<p> Autumn Break Holiday Home Work sheet</p><p>English Class -III Q1. Answer the following questions – 1.What does the child want to do ? Ans…………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………… 2. What does the child wish to do after getting up? ______3.Write the name of the parts of the plant? ______4. .Name two birds from the poem “Bird Talk”? Ans…………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………… 5.Name the tree that the acorn grows in to ? Ans…………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………… 6. What did the old man plant? Ans ______7. Was Nina careful for the baby sparrows? ______8.Did the turnip come up at last? ______9.Where did the child find the sea shell ? Ans…………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………… 10. Where does the balloon man stand.? Ans…………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………… 11.How many fish are there in the sea ? Ans…………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………… 12. What did the child do with the shell .? Ans…………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………… 13.. who helped the old man to pull the enormous turnip? Ans…………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………… 14.What things does a seed need to grow? Ans…………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………… 15. Why was there great joy in Neena’s house? Ans…………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………… 16..Name five flower growing in the magic garden? Ans…………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………… 17. Why did mummy took the shell to the child’s ear? Ans…………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………… 18.What does the little fish wish for ? Ans…………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………… 19.What did the child do with the sea shell? Ans…………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………… 20.Why was it difficult for the old man to pull up the turnip? Ans…………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………… Q.2 DO as directed – 1) write the opposite of the given words- a) Hard - ______b) Big - ______c) upward- ______d) fat- ______e) Right-______2) Write the plural of the given words – a) Carrot - ______b) Potato - ______c) branch- ______d) boy-______e) class-______3) Add “ed” and make a new word- a) Look - ______b) Pick- ______c) jump - ______d) play - ______4) Write suitable describing word – a) A ______peacock. ( Beautiful/ ugly) b) A ______board. (black/ yellow)</p><p>5) Write the full form of – a) Was’t - ______b) Can’t - ______c) is’nt- ______d) they’ar - ______6) Fill in the blanks with is/are – a) A boy ______reading. b) Girls ______playing. 7) Write the Rhyming words for – a) Sand - ______b) bold - ______8) Fill in the blank’s with the words given. – a) A glass of ______( water / papper) b) A bunch of ______( flower/ cow) 9) Look at the picture and fill up the suitable action word ? a) A child is ______. ( Playing) b) Radha is ______( Reading) 10) Use “a “ or “an “ a) ______fish b) ______orange. d) ______hour. e) ______boy. Q.3 B) Unscramble the jumbled words in to a meaningful word- a) LOOC - ______b) TTLLIE - ______c) CLERA ------d ) SCOOLH - ______e) BLLOOAN - ______f) PPYHA - ______G) PPSILED - ______H) IMLLOIN - ______I) FERIND - ______</p><p>वविषय – हहिननन्दी ननिमनि प्रशनिश्नों कके उतत्तरददो– 1. “कककक ” कववित्तता कके कववि ककौनि हहै? </p><p>उतत्तर -:...... 2. त्ततम पर घर मके ककौनि-ककौनि धश्नोंस जमतात्तता हहै? उतत्तर -:...... 3. त्ततमहतारता ककस-ककस पर बस चलत्तता हहै ? उतत्तर -:...... 4. ककनि-ककनि बतात्तश्नों पर अकसर आपकदो टदोकता जतात्तताहहै? उतत्तर -:...... 5. “कककक ” कदोयल जहैसता कयदो निहहहीं हहै? उतत्तर -:...... </p><p>6 फक लदो पर त्ततमनिके अकसर ककनि कदो उड़त्तके-ममडरतात्तके दकेखता हहै? उतत्तर -:...... 7 बतड़ड़ी अममता चतामद पर कयदो चड गई हदोगड़ी ? उतत्तर -:...... 8 शकेर ककसतानि सके कयता लकेनिके गयता थता? उतत्तर -:...... 9 शकेर निके बबतत्तश्नों कदो रताक्षसड़ी कयदो समझललयता? उतत्तर -:...... 10 “टटपटटपविता” कहतानिड़ी मके टटपटटपविता ककौनि थता? </p><p>(2). ललहींग बदलदो 1. शकेर ...... 2 गताय ...... (3.) विचनि बदलदो 1. रतात्त ...... 2. मटहलता ...... (4.) समतानि शबद ललखदो । 1. घर ...... 2 जल ...... (5.) ननिमनि शबददो कके वविलदोम शबद ललखदो – 1. आज ...... 2. जमड़ीनि ...... (6) मतहताविरश्नों कके अथर्थ ललखदो। 1. टदनि रतात्त एक करनिता ...... 2. पसड़ीनिता बहतानिता ...... (7) “सहींजता” शबद कदोर खताककत्त करके । रताम, भदोपतालर म रहत्तता हहै । (8) “वविशकेषण “शबद कदोर खताककत्त करके । मयहींक बतवद्धिमतानि लड़कता हहै। (9) “सविर्थनिताम” शबदर कदोखताककत्त करके । आलशकता, भदोपतालर म रहत्तड़ी हहै । विह कक्षता पतामच मके पड़त्तड़ीहहै। (10) “जल” शबद कके ददो अथर्थ ललखकर विताकयर म प्रयदोग करके । 1. जल ...... 2. जल ...... सहह वित्तर्थनिड़ी कर सथतानि परभरदो 1. बहतादरत /बहतादरक ...... 2. मजदरहक / मजदरहत ...... 3।– अ .... क नि ...... 4- भदो.... ल - ...... 5 भदोजपतर / भदोजपकर ...... (6) कक्रिककेट/ क्रिक्रीकट-...... शरन ककालन्दीन हिककायर्यग हहिननन्दी 1. पताठय पतसत्तकर म सके ददो कववित्तता यताद करके। 2. घर कक्री सताफ सफताई कके ललए ककौनि ककौनि सड़ी चड़ीजश्नों कता उपयदोग करत्तके हहै–चचत्रबनिताओ त्तथता चचपकताओ । 3. अ सके ज त्तक हर एक अक्षर सके ददो ददो शबद ललखखए । 4. दशहरता तयदोहतार पर 5 विताकय ललखदो चचत्र सटहत्त । 5. त्ततक वितालके 10 शबद ललखखए उदताहरण – पतानिड़ी - नितानिड़ी 6. वविलदोम शबद ललखदो 10 उदताहरण – छदोटता - बड़ता Math’s Q.1Paste the shapes on copy with the use of colour paper. a) Triangle b)Square c)Circle d)Rectangle Q.2 Draw a flower, train ,house ,kite ,tree with the use of different shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle) and colour it. Q.3 Draw 2 floor patterns and 2 tiles patterns. Q.4 What number should be added to 25 to get 35? Q.5 The cost of one pen is Rs. 15. What is the cost of 2 pens? Q.6 Sachin scored 186 runs in a test cricket match? How many more runs should be make to score a double century? Q.7 Raju bought a shirt for Rs. 135 and a trouser for Rs. 189. How much money did he spend in all? EVS Draw a beautiful Peacock by using One of your palm 2. Look at the plants and tree around you and write any four eg of each (1)Climbers ------(2) Trees ------(3) Herbs ------(4) Shrubs ------3. Draw of paste the picture of any four type of houses and write the name of material used to make it 4. Why do we need food paste pictures of any five food items made by Rice and wheat . 5. Draw the following facial expressions in your notebook (a) sadness (b) Happiness (c) Anger (d) Frightened English 1. Learn and write question answer of unit 1- 4 unit 2.Write 20 pairs of rhyming 3.Write 20 pairs of singular –plural 4. Write 5 sentence on fish 5. Write poem = Balloon man ,Bird talk , Good morning ,Sea song ,Little by Little . 6. Write 20 pairs of opposite words </p><p>शरन ककालन्दीन हिककायर्यग हहिननन्दी 1. पताठय पतसत्तकर म सके ददो कववित्तता यताद करके। 2. घर कक्री सताफ सफताई कके ललए ककौनि ककौनि सड़ी चड़ीजश्नों कता उपयदोग करत्तके हहै–चचत्रबनिताओ त्तथता चचपकताओ । 3. अ सके ज त्तक हर एक अक्षर सके ददो ददो शबद ललखखए । 4. दशहरता तयदोहतार पर 5 विताकय ललखदो चचत्र सटहत्त । 5. त्ततक वितालके 10 शबद ललखखए उदताहरण – पतानिड़ी - नितानिड़ी 6. वविलदोम शबद ललखदो 10 उदताहरण – छदोटता - बड़ता Math’s Q.1Paste the shapes on copy with the use of colour paper. a) Triangle b)Square c)Circle d)Rectangle Q.2 Draw a flower, train ,house ,kite ,tree with the use of different shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle) and colour it. Q.3 Draw 2 floor patterns and 2 tiles patterns. Q.4 What number should be added to 25 to get 35? Q.5 The cost of one pen is Rs. 15. What is the cost of 2 pens? Q.6 Sachin scored 186 runs in a test cricket match? How many more runs should be make to score a double century? Q.7 Raju bought a shirt for Rs. 135 and a trouser for Rs. 189. How much money did he spend in all? EVS Draw a beautiful Peacock by using One of your palm 2. Look at the plants and tree around you and write any four eg of each (1)Climbers ------(2) Trees ------(3) Herbs ------(4) Shrubs ------3. Draw of paste the picture of any four type of houses and write the name of material used to make it 4. Why do we need food paste pictures of any five food items made by Rice and wheat . 5. Draw the following facial expressions in your notebook (a) sadness (b) Happiness (c) Anger (d) Frightened English 1. Learn and write question answer of unit 1- 4 unit 2.Write 20 pairs of rhyming 3.Write 20 pairs of singular –plural 4. Write 5 sentence on fish 5. Write poem = Balloon man ,Bird talk , Good morning ,Sea song ,Little by Little . 6. Write 20 pairs of opposite words WORKSHEET MATHS 3 1. Write the Expanded form of the following Numbers. a) 732 = 700 + 30 + 2. b) 123 = ______c) 390 = ______</p><p>2. Add mentally and write the number: a) 11 more than 20 ______b) 10 more than 49 ______c) The sum of 28 and 10 is ______d) 9 added to 41 gives ______</p><p>3. Fill in the blanks a) The standard unit for measuring length is ______b) 1 m = ______cm c) 4 m = ______cm d) 8 m = ______cm </p><p>4. Find the missing numbers </p><p>6. A shopkeeper has 167 apples and 326 oranges. How many fruits does he have in all ? ______</p><p>7. Rahul had 75 cakes . He gave 30 to his sister Minu. How many cakes were left with him ? ______8. In a school , class 3A has 44 students and class 3B has 45 students. How many students are there in both the students ? ______9. There are 892 books in a shop. The shopkeeper sold 659 books . How many books are still to be sold ? ______</p><p>Work sheet Class -3 Evs Q1 Name the utensils which you use for eating or drinking .</p><p>Q2 how do plants look when it rain .</p><p>Q3 tick ( ) the correct answer . (a)we see rainbow before/ after it rains . (b) Clouds Condense/ evaporate to give rains . (c) animals and plants need water / oil for their survival . (d) we see 7/10 colours in a raimbow . (e) rain clouds are white/ grey</p><p>Q4 give two examples of body –building foods .</p><p>Q5 why do we need food ?</p><p>Q6 how do you store drinking water in your home . Q7 write any four natural sources of water . Q8 name the five sence organs . Q9 Draw a rainbow also write the colours of rainbow Or Draw and colour your fevourit bird. Q10 Why do we need food</p>
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