<p> Wouldham Parish Council – 8th January 2013 1788 MINUTES OF WOULDHAM PARISH COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY 8th JANUARY 2013 AT 7.30PM WOULDHAM VILLAGE HALL </p><p>Present: Cllr R Stone (Chairman) Cllrs D Adams, K Craib, T Fulwell, J Head, A Parnell and K Savage Mrs S Egglesden (Clerk) In Attendance: Cllrs D Davis and P Homewood ACTION 1 APOLOGIES There were apologies from Borough Cllr Dalton. 2 ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN Cllr Head nominated Cllr Stone and this was seconded by Cllr Adams. There were no other nominations and therefore Cllr Stone was elected Chairman until the next AGM. 3 ELECTION OF VICE CHAIRMAN Cllr Adams nominated Cllr Savage and this was seconded by Cllr Fulwell. There were no other nominations and therefore Cllr Savage was elected Vice Chairman until the next AGM. 4 SIGNING OF DECLARATION OF ACCEPTANCE OF OFFICE The Chairman and the Vice Chairman, prior to continuing the business of the Parish Council, then signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office, witnessed by the Clerk, being the Proper Officer of the Parish Council. 5. COUNCILLORS DUTIES – UPDATE There were vacancies for certain Parish Councillors duties and it was agreed that the following councillors would take over the responsibilities:- Recreation Ground – Cllr Fulwell Woudham Common – Cllr Head and Cllr Adams Village Hall – to be reviewed after the Trenport meeting. Allotments – Cllr Craib Litter/Cleaning – Cllr Head and Parish Clerk Henry Peters Trust – Cllr Stone and Cllr Savage</p><p>A new signature was required on all the bank accounts to replace Cllr Malkinson. Cllr Fulwell expressed surprise that Cllr Adams was a signatory for the Parish Council Natwest bank account. Cllr Adams and the Clerk confirmed that this was agreed at a meeting approximately 1 year ago to prevent a situation arising where the Clerk would have to sign her own salary cheque in the absence of either the Chair or the Vice. Clerk/ After discussion regarding bank accounts, it was agreed that Cllr Savage, as Vice-Chairman Cllr Savage should be added to all of the bank accounts. 6. MINUTES The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 4th December 2012 were proposed by Cllr Fulwell and seconded by Cllr Head, to be a true record of proceedings and it was agreed that they be signed by the Chairman. 7. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES Members agreed that any matters arising from the minutes would be dealt with under the appropriate heading, as the meeting progressed through the agenda. 8. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest. 9. POLICE & COMMUNITY WARDEN’S REPORT The crime report had been circulated prior to the meeting. The PCSO would not be circulating a report collating the crime figures in future but the crime details were already emailed to Councillors via the e-watch reports when relevant to Wouldham. 10. BOROUGH COUNCILLORS REPORT Cllr Davis reported that the 155 Bus usage levels were still running above the target. Arriva had agreed to extend its reduced fare offer until the end of March. After the trial, the service would be examined by KCC and Arriva but this was looking favourable. </p><p>Page 1 of 5 Signed: ______Dated: ______Wouldham Parish Council – 8th January 2013 1788 11. COUNTY COUNCILLORS REPORT Cllr Homewood reported that he has funds available from his Members Grant and has approximately £800 for Wouldham if the PC has a suitable project. The PC has approximately 6 weeks to get back to him on this. Cllr Dalton has suggested that, along with Burham’s portion of the money, the PC could have some banners made for the 155 bus to place along the route. Cllr Homewood has approached KCC on this and they would require details of where the banners would be placed and confirmation that permission has been secured from the landowner. It was suggested that a banner could go on the recreation fence as permission would not be required for this. It was agreed that the Clerk would contact Cllr Dalton regarding his ideas for this. Clerk</p><p>The Clerk requested an update from Cllr Homewood on the request for funding for the boundary sign on Pilgrims Way. Cllr Homewood confirmed that he would forward a form to Cllr Craib the Clerk to complete for the funding and he would require an image of the design with its dimensions. Cllr Craib agreed to produce a graphic design with dimensions, in line with the design that Cllr Head had produced, to then be forwarded to Cllr Homewood.</p><p>Cllr Head suggested using the £800 towards the proposed kissing gate at Wouldham Common, with the funding for the railings coming from the Highways fund. Cllr Homewood advised that it would not be possible to split the work without confirmation that the balance of funding had been secured. Funding would not be available for the railing now until next year’s grants are available. 12. MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC No members of public present. 13. PLANNING: Planning applications considered and commented upon, by Planning Committee: KCC/TM/0423/2012 – Application for non-material amendment to allow revisions to approved details and timescales for the restoration of Margetts Pit Landfill Site at Margetts Pit, Burham – The application details had been circulated to the Planning Committee. After consulting with Clerk Borough Councillors, it was agreed that the Committee did not have any comments to make on this application. Planning consents issued: TM/12/02309/FL – Change of use of redundant agricultural barns to classes B1 and B8 uses, re cladding of barns, improvement of access and associated parking and landscape. Revised scheme to those granted planning permission under reference TM/05/0037/FL and TM/07/03304/FL at Upper Nashesden Farm off Stony Lane, Rochester – Approved 11/12/12. Planning applications refused: None to report. Other Planning Issues: Cllr Fulwell asked that now planning is available online do we need a Planning Committee? It was agreed that the Planning Committee is necessary, but when an application is received the Clerk would include all other councillors in the emails with the planning details so they can view online if they wish to. It was agreed that the Planning Committee would currently remain with its 4 members. </p><p>Councillors were requested to pass on any comments to Clerk that they might have on the letter received from TMBC on the Current and Future Infrastructure Provision in Tonbridge & ALL Malling, dated 4/12/12, emailed to all Councillors last month. 14. STREET LIGHTING: Various streetlight problems had been reported to Councillors and the Clerk over the last month. There were 2 streetlights out in Knowle Road, reported to Highways prior to Christmas and the Clerk advised that Highways had confirmed that they were going to resolve the problem with these lights within the next 7 days. 15. HIGHWAYS & VERGES KCC’s Kent Rental Lane Scheme letter had been circulated to councillors and it was agreed that this is the way forward. The swathe cut in December had been carried out to a good standard. It was agreed that the Clerk would enquire as to whether the PC can be Clerk informed when a resident has a skip license so the PC is aware that all skips in the village have the correct permit for the length of time it is there. It would also be useful to be </p><p>Page 2 of 5 Signed: ______Dated: ______Wouldham Parish Council – 8th January 2013 1788 kept informed of any small road-works taking place in the village.</p><p>Flooding is still an issue on Pilgrims Way by the Black Robin. Cllr Davis advised that he will be taking this up with the Drainage Team. There is not any funding in this financial year but this project is top of the list for the next year. He also advised on the importance of reporting any Clerk drainage maintenance issues to Highways. It was agreed the Clerk would investigate on what is happening with the grips near to Starkey Castle as these still haven’t been cleared. 16. FOOTPATHS/PROW The Byways upgrade details had been circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting and it was agreed that the PC did support the application of the upgrade in respect of MR15. Clerk</p><p>Cllr Adams informed the PC that Hill Road surface is starting to break up in places and it was agreed that the Clerk should report this to KCC as it would be more cost effective for them to Clerk carry out small repairs now.</p><p>The Tramway area is also breaking up in places and it was agreed that the Chairman/Cllr Head would look into getting some road stone here. Discussion took place regarding the plans Chairman/Cl for this area but the PC has not heard anything further from Mike Bax, the agent for the Maths lr Head School.</p><p>Cllr Fulwell advised Councillors that he would like to see a footpath along School Lane. After much discussion, Councillors were not in favour of pursuing this further.</p><p>Cllr Craib advised that often people are walking on the wrong side of the road on roads in the Cllr Craib area without footpaths. It was agreed include this in the Parish Newsletter so residents are more aware of the safety aspects here.</p><p>The Clerk advised that a resident was concerned about the footpath by Trafalgar Close and the forthcoming bollards would not prevent cars parking here and suggested putting signage here as well. As the bollard installation is due this month, Cllr Head agreed to view the site once installed and Councillors would make a decision then. The Clerk would write to the Cllr Head resident informing him of this. /Clerk 17. ALLOTMENTS A reasonable water bill had been received for the second half of the year. 18. WOULDHAM COMMON It was reported that some tyres have been dumped by the Common and a mattress, dumped here a few weeks back, had been missed by the TMBC vehicle. There were also tyres left Clerk behind at School Lane, between School Farm and the Kennels. It was agreed the Clerk would report this to Waste Services. 19. VILLAGE HALL Existing Village Hall: - The Clerk had received a request from a Dog Trainer to hire the hall. There would be a maximum of 6 dogs per class and the hirer would clean the hall after using it. It was agreed that the hall needed the income and the Clerk should get back to the man Clerk to confirm the arrangements. New Village Hall: - A meeting has been arranged with Trenport Directors, Chris Hall and Richard Hall, along with Shirley Boards for 30/1/13. 20. RECREATION GROUND The Clerk had not heard anything further on the plans for the recycling area and it was Clerk agreed that she should contact David Campbell-Leneghan (TMBC), for an update. The Chairman informed the PC that he had agreed to SE Water hiring an approximate 15 x 15 metre square area in the car park for storage for £100 per week, starting from the end of January. 21. FINANCE General – Nothing to report Financial Statement – December 2012: This had been circulated to councillors prior to the meeting. Bank Position as at 24/12/12 Current Account £100.00</p><p>Page 3 of 5 Signed: ______Dated: ______Wouldham Parish Council – 8th January 2013 1788 Reserve Account £25,120.58 Building Society £10,290.50</p><p>Income for December 2012 21/12/12 TMBC Commuted Sum 1001.00 21/12/12 UK Power Network Wayleave 69.05</p><p>Cheques signed: 2772 Sarah Egglesden Salary & Expenses - Dec 2012 £990.53 2773 F. Rance Salary - Dec 2012 £171.79 2774 HMRC Tax & NI -Oct, Nov, Dec £776.70 2775 E.ON Unmetered Streetlighting £47.10 2776 SE Water Allotment supply £203.70 2777 B&W Church Fund Parish Mag - Oct to Dec 12 £50.00 2778 Wouldham Village Hall Hall Hire - x 3 Oct to Dec 12 £30.00 2779 Sapphire Holdings Buffet/Drinks £179.50 Hugh Harris T/As Fresh 2780 Air Fitness Fit new restrictors £156.00 </p><p>The following cheques were signed for the Village Hall Management Committee:</p><p>100730 Southern Water Waste Water 144.54 100731 SE Water Water Bill 94.50 100732 C. Taylor Cleaning – Dec. 12 49.50 100733 Wouldham PC Tax re C. Taylor 36.40 22. SPECIAL ITEMS Items for the Church Newsletter – Cllr Craib agreed to write the newsletter for the February edition of the Parish Magazine. Some items for inclusion had already been agreed last month. Cllr Craib asked if she should include the details of the Councillor vacancy. Cllr Cllr Craib Stone advised that he has received a verbal request from local farmer, James Gore to join the Council and he would be formally writing to the council. It was therefore agreed that the newsletter would come out after the vacancy had possibly been filled. In the meantime, the Chairman advised councillors to encourage anyone else interested in joining the council to submit their details to the Clerk. The legal procedure for advertising the vacancy had already been followed with the deadline finishing today and the Clerk was awaiting confirmation from TMBC that there had not been a request for an election. 23. CORRESPONDENCE LIST: The list of correspondence received and letters sent during the last month had been circulated to all councillors prior to the meeting. 24. DATE OF THE NEXT MEETING: The Precept meeting will be held on Tuesday 15th January 2013 at 7.00pm, for councillors only. The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Tuesday 5th February 2013, starting at 7.30 pm. 25. COUNCILLORS/CHAIRMAN/CLERK Cllr Head requested a further copy of the email concerning the current allotment charges.</p><p>Cllr Parnell reported on a pothole by Burham Village Hall and Cllr Davis confirmed that this had Clerk been reported to Highways today. Cllr Savage suggested looking into a further bus shelter for the village and one outside the nursing home. The Chairman advised that this had been looked into a few years back and there is not any land to put a shelter on and Winchester House did not want a shelter on their land.</p><p>Cllr Fulwell advised that the bus is now struggling to get through Knowle Road by the junction of Cornwall Crescent due to vehicles parking opposite the junction and requested that PC look at asking TMBC to put double yellow lines here. The Chairman suggested that Cllr Fulwell gathers evidence of vehicles parking here and if the bus company also complains, the PC can look into this further.</p><p>Page 4 of 5 Signed: ______Dated: ______Wouldham Parish Council – 8th January 2013 1788 Cllr Craib reported on vehicles parking on double yellow lines in the High Street opposite the junction with Portland Place. Any information on vehicles parking here should be passed direct to TMBC Parking Enforcement.</p><p>Cllr Adams asked for an update regarding the PC purchase of the land at the Ferry steps which Cllr Malkinson had been dealing with. The Clerk advised that all solicitor work had come to a halt as there was a convent on the land and Cllr Malkinson had been pursuing this with Mark Heeley. It was agreed that the Clerk would make contact with Mark Heeley to chase up on this. 26. CONFIDENTIAL ITEM There was nothing to discuss in respect of financial matters as it was agreed that this would all be dealt with at the Precept Meeting.</p><p>As there was no further business to discuss the meeting closed at 9.20pm.</p><p>Page 5 of 5 Signed: ______Dated: ______</p>
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