<p> SCHOLARSHIP UPDATE Mount Tabor High School February 3, 2017</p><p>Search for Scholarship Opportunities and Application Procedures at the web sites of the Colleges and Universities where you plan to apply. Follow procedures and deadlines carefully.</p><p>WINSTON-SALEM FOUNDATION Scholarship Opportunities Review scholarship opportunities coordinated through the Winston-Salem Foundation at www.wsfoundation.org. Many scholarships are accessible using the one-stop application online and submitting supplemental information by the April 1, 2017 deadline. Some scholarships are one time awards, and others are renewable for three additional years. The foundation coordinates other scholarships which require a separate application or process, like the Josh Gray Memorial Scholarship and the Edward Kent Welch Scholarship described in this update. Read all information at www.wsfoundation.org carefully and follow directions. </p><p>Crosby Scholars should keep up with scholarship information www.crosbyscholars.org.</p><p>Student Financial Aid for North Carolinians 2017-18 is published by College Foundation of North Carolina with information about many grant, scholarship and loan programs in North Carolina. A copy of the booklet is available for use in the Mount Tabor Guidance Office. The booklet can also be accessed at CFNC.org/fabook.</p><p>The Forgivable Education Loans for Service (FELS) Program provides financial assistance to qualified students who are committed to working in NC in fields designated as critical employment shortage areas. Forgivable Loans are available in the following areas: Allied Health, Allied Health-Counseling, Medical and Education (Teaching) Programs. Students and families will find more information and the application process at CFNC.org/FELS.</p><p>Scholarship Search by Sallie Mae (SallieMae.com/ScholarshipSearch) helps students find scholarships that match their skills and interests by providing access to 5 million scholarships worth up to $24 billion. </p><p>Mount Tabor High School Academic, Arts and Athletic PTSA Scholarship applications are available in the Guidance Office. Applicants must be PTSA members by to apply. The deadline to turn in complete applications is April 25, 2017</p><p>We recommend that all families file the FAFSA for the 2017-18 academic year at fafsa.gov. Keep up with your Student Aid Report and contact college/university Financial Aid Offices if you have questions or need additional help. Because the FAFSA filing start date was moved to October 1, we anticipate some colleges and universities sending financial aid award letters much sooner than previous years.</p><p>KIMBERLY PARK CHAPTER OF THE WINSTON-SALEM STATEUNIVERSITY NATIONAL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION SCHOLARSHIP Criteria: Member of an underserved population in higher education and planning to attend WSSU Award: $1,000 scholarship Deadline: April 15, 2017 Contact: Application available in MT Guidance Office</p><p>LEWISVILLE CIVIC CLUB 2017 SCHOLARSHIP Criteria: Seniors involved in school and community services (especially to the Lewisville community) and a minimum 2.5 GPA Awards: Three $1,500 scholarships Deadline: March 31, 2017 Contact: Applications in MT Guidance Office and also available at http://www.lewisvillecivicclub.com</p><p>NORTH CAROLINA SOCIETY OF ACCOUNTANTS SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION Criteria: Seniors who indicate a desire to enter the profession of Accounting Awards Multiple $750 scholarships Deadline: April 15,2017 Contact: Applications available in MT Guidance Office WHITLOW-OSBORNE SCHOLARSHIP (NORTH CAROLINA ASSOCIATION OF ESCUE & EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES INC) Criteria: Senior planning to enter into an Emergency Services Curriculum for a course of study at a community college, technical institute or an accredited trade school Award: $2,000 scholarship Deadline: March 31, 2017 Contact: Applications available in MT Guidance Office</p><p>EDGAR AND LOIS REICH EDUCATIONAL FUND SCHOLARSHIPS Criteria: Seniors who are native born citizens of Forsyth County or Davidson County, NC and pursuing an undergraduate degree in Education or Dental Science; demonstrate academic achievement (not only the top students in class) and financial need Awards: Number of recipients and scholarship amounts vary from year to year Deadline: March 13, 2017 Contact: Information flier in MT Guidance Office; apply online at www.csascholars.org</p><p>SENAH C. AND C. A. KENT FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIPS Criteria: Seniors who will attend college in Forsyth County, NC and demonstrate academic achievement (not only the top students in class) and financial need Awards: Number of recipients and scholarship amounts vary from year to year Deadline: March 13, 2017 Contact: Information flier in MT Guidance Office; apply online at www.csascholars.org</p><p>DELTA KAPPA GAMMA SORORITY (BETA MU, BETA NU AND ZETA CHAPTERS) WINSTON-SALEM Criteria: Seniors who plan to continue formal education with the goal to become teachers; scholarship leadership, service to school and community and teaching career plan (four applications from MTHS may be submitted) Award: $1,000 scholarship Deadline: March 10, 2017 (Turn in completed application to Mr. Huck by March 7th) Contact: Application available in MT Guidance Office</p><p>CENTER FOR SMART FINANCIAL CHOICES 2017-18 FINANCIAL EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIP COMPETITION Criteria: Youth Scholarship for any high school senior with a minimum 3.0 GPA and Hispanic/Latino Student Scholarship for high school students with a minimum 3.0 GPA; applicants must attend two financial education classes offered by CFSFC and complete a 500-word essay in response to classes Awards: Scholarships range from $1,000 to $2,000 Deadlines: March 1, 2017 to complete the Application for Scholarship Opportunity and return with $15 membership fee to the Center for Smart Financial Choices; March 31, 2017 to complete classes and submit all application materials Contact: Application available in MT Guidance Office</p><p>SAVANNAH COLLEGE OF ART & DESIGN DISTINGUISHED SCHOLARS AWARD Criteria: Seniors planning to pursue an art and design education, outstanding visual arts, performing arts, writing or riding capabilities, very strong GPA and SAT/ACT scores and leadership skills demonstrated through school and community activities Awards: $20,000 scholarships Deadline: March 1, 2017 to complete all admission requirements, including transcript and portfolio submission (See your counselor if you want to be nominated) Contact: Apply online at scad.edu/apply</p><p>2017 STUDENT-VIEW SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM Criteria: Seniors who plan to attend four-year college, community/junior college or career school Awards: One $4,000 scholarship; Two $1,000 scholarships; Ten $500 scholarships Deadline: April 22, 2017 Contact: Log on to www.student-view.com and complete a 15-20 minute application survey about colleges in your area; scholarships are awarded by a drawing in May STATE EMPLOYEES’ CREDIT UNION “PEOPLE HELPING PEOPLE” SCHOLARSHIP Criteria: Every graduating senior with A 2.5 GPA or higher (US citizen and resident of NC) and planning to attend one of the 16 constituent campus of the UNC system; demonstrates financial need as determined by submission of the FAFSA, exemplifies the membership philosophy of credit unions, PEOPLE HELPING PEOPLE and has demonstrated leadership, excellence of character, integrity and community involvement. Award: One $10,000 scholarship to one MTHS senior ($2,500 per year) Deadline: Submit the People Helping People preliminary application information by April 18, 2017 (MTHS scholarship committee will select the recipient before May 1, 2017) Contact: Information and preliminary application directions in MT Guidance Office</p><p>MEL HUGHES SCHOLARSHIP from ALLEGACY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION Criteria: Student must be a primary member (or become a member) of Allegacy and a high school senior accepted to attend an accredited postsecondary institution; academic performance (3.0 minimum GPA), extracurricular and community activities and an essay question. Awards: Four $1,300 scholarships for college/university and four $250 scholarships for community/technical schools Deadline: March 30, 2017 Contact: Information available in MT Guidance Office; application available online at www.allegacyfcu.org/scholarships</p><p>LEGAL SUPPORT STAFF OF WINSTON-SALEM SCHOLARSHIP & LEGAL SUPPORT STAFF OF NORTH CAROLINA Criteria: High School seniors based on financial need (40 %), GPA (30%), School & Community Activities (10%), Leadership Skills (10%) and Career Goals (10%) Awards: One $1,500 scholarship and qualification for NC state level awards: First Place-$2,500 and Second Place-$1,500 Deadline: March 2, 2017 Contact: Application and directions available in MT Guidance Office</p><p>FORSYTH COUNTY FARM BUREAU SCHOLARSHIP Criteria: Resident of Forsyth County with a 2.5 GPA or higher and planning to pursue a degree in Agriculture Awards: One $5,000 scholarship at a four-year college/university and one $2,500 scholarship at a community college Deadline: March 15, 2017 Contact: Application in MT Guidance Office WINSTON-SALEM/FORSYTH COUNTY PAN-HELENIC COUNCILSCHOLARSHIP Criteria: Seniors from the WS/FCS system of African American ethnic background with minimum GPA of 3.0 and demonstration of good citizenship as evidence by involvement in school and community activities Awards: Two &500 scholarships Deadline: March 27, 2017 Contact: Application in MT Guidance Office</p><p>MATTHEW C. GRAZIADEI ACHIEVEMENT SCHOLARSHIP</p><p>Criteria: Outstanding NC high school senior with a disability Award: $1,000 award to be used for any post high school learning experience/training or for equipment/technology for employment Deadline: February 15, 2017 Contact: Information and application in MT Guidance Office; application also available at The Exceptional Children’s Assistance Center’s website at http://www.ecac-parentcenter.org in the News and Events section of the home page.</p><p>GARDNER-WEBB UNIVERSITY MUSIC DEPARTMENT OF THE SCHOOL OF PERFORMING AND VISUAL ARTS Criteria: Bachelor’s Degrees offered in several music areas; Honors Music Scholarships-Auditions on January 21, February 11 and March 25, 2017; Ensemble scholarships available up to $2,500 per year in Band, Orchestra or Choirs for non-music majors. Contact: gardner-webb.edu/music</p><p>FLORENCE KIDDER MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP (THE NATIONAL SOCIETY OF THE COLONIAL DAMES OF AMERICA IN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Criteria: NC high seniors who plan to attend any NC college or university; merit of an essay on the assigned topic, plus character, scholastic record and need (the essay prompt is on the subject of Early Immigration to America) Awards: One $3,000 scholarship and one $1,000 scholarship Deadline: February 5, 2017 Contact: Application available in MT Guidance Office; the application may be uploaded online at www.ncdames.org/florence-memorial--scholarship or postmarked</p><p>ERICA WOLFE MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Criteria: Mount Tabor senior who has participated in band/orchestra and high school sports, school clubs, and community organizations; minimum 3.5 unweighted GPA Award: one scholarship, varies each year (usually $750 to $1,000) Deadline: April 1, 2017 (submit application to Mr. Huck) Contact: Information and application available at www.wsfoundation.org beginning January 1; use one-stop application</p><p>WES BURTON MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Criteria: Mount Tabor senior who has demonstrated examples of community and school service, plans to major in mathematics, computer science, business administration, or engineering in college, and demonstrates financial need; minimum unweighted 3.5 GPA Award: $500 Deadline: April 1, 2017 Contact: Information and application available at www.wsfoundation.org beginning January 1; use the one-stop application</p><p>JOSH GRAY MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Criteria: Mount Tabor seniors who are members of the girls or boys soccer teams and demonstrate strong character and leadership skills, extraordinary team spirit, concern for others, a positive and encouraging attitude toward teammates, and a genuine lover for soccer; academic promise and financial need also considered Award: $1,000 Deadline: April 15, 2017 (submit application materials to Mr. Huck) Contact: Information in MT Guidance Office and at www.wsfoundation.org </p><p>EDWARD KENT WELCH MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Criteria: Mount Tabor seniors who are accepted to and plan to attend the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and demonstrate academic promise, evidence of strong moral character, genuine concern for others, and school and/or community leadership Award: $500 Deadline: all seniors who plan to attend UNC-Chapel Hill are considered in early May 2017; recipient announced at Senior Awards Dayu Contact: Information available in MT Guidance Office and at www.wsfoundation.org</p><p>RUBIN FAMILY SCHOLARSHIP Criteria: Mount Tabor High School seniors who will pursue a degree at a UNC system school; minimum cumulative 3.0 unweighted GPA; minority students who will be first in immediate family to attend college; demonstrate financial need Award: Four consecutive years of undergraduate tuition and fees Deadline: April 1, 2017 Contact: Information available in MT Guidance Office and at www.wsfoundation.org; use the one-stop application</p><p>NORTH CAROLINA ALPHA DELTA KAPPA INTERNATIONAL HONORARY SORORITY FOR WOMEN EDUCATORS SCHOLARSHIPS Criteria: Along with the eligibility requirements listed beside each scholarship, these awards are all based on good character and participation in school and community activities Eunice Riggins Memorial Scholarship (girl in top 10% of class) Mary Rose Mills-Linda Rankin Memorial Scholarship (girl or boy in top 10% of class) Clare Johnson Marley-Mary Earle Berger Fine Arts Scholarship (top 20% of class with music, dance, visual arts, or drama talent-proof of talent by the submission of a CD/DVD or portfolio of work-and plans to major in a fine arts area) Awards Several $2,000 scholarships Deadline: March 15, 2017 to scholarship chairperson listed or to Mr. Huck (completed applications submitted to Mr. Huck will be picked up by the scholarship chairperson) Contact: Applications available in MT Guidance Office</p><p>NORTH CAROLINA ALPHA DELTA KAPPA STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT SCHOLARSHIP (NC COMMUNITY FOUNDATION) Criteria: Graduating seniors of a NC high school pursuing a degree at a school of higher learning; applicants must have a weighted GPA of 2.5-3.5 and an SAT score (CR+M+W) in the range of 1344-1560 (this is a criteria based on the old SAT; they are looking for a moderately strong score) or an ACT composite score between 20-24; service, integrity and leadership; no financial need information required Awards: Amount not stated Deadline: March 1, 2017 Contact: Information available in MT Guidance Office; additional information and application available at www.nccommunityfoundation.org</p><p>NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF VETERANS AFFAIRS SCHOLARSHIPS Criteria: Funds provide college support to help children of certain disabled, deceased, combat or POW/MIA veterans; students may be eligible for a scholarship if veteran parent was a resident of North Carolina when he or she entered military service Awards: Several classes of scholarship eligibility Deadline: March 1, 2017 Contact: Information Sheet in MT Guidance Office; Contact Crystal Anderson or Barry West, Jr. at North Carolina Division of Veterans Affairs (located in Clemmons, NC)-336-766-1496; go to www.doa.nc.gov/vets/ and click on Scholarships</p><p>POINT FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM Criteria: Empowers promising LGBTQ students and leaders to achieve their full academic and leadership potential-despite the obstacles often put before them-to make a significant impact on society Awards: Several awards with varying amounts Deadline: Applications available from November 1, 2016 to January 2017with March 2, 2017 as final deadline to submit materials Contact: Information sheet in MT Guidance Office; Scholarship information and application available at www.pointfoundation.org</p><p>CHARLIE ADAMS ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP (NORTH CAROLINA HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION) Criteria: One senior female participating on a varsity cross-country team at a NCHSAA member high school and one senior male participating on a varsity wrestling team at a NCHSAA member high school Awards: $1,500 scholarships Deadline: February 9, 2017 Contact: Information sheet n MT Guidance Office and application online at www.nchsaa.org. Click Parents & Students and then Scholarships</p><p>CLARY STUDENT MEDAL AWARDS (NORTH CAROLINA HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION) Criteria: Senior enrolled in a NCHSAA high school with participation on two or more varsity school-sponsored, NCHSAA sanctioned athletic teams, involvement and success in non-sport, extracurricular activities, and a 3.2 or higher cumulative GPA Awards: Two $2,000 scholarships (1 male, 1 female) Deadline: February 9, 2017 Contact: Information sheet n MT Guidance Office and application online at www.nchsaa.org. Click Parents & Students and then Scholarships</p><p>JERRY MCGEE ENDOWED STUDENT SCHOLARSHIP (NORTH CAROLINA HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION) Criteria: Two awards to male and female student-athletes who have distinguished themselves by overcoming adversity and returned to excel beyond expectations in their scholastic athletic sport(s) Awards: Deadline February 9, 2017 Contact: Information sheet in MT Guidance Office and application online at www.nchsaa.org. Click Parents & Students and then Scholarships</p><p>TONY CULLEN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP & NCHSAA LACROSSE SCHOLARSHIP Criteria: One senior male high school student participating on the varsity lacrosse team Award: $1.000 scholarship Deadline: April 8, 2017 Contact: Information sheet in MT Guidance Office and application online at www.nchsaa.org. Click Parents & Students and then Scholarships</p><p>WILLIE BRADSHAW MEMORIAL ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP Criteria: An outstanding African American, American Indian/Alaska Native, and/or Asian Pacific Islander American, or Hispanic American student- athlete participating on a sanctioned varsity team at a NC HSAA member school Awards: $750 scholarships to male and female athletes Deadline: February 9, 2017 Contact: Information sheet in MT Guidance Office and application online at www.nchsaa.org. Click Parents & Students and then Scholarships</p><p>WILLIAM H. ANDREWS/HOUSING AUTHORITY OF WINSTON-SALEM SCHOLARSHIP Criteria: Students must be listed on the lease of the property owned or managed by HAWS; minimum cumulative unweighted gpa of 2.0 at time of application and evidence of community involvement, school activities, or leadership roles Awards: Several $500 to $1,000 scholarships Deadline: April 1, 2017 Contact: Apply using the common application at the Winston-Salem Foundation website, beginning January 1, 2013</p><p>HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF WINSTON-SALEM’S LEAD PROGRAM (TUITION ASSISTANCE FOR PUBLIC HOUSING TENANTS) Criteria: Strives to help tenants currently residing in public housing communities remove the barriers associated with financing post-secondary education and training (not only high school students) Awards: Vary Deadline: Rolling application process Contact: Information and application in MT Guidance Office; also contact LaKeisha Crump, LEAD Coordinator at 336-917-6090 or [email protected]</p><p>“ ASPIRING FASHION PROFESSIONAL” SCHOLARSHIP Criteria: Students interested in pursuing a fashion degree at an accredited post-secondary school or college Awards: $1,000 scholarships Deadline: June 1, 2017 Contact: Information and application at www.fashion-schools.org</p><p>“ ASPIRING ANIMATION PROFESSIONAL” SCHOLARSHIP Criteria: Students interested in pursuing an animation career path at an accredited school or college Awards: $1,000 scholarships Deadline: June 1, 2017 Contact: Information and application at http://www.animationcareerreview.com</p><p>“ ASPIRING BUSINESS PROFESSIONAL” SCHOLARSHIP Criteria: Students interested in pursuing a business degree at an accredited post-secondary school or college Awards: $1,000 scholarships Deadline: June 1, 2017 Contact: Information and application at http://www.onlinembareport.com</p><p>ARMY ROTC SCHOLARSHIP information at http://www.goarmy.com/rotc/find-schools.html (Students and parents are welcome to contact DJ Weatherford in the Military Science and Leadership Department at Appalachian State University, who has offered to assist students in starting the JROTC application process—to any college or university with an Army ROTC Program. Contact 828-262-2994 or [email protected])</p><p>FREDERICK C. BRANCH LEADERSHIP SCHOLARSHIP (UNITED STATES MARINE CORP NROTC SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM) Criteria: 4-year, 3-year and 2-year NROTC scholarships for students planning to attend an Historically Black College or University (HBCU-see list on the scholarship brochure) Awards: Full tuition and supplemental fees Deadline: Apply ASAP Contact: Information in MT Guidance Office; visit MARINEOFFICE.COM/BRANCH</p><p>DAUGHTERS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION SCHOLARSHIPS Criteria: Several scholarships with varying credentials-check out the information form in the MT Guidance Office The Richard and Elizabeth Dean Academic Scholarship is available to high school students with 4.0 GPA ($5,000 scholarship) Dr. Aura-Lee A. Pittenger and James Hobbs Pittinger American History Scholarship ($2,00) for student planning to major in American History or American Government The Lucinda Beneventi Findley History Scholarship ($2,000) is available to 2 graduating seniors who have demonstrated advanced interest in history and are planning to major in or pursue the study of history Awards: $2,000 to $5,000 scholarships, some renewable for four years Deadline: February 10, 2016 Contact: Information in MT Guidance Office; go to http://www.dar.org/ntional-society/scholarships. (Click on Specific Scholarship or Political Science, History, Government, and Economics to see specific applications) Application available</p><p>Contact: Information in MT Guidance Office; apply at www.axa.com/achievers</p><p>NATIONAL CO-OP SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM The program will award 175 merit scholarships, totaling $4.5 million, to students who apply to one of the ten institutions listed in the program brochure. Check out the brochure and participating colleges in the Guidance Office or check out www.waceinc.org.</p><p>THE AMERICAN USICAL AND DRAMATIC ACADEMY awards more than $10 million in scholarships each year, ranging from $1,000 to $18,000. Scholarships are awarded based on talent, merit, academic excellence and financial need. Scholarship and audition tour information available in the MT Guidance Office.</p><p>WEST TEACHING SCHOLARSHIP @ CATAWBA COLLEGE Criteria: Students who have an interest in the teaching profession Awards: $2,500 per year Deadline: May 5, 2017 Contact: Information in MT Guidance Office; application is at http://catawba.edu/academyforteaching</p><p>BUICK ACHIEVERS SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM Criteria: High school seniors who plan to enroll in full-time undergraduate programs; demonstrate an interest in pursuing a career in the automotive or related industries through a STEM, select Design or Business related program; demonstrate financial need Awards: Fifty $25,000 per year scholarships Deadline: February 28, 2017 Contact: Information flyer in Guidance Office; apply at www.buickachievers.com</p><p>UNCF SCHOLARSHIPS, PROGRAMS, INTERNSHIPS AND FELLOWSHIPS Search for opportunities at https://scholarships.uncf.org</p><p>NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BALCK JOURNALIST http://www.nabj.org/?SEEDScholars2015</p><p>THURGOOD MARSHALL COLLEGE FUND & SCHOLARSHIPS http://www.thurgoodmarshallfund.org</p><p>MICROSOFT SCHOLARSHIP FOR MINORITIES https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/diversity/programs/blacks-scholarship.aspx</p><p>MICROSOFT SCHOLARSHIP FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABIITIES https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/diversity/programs/microsoftdisabilityscholarship.aspx.</p><p>REYNOLDA ROTARY CLARENCE “BIG HOUSE” GAINES MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Criteria: Students that attended Cook Elementary School and have attained a 2.5 GPA or higher-more information to come Contact: See Mr. Huck if you attended Cook Elementary School</p>
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