<p> Summary / Notes from Group Discussion</p><p>Village Manager Need stability here; ANY and ALL problems, mistakes, screw-ups will be the FAULT of the Oak Lawn First Team going into 2015 elections Larry Deetjen has done an incredible job under extremely distressful and fucked-up circumstances; it will be exciting to see how effective he can be with a Mayor and Board that supports him instead of undermines him TWO HUGE projects that Deetjen has SIGNIFICANT INSTITUTIONAL KNOWLEDGE of that will cost almost $300 Million: 1. 111th & Cicero Development 2. Water Distribution Project Deetjen needs a contract; at least 2 years, as many as 4 (up until next Mayoral election)</p><p>Police Chief Deetjen in the process of choosing new Police Chief RIGHT NOW (it’s the Village Manager’s hire) He’s choosing from in-house candidates which will be good for the rank-and-file’s morale Living in town is CRITICAL in the police chief position and some candidates have said they won’t move to Oak Lawn</p><p>Fire Chief Like Village Manager Fire Chief should get some type of contract or assurances Very talented individual who took a borderline dysfunctional department and restored order, professionalism, and pride Like Deetjen the Fire Chief was looking at other positions over the last several months b/c of rumors (valid) that he would have been fired and replaced with Steve Rockey if Heilmann prevailed</p><p>Other Staff: Give Village Manager 6 months to effectuate changes that are necessary to more effectively do the people’s work Avoid developing close friendships/relationships with employees Avoid temptation to help friends and family get Village jobs (beyond summer/part-time jobs)</p><p>Village Attorneys: Peterson, Johnson and Murray (Paul O’Grady, Pat Connelly, etc al) These guys have done an excellent job for the Village under horrible circumstances Like Larry Deetjen, it’s scary to think how much better these attorneys would have been without Heilmann and Streit attacking and undermining them The Village Manager’s HIRE and Responsibility Avoid involving yourselves here given the disaster that befell Oak Lawn because of former Village Attorneys Other Attorneys (doing work for Village) Primary Adjudicator – Joe Pecko: Heilmann appointment since 2005; should be replaced immediately Secondary Adjudicator – Russ Miller: Streit Appointment since 2009; should be replaced immediately Worker’s Comp – John Campbell (D6) and Jim Egan (D3): Since 2006; do a good job and were supportive Prosecutor – Kevin Cunningham: Since 2007; does a good job, and worked on campaign (10 people in D4) Police & Fire Commission - Russ Miller: Streit Appointment since 2009; should be replaced immediately TIF WORK – Vince Cainkar: Streit Recommendation in 2010; should be replaced immediately</p><p>Trustee Committees Oak Lawn First was given a clear mandate that the PEOPLE want you to do THEIR work Terry Vorderer had a decisive win in D4, but Sandra Bury won D4 as well People are already blogging on Patch “Vorderer for Mayor in 2017” Bob Streit should not be trusted and AVOIDED at all costs; he will do you all harm and do this Village damage Carol Quinlan was 100% in lock-step with Heilmann on EVERY BAD DECISION that you guys ran against Given these circumstances, here is the proposed structure for the Trustee Committees that was talked about Breaking Technology from Finance and making Vorderer Chair will buy some goodwill with him and temper criticisms</p><p>Special Public Technolo Police Fire Finance Events Works gy Chair / Carberry Olejniczak Desmond Olejniczak Desmond Vorderer Liaison Carberry Olejniczak Carberry</p><p>Desmond Vorderer Quinlan</p><p>Resident Committees Avoid the temptation to “win over” opposition instead of “rewarding” support. ALWAYS. REWARD. SUPPORT. REPLACE EVERY COMMITTEE POSITION you are able to as soon as you are able; make no apologies Below are the various Committees that appointed residents serve on and earn some money doing so (nominal) Almost ALL are appointed by “The Mayor with the Advice & Consent of the Board” Names Highlighted in Yellow are eligible for IMMEDIATE REPLACEMENT OR FILLING Otherwise they names are listed in descending order or Date Term Expires Names in RED TEXT are opposition; Names in BLUE TEXT are supporters NAM Committee / Board DIST. ADDRESS Term (yrs) Lawn Sign Support TERM ENDS E Joe Electrical Inspector Lebarr 5 10332 S. Laramie at will None Unknown at will e Joe is a solid guy but probably plenty of OLF supporters who would LOVE this part-time work</p><p>Committee / Board NAME DIST. ADDRESS Term (yrs) Lawn Sign Support TERM ENDS</p><p>Plumbing Inspector Jack Bedore 1 9116 Crescent Court at will B-D Yes at will</p><p>Plumbing Inspector Patrick J. Shea 5 10041 S. 53rd Avenue at will MIP Neg at will Pat Shea has BIG Heilmann connections and has been Plumbing Inspector since before 2005; Rob Loehr would be BETTER here Not sure if there are 2 Plumbing Inspectors and if Jack Bedore is working</p><p>Committee / Sup NAME DIST. ADDRESS Lawn Sign TERM ENDS Board port Planning & Ne Bill Lundy 5 10320 S. Linus Lane MIP 12/31/2013 Development g Planning & Ne Dave Tebo 6 4320 W. Fairfax MIP 12/31/2013 Development g Planning & Rich Piazza 2 - at large 5191 W. Alexander Place B-O Yes 12/31/2013 Development Planning & Hasan Kishta 1 8744 S. Sayre Avenue B-D Yes 12/31/2014 Development Planning & Wayne Gray 2 5119 W. 90th Street B-O Yes 12/31/2014 Development Planning & William Kushnerik 6 - at large 4637 W. 106th Place B-C Yes 12/31/2014 Development Planning & Ne Sean Schrader 3 9524 West Shore Drive MIP 12/31/2015 Development g Planning & Ne Tim Reilly 4 9601 S. Kilbourn Avenue MIP 12/31/2015 Development g Planning & Ne John Eggert 2 - at large 5300 W. Oak Street MIP 12/31/2015 Development g Planning & Ne Jean Beyer 4 - Recording Secretary n/a at will Development g Village’s Most Important Committee Opposition Needs to be replaced when Terms Expire Committee / Board NAME DIST. ADDRESS Term (yrs) Lawn Sign Support TERM ENDS</p><p>Biz Development Gary Mentgen 1 9318 S. Sayre Avenue 1 none said "undecided" 5/14/2013</p><p>Biz Development Ken Stoffregen 2 9025 S. 51st Avenue 1 B-O Yes 5/14/2013</p><p>Biz Development Jim Buschbach 3 9761 S. Brandt Avenue 1 none Unknown 5/14/2013</p><p>Biz Development Gregory Lis 4 4604 W. 101st Street 1 Duhig Unknown 5/14/2013</p><p>Biz Development Jack Baker 5 10305 S. Georgia Lane 1 MIP Neg 5/14/2013</p><p>Biz Development Open Open 1 Open</p><p>Biz Development Open Open 1 Open</p><p>Biz Development Open Open 1 Open</p><p>Biz Development Open Open 1 Open</p><p>Biz Development Open Open 1 Open</p><p>Biz Development Open Open 1 Open Village’s most unproductive committee, and frequently subject of dissolution COULD BE an integral committee on Sandy’s campaign pledge to work with and improve business in Village COULD ALSO BE platform on which to launch Tim’s “incentives for training HS seniors” initiatives Perhaps have this Committee coordinate with/meet at same time/place as the Chamber of Commerce meetings</p><p>Committee / Board NAME DIST. ADDRESS Term (yrs) Lawn Sign Support TERM ENDS</p><p>Fire & Police Commission John Rolence 6 4228 W. Fairfax 3 none Unknown 12/31/2013</p><p>Fire & Police Commission Phil Griffin - Chairman 6 10401 S. Karlov Avenue 3 B-C Yes 12/31/2014</p><p>Fire & Police Commission Ken Houbolt 5 5229 W. 105th Street 3 None Yes 12/31/2015 This Commission has REAL POWER (hiring and firing PD/FD; discipline of PD;FD) These guys have done a real good job Committee / NAME DIST. ADDRESS Term (yrs) Lawn Sign Support TERM ENDS Board said "undecided" - poor Appeals Robert Quaid 3 9844 S. Major Avenue 3 None 12/31/2013 voter Appeals Jay Lurquin 5 5239 W. Oakdale 3 none Unknown 12/31/2013</p><p>Appeals Jean Werner 1 6219 W. 94th Street #1SW 3 n/a Neg 12/31/2014</p><p>Appeals Alex Kazmierczak 2 5524 W. Alexander Place 3 B-O Yes 12/31/2014</p><p>Appeals Debra Crowley 6 11021 S. Keeler Avenue 3 Jane Unknown 12/31/2014</p><p>Appeals Michael Clifford 3 5500 W. 99th Place 3 none Unknown 12/31/2015</p><p>Appeals Michael Sutko 5 - At large 10323 S. Linder Avenue 3 Jane Neg 12/31/2015 Andy Skoundrianos was dumped from this Committee in 2012 b/c he went against Bob Streit and Heilmann </p><p>AD DR Committee / Board NAME DIST. Term (yrs) Lawn Sign Support TERM ENDS ES S 105 04 S. Ka Fire Pension Board Jim McGovern 6 - Mayor’s Appointment rlo 3 none POS 4/1/2013 v Av enu e 503 2 Oa k Fire Pension Board Steve Rockey 5 - Mayor’s Appointment Ce 3 MIP Neg 4/1/2015 nte r Dri ve McGovern is giving up Treasurer’s position Rockey needs to be removed from this Board immediately Need to find 2 residents with strong financial backgrounds</p><p>L a w ADD n Committee / Board NAME DIST. RES Term (yrs) Support TERM ENDS S S i g n 1050 4 S. n Karl o Police Pension Board Jim McGovern 6 - Trustee - at large 2 POS 4/1/2013 ov n Aven e ue 5225 W. B Police Pension Board Emmett Egan 2 - at large Oak 2 - Yes 4/1/2014 Stree O t McGovern is giving up Treasurer’s position Need to find another resident with strong financial background to work with Emmett Egan</p><p>Committee / TERM NAME DIST. ADDRESS Term (yrs) Lawn Sign Support Board ENDS Senior Citizen Patrick O’Brien 4 10220 S. Tripp Avenue 4 MIP Neg 12/31/2013</p><p>Senior Citizen Jean Beyer 4 - at large 9821 S. Keeler Avenue 4 n/a Neg 12/31/2013</p><p>Senior Citizen Harriet Niemiec 1 6432 W. 93rd Street 4 None said "Yes" 12/31/2014</p><p>Senior Citizen Richard Vaughn 5 10708 Georgia Lane 4 MIP Neg 12/31/2014 Neg - Voted Heilmann- Senior Citizen Lillian Miszkiewicz 2 5245 W. Avery 4 None 12/31/2015 Olejniczak Senior Citizen Ginger Morgan 3 9621 East Shore Drive 4 none Yes 12/31/2015 Senior Citizen James Pavesic 6 10937 S. Tripp Avenue 4 Jane; WT United Unknown 12/31/2015 Pretty much a “do nothing” committee; replace opposition as their terms expire</p><p>T e r m</p><p>Committee / Board NAME DIST. ADDRESS Lawn Sign Support TERM ENDS ( y r s ) Mayor’ Unknow Fair Housing Patricia Marek 5409 W. 90th Street 3 None 5/12/2013 s Appt n Fair Housing John Dorgan 3 4935 Spring Road 3 MIP Neg 5/13/2013</p><p>Fair Housing Jean Beyer 4 9821 S. Keeler Avenue 3 n/a Neg 5/13/2013</p><p>Fair Housing Mary Ellen Stalker 5 10418 S. Linus Lane 3 MIP Neg 5/14/2013</p><p>Fair Housing Open Open 3 Open Pretty much a “do nothing” committee; replace opposition</p><p>ADDRE Committee / Board NAME DIST. Term (yrs) Lawn Sign Support TERM ENDS SS 6915 W. Emergency Telephone System Board Scott Jagodzinski 1 89th 1 None unknown - poor voter 5/14/2013 Street Emergency Telephone System Board Open Open 1 Open Pretty much a “do nothing” committee; replace opposition</p><p>Committee / Board NAME DIST. ADDRESS Term (yrs) Lawn Sign Support TERM ENDS</p><p>Architecture Review James Kolar 1 6530 Crescent Court 1 MIP - took down Unknown 11/13/2012 Architecture Review Diane Racine 1 6231 W. 92nd Street 1 None Unknown 11/13/2012</p><p>Architecture Review Joseph Cwiklinski 1 5805 W. 88th Place 1 none Unknown 11/13/2012 8845 S. Tulley unknown - never Architecture Review Rafal Banik 2 1 None 11/13/2012 Avenue votes Architecture Review John F. Benware 5 10933 S. Jodan Drive 1 none Unknown 11/13/2012 These people seem to do a pretty good job Check with Deetjen on specific issues</p><p>Committee / Board NAME DIST. ADDRESS Term (yrs) Lawn Sign Support TERM ENDS 10317 S. Tripp Traffic Review Kathy Foreman 6 3 Sheahan Neg 12/31/2012 Avenue 9630 S. Natoma Traffic Review Ken Nork 1 3 MIP Neg 12/31/2013 Avenue Traffic Review Bill Hawrysz 3 4848 W. 96th Street 3 None Neg 12/31/2013 10328 S. Georgia Traffic Review Ted Sochacki 5 3 None Neg - worked in MIP HQ 12/31/2014 Lane 9541 S. Kildare Traffic Review John Cody 4 3 MIP Neg 12/31/2015 Avenue Traffic Review Open At large 3 Open</p><p>Traffic Review Open 2 3 Open Pretty active committee Replace opposition with supporters</p><p>Committee / Lawn TERM NAME DIST. ADDRESS Term (yrs) Support Board Sign ENDS Special Events Lou Esposito 3 9629 S. Austin Avenue 2 Jane Pos 11/9/2013 Special Events Cheryl Petzel 3 9627 S. Cook Avenue 2 None Unknown 11/9/2013</p><p>Special Events Steve Larsen 4 10033 S. Kilbourn Avenue 2 Jane "won't say" 11/9/2013 Duhi Special Events Tom Rockey 4 10123 S. Tripp Avenue 2 Neg 11/9/2013 g Special Events Sue Caraher 5 10101 S. Alice Court 2 MIP Neg 11/9/2013</p><p>Special Events Kim Schultz 6 4244 W. 109th Street 2 Jane Pos 11/9/2013</p><p>Special Events Sean Kelly 6 10334 S. Kedvale Avenue 2 None Pos 11/9/2013</p><p>Special Events Mike Sutko 5 - Mayor's Appointment 10323 S. Linder Avenue 2 Jane Neg 11/9/2013</p><p>Special Events Joanne Kennedy 1 8942 S. McVicker Avenue 2 MIP Neg 11/11/2013 MIP - Special Events Alan Moyzis 1 8846 S. Central Avenue 2 took Unknown 11/11/2013 down Special Events Margaret Hayes 5 10226 S. 52nd Avenue 2 MIP Neg 11/11/2013 Desm Special Events Cheryl Daly 2 6507 W. 91st Place 2 Yes 11/13/2013 ond Special Events Joyce Jones 2 9328 S. Kolmar Avenue 2 none Unknown 11/13/2013 Desm Special Events Eileen O’Sullivan 1 - Mayor's Appointment 7112 W. 96th Street 2 Yes 11/13/2013 ond Very active committee Replace opposition with supporters</p><p>Committee / Board NAME DIST. Term (yrs) Lawn Sign Support TERM ENDS</p><p>Electrical Open (Stan Maiberger died) 4 - Electrical Contractor at will at will</p><p>Electrical Joe Lebarre 5 - Electrical Inspector at will None Unknown at will</p><p>Electrical Redmond Lyons 5 - Electrician at will MIP Neg at will Don’t know what these people do</p><p>Committee / NAME DIST. ADDRESS Term (yrs) Lawn Sign Support TERM ENDS Board Historical Said "Yes" but Hurckes Dave Schiffman 1 5920 W. 89th Place 2 None 12/31/2012 Preservation BC Historical 9600 West Shore Mark Hochsprung 3 2 MIP Neg 12/31/2012 Preservation Drive Historical Bury; Jane; Deb Fagan 4 9201 S. Keeler Avenue 2 Yes 12/31/2012 Preservation Duhig Historical Maree Ann Groah 5 10432 Georgia Lane 2 None Neg 12/31/2012 Preservation Historical Terri Beilfuss 6 10328 S. Kostner 2 None Said "Yes" 12/31/2012 Preservation Historical Open Mayor’s Appt 2 Open Preservation Historical Open 2 2 Open Preservation Don’t know what these people do</p>
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