<p>Erin Connors Externship Project</p><p>TABLE OF CONTENTS</p><p>Introduction Why pursue a career in the medical field</p><p>Career Opportunities Medical Careers Educational Requirements Possible Salaries</p><p>Important Job Skills Required Skills Example Competency Evaluation</p><p>Possible Career Plan Example Career Plans Interview of Medical Professional</p><p>Lesson Plan Example Lesson Plan Actual Lesson Plan</p><p>Northern Essex Community College Health Care Programs Associates Programs Certificate Programs</p><p>Are you unsure of what you want to do after high school?</p><p>Are you unable or not ready to attend a four year college at this time?</p><p>Do you like working with people? </p><p>Why not try a career in the medical field!</p><p>The health care industry is said to be one of the world’s fastest growing industry. </p><p>Did you know that there are many careers within the health care system that do not require a traditional four year college degree? Why pursue a career in the Health Care Industry?</p><p> The need for health care personnel is expected to grow faster than average through the year 2012.</p><p> People are living longer, requiring more health care services.</p><p> Technological advancements create new jobs yearly</p><p> Flexible hours</p><p> On the job training</p><p> Opportunities for advancements</p><p> Choice of Job sites</p><p> o Dr. Offices o Hospitals o Nursing homes o Home Health Care o Rehabilitation Centers o Clinics Careers in the Health Care Industry that require two years or less of post-secondary education</p><p>Occupation TRAINING/EDUCATION APPROXIMA TE WAGES Ambulance Driver Training/Certificate $20,000 Admitting Officer Training (about one month) $25,000 Biomedical Equipment Technician Associates Degree $29,000 Biomedical Photographer Associates Degree $38,000 Clinical Laboratory Technician Associates Degree $32,000 Cardiovascular Technology Associates Degree $40,420 Cytotechnologist Associates Degree $40,000 Dental Assistants Training(less than a year) $29,520 Dental Hygienists Associate Degree $60,890 Dental Laboratory Technicians Training (one year) $32,240 Diagnostic Medical Sonographer Associates Degree $59,000 Dietetic Technicians On the job training $23,470 Dietary Manager One year college $45,000 Director of Volunteer Services On the job training $33,000 Electroencephalograph Technician On the job training $25,000 Electroencephalograph Technician Associates Degree $30,000 Emergency Medical Technologists Associates Degree $35,000 Food Service Worker On the job training $21,000 Home Health Aide On the job training $21,000 Histology Technician Associates Degree $40-60,000 Hospital Attendance On the job training $22,000 Laboratory Assistant/technician Training/course work $30,000 Laboratory Technologist Associates Degree $40,000 Medical Assistant Associates Degree $23,000 Medical Biller Training/course work $10-$20 hrly Medical Coder Training/course work $10-$20 hrly Medical Transcriber Training/course work $10-$20 hrly Mental Health Assistant Associates $27,000 Nuclear Medicine Technician One year college $48,000 Nurse’s Aide On the job training $21,000 Nurse (LPN) Associates $33,000 Occupational Therapist Assistant Associates $35,00 Ophthalmic Laboratory Assistant One year college $20,000 Ophthalmic Laboratory technician On the job training $25,000 Ophthalmic Technologist Associates $25,000 Optician Associates $34,000 Optometric Assistant One year college $20,000 Optometric Technician One year college $23,000 Orthoptist Associates $42,000 Pharmacy Aides On the job training $18,900 Pharmacy Technicians On the job training $25,000 Phlebotomist On the job training $22,000 Physical Therapist Aid On the job training $21,510 Physical Therapist Assistant On the job training $39,490 Psychiatric Aides On the job training $22,000 Psychiatric Technician One year college $26,770 Radiation Therapists Associates Degree $62,000 Radiological Technologists Associates Degree $45,950 Respiratory Therapy Aide On the job training $17,000 Respiratory Therapy Technician Associates Degree $40,000 Social Service Aide On the job training $20,000 Surgical Technologist Associates Degree $34,000 Veterinary Associates Degree $26,000 Assistant/Technologists/Technician NOTE: Salaries vary for many reasons: certificates, years of experience, state to state, and facility to facility. Training most likely included some course work or certificate program. Certification and Formal Education/Training varies from state to state but is always highly regarded. Aides are usually entry level positions. Assistants/technicians require more formal training and education depending on assistance job. Technologists mostly likely require an associate’s degree plus training or other advanced course of study. Educational and training programs are available on line, through many community colleges, private colleges, and medical facilities, such as, hospitals and clinics. Technological advances continue to influence the medical field, creating new jobs continuously. Certification and Licensure information for each area of study can usually set by individual medical association. For example guidelines regarding certification and registration for medical assistants and technologists are suggested or set by American Association of Medical Assistants and American Association of Medical Technologists IMPORTANT SKILLS</p><p>Communication Skills Health care professions must be able to communicate with a wide variety of people. The health care industry provides services to patients from different ethnic and economic backgrounds. In addition, you will have to communicate with people with varying degrees of education, both as a colleague and provider.</p><p>Technical Skills A health care provider must have the ability to operate a variety of diagnostic equipment. They will need to read lab results and participate in a treatment plan. Computer skills are imperative. </p><p>Instruction Skills Health care providers with experience often must train others in the field. Also, they need to instruct patients on their medical situation and needs. </p><p>Commitment to Education The health care industry is continuously changing and health care providers must be willing to keep up to date with the newest advancements. They will need to be trained on new equipment and treatment philosophies. </p><p>Positive and Professional Attitude The experiences health care providers face can be emotionally challenging. Although some medical situations are routine or have a positive result, many do not. A health care provider needs to be emotionally strong and able to remain calm and during emergency situations. Patients and their families are dependent on providers to be caring, positive, and professional. </p><p>Basic Work skills Health care providers must display basic work ethics. They need to report on time and appropriately dressed. They need to be flexible with scheduling and willing to commit themselves to last minute changes due to unforeseen circumstances. Providers need to respect their supervisors, colleagues, patients, and patient’s families. INFORMATIVE WEBSITES AND RESOURCES</p><p>Note: There are thousands of Websites, Articles, and books,etc. Listed are just a few.</p><p>Medical Occupational Websites (Job descriptions) http://masscis.intocareers.org http://www.cvahec.org http://library.thinkquest.org/15569/index.htm http://www.bls.gov/oco/home.htm http://iseek.org/sv/11999.jsp</p><p>Medical Training Program Websites http://www.caahep.org http://www.universityofphoenix-online.com</p><p>Medical Job Search Websites http://www.healthjobsusa.com http://hotjobs.yahoo.com</p><p>Books Top 100 Health-Care Careers, by Dr. Saul Wischnitzer and Edith Wischnitzer POSSIBLE CAREER PLAN</p><p>Scenario # 1</p><p> o Begin working in a hospital after graduation as a Respiratory Therapy Aide. o After you complete the training and have some experience begin looking for programs that you can enroll in to become a Respiratory Therapy Technician. o Determine what work and school schedule works best for you. For example, if you work the day shift you may want to look for a night program or visa a versa. o After you receive your degree/certification and have gained some experience, you could continue your education to become a Respiratory Therapist.</p><p>Scenario #2 o Obtain a job as a Hospital Attendant, maybe even try for a job as an ambulance driver, as long as the state you live in does not require you to have EMT license. o Enroll in an EMT course that works into your work schedule o After you receive your degree/certification as an EMT and have gained some experience you may want to become a Registered Nurse.</p><p>BENEFITS If you attend college immediately after high school you can expect to spend about $5,000 a year for a community college and between $12,000-$40,000 a year at a university or college. If you are unsure of what you want to do, this is a very expensive venture. You can actually make money as you earn your degree if you choose a career path similar to those outlined in the above scenarios REMEMBER it is never too late to attend college! </p><p>Scenario #1 Respiratory Therapy Aide’s salary is approximately $18,000 yearly. Respiratory Technician at NECC is approximately $4,000 yearly. Salary – education = $14,000 profit</p><p>Scenario #2</p><p>Hospital Attendant’s salary is approximately $20,000 yearly. EMT Program at NECC is approximately $3,500 yearly. Salary-education = $16,500 profit EXAMPLE LESSON</p><p>Title: Respiratory Therapy Technician</p><p>Primary Responsibilities: Respiratory technicians work with patients that have respiratory problems that include asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, and pneumonia. Respiratory therapists evaluate, treat, and manage patient care.. </p><p>Licensure/ Training/ Certification: Respiratory therapist must graduate from an accredit program and pass a certification exam. </p><p>Salaries: about $35,000 a year.</p><p>Important Skills or Attributes: Good judgment Compassion Able to work with all ages, especially the elderly. Patience Mechanical ability Able to function under pressure</p><p>Local Programs: Northern Essex Community College offers a 73 hour accredited program, see attached program of study.</p><p>Forecast: The demand for Respiratory Technicians is predicted to increase, due to the growing number of elderly in the United States. NAME: Erin Connors </p><p>SCHOOL: Newburyport High School</p><p>LESSON: Medical Career Investigation</p><p>PURPOSE: To investigate careers in the medical field that requires two years or less of education and/or training. Since the medical field is one of the fastest growing industries in the nation, the opportunities are infinite. Also, students who will not or can not attend a traditional four year college education still have many viable career options within the medical field. </p><p>TIME: Two/ three weeks (class meets every other day)</p><p>OBJECTIVE: To explore career opportunities in the medical field and plan potential career paths.</p><p>FRAMEWORKS/OUTCOMES 19.21: Write reports based on research 19.23: Write multi-paragraph compositions that have clear topic development, logical organization, effective use of detail, and variety in sentence structure. Outcomes: To learn basic research techniques, To gain practice presenting materials to audience</p><p>RESOURCES: Internet: http://masscis.intorcareers.org www.uncwil.edu/stuaff/career/majors http://healthcarejobs.org Book: Top 100 Health-Care Careers, Dr. Saul Wischnitzer and Edith Wischnitzer Overview of Medical Careers (teacher made packet)</p><p>LEARNING ACTIVITIES: Student will be introduced to the many career opportunities in the medical field that do not require a traditional four year degree. This information is included in the Medical Career Packet.</p><p>Part I: Students will choose three potential careers in the medical field via the internet, books(listed above), and teacher packet. Students will answer the questions in Part I of the lesson.</p><p>Part II: Students will use the information they found in Part I of the lesson to give a power point presentation to the class. Also included: How to create a power point The “Dos and Don’ts” of creating and presenting a power point Rubric for presentation Scoring Rubric Part III: Students will choose a body system and give a basic overview of its function. (This part of the lesson is designed to give students a taste of what they will need to know and study to pursue a career in the medical field). Students will follow the guiding question in Part III of the lesson. </p><p>PART IV: Students will complete the self assessment form.</p><p>PART V: Extra credit: Interview someone in the medical field</p><p>PART I MEDICAL CAREER INVESTIGAION</p><p>Directions Choose three different medical careers that interest you and investigate the following. </p><p>Job Title</p><p>Primary Responsibilities</p><p>Licensure/training/certifications</p><p>Salary/Wages</p><p>Important Skills List of at least three schools that offer training</p><p>One program of study for each career (these are easily found on school websites, such as Northern Essex)</p><p>PART II: POWER POINT PRESENTATIN</p><p>You will create a PowerPoint Presentation based on the information you gathered in Part I. You may use your questions as a guide for your presentation You will be assigned a ten minute time slot to make an oral presentation and answer questions utilizing PowerPoint as a visual aid. Your presentation should last approximately 7 minutes to allow time for questions.</p><p>Points to Consider:</p><p>A) You should have roughly 10 – 15 slides.</p><p>B) The slides should enhance your oral presentation, not dominate the audience.</p><p>C) Slides must be clear with limited use of long passages (the audience needs to listen to you, not read paragraphs.)</p><p>D) Please ensure all graphics are attractive, appropriate, and support the theme/content of the presentation. E) You may use additional aids such as music, video clips, props, costumes, posters, etc.</p><p>F) PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE before you present. PowerPoint Do's & Don'ts</p><p>Do’s</p><p>1. Use legible type size. Titles should be at least 38-40 points, bulleted text or body at least 30-32 points.</p><p>2. Be brief. A good rule of thumb is to cut paragraphs down to sentences, sentences into phrases, and phrases into keywords.</p><p>3. Use key words to help audience focus on your message.</p><p>4. Enhance readability. Don’t crowd your slides. Use normal case (not all caps) and punctuate sparingly.</p><p>5. Make every word and image count. Each one should help convey your message in the strongest possible way. You will not be reading from the presentation – so why put long sentences & paragraphs? The audience will be listening to you, not reading as well!</p><p>6. Limit the number of slides. (20- 30).</p><p>Don’ts</p><p>1. Don’t overuse special effects. Use sound, animation, and other effects to emphasize major points, but don’t let them become distracting.</p><p>2. Don’t use more than eight words per line or eight lines per slide.</p><p>3. Don’t use too many words or include non-essential information.</p><p>4. Avoid hard-to-read color combinations such as red/green, brown/green, blue/black, blue/purple. Aim for high contrast between background and text.</p><p>5. After you’ve created your slides, go back and edit. Take out sentences and replace them with key words and phases. Take out slides you can live without. Take out clip art. Cut your presentation by as much as half so that your slides are streamlined. Source: http://www.asha.org/about/events/convention/papers/ppt-info.htm</p><p>Using Microsoft PowerPoint Program</p><p>1. Open a blank, new power-point (referred to as ppt. from now on)</p><p>2. The first slide will be your title slide – include your presentation title, your name, and ate</p><p>3. To add a new slide, click on the “New Slide” button on the toolbar, go to the “Insert” menu, or hold “Ctrl” and hit “m”</p><p>4. The new slide will have a different layout. To change layouts, use the right panel. You may have to click on the little drop menu to go down to “Slide Layout”</p><p>5. Add your text – remember to follow the dos and don’ts of power-point presentations.</p><p>6. To change the look of your ppt., you have two options.</p><p>7. To change appearance, click on either “Design Templates” or “Color Schemes” from the drop menu in the right panel. Choose templates and then colors from the right panel. Note the comment in Do’s & Don’ts about selecting good color matches. </p><p>8. To add animations, click on the “Animation Schemes” in the same drop menu. Remember, simple animations are best – we don’t want words bouncing and spinning and twirling all over the place. </p><p>9. To insert pictures, choose a slide layout that has that option, or do it yourself by going to the “Insert” menu at the top, go down to “picture” and “from file.” Avoid clip-art- it is cliché and doesn’t often fit well in specific topics. Find good images from www.images.google.com.</p><p>10. Do a run-through of your ppt. as you go to catch errors – it’ll save you time in the end.</p><p>11. Save your work often!!!!!!!</p><p>An excellent website to go to for a tutorial is: http://www.bcschools.net/staff/PowerPointHelp.htm NAME______</p><p>MEDICAL INVESTIGATION POWER POINT ORAL AND MEDIA PRESENTATION</p><p>Demeanor /15 ___ appropriate dress ___ appropriate language</p><p>Posture and Eye Contact /15 ___ stands straight, relaxed, confident ___ establishes eye contact ___ does not read from slide</p><p>Speaks clearly/Volume /15 ___ speaks clearly ___ mispronounces no words ___ can be heard by all</p><p>Preparedness /15 ___ completely prepared and rehearsed ___ stays within the 7 minute limit</p><p>Content /35 ___ ppt and verbal presentation provide essential info ___ ppt provides visual support to oral ___ ppt contains 10-15 slides</p><p>Creativity/Special Effects /5 ___ uses music, video, clips, poster, costume, imagery </p><p>TOTAL _____ PRESENTATION RUBRIC Excellent Good Fair Poor Content- All content Most of the content The content is Content is accuracy throughout the is accurate and generally accurate, typically presentation is original, but some but one piece of confusing or accurate. There are information may be text information is contains more no factual errors. All inaccurate. clearly flawed, than one factual material is in the inaccurate or cut error. Several student’s words (not and pasted slides clearly have just cut and pasted) text that’s been cut and pasted from another source. Graphics All graphics are A few graphics are All graphics are Several graphics attractive (size and not attractive but attractive but a few are unattractive colors) appropriate, all support the do not seem to and detract from and support the theme/content of support the the content of the theme/content of the the presentation. theme/content of presentation. presentation. the presentation. Evidence and All of the evidence Most of the At least one of the Evidence and Examples and examples are evidence and pieces of evidence explains are NOT specific, relevant and examples are and examples is relevant AND/OR explanations are specific, relevant relevant and has an not explained. given that show how and explanations explanation that each piece of are given that show shows how that evidence supports the how each piece of piece of evidence author’s position. evidence supports supports the the author’s author’s position. position Oral Well-rehearsed with Rehearsed with Delivery not Delivery not Presentation smooth delivery that fairly smooth smooth, but able to smooth and holds audience delivery that holds maintain interest of audience attention attention. Speaks audience attention the audience most often lost. Student clearly, stands up most of the time. of the time. does not seem at straight, and appears Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly all prepared to relaxed and appears fairly most of the time. present. confident. confident. Originality Presentation shows Presentation shows Presentation shows Presentation is a Research Paper ______considerable some originality and attempt at rehash of other originality and and inventiveness. originality and people’s ideas inventiveness. The The content and inventiveness. and/or graphics Organization ______content and ideas are ideas are presented show very little presented in a unique in an interesting attempt at original Presentation ______and interesting way. way. thought. </p><p>Final Exam Grade ______PART III BASIC MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY</p><p>Every Career in the medical field requires knowledge of medical terminology. For this lesson, you will investigate a body system.</p><p>I Name your system and give a basic over view of its function. II Include a diagram of the body system you chose, label each part III Describe the basic function of each part of your body system.</p><p>SYSTEMS Muscular Skeletal Respiratory Cardiovascular</p><p>RESOURCES http://ec.hku.hk/mt/ This site is also a general academic dictionary for students of medicine and dentistry. It includes prefixes, suffixes, and root words. www.imcpl.org/kids/guides/health This sight has a very basic overview of the major body systems as well as diagrams. http://library.thinkquest.org/11965/html/cyber-anatomy_systems.html This is an excellent site for investigating the body systems.</p><p>A Guided Tour of the Visible Human, Washington University This site actually shows three-dimensional human bodies. The Visible Human Projects This site also uses images as a link to the parts of the body. </p><p>PART IV SELF ASSESSMENTS</p><p>1. What did you like most about this activity?</p><p>2. Did you learn something that took you by surprise?</p><p>3. What do you think is the most rewarding part of the medical profession?</p><p>4. What do you think is the most challenging aspect of the medical profession? 5. Is a career in the medical field something you would be interested in pursuing? (explain in at least one to two paragraphs.</p><p>6. Would you be academically eligible for a certificate or associates program? If not, what would you have to do to become eligible?</p><p>PART V INTERVIEW</p><p>You can interview someone you know who works in the medical field or you can ask student support services to help you to find someone to interview.</p><p>Potential questions to during your interview:</p><p>Why did you choose the medical field?</p><p>How long have you been in your career?</p><p>Where did you go to school?</p><p>Were the courses challenging?</p><p>How much training did you have?</p><p>What is the most difficult part of you job?</p><p>What is the most rewarding part of your job?</p><p>What do you feel are the most important skills one must possess to do your job? NAME: Erin Connors </p><p>SCHOOL: Newburyport High School</p><p>LESSON: Medical Career Investigation</p><p>PURPOSE: Inquiry</p><p>TIME: 4 hours</p><p>OBJECTIVE: To set realistic goals for future</p><p>FRAMEWORKS: 19.21: Write reports based on research that include quotations, footnotes or endnotes, and a bibliography. 19.22: Write and justify a personal interpretation of literary, informational, or expository reading that includes a topic statement, supporting details from the literature, and a conclusion. 19.23: Write multi-paragraph compositions that have clear topic development, logical organization, effective use of detail, and variety in sentence structure.</p><p>RESOURCES: Internet, Library, Overview of Medical Careers (teacher made packet)</p><p>LEARNING ACTIVITIES: Student will need to be introduced to the many career opportunities in the medical field that do not require a traditional four year degree. This information is included in the binder. They will need to do some investigation independently. At the conclusion of the lesson they will need to present their findings to the class. PART I MEDICAL CAREER INVESTIGAION</p><p>Directions Choose three different medical careers that interest you and investigate the following. </p><p>Job Title</p><p>Primary Responsibilities</p><p>Licensure/training/certifications</p><p>Salary/Wages</p><p>Important Skills</p><p>Program of Study (include all course requirements)</p><p>PART II BASIC MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY</p><p>Every Career in the medical field requires knowledge of medical terminology. For this lesson, you will investigate a body system and give a basic over view of its function. You will need to include a diagram and important vocabulary. You must identify common prefixes, roots, and suffixes and their meanings for your vocabulary list.</p><p>SYSTEMS Muscular Skeletal Respiratory Cardiovascular</p><p>RESOURCES http://ec.hku.hk/mt/ This site is also a general academic dictionary for students of medicine and dentistry. It includes prefixes, suffixes, and root words. www.imcpl.org/kids/guides/health This sight has a very basic overview of the major body systems as well as diagrams. http://library.thinkquest.org/11965/html/cyber-anatomy_systems.html This is an excellent site for investigating the body systems.</p><p>A Guided Tour of the Visible Human, Washington University This site actually shows three-dimensional human bodies.</p><p>The Visible Human Projects This site also uses images as a link to the parts of the body. PART III SELF ASSESSMENTS</p><p>7. What did you like most about this activity?</p><p>8. Did you learn something that took you by surprise?</p><p>9. What do you think is the most rewarding part of the medical profession?</p><p>10. What do you think is the most challenging aspect of the medical profession?</p><p>11. Is a career in the medical field something you would be interested in pursuing?</p><p>12. Would you be academically eligible for a certificate or associates program? If not what would you have to do to become eligible?</p>
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