could do as help was required. It was suggested that if there was no identifiable owner, then each household may own up to the centre. It was suggested that the attention of the rights of way officer at the County Council be drawn to the state and condition of the footpath.</p><p>Minutes of October’s meeting A member of the public stated that he did not recognise that the minutes of the last meeting were an accurate and complete record. He queried the reference to the matter of allotments and the village hall committee, and whether it was acting on behalf of the Parish Council. Cllr. Warwick accepted that his precise words used at the last meeting may not have been correct. Details of the Trustees of the village hall committee were requested by the member of the public. The Clerk advised that these were available on the Charity Commission’s website, by searching for the village hall charity. Cllr. Mrs. Atkinson, who was also secretary to the village hall committee listed, from memory, the current members of the village hall committee. She could provide details to the member of the public outside of the Council meeting.</p><p>2012/220 County Councillor’s report – Cllr. S. Lilly In the absence of Cllr. Lilly no report was available.</p><p>2012/221 District Councillor’s Report – Cllr. G. Duffield FCC – Cllr. Duffield reported that the application for the anaerobic digester was pending, and the MRF application was to go to committee at the District Council. Restructuring had taken place within FCC and and Hanson. Local Plan – This was at the first draft stage and would go out for public consultation soon. His personal preference was for a replacement bridge for Culham in the vicinity of that area and not at Wittenham. Benefit changes – District Councillors were being advised on changes, which would take effect next year. County Council Elections 2013 – Cllr. Duffield explained the changes to the divisions within the county. There were boundary changes which affected each seat in the immediate area. Cllr. Iain Brown, the County Councillor for Marcham and Hendreds would not be standing again, Cllr. Lilly would be standing for the new Harwell and Hendred division, and Cllr. Duffield would be standing for the Sutton Courtenay and Marcham division.</p><p>78 Council agreed to bring the agenda item relating to the planning application for the MRF forward on the agenda.</p><p>2012/222 FCC – Liaison Committee 29th October 2012 Council received a report from Cllr. Mead who attended this meeting. He stated he had received a letter referring to 20 HGV vehicles to be kept at the site and that there would be 8000 tonnes of clinical waste passing through the site. This had later been amended to state 15 vehicles and 80 tonnes of clinical waste. 125 complaints in total had been lodged with the environment agency during Aug, Sept and October regarding the landfill land composting. An application for a certificate of lawful development had been lodged by Hanson for the use of trains.</p><p>2012/223 Matters raised by Councillors for information HGV in village It was reported that an HGV had been seen in the village in breach of the 7.5 tonne weight limit. There seemed various ways of dealing with such breaches either via Trading Standards, the Police or via the local Police Neighbourhood Action Group. Should matters result in a prosecution, it seemed unclear who was the first contact point. The Clerk would make enquiries.</p><p>Milton Footpath no.299/1 – Milton Road to Milton Park It was reported that horses were using this path. It was believed the horses were from Brook Farm. The Clerk was asked to contact Milton Parish Council as the path was in that parish.</p><p>Church Street – deterioration It was reported that Church Street road surface was deteriorating, particularly outside Manor Cottage. The Clerk was asked to draw the County Council’s attention to this.</p><p>Footpath no. 19 – nettles It was reported that the area of this footpath by the new gate had been cleared of nettles.</p><p>Road beyond power station – lorries It was reported that the road beyond the power had lorries parking on it. This made it difficult for car drivers to get round. Local businesses in the area had smoking bans, and it was thought that drivers stopped for a break. The Clerk was asked to bring this to the attention of the local Police Community Support Officer.</p><p>Drayton Road, Sutton Courtenay close to junction with the road to Milton It was reported that a turn left road sign at the area known as 1066 was too low. 79 Gas Works in village Questions were asked as to whether the gas works/replacement pipes would extend to Milton Road. This was not known.</p><p>Bradstocks Way – no. 91 - hedge It was reported that this hedge is overhanging the footway</p><p>Harwell Road - chicane It was reported that the chicane worked well in slowing down vehicles. The bollards and street lighting which were damaged by a vehicle needed replacement.</p><p>Fields It was reported that newly planted fields were being walked over by residents and motorbikes too had been seen going over them. All this caused unnecessary damage. The Clerk was asked to place an article in Sutton Courtenay news.</p><p>2012/224 Planning Applications MW.0174/12 Variation of conditions 1,3, 22 of approval MW.0027/12 for the establishment of recycling facilities on land west of Corridor Road, to extend the end date of operations from 31st December 2019 to 31st December 2030, to increase the annual MRF throughput from 70,000 tpa to 200 000 tpa and for some alterations to approved elevations</p><p>The Chairman, with Council’s consent suspended the meeting and standing order 1d and 1e to allow a member of the public to speak. Mr. Draper stated: that the proposal was a major material alteration and required a new planning application and not be dealt with as an amendment. He asked the Council to object to the application. He referred to the accumulative impact for the area and the current level of activities which already gave rise to complaints. He feared the application, if approved, would exacerbate the problems experienced.</p><p>The Chairman reconvened the Council meeting. Council discussed the application and </p><p>RESOLVED: (i) to object to the application stating that an amendment to an existing consent was not an appropriate way of dealing with such a variation The end date and additional throughput would create a permanent feature in the area and would have an additional impact on the area. (ii) that the letter to the County Council be delegated </p><p>80 to the clerk in consultation with the working party. (iii) that the letter be copied to the District Councillor, the County Councillor and the Vale of White Horse District Council</p><p>2012/225 Police Matters There were no matters raised</p><p>2012/226 Planning Applications</p><p> a) Decisions on previous applications</p><p>MW.110/12 Details Pursuant to conditions 15 (landscaping), 16 (drainage), 18 (road surfacing), 19 (signage), 20 (internal layout) & 21 (bunding) of Planning Permission P12/V1497/CM (MW.0027/12) at Sutton Courtenay Landfill Site, Sutton Courtenay, OX14 4PW Approved 25th October, 2012</p><p> b) Applications dealt with prior to the meeting</p><p>P12/V1972/HH Demolition of outbuildings and construction of new Orangery 13 High Street For: Mr. D. Miell-Ingram Comments: Council stated that the building was grade II* and not grad II as stated on the application form. A heritage assessment or statement should have been provided. Council requested that all windows and doors should be wooden and in keeping with the building.</p><p>2012/227 The duration of the meeting had been 2 hours and Council resolved to suspend standing order no. 1z to allow business to continue</p><p>2012/228 Planning Applications considered at the meeting</p><p>P12/V0243/HH Erection of a two storey extension 6 Abingdon Road For: Ms. J. Lister Comments: Council objected to the application as the footprint was the same as a previously refused application. The area was in a flood plain and the Environment Agency should be consulted. The building had the propensity to push the flood water elsewhere. The proposal represented an intensification of sporadic development</p><p>P12/V2028HH Erection of an oak open sided boat shelter The Wharf, 43 Church Street For: Mr. and Mrs. N. Monaghan Comments: Council had no objections</p><p>81 2012/229 Recreation Ground Cllr. Mrs. Knight had inspected the play area and sent a report. The second gate into the play area did not close properly. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman had attended to this, and the self closing gate now worked correctly. It was thought that the litter bins had not been emptied for some while. Cans left in the bin one week were still there the next. The Clerk advised that the bins were emptied monthly from October to March. In addition plastic bags were not used in the open top bins, as these did not fit the large top opening, and as fires had been lit in these bins, the melted plastic was more difficult to deal with. The matting around the rotating disc was in need of attention.</p><p>RESOLVED:</p><p> that Cllr. Hignell undertake the play equipment inspections on a weekly basis until the December meeting of the Council.</p><p>2012/230 Neighbourhood Plans Council noted that Drayton Parish Council was undertaking a neighbourhood plan. The Vale of White Horse District Council had invited comments on the plan area. The boundaries were the parish boundary of Drayton.</p><p>RESOLVED: that Council had no objections to the plan area chosen by Drayton Parish Council</p><p>Council discussed the possibility of a neighbourhood plan for Sutton Courtenay, and bringing forward the community led plan with the issues it contained. A working party had already been agreed. It was agreed to set a date for a neighbourhood plan working party meeting.</p><p>2012/231 Milton Park – Local Development Order Council discussed the draft Order. Concerns were expressed as to where the boundary was drawn as this included part of Kelaart’s field located between the village and Milton Park. This acted as a buffer zone, and the Council had already had cause to contact businesses owing to nuisances caused. The lighting assessment did not include receptors in Sutton Courtenay. Also suggested was a stakeholder group, similar to FCC or RWE which would act as a forum for an exchange of information.</p><p>RESOLVED: that the Council responds to the Vale of White Horse District Council objecting to the inclusion of Kelaart’s field in the Order, and the lack of </p><p>82 study of points within Sutton Courtenay in the lighting assessment. The Council, in addition, recommends the setting up of a stakeholder group.</p><p>Council considered the possible street names for Milton Park as put forward by the Vale of White Horse District Council. These were Brook Drive, Croft Drive, Eastern Avenue, Innovation Drive, Jubilee Avenue, Olympic Avenue, Park Drive, Park Drive East and Western Avenue. It expressed concern that the proposal of Brook Drive may become confused with Brook Street in Sutton Courtenay.</p><p>RESOLVED: that no objection be lodged against the names other than Brook Drive which was too similar to Brook Street.</p><p>2012/232 Enterprise Zone and Science Vale Briefing – Monday 26th November at 6.00 p.m. at Didcot Civic Hall</p><p>RESOLVED: that Cllrs. Hanks and Warwick represent the Council at this event.</p><p>2012/233 Vale of White Horse District Council – Strategy Council discussed the possible future planning policy documentation and agreed it was important to safeguard the landscape setting, character and appearance of the village. There was a discrepancy between planning applicants saying that there were in pre-planning talks and the statement from Cllr. Cox accepting that Sutton Courtenay had fulfilled its quota. The distribution of housing should be fair and equitable, and Council expressed concerns with land banking.</p><p>RESOLVED: that a letter be written to the Head of Planning at the Vale of White Horse District Council stating the importance of safeguarding the character of the parish and seeking to ensure that the distribution of housing should be fair and equitable</p><p>2012/234 Risk Assessment Council carried out a risk assessment as outlined in the National Association of Local Councils Guide on Governance and Accountability. Council considered risks to its assets and liabilities on an individual basis. Council noted that the insurance figures had been updated for the current year in line with index linking. </p><p>83 RESOLVED: that the risk assessment as drafted be accepted by Council</p><p>2012/235 Correspondence a) Oxfordshire County Council – Notification of the making of a public path diversion and definitive map statement modification Order. Sutton Courtenay Footpath 19.</p><p> b) Oxfordshire County Council – Entry to Primary Schools Notification of application dates for entry to primary schools</p><p> c) Oxfordshire Association of Local Councils – Winter General Meeting Monday 19th November at Stratfield Brake, Kidlington</p><p>2012/236 Accounts Council noted the list of cheques to be signed and authorised payments totalling £2716.42 in respect of administration, grass cutting, subscription, donation and refund of overpayment of cemetery memorial fee.</p><p>2012/237 Items for inclusion in Sutton Courtenay News Council suggested that reference be included to the presentation by Bidwells regarding the housing off Milton Road and a thank you to the residents to attended.</p><p>2012/238 Date of Next Meeting Council agreed that the next meeting of the Council would take place on Tuesday 4th December, 2012 at 7.30 p.m. in the village hall. A further would take place on Monday 10th December at 7.30 p.m. in the village hall to discuss the budget for 2013/14.</p><p>2012/239 Custodian Trustee Matters Council resolved, at the request of the Village Hall Management Committee, to sign an allotment letting agreement in respect of plot 3.</p><p>2012/240 The Chairman moved that in accordance with s. 1 of the Public Bodies Admissions to Meetings Act 1960 that the press and public be excluded from the remainder of the meeting to consider the confidential item on the agenda.</p><p>Agenda Item – Custodian Trustee matters.</p><p>The meeting closed at 10.50 p.m.</p><p>Signed ...... Date ...... </p><p>84</p>

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